**NEW CODEX!!** Tyranids vs Astra Militarum | 3,000 POINTS Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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foreign welcome back to tabletop tactics in today's battle we're using the brand new tune its codex with an endless swarm of chitinus bugs Fielding over 3 000 points of tyranids that might of the Imperial Guard must defend against this planetary Invasion as the hive mine throws its swarms against their armored columns and bristling ranks can the guards array of lazarifles and battle cannons keep the voracious horde at Bay long enough to escape or will the Limitless hunger of the hive mind seat itself on the Flesh of the Guard let's hand over to our players go through their lists [Music] [Music] this is your warning headphone users bringing every single tyranid model that we have in the brand new high flute murdered scheme it's about a little over 3000 points it's very exciting and we want to see a massive thank you for the Games Workshop to sending us this copy for review purposes it is made my buggy heart very very happy I will be running the unending swarm today because that is the aim of the game to be able to get across the table and Destroy every single Guardsman none shelf None Shall Escape alive it is being led up today by a flying Hive Tyrant of course because he loves flying around swooping amongst the battlefield commanding all as he goes there is a lot in this list so we're just going to try and rattle through it as best as I can I do also have a hive Tyrant on foot he is leading up six Tyrant guard is his chunky bodyguard as they go I have a winged tyranid Prime he has been upgraded with the Relentless hunger so he gets to go a little bit faster because there's some nice snacks inside those tin cans and he is leading up a squad of six Warriors we do have the beautiful new death leaper who will be stalking the battlefield he will be aiming to sink his claws into some characters along with the new neurolicta model as well so we've got a couple of new showings from the brand new units it's very exciting we do also the third and final of the newbies the non necessary I do just want to take a moment for you all to enjoy the gorgeous gorgeous work that Fletcher has done on this model he is a beast he will be challenging something rather large today in hopes to bring it down now we'll move on to the larger beasts in the list I have an exocrine and a Tyrann effects for my Siege beasts I have old One Eye leading a second carnifex I do have the psychophages here Morris the maliceepta are able to put out some psychic might and then the screamer killer brings it to technically the third of the carnifexes and for the smaller bugs wanted to bring a little bit of a Vanguard so I do have three Von Ryan's leapers I have the psycho no neurotyrant leading a squad of neuro gaunts I have 20 tamagots that will be flanking their mother tervergon 30 gargoyles five Barb gaunts I think that's everything it's over 3 000 points I'm just excited to get all these on the table and to destroy some Guardsmen but first let's let's just have a little take a second to have a look at what will become my snacks every tyranid we own you say 3 000 points you say I say no the Albion Raptors are here and they will destroy you um to that end I've brought lots and lots and lots of Guardsmen and tanks and all the good things that the um toolkit of the Imperial Guard do have to offer essentially our mission today is to ensure that Colonel Crow escapes this Dying World to that end I have multiple chimeras and they do have Guardsmen inside the chimeras will be looking after the officers so crow and a unit of 10 guys are in one and a Commerce are platoon command and that kind of stuff in the other and then have two units of Scions they are special forces they are there to ensure those chimeras get to the Valkyries and are escorted off world so each Tower Oaks I will have 10 man units of Scions I then have two 20 man units of Guardsmen they're just there to flee they've escaped from the dying city they're pulling away from the tyranids and they'll probably just provide some sort of nice snack for the oncoming tsunami of deadly beasts I then have three hell hounds um I guess maybe they'll try and barbecue as many as possible on the way in they're really great I love the hellhound so they will be holding that line and cooking whatever comes out of this dead City I do have two Lehman rust battle tanks they've just got the heavy bolters and the battle cannons El Clasico if you will I do have six bullgrim I imagine it's very hard to tell these creatures to ever fall back so imagine they're gonna run into the fiery infernos and into the poisonous Mist coming off the tyranids and and and headbutt them to death that's the plan anyway I then have 10 Rough Riders kind of hoping for a death charge last last charge of the old um death Brigade so we'll see how that goes and then to round out the list have the mighty the infamous Beyblade I've been wanting to run this fall Edition so far and finally the time has come it's going to be a beautiful thing it's equipped with all the guns all of them yeah even check behind you yours is gone it's on the tank all the guns possible are on this Beyblade it's it's gonna be like thunderchild in the War of the Worlds it's just gonna go out into the sea against the unending tides and sacrifice itself to ensure that Colonel Crow will make it to the Labyrinth pattern pip today's mission is a modified routed prey from the Warhammer 40 000 rulebook the goal of the astrum militarum is to hold the continuous horde at Bay long enough to fall back to their fortified defense line at the end of the battle the astrum militarum had the combined Point Circle of units from their army wholly within the Escape Zone and score points for their survival or destruction in this Mission the following additional rules also apply the tyranid's unending wave stratium costs zero CP and the astrum militarum cannot use the reinforcement stratagem the Astra militarum have the first turn and can use the mission rule covering fire to shoot and return in which a unit fell back the entire tyranid's Army Begins the game set up in reserves and then swarm the battlefield from the first turn moving wholly within six inches of their Battlefield Edge units with the Deep strike ability may do so from turn two as normal more information on the core Mission rules can be found in the Warhammer 40 000 rulebook let's get to the battlefield and let the Carnage begin [Laughter] here we you go now wow this is very exciting this is very exciting I have nothing on the board currently nothing absolutely nothing waiting in the wings I have everything on the board I'm all in I can also hear the quaking of the boots of all these Guardsmen prepared for their Doom um so this is the danger zone I can't enter it but you will come through it I imagine there's like Spore mines and a hideous yeah I've essentially did uh this part of the city it is toxic it's dead it's just dead it's gone we're falling back we have to get Crow off world ASAP so he can warn the rest of the fleet that the tyrannies are here you've already like you're consuming the biomass the trees are dying this is the dead world and we must stop that from the sky yeah it's gone it's all gone um yeah it's all very exciting there's a couple things to note um if you haven't already listened to the mission intro there's some great information there but I can't use the reinforcement strategy this is all that is left with the Imperial Guard there is no there are no rainbow there are no reinforcements no reinforcements are coming and equally so my unending way is new normally two command points we have changed it to my um um just because there's an unending swarm of death heading towards us you have no reinforcements but I have on anything as I consume yeah and that seems fair because I'm going to barbecue lots of them so and be prepared for that respectable also to note right now available on demand is a faction Focus all about dedicated to this lovely lovely book we go through all of the new detachments units all the different changes it's very exciting so yeah so definitely check it out if you haven't already there's also there's a podcast on Monday there's another game on Tuesday using your own tyranny yep my own Leviathan painted hearing as we are reenacting with devastation of vile there's a painting tutorial on Wednesday it's essentially shark week but with tyranids it's during the Shark Week so get on board join us on demand gonna be great right I guess dark week yeah talk quick enjoy hashtag talk quick um right without further Ado I guess let's start this Mighty battle I will be going first and I need to try and get as far away from Death as possible you can try [Music] Colonel crows personal transports leads the charge away from the enemy he's not a coward he's a prime tactician the Scion escort for the commanders follows suit to ensure they are protected joining the advance away major Teague moves forward as does his Scion escort this unit with a three on their Advance is very keen to escape the battlefield and is falling back through the ranks of Rough Riders unfortunately for these guys they're older one on their advance so their death is somewhat assured preparing for a future counter charge the Rough Riders form up behind the armored Fortress that is the Beyblade the Beyblade knows its Duty and blocks the road with its mighty tea stature the Russ move back to form according with their Mighty Beyblade and the bullgrin always ready for a scrap have ignored all the orders to fall back and are ready to kick and headbutt and smash and all the things they love to do most that is my turn Okay The Cordon the the wall of Steel has been set that's what I'm referring to as um uh protect the important assets yeah exactly this is this is all a protect Colonel Chrome that's all I care about now it's all I care about in the league it's actually we're actually playing Capture the Flag but the flag is uh it's crazy swoop down and eat them um but yes I feel like um this guy has taken charge of the line and he's like you go you go guys you can't you can't put a Beyblade in a valkyrie essentially my own portrait yeah so I'll hold them back they are very very brave tank commanders in there um and they will hold this line at all costs [Music] thank you swarming onto the battlefield the winged Prime and his Warrior friends have been given a Target by The Hive tyrant and the turvogon is ready to reinforce with some tema gaunts she'll be aiming to keep alive throughout the battle aiming to disrupt some of the Guardsmen from being able to escape the barbance and to the battlefield to deal with the tanks The Siege beasts enter the battle emerging from the smoke there were one Ryan sleepers here the entire time oh joining this Vanguard Wing is the neuroelecta and the death leaper at the back commanding them look at it and in preparation to release a horrible neuro scream with the shadow in the warp the neurotorrent and neurogaunts emerge and in order to protect this first horde The Hive Tyrant orders the psychophage to move forward to protect an opening Salvo for the tyranids so it ruptured cannon into Beyblade the non-emissary is on its way we've been given the order to soften you up in advance I can so imagine they can see like just this hulking figure in the Mist they don't even know what it is yet it's like um I hear twice toughness I am toughness 13. so be threes to wingy what is four okay I need sixes okay I saved one but one does go through four damage four damage either quickly chipping just a little bit and then the Stinger salvos into the ball ground the toughness of a wolverine these days they are uh tough as six oh 75 I've been in the gym a lot to be first then I'm insane two wounds no AP on the ball run um I believe I do save both of those absolutely okay reacting them yeah for the main event it's not just big guns we've got little guns too and every single little gun also happens to fire a bug that's going to get into your lines and throw you from within I have 28 shots from the Bible once going into yours they're 29 units yeah oh oh hello it's forced to hit you on just re-roll one of these okay okay this is not bad it's looking good it's gonna be threes to wingy yes indeed freeze James I am I'm about to slowly guard infantry man I'm toughness three you might be safe might that is three six seven wounds seven wounds yep oh oh six dead Guardsmen six dead Guardsmen that are wrapped with balls from within their armor off like their friends are shooting them oh that's horrible we're going for a nice little spread of attacks here a little psychic shriek from the neurotyrant it's quite easy to confuse ball grin so let's hope I can pop yeah 10 attacks there's three wounds which isn't bad for hitting on for winning on threes nice AP one AP one AP one so they take one damage each or is it two damage two damage two damage yes they take one damage each or actually one is alive but there's a lot of blood coming out of his nose it's very cool I've got so much more to shoot it yeah oh no what is happening Warriors now yep gonna attempt to take advantages that I've done um the death spitters first I also enjoy the fact that um because the minus one damage it's like it's called wall of muscle so it's like this is so much muscle around their brain it protects them from psychic attacks that's full sustained four sustains sustained and your toughness is six six five to wound here now six six on your face hey yep who do go through okay do you wanna pains but let's go through yeah it's very confused how many wins have three I did two wounds last turn yes so one should be down to one wound I'll try Okay one of these dead and then he's counting the wrong way Jim I'm doing a sigma and I've got four shots with the Venom cannons oh oh yes one sustained oh sustained in the middle cannons three all right respectable three wins there don't mean to unlock you uh I saved one but two go through okay so it's another two damage let's damage one each before it will be so damaged two normally oh they're confused and bamboozled quite possibly our friends the timer goes they've already been boosted by by Mama turbo gone giving them lethal hits I'm now going to spend a command point on swarming masses so it gives them sustained hits one because there's more than 15 in the Unix it's a 20 man unit it goes off in fives oh so it's like a tidal wave of bugs coming at you oh it's such a horrible way to go okay it's like the scarabs in the um the mummy don't talk to me about that that genuinely traumatized me as a child I had nightmares about it for weeks in your skin that is three sustained no because it's going off on five five oh that's a lot of sustain oh come on come on hang on one's just one second does your lethals go off in five as well an unmodified five counts as a critical hit so it also causes my lethals to be fine so that's six liters and then you get your sustainables and then sustained one two three four five six so I'll pull these out because these are already wounded now these will be fives and sixes to win you nine damage oh okay they've done quite well they're the old Pilgrim to go through do they shrug any one shrugs but I think no it just wounds one okay he's still alive there's still it's a very cool just wait until I get into Guardsman I don't know I've softened up the ball grin now enough that the Warriors are satisfied yeah rip them apart to obtain their biomass to create more of myself mama tavagon having seen very proud of her how much her little bugs did which is great one wound but it's all that was needed is then going to go over the main blade with her Stinger Salvo shooting up her back shooting into the Guardsman nice just an attempt to whittle you away James whittling I'm gonna Whittle you away oh this isn't it you are being whittled there's four four on your guardsman no IP here um well they saved one three hustling three more dead that's it with a piss patter it's just the exocrine left to shoot final bit of Firepower now we have one plan one goal and that is to take down Crow can't quite get to Crow yet no we want to demoralize them first it has to be in combat a beautiful Mustache Boy we're gonna send him a message the exocrine has got nine shots into your Tower rocks he will have no bodyguard yep it's four wings four wings not to kill you does he explode oh there we go oh it winked it was inside oh it sounds inside huh no two four six seven we have unleashed the Glorious innards from the tin can oh you die single charge to make The Hive torrent still preparing for the non-missouri to enter the battlefield has ordered the Warriors to eliminate the screen of the blame Lane babe very hard to say into the ball grin from the Warriors David Blaine bade that's so so eagle with an 11. they've come to eat my soul oh oh yep yep yep yep managed to make it in not only that with piling in over managed to tag both of them and the Bane blade oh I think that does mean one of my sizing talents is gonna have to probably off the uh the Beyblade itself snaps his talent the rest of it however is going to attempt to finally strip away those ball grounds yeah to start the wing Prime heading onto's he hasn't been sniper rifled yet I think you're all of the times because of sustained forced to whingy that is three three weeks on your program damage each it's not not Shrugged not sure are you counting up or down James he's dead okay the rest of them all these will be wounding on fives because they're not so strong quite understandably and this is sustained strange threes sustained oh okay oh that's quite a that is a few straight quite a bit that's oh one two three four five six seven two three four five six seven I miss you once because of the sustainable oh no wait there was another Miss in there ignore me twice yeah I miss you twice five's still wound okay all mad okay okay see a few sixes in here this is nice do appreciate it okay two four six eight eight orders not gone so well for the old bullgrin should I say three that is three four five damage oh I shrunk two but another one completely is slain and then into the Beyblade I could go into the rust but this is just more fun blade see quite a large Target to be fair no wins no it's quite understandable he's just kind of scraped against the outside nice little Mark on it so yeah Terry Terry was here the bulgar now will the world no other way finally you're an ed boy right they're incredibly Keen they also have there's no sustained um they do wound you a number of times though they wound you three four five times minus one AP two damage what's happening um seven oh yeah five UPS five times yes so that is slain it's a mighty headbutt from the bull grin The Mighty armored tracks of the Lima Rasta no joke and between the two of them they didn't manage to finish off one of the Warriors um but now I'm going to fight this way out of combat yeah just run them down um I am now going to um steamroll you with um the Beyblade the mighty mighty Beyblade Mrs you substantial toughness five he's a bit busy he's distracted his beautiful hollers being whole Carl is being defaced oh man he's come on you're a Beyblade I will shoot you with my guns now okay I've done some damage I've done some disrupting you're here I've killed a towerox I've damaged some of your Guardsmen hopefully wounding their morale um these guys are now minus two to their move charge an advanced rocks so it's going to be harder for them to get in your safe Zone and I've created a nice little Cordon with my Warriors serious bit of damage yeah they're like a little biomass Shields um which is fine this was as expected yes I've got I've got a lot to deal with I won't know what let's go into my head now so I was like there's still like oh yeah this is a couple of thousand points to come on [Music] with mit4 in the advance obviously I can just ignore this barrier but it's Crow he smashes it down Crow is under the Gantry ready for pickup retreating to protect their Master the Scions move behind this barricade using the fancy new road to perform an excellent J Term the tarox is in the Fortress this transport with major Teague moves up towards the wall they try to advance but bugs are eating their legs these Guardsmen move towards the sandbags for relative safety but can only move four so I feel like the days are numbered godspeed fellas Godspeed seeing the Hideous parasites Burrow under the Flesh of the Guardsmen the hellhounds have decided no longer these Bob gaunts must be dealt with the rusts moves to the side to create a room for the Rough Riders using the missions covering fire rule the Beyblade Retreats ever so slightly it's time the shooting phase beginning let me start as we mean to go on the mighty Beyblade let's rip and lets the heavens hear its Roar um so a little bit of a split the heavy Bolter and this double will be going to the cycle page because I will be using fields of fire to try and get that going off for some plans of luminous all the big guns of course go into the throne effects you shot me it is only fair that I shall shoot you in return we'll start we'll start with that because it's cool okay okay very good to see this but I'm gonna do two Tracer Las cannons because that's how many guns I have all right this is into the train effects yes hit you no times but you're tricks that's the important thing it's like a laser pointer more than anything it'll be pleased to know that with the demolish Cannon I do have eight shots amazing very nice right hitting you on fours it's fine I hit you twice toughness 12. toughness 12 wounding you on threes oh Beyblades oh oh I can use a CP in one of those okay it's it's a womb it's a wound now this will be minus three minus three what's the damage of this B6 do you have any higher damage in your army not anymore no this is fun minus three minus three does it go through go straight right the damage it's a one okay I'll take that damage do not worry though because the mighty Beyblade Cannon is now to fire I understand now that's a bit better obviously I have no orders to be giving these guys um I have fallen back slightly so born soldiers is not ineffective so he falls to wound you respectable that's three wounds at minus two and this is also on the train effects this is also on the train effects yes three wins minus two yes indeed one goes through one goes through that's three damage taken four wins but you're very much alive right quickly remaining yeah moving on right we'll shoot the coaxial Auto cannon into your psychophage okay that misses but that's that's fine here the heavy melters sustained sustained which doesn't mean I hit you basically all the time which is very nice with the sustains this will be wounding you on fives very respectable that's two words very respectable too um damage two bits of damage two bits two bits of damage yes um and then the stubborn as well for good measure this is mainly so I can make sure I could hit you okay um that is two hits to wound you one wound yeah damage one ah I have to put my 2tp on fields of fire on the psychophage because I don't like that feel no pain being a thing so I want to don't want to dealt with um we are now opening with the rust over there I'm sorry sorry everyone at home let me just quickly adjust to the firing Arc don't want to be a complete buffoon um he's shooting everything into the psychophages okay lucky he has moves and involves soldiers but I could get nine shots with the old battle Cannon nine shots to take out my toughness nine it's good it's good it's good no ones to reroll but hey respectable mouth six is to wound you oh it's just a one wound what's his name minus it's string ten all right so mine is minus two here because of the um okay okay I see how this is I see who this is the problem is James I'm still in the smog of the city yeah I've bombarded it with my own the Spore mine yeah you can't actually see me all that well well I feel heavy bow to you like that scene in the Mist all right can we run the ones yeah good film that one um it'll be five to here minus two because the fields of Fire two bits of damage two bits a day two bits of damage right why actually move on to the next Russ how many shots do I get my battle Cannon it's happening again it's meant to be in shots with the battle Canada they're really eager they know the tyranids are there somewhere they're just not exactly because there's so many they kind of can't not hit them and they're just firing shells into the distance or I imagine like everything that misses just blowing up more like swarming creatures the ones you can't see half bad fear the mighty Rush 20 threes that's a bit better that's three wounds at minus two here on the right Cannon there are three damage a pop two three one two three that is Five Wounds taken so I've taken seven I have one remaining only remaining the heavy bolters oh oh sustained coming to my rescue very well okay fine um so that is that was a hit there right cool to win you were first minus two there's two damage two two five up for no thanks [Music] now for the first hair Hound The Inferno Cannon and heavy flame will be going into the Barb gaunts but the trusty Hunty killer will be going into the trying to fix I went to save my hunter killers on the rushes so that's that's what it'll be up um right we shall start with The Inferno Cannon it's above gaunts three so wounds you here minus two six up saves damage they are damaged two I believe in your phone again let me clearly check that am I making up I am making that up I'm terribly sorry the damage one you kill one and a half excellent so far the heavy flamer go on the heavy flamer four wounds minus one here's one just damage one again so you've killed three three popcorn not bad the hunter killer missile no we're just lowly Guardsman we're not Space Marines this is true we need the Space Marines look help us there's no one coming to save you James the next hellhound The Inferno Cannon will be going into the same Target the barbed gaunts yeah they're gonna be fine it's not that's very good very good four five six wounds minus two Demon Six UPS we've only got two remaining I've got none remaining great success you have been set back to the powerful when she came um hunter killer there is no hell for the tyranids it's actually just a bio pool oh James the great gaunt BBQ the hellhound is gonna fire The Inferno Cannon and the heavy flamer at the time of gaunts see by this sound I don't want to anger Terry I want to anger her greatly and then finish her off with the same place you are very brave I'm a brave boy all right um The Inferno can only into the chemicals it'll be oh that's not too bad because you're only topless three on this three so that is one two yes yes barbecued meats and the heavy flamer just the one wound that's minus one do you have a six okay so close another one dead seven gaunts down 13 to go praise be to Colonel Crow the hunter killer missile into the Tyrann effects no crow can save you James so the very cool rule that comes with the endless form Detachment is effectively whenever you shoot at one of my endless multitude units and you kill a model in that unit I get to move up to D6 towards the closest enemy unit or number five with my tamagaunts so they're just coming towards you a hellhound now they're running out of the city as he's trying to barbecue this keep coming closer oh and then you did and then I shot my Rough Riders at your neurogorn yeah do four killed four now I didn't realize this they are in this multitude that's so cool which means they also get to um it's really cool and also being able to move them and the carrot Foods needlessly cool time for the Rough Riders now I should mention where um Teague was earlier in the command vehicle I would have been able to actually order the um since we went straight into the movement for cool purposes and it's got very exciting I forgot to tell you so I'm very sorry but it doesn't mean they're fixing their bayonets onto their lances I'm going to charge into your warriors could you imagine sticking a bayonet on top of alarms it feels a bit much doesn't it because the Warriors now I can't charge into your lines over here because the Poison's missed but I can make mince meat with my melted tip Spears out of your warriors so nine have made it in um and we'll be melted tipping the Warriors excellent okay Burnett to the rescue um to wound you freeze oh that's gone quite well okay I've got no saves here three six that's seven that goes through so you'll have to roll yeah that's okay the first one does one damage okay am I still alive okay it takes two wounds or whatever the third one will kill him yep okay that kills one outright Adventure is it just your primers no there's one more left and then no okay so Prime survives Prime Time the prime will turn around and get you back for your insolence six packs no more sustains he's not leading a unit anymore this is a shame shame isn't it Teresa that is four four minus one minus one go on Rough Riders one saves is there two damages there's three dead three are just completely cut down oh imagine that's oh the talons literally just slicing the horses going everywhere you know that bit in the trailer for 10th edition oh that's right man the ball grin now then they've seen you rip a horse in half and they are it's not best pleased they're very very angry they're fuming fuming I tell thee how many Thrice bits fumed rice app uh mine's one I don't know how I've done that okay two go through two damage each oh I've got two wins remaining well that's my turn interesting one trying to fix it still alive yeah yeah very healthy we kill the sack of age we did Kill the Barb gallons which is good it helps my um my league of Guardsmen make it hopefully to safety yeah you can have quite a bit to bring in the next turn though I feel I as much as I can now oh no [Music] continuing to press forward to make a way for the other tides of the Swarm the narrow gaunts and neurotyrant float menacingly forward the terminal gaunts will move forward I've just realized I've not rolled to bring D3 plus 3 back so I bring it Terry but Terry will make her way Frankie Bob there's a Vanguard force or will be all moving together as a cohesive unit trying to get some juicy characters whoosh old one eye is not one to miss out on a fight and of course he'll be bringing so hugs a lot along with him they will fit yes does that meet the Tyrann effects Guinevere yes Maurice the Milo scepter ready to unleash his psychic power Hive tyrant Stomps on with his Tyrant guard commanded onto the battlefield they're known assimilator looks at the Beyblade and he has been chosen as his Target finally [Music] this is it the end time this is my Force this is three lies my dreams everything is now on the table whether it's come on from strategic reserves we've had the hived heart deep strike in the parasites my Valkyrie the cargos had they're a little final Gauntlet that you need to get through to be able to escape um look how many there are yep yep there's 30 of them on a sky Shield Landing took some doing but other than that I did unleash the shadow in the wall yes it was pretty devastating to be fair if I saw all of this around me I would be pretty demoralized now there's one thing now editor if you can pop up the dice tray um the two dice in there currently are what Crow rolled for his leadership naturally like loads up the the only other people that rolled really high with a bullgrin so absolute Legends so they're fine however both the hellhounds the Bain Blade the hellhound over here the Guardsman there the Chimera the Scions on the far flank everyone's battle shot um yeah the Rough Riders have Battleship as well that's fair they failed to failed to kill a prime that's now reinforced I did fall back as well imagine the Rough Riders come around the Beyblade charge into the Warriors [Laughter] problem is smashed smash yeah love it we're gonna start off with the term of gaunts they see a softer Target than the ballgrin so they will once again be spending a command point on swarming masses so and they're within six of Mama turbo gone oh no godswin oh goodbye I'll rerun it says for the one that I miss well okay yeah I'm sure yep sure yep heading on fours um six uh nine twelve um that's 14. uh fourteen lethals uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen plus this one I need to rot a wound no threes to winches oh no um devastating blow one might say two four six eight twelve thirteen fourteen sixteen eighteen eighteen twenty one eighteen twenty one twenty one twenty one that's more than there are yeah good job they've got their very resilient black armor yeah they've done very well they have do you know what good for them two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve at a slain but that's not a bad effort from them not a bad effort it's quite a lot though isn't it 12's a lot though yeah into your I know into your uh so that is four at minus one please James the two damage apart four Rough Riders turned into a paste they're Goo now mind Pace Riders the norn Emissary here it is now in case it wasn't obvious I'm using his singular purpose ability you have to start the first battle around but he wasn't on the table until now um going with selecting one enemy unit which is the Beyblade I can reroll all of my hit rolls on my rolls against him from the north Emissary cool model my neuro Lance allowance made out of space Tuesday Magic wound however we rolling roll it is a weight it is a wound minus three minus three minus three James let's go through oh three do you know what it's respectable it's respectable respectable 2017 wounds Tyranno packs now really really really want to shoot the Beyblade I really want to however those hellhounds are a problem for me is everybody Brian up my gaunts all over the shop yes you can't have that no so I'm gonna be uh this thing is Cowboys will go in well I simply can't have that so uh what the uh the the battle shock the hellish Hotel house James Damn Your Shadow in the water bottle Hound Jim Jam I hit you once for my for my hubris yeah what's your toughness ten well there you go that's that's for my hubris this thing is salvos though one two three it was my magic mind smoke eight we'll go into your Rough Riders accurate and I'm having a good time poor Rough Riders no uh that is five no eighty it's nice oh you dropped a dice um where's your gift how many failed James three failed that kills another one one and a half off one and a half flame is this half Morris who can also he's dead this guy's just just a lone horse riding around oh no he's stuck he's not coming oh he is though there you go that looks better you can all understand what's going on at home the horses have well and truly bolted no my problem was there was doing psychic um so Morris has got nine shots into that hellhound don't forget you have Shadow and Warp my good old friends Shadow and walk you'll find out all about that as you sign up to on demand and watch our game put me out on Tuesday don't want to miss it trust me I hit you orbit twice three three that is four points oh four Wednesday James minus two minus two minus two fours oh no I said one what is the damage three each yeah three each three each so it's nine damage total no damage total leaves me on two words two words cool we'll see what else I can shoot at screaming killer yes it's time to redeem wow six shots from his bio plasmic scream going into how hot I only need two to go through however he only hits one forward four but I have belief in him James did you have belief the belief is strong normally I believe is strong it is five sixes to win you however do you still have the belief oh no this is my final chance not my final but I don't really want to be your final chance I really want to be shooting certain things into this now so Hogs a lot does have a HEPA Venom Cannon they look like claws he just actually there it's a boomerang yeah actually a boomerang um oh what does what does oh why do I give him did you get impossible to hit I get to re-roll my hit rolls okay so you sing them four that's pretty naughty got an old one eye doesn't need it doesn't need it he's a professional five and sixes still one word the AP is minus two good oh no did it do you explode hellhound destroyed see if I can put that lone horse out this misery to ever gone Terry stinger salvos I hit you quite a few times there James indeed do I do hit you quite a few times you do oh that's um you wound me quite a few times as well Five Wounds there James no EP no AP well the horse is dead horse is dead and there's another Rider there slain as well there's just a single actually I remove him there you go the champion of the Imperium a horse I've seen one hellhound and now I fancy another no the exocrine does have nine shots into that far hell hound next to the tunnel I've stayed still something you'll do is oh no oh wow that's good fives and sixes the power of belief has left me it's because I believed in the power of hell I'm always there however I will get reroll once hit against him now so I will go straight on to my hive Tyrant he'll shoot my Venom cannon at you yes not me personally yes you personally I want to soften the hellhound it's scary but also I die I don't know if I want to because I can't kill it this is very stressful for me Chase I mean let me just resolve this situation gargoyles well it's a good job we didn't um choose to shoot at her hand I decided to go into the ball grin I've only got one shot ambitious there you go should have shot the hell hugs I'm gonna reroute that but we are where we are I now have 30 gargoyles to shoot you yep I did shoot a variety of the goggles 10 at the Camaro 20 at the torux I did take one wound off toroks just moved my shooting scoot to move forward couldn't come down didn't have enough movement but that's the next turn now the charge phase and we're going to start with the flying Hive Tyrant into the camera oh no fails by one thing probably one of the easiest charges for me to make and it's cool so yeah oh he makes it so that's been re-rolled we then have the parasite of more tracks into your Scions okay fine okay Terry into the Borger in the horse and the brain blade sounds like a really weird kids book [Laughter] has 11 inch charge 11 or 12 I can't remember into that won't do it into the hellhound effect has an 11 into the hellhound oh that goes it's not meant to be next turn however yeah and I've got some problems yeah Terry yes four attacks with her massive crushing claws only right it's only it's only right he wants there is a horse in your way the horse is just rearing up like no get away I do think the flying Hive channel will probably blow into your Camaro you'd like to do something I do because deepen your soul I'm not feeling no feeling winged Hive Tyrant yep monstrous bone sword and last whip at least I'm hitting on cheese here yes all into your camera what's the wind I am twin links you got twin links good start rooms three wounds up minus two oh minus two James well three damage so I saved two three three damage three damage it is better your feeling wasn't wrong um you hit me back with everything and weirdly you did no damage the lone horse did hit and wound the turbo gun I rolled a six to save um sorry about that I mean I'm not really sorry I think my next turn could be quite devastating although you now have an entire turn to try and eliminate my threat could be this could be the final push for the oh God see how it goes it does need to end the game and turn five in that deployment yeah figured out you need about 1500 points there I need yeah I think I need 1600 points to escape off world to win but they have to be above half strength apparently you've only got about 2 000 points worth of units they'll also need to stop this above Harvester we will go down with the ship shooting phase is in swing for the Imperial guards now they're pulling back towards the safety of the Fortress they have a big problem to deal with over here big problem over here let's go ignore the problem over here for a minute yeah well the main brain and the the limousine bits over there for the moment but to start us off we're heading over to the towerox prime he's going to shoot at your hive Tyrant keep going to call him as warm Lord full fight right I'm going to start the twin autocannon hits you cool that's what I needed to wound you know when do you go on Falls no wounds now the two crack missiles into your hive Tyrant hits you twice crack missiles wound you twice now these are minus two on the crack missile we're up safe oh one goes through the damage it's four down more damage six wins remaining the important thing is now got out of the transport the Scions I'll be rerunning wounds against your hive Tower in the silence the signs will be running their wounds because you've been traced by the talrox prime but because this is my Escape Zone it's essentially my objective it's my only objective so you are within range of the objective so silence will be rewriting their hit rolls as well against you so all of their guns are going into the Tyrant man um they can finish you off we'll start with the two plasma guns okay fire they're of course overcharging because Snapchat is the way you have to they hate you all the times anyway to wound you you're tough tonight so we'll be fives and sixes by Andrew rolling the wound roll good job it's just the one wound minus three okay I'm overcharged I say that save it very nice do they go boomba no they don't they're fine professionals trained professionals who do you think they are normal Guardsmen no regards the two mountain guns you're on the hit you twice twice that's wound you twice as well now these are minus four I um save them both on my mom used to have them both yes I'm a very tough Tyrant James my hopes and dreams KC my hopes and dreams the hot shot last guns okay all the times okay so we'll do a lot size you um yes and then I'll be re-rolling okay I'll move these successes down four wounds I can say two wins but I can rewind the fives he's just the two wounds two wounds minus um minus is one save them everything's fine it's fine better cheeky split here a little splitsy the Beyblade is shooting almost everything into the surround effects but he's gonna shoot the Demolisher Cannon we'll start with a tracer for actual water cannon into oh just just a little Trace once into the train effects doesn't hit you but you wanna have traced that's all that matters that is all that matters Katie all that characters the Big Bang blade Cannon oh that's some good hitting minus two cannot jail okay last Cannon the Swarm is empowered oh no the Swarm is your powers right cool then the heavy bolters these are also going into the hive Tyrant sorry the drown effect actually feels like that right now the true leader of my Army is just a secret nothing yeah yeah fine yeah right into the hive time I've only got six rooms remaining I've only got six wings remaining James he wounds you twice minus three one one three four three what's the damage three three wins remaining oh you'll need to roll a six together yeah okay he takes three damage three damage Desperate Times Desperate Measures the main battle cannon from this Omniverse is going to go into the hive Tyrant I am using 2cp for fields of fire from the Beyblade so we'll get extra AP here got nine shots nine shots roll I know it's never been done I still miss you three times um however it's now going to be three so would you count off as ten your toughness ten strength ten that's what time ends um that is four wounds this will be a minus two it is damage three do you have a free come on point reroute I could use um I'm gonna use my freaking okay um do I uh do I explode oh sorry I'm sorry the order comes over the Vox Network from Colonel Chrome himself we can see the flock on top of here and it's gone through to this whole area of the battlefield guys like clean the landing pad Purge the xenos so the hellhound over here the Chimera um all of the squads of the Guardsmen have all shots at the various different videos one has been completely destroyed which means you get to bring it back so as per the rules of the mission I can use the unending waves stratagem for free so the unit of 10 can go into strategic reserve for me to bring it next time yes and then I haven't quite killed the other two units but they're significantly whittled so you've got one that's down to well one that's down to three and one that is completely healthy so you have done 17 wounds Supreme go on the guards they're doing it right there they're doing all right um what is happening now is I'm shooting the Scions over there into the parasite more tracks I haven't done one wound so far with the Hotshot Lads so now the plasma gun and the two melters will be going into that Beast perspective I'm overcharging the plasma I'm Amplified range I have hit you twice okay I want you twice minus three can I say damage two he's dead Bang Bang on the Scions does he explode into Rippers yeah it's not actually a rule but I can't feel like we should make it so excited she's making it wrong do I explode oh my gosh don't explode he's around six though sorry it happened Bluff a tree there you go rocks everywhere the hellhound now is going to try and barbecue these neurogaunts I understand The Inferno Cannon what is the toughness um it's they're really toughness three eight of the three oh three six seven wounds at minus two one two three four five six okay yes third they're dead they're dead yeah oh okay then we'll be into the neurotorrent it's neurotype well I haven't got my four shots with my flamer okay um well here's toughness he's tough well it's still weirdly because it's all happening at the same time you're still taking the out of the average what the average the well that wounds you thrice so that's yeah very well Thrice Thrice yeah hey he's fine he's fine absolute hero because this all happened at the same time he counts as an endless multitude oh he gets to move forward he moves right well that has put him in a dangerous close position to my Lehman rust battle tank how many shots does the limeroth battle count get nine shots he's gonna try and bring down this eight you're topless I think that's the reason I was gonna say he seems he should be pretty tough he's a tyrant um seven eight nine right I'll be hitting you here on fillers oh it's all right it's not too bad it's not too bad I have moves you know born soldiers here two wounds this is it's minus one they both go through what's the damage three damage each three damage each he's got two wins remaining remaining gripe for a heavy bottle I don't like it I don't get to either okay here are those ones because I am a battle tank you are a battle tank James you personally I am a battle tank you are won't you twice four out it's dead we've claimed another head for the emperor fine one charge to make because the little green are out of the player of the devagon I'm gonna charge the prime they are very much in all right they are going to zoom over here and sort you out well I'm gonna spend two command points there James oh my normal simulator so heroically intervene and slingshot into your brain blade [Laughter] I think it ain't make it no no do you know what I'm gonna do what are they gonna do kill the prime because he killed all their friends I'm just gonna let you know uh the prime uh if you kill him in combat and he's not fought that turn on a Fallout he just gets to fight you well we have to head by him again then won't we make a boat yeah oh thank you okay okay James number five I've got two wins remaining that is three wounds for your displeasure well do I fight yes he's gonna have a little break before he fights the Emissary is the one that wants to do the final one you can imagine that moment right the Bulgarian of that headbutt it starts to get up and it's all like the book oh I can't wait around two and then there's a big like Cyprus goes like straight through it and then normal Emissary is like they're mine obviously doesn't speak but the skewers the prime flings out of the way monster sizing talons because oh is it for you though is it a me three stoo inch these aren't all of my attacks three right there James yep Ontario please the AP oh I only save one the damage three so you've got four well damage two so two well you want to hear all these okay the second one 's dead kills him and then the Monstrous rending claws they sound friendly they're not all the times oh okay so it's two two yeah two wings it goes through what's the damage damage two so damage one so so he does have two wounds remaining which is perfect for the Prime oh choose to hit me I'll go on the prime threes to wound you have three wounds all to go through there's two damage if you fail both he's dead oh he's dead so I'm sorry Dad perfectly dead absolutely as it was ordained yeah you coming close to me very dangerous the operation to try and clear the Fortress it semi worked but there's a lot there's a lot of problems for the old guards and there's a really big giant lizard monster coming towards me being blade yeah it's not gonna be a good time for you I'm gonna open all those tin cans smell my tin cans [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign well I've moved everything the essential plan is move forward the Gargoyles have been reinforced from the bio people keep going they just keep coming back they've consumed enough biomass at this point game over man game over um I am mainly out of um pure of addiction I'm gonna spend this CP on the hellhound to OverWatch at these gargles he has not quite a good range um just to try and thin their flock a little bit um seven shots for The Inferno cannons barbecue is open that is five minus two wound wise five are barbecue five for barbecued you do now get to move forwards I understand uh yeah one of your selected to shoot so fight for barbecued come on before five inches thank you James Tyrann effects Rapture Cannon now that the assimilation Emissary sorry I think I keep calling it The assimilation the Emissary is now within range Two Shots such an amazing model I hit you twice oh yeah because you're heavy I wound you twice oh minus four James the power of Blaine bait save one one does go through 56 damage you've stripped the paint off have babies now uh ten I imagine as well with in my head the ruptured cannons like a big bug so it can't be yellow because it's just horrible thing like it's invested now it's acid and it's bugs just spewing all around all the tankers I know infecting the crew James executing people has got nine shots now into the hellhound next to the term of goals I've had enough of it yesterday I am I am sick of it it's been hurting all of my friends I've not moved opening a lovely Barbecue Shack where we sell roasted tournament seven once seven hits yeah seven Thrice haunted that is two wounds two wounds minus two oh one goes through it's three damage but now the rest of my Army can reroll once against it could be a bit of a problem probably the non-emissary yes literally like a center Trace you can now smell the hellhound he knows that's a Target yeah he's not calling the shots he's a very powerful Beast he knows my neuro Lance hits you twice in one once was he once wait minus three oh does go through D6 plus two melter five damage uh we have forwards left wins perfect oh no oh my hive tyrants oh no that'd be Venom Cannon which I'll do right now how many shots is it two shots respectable I hate you twice what's the toughness on it um wounds you twice he cares not for toughness minus two I save one one does go through damage three she's got a wound left got one wound left one final heavy Venom Cannon so hugs A Lot 36 inch range long bomb into your house I can re-roll because of old ones for one eye despite losing an eye he's very he's helpful at being accurate no word I'm gonna have to kill you with gone so this is just sad I don't want to have to do this but Morris a psychic Lance reaching out across the battlefield seven pops the Pilot's head off respectable five times this is forced to win it's a little bit more power course I've told you I'm a psychic Beast today you are a psychic it is four minus two oh yeah I did do you explode come on there's one rule I really wish was still there they should be deadly demise like plus six to the roll every time yes Auto explode yep get it Crusher Stampede has it as a strap oh Pro tips I've done the rest of the Pitch Perfect fire off camera the entire order timer goes shot at the low the smaller Squad of Guardsmen between them the two scores it's called a sign I even spent the command point on swimming Mass um the Stinger salvos went from the telephone went in quite below half strength and then um the carnifex had a little bit um although for your trouble uh can you take a master stroke test on him please I certainly can minus one from the result he's about to shocked he's very battle shocked um do you know what I'm gonna give you a little battery oh thank you just for your troubles thank you um into the charge phase yes indeed I'm probably gonna start with the turbo oh nice little charge into yep that's it but no necessary into the Beyblade that's pretty cool oh come on go to both but oh okay it's just for funsies most definite very cool Morris the male receptor into your hellhound yes the screamer killer into your hellhound yeah on effects is led by all one eye they definitely will make it in I just need to have a little look and see why things are shaping up sorry I am going to put everything into the Beyblade because here's my target the singular purpose I would like just to make one point look look at it look at the glory this is so cool oh this is amazing a very happy boy I'm very happy right peel open that very happy bug two's to hit you I can re-roll everything because you are my singular purpose fives and it's already a very good rule oh right that is four and minus two four minus two minus two save two but two do go through damage trending claws the Emissary is finally met his match all these fives and sixes fives sixes two ways minus two he saves them so he's down to six wounds is that I because two went through before damage three yeah he's down to four wounds that's four sorry four derailing always Terry just quickly did it on the uh battle tank yeah take you down to nine wounds yes indeed but we're now going to go over to the carnifexes starting with old one eyes Claws and talents with the strike profile she can re-roll all of his hit rolls because he is a unit quite literally he is a unit he is the OG is it toughness to ten threes okay that is four words minus three oh oh oh oh okay so minus three I say one this is three go three yeah D six plus one damage so three four five six oh you're still seven down it's still seven down to three wounds yeah I've got three rooms remaining and then you've got your other contact card effects who does have the crushing claws because it's just cool one two three but he also gets to reroll all of his heads I mean it's very cool that okay how many can you take without one eye oh you can take two so essentially you can take up to two carnifexes in a unit and then you can have L by Leading them that's very cool that is three ways three wings at minus three there you go so that's ten eleven um 14 wounds there well James if ever there was a time oh oh it's fine they're packing all their explosives to be able to bombard yeah they're primed it's all buried underground yep Gotta Wait for Crow to golf yeah they're not allowed to explode yet yeah if you and me both Jim Jam you and me both Last Chance Saloon for the garden really um so we're slightly addendum to the rooted prey Mission basically what we're doing here is that anything that is in this Zone at the end of the game can be airlifted to safety yeah right now where it stands at the point you've killed enough that essentially it boils down to can you kill the Beyblade yes so this is my last chance Saloon if these three can light up and kill as much as they can there might be a chance the guard can win voting if you are below half wounds you only count as half another points so already this is very much pleated so a lot of the Guardsman squads and things like that are very much discount and not counting anything for me in terms of the um the Infantry models but the vehicles if they are under half wounds and get half price but that's such a big prize for you and I can only Escape so far if you can't kill it it's gonna be trouble your potency yes let me just roll my dies for tomorrow's a cannon very respectable we are an endless swarm and he is not definitely most definitely not a swarm so I have no defensive nothing defensive I can do right now right everything's gonna go into the emissary is 11 right toughness 11 16 wounds two up save for involve okay okay demarsha Cannon starts off okay okay okay okay okay Pete you quite a few times here hey to win you will be threes so D6 damage three three okay down to 16. no he's down to 13. 13. the two loud cannons they both hit okay the strength on the last Cannon 12. so it is three so one wound one wound oh it does go through B6 damage three again he's down to ten what am I so alarmingly consistent ten the beamblade cannon come on blade Cannon oh that's quite good hitting there right to wound you you're toughness eleven eleven threes oh that's good finally the Beyblade's powering up there's Five Wounds at minus two what's your damage here three um so three six nine okay this is a couple at a time they're fine down to seven wounds oh he's down to seven seven moons right remaining yeah I'm not done yet it's still got life in me the two coaxial order cannon shots what he wants okay oh I don't wound you right I've got one more one more bit of shooting today a humble heavy butter yeah still have Hunter killers on both your uh Lehman Ross's as well maybe I was saving them for a special occasion oh this might be such something there's a time to hunt and kill something it's now under the giant godzilla star monster trying to kill you okay tough is 11 you said 11. see the one wound with a heavy Bolter one wound yep two maybe what is not I invulnerable it oh he's still alive there's an impressive opening Gambit for now the Russ will finish you off the humble rust The Humble rust the staple of the Guardsman the staple of the garden um six shots into the north Emissary can we roll the ones here he doesn't need it he only misses you once okay dream is alive we'll be waiting on fives here because of your oh no no oh James the wheels are coming off heavy mountains three bits of sustained fear me and give me your other one yeah foreign again because you're high toughness damage two two so he's down to Five Points right front to kill a missile if ever there was oh he misses no second one James I know I have a second one wait have a CP yes I'm gonna use it I've used it okay I've only got five wounds like we were the ones because I'm about to tank it's a good thing too because I've only hit you one wheel the wheel the wheels you don't even have wheels the tanks have no wheels tanks have no wheels so the tracks have come off I'm just stuck out in the wind heavy bolters do me proud boys okay two sustained get rid of the misses right okay yeah believe four wounds oh wait come on [Applause] one goes through so he's got what like three wounds remaining hunt if ever there was a time the suspense is killing me oh I'm destroying the gate all right again it's a hit a hit threes to wound the gates is destroyed ignore the gate your Doom's upon you oh I need a four James I always style nothing can bring down the Emissary of the hive Queen technically oh no I tried forgotten this was possible but it's it's opportunistic because the whole time Crow's been under there he's been just trying to wrench the hunter killer missile off the Chimera he's taking it up to the top of the landing pad strapped into his back straps to his yeah gets to the top lights it with his cigar H thanks everyone the uh emissary come on cry come on cry come on it's a hit okay Breeze toy me James you just see this massive smoking explosion and then from the shadows of it yeah because he hits he's like job done and he goes put it away yeah just looks around it's like I might die [Applause] it cleared out a little bit more yes so between the Guardsmen and the Scions they got rid of the Gargoyles the fragment Isles from the tower then went into the term Gods um I killed like four of them then I remembered you moved forward so the Guardsman didn't shoot the mechanics one of them did I yeah you did three two of them and then I moved forward four inches and gnarly that's so good 10-man school of goggles is now coming back in my turn yes um what's key there's a lot of big scary monsters very close one thing that matters James yep and that will be the non-emissary stepping forward I'm not even gonna shoot you just bringing his claw down in the center of that Beyblade to stick you to the Earth no [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything is moved forward yep I've done some shooting off camera I've taken this down to three wounds yes I've got us going down there yeah and I've made the charges yes nor necessary versus Bain blade this is all that matters wanted all that matters now six oh hitting on twos re-rolling everything re-rolling everything oh fives and sixes re-rolling everything that is three wins minus two that is they all fail yep nine damage do you explode awesome awesome so close look with that great game essentially what that means points wise look pretty the rust is on three wins between the counter fixes the tablet and that's dead as well I don't have enough points to beat you now to successfully evacuate based on the table um because I think I needed over 1600 points I've now got right I've still got a lot of fire powers you could hit me again even harder and all your big bugs are not gonna get you the Fortress but what is important is I think you know Crow's fire the hunter killer missile scene he can't quite kill the Emissary and he's like I'm gonna need some bigger guns so on who's written so he's hopping on that Valkyrie he's being taken back up to the fleet Sturman artists will be called so like a proper Godzilla moment yeah where it's like you've got the helicopters flying around the uh the north Emissary in his and you just see Crow secret he just has a cursory glance back as the doors closing up like from the planet so you can go into the atmosphere you see like always always survive I've killed my singular purpose he's now mentally linked with crows and he will hunt you throughout the Galaxy until he can kill you yeah he's like and grow that is his new goal his new singular purposes singular Drive whole purpose of high Fleet mermaid would now is to kill Crow there's Canon TT Cannon oh yeah that's so cool this is amazing the pyramids they're incredibly fun the new models I didn't really get to use the death leaper on the left and the um neuroelecta they weren't really relevant in this game they are character killers and your characters are very well protected but I'm sure we'll see them do some cool stuff in some future games the non-missouri is really cool unbelievable now in most games I can very much imagine you would use the pick and objective you count as extra 15 OC and you have a feel no pain in range of it the singular purpose is incredibly incredibly fun and actually again something like a Beyblade really powerful also to know as well thinking about it if like it's a really good example if you did pick the feel no pain and the extra OC if you whack him in the middle a whole Bain blade shot at him yeah he was like sort of fine he was sort of fine he's an incredibly incredibly powerful model and beautiful looking another shout out to reflection for how he has done on this um the endless form was really funny show off too much today because of the different things but yeah because they're really good because they're like when you get really big squads of them they're actually quite hard to deal with once yeah and then it's a real like for your opponent like the gaunts can be quite Savage when you give the bus to them especially when they're terrible I have to kill all of them and even if I do they just come back yeah they can do a lot a lot a lot of damage so while we're here thank you so much for joining us on this game don't forget that it is going to be talk week because on demand we have another turning battle report coming out on Tuesday hopefully Leviathan taking on the flesh Terrors and Devastation of bar we show off another new Detachment we have a podcast coming out on Monday on demand we have a painting tutorial for the death leaper also coming out on demand this week and plenty of plenty of goodies as always hundreds for you to go and watch as always if you haven't already please do like and subscribe it helps us out massively but we really hope you've enjoyed today I certainly have most definitely have I and we will definitely be back with more of this kind of Madness so stay tuned as always to tabletop tactics and we'll see you on the next one bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 116,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS, adwip, warhammer community, new40k
Id: t5CefL9Y7dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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