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good morning everyone it is Sunday and I feel like I've not been vlogging that well which so the caps are out of their home hello morning munchkin you explorer Ian Explorer Ian you've got a little burn on my face here I think I may be used a little bit too much retinol so I got a store bear they're like looks like I've been drinking you know when you're like Ribena mouth what are you doing what are you doing so this bowl here this is one of the things I got from home since I got these fire hydrangeas and a little shallow dish for them to go and that's one thing I got from there hello good morning so they're both out and about now exploring I also bought some more rails from Argos which you probably already know and then we just got like toilet brushes and oh it's red in my face I've got toilet brushes and I got some blankets for downstairs and then basically some of my friends came around and I had Danny caryharri still here cuz Kerri staying with me I had Harriet and I had Chantal here and we were just like had drinks and like sat and chatted until like 1:00 in the morning and then I played with the cats until 2:30 in the morning and I realized that last night they were ready to come out of the room because I read online that they were like let the cats tell you when they're ready to come out and I definitely knew that they were ready to and I actually let me have a little walk around it was always like when we got to the bedroom hello you know like when you get like a little kid a toy or something and they're just really grateful she sort of like looked up at me and she like rubbed herself all over me as if she was saying like I love it mommy I think my mom is coming around today but the plan of action is first off coffees and then we are I think I might need to get a new camera because I just realized that the screw is missing the back of the camera and I think we are going to tackle my wardrobe because otherwise I'm just never gonna have any time to like get it sorted so that's what's happening there so yeah that is the plan of action for the day so far so I'm probably not going to do like a full face the makeup I may just do like presentable makeup make myself at least look awake because I'm actually quite sleepy I haven't felt refreshed since I've been here so it's probably because it's been so exciting and so much has been going on and so many people are coming so yeah I am going to kick start my day yeah so I've kind of got myself prepared still not found my hair spray to spray these bits down we've got classical music going through the house I've got candles burning this candle was sent to my PO Box this is from boutique by Sinead luxury organic candles and this is the unwind candle so I've got that on the island burning the cats are running around everywhere they are just living their best sides right now I'm just waiting for my mum to arrive I did actually make a start on my office and on my office on my dressing room she rang me as soon as I started so I'm probably not gonna get that done for a couple of hours Kerry's gone out to get coffees and some food for tonight oh that will be her calling me saying my mum is here now we've just been having a coffee me Carrie and my mum we went had a nice little walk in the garden as well it's lovely but now we really do have to make a start on we have to make a start on the office not the office my dressing room so I'm gonna be doing a little bit of time lapses of us sorting everything out it's gonna take a while and I'm probably sure that there's not going to be enough stuff to like store everything in but it will all get sorted eventually my mum my camera oh hi yeah so I'm gonna grab my other battery just say that we're all charged up and mum is apparently blogging we can get cracking upstairs I am looking forward to getting that sorted okay when I can actually find my clothes I will enjoy that a lot [Music] that's gonna have some lunch we've made massive progress in this room currently packing down some boxes but I'll show you what we've got on the rails so far sorry my camera is such a nightmare at the moment we currently have jackets on this rail and then we have knitwear on this one and then these are bottoms and skirts and then we have dresses over here and then we have me and then we have coats and then we have tops and basic so these are all going to take up this rail here shoes are currently in this corner unfortunately not sorted out we've sorted out some of them but these are we're going to go underneath the rails as well and we might pop to Ikea if we have time to go through to get some bits to store these in and also like some drawers for my beauty stuff I think I might leave the mirror here actually because it might work really well to have like a rail either side but we'll sort of have a play around with things we're gonna go and have some lunch now and then see what we're gonna do with things see if we're gonna head over there my little pink chair do you remember the pink chair this is from Culver's and sieve doll I think that's how you say it I'm not totally sure on that but this is actually going to be going in my office eventually when we get the two-seater to go with this and there's a little seating area in the office but for now it's gonna sit up here before I'm like all set up because I think I'm gonna have this it's kind of like my filming area but really exciting I'm actually feeling really like good that we've powered through it cuz you know when a room is just an absolute hit and you just don't even know where to start now that like we've made progress and obviously my mum's helping and Kerry's helping I just feel so much happier and so much like more hi everyone oh my god I was like mid talking to you and my camera died and I realized I had no idea where my camera battery charger was the camera was falling apart so I just cut my losses and I had to buy a new one I'm gonna see if I can get a screw for the old camera to like fix it so that I've at least got a backup camera so that happens again cuz Ally's actually stolen my other g7x but we've actually done an entire trip we went to our ghosts got a new camera got some shoe storage we've been to IKEA and got loads of little bits of storage so carry is like the flat-pack queen she loves it she was like can we do this I was like if you want to she's down here assembling handbag storage have I ever told you how much I love you yeah yeah it's true I do I just had my friend Alex here she brought her husband over and I showed them around the house but I just wanted to try and get this room sorted so I am NOT going to jabber on anymore to you as much as I love doing that and I'm going to try and get this room as finished as possible do not go in there if you pee on my washing you are in trouble yeah go get the cat's out of here so I'm gonna get on flat packing is currently commencing to the sound of classical music and we have one bangle here it snuggled in a dust bag pairing away and then over here we have another Bengal snuggled in my pajamas not doing any work so I'm currently organizing all of my shoes before we have dinner and I'm pretty much realized well this is actually the first time that I'm seeing all of my Manolos laid out together and I am impressed I'm literally impressed I had no idea that I had so many pairs and now seeing them all together it looks so nice I'm such like Manolo addict I will link all of these down below as well but I had I didn't realize I had that many pairs I mean that's quite cool so I've got another shoe rack that we've just got out of the car that I'm going to pop all of kind of like my boots and flats and trainers and stuff like that on and this is going to be like my dressy Footwear I just don't know why this is so skewer if I feel like I need to sort this out because it just looks a little bit wonky I don't know what I'm doing wrong I don't know where you came from I don't know what you did to my heart you touch my soul like a phantom and you did it right from the start I nobody is watching what we're doing like nobody is watching us like nobody [Music] [Music] we know that we used to best sometimes you turn swings with days but with you I don't need the contest [Music] where does [Music] so I'm currently at a point where I can't really do anything until the chest of drawers are done so I am being helpful in other ways and I'm going to go and check on the dinner that we're just about to have I can't believe how much space is in there no it's so good oh he's so happy okay we're having a super healthy dinner tonight so yeah that doesn't need to be turned around there with me I'm still just trying to decide where things can go in here at the moment I've got like all of my handbags their clothes over here and then shoes down the end there and then beauty is gonna be on this side and then I've made a little kind of like filming corner over there Carrie's having a go at me because I make it look monkey I forgot to show you what we were eating and this is such a good dinner that I'm just gonna have to show you anyway but we had I had corn chicken it's like breaded chicken and then and a big dollar of hummus like literally this was a full tub [Music] I've got some outdoorsy coats so far to go for wool have got some barbra jackets in the cupboard and these are some beauty bits to go to my bathroom and this is the finished result I really need to get rid of those stickers on the wall they are killing me but this is just my temporary wardrobe just to have everything stored so I can find it and just get used to this space I remember speaking on Twitter about getting my wardrobe done and everyone was like just live in the space first and it made perfect sense I need to know where the light is right for me to do my makeup and where I want my full-length mirror to go and shoes and stuff like that so I can play around with this set up and then hopefully when it comes and I've saved some money to have my fitted wardrobes done I will be able to have it perfect obviously there's a lot of space in the middle I would ideally have like a center aisle there with a little like seating area that's why this area is so nice and open and I've not really got anything there at the moment but I will also be filming in this room so I'm gonna maybe try and have a little set up in this corner and just film sit-down videos here get rid of these stickers blesser this is a little girl's room so that's why it's painted like a very cute color pink but this isn't like millennial pink this is like seven-year-old girl pink it's not like this kind of tone it is literally like bubblegum pink but yeah so I've got all of my clothes on this wall here so there is jackets tops knitwear trousers and jumpsuits and like bottoms dresses and coats are there and then I've got all of my shoes here which is so funny because Ali definitely has more shoes than I have and this is so embarrassing I can't believe like my mom walked in and she was like how many pairs of white trainers does one boy need and then I've got my mirror this is from our old house you will remember this and this is from we've got it from Costco but I have seen it online so if I can link here I will fight try and find it but I did see somewhere that had them then my chair is Culver's and sub doll I've got my studio lights this is my to give away beauty box this is just bits and bobs and this is all stock of like my favorite product in here is all makeup so this side is all like foundations and concealers and in here is I mean you've probably seen this setup before because this is very similar to what was in my old house I literally just packed them in their little dividers oh I have a draw empty this is amazing I'm gonna put this stuff in here I did not know that I had an empty drawer this is great get rid of all of this stuff oh gosh okay put that stuff away on my desk I've just got a new mirror cause Ali smashed mine on the way here and I've got a joe malone candle and a Daylesford farm reed diffuser i got this for Christmas Ally's dad and stepmom always go to Delta farm and we're actually going there in a couple of weeks but this is my Christmas present this read a few so it smells amazing this is I don't even know which one this is but it's lovely I love it then I've got my lipstick drawers here these are from home scents my mirror is from the range and just lots of different like skincare I've got a bit by Terry Dior and Jo Malone this little munchkin is on my chair in here is all of like skincare is in this drawer and this is haircare and then body care and great guns at the bottom and that is kind of everyone wait now I've got my handbags over here that is such a lie so here all of my handbags and they're just grouped together kind of like by color I've got my sunglasses on there and then empty boxes of cartier stuff I've got my gym bag up here and then some other boxes and just some bits and bobs down there and then in these I've got my underwear gym care accessories and swimwear and then pyjamas in that one and that is everything so yeah oh as you can see the carpet has a few marks on it so we're probably gonna have to we're probably gonna have to either try and shampoo the carpet or get a new one because I mean look at this yeah they've had a field day with the ink down here like stained the carpet and the walls and there's some over there so we're going to probably need to recap it and paint here UK chicken by monkey so yeah I'm gonna go and have some tea and biscuits with Carrie downstairs and I'm gonna get to bed for a great Monday morning start so I will see you in tomorrow's vlog yeah see you then
Channel: Lydia Elise Millen
Views: 346,065
Rating: 4.8850574 out of 5
Id: uuBDcF5_Mkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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