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hi everyone good to see you again where are we today we're in the cots folds and we've come to Diddley squat Farm which is owned by Jeremy Clarkson now Jery's had quite a few programs on TV and one of them which is really really popular is about diddly squat Farm itself and his trials and tribulations one of the trials and tribulations he's had is he's had a restaurant here and due to local protests he's had to close it down however the good news is he's got a food store around the back what he also has as well there's a little farm shop here behind me and after I've had Saints whe I'm going to have a little look around the farm shop and see if there's anything to buy the other thing that was in the papers recently is was Jeremy was actually going to give up the farm however because he bought seven months or 9 months worth of fertilizer he decided I better stay on for a bit longer I'm surprised Jeremy needed any fertilizer on that bombshell let's give it a go [Music] okay before we go anywhere take a look at this Countryside truly breathtaking absolutely lovely it's a freezing cold day sun's out but it is a little bit chilly now what I'm going to do I'm going to go up to the bar here Hulk Stone's bar I'm going to order some food and a nice hot cup of tea or coffee whichever one they've got I'll see you guys [Music] shortly have to sit outside it's uh they've got kind of a sheltered area over there but that's really really busy what you do you go up to the bar there I think hawkstone bar and you order your food um and then you can view one of these and when that buzzes your food's ready what I've ordered is one of their burgers okay that was 1250 uh sausage in a roll that was £7 bacon in a roll that was £7 as well and a portion of um chips and the chips was £4 say that does come across as being a little bit expensive but then again let's see what the quality is all about and by all accounts it's all about the quality so I'm just waiting for this little fell to buzz and then I can go and get me food it is rather chilly out here as well no heating here to the elements I see when the food arrives it's buzzing I better go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so all the foods arrived I've got my burger here close up on that I'll come to that in a minute I've got my fries or chips they look more like fries there's my bacon and me sausages just look at the fries they're nicely seasoned actually before I even start so I'm going to start with the sausage got to say they are nice size sausages going try sausage first that is an excellent sausage perfectly cooked nicely um nicely grilled with there sausage got fantastic flavor um brilliant pork cont in there really nice it's in a Brio bun which is all buttered as you can see all right let's take a proper bite wow that is really good very very tasty I've got no complaints about that really really like that sausage it is fantastic right I'll come back to the sausage in a minute now to the bacon again let's have a quick glance at this a couple of nice slices of rashers of bacon in there again let's try the bacon on its own I've got no complaints about that that bacon is really really nice it's back bacon it's not smoked that's nice bacon you can see it there that is very tasty again perfectly cooked absolutely perfectly cooked that is a real nice bacon sandwich £7 worth I'm not sure but that is a really nice bacon sandwich and again on a briish bun what I really like is everything that's here is produced on the farm which I think is really really good that is quality I'll come back to that one finally onto my burger now let's take a closeup on this burger deconstruct it so there you go you got some lettuce in there got the burger itself with some cheese on top underneath some Gir some tomato burger sauce and got another little pot of burger sauce as well on the toasted Brio span let's try the Burger on its own again nicely cooked that is really good that is a lovely Burger again nicely um nicely uh cooked seasoning in it is excellent I've made a bit of a mess here see it's a bit sloppy but that's down to me not down to them let's try it that's the burger sauce there that's a really really tasty burger sauce complements the burger really well the girkin itself really crisp the lettuce is fresh the tomatoes are fresh in there that is again a very tasty burger 12250 is worth not so sure but can't actually complain about the quality cuz that is quality and it's well done as well really good now let's try the fries as I said they're nicely seasoned wow nice crunch them not a huge amount of potato content inside if you look but well seasoned try with a little bit of this burger sauce I do like that burger sauce it's very very tasty suppose I can say fries are fries of fries um yeah they're nice they're not the best fries they're not the worst fries but they're nicely seasoned just lacking a little bit in potato content in there that's the only thing what I'm going to do I'm going to tuck I'll see you guys later the one thing I will say here is everything here quality bacon quality sausages and quality Burger they are all all top quality very impressed with that top quality price is an issue okay I'll see you guys shortly I've got a hot cup of tea as well badly needed say to all you sausage lovers out there and there's loads of us the only way I describe it it's kind of really barbecuey really really it's kind of got that barbecue um taste to it and smokiness there they are excellent sausages really really good I should I should eat it with the bun but I will come back to that brilliant absolutely brilliant right I'm talking CU I am freezing cold [Music] okay sorry to keep going on about the cold but me and the camera we're both freezing here first of all organization here is excellent really really good once you go up and place your order um you come and sit down you get yourself your seat uh get the thing that buzzes away waited about 10 minutes wasn't even that about 10 minutes and it is really really busy here the thing which I think is incredibly uh good and incredible as well is they don't seem to have anyone going around clearing tables or anything provide bins over there and basically everyone gets the rubbish and and throws it away so I think that's really good onto the food itself sausages outrageously good I actually put them up there in the best sausages or amongst the best sausages I have ever had really nicely griddled nice smokiness came through there cooked perfectly pork continent there absolutely top draw I love the Brios bun nicely buttered wasn't over the top when it came to the butter but you bit into it really really nice and soft and full of flavor really really enjoyed it I was actually going to put some mustard in there and some ketchup didn't need it to be honest it just didn't need it because I think that that would take away from the taste of the uh sausages totally and utterly impressed with them they were that was absolutely fantastic now the Bacon Bacon came there two real nice thick slices of bacon it was back bacon wasn't smoked again cooked absolutely perfectly and the flavor of the bacon was superb really really good the bun itself was the same as the sausage uh bun it a BRI spun that worked perfectly with it as well that was really really good and again I would not put any um mustard or ketchup in there because it just didn't need it it again that was quality real real quality finally my burger again Brios bun um the burger itself really nicely ground meat uh kind of had a little peppery taste in there brilliantly seasoned as well flavor-wise was one of again one of the best burgers I've had again a little bit of smokiness came through where it been griddled the tomato and the lettuce they were both really really fresh and I love the the pickle in there as well the burger sauce complemented it and made it really moist the bun nicely toasted all together fantastic however it was a tiny bit small cuz you got to bear in mind that was 1250 from my end it needed to be a little bit bigger and I would have said that was kind of like Perfection on the plate that was you know quality alog together really good stuff all three plates were really really top quality impressed the one thing I haven't sort of told you about location I mean the countryside behind me CBS is gorgeous it is actually truly gorgeous I do I do like the cotwolds now what Mark am I going to to give it and this is a bit of a tough one because I've just told you about the quality Quality quality of all three items and they were all really top quality but £7 £7 for sausage in a bun um £7 for um bacon in a bun I'm struggling with that because I think that's really expensive the uh the burger itself £1 12250 for that burger and it could have been a lot bigger but again I'm struggling because it it was all top quality the chips I haven't mentioned the chips um they're okay fries are fries you know they didn't have huge amount of um potato content in there however nice and crisp and you know with the burger sauce they are good but 44 for that what Mark I'll tell you what I'm going to give it mainly because of the quality and I'm not going to give it top marks because of the price I'm going to give it a solid 8 out of 10 and I think that's fair a good 8 out of 10 Jeremy Clarkson you need to be very proud of yourself there because the quality is really good what you should do is knock a couple of pound off each item and it would be even better cup te c te was very very nice as well and badly needed now I'd really love to hear your comments really would love to hear them have you been to dly squat because if you have please let me know uh especially if you've eaten here and what you actually thought of the quality of the food actually before I go let's take a look around the farm shop forgot about [Music] that [Music] until next time bye-bye now let's get out of the cold
Channel: Gary Eats
Views: 113,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Clarkson Farm, Diddly Squat Farm Review, Diddly Squat Review, Jeremy Clarkson Farm Review, Food Review Diddly Squat, Jeremy Clarkson The Grand Tour, Jeremy Clarkson, Diddly Squat Food, Food Review Cotswolds, the grand tour, james may, Gary Eats Jeremy Clarkson, Gary Eats Diddly Squat, Gary Eats Food Review, jeremy clarkson farm season 2, jeremy clarkson season 3, Gary Eats, Food Review
Id: eU-JJiF5Twg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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