*NEW* How To Pass ChatGPT Detection Tools... (Easy)

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what's up guys welcome to today's chat GPT video today I got a nice tutorial a little easy little simple for you guys to follow along and understand how to get past the chat GPT the AI detector a lot of people have been checking to see either if a human wrote an article or an essay or if AI wrote it and there's a lot of tools out there that go ahead and detect this stuff so hopefully by the end of this video you guys will learn thing or two and all I ask is for you guys to hit the like button if you guys want more videos like this um you know I mean this is like the dark side I don't know I don't know is it a dark side of of the internet I don't know guys you guys can make up your mind but uh anyways I got some AI content detectors for you guys I'm gonna be checking out with the AI detector from continent scale as well as my favorite the GPT zero so basically it finds out if you uh AI wrote it or if a human wrote the article or whatever so I already did a prompt I made a prompt um I made it I had and wrote it out for me not to wait for it to type it says write me an article about SpongeBob so it wrote me an entire article about SpongeBob so I'm gonna go ahead and copy this here and paste it into my AI detector so it's going to check for ad content while it's going I'm gonna go into gbt zero and do the same thing get my results and let's see here human content score this is on the first AI detector I got a 43 which is terrible and likely to be AI generated it can turn it there's a pattern the probability predictability and then it kind of brings up some stuff that uh people are kind of this AI detectors little suss about what about GPT zero still getting the results here it'll wait a little bit and see what it says here we go it says your text is likely to be written entirely by AI so it goes ahead and gives me everything why it should it gives me some stats and stuff like that the score so this article is clearly written by a AI it failed these AI detectors but how do we rewrite this so it might seem like a human wrote that so let's get to it I'm gonna show you guys four prompts that I enjoy I have to give a shout out to another YouTuber as well as some other people because there's things that like there's some prompts that work some prompts that don't work and some prompts will get like patched if you would say and so it's constantly like these prompts are constantly evolving for you guys to stay on top of that's why I made this channel so make sure you guys do subscribe to stay up on top so if any of these prompts change or any of these detectors can detect something you guys have to keep updating whatever prompts you guys are using so I'm gonna try keeping you guys up to date on those latest prom but success with AI as well as some people on Twitter help me figure this prompt out on these four prompts out some of it is from success with AI so shout out to him huge huge awesome guy and so anyways the first prompt that we're gonna be doing is the simple I'm going to give you some information before asking you to write an article do you understand alright so the first prompt that I'm going to be using is this one I am going to give you some information before asking you to write article do you understand they said yes I understand go ahead and provide me the whatever information so shout out to success with AI he actually like to find this prompt for us to use in one of his videos I'll link it below but basically this asks the AI to write the article or the essay with more perplexity as well as a burstness and you want to make sure that this chat bot will understand she says yes I understand and then okay it describes his whatever he's going to be doing so the Third piece of prompts that I'm going to show you guys is this one so you're going to go ahead and copy your essay or article whatever you guys had and then you want to go back to your prompt and then paste it but before you paste it you want to go ahead and make sure you put this prompt in front of it so using the concepts written previously rewrite this article with a high degree of perplexity as well as burstness and now it is the entire article that we had written before so I'm go ahead and enter now for the last prompt you want to go ahead and type rewrite this article changing 50 of nouns and verbs for similar ones rewrite verb usages add natural sounding variation in complexity but retain the same tense and overall meaning so now I was going to go ahead and rewrite it with that fourth prompt alright so using all four of those prompts a little bit of a mixture of some problems we found throughout the internet we can go ahead and copy this thing now we're gonna refresh crash the AI detector on both of these and now I'm gonna go ahead and paste and then I'm gonna go ahead and check for AI content paste agree to the terms get results so let's see if this passed it says here we go humans content score 70 so now we went to the AI detector it says your text may include Parts written by AI so this again gives us a score of 30 45 it honestly it's not that bad however though it's not perfect because obviously there's still some AI detection but obviously it's much better than it was before so you could go ahead use these tools figure out exactly where they thought it was written by Ai and then you can be creative and figure out ways to change it or just start typing like yourself and then you can go ahead and copy and paste in Chachi PT write this article as if I was writing the article in languages that I use the more you guys keep training the chat GPT the better and the better it's gonna be and these AI detectors will not be able to figure it out so I hope this helped you guys out a little bit like I said before it's not gonna be perfect like the AI is always always getting better and increasing how they can view these chat CBT articles and if they can attack to see if it's made by AI or not so like I said that 70 is really not perfect you gotta keep tweaking and changing and updating your prompts to make sure it's better and better and better and like I said like I mean that was just a difference of a month so prompts are going to continuously going to change so make sure you guys stay updated and I'm gonna be giving you guys all the latest information all the latest prompts you guys need to use for chat GPT just to try some cool stuff at home or whatever you guys are working on so anyways though I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you guys are new make sure you guys do subscribe and uh take care peace out
Channel: Matty Dista
Views: 15,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chatgpt detection, how to pass chatgpt detection, chat gpt detection, how to bypass chatgpt detection, chatgpt detection human tool, human tool chatgpt, chatgpt prompt, best chatgpt prompt
Id: fxao-qVC7r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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