3ds Max Tutorial - Cloth Simulation MassFX

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hey everyone here from tunnel vision tv and in today's tutorial i'm going to show you guys how to do some awesome cloth simulations using 3ds max so let me just maximize this viewport and i'm going to quickly set up a very basic scene just to show you guys the basics first so i'm going to create a plane and let's create a box in the middle somewhere and then we're going to create our cloth so i'm going to create another plane something like that and just move it up so it's above our cube and then we're going to apply some modifiers to these so first of all make sure that you have your mass effects toolbar here at the top if you don't have it you can basically just right click here and make sure that your mass effects toolbar is ticked so with your plane at the top selected the one above the box we're going to click on this little shirt and you can also just hold in and make sure that you set it to set selected as mcloth object and that will apply that modifier to it and then we're going to click on the box and we're going to set that to a set selected as static rigid body okay because it's not going to move around or we're not going to apply any dynamics to that so basically let's apply something to the floor as well so click on the plane um that is basically the floor and we're going to apply the static rigid body modifier to that as well so that's the basic setup how to do a cloth simulation and if we click on this start simulation button you'll see that we have a very basic cloth now that's not really looking that great because we didn't set some properties so i'm going to just cancel that and with our cloth selected i'm going to click on the plain properties and i'm going to increase the length and width segments of this cloth so let's make it 50 and 50 and i'm going to delete the m cloth modifier so let's just delete that and then we're going to apply it again so now you can see it's got all these little blocks so that's all the segments that we set up on that plane and with that plane selected i'm going to go to the shirt again and set selected as m cloth object and now we're going to run the simulation again so let's click on start simulation and let's see what happens okay so that's looking a lot better and because we've got all the segments that's why we're getting a more realistic cloth simulation right so let's just stop that and so that's basically i set up a cloth simulation that that looks cool but let me show you guys how to do something a little bit more advanced okay so i'm going to start by deleting my cloth and i'm going to leave the floor and the box in the middle and i'm going to create another box something like that and i'm going to move it up a little bit and then i'm going to apply a very basic animation to this box so i'm going to click on auto key at the bottom go to frame 100 and i'm just going to move it over so it goes over this box in the center so let's switch off the auto key and if i scrub through this you'll see we've got that very basic animation so if we look at it from this angle you see that it will go over that box okay now we're going to create our cloth so i'm going to create another plane something like that so as you can see this cloth has a lot of segments 50 50 it's because we set the previous one to the settings and it will actually use that as the default setting which is perfect okay so next i'm going to rotate my cloth so i'm going to enable snapping so that i can rotate it 90 degrees okay there we go something like that and i'm just going to decrease the size of this plane a little bit something like that should be fine and then i'm going to move it so it's actually attached to this box something something like that okay and then i'm going to use this select and link option to link my cloth to this animated box so i'm going to click on this button here and i'm going to click and drag from the cloth to this box and basically if i scrub through this you'll see that our cloth is now stuck to that box so next i'm going to apply a cloth modifier to this plane so i'm going to click on the shirt and go to set selected as mcloth object and before we can simulate this we need to actually freeze some of these vertices right at the top that's attached to this animated box so to do this you need to expand this m cloth modifier here on the side click on the plus and then click on vertex and basically that's going to enable you to select some vertices that you can create groups and that you can freeze so i'm going to drag a box just around the top section of this cloth and you'll see it will be selected it will actually show red i don't know if you can see this on the video but with those vertices selected i'm going to click on make group and then you can give it a name but i'm just going to leave it as default and i'm going to click on ok and then with that group selected i'm going to click on preserve and that's basically just going to freeze those vertices that's attached to this box so we've got that animation and it's not going to apply any cloth simulation to those vertices all right so let me show you how that works so if i click on simulate now let's see what happens okay so now you can see that the plane or the cloth is actually sticking to that animated box at the top and we're getting our simulation here in the center where it's moving over this box which is looking pretty good and yeah there you go you've got a basic cloth simulation with some animation as well so next i'm going to show you guys how you can add some forces to your scene so i'm going to go to my create tab and then i'm going to click on the space warps tab here at the top and then i'm going to click on wind to create some wind in our scene i'm going to drag out a wind operator and then i'm going to rotate it so it's actually blowing this way so with the wind selected i'm gonna go into the modify panel and then i'm gonna change the strength to about let's change it to about three okay and then i'm gonna click on my cloth again and then you need to tell your cloth modifier which forces to actually use so you're under forces you can click on add and then i'm going to click on my wind force and you'll see that it will show your wind force applied to that cloth all right so let's simulate that again and now i can actually see that it's being blown by the wind so it's going crazy and uh yeah it's looking quite cool it's still interacting with a box and with a scene and it's also still attached to this box here at the top so it's actually animating as well which is pretty cool all right so let's just cancel that again okay another thing that i want you to know is if you select your cloth and you go into the cloth properties here at the bottom under physical fabric properties this is where you can change the properties of your fabric so the gravity density stretchiness bendiness and damping and friction and all those kind of things you can all set that all those settings you can change it here and then you can also save some presets if you want to save a specific material preset you can always load it later so you just click on save give it a name and then next time you can just go to load and then you can load it up so as you can see the default preset is set to cotton and yeah that's just how you can save some presets for later use which is pretty good all right so let's say you are happy with your simulation and you want to bake it into your scene you will basically just have to open your massfx tools and then on the second tab you can click on bake all so i'm going to click that now and then it's basically just going to create some keyframes right through your timeline so let's just give it a few seconds okay and once that's done we can close this mass effects tools down and then if you scrub through your timeline you'll see that you've got the animation backed in and you've got keyframes for all the animations in your scene which is pretty damn cool cool so i hope you guys enjoyed this very quick cloth simulation tutorial for 3ds max and let me know if you guys want to see more of these types of tutorials on my channel and also remember to click on that subscribe button if you want to be notified of any new tutorials which will be coming out every week so yeah thanks a lot for watching and i'll see you guys next time cheers bye [Music] flesh [Music]
Channel: Ruan3D
Views: 33,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, 3dsmax, cloth simulation, cloth simulations, tutorial, tutorials, vfx, visual effects, post production, 3dsmax tutorial, 3dsmax tutorials, 3ds max tutorial, 3ds max tutorials, vfx tutorials, visual effects tutorials, massfx, massfx tutorials, 3dsmax massfx, 3ds max massfx, 3ds max cloth simulation tutorial, 3ds max tutorials for beginners, 3dsmax tutorials for beginners, massfx cloth, cloth sim 3dsmax tutorial, cloth simulation tutorial 3dsmax, tunnelviziontv
Id: iqRjK48TnRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2015
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