The Very Best Of Kaleb In Clarkson’s Farm Season 2

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y Valley y Valley we Chang the game that will never be the same y Valley y Valley pick up your chest represent the West you're the boss thought you said you said on ITV the other day you were the boss well I am the boss on the farming side but you're managing this bit so hopefully get all this barley finished today that' be good wouldn't it but when you're not opening supermarkets and going on Celebrity love Island I don't do love Island the other half doesn't like it all right what is it then I'm a SLB I'd love to see you in Australia that's probably the worst thing actually I think that's what be most scared about it's actually leaving but you just don't want to go to Australia yeah they come here I do it I'm a celebrity and I'm in chipping Norton where I live what and an Indian restaurant don't tell me you've never been to an Indian restaurant I haven't well there are a restaurant where you can get Curry yeah well you know he described his baby the other day as foreign he was born in Oxford I was born in chippy Norton as well as all my family and my son is born in Oxford he's foreign good job you're wearing a safety helmet good job you're a snowflake or are you Gen X what are you what do you mean what am I were you born in the 20th century you were weren't you no 1998 that's 20th century is the 20 like 2000 onwards isn't it no that we're in the 21st century now are we did you repair that wasn't me don't you be looking at you it was you wasn't it that's appalling look at it I grant you it's not aesthetically pleasing so I hold the fence up with with two arms and then with my other arm I pick up that new post and then measure it with my other arm yeah it's not hard what hold the fence [Music] ready oh hell remember bring Luca for a bag of peas no they're building a railway that goes from London to Liverpool Manchester or somewhere about 12 minutes faster it's costing billions of pounds and it's using every bit of concrete in Britain I mean who needs a railway I've never been on a train so I don't need a railway what I've never been on a train never that's not possible prove it how how I could have you lived me have you been me no I know how I feel about you walking with a stick I like it it makes me look like a I'm starting to feel farmish you know I'm starting to understand little things about the countryside now that's the problem though you only understand little things they don't look surprised or frightened or intimidated in any way when you approach they just stare look at Peppa over on the left there they just St they're like six-year-old kids when you walk into a classroom they're not frightened exactly that that's there that's Caleb's cow impression here we go come on like working with Gandalf come on that sound sounds like a balloon I'm terrified of balloons terrified oh massive fear you have no idea wouldn't wouldn't go in a room with there balloon there really yeah scared like don't tell anyone that it's weird to thing that I used to play with all these kids when I was in school they used to be the team above us have you got a picture of you playing I do had long hair then another hairstyle yeah you're quite pudgy what do you mean pudgy Porky you w your phone no you up big time now hell thought I did that one as well I such a muppet every time I know I know I know I know what you're going to say as well you missed a bit well I didn't I'm really sorry Caleb this is not bit this is yeah but I didn't miss it though well no honestly I did not miss it it was odd that we'd been invited to the British farming Awards in Birmingham to receive a Gong naturally Caleb said he needed a new haircut for the occasion so go on just talk me through your hair what what style would you call call that um I mean what did you say to the barber can I have tram lines and you know exactly what I meant all right tram lines but then the bit on on the top that's a perm still oh there you go drop me off over there where just by the red carpet I'm not dropping you by the red carpet why I'm not dropping just over there I am not your chauffer it's my award it's not your award it is please just just just there oh for God's sake thank you all right thank you you owe me one for this go and park the car how you doing make sure it's close shut up my lips are really I need some like Baseline I've got some nipple Bal it's really good for your lips can i b some of your nipple Bal yes you can you've changed I am good and I she is a violent one that one we need a name for her genis KH is that the is that the flip flop person the flip-flop sorry the flip gangas flipflop Gangi I I remember hearing about him at a young farmer party gandy's flipflop yeah Gandhi and genis Khan are not the same thing what are what's the difference then well Gandhi was a peaceloving Indian from the 20th century who achieved Independence for India yeah genis Khan murdered and raped millions of people see like a this is cool the cows love this we had them on our Old Farm they proper get into it do you ever you ever used one they go underneath it yeah [Applause] oh that's [Applause] good apparently eating half a cow is the same environmental impact as one person flying to Australia so it's not really they're not really how many people fly to Australia a day oh well Novak doovic tennis that lady a girl Jeremy are you doing Midland style I'm doing a Brazilian unless I get it wrong in which case it's a Hollywood you don't know what I'm talking about D do you not know what a Brazilian is I've never seen a Brazilian person I suggest you stop why it's not very straight you said to me I want a dead straight line Caleb to from that gateway to the new gate that will be over there I agree my first one was a disaster which which one is is it this one it's awful the little tractor at the top remember no I've never used this drill you have you drilled some wheat and then up on that then you drill dead mans yes have you seen the up in there I have walked it oh you stick with writing let me do this no cuz there's no tram lines you don't need tram lines for this which is why I'm doing it it's very low input yeah push that up and then see where it says markers yeah pull that down I want the marker out this way out you go oh no no stop bring that back in baby train what a banger obviously I'm a fraud here of course I am I'm not a farmer I'm a trainee Farmer at best two years so loing I couldn't have done it without him ladies and gentlemen Caleb Cooper I won an [Applause] award
Channel: Amazon Prime Video UK & IE
Views: 179,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video UK, Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime UK, Amazon Video, Amazon Video UK, Amazon Original Series, Amazon Instant Video, Prime Instant Video, jeremy clarkson, clarksons farm, jeremy clarkson farm, jeremy clarkson funny moments, jeremy clarkson genius, clarksons farm kaleb, clarksons farm season 2, clarksons farm sheep, clarksons farm tractor, clarksons farm funny, kaleb cooper, best of kaleb cooper, kaleb clarksons farm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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