The New Abyss Is Wild... (Genshin Impact)

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we have a brand new Abyss you know what that means time to suffer I hope it's not harder than last ones because that was pretty crazy normal charge plunging attacks deal 30 increased damage and attack speed is increased by 10 that sounds really powerful which makes me a little worried that it's going to be kind of insane hard but we'll see nine and ten are still the same so let's just snap our fingers scrap those real quick and check out the new floor 11. oh 75 physical damage bonus I haven't finished the EULA weapon video yet but uh I mean obviously physical units would be decent here so chamber one this is a target defense okay we have ruined stuff here which isn't impacted that much by CC but then we have all these samurais the nobushi and kairagi which the bigger kairagi's aren't really affected but the smaller ones I believe are but yeah CC in general like vinti and sucrose whatever don't seem to play a massive role here as for strategy if you are planning on bringing a physical team or a physical main DPS I wouldn't recommend it for first off because these guys have resistance to physical chamber 2 kind of cements no physical for first half because we have Abyss Majors here which requires specific elements to get rid of their Shields and physical is not so good at that Electro could take care of them both decently well or Hydro best case for pyro and Pyro best case for cryo so a vaporize team would be pretty good in first half so while these badly small things also have physical resistance at least it's only 30 across the board so I think the 75 would more than make up for that but let's check out chamber three here yeah here in first half is looking pretty tough honestly pyro and cryo Abyss dudes it's basically just upgraded chamber 2 Abyss Mages which is funny vaporize team looking really good for first half I'm not going to pretend to know the resistances of every enemy off the top of my head I did check the stone enchanter and he actually has less physical resistance than all other elements even going into the negatives unless he's Enchanted so off screen I wouldn't use a physical for either side to be honest because I just don't use physical units that much but we will definitely try one for second half and see how it goes I did check a couple of these enemies as well and it seems like they mostly have reduced physical resistance as well well since the Euler showcase is coming up pretty soon I kind of don't want to use her even though she'd probably be like the best case here so we're just gonna go good old physical kaching it's been a while and I mostly use her as Electro build's looking pretty solid I didn't find a good physical weapon for her because I still don't have Aquila so I'm just basically giving her light to follow your incision based on stats mainly the passive won't help that much so we're just gonna go in with our usual vaporize team with yoy Mia there I'm gonna throw Vinci in there for the Samurais though Rosaria Mika I mean we should be able to do it but it might be a little bit meh honestly okay mostly we cannot interrupt their attacks so like okay cc is just honestly kind of useless here it can pull them away but like it's still not great boom got some like 50k charge attacks there I know it said 24 or whatever but she attacks twice let's see what our physical kaching can do to these guys ooh those are some 37 Keys nearly 80k charge attack there okay not not bad I mean we do have quite a few bonuses here but we're still at 83 so we actually did decently well on this one we only lost a few percent from those guys and our kaching died which was I should try and talk less yeah as long as you mostly try and keep their attention they don't even really attack it it is a little bit hard since those last three spawn at the same time though we might be able to kill them both at the same time which would be nice uh wait no yeah there we go okay yeah wasn't too bad honestly but CC's not going to help you very much that's the takeaway chamber two we got the abyss Mages oh and some of these newish hillatrol Rogues I kind of missed them but you know they're not really that big of a deal oh and then we end with three Abyss Mages okay again though shouldn't be too much trouble with our yilon here seeing show would also work perfectly fine for these guys moving on to second half this will probably be the hardest for our physical team because these guys actually do have a bit of physical res there are a total of five enemies here the first three are already dead it looks like and then we have some bigger ones back here yeah these guys are definitely proving to be um pretty hard they are always moving out of Rosaria rings so I can like not get super conduct on them very often it's pretty annoying and good old kaching running out of stamina after like two charge attacks is always fun we were still barely above seven minutes so even if it was a three minute round it still would have worked for the final chamber we have to kill both Abyss dudes at the same time I mean we do have Zhang Lee and Binny to protect us and keep us healthy from the fire one definitely scares me more honestly than the cryo one because he has like some passive stuff that can hurt you pretty bad if you don't get rid of this thing I think it is but it's kind of hard when we don't already have yolan's uh thing I'm just focusing on the cryo one because yeah that one could die a lot faster and now of course the only thing we gotta do to kill him is to remove his shield so honestly like going to anyone else doesn't make any sense okay well there we go for the final stage here we have six of these aeromites they are actually weak to physical so this shouldn't be too bad I would imagine I saw some nice 80k charge attacks from our kitchen there a second ago we might see a couple more if they would calm down you bastards but yeah like 20K normals is also really good yeah unfortunately one of them was just chilling out there forever so I'm not sure we might actually run out of time here no oh I think we got it with like one second left damn that was really close though okay but we did it we can now move on to floor 12 which is the uh big boy stuff we have no leyline disorder as usual let's check out the enemies okay oh okay funny we have the rock fond and thundercraven and of the Pyro dudes back usually when they would have the rift Hound dudes in there it would be either Rock fondra Thunder because the rocks are weak to Geo Thunder is weak to Electro which doesn't make sense but they are like that so you just be like okay take domain DPS or take electromain DPS and now they're combined with just a random random Abyss sector in there probably the worst one honestly but okay I don't know yet let's come back to it later oh God and then in second half we have these which you need like catalase for the Bishops thunderhelm lava Trill it almost looks like these are two Chambers in one it almost feels random like they just spun a RNG wheel and like okay these are the enemies going in here now it doesn't make any sense yeah okay and then we have the shadowy husks so Shields are bad the only good Shield you can have here is baijus because it's so weak that anytime they attack it will break thus not triggering their passives outside of that patui skirmisher aeromite actually Bloom team probably wouldn't be bad for first half has a lot of Hydra for the abyss dude but yeah for second half we have this pretty ridiculous boss ridiculous in that it's incredibly easy with the right team um as long as you can disable it it'll just stay down for most of the battle so spread aggravate team would work really well which is kind of annoying because I wanted to do Bloom here so let's just check out chamber three though let's see what's going on there all right we have aeromites plus a mirror Maiden I'm pretty sure these are the ones that are summoning the minions which is pretty annoying mirror maidens are in my experience so stupidly tanky for no reason and then we got the double fish UPS here I'm guessing these are like the inconomia boss I mean second half definitely looks like a good old Shogun nihita team I think they could uh slay through that pretty fast maybe Shogun and I'll hate them would also work but I just never really got into him so the issue is I am still really thinking about nahida first half so I've been contemplating and rebuilding for the last half hour I think I've decided on a team good old classic Bloom team I guess baiju's there instead of what is usually kokomi second half is going to be a little weird we're going Shogun zhangli tignari I was actually gonna go all hate them but I'm just more comfortable with my boy dignari and I like using him so and Sara Sara is mainly there just to boost Shogun but I think technology will be pretty solid as well partially of course courses to proc aggravate but he is actually a pretty decent single Target damage dealer and you know we do have a boss here and just two enemies here so we'll see how it goes I'm not expecting to one shot the abyss we probably have to change some things around here but we're really going to need by juice healing for this stuff uh but for now let's just mark them all with uh Nikita stuff there she is taking some self-bloom already baiju Shields does help with that but it is pretty minimal yeah we're gonna really need by juice heels now oh God the fire Abyss Harold is already here with the with the big dudes okay the two big ones are gone and this guy just got his shield so it's actually not looking too bad right now we're only about a minute in this should be The Last Enemy it is indeed yes did we get rid of the thing I think we did his shield is actually almost gone this is actually going really well uh hurry up okay now we're at half time that could have gone so much faster but I choked a bit now we have the much more wacky team and uh all these little minions to deal with here we are gonna do tignari's three charge attacks while we have him on the field go back to Sara and then do a nice little burst with our Shogun here and yeah that that those just got pretty much one shot now we have some random ass bathy Smalls here time to recycle going back to zhangly here getting a little pillar up there inflicting with spread very nice and just starting the rotation over now those should die from that burst oh no this one didn't get hit oh man we only have 40 seconds left and still three pretty tough enemies left to go I don't know if this is gonna work and that Electro dude over there is going to prove to be a pain in the ass 20 seconds oh that one is still full health why are you full health 15 seconds I don't know about that and and John Lee's pillar is in the way go zhangly pillar oh no quick little burst it was enough it was enough we won't really have it for next round but that was really close I'm surprised first try though wow on a chamber one Maybe This Time Chamber one isn't the hardest chamber but they've been doing that for some reason okay moving on to chamber two I don't want to jinx it but I would imagine this one shouldn't be too hard because the boss at the end I I can't imagine we'll have a ton of problems with it let's see how first half goes first of all though oh why are they so far away oh my God my nahida got absolutely destroyed in like half of a second that was crazy it's super annoying they're so far away though I'm just gonna prematurely tag them I don't usually do that but actually why not gotta run all the way over there with nihita's tiny legs oh this dude which shouldn't be too bad actually we have uh yilon's off-field stuff going there all right there we go tag all those guys over there and run straight to death get baiju's uh Shield burst back just tap with Nikita there since they're all so close together wait Nikita don't die don't die come on come on almost okay not too bad I think that was under a minute outside of Nikita getting like obliterated there for a second uh wasn't too bad let's see how the boss goes though just gonna do my typical little rotation here all of tignari stuff in there as well just to get some premature damage on him really and we're just gonna kind of um unfortunately a Shogun doesn't have her burst which is annoying we can't do much with this stuff right now yeah well he is disabled at least so we're just gonna try and press buttons correctly here get at least as much damage as we can on him yeah now that he's back up we do have Shogun burst and we're just gonna go for the Shogun burst oh why is he disappearing okay we need to destroy those things all right yeah he's back now let's see if we can get a couple of good hits on him before he gets back up we only have 45 seconds left how it's been going though it looks like that'll work if we can just get this burst off real quick before he stands up yeah that was a nice little 300K okay we didn't actually need to rush it that much like I said the bus I mean it caused us a little trouble because you went invisible but we could get him down pretty quick chamber three times so far I haven't had that much of an issue chamber three might be totally insane though so let's see just get the em I guess both teams do are like quite a bit on em I uh level 100 aeromites uh the first two should be going away pretty quick here yep there goes the first two and there are only four enemies total here uh the stupid mirror Maiden disappeared I'm going to ignore you for now we'll tag you with uh nahida oh I think that was an actual one shot what was that nahida why are you so squishy I mean her squishiness is absolutely worth it because she's an insane character but dang oh I think we only have the aeromite left oh wow we did that in 43 seconds I think that was okay well this side can't be that hard I forgot which one I have to kill first it's been a while yep there they go doing their double attack I totally forgot what I'm supposed to do here just run just run away or maybe not even run away yeah I'm screwing up pretty bad here one is almost dead I'm just going for it oh no wait oh they're doing something dumb now can I attack them in here yeah one yeah one died oh wait re remaining opponent quickly oh did we have something like this before wow he has half of his HP back or almost half that's dumb okay I see I see how it is you gotta kill them at the same time that is a short timer as well we are keeping them somewhat equal right now we have 20 seconds so I don't know if that's actually gonna work oh no Nah if we can't kill this one now it's over and we couldn't that's such a short timer dude what I think the Samurais give you more time to kill their partner than these level 100 bosses okay okay you got something for me I see especially with technari being a very single Target character uh this might be much of a challenge I think that one went a little slower it wasn't quite as perfect uh but we still have uh more than two minutes so I guess we're gonna see if it works out oh man this is tough oh wait no no no not that one can I can I just hit the other one I can't no oh wait it's not dead yet we have a chance here we have a chance no that now they're too far away here we go here we go yes exactly on the same attack shogun's burst oh man that was actually intense I was trying to be careful and Whittle them down equally and because of that the time was running out so fast but I mean we didn't even have to leave and like change our team so that's pretty surprising I would definitely say the final chamber is the hardest now though as it should be in my opinion um so that's cool but yeah there was a new Abyss honestly quite enjoyed this one especially compared to the last one man the last one made me really like hurt my brain thinking about stuff because there was like so many different element requirements there and just like I need to try weird stuff there this one while the enemies do feel somewhat random there aren't a ton of element requirements and the speed at which the other one recovers after being dead is so crazy you basically need to kill them at the same time which is yeah it adds a fun little twist to it I gotta say but yeah overall still quite tough there but I mean we did clear it with our first team we had to retry a couple things a couple times but overall we got through it relatively quick of course this is all relative to my own experiences that's the only thing I can really compare to your experience May differ of course but yeah guess that'll do it make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing the channel if you enjoyed it's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 96,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, new abyss, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact new abyss, moga
Id: grzgL7ap4PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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