New Life Croydon - Online Service - 13/06/21

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning very welcome to everyone here at the new life center in croydon and uh greetings to you if you're at home following us on youtube online may god bless you and special blessings if you are joining us for the very very first time ever we welcome you and we trust that the lord will bless you as you join us in worship here in the word of god and in praising and worshiping our lord i'd like us to do something let's worship and praise and give thanks to our god as we start this meeting so can i ask you to stand if you can if you can't please sit all is well it's nice to start our service giving thanks to god now i'm going to encourage you to begin to worship god begin to thank him i know you have your mask on but if you can just speak things out possibly if not no worry god hears you begin to thank the lord now thank him that you are alive you see that's so important it's easy to take it for granted but that we're alive and well is all glory to god now begin to thank god that you are well even if you don't feel well begin to speak in faith but with thanksgiving thank him that he has made a promise that by the wounds of christ healing has begun to thank him for all these things thank you for your provisions yes you may be finding things hard at the moment but god sees from heaven he knows so begin to thank him worship him praise him give thanks to god for christ jesus thank him for coming from heaven to earth to die on the cross for us it is by the reason of his death that you have salvation focus your eyes on the lord jesus this morning keep your eyes fixed upon him keep your thoughts fixed upon him praise him adore him worship him thank him thank god for the resurrection that he brought about it is by the reason of the resurrection of jesus that we have hope of everlasting life thank god thank jesus praise him he went to heaven welcomed by the host of angels and he asked the father to fulfill the promise the promise of sending the holy spirit the spirit of truth the spirit of the living god begin to praise god for his presence what is his presence amongst us this morning that brings life to our services is his presence amongst us that brings hope that he will hear our cries keep your eyes fixed on jesus this morning begin to look to him to trust in him to have faith that this is a special service and you will meet with him father we thank you for all these appreciations that we are expressing even if it's in few words even lord almighty with our mouth covered you know our thoughts you know everything that is in our hearts lord you are more than sufficient for us you are worthy of all our praise and we just welcome you we welcome you into this service holy spirit just have your way i just sense that you're already here for i feel an uplift to giving in my own heart thank you holy spirit for coming jesus we love you we worship you it's all about you we have left a home to come it's all about you it's all about your love for us oh thank you for loving us first welcome in our midst we thank you in jesus name amen please take your seats just a very few announcements all information about our service all information about the activities taking place at new life this week all in lifelines which i hope you've all received in fact everyone here would have received it otherwise you wouldn't be here but for those of you at home please look into the lifelines to see all the arrangements and activities this week but importantly i'm going to encourage you if you've never if you haven't resumed in service uh worship with us if you haven't been coming in in person then i think you should because it's a blessing it's a blessing just to see old friends is to see the youngsters growing up 15 months later you won't recognize some of them yes they are grown taller praise god he has kept them so i'll encourage you to do so don't be scared the lord is with us especially if you've got both jabs then it's an opportunity to be part of us so from tomorrow monday you're able to book online just go online to our website and book to participate in an in-person service there will be a baptismal service on sunday the 27th that's two sundays from from now if you would like to be baptized if you are not yet baptized i think you should consider being baptized and i think you should do it it's a very special thing you will be doing i recall that yes i was baptized as a baby but i had no idea what was happening to me and then i came to to the lord and i asked to be baptized again and it was special because the spirit of god was there and came into me and god and has guided me ever since so please do uh let kofi know if you want to be baptized so that you can make he can make the arrangements for you to do so i think two sundays ago we announced the passing of uh nana omahumi one of us for very many years she used to sit on that side of of of of of the church there is a service of songs for her on the 16th which is wednesday this week now the family of us just so that we can make appropriate covet arrangements if you would like to attend could you let kofi know please just go online contact the telephone i mean the church telephone number and let him know it's on wednesday it's at half past six so if you would like to join us please do we'd like to thank you all for your generosity for your giving we really bless the lord for you because we can say to you that we're coming to the end well we've come to the end of our financial year and we're not really worse off so praise god please give a round of applause for yourselves for your goodness for your kindness and the lord continues to bless you and provide for you the best way to give of course for those of you who are online well for everyone listening online and here as well is to give online and the details are on our website well praise god i'm just going to pray and then i'm going to hand over to ruth and to lead us in worship father again we just want to appreciate you to say thank you because we know that you are amongst us we believe very much in your word and we know that we're going to be blessed by your presence in every way you're going to bless us in the worship you're going to bless us with the word the christian will bring father we're going to depart this place today in that knowledge that we have met with you in a significant way help us to fix our eyes on jesus help us to fix our thoughts on jesus remember our nation and god almighty please help us through this serious situation that we have been going through lord you are the answer we thank you for how far we've come in the uk but lord we still need you because you know that there is still challenge there are still challenges to be overcome but we pray for the other parts of the world particularly those nations that are really struggling those nations that have not had the access to vaccines those nations where people have doubt or even the knowledge of what's going on is scarce father i pray that you would have mercy have mercy we ask of you without your mercy lord almighty where would we be it's your mercy that has sustained us thus far sustain this world that you have made have mercy lord let this plague pass it is terrible plague let it pass father god we are not praying to go back to the old normal no we are praying that lord with what we have experienced as a human race lord that our eyes more and more will be fixed upon you that lord those who do not know you will recognize that you exist that they will recognize father god that all power is in your hands and that they will turn and follow you lord you said you will send out your ministering spirits the angels of the lord to go out to minister to the heads of inheritance that they may be brought into the fruit into the food that you would send out your word to the north of the south to the east and to the west and bring in all those who lord you have counted amongst your own father please do this we are asking you in jesus name and finally father i lived up to you harlan and hillary who are both recovering from treatment for alan who are to fall as his doorstep yesterday lord we speak healing into allan's body lord we ask you to please look upon him now that your countenance will shine upon him i learn in the name of jesus be healed may whole has come into your body may almost come into your home may god bless you and hillary in jesus name amen thank you ruth lovely if you want to stand with us let's worship the king this morning [Music] whose power can't be questioned or contained [Music] with his glory knows no measure or refrain and it's bursting past the borderlines of space jesus jesus has wronged upon the praises of our hearts [Music] you're the king and you're the center of it jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you're the king and you're the center of it all there is a name [Music] reaching past the margins calling sons and daughters back [Music] are coming home again [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus you're the king in your is [Music] you're the king and you're there [Music] you are [Music] jesus [Music] sickness [Music] for every i will see every heart will know there the is of jesus dare could not hold him down no grace [Music] there is no name of the name of jesus death could not hold him down no breaking could keep it loud to the name of jesus jesus jesus you're the king and you're the center of it jesus [Music] oh you're the king and you're the center of it all jesus oh jesus enthroned upon the praises of our hearts and jesus you're the king and you're the center of it all you are you are you're the king you're the king yes you are just a reminder you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for his own possession that you may this morning proclaim and every morning the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light once you were not a people but now you are his people he is our king let's worship our king this morning he is here [Music] there is a king [Music] where there is [Music] every trophy will be laid down at his feet [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] will be [Music] is [Music] jesus christ [Music] it won't be long we will be [Music] will be over [Music] will be lifted in his presence every trophy will be laid down at his feet [Music] forever [Music] jesus christ [Music] so let every heart receive him now and where there is praise he will inhabit there will be grace and every trophy will be the king above all kings jesus christ yes you are you are king of kings and lord lord yes you are yes you are oh oh no is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] lifted higher [Music] be lifted higher jesus jesus i [Music] jesus [Music] jesus be lifted higher [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] be lifted higher [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you were worthy of [Music] all things [Music] you deserve the glory you are worthy of it all [Music] [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] oh [Music] you will [Music] from you all [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Music] you right [Music] around [Music] [Music] day and night night and day let incense [Music] you were worthy [Music] you deserve the glory one more time jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] yes you do jesus you deserve the lord we lift our hearts to you oh god you were [Music] the king of kings there is no god like the god of your savior jesus christ he's a great and mighty god he writes across the heavens to save you for his eyes are upon you [Music] he writes in splendor and in majesty he cannot be missed the eternal god is your refuge [Music] underneath you are his everlasting arms to save you he drives away the enemies before you [Music] declaring destroy them destroy them all your pains and anguish over these many years are gone you are liberated from the confusion that you've heard in your heart this day the hands of the almighty god that has supported you will now lift you up you are raised up in his presence and the glory of his love for you will shine [Music] for the light of the smile of the blessing of god is upon you this morning keep your eyes fixed upon jesus christ your savior let your thoughts go straight to him even at this moment for within you you know that these words you're hearing are the words of the lord for you take hold of them you have been in a bondage in a state of confusion for many years people have walked around you thinking this is a person who is confused but the lord is saying you are delivered today for i am saying your praise and your worship even your dance to celebrate me please use my heart i would not leave you i will not forsake you hear these words let your faith increase believe in hope and begin to walk in the salvation that you have now received amen good morning church family how are you how are you guys doing oh that's a very weak hello how are you guys doing you're well bless god we give god praise for this morning thank you worship team such a blessing to be able to worship god this morning in jesus name amen maybe i just want to start i'm not sure whether this is a joke but hey if you find it funny it is funny if not then of course i've missed that one um his father was having a conversation with his uh daughter and they were going through the different countries of the world and the daughter turns around to the father and says he says father daddy what is the country next to usa that that thinks about every couple of minutes he says usb usb i guess usb might as well be a country given how much data lives in our usb nowadays what we thank god it's a privilege and an honor this morning to be able to uh share the word of god with you as god gives me the ability i will try my utmost best to be able to communicate what god has given us this morning in jesus name and i pray that you will be encouraged and get something from the word of god this morning but before i begin i will pray and then we'll go into what god will have us to hear father we thank you for this privilege to be able to share your word your word is light and it's lamp your word is life your word is meat your word is bread and your word is milk to us we pray you will speak to us feed us as a chef father would cook a good meal father we pray that father you would father feed us with your word father give us uh the the best of your word so that we may be built up to become the people that you've called us to be we ask of you help me to be able to communicate your word in a way and in a manner that is honoring to you in the name of jesus we pray and the people of god say amen so if i could just ask in a request please can i have these moved i just feel like i'm a bit um you know i don't know stuck together between two two things i don't know why i finding it a bit strange but yeah i'll appreciate that thank you so this morning i'm going to be sharing a message that i have titled patterns principles and promises somebody says patterns principles and promises say that again patterns principles and promises this morning i'm going to be starting uh the the message that i'll be sharing i'll be starting my scripture reference is taken from matthew chapter 3 verse 13 to 17 then i will read actually as a matter of fact i might not even go there just yet but let's begin and then of course we will go there later you see have you ever asked yourself the question you know why does it seem that certain people certain christians search and believe certain believers in god seem to walk under an open heaven and what i mean by an open heap in heaven it seems like they have this direct link to god that at any point they call on god it seems that god answers their prayers um or maybe when they get into a difficult situation uh it seems that that god comes through for them comes through for them all the time it seems like no matter how tricky the situation look or even how much uh complicated in a difficult situation that they find themselves they always seem to have the wisdom to know what to do and so so these two no no no these two advice thank you they always seem to know what to do and on the other side also you find we have christians or believers thank you ma'am i appreciate that uh we have believers that always seem not to have their prayers answers answered you know their prayer they are christians that have been uh christians for years and and and and years but it always seems that they are always in a situation they always are in a problem they are always walking with the situation or of course challenge and they finding himself in the middle of a problem into normally you know how when we look at these kind of people we observe these two kinds of people or these two kinds of believers we sometimes can conclude that god seems to have favorites that god is has some favorites that there are people that god listens to and they are people that god does not listen to this seems to be those that god will consider as a serial sinners you know everything that they do is is bad you know god doesn't like me and you hear some christians says god is angry at me god never answers my prayer god never comes through for me how come god always answers the prayers of other people god answers the prayers of the the the the the the the big sean to those who are mature christians but god never comes through for me you see one of the key things and one of the key principles that we really have to understand about god that i am understanding about from from god or from scripture is that the god that we serve is a god of principles god the god that we serve is a god of patterns and the god that we serve is the god of promises i'm going to say that again we have to understand that in our relationship with god that the god that we serve is a god of patents a god of principles and a god of promises you see one thing we can see from scripture is that god really does operate in patterns yes you may say today you know what yes you know god can never be fully understood that's true god can never be uh fully understood the ways of god the bible says our past are finding out there's certain things about god that we cannot tap into and understand but on the other side i think there are also certain parts of god and certain aspects of god that are as predictable as the fact that if i uh uh you know the fact that i i put a law in motion and that god reacts god is not in unpredictable unpredictable god is god's wisdom is past finding out but on the other side god is also as predictable as his purposes god is as predictable as his principles and patterns in jesus name we're going somewhere you see in the same way that an act an architecture an architect in architecture an architect you know has a blueprint and builds a house on the basis of that blueprint and he expects a certain result in a certain way that a chef has a recipe to cook a particular dish in a certain way that a doctor prescribes a certain medication for a person or for a particular ailment what happens is that because as as sure as he expects that that principle or that pattern all that prescriptions to work so of some of the ways of god so are some of the principles and the patterns which god has set forth i really do believe that one of the reasons that jesus christ was able to command the results and the outcome of the way of think how things turned in a lie or in the life of jesus was because he understood the patterns he understood the principles and he understood the promises that pertains to key areas of life the reason why jesus was able to stand at the tomb of lazarus and says lord you don't even have to answer this prayer for me but for those who watch and those who are looking and those who are hearing me pray lord i thank you that you always hear me lazarus come out lazarus came out was that a fluke i doubt so was that just something that jesus that that that that god did for jesus because he was a son of god i doubt so because sometimes i think we like but we like to conclude when we don't understand the certain things about god that we conclude that god this is the way god is without understanding the principles and the patterns and the promises which undergird certain results and undergird the certain things in the kingdom of god are you with me this morning we are going somewhere if you could turn with me to matthew chapter 3 verse 13 to 17 i will read that and then we will take some points and take some things from the word of god to see what god will have us to hear this morning the bible says in matthew chapter 3 verse 13 to 17 then jesus came from galilee to john at jordan to be baptized by him and jonah tried to prevent him saying i needed to be baptized by you and are you coming to me but jesus answered and said to him he says permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness then john allowed him when he had baptized the jesus when he had when he had been baptized my apology jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened the heavens were opened to him check this out not to john the heavens were open to who to jesus to him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove a lighting upon him and suddenly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased with you see jesus coming to be baptized by john was more than an act of humility and like an act of submission jesus coming to the jordan river to get baptized by john wasn't just something that was nice to do jesus was trying to show how humble he was how a a submissive he was no what jesus we can understand from this scripture is that jesus if you understand the scriptures is that jesus was meeting a condition and a pattern for entering the priestly office there was a priestly office there's a priestly office i believe it's in it's in in um in exodus chapter 40. exodus chapter 40 verse 12 and 13. exodus chapter 40 verse 12 and 13 i believe hallelujah let me just turn there in the name of jesus one of the requirements for entering the priestly office which was jesus what he was about to do jesus is standing at the the the the onset of his ministry about to go into the ministry of priests and um the bible says here regarding uh the law or shall i say the pattern for entering the priestly office we see this in exodus chapter 14 verse 13 he says it says you shall bring aaron and his son to the doors of the tabernacle of meeting and wash them with water you shall put the holy garment on aaron and anoint him and consecrate him that he may minister to me as a priest you see the key thing you have to understand here is that the bible says it says that the priest had to be washed the priest had to be washed with water so when you read that this account in the book of matthew chapter 3 regarding jesus showing at the jordan river to be baptized by by by john it wasn't simply something nice to do that he was doing jesus understood the principle and he understood the values he understood that the promises and god's a pattern for entering a priestly law a priestly office although jesus christ was not uh from the tribe of lee the levy uh uh levi oh my prodigy levy uh the the tribe of levy uh levi my apology where all the priests basically this came from jesus from was from the the the he was from the tribe of judah he came from the tribe of judah and although jesus was not a descendant of the tribe of levy or of levi my apology let me keep what do i keep saying levy levi you know he was from the the tribe of judah and so as a result of that for be for jesus having kept the the patterns jesus having understood the patterns of god jesus having understood the principle the undergirder the entrance to a priest the officer by observing what jesus had said about what god has said in motion in exodus chapter 40 jesus was able to walk into the priestly office in the book in in matthew you see as i said you know what the requirement for serving in the office of priests was one that was that one had to be washed before they can be anointed as priest jesus coming to be baptized by john was a fulfillment of that requirement without fulfilling this requirement jesus could not have been anointed nor would heaven have opened to him are you hearing me so we are going somewhere and and and and i want you guys to bear with me and of course i will you know this will make sense as we go along you see as i said heaven did not respond to jesus until christ until he christ my apology kept the pattern for being anointed although jesus was the son of god although jesus christ was called of god a born a a born basically came from god and implanted uh in the womb of mary divinely there was no skipping or shortcutting of the patterns of god in jesus's life jesus understood that even though he was divine jesus understood although he was code of god born of god the son of god he did not think well because i'm the son of god well let me skip certain things for me to enter into what god has called me to do no no no jesus understood that if he would become all that god had called him to be and if he would fulfill or that god had called him to fulfill he had to observe the patterns the principles and the promises which god has said forth in jesus name you see jesus lived 30 years in galilee without any recorded divine manifestation until he was baptized by john how amazing that jesus christ fully the son of god and fully the son of man jesus christ fully knowledgeable of his assignment on earth jesus christ came on earth 30 years lived an ordinary life going through the process going through the pattern going through knowing and understanding the principle set forth in scripture the bible says that we cannot not the bible says but we cannot see any recorded or any significant miracles in jesus life until he came to the jordan river and he came to be baptized by john the baptist and the bible says that when he was baptized by john the baptist one of the three things happened we see three things happen in that instance we see number one the heavens open which basically signifies the access being granted to the father number two we see the spirit descending which basically uh signifies anointing and being empowered from on high and being empowered by god and the third thing that we see is that the father affirms that jesus christ as being his main line of communication please understand up until this time god had spoken through the law up until this time a god had spoken through the prophet but when jesus christ showed up on the scene when jesus christ had fulfilled all the righteousness when jesus christ had fulfilled the patterns the principles that god has set forth what happened heaven responded we see a very important key here in the life of jesus and it's a very important key for our life this is the key heaven responds when we follow divine patterns and principles are set forth in god's word one of the reasons why there is a difference and there is a contrast in the lives of the believer in the in the lives of those of us that call us of christian there is a huge contrast between those who experience god in a way or format and those who do not those who walk with god those who who god answers prayers or we maybe see who experience divine manifestation the key difference that we see here is that those who hear from god those who see god manifest those who see god move in mighty ways are those that have understood and that and that follow divine patterns and principles are set by the word of god are you getting anything this morning you see once jesus had fulfilled god's condition the heavens open heavens open once he kept the patterns now i want to put some balance to this because you can hear this kind of message you could you can think oh my word you know uh are we uh do we have to walk by the law now i'm not talking about walking by the law i'm not talking about becoming legalistic we live in in in in in the in the dispensation of grace we are living in in in a place where we do not have to earn the goodness of god we do not have to earn anything from god but one thing that we cannot also ignore is that the god even of the new testament who hasn't changed is the god that lives and operates by patterns principles and promises in jesus name hallelujah you see as i said you know we serve a god a god of patterns principles and promises we cannot expect as believers and as children of god to go very far with god while ignoring his methods we cannot go very far with god in this kingdom without or by ignoring the methods the principles the patterns or the promises which god has set forth and go far in this kingdom this kingdom is a very organized kingdom the kingdom of god i would even say is more organized than any kingdoms in the world the kingdom of god operates by patterns the kingdom of god operates by principles the kingdom of god operates but promises it you know you would you you would not expect to leave the uk and go to uh let's say dubai and try to apply uk law to dubai and expect to get by in dubai you will get arrested yeah or maybe you expect to take um to to to take the laws of from let's say from my country of origin congo and bring it to the uk and try to apply the same laws in the uk what would happen you would get arrested i remember a story of a cousin who basically was coming from belgium and of course you know in belgium the driver on the left no on the right side i can remember left to right side on the other side of the the the the seat and so he came in i believe it was uh it was in dover and thinking yes this is uh you know this is just another european country he took the wrong exit and began to go on the direction of the oncoming traffic because he forgot that in the uk we drive on the other side of the road can you imagine as soon as he saw that he did a huge u-turn lest he had met jesus that day but we thank god that he didn't and so we cannot expect to apply the principles of the world in the kingdom and expect to get the result of god or we cannot expect as a matter of fact i would say i would go as much as far as saying that we can expect to apply the principles of god in the world and get the results of god in the world i'm going to say this again you cannot get the result you cannot expect to get the the the patterns the principles of the world and applied it to the kingdom of god and expect to get the result of god it doesn't happen that way but you can't expect to use the principles and the patterns of god in the world and get god's result do you see why because the results of god dominate every other result and dominate every other sphere dominate every other kingdom dominate every other law and principles and pattern why because when you pl you put the principles and the power and the prince and the promises and the patterns of god into motion into motion they must come to pass as show as the law of gravity exists as so as the law of lift exists so does the law of god when god says let there be as a matter of fact the law that god had declared in the beginning and in the in the creation still operates today and so why do we think it's different when we look at the word of god we look at the word of god and we think well this is just some uh thing that god has written no no no no these are divine blueprints these are patterns these are principles these are promises that absolutely will work if you put them into print to put them into motion they will absolutely work if you put them and you apply them into your life no matter the challenge no matter the situation no matter what the obstacle is the word of god will work like it or not heaven and earth i love this it will pass away but the word and the principles of god cannot i say cannot i say cannot i say cannot must and the will come to pass in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus preach myself happy oh we thank god you know you see that as i said you know what the son of god not even the son of god that should uh could take shortcuts in the plan of god the son of god himself could not afford to take shortcuts or maybe to skip once skip one principle and expect to arrive where god wanted him to do no the son of god couldn't skip and how much less we human beings who have been saved by his through his sacrifice you see one thing we have to understand in the kingdom of god there is no shortcuts to living in god's best there is no such thing as a shortcut i'm going to ignore this principle and i'm going to get god's result no it doesn't work that way you cannot ignore god's financial principles and expect to experience a a provision for your life it doesn't happen that way you cannot expect to to to to defy god's principle for your body and expect to live in divine health please i'm not saying that god you know that god strikes people and all that foolishness other people say no what i'm just saying is that they are principles that undergird this kingdom that we live in they are principles and patterns that govern this kingdom that we live in that god is not as unpredictable as we make him to be if we understand the laws we understand that the principles and we understand the patterns of god we can get the results which god has promised for us to get you see we cannot remain ignorant of god's pattern and expect to get his result you see following god's pattern in principle leads to the fulfillment of his promises following god's pattern and the principles leads to the fulfillment of his promises one plus one is two no matter where you go you could be in space those astronauts in space if you ask him today what is one plus one they're not going to tell you three one plus one is one in tumbac two in london in any place in the world and it's the same way with the word of god the word of god remains the same the bible says that god has exalted even his name and his word above himself that the word of god the principles of god are as much applicable to our lives today like any other law in jesus name you see the challenge for us as believers or the challenge for us for those who live in the 21st century where we define every law where we defy every principle where my truth is my truth your truth is your truth this is what i believe and that's what that's what you believe the more and more we are becoming uh everyone is is forming their own body of what they call truth and principles in this age the challenge for us believers is to find a reference point by which we can live our lives by no god that did not live the believer to just live you know you go and figure it out you just live in the world and just this is what it is you find out what it is it doesn't work that way god has absolutely given us a body of truth god has absolutely given us a collection of a patterns a collection of a principles a collection of a promises by which we can absolutely align our lives towards that even if you know we live in the world and we apply these principles we will see god's purposes and we will see god's principles and promises come to pass in our lives as i said you know what the challenge is for those of us who desire to live in god's best for our life is to find out the patterns and the principles that god has set for the different areas of our life i can submit to you this morning that god has a pattern for every area of our life god absolutely has a pattern for every single area of our lives for spiritual growth there is a pattern there are principles that undergird spiritual growth for accomplishing his purposes in our lives there is absolutely patterns principles that undergirds the fulfillment of god's purposes in our lives uh in in our relationships they are absolutely principles and and and and patterns which god has set forth in his word that if we keep we can see fulfillment in our relationship see fulfillment in our marriages see fulfillment in raising our children see fulfillment in our lives and in our work relationship why because there are principles in the word of god that absolutely are as applicable as the sun that rises every morning they are principles for finance god has principles for finance god has principles for health and so our challenge in this generation our challenge in this time where everyone has their own principles is for us to understand and to agree upon that the word of god is absolutely the reference point and the place and the blueprint which god has given us to be able to align and to to to to structure our lives around so that we can see his purposes come to pass in our life you see that's why the bible says it says we need the help of the holy spirit the bible says in john chapter john chapter 16 verse 12 and 13 the bible says it says when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into water all true what i thought there was only one truth no they are truths for every area of our lives they are financial truth they are water relational truth they are water health truth they are water destiny truth they are water truth the undergird spiritual growth they are truth in the word of god that manage and that governs every single part of our life and every single sphere of the world they are truth in the word of god that absolutely work and that we need the spirit of god we need the help of the holy spirit we need to sit down we need to ask god the father there are areas of challenges in my life and i'm asking of you can you give me wisdom lead me to the light in your word that enables me to see uh to to experience a result lead me to specific truth and patterns lead me to specific promises in your word that enable me to be able to experience what you have promised patterns principles and promises we cannot get to the promises unless we understand the patterns and we understand the principles and the promises we need to make it our life's quest to absolutely get into a place where we begin to seek the truth of the word of god once again come back to this word every time i preach i make it an emphasis to always exalt and to place the word of god in the in its proper place because the truth is god truly is not as unpredictable as some people like to make him be god is a god of principles and i want to repeat that again i think it does bear repeating that yes although god's way are past finding out the bible says in deuteronomy 29 29 the secret things belong to god but the revealed things belong to us and our children even forever and so there are things yes that god has concealed and has kept secret that he that's his his realm but there are also things that god has revealed to us and our children that make up for us living a life that he has called us to live so jesus coming to be baptized by jonah was more than just an act of humility he followed the principles and he followed patterns which god had set forth for us to be able to enjoy in jesus name you see years ago i heard a story just in maybe closing of a man who had worked for a very wealthy man of a man who had uh you know he was faithful to this rich man this rich man was wealthy had a lot of property and so one day as his rich man is about to retire he began to think who can i you know do good to you know who has been faithful to me all these years and as he was thinking this which man saw that he said you know what there is that worker that has worked with me all these years he has sacrificed to so much he has been loyal to me this much and so he didn't tell him he goes to the worker he says he says hey i want i'm about to build a home i'm about to build a retirement home and i want you to be the project manager and i want you to be the person who is in charge for getting all the materials for getting all the things that are required you know to build this home i'm going to i'm going to put this project into your hand and once the house is built come back to me and give me the key and then i will move into my house this worker took this project but unfortunately this worker or shall i say here for unfortunately this worker instead of being faithful as he was all these years he began to think he says well this rich man is about to retire and in all these years he hasn't given me anything this rich man wealthy man you have all this wealth you have all this property and yet you have not even given me a gift all these years therefore you think i will you know continue to serve you while you you know are about to go on retirement and so this man decides to cut corners in the building of the house he decides to cut corners in the construction of the home he bought cheap materials he bought he asked the architect to make some adjustment that made the house unstable and so once he began to do that he that the house was built yes not to the degree and to the level that this man uh the rich man had required but at the end once the project was done that this manner took the key takes the key he says hey boss you know the house is complete uh you know you can move into your home and so the rich man turns over to this man he says you know he says you have been such a faithful servant to me all these years and as i began to contemplate what i can do for my worker what can i do for my servant and i thought you have been such a faithful man you have been such a consistent man and the reason why i wanted to build this home it wasn't really for my retirement but it was for you take the key this is your home you live in it now can you imagine this now i don't know whether this is a true story or a fiction but either way it serves as a lesson we cannot expect not to obey the blueprint which god has set forth and expect to live in a home in the best way in god's best for our lives we cannot expect to live and experience god's best uh shortcutting the principle the principles of god we cannot expect to see god's results in our life by ignoring the things that which god has set and so at the end of the day it is you and i that experience the the the that will experience the results of our decisions the results of our lack or should i say our ignorance we all have ignorance in the word of god and i'm not condemning anybody but just i think it's important for us to understand that god wants us to absolutely be secure and understanding of his principles so that we can build the best life and fulfill the blueprint and the purposes which he has set for our lives and so really my challenge to us this morning is this god is the god of patterns god is the god of principles and god is the god of promises if we want to see the promises of god in our lives if we want to experience god the best in our lives we must absolutely understand the patterns the principles that govern the fulfillment of those promises if i could just ask you to to stand up i will pray and maybe i can ask you to also pray in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus did you get anything out of that this morning hallelujah thank you father i want you as a matter of fact to pray for yourself it is as important for you to pray for yourself as as it is for anybody to pray for you i want you where you are to just begin to pray and to say father i'm praying for grace to adhere to your divine patterns and principle number one the grace to understand god's pattern the grace and the light to walk into the river walk in the revelations of god and then ask for grace to walk into a deer to that pattern wherever you are and those of you who are at home do the same thing i'm going to give you a couple of minutes you cry out unto god and ask god to give you the light the required light to walk in his purple in his patterns to walk in his principles and in his promises wherever you are just begin to lift up your your heart to god in jesus name god hears your prayers hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus [Music] pray in your heart ask god for grace god is a merciful and a graceful god he absolutely wants to show you the patterns and the principles in his words that lead to his promises he wants to reveal himself to you pray in your heart say father give me grace to adhere to your promises to your principles and your patterns father we pray reveal your ways to us you see moses prayed to this prayer he says oh show me your ways show me your ways show me your ways let's ask gander this morning show us your ways father we are ignorant we understand that we are ignorant we accepted that but we don't have to remain ignorant we ask of you help us father help us to do your will help us to do your will the second prayer that i want you to pray this morning ask the holy spirit to guide you into the truth that governs the different areas of challenge in your life ask the holy spirit to help you or to lead you to the truth that govern the different areas of challenge in your life and says father guide me to the solutions provide as provided by your word to the challenges of my life lead me i pray we all have areas in our lives where we have challenges we all have areas in our lives where we are we require the wisdom of god cry out unto god in our hearts this morning father we ask of you by your spirit lead us lead us guide us into the truth that govern oh that govern the different areas of challenge in our lives lead us to the truth lead us to the light lead us to the patterns lead us to the promises that absolutely father gives us key to see breakthrough in our lives in the name of jesus i'll pray for you and then i will give a final prayer father thank you for us this morning we want to pray for all of us we ask of you father all of us are in one way or another ignorant of your promises ignorant of your principles ignorant of your patterns yes there are some areas of our lives where we've understood the patterns and the principles of god but there are also areas in our lives where we haven't yet understand or even sought your patterns or your principles we ask of you by your spirit lord give us wisdom lord give us your light lead us to the truth that father provides the solutions or father access to your promises in our lives we pray father i will pray for your people that god you would give him the grace to adhere to walk and to obey your word and your promises in the name of jesus and as we remain in our eyes i remain closed if you're here and you have not given your heart to jesus christ and perhaps you're watching this online and you have never given your heart to jesus christ you have never confessed to jesus christ as your lord and savior we want to give you that opportunity this morning you see truly you cannot understand god's patterns you cannot understand god the principle nor experience his promises unless you come into the kingdom of god that these things are for the kingdom the kingdom of god and so wherever you are today in this room in your home just close your eyes and pray this prayer with me in jesus name say heavenly father i come before you i recognize that jesus christ he is the son of god and that he died on the cross for me he shed his blood as a sacrifice to redeem me to you i pray lord forgive me of my sins forgive me of all that all that i've ever done and accept me into your kingdom i receive you jesus as my lord and my personal savior father thank you for your people i pray that father you will bless those that i have prayed this prayer i pray in jesus name that father you would father solidify their prayer father with the the the power of the holy spirit and father that the holy spirit will make his abode in their lives father lead them i pray touch your people secure them for the day of salvation we give you praise and glory in jesus name and the people of god say amen amen and amen in thy truth thou dost direct me by thy spirit through thy word and thy grace thy greed is meeting as i trust in thee my lord of the fullnest my great love emperor [Music] my heart to thee oh here is love and here is love vast as the ocean loving kindness as the floods his precious blood who his love will not remember and who can cease to sing his grace he can never be forgotten throughout [Music] [Applause] [Music] fast and gracious [Music] justice kiss [Music] [Music] my days let me see thy kingdom only and my life be to your praise shall be my glory nothing in the world i see thou has cleansed and sanctify me thou thy has set me free hallelujah [Applause] in thy truth thou dost direct me by the spirit through thy world and thy grace my need is easy as i trust in thee my lord of earth [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my heart we worship you jesus we worship you so god we commit this week into your hands [Music] jesus we come to you draw take us lead us into your ways father i just also commit mary noel's mummy into your hands and father i speak life to her body in the name of jesus we speak against sickness and illness and death in jesus name and we speak your life your wholeness into her life in jesus name speak your peace to her family at this time and father we thank you we walk out with you you are our emmanuel you walk with us as we leave today as we walk into our life today you are with us thank you that you are our good shepherd we shall not be in wanted we will follow your ways thank you jesus amen have a wonderful week enjoy and we'll see you next week foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: New Life Croydon
Views: 1,258
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 21sec (5841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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