ELITE HIDE & SEEK in GTA 5 Online!

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[Music] wait what all right guys wait jump out oh my god we'll be fine guys this is suspicious and it's giving me clues you guys flew in but I don't even know yeah so you're on the west side right do you see me gently this is my favorite place daily what's fun about it we should walk around a little bit in explore because ya know I close at oh we can see em come how am i coming your way I'm still looking around 10 you guys camping on the beach we are yes no hello come in Jake you're in these Tellier glitched your glitch hello oh he's now behind our no no I don't see no I mean I didn't move where are you guys - late lad Oh what no no no don't you see it like in a decent chance you show me now you still see me ice cream yes now he's he's a very big you guys on the island Joshua we are online ok I don't wanna I don't kill your God I see a boat washed up on the shore line it was at us both nice here on this island there what island we don't know anything about is this a fire yes but we're not in the house someone mention a fire chilly it's very missing no one's in the house actually have a really good spot but you need to come and find me oh I do I wait for jelly jelly jelly jelly you have to prepare yourself okay [Music] you know what we're fine in there if I had some army clothing you would not find me here all right Geordi let's go judge I fail this is a very sneaky secret spot um it's really good let's just say that if you say so come to me Josh yeah I'm coming fine doctor ladies and gentlemen surely isn't this a bit close to the island where jelly is no don't worry about it judge all right we're bamboozling you jelly a little bit closer you ready for this oi you're not gonna head west jelly because that's just in the sea did you know this existence but there's not that clear the best spot is right you know I know that was the whole point okay so when okay so when he gets close we can [Music] so Tony when do we when do we get into position well the monkeys closely downtown I think we need to their sides we can look at it no I want to see the wise guy you need to start an ID okay I see I see if no way you see me yeah you just went he just disappeared for a second okay I just want to see him once more all right hot or cold am I getting hotter cooling colder now yes yep our position yet proper position jack we see you right now but remember like we've entered a bit colder Bakura yeah no no no cold cold cold cold oh I'm so not so anything except a whole cold now I'm alright so you must be around here not technically I'm just talking about your direction harder direction but colder no no direction you're going towards this it's still you know it's still you're not getting any hotter than you were colder colder cold all there Wow freezing yeah not freezing Jordi the event sorry waiting to be said things it makes it this is all cold this is kind of cold where you're edging towards we're picking a hotter water arter hotter hotter but I'm only doing hotter or colder jelly okay Boulder he's flying away he went up look at the map Mota hot-hot-hot 12 something right all right no I'm wait Josh what what the hell your arm sticking out I can't go down you're below me might be below Josh to take away your spot I couldn't go lower you were following me oh whoa all right Jordan we're gonna go height now okay you guys okay I've got the best pot in the game really done and dusted from the best ball in the game listen to me we're gonna fly there it's gonna take some time but it's gonna be all worth let's go okay what all right open your chute okay all right this is quick yeah I know right and this is the best foot in the game so how long why do you say lamb where I'm learning then you spin around in a circle do you know okay I thought you know all right Josh I'm gonna take this poor lady's car yeah I just think that's fine Josh get in the car yeah I've got to drive a little bit okay we got a drive really why didn't we just jump out I'm joking I'm already here Josh we're gonna fool Jordi thinking we're fueling up our car Jenny there's a blood stain on the front it's fine but right no one parks their car here Jenna listen what the heck did you see that come back down wait wait Jordy jelly I've got an idea can't we just blow this up all right you're back here don't go back to the front don't go back to the front okay I need to blow up the car I need to brought the evidence yeah well it was fine I know is the dangerous idea Oh Jordan come we are ready okay we are ready guys I am on my way were rich we made the we made the boat journey north it was a long journey I heard yes give me an O oh oh this is hotter about a great journey north I mean you're not like 30 seconds north yeah but it was close great journey for jelly it doesn't mean anything hotter now pasta the direction is still hotter if you go in the direction you're going you're gonna get home whoa whoa drop FATA okay yeah I think you should land your foot or jump out okay okay I'm gonna land right over here guys and I'm going to find you no clothes maybe you should start looking around for just evidence I'm not gonna say anything there are some blown-up cars over here guys blown apart that could have been from our helicopter day to be fair oh okay or it could be evidence no I don't think is evidence but then again here's a roof on top of the car how would they had it go sort of hit it so I see a car here what is blown up I could have guessed maybe you got to go up here and then climb know that that is Co so the gas station seems to be closed let's let's run around the gas station and see if we can find something here that was a nice car by the way jelly what was that like a white what's the brand like how is there blood stains on the front of the car do you guys seem we don't see you standing on top of any cars or anything the car if a helicopter landed on it this is probably gonna send don't tell me don't tell me where you are cuz I watch out watch out watch out left the road we cross the road chill economy hit you once again you can did you guys do you need a car to get into your spot guys no no you don't okay I mean you genuinely don't there you guys are befooling me now you're like Joey yeah okay so I cannot get their dependency and depends you could use anything it is helicopter so I cannot get there on foot I mean not on urine what is that woman just standing there all right I'm gonna open this shorty we're in the goddamn flippin fuel station shop no you're not yes we are yes god I'm getting bored right now Geordi come baaack at the front front of the door okay there's no shop there you idiot come to the shop you guys are lying you can't get in here it's further proof all the police are coming back - you are - that blew yourself up all right George Ellie I tell you what I say that we is this how you did the glitch I got an idea jelly we we just weak ourselves and we never tell Geordi all right oh my god guys you're never gonna tell me ready let's uh let's end it this one hanging out of you daddy thanks guys
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,676,112
Rating: 4.9091158 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, gta, gta v, hide and seek, grand theft auto, kwebbelkop, jelly
Id: rPo0hgtWtZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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