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welcome back to another video today we're checking out the coolest plane the gta has ever added as you guys probably know there's been a huge update and with this we have a ton of new vehicles to check out it's probably safe to say that this plane is one of the biggest that have been ever added to the game and don't worry we can fully customize it ourselves so jelly me and crainer are going to see who can build the best plane and then we're going to be flying around and getting up to some naughty business now if you want to check out some more vehicles in this crazy gta update click the like button and anyway let's get into the video my god look at the size of that oh check that out is the newest planet gta and it is the biggest one i have ever that is insane it's very pretty on the back hold on wait this is way too wide to fit through the door yeah this is not okay jelly all right well listen guys all of us have a planes like this have a planes like this yes that doesn't make any sense customize them make them look unique put guns on it weapons bombs so excited okay all right i'm gonna go ahead to my hanger now see you later well here we are in my hangar this is my plane over here we're gonna customize it and make it awesome first of all we have to get in oh okay this is this is so big okay all right modify aircraft first things first armor upgrade so i'm guessing this means that it won't get shot down in like one bullet i guess uh now we've got some counter measures so we could just put smoke on it but we want to put the best this is gonna be awesome i'm gonna put some flares on there nicely done all right engine upgrade so this is going to make it super fast i guess i don't know what else an engine upgrade would do so here we go engine upgrade and now bombs we've got a few different options here have we already got the best i guess we do cluster bombs okay so we should probably just leave the best bombs on there and we could change it to gas but i think the others will change it so we'll keep the cluster bomb okay now we've got handling wait this is a bit weird for a plane smooth handling sport handling or race handling okay well i guess race handling probably means the best i'm not really sure how that makes sense for like a bombing plane but anyway uh livery uh oh oh wow that looks that is super cool we're gonna need to change the color though oh wow look at that all right we should probably change the color first and then see how that looks so we'll change it to red and see what those deliveries do what is the secondary color what does that actually change okay what we'll do is we'll change this to like white for now just so we can see where the secondary color is and now we'll open our delivery and do any of these not change the entire no okay well that's just great isn't it um what what is the secondary color then none of these deliveries let me change it properly um i mean we can put this winged thing on the front but i don't think that looks any good is it changing in the first person view no okay well there we go there's our red fully upgraded plane let's uh go check out the other two hey guys wait oh my god jelly why why are you parked behind me mine is parked right behind my door i was a little bit disappointed with my combo too but hey it's green so well i mean yours is going to be camouflaged when it flies in a forest it's going to blend into this when it's in a forest do you know that they um they actually fly these usually in the sky [Music] yeah right should we take it for a flight i went for the cluster bombs what did you guys go with wait i went for the cost of okay i thought you guys were gonna have some stuff i thought you guys were gonna pick different ones they were the most expensive ones so they're the best could you have picked a different spot my god the back thrusters are crazy huh crater come on come to my back come to my plane right quick what what do you want me to do what are you doing engines i want to show you something in the engine no i'm going to die right no i don't want to do you want to see my engines jelly okay show me an engine josh josh stop you're gonna die you're gonna be driving why are you driving on top of him john i was gonna show jelly my engines come to the back of my plane i have a special latch oh yeah yeah go back a bit special go to the big uh circles go forwards a little more forwards okay i know what's gonna happen here i might have a little bit more forwards come on oh he died okay now we have to wait funny now we have to wait for him to come back jelly no i'm here i'm here okay can you hurry up we're gonna take off i'll get in the middle of you guys check me out all right let's go let's go hey i just realized i'm gonna be able to blend in with the sun wow oh my god wait who's stopping relax how do you do that how do you shoot the flare look at my smoke uh right click on these guys for the smoke guys look at the left oh my god oh my god queen it up guys look alkanos will not appear on enemy raiders or maps we've flown at a high altitude that's cool i don't know what that means but that's great all right open bombay doors okay hold right click on the keypad i dropped the bomb what hold the right click okay guys oh my god there's bob's going down guys watch this i'm going to bomb up ahead don't worry crainer you just get my bomb yeah yeah guys watch me ahead d-pad trainer all right watch josh doing carpet bombs ready slow down a little bit slow down a little bit and bombing run i don't even see it i don't see it either i'm gonna do it oh did you don't see that did you not see the ball again yeah i saw it hey mansion how you doing see you later matchups i don't think mine works okay oh i did it i think whoa yes yeah i think that was me crying but hey the thought counts right how do i do it like hold right click on the d-pad click and you'll open the bomb now you just close this now oh here we go and then hold a wheel no that's my wheels oh my goodness it's not working okay don't worry don't worry we'll just we're doing it i can do this check this out that's not it's smoked jelly it's smoke it's just smoke buddy although can i drop a bob on jelly yeah i know but crazy almost flew on me all right josh i don't even see you i'm above you check this out i'm so good okay when you get in the sky they suddenly feel like small planes but then you realize how big they are yo it's so cloudy i can't wait why do i have i don't have police after me oh my god ford sent kudos wait who hit me fast flash shoot the flash oh my god how am i getting hit by people i think that's what was thank you to use the flares oh my god creator's got smoosh after me why did i find um why it's on fire what are you guys doing flew over the fort josh we flew over um okay well i can pick one of you guys up in mine me me me me pick me up i don't know where you are your guy's in the middle of nowhere though see josh flying i'm by a river i i guess i could i thought these would be able to take at least a rocket because i did ice armor oh i see you josh turn around turn around where else was the land trainer turn around all right guys let's just get back somewhere and uh oh yeah i don't know all right i'll figure it out i'll guess i'll try and land okay we'll see how this goes okay crater yeah this isn't gonna work you got this no no no this isn't going to work come on you got it are you kidding no i can't this is okay there's a long third roll here do you know how big this thing is yeah i was in it before but then it died karina i'm landing on the hill okay are you actually doing it sort of i don't know it's just where turn around oh my god josh i can see you yeah pick us both up oh oh see him jelly i see him on the hill oh i lighted it i landed it josh landed his big red thing on the hill go get him uh-oh guys wait wait wait trainer where are you guys i'm sliding i'm sliding down the hill huh get in you guys are sliding down the hill do you also get oh my goodness i i just yes i don't have access why okay i managed to uh i managed to take off again i don't know what i'm doing right now okay josh let's go back to the airport yeah that i can't go with you jelly hey you guys are on your way back now yeah we're on a helicopter though yeah all right wait i see josh behind us julie wait josh what are what's your plan here today nothing just heading back to the airport don't you dare fly into me oh my god that was so close josh oh that was really cool oh oh where is he i'm above you guys fly really stable i could maybe land on your wings no wait let's not try that let's not try that please come on no i just can't get to my app it seems dangerous josh really slow a little lower no okay this is how slow i can go really slow a little little crater this is gonna be fun all right you ready crater what if i lose my plane this is not gonna work jelly catching up with you forwards i kind of i have to turn it off i'm gonna speed a little bit of speed a little bit cause i if i turn it on my engines will go too fast oh no okay actually i do need some amazon this is really bad sorry i just had to go on i couldn't i had to turn my engines on can we stop messing around please keep your engines on but can we just land this is the fastest the slowest i can go with vengeance on and now the engines are off engines on keep the engines no i have to keep them off i have to keep them off guys watch out watch out all right landing get out gotta get out okay no it's stopping [Music] i'll pick you up all right let's go let's go get our planes back wow i'm in the hangar guys no no no no well actually one of the engines is on fire come on guys go get your planes out we don't go all day yeah thank you very much josh okay guys my engines are on fire now so i think i'm gonna probably leave this i should i wanna do one last experiment okay how strong these actual planes are josh flew into the helicopter and it's fine we usually do these tests okay we need to see how strong it is but all i want to do is fly okay you can fly once we've done the test i'll start with the first missile okay wait missile wait are we using no no more wait oh okay my one is two whoa this thing is powerful ah i guess it's not that strong but it's pretty good all right you can fly now crainer letting us know thanks guys all right see ya well thank you for watching the video that was insane if you want to see some more of these gta 5 vehicles click like and if you want to watch another video there's some on the screen tap those videos i'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,965,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, gta 5, grand theft auto 5, jelly, crainer, dlc, new plane
Id: Wh5zHeUOAOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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