NEW Cave Update Minecraft is MISSING

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hey what's going on guys log that zip here caves in Minecraft home to ores home to stone home to mobs home to loot but for the most part got a boring not too much going on here it's the same old you see one cave you seen them all boring boring boring anyways nobody likes boring and so what we've done for today's minecraft suggestions video is completely deep aura fide that word all the different caves that you can come across in your Minecraft world we've taken suggestions from the Minecraft suggestions subreddit and applied them to give us ice caves sandstone caves jungle caves Eve and a whole bunch of other features that we're gonna be showing off well my head in today's video so what we want you to do is in the comment section of this video leave us suggestions for other things that you think minecraft should have some improvements for so that we can re theme and make them for your visual experience and maybe some will be added as an update one day in the future so do me that favor and of course check out everything in the description this video including links to the original suggestions and of course xavius links as well who you who helped set up this map and if you enjoy the video want to see more suggestion videos on the channel we've been trying to do them once a week every other week maybe you can let me know about dropping a like rating on that video and a subscribe because whatever all right now and go ahead get to the caves oh yeah I also sell things Lincoln bhai Oh alrighty so let's jump into the first cave which is right down here this doesn't look ominous at all just lovely beach and then gaping hole just randomly in the middle of nowhere I guess it makes sense we're covered kids let's improve caves everything my god I Love You Xavier watch a dragon's channel in the description this video he makes tons of command block stuff Theory crafting with Minecraft videos he talks about jab everyone so hybrid lipstick alright let me continue so the first thing that's gonna change via these update suggestions or rare flat surfaces I just spit all over my screen side which give caves more character why does everything have to be round you see she just got random walls just hanging out I don't know if I like it but it is a whole essay oh yeah whoa well half slabs okay well go with that one huh oh okay stone slabs generate just smooth out caves more now wait a sec Xavier you just said right flat surfaces why does everything have to be round and they get slabs to round things out make up your mind man confusing me it was super effective okay anyways you see I've hurt myself in my confusion I understand you got little half steps makes it nice and easy just to walk down the caves instead of having to worry about jumping every single time grunts stupid stone block so all good okay well I get it so far we got flattened walled caves and you got stone slab caves sure basic suggestions let's spice things up a little bit on number three very dark basalt case I saying that right good so in the comments tell me I don't know if it's base saw is it basalt is it basalt is it lambing I don't know okay very dark caves spooky look at these Hey oh it just broke I didn't get it okay well don't break any more than much it was apparently they break and that makes them spooky spooky green mushrooms wow they really stand out nicely on the black basalt that's good and we have what nice cobweb alert kind of cave is this exactly what kind of caves look like I like it you know it'd be nice though is if the ores matched with the rest of the blocks that should be its own little thing right well okay well it'll carry on what is this suggestion big open spaces big open spaces that's it that's a movie reference anybody know that that's kind of that's my time I'll say it's Rugrats and big open and flat cave spaces uncommon yeah this is huge just big oh oh wow yeah magister eddie into a big old cavern this would make making houses in caves so much more convenient you know I mean so what we need now hopefully comes with all the torches otherwise it's nobody's left alright he did whatever which speaking witches which camps in swamp biome so apparently if you have a go oh he sees me a few of them do oh okay let's jump in I want to press this we got sideways ooh era of poison nice almost hit him oh whoa fighting how many you're hanging out right there to be honest well they're literally damaging each other and I'm trying to hit up gone yeah got one hold on a second oh that's beautiful they got me they got be close to dead seriously what do they do just hanging out yeah yeah yeah yeah makeup up I've been poisoned as well oh yeah we gotta get out of here quick anyways nice which me cams I guess they come with Oh chest ooh hey well look at what we got in a second I'm pretty sure I'm going to die pretty soon here maybe yeah imagine into that in a cave anyways what's the loot we got jump boost instant damage fire resistance poison fire I've poisoned them once again and now I'm gonna instant demage him get it didn't even hurt him I'll poison messed everything all no nice getting it wait are they even getting hit with I think through it - I got me too are we moving on stupid ice caves seem free are the poisons number 6 ice caves seems pretty obvious it's ice all over the place it's cool I guess oh yeah the ice caves again with the oars if they match they'd look cool too but maybe make it harder to see what you're looking for if the board's match I don't know speed of will not speed up very small underground ruins has nothing to do with or not speaking of it all man it's been a long day and it's only 9 a.m. anyways imagine running into some cave systems in your icy world now how do I get up there I see a great chest maybe we don't even need to get up there can I just mmm aksha tell you what now I got my jump boost hit it oh man well there is something up there a spawner what got smarter I'm trying like see alright we'll go ahead and seriously it's too much where's my K mode switch game-mode one perfect what's the loot packed ice boring oh and it's a stray spawner man yeah I would not run into that in a cave system but at least now you know what you could run into you got some decent packed I salute it wouldn't even use packed ice or is it for anything other than decoration I don't think so so yeah you got ice caves ruins in them okay whatever now there's desert caves as well also it'd be nice if capes had more interesting like this one what more interesting like this one more interesting what Xavier I'm so I want to know what it more interesting what if you don't do this to me all right guess we got to figure it out later more interesting what let's see more interesting cracks in the blocks more interesting cobwebs more interesting loot I don't know tar that's pretty interesting okay what is it must be this this is just some slightly hard and tar it's useful for slowing mobs around your base oh good I'm stuck okay okay well there's a bunch of tar here oh it even slows me down yeah a what that slowness 3 look just walking about suddenly you're slow lad Oh about that play me like that I was sparring the husk see how he does let him can't do nothing he's even moving super slow too man this would be really cool of a block to run into a kid finally reason to explore caves you get tar from them specifically number 9 broken nether portals ooh with the Terra Cotta the glazed terracotta nice touch oh it was supposed to break that I've ruined the immersion you get back in the tour idiot right yeah look it was sinking funny yeah broken nether portals I want over this least makes me want to like open it like I said it the portal of flame but we'll worry about it later we got a door to open now this door keeps I told you back up oh yeah I knew there's a reason I brought this packed ice with me alright let's see what's behind the door oh wow look at this cave Wow melons and leaves oh and it's poison ivy again hey they showed up in one of the last suggestions videos hey did you watch it hey should there's a little ID popping up somewhere on the screen I don't know what the heck the point I'm just a man in the box right now we ain't gonna worry too much about it but don't watch subscribe okay sorry whatever bats are immune to poison ivy but if you were to walk right through the poison ivy it would be a different story I'm pain oh I like it oh wow do we already got me down to a half heart okay well pause it I'm gonna take a quick melon break why I'm not getting any blocks words with melon it's fake melon it's not a tease you deceiving I don't like it now number 10 is jungle caves and number 11 is some caves have lots of vets bat caves wow this is this is a very badiy cave I don't have a joke for it just a very bad film but a nice jungle themed cave running into this some lush green to just kind of break up the monotony of all the grey boring drab which okay I went through that door this is a new door over here now what isn't here proceed once you've explored once I've explored what Oh once epics now wait a second I don't know which way to go there's a door here in the stuff over here I assume I got hold on oh I'm tempted something used to live here what oh wow hey a little mini bass and everything we got a bed here what's in this gold nor okay well I got a fun idea check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out oh shoots it out oh it's not even connected stupid I'm gonna take the gold or it's mine now you got gold pressure plates lots of gold or you got a bed here you got some weak to deal with I'm not getting any of the items teasing me it's terrible and a whole mess of bone blocks and I can only assume that's either basalt or coal blocks yeah Giants coal what the heck did live here and I'm pretty sure he wasn't fitting in the bed no wonder he died probably sleep exhaustion alright I'm funny I'm gonna stop it we're gonna go ahead and proceed through that door now that we've explored what Italy used to live here it didn't really help me much I have no idea what that is so we're gonna carry on now wait a second I just heard some kind of mob I'm gonna set my spawn point right here and then like you can I try to die oh whoa hey wait I just I just set my spawn point where am I No well that was embarrassing anyways number twelve cave-ins when you first discover it Gabe we got tripwire here it's probably up to no good let's see the dog oh yeah oh boy there's silverfish coming after us in the clay caves number 13 and number 13 clay caves huh I don't know I'm gonna just keep your hitting the cables come on gaben gaben gaben gaben what did you spawning in gravel I thought it was actually trying to make something gave in I ain't gonna worry about it now we got a lot of Flint over with our name on it and a big old wall Oh gravel ain't got lapis you got a cave of clay again re I said that now I'm stuck okay get me oh I think it made just goofed myself this is not a good thing okay well we got gold ores was this fourteen chance to find silver fish caves they're like right there like bat caves but there's lots of silver fish no there's a lot of silver fish all right I get it blocks down oh we gotta be very very very quick about it oh boy yeah [Music] easy but alright easy boys I need to just let me I they can't get me I hate them the worst all right now what do we got out 15 stalagmites and apparently they glow definitely not a retexture dendrite don't worry bad is fine stalagmites and stalactites and stalagmites little bites i don't know what they're called but I know there's a slight differences but yeah these look fun just running around in the caves I even got a little Biggles little pinnacles but I'm shut up is this fun I all right let's see what about what happens when I break up today are they just called yeah I don't get anything what is with this world the caves don't want to reward me yikes now what is this 16 semi flooded caves especially in ocean biomes ocean indeed look at this Wow fun little pool man just have a grand old time in a water park in the caves as you're exploring take a quick break from getting all your silk touch on mm-hmm yikes but there's no Guardians that would've been great guardians in the caves oh yeah and you got to make sure the stalactites and stalagmites in here too mm-hmm would do very highly recommend yikes make a little easier where am I trying to go right now I can't find out where I'm supposed to head I think over here come on quick ooh what is this about hey I gotta see what this is about is this the right way to go okay I think so yeah hi hey easy punk I'm 17 hot gates found only deep underground okay so what more basalt or is it cold hard to tell but we got some special new obsidian filled with lava man looks great looks like someone spilled cheese all over their obsidian I love cheese it's okay though you see you hit on them well hey man I'm sorry you stand out if you started getting a lot of damage works similar to magma blocks presumably so yeah I buy I go with it number 18 little tiny that you're in a slime chunk look at it latest fun oh man I'm a cute it looks like carpets except it's a little it's like a little goopes of slime so you know in a slime chunk so you can find some slimes they can make a sticky piston so you have a good old time with your airships and special contraptions that I guess requires to be Pistons nice it is very subtle you got mossy cobble more stalactites Xavier ran wild the slag fights the moment he made him go that's fine nineteen rare chance to find huge caves I already did this one oh this is this is a huge cave alright well I spoke too soon then this is enormous in here Wow and you had all the different Wars hanging out I know what the heck this thing is I guess we'll look at in a second this thing spans every direction you got random mossy cobble sure knob I let go that's fine now what is this twenty very rare terracotta structures what's under it I know what's under it I've explored this game for the first time let's see I'm gonna break it what there's nothing there what come on hopefully there's some wonder this one at least work with me yeah there we go a beta bars but whatever stupid book infinity I'll go with it mending go with it that's good too in fact well that one sucks whatever I'll pretty decently get rid of this stupid one you're this stupid Wayne family what take those one what else you got huh and it's take it to long game mode one play me like that ooh creepers skull well that's convenient that's easier than trying to find a charged creeper do the same thing okay sure she got a lot and she had it books under here and terracotta structures and a creeper head sure okay and number 21 21 extremely rare towers all the way back to the surface of whatever cave you're in Wow adventurer alert nice all the way up we go almost like someone was here before us messing about getting the cave systems on mm-hmm Wow let me see how far do this oh I almost fell yeah oh it's difficult it is a little hard to do with the f5 oh yeah Xie now I'm all up in your grill not so good we're gonna keep on with it actually all right I'm over I wanted to see how it looks okay that's the whole point it's a visual experience you want to enjoy this you want to enjoy it with me right well you guys learn okay you don't learn today random would sure no that's good just in case you're add torches along the way what the heck is that about man cheese and just like that we've surfaced the end way over there is where we started Wow not bad full underwater experience all about it my friends these are what caves should look like an amazing update that we could only dream up so big thing to anyone that suggested some of the suggestions that we use in the suggestions video and of course thank you so much to Xavier making his own suggestion in the comments section of this video go ahead and continue to leave us suggestions for updates you want to see us recreate for Minecraft and maybe one day one of the developers but give me the toe today I'm just kidding they're the best and maybe implement some of these but they have to be balanced they got to make sense so leave your comments leave a like if you enjoyed the video want to continue to see suggestion videos on this channel and of course subscribe to be notified and hit that bell if these swells you can see the videos right as they come out hope y'all enjoyed the video have a great day night morning evening mid-afternoon dusk wherever you are and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 460,571
Rating: 4.8106771 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new minecraft update, minecraft new update, minecraft 1.2, minecraft 1.13, updates minecraft should have, minecraft updates, minecraft changes, minecraft changed, logdotzip, minecraft commands, minecraft mods, minecraft functions, mods, functions, commands, command blocks, funny, comedy, gaming, mod, minecraft 1.12, minecraft 1.3, minecraft update, 1.12, 1.2, command, update, custom, mcpe, minecraft news, minecraft suggestions, suggestions, update suggestions, minecraft cave, cave
Id: 4u3813SXo60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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