New FS2020 Google Maps MOD for the entire world!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel it's suivivor long time no see i know that sorry guys don't hate me i've been a busy man lately i work for primex full time and i'm also a father to christopher my son which is now nine months old so yeah life is not what it used to be anyway guys i hope you're doing great i have been digging into microsoft flight simulator 2020 for the past months i've been really spending a lot of time with it testing it tweaking it optimizing it specifically for pi max vr headsets such as the pi max 8kx and i will follow up this video uh very soon with some really cool videos that will give you the my best tweaks my best settings on how you turn flight simulator 2020 into something really smooth and beautiful because out of the box it's not really that great specifically not in vr and the performance is really bad if you're not tweaking it enough anyway since i've been digging so deep into flight simulator i have found some really cool mods as well some add-ons and i am going to share a lot of them in upcoming videos from now and then today i would like to start by showing you a mod which has been out for maybe two months or so already i don't know if you heard about it but it's called microsoft flight simulator 2020 google map replacement this mod is completely for free so you can just download it and use it unlimited without paying anything of course i will give you the links in the video description and also at the end of this video i'll also show you quickly how you set it up it's really really simple now what is this mod about imagine flying in flight simulator wherever you are in the world and using the google maps textures the google maps satellite photography around the entire world well some of you might wonder why because bing maps are really great and they have been improved a lot by the asobo team together with other companies which has really enhanced the experience for the flight simulator 2020 but as you know google maps will always be better wherever you're looking basically in every single town in every village every remote area it always looks better on google maps compared to bing maps and that is sad because now we have such a beautiful flight simulator such as msfs 2020 which is probably the best or definitely the best simulator out there ever but we want more we want even more details on the scenery and of course you could import a lot of the custom seniors which is art which are out there some of them are free some of them cost a lot they some of them has been imported from google maps together with photogrammetry like the buildings and some custom trees custom objects and all that but this mod is so simple to use because once you install it and once you start off flight simulator it just runs in the background and what it does it replaces every single texture your flight simulator is loading up wherever you're flying it's basically not loading the textures from bing it's loading the textures from google maps and what is the result here well the result here is a high resolution most of the in most of the areas around the world the google maps textures are more high resolution that's the first part the second part is that those maps on google or those textures are way better updated some of them are brand new from this year from last year while bing is not updating the world textures as often it's not taking new satellite imaginary around the world so often there are places which haven't been updated for like 10 years and you can really tell that when flying around in smaller cities and in suburbans and places which are not so super popular to fly on maybe you're living in a small city somewhere in germany or sweden as i do and you just wish to be able to see your house or your car maybe like if in the textures on the ground while you're flying low with the with a cessna or whatever now with the google maps it's actually more possible i won't say it's perfect but it's way better in most areas around the world so what is really improved as i said the sharpness of the textures is most of the time better there's more more details there are newly updated most of the textures at least also there are areas on the bing maps or the bing database which doesn't even have any textures for some specific areas like in china in northern russia maybe some parts in africa as well so these textures has just been auto generated by the microsoft azure servers or something like that now google on the other hand has basically the entire world so wherever you're flying in the world with your ces now wherever you're flying on low altitude or high altitude you will see some very detailed sharp and updated textures around the world what you're seeing here a couple of examples i've made specifically in sweden but also in the united states and i want to show you the difference how much better it actually looks with the google maps textures instead of the bing maps now remember all the buildings which also are called photogrammery which are auto generated or they are created from the ground textures which be i mean that's quite a massive work that bing has done to create those 3d building 3d trees and also those outer generated two-dimensional trees all of these are still the same what's the difference here with this mod is only the ground textures wherever you are and even though the buildings yay we might wish that the google maps buildings would could be added automatically well at this point is not possible unless you do it manually for every single little city or village or wherever you import into flight simulator which is quite a big project but with this mod it's just so simple you load it up you start a flight simulator and you're not longer loading the bing maps you're basically loading the google maps instead and you're just enjoying a more beautiful more refined more detailed and more sharp scenery around the globe another good thing is that you can still use the rolling catch which is a feature in flight simulator before you do this before install this mod i highly recommend you to first delete your currently existing rolling catch because otherwise it could conflict with this mod and all the google maps textures but remember everything is streamed from the from the cloud anyway just the way it's it's working right now with bing maps so it doesn't really make any difference you won't see a difference in loading times as well i think it's really runs great i don't see any performance hit at all even though the textures are so much more sharp and detailed and they just feel way more high resolution in many areas now i gotta add that some areas around the world specifically some big cities like new york city uh some parts of san francisco and some other major cities around the world might not be that improved with google maps because bing maps already have some really high definition textures for these so it's not going to be like a wow moment like a wow factor when you're loading up new york city or manhattan for the first time with this new mod in my example when i'm flying from laguardia in new york and heading for central manhattan i do not see any difference at all in the textures maybe there is some slight difference but i don't think there's anything that's really noticeable but outside of these some of these big cities there's a massive difference and that's what you what you have seen already in my examples here okay so how do you install this mod or where do you get it first of all now first go into flightsim.t.o or fly sim 2 and search for google map replacement that's all and you will instantly find this mod over there scroll down almost to the bottom of the page and just click on download the latest version right now is 2.2.1 and the developer is constantly updating this mod and improving it of course so check back in like a week or two or a month because there might be some improvements in this mod coming up if you don't have an account on you can create one for free of course the mod itself is super small i think it's like 35 megabyte in total now once downloaded extract the zip file wherever you want on your computer it doesn't really matter once you have extracted it just go into that folder and right click on the file run.bat now once you've done that click on run as administrator this is really important so just don't double click on this file you have to run it in as administrator privileges now once it started first you're going to see a command prompt window which is displaying some python installation and stuff which is not really important this is what the mod needs to work once that's done a new window pops up now here we have a couple of tabs first the first one help you don't really have to worry about that tab there's nothing really here you need to do the next tab is proxy here if you're living in a country such as china where google maps is basically censored or blocked from your isp or from your internet you need to use a proxy if you are living in any other country like in europe or in united states you don't need any proxy because google is just open for public and it's available right so you can simply remove that proxy line just empty it completely and you can also click on test the connection and once you've done that in the map server there is a tab there are a couple of maps google map servers i'm just keeping it on anyway now you're set right below here you see two buttons it says run the other one says stop and on the left side it says stopped right now once you click on run the whole thing just starts off now you're gonna get some windows security alerts and you have to allow access to njinx dot xa and also to python x to to make the module work basically and in the and you need to keep both those windows open both the command prompt window and the msfs 2020 google map you have to have it open as long as you're playing with microsoft flight simulator 2020 so the only thing you have to do now is just start up flight simulator 2020 start up any flight anywhere in the world and you'll immediately see the difference you will immediately see that the google maps are loaded instead of bing maps now once you are done playing for the day or wherever you need to click on the stop button which stops the mod from running so it's not long connected to the google server fetching any kind of textures or so and yeah that's it that's how easy it is and one more thing which is super important you still keep the bing maps and the photogrammetry options in flight simulator you still keep them on you never turn them off because if you do turn them off you will not see the buildings or the trees anymore then you will only see the google maps textures but nothing else on top of that so just keep everything all the settings as they are in flight simulator don't change anything except for playing the rolling catch clearing or deleting i'm actually not using a rolling catch at all lately because i get better performance not using it i have a quite fast internet connection that probably helps a lot anyway do not change any other settings in flight simulator you don't have to for this mod to work also don't forget to check out the github page for this mod because there is one and the shout out big shout out to the mod developer uh thank you so much for for creating this mod for making this possible this is just awesome he also has i think he has like a paypal donation link you could use if you wanted to support him and make sure to always have the latest version updated so check if there's any update coming which will probably come every week at least if you have any issues setting this up and please check out the comments in the or go into the github page you also get some information and some more instructions on how to install the whole thing it's super simple for me it worked the first time and it keeps working every time you just have to remember to run this thing before you start off flight simulator guys let me know what you think about this mod i think this is awesome to be honest i don't know what microsoft thinks about it specifically what google thinks about this i'm not sure if they really like this but so far so good it works and let's just be happy and let's hope this mod continues to work from now on thanks for watching see ya bye
Channel: SweViver
Views: 1,510,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fs2020 google maps, fs2020 google maps mod, flight simulator 2020 google maps, fs2020 mod, flight simulator google maps, flight simulator, fs2020, New FS2020 Google Maps mod, msfs google maps, msfs 2020 google maps
Id: E11XsrBdzcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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