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okay listen we haven't gotten anything in the past like 40 exchanges it's preparing for a big one frost i can sense the huge one the big four line double crit youtube frogs let me turn my way just a little bit so you know exactly what's about to happen ah we have returned to the cursed alchemy table the host of the infamous artifact strongbox that's right we're back i am not leaving here without that energy recharge timepiece but before we continue you from us know i've been representing advanced gg for a while now and i'm super excited to announce that they just released a brand new non-caffeinated option hydration that's right zero caffeine zero sugar and zero calories featuring four different key electrolytes hydration has been formulated to balance great taste and maximum hydration effectiveness in a drink you can sip on all day long and with its release come three fantastic flavors for you guys to try peach mango lemonade and blueberry pomegranate advanced gg is the only clinically proven gaming supplement shown to improve performance i continue to represent advanced gg because their products are completely open label meaning they don't hide behind things like proprietary blends and don't rely on filler to make their products look more effective than they actually seem you know exactly what is in it and can research more about specific ingredients completely transparently check out hydration at advanced gg using the link in the description and use code slice at checkout for 10 off your order now back to the video you guys know that i've tried the past i don't even know how many episodes to try to get this stupid energy recharge is just such a hard main stat to get on the timepiece with double crit lines but before we begin the infamous ritual that's right fortune what do we have today while i'm doing fortune friendly reminder if you want to join the twitch frogs you know where to find me my twitch channel the chaotic show vibes yes sir we are getting great fortune i can see it in the future great fortune okay at least it was it was close to great it was modest modest is fine modest is like great but not really but it's kind of not yes it's fine modest is fine youtube fox look at all of these timepieces from the emblem domain i wonder what i was farming for it would seem like i still have not gotten them given that i have a full page that plus zero wow i wonder what it was hmm get out of my face you filthy disgusting timepieces useless garbage every single one of you i'm kidding now please give me this timepiece uh-huh uh-huh nice useless useless i i don't even want to consider it move past it stop rolling the trash oh okay uh that's also okay this is a four line start can't complain this is a hyrule start okay not bad got defense percent hp [Music] this is insane this has never happened before this is crazy i don't know what episode is this is absolutely insane youtube frogs we are going to start this episode with this roll at plus 20. that's how we're going to start the video i don't even care if i get a times 2 times 5 times 3 times ten times 69 i don't care i have been waiting for this type of piece for literally my entire gaming career it's not bad i'll take it dude you know you can't beggars can't be choosers man three rolls out of five rolls settling with a 35 crit value hey man that's a dope it could have been better but honestly it could have been a lot worse let me know youtube frogs would you all take this i mean for sure you would there's no way any of you would not take this you'd be literally trolling if you said no to this piece you would 100 500 take this piece i feel like i have just closed an important chapter of my no blessed piece that was the first one too if you guys want to see this is what my energy recharge noblest looks like this is the piece that we just rolled i have been playing this game since the very first day no bless has literally been out since the beginning of the game i don't know how long i've used this piece what the hell is that bro seven seven seven four pieces that i have four but we got this today all right for this episode let's get another one let's just get another one that easy just get it just get lucky and get another one today's the day no sir what else do we got bro that's that's the first two ten ten rolls we're doing on this oh my god what the hell is that can you imagine if this was a timepiece for hutau okay listen we had shenha which was an attack based character that would have used this type of piece we had yoon jin that was defense based surely we'll get someone that's hp based that will use this type of piece that is why i'm gonna roll this piece let's just see it i wanna see it just show me it right now why why is this piece exist plus 20 piece go get out of my face i'm gonna use that exact piece to feed into this one let's go damn let's go dude honestly i'm so glad that this happened on this piece and not the timepiece i could not be happier that i just hit this sack of crap on this dude holy crap all right let's max it out because uh pain and suffering yes agree dude why couldn't you just have stayed like this why could you have been purely ugly why do you have to roll crit at the end go away what's this garbage watch this chat we just rolled the most garbage piece and we're now gonna feed it into uh man all right i'm not being too greedy right surely i would not being to be too greedy right now i would not be greeting for another energy recharge no blessed timepiece right i can get another one right that was almost these are all sad and pathetic like my dreams hp okay that was definitely a poo poo by the way youtube frogs i just wanted you guys to know that some of these artifacts that you see me feeding are probably like hey wait why i would roll that to plus three i mean plus four the thing is i'm at the stage of the game where i have way way way too many artifacts that in order to get an upgrade they need to be a really solid so i might be skipping artifacts that you may be using if i were starting off the game anew though any single piece that had a main stat that i wanted and a single crit line i would try to roll for sure because you don't have that many of those in the beginning now let's get more trash uh-huh uh-huh nice beautiful nothing that's perfect because now the timepieces are going to be great uh maybe we'll try it excel no oh dear okay i'm not greeting by the way chet i want to make this very clear i am not greeting for this no blessed peace we are purely a just rounding i mean listen we imagine if we got another one okay think about how glorious it would be to get another beautiful energy research timepiece in the same episode anything insane anything insane no no nada no no nada no all right we've got two duds this time that's okay chad yes wow crazy amazing insane another hp piece i don't know why i'm locking these pieces but uh okay okay i'm gonna try these pieces out because we haven't gotten anything in the last like 30 pieces they're not going to actually turn out but listen all right i i just need to just need to roll something real quick you know what i'm saying real quick excellent we got garbage you know what that's okay we already got something really good today you guys all suffer the same problem where you guys are lacking timepieces because the game hates you or something timepieces are just so difficult man i don't know what it is that and circlets because goblets we usually use offset right it's always timepieces man meanwhile uh okay i'll try that one sure uh no no no i'm pieces no no no not good enough okay listen we haven't gotten anything in the past like 40 exchanges it's preparing for a big one frost i can sense the huge one the big four line double crit no okay that's a flower we'll take it [Music] timepiece nada did you get a flower though what's the last stat okay this literally looks like the timepiece that we just got except it's three line instead of four line which means that we just need to get lucky forehead right yikes all right that's a dead piece moving on we're gonna just don't look back just keep moving forward just just pretend nothing everything is fine yes everything will be okay you just gotta keep moving forward let me know in the comments youtube frogs those of you who started saving up your big batches of artifacts for this strong box like i do and then get depressed afterwards when you don't hit anything i know the feeling man anything four line okay listen if we had five max roll grit damage this would be 40 plus rust these ones you always roll hp em nah you know i saw 20 quid damage i was like wow and then i saw 807 hp i'm like wow you know what i kind of want to get this to plus 20 just to see what it would roll all right 1k hp or 27 crit damage what that wasn't enough okay okay i told myself you game did i agree too hard okay maybe we will get one more uh it's a mineral create damage but those subs look pretty nice not gonna cap okay another four line flower today ah oh man chat you know i kind of want to roll this piece because what if it rolls 22 crit i kind of want to roll it what if it was 22 grit what's the last stat it's actually like literally perfect minus the low crit damage these are perfect sub stats on a mask which means that if i feed a 1 000 flat hp i will also get i'm not gonna lie it looks really really really sad i feel like it didn't even go anywhere i'm feeling like this one is looking like a sad one okay now it looks even worse holy sh dude what the hell just happened man okay trust when i say this could roll 22 crit i'm actually serious dead serious it was actually close okay listen you can't deny it was actually close it's just one defense roll off i had i had to read on it you know what i'm saying i had it dude okay chad so if this goes 16 crit i will use it maybe yes i will potentially use it if it's 16 crit how about this how about this man are we looking how we looking how are we looking it's awfully balanced it looks weird yeah it looks it looks balanced for some reason all right time to use the rejects here we go uh if it rolls correct i'm down we are getting lower and lower on our account chat i am feeling that we're gonna get two time pieces today i'm not even trolling you that's sixth sense you know what i'm saying all of these roles are for that one all right chat listen listen listen listen listen we are going to go for all the rest of the attempts here whether i get it or not the next time we come back we will try gladiator again or maybe i will come back to don't bless maybe i don't know listen ah sure i could try it listen chet i know this is gonna feel painful but okay i'll roll it i was gonna say i wasn't gonna roll this piece because it got double minerals but it's just ah sure man how about this straight to plus 20. yeah that's not it dude whoa four line whoa okay that one is okay that would okay my greed paid off whoa you know what if we what if we saw a 50 50 crit value piece what if we got all crit acre damage what if we got no crit record damage oh well okay i guess oh my god okay another feather i'm down i'm down i'm down all these masks and all of them are nice holy crap another double waist this double max roll wow okay double max roll how about time pieces nope another crit crit death death not good enough i don't ah do i keep going for plus 20 i could i could okay honestly the rolls are pretty solid like it's a high rolled p i will see if i use this on someone i'm not sure if i actually will use it but like it's it's a high rolled piece so i like it i like it i'm gonna keep it i'm gonna keep it okay it's hp hb crit crit what we got then bruh bro ray ayo hit me with one more godly four line to end off yeah yeah no maybe possibly okay we can't end off of a dud you guys know me i never end a strombox episode with complete okay okay okay okay last one last one one more oh it's so pitiful man the rolls are so low okay let's come back to that one if nothing else okay another four line elemental mastery no timepiece okay we did greet a little bit then i'll glock this one too just in case do dead stats listen two dead stats but they're they can still they can remain dead if i just dodged them oh i also got this one from uh wigglys today youtube frogs we're gonna cut this a little bit to roll this piece from the weeklies and get um it's not i mean if i were an early game player i would use this but for me i would not use this it's not that bad for a newer player if you're a newer player consider that piece usable for me nah i got it i need perfect i need perfect uh perfect balance pieces okay this was uh this was too much hope for that one chat 50 crit value 50 crit value you know what's gonna happen 50 crit value right now no it was so close what if the defense was on the crit damage man what if the defense was on the crit damage okay listen it's it's still fine though honestly could still yeah i mean you know chat seven crit it mineral wait this piece is so minimum rolled we had a four line start with four rolls into crit and it's still not 40. we had to let me let me think this through again so we mineraled the crit rate and then we had three rolls into crit damage the crit damage started at 5.4 three rolls of 19 crit damage [Music] maybe we'll keep it all right maybe okay i'll take that agree youtube frogs that was believe it or not i don't know how long this is gonna be but that was 500 artifacts again i will take my leave of absence from the noblest dungeon because to remind you guys and to the twitch frogs who are joining late to this session the beautiful new energy recharge timepiece that we got it started four line but it still ended up 35 crit value this is what i have wanted a dedicated energy recharge piece for a committed support on my team i will take this for now no youtube rocks thank you guys very much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed this episode of the strombox the next time we strombox we will attempt for the gladiator strombox why because we need a timepiece from it and we i will show you guys that next time youtube rocks thank you guys for watching hope you guys like enjoyed the video don't forget to like and subscribe all that juicy juicy jazz let me know if you guys started your own artifact strongbox roll boxes we've had a lot of episodes and i plan to continue i hope you guys have been enjoying this series let me know what you think as always you know where to find me on the twitch side and as always i wish you the best of rng and we'll see you next time take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: Xlice
Views: 285,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Abyss, Gacha, Xlice, #GenshinImpact, #原神
Id: 7m7jVpPnHiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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