*NEW* $5,000,000 TURBO DLC Car! (GTA 5 Online)

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rock star have blessed us with a new vehicle once again today we have the Ocelot jocular you've probably seen a few Ocelot cars in GT already so I'm actually pretty excited to see what this one is going to be like you'll be customizing this with jelly and then we're gonna be checking out each other's cars but I think you all know what time it is it's time for the wheel of Lights I'm gonna spin this wheel and whatever it lands on you have to do now you definitely do want to land on this one here that's bad all right let's spin that wheel like you know what that means look like on this video or leave okay cool let's get into it you guessed it Josh oh this is jelly we've seen many a car in this car park over here that's not a car someone put a helicopter in the car park what do you think I'm basically a billionaire in this game okay you know today's about the cause Jenny okay I got a new car I got a new car as well what do you think I don't see your car where it's right here this red one okay looks good it looks a little bit like a Jaguar yours kind of looks like it's broken jaw stop it I said I'm a billionaire so I shouldn't really complain about those things yeah just buy a new one fix these things up right we're gonna make them look 10 types wait wait let me check out those rims nice looking sick All Right see you later Ellie boy okay now you're just making a millionaire aim right there just making it tough to get to the place now Ellie why would you stop this listen we're gonna customize these vehicles and we're gonna put bulletproof tires on them so this will never happen again hey sounds like a good idea jelly hey Josh finally you're here I'm going in first I'm more important really how can I say I'm a smooth operator I'll see you in a second jelly all right so first up we're gonna have to repair it a little bit there we go back to working condition so stock of this car is looking pretty good we've already got like little custom bits you can see the little screws in the siding of the car it's interesting when a car comes already slightly customized we're gonna do the armor first of all so the jelly doesn't shoot us through the car door or something silly like that we're gonna upgrade our brakes obviously all of the things we need for driving this at its ultimate level of performance so we've got some relatively simple bumpers this one isn't exposed intercooler but that one looks actually pretty lame we're gonna go with the extended splitter I think not the most expensive option okay and then on the back we've got the stock oh oh that looks cool so we can either go with just like a plain carbon looking thing or we can have these like Hey odds okay I didn't know that's what these things are called but okay so we're gonna go for those ones I think they look best by far we're gonna do the engine upgrade we're gonna Oh what do we got with exhaust drool twin tip exhausts ABC tip I just I don't know why it's a tip drool twin exhausts yeah we're gonna go with those these look the coolest by far next up we have fenders so we've where are these these are on the side I'm guessing okay so we can either do the secondary color on these arches or the carbon the carbon looks pretty cool we're gonna go over like a carbon look today hmm alright let's put them as carbon for now we might switch them out to something else later next up we've got the grill oh okay that one looks pretty cool then so does the line for it oh this is tough okay I'm gonna go with the bespoke grill I think that looks kind of beasty I think it sticks out a little bit further as well maybe I don't know I think I'm wrong alright hood what do we got on the hood oh look at these designs okay I'm sorry but this one is by far the best-looking one painted though hmm which one do we go for I guess we go for the the black one as well it would look a lot better when we changed the colours I think okay that one is what we're gonna go with for now lights we're gonna do up basics we're gonna add the headlights the front back insides under the car put that in bread for now livery what are we got in the livery department okay a couple different options I don't like the super / dumb once those look a little bit silly to me but we do have some sports stripes the yellow awesome a thing that's pretty cool that's quite old school slow go man right there alright let's use it for now we might adjust it later but that looks pretty good okay yellow and black number play now respray okay so we do have a trim option over here but that is on the inside I think maybe we should just go with a red and yellow old-school look today so that means we'll make the secondary color wait that makes the roof a different color what all right let's never look at the roof first okay we can make that like oh this is such a tough decision whoa that looks kind of cool actually keeping it with the black trim on everything and going for white mm maybe we'll go for that we can do the interior the same ice white over here so let's have a look at the other options we've got the splitter on the sides we'll keep that our secondary color over there and then spoiler I'm gonna go with the drift wing for the spoiler and then obviously we're gonna add the suspension the transmission to keep it performing at its top turbo to get the extra speed and now we've got the wheels wheels don't look crazy custom so we can switch those out honestly I think we should go for some carbon wheels to keep the whole look and then add a hint of white there that looks pretty cool I like that can't forget to upgrade our tires bulletproof we can add a some smoke in there as well I like we've got a hint of red in the lights that's cool alright windows we're gonna black those out and there we go I think we're done it's an interesting look but hey we've gotta try some new things every now and then all right let's show jelly and see what he thinks hey jelly experimented jelly yeah we should go in the sunshine I've tried something a little bit different with this one jelly and I ended up just kind of doing everything I can see that judge the only red that I can see is actually on the back well actually there's a red on what the heck is the traffic doing I'm sorry guys okay yeah it's fine there is actually red under lights as well but they're obviously not right now oh you mean like neon yeah yeah yeah well you got red brake callipers I like that yeah could have changed the color of that so that's not luck exactly there was lots of different like trim options with this car so I decided rather than trying to like hide them I wanted to accentuate them and that's why I came for this white about these fenders as well Josh and I actually thought they were really ugly yeah I'm gonna disagree view that but the rest of it looks pretty cool right I mean I actually really like the white interior can I go yeah from the inside go for it jelly wow it blends really well with the rest of the car the interior does look really cool yeah and this there's actually something like black trim in there as well so it kind of matches with the rest being black and trim yeah this is cool so I went for a different see a company approached me would you remote wait does that mean the jellies a sell out well listen listen listen it's just a GTA brand aha you can't actually do anything with okay so this one is two three four five six six brands are on this car jelly that's a sell out to me okay hey listen up there's no such thing as selling out when it paid for the car wait okay no I'm not really sure if that makes sense but okay anyway I decided to go with this beautiful livery that turned my car into a spaceship the back is green the front right back to us that's into a summation of what see me coming - okay area 51 created these planes oh here we go here we go to make him invisible well basically when I drive this car towards you I am invisible okay once I passed you proves that my mage le Rue's that we but but did you Jenny I'm looking at you right now and I can see the car absolutely fine I'm not really sure what you're talking that's not true oh that's thought out it's cuz the reflection of the white in your vehicle wait I'll park this one in the dark you want to see it all right you hide it in there and I'll come in and see if I can spot it okay I'm coming you cannot find my jelly Oh see you didn't even see it jelly I definitely sorry I was joking to make you feel better it's right there jelly because you can see the side I seriously cannot see it all right jelly I think this is a bit of a stretch but now you've got blood all over my beautiful white car so thank you for that well you're welcome it's red paint basically yeah I've got red I've actually got red smoke as well I think it's a cool accent of red that is actually pretty cool yeah I got Green Smoke anyway I think it's about time we tested the capabilities of these videos it out Josh first we got a test out the top speed let's just let's just drive and hope to not crash okay let's sort of go towards the airport but yeah yeah you're private okay is that gob the sponsors all over it as well jelly jelly jelly we should watch out Sorry Sorry oh poor obviously didn't see me so he didn't yeah I didn't crash all right anyway jelly how's the car performing for you honestly it's pretty old rides it's nippy isn't it it's it's actually it is quite nippy yeah I know it's a Jackie so it needs to be little nippy you know it feels powerful definitely it's so bad at driving this court it's because nobody can see me oh wait they used that far back jelly dust I gotta agree the handling is absolutely amazing the speed is okay it's not like wow wow but but jelly to be honest you need like you can't have like the top speed when you've got super good handling otherwise you're just gonna fly out of control you know that's right ma'am that's right you've got in the pocket how long are you gonna be because I'm still waiting at the airport entrance see me for like ten minutes 2000 years later open that gate jelly open the gate here with me we're at the airport where we can fully test this vehicle right I wish you know what I wish oh yeah alright I wish this game had you just miss the route yes I wish the game had a speedometer I wish I could see how fast this thing is going Nova jelly it's just the jet that you've got over here what is your jet okay let me set the other jet here mine is this one with the ads on it you know gotta pay it off somehow adios adios adios jelly all right do you want to see if we can drag race these against each other I think that uh I think we should good thing to do what stop the vehicle okay please do not first to you or me I don't think these are gonna survive a sticky bum no every tie is good just checking yeah there you go without the doors there's without doors jelly well look at the spoiler by the way jelly I've just reduced the weight of your car so you might have an advantage in the drag race if you close them then it will be more now the facts hang on I got you hey I got you up keep down come up okay jelly I think that's gonna set to stay there sorry buddy alright so you know how it goes we're gonna throw a grenade the moment that grenade explodes we leave okay sounds like a good idea you know you're gonna wheel thing spin can I just further grenade anywhere jelly yep okay not this way that in front of you okay there we go the greatest eye and okay and we are off wait you are like half a second in front of me but and my faster if you're aerodynamic doors gonna get you a permeate it's lighter but oh is a close one but no jelly damn these cars have very consistent speed I'm not gonna lie oh okay thanks for that jelly alright ready for the next one well do another one three two one jelly I was trying to take you out kind of useful wait can i but wait jelly I've got to try something I'm sorry I've I've got to try something this isn't really to do with the car I hope you cheese left I wanted to shoot an RPG through your car all right moment of truth can you shoot through a car this has nothing to do with the car but telly I'm pretty sure you didn't even like aim it through him Hey oh I did hey see you later no jelly ha ha ha that's my car
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,591,231
Rating: 4.9318447 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, grand theft auto 5, gta 5, dlc, new car, gta online, jelly
Id: NOMbrqxo8L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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