4 Player Battle | Grotties Path to Glory - Ep 1

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grod's path to Glory a campaign where four War Gamers Dave Steve Luca and Josh will enter the realm of chaos the players begin with a warlord and a retinue of followers in each episode they will add a unit to their forces and go head-to-head in this journey of favor and Glory represented on the tabletop will be Dave's chaos Space Marines Steve's Orcs Luca's necrons and Josh's adeptus mechanicus for the initial matchup it'll be a four player free-for-all where each War band will fight to the death The Last Man Standing will become the Victor everyone receives one favor Point Just for participating but the winner gets D3 favor points afterwards the battles will be rotating 1 V one matchups between the four players once someone wins a match after receiving 10 favor points they will be crowned the champion of the campaign and eternal glory shall be theirs this is grod's path to Glory Min War gamer Dave here from any War gamer.com here with Josh Steve the mountain and Luca welcome War Gamers to another path the glory right now it's unnamed because we're going to roll to see what we're going to name it whoever gets the highest role names it the name of their warland war war of their war of of their leader of their War band I'm going to redo this in this campaign we're going to add to our war bands we have a combination of admech chaos Bas Marines Orcs and necrons we've never done this before in a path to Glory typically it's been all chaos Bas Marines or more chaos Bas Marines that's what it's been so we're branching out into a different style every other video will be in the mini wargaming Vault so this one that you're seeing right now this four player free-for-all is on YouTube for your viewing pleasure and if you want to see this campaign in its entirety click on the link below sign up for a 7-Day free trial so that you can see every single episode as it comes out after this episode this four player we're going to Branch out into the 2v tws into the 1 v1s rather and then we'll go back and we'll do more multiplayer games in the future as well let's take a look at our war bands and what we're adding to them and just as a side note this campaign is available for download on the mini War Gaming website under rules and resources so we've included a link in the video description as well for that if you wish to do your own path to glory and play along with your C in your own clubs and basements and rooms and areas and gaming caves first things first what's the name of this campaign going to be everyone roll a dice and whoever wins gets to name the campaign oh one Steve what's it what are you rolling that 18 you know what he only said a die he straight up only said a die you're right you're super right I mean you are not wrong I I I Steve definitely wins that one for sure for sure like way win this one I mean technically yeah you should that's the biggest win I'm going to see all I mean you're not wrong it's called Gro path to Glory Gro path to Glory that is the reason why when you looked at the name of this the title of this campaign why is it named groes this is the exact reason why cuz Steve rolled a D20 that's orc big thinking right there that's big thinking first up is Luca right so I am starting with a nekron overlord it's going to be Overlord akol and we're going to start with 10 nekron War but if I roll 10 nekron Warriors further into the campaign they're going to come equipped with a ghost Arc it's just a little too much to start with initially okay so rolling on the retinue starting on the retinue there and I'm going to the The Fill die is going to be that column and then the yellow D will be the top column so it's 51 five so that's five death marks okay this time roll a D2 to see which of these two charts you're going to be rolling from this would just arbitrarily rolling this this is a two right yep okay okay so another retinue same thing that's five and three so two three tomb blades and five death marks okay Steve's up next what are you starting with uh well I start with 10 boys in a truck aome my War Boss groy and I'm hoping for more of them cuz I like boys in trucks so 53 it's like Luka 20 Gretchen oh man the second one is a D2 so it's the first one again so we're going five looters oh cool yeah Steve they come in a truck if you you wish oh yeah hard% L is in a truck heck yeah yeah okay can you IM Josh is up next what are you starting with adme so starting is a tech priest Dominus coru aspersum and then I've got what now yeah coru aspersum he's my okay it's sounds like medication yeah he's been around since the heresy some people get the reference other people don't but that's okay get and then scari 10 scari I Vanguard okay first roll so we'll go D6 down six and three so that's 10 Corpus scari Electro priests okay and for your second roll a D2 okay also retinue okay so one followed by a six so that's another 10 scur e Vanguard now rolling for mine I start with a chaos Lord davius with five chaos Space Marines in a rhino rolling first on the retinue going row then column six and one is five warp Talons bro I like warp Talons I I quit I can't win it's too overpowered now for the second one I'm going to roll a D2 see what I get yep of course it's the hero and I get a one one warpsmith oo oh for your rhino that's right this is going to be an overpowered one man yikes it's a good start starting off with my nekron warband for this path of Glory uh these are these are going to be known as the shiny boys it's what Steve's Orcs call them and you know to Dave and aous forces they're just necrons but for now did the shiny boys uh we have 10 nekron Warriors they what are they Steve why I got to pick cuz you said a good name The Click Clacks The Click Clacks click and then those are the Zoomers in the back and then these are death marks and then leading it will be Overlord akol the mighty AOL we don't have an Elijah swear so what's his actual name if that's what the orc's calling what's his actual name no that's his actual name Overlord AK the mighty cool cuz maybe the orc said ah cool Mighty cool all right here we go eye of the Gods so this is what we're going to do in place of a warlord trait we are each going to roll on the eye of the Gods table for our warlord it's 2d6 let's see what you get nine voice of the Gods your Champion doubles their strength characteristics and gains D3 attacks when they charge or charge performs a inter 1,00% take that he is strength 10 now and for my chaos base Marin they are the champions of davus they are undivided the name of my warlord here is davus we have the reclaimed which is the squad of five chaos Space Marines in a rhino they are equipped with a Power sword a Plasma Pistol Bolter is on the rest and there is a melt it in the group there there's also a Havoc launcher on the Rhino because you know we're not paying for upgrades and I figure I could take every Advantage I can get because I'm fighting against pretty strong other War bands here uh my Blades of davus these warp Talons they have the mark of nurgle because you know they are not allowed in a death guard Army and you would never see them otherwise therefore I brought them and then in the back we have Doc O my warp Smith he's got the mark of corn now I'm going to roll on the eye of the Gods table let's see what I can add to my warlord three unstable mutation change the attacks characteristic and your Champions profile to D6 oh that's cool NOP that's worse it is worse oh yeah wait he's got four attacks that's a lot worse yeah I know I like it though but plus one wait D6 one you know that yeah okay that's yeah I like it I don't here's my admech War band 01 0101 011 0111 you want to keep going 01 1 0 0 1 0 011 01111 that's the code 0111 01 0 0 0111 0 011 how long going it take you to write that uh longer than it should have cuz I wrote on I wasn't paying attention so I wrote it on the back when I didn't know these were actual warband sheets so I had to write it twice all right so being led by coru aspersum my Dominus in the back there and then the three squads the first Vanguard Squad right here 0 one 00001 0 my 10 Vanguard with two Ark rifles and an ark mace in the middle there I've got my 10 Corpus gari Electro priests known as zero 0 1 0 0011 and then on the end there the scari Vanguard with two plasma an omniscope and a taser go known as 01 0000001 you know they all sound alike yeah not going to lie you're to say that wait what do you mean alike yeah they all sound alike yeah 100% I mean it's on the same language yeah you know what there's going to be someone out there that's able to actually translate those zeros ones into numbers and letters yeah 100% yeah it's it's pretty easy to translate cuz all of these guys are just a single letter as their name I respect that will all right so we're going to roll an eye of the Gods for you Josh I should get my dice what do you get you get a eight uh dark patronage exalted reward okay so you get the uh exalted reward which is oh is it for his like Mark this is interesting cuz you don't have a mark so you're going to roll a D4 okay okay on a one so I'll just roll five sixes sure of course of course it's going to be a while natur this Josh we're talking about here there we go so zch exalted reward zch you gain this psychers Special Rule oh that's hary that's ad MC Pyers you so bad fall chaos already I like the irony of this because Josh cannot stand I know it's pretty little upsetting I like it so uh yeah you know what Josh I think it's only fitting that your troops no longer benefit from any Aura abilities that your warlord provides oh yeah 1,000% is that part of it too um or you just making that up Mak wait a second I didn't read that part it's majority rules what do you guys think oh yep I was payen I'm voting against Josh abstain abstain AB stain but hold on if I took out your audio and you put your hand up that means yes yeah but people can read my lips leave a comment below guys what do you think should happen what do you think is appro screw Josh number one upload to comment in the meantime we're going to leave it as is you do gain the psycher though interesting doesn't keep roll a D3 to determine how many psychic powers he knows not this on your War you generate from the zinch discipline that makes it a little different this is you know what he's actually playing dark articus or sorry dark mechanicum there we go done easy boom all right Josh roll two there yeah I think this makes the most sense on the dark hereticus discipline one and three so I got infernal gaze and gift to chaos nice of course that's you yeah all right so here's my uh this is my War B here the Grody and the grot gobblers we have the pick and flicks they R inside skid marks skidmarks we got the booger boys and they right inside grar them right there we call them dinner call them dinner we call them dinner there's Ro for upgrade for Grody five five Soul Scream After enemy units declare your Champion is the Target of a charge they must roll 2d6 the result is greater than their leadership characteristic they fail the charge they're too afraid I got a vicious wall this is the objective there are six objective markers you score victory points at the beginning of the command phase uh starting in the second battle round if you hold an objective in addition to this we're adding a custom rule at the beginning of the battle round we're going to roll a dice and whatever number the dice results in that objective marker cuz they're numbered 1 through six that objective marker is worth three victory points for the duration of that battle round at the end of the fifth turn Whoever has the most victory points wins secondary objectives are slay the warlord you get an extra Victory point if you kill someone else's warlord we'll also be doing first strike for this if you kill a unit in the first battle round you get D3 victory points because of its difficulty for the deployment we're going to do this we're each going to roll a dice and the winner will determine the order of deployment in the six different areas here five one two dang it oh come on roll a D6 this time Steve roll a D6 change the rules after I roll nope you got overruled on this one and one okay so I will determine the order this is the order of deployment it'll be myself first then Josh then Luca then Steve so the power for that is like that's the section that's the order we have to pick our deployment zones in as well so which one would would you like to go in right here that corner all right so who's next uh Josh is next so I got to pick mine then you pick a you pick one of the I think they're seant one of the six areas I will pick this one right I'm going to need that one okay all right Luka want to take a different one I'm going to go I'm going to go I'll go the other way okay you'll go number two I'm going to go uh yeah I'm going to go over here all right all right you're up oh what's left what's left you got these three this L these three that one okay so now we deploy in that order here we have all of our deployments by the way my warp talents are in deep strike right there that all my guys are in the Rhino Josh everything out in the open yep pretty much yeah my my death marks are actually just staying on the table as well okay and Steve had the war B and the boys in One truck shooter or sure Ludas in the other and then gr's uh doing gr things let's roll to see who's actually going to go first so yeah the winner clearing D6 Is Here Yeah D6 D6 is always D6 is unless otherwise stated the winner who who won that did goodness uh Luka is going first so I'm just saying that right now see you who else got a one you did yes okay let's roll wait so what we'll do then is after Luca is finished his turn uh Josh Steve and I will roll between the three of us and then we will determine who goes first and we'll do that every battle round every battle round also we have to roll for the primary objective you are absolutely correct I I guess I can would you like to do the Hors I would love to do the honors it's going to be objective number three which is that corner over there you look at that no te there interesting so that's how the mechanic works it starts in the second battle round so we will roll that but that's what we would do at the beginning of the battle round exactly exactly so it is your turn first just a quick shout out and thank you to the different terrain companies that have provided the mat and the terrain pieces we got table War for the battle mat which is a new battle mat the new size it's 60x 44 it's teeny we have Urban mats for the Sci-Fi terrain pieces and the desert rock pieces we have GW for all the uh pieces in the middle and not top and uh these little uh pieces down here as well Max aggression to the objective markers they're not for sale necessarily but shout out to them as well so I'm going to give a command point we're all at three cuz we're essentially combat patrols right now that's correct I want to see with the I need to roll my canle oh he's got to roll his canle that's I'm shroud some he's going to take shroud I'll just take shroud okay so I'm in cover everywhere nice oh also I don't think we said it we're not playing with any dynastes dynasties Clans Legions or Forge R traits yes we're just playing kind of vanilla very vanilla style is very vanilla also the tactics here in the first turn you want to try and position yourself onto an objective for the second battle round when they become relevant but um I get a command point I am going to do my will be done from the overlord into the Warriors that will give them plus one to hit and plus one to their charge I'm just doing some warning shots from so so you're not going to shoot at me then you're not going to you're going to shoot near me will I'm just going to hopefully I make I'm going hope point out the very first thing said when the game started I'm just going to shoot some morning shots okay so we're going to move a few things we're going to move these tomb blades so that they're on this objective ah back here M and uh wait you're not going to go towards the objective that is uh not worth more points right yeah I'm no that's fine that's fine that's we're gonna have these death marks uh roll up just so that they're within three of this objective marker I've repositioned death marks and these guys moved up about one quarter of an inch so that they're all in range to fire warning shots after they got plus one to hit why are you making the distinction why are they warning shots just we're War clear just make it clear C so there's no like emotional attachment at all right it's it's one of those like this is my tomb World here some warning shots maybe you leave so it is your world this is 100% a big boss move okay yeah it's this is a tomb world that is Awakening so good luck to everyone just I'm the Vanguard Force Mighty these are the nekron Warriors firing into the coriscar electro priest because they're kind of scary and we don't like them we hit on twos these are just some warning shots we have one miss and he's wound on threes yeah one failed wound it's eight Wy hits warning wounds warning wounds these are warning wounds first of all wow okay you have a five up I'm you're going to five up invulnerable five up two Shug off the damage afterwards fine you're bring it off like it's not a big deal you think that me constantly picking on you may have influenced this somehow okay you made a couple that's a good startle you'll make a couple more statistically there you go only three three die warning shot well I'm sorry I'm sorry whatever like in the grand SK of things their lives are worthless so it didn't matter didn't matter at all the Death marks are going to go ahead and pop off some warning shots as well these hit on threes uh we have one miss and these were going to wound on threes as well uh that's a moral that's a warning mortal wound in addition to the normal damage we we'll roll for the warning mortal won first I don't actually super sorry about that one that was that one was out of my control like that's Rog Ag and then the ignoring damage okay two more guys died of warning shots that's okay that's cool that those guys out of my rogue agents out of my control I told them warning shots I actually told all 15 of those models warning shots you heard me say it several times my turn is done uh morale phase all right Josh how do you feel about this a a little upset but it's okay it's okay it's okay uh I think at two to succeed you're fine look at D6 come back Luc is done now it's Steve Josh and I to see who goes next I get a six I'm going next oh thank goodness Steve's not just going to you know I go right in front of you how you like that kill your GRS now here's the question about your grars do they work the same as your Orcs where their leadership is equal to the amount of Ms okay so uh that could be a potential First Strike right there but no no it's not because there's way too many models so it's way too hard what if like everything got out and shot him though and then charged them if that happened Glory then you know what I think the only thing I can do War charges warning charges is Advance him around here and deny you visibility it's a good use of first turn it is actually to deny you D3 victory points I think is a good use of my first turn D3 a first this first strike is D3 in this custom Mission oh I hope I hope someone cuz Josh is I mean his units are the only ones that you'll be able to see so got him for my turn Steve I'm disembarking everything smart yeah and then I move my Rhino up afterwards because you know I might as well hit you first you're going to hit me we're the closest this is actually what you wanted to chase you I felt your psychic energy wanting me to attack you w w first things first on my warp Smith he's got a flamer he's going to Target your GRS got them three okay I still think flamer should have like the blast rule but without the of it I think so too yeah it should be a separate rule called flamer yeah six save deaths okay good start and is melta I mean you can shoot that into a truck me I can but I didn't declare it it failed the wound anyway and it failed the wound it would have not done anything Rhino Kami Walter which I'll combine with my chaos space rings for this one I will declare that the Melt is going to go into the truck the truck with the was uh nope truck with the Ludas yeah so bolters first into the grats rrolling ones cuz my chaos Lord nice and twos okay six is ohow only eight sweet melta into the uh vehicle that's a hit and a three nothing as expected you know what I'll command point that might as well down to three okay that goes through I'm guessing there's no save on that oh ramshackle you got Ram shackle oh do damage okay day six damage three I will take it and the pistol into the grots that's a reroll h it's a Miss okay chaos Lord himself we'll throw a bolt pistol into the grats that's a hit and that's a wound sa six one more now it's time to charge I'll charge your GRS and uh sure I'll choose the truck too cuz it's uh comparable distance with my chaos Space Marines I should add not overwatching NOP so here we go for distance eight corn wants it the warpsmith will attack your truck makes it right there and then my chaos Lord will charge your truck and the grots I made I left a space for him getting a 10 wow piling in first with my chaos bace Marines M here let's go like this that boom Going first with my power axe hitting on threes all hits and twos this is the most I've seen a power ax accomplish I know in like three years two GRS it's wild and then there other chaos base Marines those are hits and wounding on twos that's six o how many grar are left six six one left one left oh no it is so hard to accomplish uh-oh oh no looks like no one's get oh maybe C's get first Dr consolidating into the truck close so D6 attacks on my chaos Lord oh I forgot about this great upgrade because of my wonderful eye the God you got the hateful assault you got D6 plus1 this could be seven all right here we go how many attacks I get now you are allowed to spend a command point to roll attack characteristics I absolutely will okay cuz I want that first strike so here we go okay hey look he's at his base attack profile yeah there we go hitting on threes rrolling ones yikes this guy I can't do it I can't do it Steve davus oh my goodness uh okay that's for sure a wound shackle it's those three correct yeah down four down four okay now warp Smith I I got to do it with the war watch him do it it okay Doc O Let's see if you can do it with your power uh axe hitting on uh threes it is threes yeah so that's three hits and then I'm wounding you on fives oh three wounds oh that's hope we got five of our save against that oh no we're down to one down to one now for the Mecha tendr do it good here we go two hits two hits and fives again are you he's got it 50/50 oh wait a second so if I if you if I roll this you could reroll this but then I need to roll for him uh so you're going to get it either way I don't have the command point right you have to roll for who if I roll this I don't have enough command points to keep him alive he's going to get it either way yeah that's right cuz you need two for that cuz you'll be no you have three command points I only have two what' you use one on the uh the biggest boss it's a you did a permanent upgrade on um do you explode are you going to choose to go that way want to do I'm going to roll it and hopefully roll the one you exactly four up armor safe do I explode no no I'm going roll these 10 roll these 10 boys one's going to die Sor I got to roll uh that's the lud L one okay so it could be wor it's exactly the same okay one dead Luda and just so you know when I piled in with my uh warpsmith he went into both trucks even though he didn't declare an attack so you can attack back with your truck this guy's gone that went a lot better than I expected Steve thoroughly surprised yeah truck swing back on fives oh obviously into I guess no you touch him so I can't move so obious see into him Y and twos all what's the strength eight he's got that big dumb oh you got youring ball yeah I'll roll my saves what's actually that probably gives you an it's going to be minus one okay so I'm a three up then or he fails one should wait to make sure yeah 50/50 so you just double check the what it's eight so make one F two damage two damage all right oh nice I down to two wounds morale for that gr on one no he's gone ah nice two units so D3 victory points for First Strike let's see what we get three oh yikes nice okay well I mean yeah that's pretty good now Steve and Josh see who goes first and this is not that important maybe yeah probably not turn Steve think yeah guess over with here all right so we got the boys up moving across we the war BOS over here it's Grody Grody getting some from this angle looks like he's puking out a Squig all right we're going to start off with shooting we're start off with the uh shoo the utas we're off for the Space Marines we have D3 shots forp so two each hitting on fives uh we got one and threes yeah not boys will also shoot we're going to do a rocket into the Space Marines first or C Space Marines it misses and then bunch of slugg is Sluggers oh hitting on fives we got four hits but one of them is a six We Roll again duck another one and fours two nice and one the reliable sluger big shoo from the truck oh this guy to move he's going to move and yeah big SHO in the truck or into him but misses okay got one big sh does he have anything yeah he's going put his comi rocket into them okay what a baller he misses let's charge let's do the war Bots oh sorry yours we're going for on over into who your your boss okay I won't overwat not worth it and we'll go with the boys after your boys no OverWatch nice you're definitely in and know L will also charge oh I get two dice I don't know why I rolled cuz he like big numbies sorry I didn't leave the Gap there we go that's fine I know you're in yeah yeah everybody in you can fight who you want to fight War Smith is stuck in combat with this truck so I can't heroically intervene with him otherwise I would gerod is the biggest boss he has five attacks he's hitting on twos minus one for the power claw and I think those both Miss yeah and we're strength of billion so two chose to wound invol save invol save here we go two so one goes through how much damage are you three okay go ahead three three I am going to spend my last two command points to interrupt with my chaos Lord I smell a death the coming my way and especially with the power claw and the one orc boy there in your boy Squad but I'm not going to attack your boy Squad cuz I can't get through all your boys I think your power Cloud will still be able to to attack me so I'm going to put my attacks into your boss cuz if I die at least I get warlord kill should I kill him I got a roll D6 to see how many random attacks I get hopefully this is good oh my God how many wars how many wounds you have uh six now I think maybe seven oh if you have seven I can't kill you if it's six there is still a chance that's twice in a row I that's that's so far you have seven if if everyone wants to consider the law of averages if we're only considering that small guy you'll roll a six a couple times sometime later on 100% sure might take 100 rolls but yeah okay okay so here we go hitting on threes that's both hits and wounding on twos I'm guessing unless Ser I see five so threes I got him anyway okay I got him anyway so four I make none them down to one oh my goodness you're down to one then wow that's a yikes for me for sure all right well um I'm going with this squad so we're going to go pull into the him just so I can have the claw Smith yeah okay actually CL way he's going go after your lord still and yeah so do the claw first into your War Boss everything else going out of the boys warlord you mean uh your boys chaos Lord yeah well they're War bosses and boys okay all right uh two to and inv oh you're good made it he is he chop us into your boys on threes that's a lot and fours that seems like a lot it's only seven either that's a lot Trace up saves to die to cow Space Marines you can't poor cercy I didn't even see the melta I'm going to have to pull them CU otherwise The Meta combat too oh that's right then I will definitely pull them oh I guess this my go actually yeah think might as well just go so well I know he's three and a half so anybody get an half inch of him which probably only be two so you get three in total there yeah hitting on threes and fours nothing sure is sure warp Smith now attacking the boys reor the one for the Castor nearby so that's two hits and wounding you on nothing three is should three yeah Power axe I was thinking mechat tendal which is happening now so two extra attacks for that hitting on threes rrolling the one for the chaos Lord okay and then this should be fours and sixes oh another one and I'm a truck all after your same guy obviously uh five is the hit and two's the wound minus one good you're good for Morel you don't have to roll on your side I can't fail yeah my chaos space rins though however need to roll on six I'm good okay so everything's fine time to advance give us the toasters uh let's go with the priests first they're going to go an extra six yikes wait your neck runs o yeah okay and I already know you can shoot me cuz well you're 12 Ines away now so uh let's end up the Dominus better I should check the speed I'm going to get you I got a brain in a jar and squad over herey yes get him stop it ah they have 18 get him get last Squad oh yeah say they automatically Advance six did everyone just run six uh pretty much yeah Fair okay time to do some psychic powers yes yeah just Smite Smite what death mark That's the closest closest does that work I don't know you're a new yes it barely works it does just exactly works the D3 I tried to deny that I can't I can't I lose two death marks wow two death marks go down I got to go let's go for infernal gaze over there on them this is warp charge value of five I got it you got it every four up here is a mortal wound nice actually pulled the two wrong individuals there there those two wrong who go fixed I give it to you thanks the electro priests are going to fire their electrostatic gauntlets at Luca hitting on fours unmodified sixes are two hits and I do get to reroll ones because of the Dominus nearby oh so mean strength five not bad seven and for save we are going to lose three nekron Warriors entire Vanguard Squad here is going to go ahead and shoot at the death marks advancing so I'm hitting on fours roll the ones many ones some ones many much convert them these are looking for fives cuz of your better strength or better toughness two hits four up save we're going to lose one more Warrior I lose a death Mark that was a death Mark yeah I'll put a warrior back last Squad getting ready to fire I'm going to go the protector doctrina imperative to give myself plus two to hit so I'm basically going to negate the penalty for running and give myself a plus one got it over here line of sight I got two of the I can't remember their names now cancer guns radium carbines the cancer guns they basically yeah they shoot radiation and then one plasma is going to go over treat for cancer and then I think it also CA cancer cancer oh caus have V solution too yep and then yeah the so the overcharged plasma into the death marks looking for twos Bo to oh they hit looking for twos I will command point that one all right I got you have two left two wounds at minus three yes sixes oh they're dead you got them there it is the other four shooting into the Warriors looking for twos re ones it's a hot spicy roll right there okay that's uh pretty good and then these are looking for fives that's decent seven four UPS oo we're going to lose a lot of them five that's uh that's a lot of them Luka oh my goodness four five it's okay they'll stand back up I hope the other they're overcharged plasma okay uh same thing hitting on twos R rolling ones for the guy nearby rip oh and then looking for twos okay W no save jokes on you couldn't kill him no he kill he just totally killed what do you mean there's only one there's one guy left oh I see what you're saying yeah they get to double reanimate next turn well that's all my turn stay too far away so I can't do anything moral I'm just going to go ahead and insane bravery that Squad yeah okay so once games that's it for you yeah two command points they're sticking around CL The Click clackers do you even know who you guys are the the The Click Clacks they're The Click Clacks yeah for so that's the end of everyone's turn for battle round one going into battle round two what we're going to do is determine which objective is worth three victory points number four nice the abandoned one is it the one that you're not even on that objective are you no no okay that's actually kind of nice you have to D3 for First Strike oh yeah D3 for First Strike nice okay that's not good really I'm going to roll for myal I really want to roll a four oh okay there it is sh some God it's okay it's okay same thing as before same as before okay now rolling to see who goes first I don't want to win here oh awesome oh darn it we're going to have to roll against steeve I know dang it okay so Josh is first kind of Lu well let's just keep moving forward AG of Sigmar just happened on you it did this happens often with Josh me oh that doctor he murdered some the doctor murder came in big here I we'll run the squad an extra five they're slowing down and here's the thing you had the objective right there and you kind of threw it away we're playing objectives yeah 100% points was to fight close combat yeah I'm pretty sure it's killing necrons sure and then the Dominus and this other Squad here uh they're just going to walk up huzzah oh you're enranged to Salt yes I am that's exactly what you're going to do after psychic phase oh yeah so his Lord is closest Smite get him and what'd you roll six okay thank you Steve that's your job for the rest of this campaign two he's going to have three wounds left y infernal gaze got it heyy how many wounds he got left he got three four UPS he's dead he's got two wounds left jeez Electro priests are going to put shots into the Lord get him yeah he's the closest sure get them uh these are looking for threes bad positioning Luka bad positioning pretty bad here so so throwing in the extras for the sixes and then I'm looking for what's your toughness five so fours jeez wow are really strength five yeah yeah three he is going to have one wound left okay Tech priest Dominus is going to fire his uh phosphor serpenta at the at the Lord and then his eradication Ray serpenta at the Lord and then the ertic r serpent Serpent and then the eradication Ray at the bike guys pistol first three rolling ones he hits uh this is strength five he wounds what is the AP minus one oh okay I got four up I suffer no death yet no death now the bikes are negative one to hit get the ray uh D3 shots for one hitting on a three cuz I moved and then it strengths six what's your toughness oh five doesn't wound onto the squad of Vanguard here I'm going to go ahead and put all of the carbines into the Lord and the rest of the actually you know what let's just get rid of that Lord yeah that's the plan everything into Lord everything into Lord all right Arc rifles first hitting on threes H be rolling ones that doesn't help and then strength six so looking for threes that's two at minus one four UPS he goes down but let's see if the mighty Overlord akul stands back up at the end of the phase on four up for one command point he might resurrect let's roll it now though he does so he's still alive right there with one wound at the end of the phase end of the phase I forgot about that last one of Vanguard are going to go ahead put the two overcharged plasmas into the bikes and then I will go ahead and put um the pistol into them and then all the carbines into this one lone nekron Warrior even popping my strap for plus two to hit to counteract the run and Lucas minus one to hit back to hitting on threes yeah rolling ones I got to roll these one at a time I roll well he doesn't die so we got three hits total and you are toughness five looking for threes that's two winning hits all right well they have shadow looms so they have a five up inv vulnerable save a I'm going to fail to anyways I'm going to pull you you and you single Arc pistol into those bikes hits strength six so it wounds AP minus one four up save got him he's okay this is Into The Warrior so just looking for twos with a roll they all hit looking for fives many saves I got do this one at a time cuz I got to roll first oo do I use a command Point roll on that how many got left to do four I got to do four more after that so uh no he's dead I'm going roll him anyways cuz to TA myself okay no he would have died good good call I think yeah definitely good call yeah definitely so now my Overlord stands back up at the end of the shooting phase with one wound as close as to where he was before that's why I didn't move him why Electro pre- shell de cleare the charge bring it on eight they're there they're there yeah overwatched I yeah I could have for everybody in the squad that charged I roll a D6 and every six is a moral wound got him bearded moral wound he is dead I can only do the resurrector protocols once per character so I am left with one tomb blade wow a whole tomb blade oh consolidating I will make note these guys had advance so I couldn't have shot my pistol but it didn't do anything didn't any so moral you can't fail fa uh now we're going to roll to see who goes first between us three I love the way you roll the dice it's you don't care two out of my control roll three again I didn't want to go first I didn't want to go first because now Steve gets to choose to go first with this war boss on my turn so Steve is going to go first for sure attack my warlord my warlord will die I might get lucky and not but I don't want to take that chance or do I no I'm going to play it safe first things first I get a command point or sorry a victory point for holding that objective and a command point and a command Point yes that's correct um I'm going to move my Rhino up let's see I'm going to measure still be within three more than one away from you and uh Embark all of my guys inside of the Rhino that's what I'm going to do okay all right I'm going to get you you just have to get take a little bit more work to get them yeah just a little more work that's all you got a good can opener yeah you got a couple I need the claw now that everyone's back inside the Rhino it goes to my shooting phase I'm going to have to shoot your War Boss Steve that's the only thing really that makes sense so I'll do that got we all right uh with the commi Bolter three hits and fives I'm guessing yep two two wounds anyone a time I'm going to roll it yeah roll it oh and then that's uh mine because everything was going to going into the war boss so that's my turn roll off between you two three Steve next it's up to you or me I'll just go yeah okay truck's going to come on up boys you're just going to go TR so you get a victory point for being on that objective plus you gain one more command Point Los going to stay put and shoot I don't think I'm going to do anything that you got two command yeah it's you got two two command Point yeah let's do let's do morea morea uh so those D3 shots one each fives to hit and five your additional shots and more DED one hit and fours minus one four up save good big shoot from the truck uh hitting on fives and fives no AP safe and Sluggers uh we have one hit and then extra attack for the six one hit and no wound and then finally a rocket rocket we're done charge the boys uh okay you're in tank bus is going to charge next uh I'm going to re both those there we go seven and you're in yeah so just going to go all the way and and the truck will go oh what am I doing corn okay so I don't think I can block any kind of like this just to take up as much space possible and then the boys will fight first this is coming around you are trapping me I'm attempting to do chop attacks hit on threes and fives we got four no five five regular three UPS oh three go through Power claw misses yeah let's do these boys next Ludas spread out a little bit Ludas are threes and fives three more two more wounds down to five and Wrecking Ball ah five's the hit and three's the wound minus one four up he's okay he's okay for my rhino attack him back with D3 plus one cuz you charged me so two six is nothing well that's your turn and on to Lucas my turn well my turn is super easy I get a command point and a victory point and I maybe will reanimate so I'm missing two tomb blades neither of them come back and uh let's just uh float around in stuff and shoot guns FL BL so I'm just going to pull the tomb blade back to there vengeance stay within three-ish of the objective and then we're just going to shoot guns at them because why not okay oh wait they have a three up in B right now no it's the other guys the other guys they don't have that four shots with the twin ghost Blaster they hit on threes and they wound on threes two wounding hits five up invol hey hey my turn was nothing nothing you Char me if you want no next round rolling to see who goes first I got a six oh wow nice oh I got to do my Canal first then right oh yeah yeah do that do that first uh um I'll roll it three so my Ru see who goes first two two five okay so I'll go first and I'm going to see which we have to see what the objective is yeah which objective is worth three victory points number six hey it's mine nice you should let me go first second Luka you got to go first sick I appreciate that uh it's it makes it interesting right it makes it so it's not an automatic Josh destroys you it means I go I get three victory points in my command phase and I get to try and reanimate again ah one comes back nice and I also he just doubled his army I know strong that's crazy over power dude you know by helping Luca I'm helping myself so help him help you I got to move now I don't want to just sit here and die I kind of want to forgo the objective but I also want to get shots off so I'm you know what I have to spec number three to Superior next time I'm thinking that yeah I'm thinking that I'm going to go in that direction for sure Advance no I going to shoot I'm going to I want to just be 24 in away from these guys and shoot guns at them but I also need to get to the objective so I'm going to have to just Advance probably yeah needing to roll a five on their Advance six beautiful so they're going to be I can measure this easily they'll be 2 in away from it lovely boat there it's going to go tuck behind this rock some that's your turn that's where I'm hiding no assault weapons on you no they are rapid fire all right that's your turn that's my turn Josh Steve and I will roll to see oh Steve next I'll go so I'm just going to fire the big shoot in all the pistols at the same time in the shooting phase cuz it's all same sure it's all fives Sixers extra shots oh the big shoot is sixes isn't it oh it's not a heavy it's a salt I'm orc we only have a salt that's you only have a Sal and they all five we got one made it nice looks like I fight first Steve yeah buddy uh okay so D3 two uh against your boys hitting on six is nothing oh now for you let's do the let's do the wrecking ball first now oh by the way we should also mention that you do get two victory points you also get two you're also at three victory points and you how many how many I don't know what those are I don't even three command points we got one command point one command Point uh Power claw okay and then we'll do all the boys together don't even know what those are not even going for victory points and racking them up like no one's business we don't do that kind of stuff this is all the boys threes and fives oh boys are so good at Combat Four no there's like one more under the truck five it's enough to kill you five and here it is failed one four more down the four can the did the claw do anything yet no it filled oh come on that's your turn that's your turn Okay more Al is Josh and I will roll off three and four Josh first go ahead oh giving it to me okay Rhino repair now at the beginning of my turn nope not quite I don't get any victory points I do get a command point two look at it this way Josh can't shoot us uh yeah you could uh kindly want to use that rule that's only yeah that'd be for like this one game in particular and if we do any other multiplayer games I can't I like that rule even though it's bad for me right now want to use it the rule where he can shoot at us but depending on what he hits what roll it's like random it's almost kind of random comat yeah um I'll make that call when someone else doesn't combat not me that's reasonable yeah right and K will dictate that it's probably going to happen yeah probably so Josh I don't think you were here for the last one so basically you can fire at things that are in close combat if your blister skill is three you need threes to hit but you have to pick a Target yep the target is hit only on one higher than blister skill so fours plus hit if you roll three you get the other thing in combat okay cool yeah just going to go right into combat here Steve um shooting my or shooting rather going right the shoo comi Bolter into your boys is probably the best thing you're got your power claw there so that's the best chance of you like popping me open here uh four hits and wounding on fours fours two sixes no uh this boy and this boy hold on one second um I'm bracketed so therefore hitting unless so I'm just going to straight up that's right all right four's the hit two hits I think Miss anyways nothing that's nothing back in there boys okay now for the attacks it's my turn so you choose yeah um I'm going to do the Ludas first cuz you might kill some of them maybe so lud on threes and fives we got one same sa need to fight now D3 attacks against your boys two on sixes nice moing on three fre one wound for that'll learn you power claw got hit it hit fre oh you want to command point the that oh yeah actually yes of course you do yeah that's not that's not the die okay no it is what it is all right Choppers three and fives we have four more saves at regular saves uh one goes through down the three and then we have the truck nope nope this is battle round four I suppose ad mck so you get a victory point on your turn do got the one objective in the middle let's see if I can get to a point I can shoot those necrons oh still after the nekron okay I mean yeah there stuff in the middle you could shoot these Orcs over here I yeah he killed I was the first to lose models oh right warning shots warning warning shots warning shots so warning retaliation shot yeah I will advance this squad here going an extra four moving to there uh these guys are going to actually maybe actually actually yeah know they're just going to go grab mockery that's what I'm used to Ranger sorry uh Vanguard Squad here will advance an extra five they're slowing down I promise and good old snail man will advance extra four glitter clatter did you call him snail man snail man that's his name oh okay Smite and two I think it's going to go close the boys for two two boys those are the two I could not kill with my comi Bolter B and then I will go for the infernal gaze I think I got four up for morons two more this one wow and I guess we're leaving a hole over here uh oh yeah this is tough there's that one there interesting no but I won't leave you hold over there oh he's kind of um I'll take a wound on my uh knob shooting I'm going to go over to this Vanguard Squad and give them the plus two to hit not overcharging the plasma so just back to hitting on threes oh okay and then wounding on threes one wound that's going to be a five up invulnerable Save which I will fail and take one damage looking for threes to hit and these are what shooting this is the radium carbines five to wound sixes are two damage I guess I should roll these one at a time so this isch this is an example of something you have to roll one at a time oh because you got the one damage so it doesn't damage you doesn't doesn't wound you doesn't wound you that wounded you but it's only it's only five so three up or two up cuz I'm in cover we're okay uh I think I've got the omnis scope to I yeah I guess if they yeah he he does have that um and then next one wounds same thing that is a okay and last one no you got to love that slowing the bogging down of the game right mhm so this unit you're going to Target my Rhino yes so because we are in combat our custom rule that we came up again is that for you since you're minus one to hit cuz you Advanced yes corre on five and sixes you hit the Rhino on fours you have to randomize which of the three orc units you hit and then ones twos and threes you miss as per normal see what I can get I am rrolling ones for snail man being close by oo I only see a couple three fives in there never mind there's another one the shots hitting Dave I got to wound you on sixes nothing nothing oh Orcs And these I randomized yeah let's go one two three for d3s okay yeah so three the truck three in the truck okay so the one and the boys looking for a five and then the truck looking for sixes one a AP no AP we're good all of that all of that for Nat what about I have moral my Works uh we're good okay that's the end of that battle round going into battle round four rolling to C I got to do my canle first canle I'm going to do benediction so just roll hit rolls of one Army wide for shooting uh rolling to see which objective is worth three victory points that' be three all right I'll roll it okay go ahead roll it oh five six six o that's what that boo oh and rolling see goes first I rolled a one one as well okay yep five and Luca oh get a six come on save us a one oh jeez okay Josh goes first okay let's do this uh we're going to start off with a good old snail man just doing a little little walk only a little walk yeah just a little walk let go a little further and uh move the boys up over on this side just mooving on up with everybody moved up uh psychic phase I will do the Smite into the boys that is a D3 three boys he he has to go oh yeah one two and three then the infernal gaze uh we'll put it onto the Rhino he hey I get it so this is on fors it is on fors two one left D to one uh-oh snail man shooting I'm going to put all of my shots into the Rhino okay do he hit on twos hits on twos yeah twos hit me and uh so we got to do the phosphor first that just hits on twos so it does hit strength five so looking for fives nothing D3 shots with the main gun one uh I did move so this hits on threes now well it hits and you sound disappointed why are you disappointed I'm doing head math that's all okay it doesn't do anything okay shooting just everything into the Rhino so we'll start with the two Arc rifles one's in Rapid Fire one's not hitting on three R rolling ones get a two okay strength six looking for fives oneus one mortal wounds at the here it is four up oh that's a fail see if it explodes I kind of want it to to be honest no no now seeing if my guys inside are hurt I don't get any ones that's good removing my Reno over to the other Vanguard Squad which is going to pop the protector Doctrine to give themselves plus two to hit plus two to hit re rolling ones Army wide okay Army wide eh yeah that's the he's got up right now okay and then looking for threes to wound you okay four wounds and then there was a moment earlier where we said he's got the omis scope he actually doesn't have that he's got the plus two to hit upgrade instead uh five up I got the bye-bye Jee they is going into the dirt to maybe come back later as a different unit I you m off from my Orcs that's bad uhoh only one guy runs oh yeah wrong thing one guy runs and then other guy stays yeah he does Rocket I forgot an old Edition that's Josh's turn now Steve and I will roll see who goes next for more ones I will definitely go next begin my turn I get another command Point bring me up to three nice and uh I don't get any victory points cuz I'm not on any objectives I checked it the measurement Steve you have that one boy left there with the rocket he's obsc so am I but I didn't have enough distance to actually get within range because I had to be more than an inch away from you so that's fine I'm going to choose to Corn it up and move this direction I don't like the fact that you shot my Rhino uh and if I attack the Orcs then you're just going to shoot me and that doesn't make sense whereas if I attack you it give Steve an option to possibly shoot at other things or maybe shoot me that's fine but at least you don't just sit back and tow it up and fire at stuff the ENT I've been advancing like the whole game to be fair if I shoot anybody in combat it's 50/50 who I hit yeah hey that's true it totally is yeah here's the Dilemma do I shoot at you with stuffs I think I do because there's enough to actually do some significant damage such as a couple crack grenades uh bolters yeah I'll do it uh starting with the flamer though uh flamer and melta into your Vanguard Vanguard okay so starting with the flamer getting four that's decent wounding on threes I'm assuming yes that's three wounds for up for up saves oh three nice flame away melt a shot that's hitting and wounding on a two that's a wound six up no you have a six upmo yeah bionic oh nice cast Lord is going to throw a frag grenade at you getting to okay but it becomes three uh because of the amount of models that you have ooh very nice Y and uh hitting on twos and wounding on fours I'm guessing threes uh what strength is it four three oh okay so then fours yeah nothing now Squad of C Spas sprin I'm going to throw a frag at you and then rapid fire into the Vanguard so starting with the frag three nice uh hitting on threes re rolling ones and wiing on four is getting one okay four up save and a two kills a man and Rapid firing the Bolter that's threes and uh that's a wound another four up wow I don't know if it's single save has been made here now for the charge phase chaos base Rines charging your Vanguard I will declare the OverWatch [Music] okay and I'm declaring your snail as well snail man as well okay cool I'll still overwat the bangro okay just volume of fire starting with a pistol it does not hit and then the radiums three these are looking for fives one oneing hit okay so just regular safe yep safe that's it for you that's it charging getting a five which is probably enough chaos Lord versus your h Q deck priest double six heck yeah boom leaving space for my warpsmith no honorable combat oneon-one I mean he shot down the or War Boss earlier the comi Bolter that's you only have one command Point therefore cannot interrupt me I'm just going to go in order starting this way starting with the warp Smith hitting on uh threes R rolling ones uh do you have the emperium keyword I do okay death to the F impr nice I don't know it's it's definitely an asterisk beside that Imperium keyword on this guy's Imperium but an asterisk beside that for sure wounding on threes I'm guessing I am T4 yeah and I have a power axe so that's uh three wounds okay it's what AP minus two on an ax ap2 so weing for fours all three go through jeez that's a shame Mecha tendrils now rolling the one for Castor nearby nope still miss and five that's a wound the a nothing nothing two up okay you're good now for the chaos Lord uh rolling d6s better than one there we go finally very nice hitting on threes oh rerolling ones if only was unmodified sixes and wounding on twos that's three wounds got to do these one at a time see if I spend the command point he's only got refra he's only got a refractor he's only got a refractor field I won't no it's not worth okay death that's a victory Point excellent for DAV davus davus davus davus DAV chaos Spas now let's Pile in with these guys uh starting with the regular attacks hting on threes rrolling ones uh death to the false Emperor okay two hits and two wounds four up four UPS all right one more goes through and then now for three power axe attacks we rolling ones death of false Emperor okay three hits and uh on threes four up what Min is two oh well six up bionic anyways yeah true attacking back the two regular swings hitting on Force very good job very good Ark Maul now uh hitting on fours two misses good job is is it plus two strength minus one AP plus two strength minus one AP no rules uh when I swing at a vehicle I do D3 instead of okay that's so it's the same thing as a power M but it's got that added rule gotcha pH go ahead Josh I pretty much got a roll one here two that's a fail a guy boogies that is a fail so one guy boies one guy goes and the other two they both go good we're gone wow nice clean easy two victory points on my turn and I can get here and I just measured yeah I can also get yeah oh you just going to go foring balls in the way okay very good all right oh actually this boy's going to move here sure sure might as well so he can see well the guys here are going to shoot at your uh your Lordi is close I guess they're both characters yeah D3 okay shoted wow look how there for me you killed you killed uh groy groy yeah well hey FES to hit uhhuh sixes are an extra shot oh it worked thre's to wound with an a uh you know you know are you going to command Point command Point raino actually okay yeah there you go okay are you saying you should not have done that I should not I was saying it was a roll but yeah okay that's fair okay all right so one one so four up two damage wait are they two damage a piece yeah oh yeah I am dead yeah well I'm okay with this let's put a rocket into your warpsmith it's cuz you have no honor rocket I have no no I just remember that I forgot my warp Talons again and this was the last turn that I could actually benefit from Big shoot it into the Marines wow three hits two more shots four hits with my three shot gun r on threes four wounds on Mar why you're finally showing up this is like the first thing you ever done one dies H wonder what's actually more useful in this situation cool guy the Plasma Pistol Bolter might be I don't know okay there you go I'm going to charge your warpsmith with the truck okay I will spend a command point to OverWatch you with my melta oo not rrolling the ones though cuz my Lord's dead so here we go melta flamer [Laughter] flamer that's a wound oh uh I take a wound I'm down to nine okay that was so worth it I wish I had two command points wrecking ball to the face nothing nothing nothing not your face what the what were the two Comm turn five canaco rolling the it's a simple task keep it on the table it's freaking huge man that does nothing it's letting of the electromancer it's the if I was in combat I could roll on a six I do more wins but you ain't in combat okay we to see which object is worth three victory points oh the one that will benefit no one anything now rolling to see who goes first between us three what the come on been happen time Josh will go first or at least decide who goes first I believe in the emperor I'm going to go first I go up a victory point and we'll just move the firing squad over I'm here thank you is that your turn I believe it is okay well if that's your turn Steve you and I roll three one come on I know it's so loud sorry for anyone's holding they're wearing earphones headphones I know so it is my tan actually you can I'm point you out so here I am attacking back with my UHS you can do that after I attack uh did you attack me no not yet your two hits uh one one wound that five up one damage okay I'm down to meend fives nothing uh sure I'll do that end of my moving phase move those guys down um shooting phase sure I think I have a pistol you do I don't hit you can't shoot can't shoot I'll charge your truck he's in and I'm going to charge these dudes all OverWatch no Bal can't here we go I need a nine I'm going to spend a command point to that 100% congratul so wor in charge no way oh no way okay axe on the chaos Marine that's wound uh six up I'm down to seven okay swing I'm going with your warp Smith nothing oh my warp Smith three attacks two hits five two so five six up down to six and fives another one five right my turn I'm going to fire a rocket warp challenge cuz I hate him that's ni we go right to combat uh you go first sure uh orps myth two this is the aend nothing with the meend um actually move that boy up five he's going to clear a charge after your squad after my my warp Talons no no um the one Marine I'll let you do it after my warp Talons why have the warp Talons check if I'm within okay there you go not my truck D I'm charging the G Space Marine yeah well that's your movement and now you roll got it I okay so the boy would have fought first with two hits and no oh I got a wound no AP you're fine okay I'm going chuckle swing now save me the warpsmith so we have one attack Bo On Five Oh My and no I lost strength why does the truck lose strength in the brackets I got to double check pretty sure it lose strength it doesn't lose its ballistic skill roll it cuz I need three to wound hey one the first roll worked all game okay I'll Attack your boy with a rocket back with my chaos base rain uh two hits two and kills him yeah oh you have an axe yeah we're I got an A he's dead end of battle round five this is how it goes four victory points Josh gets nine Steve has seven I have five and luuka has four this game oh you're right guys it was a very hard earned win from Josh he definitely deserves he earned it he earned it couple things first things first roll 1 D3 that's how many favorite points you get the rest of us gets one each nice I get three is that good that is good yes I get D all the rest of us get one favorite Point Just for participating in the battle now we are rolling on eye of the Gods for our warlord starting with Luka Mighty a get a nine you get eight eight you got dark patronage exalted reward so what you do is you roll a D4 on one of these can I roll a D3 so I don't like what if we maybe we all get a different God here kind of like similarity or do we what if we all guys I mean you could get the same thing that's true okay I'll roll a D4 I just hope I won't get zinch and if I do I might just okay I got SL all right yeah so exalted right your Champion always attacks first in the fight phase ah Neato burrito rolling next for me hopefully I get something good getting a three I already had the same thing so I rerolled that unstable mutation getting a seven dark patronage greater reward so uh D4 see which one it is rroll that four slesh and greater you can reroll failed charge rolls for your Champion that's pretty good Josh going roll a four rolling a four that's acid blood if your Champion is wounded in the combat phase each enemy unit in base contact suffers a strength five AP minus three hit it's kind of cool wow and Steve let's do some good getting a six which is dark patronage lesser rewards so roll D4 don't get sles or zinch two okay two nurgle no ler show oh Champion gains the disgusting resilient Special Rule oh that's actually super cool that is actually face everybodyy I got and that's it for our first episode of path of Glory uh Gro Ro's path to Glory path to Glory path to Glory uh we're going to actually split up now and go into uh One V ones uh separately so it'll be Steve and Josh in the first matchup and uh Luca and I in the second because you guys had the highest score in this game so sure we're just going to arbitrarily choose it that way that will be in the mini wargaming Vault uh all of those games will be in the vault so click on the link below to watch those games sign up for a vault membership free trial 7-Day free trial to gain access to the entire campaign I apologize everybody I forgot that you I mik and you all heard that so I'm sorry what' you do oh nice making that does sound rather gross anyway uh yeah thank you very much guys for tuning in and happy War gaming doodles
Channel: MiniWarGaming
Views: 83,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 49sec (4549 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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