FLYING TO THE EDGE OF SPACE - Darkstar Jet Top Gun Maverick Gameplay

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what's guys and welcome back to some more of the top gun maverick dlc here in microsoft flight simulator i have been looking forward to this episode for so long man we are going to be flying the dark star today so this is a an experimental plane from the movie it's not a real plane it's obviously you know kind of modeled after the uh the famous notorious just insane sr-71 blackbird and it is a hypersonic plane it can get up to mach 10 which is about 7 600 miles per hour and we are going to be able to take this thing from coast to coast in just 30 minutes so are you ready to go faster and higher than ever before this hypersonic transcontinental flight is a challenge test challenging test of endurance when flying at such a high speed and altitude every input maneuver can have major impacts on your flight parameters and fuel level only the bravest and best pilots can keep control all the way to the stratosphere so we're going to take off the full afterburner 30 000 feet nose over and accelerate we're going to take a look at this inside the plane let's let's get after it dude this is going to be one of the craziest flights of all time there she is the dark star an experimental jet up to mach 10 that's 10 times the speed of sounds can you do 10 10.4 is that where it goes something like that here we go i'm i'm excited man this this is gonna be truly truly incredible so let's just take a look around this beast kind of a pretty normal looking seat in here but look at all the i mean honestly all the buttons and switches look pretty normal too uh i believe in our gear where's our engine reset generator oh there it is the scramjets are gonna be something that we're definitely gonna wanna be hitting here i believe we need to to use the fuel cell eventually we're gonna activate that and um that's that's pretty much all we need to know now if we click here we can see this is gonna be our max mock profile so we're gonna have to go up here 30 000 feet is going to be our supersonic transition so that's we're gonna break the sound barrier and get past mach one so we're gonna go down here we're gonna get to 1.5 and then that's when we're going to level out and pull up we're looking to hit mach 3 and 4 go up into the stratosphere and eventually hit mach 9 or more so we're really going to want to pay attention to all of our gauges and things here i'm going to set us up so this this is going to be really important this is our heading obviously as we're going 7 000 miles an hour and we can't really see the ground it's going to be important to make sure we stay on this this pink line right here we also uh this this is our mach number up here we're going to be trying to get this to mach 9 or mach 10 and then i think i think i think we're good so i'm going to set this up so we can kind of see out the windows but we can also see everything else something like that'll probably be pretty good so here we go let's release our parking brake by pressing a we're gonna push our throttle to mill we're gonna start taking off here baby here we go we're gonna stay on the center line move this thing a little bit all right light the afterburners they're coming online we're gonna reach 180 knots we're there and we are taking off all right we're gonna get back inside we're not gonna be able to see much here so let's adjust our heading i'll gear up by pressing b maintain a 10 degree pitch and adjust our heading all right here we go lifting off into the clouds let me zoom in on this a little bit all right we want to reach mach 9. mach 9 is the goal baby maintain this dude this is crazy we're we're looking to be aimed up a little bit we can get that down to 10 degrees we're at nine all right well i'm not i'm not sure take off an initial climb do you want me to go up how how up do you want me to go i forget what it was what is it uh i think we're just going to 30 000 feet i think 30 000 is is the goal oh 20 degree pitch we're gonna get this down to a 20 degree pitch easy enough oh shoot we were supposed to be at mach 9. so we we lost our speed because we were aimed up to okay we got to restart it didn't tell me it just said climb how do i know what the climb is and we want to gradually pitch up to maintain so we're we're very we're going to keep it nice and level and we are very gradually going to start moving up to a 20 degree pitch we might even be going too too fast there let's make sure we keep point nine we're 0.95 dude this is so insane all right we're at a 20 degree pitch just keep it right there straight on the heading everything's nice and level just a little too much i'm gonna get it back down to the 20 degree mark down a little bit but 0.92 the thing is you just got to keep it you got to keep it all perfect so we're at 20 degrees we're on our heading hopefully mach 9 stays here and we are flying this piece baby let's go all right so we we oh shoot okay we've got to get this thing up to about like 30 what was it 30 something thousand is is kind of where it resets or we we do our our maneuver we want to keep this thing as fast as possible here it's angled down a little bit any sudden movements really slow it down and we need as much speed as possible here we go about approach 30 all right just make sure everything stays on the straight and narrow trail we're gonna go to do this invert 186 shoot we're okay we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine 184 let me do the invert sir all right supersonic transition roll inverted so we are going to roll this bad boy on around just stay on your your things here trev gotta turn it back okay maintain a one g pull down and gradually pitch down [Music] we're gonna turn it back gradually pitch down to negative 20. okay unloaded roll to upright we just broke the sound barrier we're at mach 1 okay we need to turn back maintain a 1.2 g pull up and pitch up to 10 degrees so we're about a 1.3 here we're good we want to be turning the entire time to get back on our gps coordinates oh we're coming in a little hot here we're okay just keep keep as much speed as possible all right we should be back on our our thing pitch up to 10. we're at about zero almost to zero a little a little strong on our g pull up but we're okay we're at mach one five gradually pitch up to ten one five seven one five eight just keep it gradual turn a little bit to the right gradual is the name of the game because we're going to keep our speed 165 166 get up to ten looks like our heading is on course and we are at ten one seven three okay keep it here reach mach three so we just need we want to keep this at 10 we need this mach number to go up this looks pretty good we could turn it to the right a little bit to be honest turning is is going to bleed speed though i'll turn it just a little bit dude this is insane 192.193 let's go we should be able to get faster as we get up into higher altitudes 205 206. the air gets thinner we're going to be able to burn through that baby 214 dude this is so we're going so fast right now mach 2 220 just keep her at 10. keep her level no sudden movements we're gonna have to pitch up just a little bit just a little bit two three five two three six little pitch and a little turn two four five then we're gonna do it oh my goodness if you don't get this precise you aren't it's it's it's not gonna happen you know what i mean but it it looks like we might have it we might have it this time maybe keeper level we're at a 285 heading looks good we're almost at mach 3. there it is buck three baby let's go three oh my goodness super sonic transition what are we doing activate the bottom beacon switch in the cockpit bottom beacon is on we're still gaining we're still gaining we're good um we need to turn a little bit to the right activate the top beacon and the switch port okay top beacon both beacons are on we're beaconing we are good to go three two eight three two nine activate the fuel cell switch so we're gonna activate that activate the scramjet oh my goodness dude there it is wait for the scramjets to reach full power what the fudge dude this is so insane what is happening that's the moon maintain a 10 degree pitch and reach mach 9 gradually pitch down to stabilize above 20 000 feet okay we're mach 4 oh my goodness dude that is the moon over there so we're pitching down we're pitching down we're pitching down i guess we're gonna be able to go straight at 120 000 feet we're just gonna exit our earth's atmosphere [Music] we're at about 110 now i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it here just make sure our mock continues to go up oh my god the moon is out of our window this is insane as long as the mock is still going up we're good here we go let me get this [Music] pitching down pitching down look at our heat shields oh my god bro look at this what about that's mach 9 that is mach 9 and we're at 120 000 feet we want to stabilize okay maintain straight and level flight we are way off of our flight path we're gonna try to turn this thing to the right bro what reach cape canaveral maintain twenty thousand feet all right we are way too high we are way too high okay we gotta we gotta bring this thing down a little bit we're gonna bring this thing down we gotta get her back on track oh my goodness this is absolute insanity i got a little bit too excited there i wasn't paid attention to our gps heading or anything else let's just make sure we stay mach 8 here please we are up here amongst the stars gps heading looks pretty good 120 000 feet we want to level this thing out okay all right i think i think we're in a decent spot we need to turn it right a little bit more oh my god no no no we want to turn right turn right please right there it is we're staying at mach 877 all right we we are we are dead on here we're at 126.4 [Music] 8.86 mach 8.86 dude what is happening we're gaining a little bit of altitude i'm going to bring us down i should be working my trim tap dude the gps heading changes so quick because we're moving so fast i should be trimming up and down to be able to be able to maintain our altitude but we're going to be fine all right everything's online dude mach 8.94 i'm not sure where we maxed out at but this this is incredible this is nothing this is nothing short of incredible look at this man oh my goodness losing a little bit of altitude but that's okay holy cow how close are we to cape canaveral let me make sure we're on our heading gotta turn left a little bit we can zoom in with our spy camera i think oh my dude that is insane okay we're getting a little off course [Music] a little off course gonna turn back towards the gps at mach 8.94 up here with the moon with the moon dude how we looking on altitude altitude we're losing out to we want to pull up a little bit i'm trying to figure out where we are based on our spy camera here we're going over some sort of a mountain range it looks like i mean we're just mach 902 we'll take it i mean this this is just incredible [Music] we we are essentially an astronaut right now we are on the the cusp of being an astronaut this is this is unbelievable bro unbelievable look at this i am absol i've never been more in love with an update all right we got to keep managing though let's let's not get comfortable dude you you don't pay attention for 30 seconds and you're you're you know couple hundred miles off course gotta make sure we make it to cape canaveral dude if i mess up this landing i'm absolutely going to cry i'm not really sure at what point we start thinking about uh pulling this bird down but i'm hoping it's gonna tell us some time our gauges got a little off here i'm trying to i'm trying to keep this at 120k and keep our heading we're turning a little bit trying to keep our mock get us back up to 120k oh this is insanity this is so this i hope this is as cool for you guys to watch as this is for me this is this is truly amazing all right looks like we're back on course gonna level this thing out getting a little bit too much altitude so we want to go back down and we're pretty much just gonna do this for the next few minutes until we a few minutes until we get to florida that is so ridiculous 30 minute flight can you imagine flying from like orlando to la in 30 minutes that's just outrageous oh we're over farm fields must be the midwest you can see crop circles and things you know the aliens down there that we're flying over the midwest right now we're almost there we've got to be close i wish we could see like a world map can i um i don't know how to bring up it says display map is v but i don't think i don't i'm pressing v and i'm not seeing anything okay let's let's make sure we stay stay online here did we we're going mach 9 right now going to maintain our heading we've got to lose a little bit of altitude i see a lot more green happening on our our look down camera so must be getting down towards the southeast i i'm not sure i'm not sure how to turn on our map but we're just gonna have to we're just gonna have to work in it i mean we're going 7000 miles an hour like 6 000 something we might want to think about putting our seatbelt on but i guess i guess not just want to angle down a little bit start bleeding off a little bit of altitude would be a good thing there it is 120 000 feet see if we level this thing out i would like to get it to a point where it's just kind of doing its its thing oh is this is this a map down here b-i-s-n-e [Music] that must be an airport i'm gonna look it up b-i-s-n-e nope it's not an airport okay um well we just have no clue where we are and that's that's perfectly perfectly a-okay that's to be expected in a flight with uh with t martin airlines so we're just i mean can we figure it out from here it's definitely farmland whatever it is definitely farmland we're up to mach 953 okay i see you we're climbing getting back up to 120k we're gonna try to level this thing out let's just get that uh indicator right level with the horizon dude we almost paused on 20k okay i'm seeing a lot more water on the map down here that's a good sign that's a good sign there's lots of water in florida that's for sure [Music] looking like we're getting off our gps a little bit we're keeping good altitude though it likes that 120k feet zi what is z-i-m-t-i are these like location spots that it's it's looking for us like it you know checkpoints those might be checkpoints it's trying to get us to go to that looks like possibly ocean over there might be over texas or something like that louisiana i have no idea i love how this thing's just chilling dude like it it is so peaceful up here let's see if we can see anything you know we've got this heat shield protecting us from the atmosphere that we're cutting through but it's it's just silent up here man just us in the moon holy cow all right let me get back inside here level this thing out looks like we might want to go down just a little bit keeping our gps heading maintaining our 20 000 feet we'll be there shortly ladies and gentlemen is this the mississippi this looks like it could be the mississippi right here we're about to fly over here in a second so we'll find out this is this is so insane just to think about everything that we're flying over right now is insane to me it's let me here let's go outside i feel like oop what happened are we losing speed or something no we're good that might be the mississippi i think we're doing the cut the cut over like texas or something right now is that is that the river oh oop that's gotta be the mississippi right there so if that's the case i wish we could turn this we gotta turn to the right a little bit if that's the case then all this we're seeing over here off to our right that's gonna be like louisiana and stuff so we would have passed over texas louisiana we're going to come into florida is going to be over over yonder let's make sure we maintain our altitude and our heading and everything it looks like we're looking pretty good but we should be coming up on the panhandle here pretty soon and we'll see this water kind of cut over to the right we'll see the the [Music] shape of florida i also could be totally wrong so don't pay any attention to me but i think i think we're okay we need to gain a little altitude lost a little bit too much oh shoot dude we're mach 969 huh nine seven okay let's let's get this thing back up to 120 please if we go too fast too low it's gonna explode the plane yeah dude this is definitely florida we're getting ready to go over the ocean oh we're gonna end up going too high shoot i think this is this is the panhandle yeah this is like um [Music] 180 uh one one ada whatever the heck it's called it's it's kind of like up by destin and stuff super nice beaches over here oh my goodness dude this is so insane okay um let's let's stay at a oh we're up at 130 000. we're looking too much at what's going on around us so we got to make sure we we keep everything on the up and up here trev let me zoom this thing out so we can see a little bit more going to get down to 120k feet and readjust our heading it is crazy how much our altitude changes and how quickly it does say goodbye to the moon the moon's been moving further up in the sky which is kind of crazy make sure we level out here a little we all i feel like we almost could have failed that right there i i think we got we got a little too confident a little too cocky there's our 120k our heading looks pretty good and there is the the main part of florida baby gonna be flying right over orlando there's 120k we'll level it out we fly right across the state and then we should uh should be able to land in canaveral i'm a little bit worried about sewing this thing down enough i don't know how you come down from mach 9 appropriately is there like a save option because i feel like this could go very bad very soon but uh we're just we're gonna make sure we pay attention to the things up in the top right oh my goodness dude this is so crazy flying over the atlantic say goodbye to the panhandle or not not the atlantic sorry this would be the gulf of mexico here we go make sure we pay attention we're keeping it right at 11 800. we have reached cape canaveral not really yet we're on the other side of the state but we're going to do it maintain a negative 3g push gradually pitch down [Music] to negative 10. oh i'm nervous we're way over our 3g push but we need to get there man in time oh my god we are moving so freaking fast bro this is this is outrageous mach 985 reduce throttle to idle hold the stick at full aft i don't know what that means i don't know what full aft means reduced to mach 5 holy cow stay above 80 000 feet hard deck oh hold it full aft full aft is back we've reduced to mach 5 we are not above 80 000 feet though maintain a negative 10 degree pitch descend to 50 000 feet holy cow bro the music and everything this is ridiculous cape canaveral is 80 nautical miles away we're going to get down to down to 50 000 feet in a freaking quick fast hurry keep it at negative 10. good thing is we're landing where the shuttle lands i believe so we should have plenty of runway to work with 60 nautical miles holy cow dude i'm nervous keep it at negative 10 trev keep it at negative 10. we're at mach 3 okay set turbines to 80 percent power do you want me to turn off the scramjet i don't know how to i don't know how to do the the 80 you want to tell me no i feel like maybe turn off the scramjet no we're good let's turn off the scramjet switch in the cockpit let me put that down looks good we're gonna stay pitched down to negative ten we're descending to ten thousand feet bro there's no way oh my god this is incredible we just broke the sound barrier i believe oh nope not yet we're down to 20 000 feet we're staying at negative 10 36 nautical miles get down to 10 000 feet keep her nice and level here trev i haven't been paying attention to our heading at all [Music] we're 15 000 feet this is i just i i have no words dude have no words for what we we just did we're under mach 1 just came back into the sound barrier we're at negative 10 degrees down to ten thousand feet return to base reach waypoint hoedub okay so this is where it gets a little bit interesting ladies and gentlemen we want to get down to 3000 feet and we are going to want to go land at hodub i'm hoping we can kind of see on our our instruments here i'm pretty sure it i mean it's got to run you know are horizontal horizontal to the the the coast it's got to run horizontal to the coast find about mach 0.8 so this is this is just normal jet speed i think we're good i think we made it i think we can we can confidently say that we're good to go but just want to make sure we line ourselves up and and do this right where's our our fuels at 35 percent dude we just took off from california we're in florida just a few minutes later all right we're going to get down to 3000 feet though let's not not take too long to get there about 18 nautical miles away [Music] oh my goodness dude down to 4 000 feet keep a nice easy descent to 3 000 start to level out a little bit and like i said i think we're going to want to kind of swerve a little bit 3000 feet so hodub is a waypoint gotcha hodub is a waypoint we want to be at 3000 feet when we hit hodub that's what we were seeing and i thought they were airports but no we're good bringing iran around this way baby look at this imagine all the people driving their cars down there just no clue what's happening up above their heads i'm gonna try to line this guy up make sure we where's our air speed 471 should be okay going to hold up going to keep it around three thousand flying over the inner coastal here gonna level off at 3 000. try to anyway there it is and we are in route to hold up baby waypoint giggle and descend to 18 000 feet all right [Music] giggles off to the left here oh is that our runway is that our runway right there it's oh it's not i thought it was going to be parallel to the uh the coast but i guess it's not here we go we want to get down to 1800 feet that waypoint giggle oh my goodness dude do not mess this up sir don't get down too fast there bud we might not be landing on the big one that the shuttle lands on i'm honestly not 100 sure how it all works but [Music] runway 13. oh no runway 13 reduce speed to 200 knots and throttle to idle shoot okay 200 knots aligned with the runway oh my god extend the lane of gear that's beat gear out [Music] reduce the speed to 200 knots baby 200 knots we don't okay just idle [Music] oh my goodness trev don't mess this up you got a long stretch of runway here you're good you're good there boss you're good i'm gonna go ahead and take this outside because i don't go too slow keep it around 200 establish the glide path bro i'm just i'm just setting the bird down i don't care what we do i'm just setting the bird down we got a long runway i'm gonna use all of it [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna use all of it ease off the throttle a bit there we go coming in a little off center but we're okay [Music] i don't want to fall to the [Music] sky that might have been the smoothest landing i have ever had in this game dude what that was like a paper airplane just coming to a soft landing in a patch of grass baby it has been a pleasure to serve you what's our what's our thing going to be on that 3124 okay i thought we were gonna get some sort of a full grade dude that was so much fun i know hopefully it's interesting enough here on the video because a lot of it's just watching numbers going up and down and making small adjustments but that was crazy thank you guys so much for watching i'm going to see you guys in the next one so we are going to take on the uh the the low altitude challenges we've got five of these through some canyons and lakes and stuff so hope you guys are excited for that drop a like if you guys enjoyed if you guys want to see part three we can uh iron out the rest of this dlc so i'll see you guys there peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 2,573,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator, microsoft flight sim, ms flight sim, flight simulator, flight sim, gameplay, game play, top gun, top gun maverick, top gun dlc, microsoft flight simulator top gun, ms flight sim top gun, flight sim top gun, F18, F-18, F/A-18, aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier landing
Id: SCVEoOr5qfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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