BeyondATC - Full Flight! (KLAS - KSAN | With Premium Voices!)

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Every new video breeds more anticipation for this addon. One of the few addons I have been keeping a close eye on as it’ll be such a game changer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ugatz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Radio degradation due to terrain and atmospheric conditions.

This thing just keeps getting better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RTcore πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have they revealed subscription price(s)? I doubt it will be one-off payment.

I am one of those who don't mind default ATC and use it every time I fly IFR but I will welcome a more realistic ATC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Marklar_RR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Clearing a flight for takeoff from 26R while the player is rolling on 8L is a bit of an oof.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Theris_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there an estimated release date?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stephano525 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will this be available on XBOX? Will it fix the slam dunk approaches we get now?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lameusername65 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is app you have with the iPad looking with all the airport information ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SonOfaNitch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello and welcome back to another Beyond ATC full flight today we're going from Las Vegas to San Diego in a quick around 30 minute flight I know a lot of people have been asking for a flight in Europe to show off uh all the iCal phraseology and procedure don't worry that is coming I have planned a flight from Innsbruck over to Amsterdam we'll probably have that up on the channel soon uh for now this flight is intended to show off the premium voices so the Vancouver to Seattle flight was using the standard voice model and this one here is now actually going to be using the premium model so these are the upper end high quality voices they sound much more human-like and I really think they add another level of immersion to Beyond ATC if you're wondering how does premium differ from standard voices what does that mean I didn't interview over on Overkill simulations Channel I'll link in the description below and we go over everything from VR implementation to questions about Xbox to just how the program works and all that has is bookmarked so you can go to the spot that's pertains to the question that you have so if you haven't checked it out definitely go check out the interview with Overkill it's a really good time and it answers a ton of questions that the community has about that so back to this flight we'll be using the premium voices and I'm really excited to share these with you because it's a amazing tool um it's basically using AI models to train I'm sure you've heard you know the internet videos where Obama is having a conversation with the Trump or something and they're having an argument any any kind of thing like that that is using these AI voice models and you can train them on absolutely anything and the really cool thing is is we have contracted with a bunch of real-life controllers these are people that work in actual Towers in real airports and so they have that you know perfect radio voice flow that just sounds exactly like a controller would so we're going to train all the voices in Beyond ATC on these models and I'll give you an example of that right now we were very fortunate enough to have one of our real life controllers uh donate their voice to the program and I will now show you what that sounds like this is again using the premium voice model so this uh this Cadence this realism this won't be available on the standard model I still think the standard model sounds quite good again the last video I made from Vancouver to Seattle is showing the standard model so if you want to hear a sample of that go check that out but for now let's check out these premium voices so here is a recording of the actual controller speaking himself this is what we use to train the AI model on was this uh phrase right here number 5215 Delta rogerflatting 360. I'm gonna take you vectors to the localizer I'll bring you back and I gotta move you out of the way for sequencing here and here's what it output and I think you're going to be pretty blown away by this number 5215 Delta Roger fly heading 360. I'm gonna take you vectors to the localizer I'll bring you back and gotta move you out of the way for sequencing here this was all generated by AI none of this is real I can have it say anything we want isn't that amazing so it sounds almost identical to the original voice it's very hard to tell and you can tell it kept that Cadence uh it kept that radio Sound you know that just when you listening to an ATC you just hear the way that they talk and the really cool thing is that it captures those ums and you know pauses and just the way that real people speak so it it really does an amazing job this technology is absolutely incredible and we're really happy to be utilizing it for Beyond ATC I think we're going to elevate the uh ATC space to a completely new level that's that's my hope at least so with that let's go ahead and get into the flight deck and we can start this flight keep in mind again all the voices you hear are using the premium model in this flight including the voice that we just trained you'll probably hear that a couple times throughout the flight the standard disclaimers always apply uh I'm not a pilot so my procedure will be wrong the intentions to show off Beyond ATC and not my piloting skills and the other disclaimer I want to give is that we're still implementing this voice model we're still training it on various voices and so because of that it still might mispronounce a couple words here and there you might hear uh like Sid as side or something like that so you might hear a couple anomalies with how it pronounces words we will have all that ironed out by time we launch the program so don't worry about that and with that let's go ahead and jump into the flight deck and get started and welcome to the flight deck let's go ahead and get Beyond ATC started Beyond ATC connected as like last time we'll go ahead and Auto-Tune the radio today because I don't want to take care of that and we'll start off by getting the atis 132.4 visibility [Music] [Applause] broken temperatures [Music] advise on the initial contacts you have information at three International Airport information [Music] [Applause] all right we got got X-ray on board and uh someone brought up last time in the comments that you know they wanted the atis not just to start at the beginning every time so I don't know if you noticed that when we switched over it was actually at a random spot inside the Adis already it's actually playing in the background on repeat so when we switch over to it it'll just start right there which is much more lifelike because I know in some of the other programs you switch over to Adis and it always starts right at the beginning so I think that was a nice little little touch that some people might not have noticed all right very good we got our Edison board information x-ray uh we'll go ahead and get our clearance now and I know last time a lot of people were asking um they want to see more of it handling the errors so let's let's really intentionally get some stuff wrong this time um so look out for when I'm going to try and intentionally get some of the readbacks wrong I'll say the radio frequencies incorrectly and let it correct us and um we'll try actually getting multiple things wrong and see how it handles that because I think that's a really cool feature it's much more like a conversation much less just like you're having to repeat back everything verbatim so as always we'll start with that radio check and here's a cool little thing if I call in with my call sign the radio check will be specific to me if I don't it'll be 160 specific good day looking to pick up it for clearance to Charlotte Douglas with x-ray American 1630 Las Vegas delivery cleared to Charlotte Douglas International rw260 departure with the jocker 3 transition then as filed climb via Sid departure frequency 120.45 squawk two five six five cleared to Charlotte Douglas International rw26l departure with the jocker 3 transition then is filed climb via Sid departure frequency 120.45 squawk 2565 American 1630. American 1630 read back correct contact round 130.0 when ready for pushback one three zero point zero American 1630. Delta 722 request radio check Delta 722 reading you loud and clear Delta 1684 Las Vegas delivery cleared to Detroit Metro Wayne code BLS departure with the radio 2 transition then S5 has climb via side departure frequency one two zero point four five squawk 2103 clear to Detroit Metro Wayne Co belich departure with the radiator 2 transition then as climb via side to departure frequency 120.45 squawk 2103 Delta 1684 Delta 1684 readback correct contact round 130.0 when ready for pushback 130.0 good day Delta 1684. Delta 722 good day looking to pick up IFR clearance with information x-ray to San Diego Delta 722 Las Vegas clearance good day to you as well cleared to San Diego International Airport radar 2 departure with the level transition then is filed climb via said except maintain six thousand departure frequency one two zero point four five squawk 6002 all right let's get a bunch of stuff wrong here clear to San Diego Airport radar 2 departure with the level transition then has filed climbed by a sid except maintained two thousand departure frequency 133.87 squawk 5292 correct let's try this again clear to San Diego International radar 2 departure with level transition then is filed climbed by acidics that maintains six thousand departure frequency one two zero point eight five squawk five two one zero so now let's just get the one correct departure frequency one two zero point four five and squawk code 7210 Corrections squawking 6002 for Delta 722 start 130.0 for Delta 722 good day so you see that progressively figured out which ones were Incorrect and let us correct those as we went on so it's a much more Dynamic process than I've seen a lot of the other tools do it usually just fails the whole thing all right let's finish up getting ready here and we can get on our way push back Southwest 327 pushback approved great Wings 566 request pushback Spirit Wings 566 push back and engine start approved American 2348 request taxi to the gate American 2348 taxi to ramp 2-3 via Alpha 6 alpha alpha 4 Charlie 4 bravo charlie 3 Charlie Quebec one Quebec Charlie one old short Runway 2-6 right taxi to ramp 2-3 via Alpha 6 alpha alpha 4 Charlie 4 bravo charlie 3 Charlie Quebec one Quebec Charlie one hold short Runway 2-6 right American 23-48 Frontier flight 2010 contact Tower 118.75 have a good flight tower on 118.75 Frontier flight 2010. Southwest 327 taxi to 2-6 right via Charlie Bravo X right via Charlie Bravo Southwest 327. here at Wings 566 request taxi to Runway 2-6 left Spirit Wings 566 taxi to 2-6 left via Charlie two Bravo Alpha 3 alpha alpha 2. old short Runway 2-6 right back seat at 2-6 left via Charlie two Bravo Alpha 3 alpha alpha 2 hold short Runway two six right Spirit wings 566. Delta 722 at stand 16 request push back and engine start back approved face Southeast pushback approved face Southeast Delta 722 Southwest 2367 request taxi to the gate Southwest 2367 taxi to ramp 3 via Alpha 5 Alpha 4 alpha alpha 3 Bravo Charlie 2. Charlie Charlie one Quebec Romeo old short Runway 2-6 right taxi to ramp 3 via Alpha 5 Alpha 4 alpha alpha 3 bravo charlie 2 Charlie Charlie 1 Quebec Romeo hold short Runway 2-6 right Southwest 2367. Frontier flight 2127 at gate Alpha One request pushback Frontier flight 2127 pushback approved Delta 1684 old short of 2-6 left hold position of Runway 2-6 left Delta 1684. taxi to 2-6 right via Charlie Bravo Frontier flight 2127 Southwest 2961 request pushback and engine start Southwest 2961 accepted Southwest 1657 at gate Alpha One request pushback and engine start Southwest 1657 pushback accepted Northwest 327 hold short of 2-6 right whole position of Runway 2-6 right Southwest 327. Delta 722 request taxi to Runway zero eight right sorry correction zero eight left American 1927 request taxi to the gate Charlie Devin Bravo Hotel old short Runway zero one right Runway 2-6 right taxi via Charlie Bravo 7 Bravo Hotel hold short one zero one right Delta 722 negative please clarify Runway zero eight left and hold short Runway zero one right taxi to Runway zero eight left and hold short zero one right so you see how I got some of that stuff wrong [Applause] bravo charlie two Charlie Charlie one Quebec Romeo old short Runway 2-6 right taxi to ramp two via Alpha 6 alpha alpha 4 Charlie 4 bravo charlie 2 Charlie Charlie one Quebec Romeo hold short Runway two six right American 1927. Southwest 327 contact Tower 118.75 have a good flight tower on 118.75 Southwest 327 good day flight 1958 at gate Echo one request pushback Frontier flight 1958 pushback approved Delta 1684 contact Tower 118.75 tower on 118.75 Delta 1684. good day Southwest 2961 request taxi to 2-6 left Southwest 2961 taxi to 2-6 left via Charlie 6 right 89 Tech American 1630 contact Tower 118.75 have a good one tower on 118.75 American 1630. Spirit Wings 566 hold short of 2-6 left one position of Runway 2-6 Left Spirit Wings 566 JetBlue 748 hold short of 2-6 right position of Runway 2-6 right jet blue 748 Southwest 682 taxi to 2-6 left via Charlie Charlie three Alpha 3 alpha alpha 2. old short Runway 2-6 right Delta 722 cross 0-1 right at Bravo continue taxi via Bravo Hotel hold short Runway zero one left cross zero one right at Bravo continue taxi via Bravo Hotel hold short Runway zero one left for Delta 722 taxi to 2-6 left via Charlie Charlie three Alpha 3 alpha alpha two old short Runway two six right Southwest 682 Southwest 2008 taxi to 26 right via Charlie Bravo the 722 cross zero one left at Bravo new taxi via Bravo Hotel cross01 right at Bravo continued taxi via Bravo Hotel Delta 722 Delta 722 negative cross zero one left at Bravo correction cross01 left at Bravo continue Taxi by a Bravo Hotel Delta 722 Delta 722 contact Tower 118.75 over to Tower 118.75 Delta 722 good day a taxi to 2 6 right via chart Las Vegas tower good day Delta 722 ready to go zero eight left one two two Runway zero eight left line up and wait line up in weight zero eight left Delta 722 departure one two zero point four five Spirit Wings five six six Southwest 1319 clear of active Southwest 1319. welcome to Reed International 722 Las Vegas tower win 1807 our nav to Flair Runway zero eight left cleared for takeoff all right now to flare Runway zero eight left clear for takeoff Delta 722 Southwest 1319. Southwest 2008 ready for departure 261 Southwest 208 Las Vegas tower win 180 and zero seven Runway two six right cleared for takeoff Southwest 2008 cleared for takeoff Runway 2-6 right [Music] one two zero point four five contact Las Vegas departure 120.45 good day United 22.99 [Music] Southwest 1439 clear of active Southwest 1439 welcome to Reed International contact round 130.0 .0 Southwest 1439 Southwest 2008 ready for departure two six right Southwest 2008 Las Vegas tower win 1807 Runway two six right cleared for takeoff two six right Frontier flight 2127 holding short Runway 2-6 left at 2127 Las Vegas tower win 180 at zero seven Runway two six left cleared for takeoff Delta 722 contact Las Vegas departure 120.45 have a good day over to departure 120.45 for Delta 722 good day Las Vegas departure Delta 722 climbing five thousand for six thousand Delta 722 Las Vegas departure radar contact climb and maintain one seven seventeen thousand climb maintains 17 000 Delta 722 got some mad turbulence over these Hills here Las Vegas Southwest 2008-2000 for three thousand Las Vegas Frontier flight 2127 3000 for 4500. Frontier flight 2127 radar contact signs on because our virtual passengers are getting thrown around in the back here wouldn't want any some some of the virtually sue us virtual lawsuits are the worst man Southwest 682 radar contact climb and maintain six thousand Allegiant 2807 contact Los Angeles Center 124.62 have a good flight Center one two four point six two good day Allegiant 2807 Delta 722 contact Los Angeles Center at 124.62 have a good day Los Angeles Center 124.62 for Delta 722 good day Los Angeles Center good day Delta 722 climbing 15 000 for 17 000. Delta 722 good day to you as well radar contact climb and maintain flight level 340. climb maintain flight level 340 for Delta 722 foreign [Music] 's looking good nice and even on both sides and those hydraulic systems a little bit of green slouch there that's totally normal all systems look good all right so we got a little turbulence here let's uh show off the new pyrep system which is pretty cool so here's the options we can do in Cruise um I'll go ahead and report some icing pyreps because just to show it off obviously we're in the middle of Las Vegas so I don't think we'd actually see any icing right now but stranger things have happened I suppose so I'll call in a couple different types so we can see how it handles uh the various methods that we use to communicate with it you can give all the information at once or you can withhold some information and it will ask you to clarify Delta 722 report turbulence at 26 000 feet Delta 722 Roger say intensity we're getting a bit of light turbulence up here too Roger thanks for the pie so if I withhold the intensity It'll ask me to clarify it so let's try something a little bit more uh hyperbolic as we'd say Delta 722 report extreme turbulence flight level 270. negative Delta 722 Roger thanks for the pie rep stay safe up there so obviously we would absolutely never report that unless we were actually experiencing that which I don't even think the simulator has but little options that we added just because we really want that immersion that's the all-important immersion that really uh kicks the whole thing up so sometimes you'll get asked for a pie rep obviously we want to make it not something that happens every flight should be pretty rare but the ceiling is low enough or the weather is bad enough you might get asked for that so let's try the uh icing one now Delta 722 report icing Delta 722 Roger say type intensity and temperature light Rime Icing at negative 12 degrees so as you can see at every turn we're taking every chance we can to add little features that just make the program more immersive we always want to make it feel like you're having a conversation like you're talking to this thing and talk to it like a pilot that's the most important thing in terms of communication you should be able to say whatever you want whatever order you want however you want and it understands what you're saying now we have a uh Community note board where you can vote on your favorite items if you caught the overkill interview you would have heard me talk about our method going into how we're going to implement Community features so what we're going to do is have a core feature that we work on and that's going to be something that's integral to the program something that we think the program needs to be able to feel complete then following that we're going to do a community feature and that's an open project that basically can be anything that the community wants us to work on and so the community would go in and vote on one of those uh null options and the highest voted one would be the thing that we go and work on assuming it's something reasonable obviously it's like you know add space shuttles to it or probably not do it I know half of you astronauts are just crying right now but uh yeah we're not going to add a bunch of like crazy stuff but assuming that it's reasonable of a request and a bunch of people want it that's something we'll work on so the intention here is that this is not our program this is everyone's program we're building this for you all we want to build this as something that everyone should be using uh in the way that they want to use it that's really really important to us is it just feels like there's a disconnection between a lot of the stuff the players want and then what they actually get we're kind of at the whim of Microsoft and isobo and though I think they've been really good at listening to the community and giving us everything we want obviously there's still just a couple things that we've all been screaming for that we just haven't gotten in years hopefully 2024 will address these things but for now in terms of ATC I really want to make it feel like we're listening to all the players you have a voice you can go vote on the thing that you want and you can choose the things that you want to see in the program and it might actually get added so it's not just completely disconnected if you're not just a idle Pawn you're actually someone who can change the course of this program and change how we develop it it's not the answer really cool feature a lot of people asked us last time why we're not hearing any traffic call outs in the cruise here and that's simply because whatever traffic program we're using at the moment is just not spawning any traffic up in Crews um if there was we would be hearing it just as much as we were hearing it back in Las Vegas we're really just mirroring what the Sim is telling us so if there's no traffic in the air you're not going to hear any call outs if this is something that players really feel strongly about we can actually create like kind of fake call outs obviously up in the cruise you probably can't see half the traffic you're hearing from so if if it's we detect that it's like kind of a light day on traffic we can add add more in to make it feel like the airspace is quite busy obviously here in the Los Angeles airspace I don't think we'd ever hear a quiet moment so this is something we can definitely consider but for those that are wondering why you don't hear anything right now that's why it's just the traffic programs are choosing not to spawn anything for whatever reason and we're just mirroring that so it looks like with this these clouds the ceilings quite low so we should be expecting an uh non-visual approach I know you all wanted to see a visual approach I'll definitely make sure to make a video including that one of these days um but the weather here in San Diego is a little bit crummy today so I'm expecting we're not going to get a visual approach and we'll probably get an Arnav our ILS actually I don't think we have an ILS on two seven so I believe we'll be getting an R nav Delta 722 expect lucky one with the level transition call when ready for descent expect the luck you won with the level transition ready for descent right now Delta 722 Delta 722 descent via lucky one with the level transition San Diego International Airport Landing Runway two seven altimeter two niner nine or six descend by the lucky moment the level transition San Diego Landing Runway 2-7 altimeter two niner nine or six for Delta 722 all right we're gonna head down to Lucky here 6 000 so I'll do a managed descent I forgot to do this in the last video but I want to give a huge shout out to Phoenix A320 for this amazing add-on I'll probably be using it for all my videos because it's my favorite airplane to fly it's maybe one of the best add-ons if not the best add-on for Ms right now and it's just I can't say enough good things about the extremely high quality that the uh Phoenix team has made for this add-on it's truly spectacular so if you haven't had a chance to pick this up I'd highly recommend it I really think that they set the bar for the development standard of add-ons as well we're really trying to kind of follow in their Footsteps in terms of communication and transparency they just do such a good job at letting the community know everything they're working on what problems they're having what problems they're not having and what things are getting working it's just a fantastic company and I really can't say enough good stuff about them if y'all never flown into San Diego before it's kind of fun if you come on uh from the east side of the airport you have to get over these mountains right here so once you clear that the Glide slope is at 3.5 degrees so you're coming down pretty hard onto Runway two seven so it's a little bit of a challenge to try and not hit the ground as hard as you can it's but I really enjoy it because you go over the mountains and you kind of just like jam down onto the runway at the 3.5 degree Glide slope so it's a pretty fun approach if any of you haven't tried it now some ideas that users brought up for the interface here which I absolutely love is to have like a section that shows the relevant information to you so like right now we would see the lucky one with the level transition The Landing Runway if you're taxing it would have the taxi instructions in like its own separate box so you don't have to scroll through this and find the thing that pertained to you which I think is a really cool idea so again this is all Community feedback stuff if you have an idea that's similar or you want something to be seen put it in an old page let the community vote on it and we would love to add stuff like this because I think it's a really cool feature um a lot of the stuff that people have already requested in the Discord we've added to the program such as those pyreps earlier that was all a community feature just things that really enhance the program and really bring out the immersion level so again if you're not already in the Discord please drop in we have a link in description below and we'd love to hear from you let's check on our fuel we got plenty of fuel left plenty of Reserve we'll have over 30 minutes when we get there plane seems to be very happy no problems at all so we're probably gonna have some turbulence as we're coming over these mountains here so I'll get the seatbelt sign on looking to pass Trixie at or below 14 000 I'm going to slow down to 270 knots just want to verify that's what the plane is going to do so we have here 14 000 at or below and it looks like that's exactly what we're headed towards right now so we're already below that speed gate so we shouldn't have to worry about our speed at all so most importantly we'll look in our descent on the Glide slope this is an R nav so we're not going to have a ILS and uh go ahead and get that descent in there so I want to know when repo is I'll put that in the uh progress page so we got 40 miles of the crow flies probably a few more on track miles Delta 722 contact Circle approach 125.15 take care SoCal approach 125.25 for Delta 722 good day Approach at 25 15. SoCal approach 2515. SoCal approach good day just Delta 722 descending by a lucky one fourteen thousand Delta 722 San Diego International Airport altimeter two nine or nine or six expect the rnav 27 Zulu I expect the rnab27 Zulu San Diego altimeter 2909 or 6 for Delta 722 so I think we got the Yankee in there yeah let's go ahead and switch over to the Zulu load up the Zulu on the charts all right there we go so we're gonna head down to Lindy 5000 repo is still the same uh at 2 000. so I'll switch us down to five thousand I want to hit our approach mode somewhere around here around lucky choppy today driving past ten thousand let's get our Landing lights on go and ping the cabin let them know we're about to land Southwest 2008 contact Oakland Center 125.75 have a good flight and that was our radio degradation I'm glad we finally got to hear it so because of the atmospheric conditions all the clouds right now the mountains all around he was distorted so that's why he sounded like that I think it's so so cool um it really is dynamic so we're detecting the terrain the atmospheric conditions and the distance and we're determining their radio degradation based on that so I'm really glad we got to hear that in this video all right coming up unlucky I'll go ahead and get the approach mode go in get down to Green Dot speed we can start getting those flaps out so I like to be fully configured by Lindy looks like we got a couple minutes left so I'll go ahead and get the first flaps out check flaps one 16 miles to repo so we'll go ahead and hit track FPA right before that time a little bit of a Tailwind here our nav27 Zulu approach clear direct Lindy cross Lindy at or above 5000 cleared our nav 2-7 Zulu approach for Delta 722 all right we'll do direct Lindy we got his guard getting configured now speed check flaps two there's a hill that we're trying to avoid that's the one that we have to get in that 3.5 Glide slope to get down in time that's what makes the approach a little tricky and speed check flaps three got terrain on ND to look out for the mountains here all right there's our Reba we want to get down to 2 000 pretty much right now we'll go flaps full and we'll go ahead and get ready for her to send track FPA we're gonna put out at negative 3.5 so we'll hold that look for repo at zero six miles remaining then we'll go ahead and hit that descent path that should get us right on the Glide path Delta 722 contact Lindberg Tower 118.3 hummingbird tower 118.3 for Delta 722 good day two thousand five hundred Lindbergh Tower Delta 722 Arnav Zulu two seven Delta 722 Lindbergh Tower Runway 2-7 continue Runway two seven continue all right there's our 2 000 foot base we're gonna go ahead and pull that at zero get the right hand turn everything's configured we'll fully config let's get these spoilers get our lights signs are on and gear is coming down [Music] 1.5 to Revo seven six time for three Delta 722 Runway two seven weaned one three zero and zero five cleared to land Runway two seven clear to land Delta 722 all right we're visual with the runway 900 feet per minute or keep checking against the uh Glide path angles here figured at 1000 coming up right now minimums at 700. I believe got two whites to red on the poppies 500 I'm gonna take it manual all right we got to keep that 900 we don't want to overshoot 300. we can't go down too fast either a little bit high on the approach get it down two more all right looking good yep yep yep 200. 100 50. 20 10. and reverse is out versus spoiler screen 70 knots manual braking foreign Delta 722 contact ground 123.9er contact round one two three point Niner for Delta 722 good day San Diego ground Delta 722 clearly active request taxi to the gate Delta 722 welcome to San Diego International Airport gate 8-4 taxi via Bravo okay eight four taxi via Bravo Delta 722 Southwest 4-4 request pushback and engine start Southwest 4-4 push back an engine starter Southwest 4-4 request taxi to zero Niner Southwest 4-4 taxi to zero Niner via alpha bravo 1-0 9er via alpha bravo 10 Southwest 4-4 Southwest 4-4 request taxi to Runway zero Niner Niner via alpha bravo 1-0 taxi to zero Niner via alpha bravo 1-0 Southwest 4-4 wait for the drop and one Beacon off fuel pumps off and there we go another successful flight I really hope you enjoyed that uh so again that was using the premium voices which we're very happy to provide um if you don't want to use the premium voices you can use the standard voices um there's lots of different options for how you can use Beyond ATC we'll be launching more information about our pricing model very very soon and that will include how everything will work with the different quality voices uh how much time you get with each one and everything like that if you want more information you can check out the over Overkill interview I'll link that in the description that talks about everything about the program if you want to hear everything about how this thing works uh questions about Xbox VFR any of those things so before you post any questions about is this going to work for VR or Xbox or anything like that go check out the overkill interview again Link in the description and uh thank you so much for coming with us that was a great flight and I hope you really enjoyed that and until next time we'll talk to you then take care zero Niner hold position [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BeyondATC
Views: 50,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QHluE8R1wyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 22sec (3682 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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