NEW Clarkson's Farm S2 Gerald Clips 2023 Diddly Squat

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foreign here the head of security turned up to put in his shift because even if it ain't fit and at least I could do another bank you can cope with one Logan yeah we've got to be run after if you can't go on you know what I mean yeah we're better yeah what's this is this his 52nd Harvest here it's worth 56 no it's 51 now I Reckless for 54. I'll ask him I said there's no point is that the workers of the world here we go now Gerald's on combine Caleb and Jeremy on tractors before we could get going though Simon's new high-tech combine started making noises at Gerald [Music] um um [Music] can you hear me just press that cross foreign [Music] [Music] eventually the Farm's tech savvy fetus went in to sort out the problem yeah I better remember foreign they got out again you'll have a job to keep me because they ain't near the mums anyway we've got the window they're always supposed to say he wasn't back up there with them they just saw you just crack and go through them you've got three strands of bush dirty all right now first to keep cattle Didn't you but you know whilst I decided to catch up on some maintenance jobs right now then up up and away starting with the unruly heads opposite Gerald's house clipping yes lovely lovely all right Geralds the g-dog is going to be dead chuffed because I've been out and sorted his heads out for him all right oh Jeremy trees no turn that machine operas it doesn't take that edge out for God's sake they wasn't the answer that guy Mike just pour into that okay now what the [ __ ] is he doing look at that he's missed all the brambles though I told him to start from the bottom and work up that's like putting a t-shirt on your back so mates the bloody old land of a church loraca if he was a pigeon up for well cut his carpet all right yeah mate tell him more you're back on the machine it's the songs going on now I mean it's still going to my heel machine oh yeah you're not happy then right well let's move sex then yes happily there was a decent turnout to see the new strip come on Chad including Gerald and his brother I mean that's what they said about these this lot of being they get this money up here on them but he sat there I mean of course yeah of course they didn't well man his dog do you know the way you know all the names of the Chelsea football players yeah do you know all the names of this team that you sponsored yeah I do it's easier right supporters right Cooper Cooper and Cooper name me one cooper cooper cooper cooper and there's Cooper it just makes life so much simpler in the village take over and Gerald took us on a tour of the clubhouse so you take two all of us sent him Mal he went off the road on the way home well we discovered he was a bit of a local Legend well it's not you because it's in color hey there's a k Cooper in here of course oh it's I'm in the 80s here Gerald Cooper where are you yeah so you're still the same massage yeah I'll tell you what outlooking up there they're sure being all a lot of them so we didn't hear all the play he said we're all 22 and there you know what I mean oh God that's you that's you yeah you look like I just did Tiger feeds on top of the pops and then I played football tennis around the corner and everything at one time looking at some of that slide there Italy's squat world was now under the glare of public scrutiny with my activities the subject of national debate I'll tell you what I want to do Gerald diddly squats beer expert let's be honest I've got a case in the boot I'll give him a shout and um he can come up and he can tell me what he thinks ten past six that is beer time this is our spring barley yeah there you go it's nice and clear isn't it thank you it's a no spear though over the next couple of hours we worked our way through the case and discussed many matters of great importance I like a beer on a hot day yeah I do like a beer yeah Hard Day's Work a beer after yeah a couple of these off you make with what you've got something I have to do if I let them sometimes whatever you have these out there if it was about 90 degrees that'll go down a tree you know if I have a beer I love the smell of beer yeah I've been where you've been and he's been it's because you're Marley should put one twice as big as that except for the pickled onions or something like the agberg where it isn't it in it that's the wise words wise words oh look at session beer because I like a lot of points accessible he's going for the sesh you know Obsession of that for a while since my fertilizer was now worth more than Elon Musk it made sense to protect it from burglars right here it is so if you could give his hand yeah which meant asking my head of security to help me fit a high-tech alarm system I saw this on YouTube and I thought well that's just Bob on it's a really good idea this everyone shoots a bullet Tom has probably got one that comes out as far as here well I always think your approach to security is quite sensible yeah I don't want no full front that wants just meeting grappling men when I come out you know blokes with actors and stuff I don't want a lot of these day whatever that is no need to worry anymore so take this off if there's a real damp foggy night yeah I guess now the idea is somebody comes in it detects their movement yeah yeah and then a siren goes off and the siren triggers these which are smoke canisters so I mean this whole Barn any Thick Smoke yeah because you can't see a thing the thing is though with that big short piece and starts the wars and then there's the piece that will kill at least 12 people in one shot front onto the narrow with the you know what where the edge finishes because it hasn't got no Prill you know until you've cleaned it all out at once just added sold in as well really um and then [Music] oh you haven't what the [ __ ] you have oh [ __ ] Caleb we put that system in that completely fills the place with smoke what did you tell me I thought General had his head of security we put it in this morning well it didn't inform me playing that so I've had literally we've had it in three hours I mean I was hoping never oh I can't I can't where's the [ __ ] door oh look who's here it's the g dog hello Council yeah that's the look yeah thanks Gerald just toiled away they were joined by a rival from Wall Street and his wife hi Gerald how are you Mrs Gerald yeah this is good isn't it yeah it is especially up to that now then black someone's ghost names these are all catchers on their tournament your cinnamonly with your town this is I don't know what I think I'll just put it at my bum there I'll recognize them to do it now for Chase that's what I didn't like about the job um but I'm gonna have a try at this in fact Caleb and I both decided to have a try mercifully we were interrupted at this point by Gerald who wanted to inspect my handiwork oh that's great isn't it zero dear goes I got a load of [ __ ] I mean it's in a minute we have blocks you know every tone you pull out you gotta try and get the baby doing the stuff the thing you know you're never gonna put in a jacket because you're looking at cars and buses and stuff all the time the more you can't Mark you know it's like mowing glass yeah with my head of security right the ball's coming at three so about an hour yeah so I've got to get these signs up telling Ramblers because you know this is a public footpath yeah that there's a bull in the field but here's what's interesting you can't put on the sign danger bull because then I'm admitting I know it's dangerous and then that makes me liable but you can't say it's safe either because yeah have you ever been attacked by a bull I need an Old Farm you know this is a story I think when they were doing the winter littering down like going in the [ __ ] like this with those Bales they must weigh half and turn those rainbows didn't they if you come down to an hour for them ladies used to wear years ago just his neck muscles but you never can tell I mean go in the ring with them a lot of them up far with the front wheels off the ground that was with the bail in in the thing and all right now got some signs that's why I didn't was never a big cover of ram in a pool so be careful have these done they're those people in the village yeah are in the pub on a Sunday with their red trousers on yeah right yeah that's the one once the signs were up I showed Gerald how I'd used farm equipment as a bull containment measure so we've got an electric fence there if that doesn't work I put this here yeah there's a barrier yeah so I'm getting on the footpath so if you wasn't me or you would ask me to go out there with you you know all the old bird would go over there wouldn't I simple as that some planning stuff back from the council right hey look who's here g-dog are you feeling better well you know it's got to be like that's where the dog goes underneath and that what's that that'll really helped are you still positive yeah coming let's notice this he's in his 70s positive up and about in my 60s positive up and about unlike the snowflake Generation Well no wonder I know it's in there I mean bloody Ally's enough I don't want to talk too loudly in here because the walls have hairs As We Know we've got to get power and water to the restaurant yeah the problem is if we go out now okay and dig that Trench people are going to see but after dark if you just see a tractor lights you're just going to assume he's working late you know how much is that pipe it's about a pound of meters yeah yeah if we go straight across the field we could have had this whole idea before we planted our spring barley it's all coming up looking lovely you didn't even look yeah he's not audiences over the ground when you're glad it and he went Loop it still works it'll all come up great big or horses running along running along yeah making it bump yours out I literally don't know what you two are talking about unless there's sort of 100 of them like this with this beat Mark who doesn't have any more rain now it's correct someone's disguised as Cheryl no it is well you can't stop normally we would have had a conversation with Gerald but he can't stop our first guests were being greeted by our front of house manager hello [Music] [Applause] over the farm sharp neck people in somebody's gonna go walk straight in some of them well you know g-dog do you want to come for helicopter right some want me to go over to it you know so I can keep my bomb pretty fast says no I take your curls off assuming that was a no I helped strap in the nervous fetus who then got a relaxing pre-flight brief from the pilot that red tape on these big Windows if you pull that the window would come out if you had to climb out the window and when if you get out when it's running I'll be letting you out if you see any of the jet fighters from the fairford air show coming let me know for what reason well we may not have seen them yeah no if you see another plane coming towards us don't think oh they're bound to have seen it because they might not have done what I'm in a car my other half doesn't go to the car to the left of me [Music]
Channel: Rob Random
Views: 395,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clarkson, diddly, squat, farm, Gerald, Jeremy, Kaleb
Id: yjjsVfXi1V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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