New $5 MILLION *SOLID GOLD* Supercar! (GTA 5 DLC)

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the GTA Lord's have blessed us once again with a brand new car well it works for me because it means that I could spend my hard-earned GTAV bucks on buying them and upgrading them for you guys now today's one is actually one of the best ones I've seen in a while is beautiful now you see this car over here click like and you will get this car tomorrow but if you don't click like you're gonna get this car and that would suck it's your choice the decision is in your hands anyway let's get into the video oh wait one of these bikes on the back this time those bikes are to kill you oh no I should probably stay away let's go Josh this car is based on the Mercedes mt1 which is a formula one oh this is a layman did Lauren yeah look at the diamond at the front so does that mean it goes zoom zoom extra good Josh Eco zoom zoom extra good extra fast but also extra expensive oh yeah this won't broke the bank a bit Josh listen Mike Green is obviously really ugly your red is kind of ugly still as well hey estimize this car waiting times better did you really just yours is gonna need to look a hundred times better - look sounds your Delhi customized this car wait no I call alright good luck getting there honestly though Josh this might be one of my best favorite flipping cars yeah yeah same for me alright good luck see you in a bit jelly are you kidding me not again Josh you mean I didn't do anything gentlemen I'll shut my tyre Oh repair upgrade shop where do I always forget the name all right here we are in los santos customs let's get upgrading this is definitely one of the best ones we have seen in a while so first of all we're always gonna put that armor upgrade on there hopefully that means that we're gonna take a few extra bumps from jelly before getting damaged damn this thing looks so good on upgraded by the way look at this okay breaks we've got a discount today for this I didn't even know that um if you're watching this video you might want to get on for that discount oh the stock exhaust comes out the back all this icon that I can't remove that looks awesome so we've already not changed anything who would have thought the DTA would have a stock option that looks a million times better okay so at the front we've got a primary hood weight carbon thin Oh stock hood okay hmm that does look cool with the carbon I'm not sure how we're gonna work our colors usually we'd do it just the colors towards the end a little bit but I think we're gonna try and add some carbon spice to this today alright we can do HID lights for this one we're not blocking them or anything and we're gonna track our neons on the bottom as well let's put them as red for now we can always adjust the colors later alright livery where we got okay black stripes and I'm not always a big fan of black stripes okay Germanic stripes um alright we've got some weird liveries on this one okay what is this but we'll leave those for now and we'll come back to them let's chuck yellow and black plate on there and now we can see let's actually check what the secondary color is or or where it is okay think of this just inside alright let's have that for now I did see that there's a trim color there's a trim color as well alright let's have that yellow too I think that looks actually really nice okay there we go there's our trim color inside hmm this is gonna be a tough one we definitely have to change it from red but let's get fit okay primary scars we can change it so that has red on the side we'll leave that for now on the spoilers we can remove the fins the fins do look cool though another example of the base option looking awesome at the top end of the scale we have some very big spoilers that one looks really cool goes all the way down to the bottom it's a low mount there are some big spoilers on this car I do kind of want the fins but we need to make it a little bit different this car just looks too good stock alright we're gonna upgrade the transmission obviously put the turbo in there that makes such a difference to cars in this game alright we'll type the wheels on this that stock don't look that great finally so we can definitely upgrade those probably gonna go with something carbon actually we always go for the cheat sheets of carbon are honestly I think we just have to do it again today it just looks too good we can put a little bit of a yellow accent on this one that actually might look quite cool and then obviously we're gonna grab ourselves some bullet proof tires some red tire smoke all right and then let's check out the windows limo windows and there we go that's our customization pretty much the only thing we've adjusted is the back do we change the exhausts because the stock is also our silver that's the only issue here whereas if I cover it up it does look kind of cool okay yeah I think I'm gonna have to cover that up and put some jewel titanium exhaust at the back that way we get rid of the silver let's have a look at some more color options we do have black stripes as an option to add a little bit more of a black accent to it and that's what it looks like fully black that does look super super super cool but that's how the whole thing is gonna look if we leave it like that gonna be a little bit too dark I mean we could make it pure gold you know what let's go crazy in today's episode pure gold it is it looks interesting oh and then actually on the inside we're gonna put red that's kind of what we're going for gold and red it's an interesting combo we're mixing things up to day big-time we're gonna keep all of the black accents on it now and I just need to change the color of the wheels to red is well to get that red there nice all right that is a bold vehicle we haven't really gone in this direction before but I'm I'm actually pretty happy with it let's go and show jelly and see what he came up with watch it buddy you need ro straight into me I don't worry about it this is an mg one I got the best brakes in the world what did you go for golden car yeah yeah well I wanted to mix it up like do something that I haven't done before depending on the light from the Sun it looks either poop brown or yeah I mean it looks a lot better inside but to be honest with you I mean think about it this is a gold car like it's actually made of gold well not exactly but it is crazy related with gold alright it's late with gold so this is real goal that you put out the car John yeah exactly so if I point out some specifics I've managed to go for I thought it would be cool to add a tint of red and it says ain't a friend yeah so I've got a red trim on the inside my wheels are turned red at the exhausts I was gonna put them on the back but I ended up stinking like these just look too good these are awesome these exhausts I don't know where Rockstar Games didn't work on more exhaust there because actually to put them in the back and there's actually a little bit of a red tint inside that so it's kind of like a gold-plated and carbon with some red trimming and that's kind of the vibe I went with it looks great you've got no livery on it it's very raw and very pure yeah exactly puke I wanna I want to quickly have a look inside okay yeah take your time jelly you like you like the red trim Josh I like the red trim looks pretty nice actually yeah I didn't think it would look that good against the gold but it actually kind of does so my vehicle is obviously as green as it could be alright yeah yeah we all know that it's a very unique tint of green as well so I went with well yeah this is like Perlis alright green and a kind of great delivery on it which is which is one of my favourite brands it's called Sesana they know me it's one of the greatest world great friend great friend great friend love it so uh as you can see as you can see on the wheels I have actually got a green wheel tint as well you've got a red one but you know that we went for the same spoiler job yeah I noticed that I mean your yours I went for a carbon spoiler but yours has the the livery and the primary color exactly we went for both the same exhaust both the same spoiler I mean I'm just gonna change this exhaust Elliott okay I actually really liked the original spoiler that this car is actually really good as a basic like if you guys are looking for a good call II do need to upgrade much this is I actually really agree with that this car is great as a base you don't really need to customize a little bit disappointed with the customizing but something that I'm not gonna be disappointed about is the engine upgrades charge how about we give this thing a spin well what do we say about racing to the airport jelly racing to the airport yeah like I'm talking you know the entrance with the little ramp that we usually take first one to hit that ramp and get into the airport wins all right let's go hey okay okay Nene true strain to you okay three two battery oh Jenny no that's cheating over there I was that cheating you tried to catch up with me but you did it yes to me that's against the rules jelly no you smashed into another car not you aren't yeah you eat me first jelly well okay whatever that's what I was waiting for I just had a big big crash see you later jelly I am bleeding this thing is so low on the ground if you even touch the curb you go flying junkies so fuss okay I can't take that entrance into the airport I have this might just be one of the quickest cars the rocks again whoa release oh why does it have to be a truck right at the moment that I went all over the road oh yeah that's why I'm talking about no come on Josh Kelly's in front of me now i whittled the wrong side of the road jelly oh that's too bad Josh that is too bad no looks like I'm winning it at this point mate yeah that's that's not gonna be a good one for me is that a DNF ER for you that might have burned me off jelly oh come on crash big time let's see if I can recover I'm taking a different route off the GUI oh come on I am almost there come on oh my god you're here oh my god oh my god actually [Applause] got second place oh my what a race Daisy that was an emotional roller coaster all right Josh how about we have a look how this thing performs on these ramps on the ramps okay yeah we got I mean I just hit a ramp that was awesome okay I wanted to I want to do a solid drag race jelly from bondage drag I know that we're racing the same car I just see like what its potential is you know okay I mean my it's a little bit damaged so take that into the sound here Josh whoever's watching but um yeah okay where do you want to go right here okay all right and we're gonna go on the grenade good a moment it explodes we go alright okay oh I broke my window that's pretty throw it throw it there we go all right ready jelly I am you little cheeky boy I got that I got the slipstream no jelly this is not a drag crazy this is not a proper drag race anymore at this point Josh well they were taken out and I won but that was it full speed I need to get this bad boy up to full speed again because you cheated Josh hey hey you try to take me out all right remember to hold the this thing yeah yeah yeah all right there we go next grenade ow all right Oh got a better start again I ain't you need you let go with the brake right yeah say this is a runway Josh planes are supposed to take off from this I feel like I'm about to take off 20 seconds awesome look at mine ha oh my god the brake is so strong Josh I I wasn't looking and I scratched what's crazy this car is awesome all right I'm jelly I think we need to do you know a strength test a strength test yeah that's like dunno Stan no I we're gonna do RPG tube car all right let's start with a grenade and then made out of chrome goal - let's let's try it with your first okay well actually you know what we should do let's try bullets first no okay fine all right you ready yeah I'm ready okay so let's see how long it takes okay it's already a little bit damaged though yeah take that into account if you wanted to get some information but oh my god 3.1 oh I'm gonna shoot him one spot keep it fair holding up great well hey em it's been destroyed though if you could see the other cards that was impressive like that went on for a while pretty impressive all right Josh I'll take this one okay I'll take this one farewell cuz you've been awesome is it a what an RPG shot Josh what do you think imagine a supercar that isn't a 1-up it's just a shot that would be so good let me pretty strong I'm not really sure what we expected and and we've destroyed both cars great Josh know what we're stuck at the airport this is a perfect example of us doing a show car showcase it just ends a two destroyed house yeah do it three two one okay I didn't make I feel guys bye-bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,667,508
Rating: 4.9542346 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, gta 5, dlc, jelly, car showcase, gold car, grand theft auto 5
Id: azKKnMe9Kps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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