3ds Max 2024 - Array Modifier | explained

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either YouTubers and 3D Studio Max enthusiasts in today's episode we are going to talk about array modifier in 3D Studio Max 2024 as you can see I already opened 360 Max 2024 here if you remember and if you are following my channel I already made a tutorial about how to use array modifier to create any type of wood floor I will leave this link in the description so if you in case you need any type of wood floor to create into Studio Max you can just use this so if you are ready let's jump in foreign so the first thing that we are going to do I'm just going to create for now a sphere here I'll just make it 20 millimeters 20 millimeters with as set and now in the modifier list I'm just gonna go here and I'm gonna apply the array modifier as you can see in the moment that I apply the array modifier he already used the grid modifier as you can see here and he made five uh made already five spheres on the x-axis right away so here I can add more or less I can create an offset between them as you can see or I can use the spacing tool I can tell them by knowing that the sphere is 20 millimeters I can tell him that I want every 20 millimeters another sphere to appear so this is quite easy and yeah you can also put them in the center so this means that from the center of the first few he's gonna create more spheres so as you can see is keeping the middle point of the first sphere that I've created the pivot of the first sphere is going to be the center of the next one okay so now oh I just created a couple of them on the x-axis I can do the same on the igreck axis so if I do that on the I Greg and with the center my Center stays in the same place and I'm just getting more spheres so as you can see here I used 10 spheres with the space in between them of 20 and on the next one I have zero space being between them and I have seven uh seven spheres all of them leaving us in the center of the original sphere so for the on the next one I can use on the z-axis and I can also create here spheres as you can see this is what you're gonna get so also here I have an offset that I can have if I want to as you can see and I can also have a spacing if I want to between them and I'm creating this so so far everything is quite easy and you can find all of this also in an older version of 3D Studio Max like 2023 with the latest update so what's next on the next menu we have transform here is telling us how many clones do we have oh in totals we have a 490 clones and the next one is the position of the Spheres on the transform so what's happening here here we can transform the whole thing by moving it to the left or to the right depending or where we need it we can also use a rotation so it's gonna just rotate in the x-axis or in the eye Greg or on the Z but to see that I'm just gonna make for now I'm gonna apply an ffe Transformer and I'm just gonna go to my original one and I'm gonna try form this sphere so you can see a difference I mean between them so now I'm gonna put the array in here this is how they are looking so in the moment that I'm gonna use the local rotation they're gonna rotate on the X and I can rotate them also on agric and also on the Z so as you can see now I can they are all so this is what the local rotation is doing so I'm gonna you go back to zero everywhere and now I'm gonna use the world rotation and the world rotation is rotating the whole object so it's not rotating the individual spheres I had initially but it's rotating the whole thing but using as a pivot the original first sphere so if I hide this as you can see the pivot is here is centered to the original sphere so in the moment that I'm applying this and I'm using the rotate is using that as a as a point what else do we have here another thing and very important is the menu for the scale so I can scale my original object on the x-axis or only on the igreck axis if I want to can even make it less or I can do it also on the z-axis this is quite nice because you can actually change your original object after you already made it okay the next thing is randomization so what's happening here I have also exactly the same menus as here but now the world of course and I can change them I can randomize them I can randomize their position on the X so as you can see now some of them are moving on the X and some of them are just staying in the same place I can also randomize them on the agric and I can also randomize them on the Z oh yeah this is quite cool I really like it it's quite an amazing tool to have and also I have a seat here that is one two three four five and uh by changing this seed I can get different types of randomization as you can see if I click on this button I can just get different numbers on the seed and I'm just getting different uh position of the of the Spheres so I'm just gonna go zero zero zero here to the original thing and also on the scale I'm just gonna go zero actually I need to go 100 100. you have my original object and then we also can have a scale randomization so I can randomize my object some of them by using different X's as a randomization [Music] foreign here I can apply a different materials IDs on the objects so I can just say ignore existing IDs and I can go from 1 to 10 and create different IDs so the so the next thing that we're going to talk is the material ID to to show you this we need to I need to create a material I'm just gonna make a very material but to do that I need to load my vray so I just loaded my v-ray I'm just gonna add a video material here and now I will add v-ray multi texture multi sub texture and I'm gonna add this to the diffuse and make less object ID and now I'm just gonna create some colors in key here and I'm gonna change each color to a different color and just to understand exactly uh the randomness okay so as you can see we have totally different colors now I'm just gonna apply this to my object and I'm just gonna go here and I'm just gonna tell the program that I just want to have IDs from one to ten okay I'm just gonna add a white background and I'm gonna start my uh render so as you can see this is what we have right now but to have all the materials we need to use element and in this way we're just gonna have those uh different uh colors on each element so this is quite cool because you don't need to use only different colors on the material multi texture but you can also have here different textures so on each object you're gonna have a different texture or you can have different materials okay so this is what material ID is of course you can have random you can have all them ordered and first middle last this is also has a face a different Seed where you can change different little colors you can change the way the colors are spread on the object and I can show you that right now I'm just gonna start this all over again so as you can see my ID is not changing so yeah if you used to use here face material ID so yeah just going to be a material ID in here and if you if we go here now and we change the seed we are getting a different seed every time and yeah this is quite amazing okay I'm gonna close all of this I'm gonna delete this and the last thing is the uvv it's an existing it can be a clone or a clone number depending on the channel and the last thing and not the least and the next one is the remove we can randomly start removing pieces as you can see this is quite nice you can also use the seed you can also use an object for example I can use the sphere here and I can just drag this sphere inside and I can use this to remove well it's actually what they did it made an intersection but if I use a revert an invert is just gonna delete and then the last thing is the create button where you can create objects from all of this so if I really want to create objects I can just click this and it's just creating individual objects for each one of them so now I have 300 311 000 polygons so if I go with Ctrl Z okay I'm just gonna delete everything now and I'm just gonna make create a box and I'm just gonna apply again the array to this box is gonna just create right away on five objects so the next one that we're gonna talk about is the radial what's happening with the radial I'm having a radius here and I can create objects according to this radius this can be very useful as you can see uh you have a start angle which is a zero of course so this means if I go to the top my zero point is here on the right side where it's starting so it's starting from the zero and it's ending at 360. so it's going from here going all the way back here in the same point but if I want I can start from 45 and I can end at 90 or 180 of course it's good he's just gonna make all my objects I mean 20 objects between these two angles so from 45 which is here and 180 which is here so if I add less objects you can actually see them uh yeah you can have them multiple rows of course you can have an offset between these rows so the row in this case it's acting like a set axis and of course you have also the spacing in between that you can use to have a specific spacing you can also stagger them this means in the case that you have a or they're just gonna go in between this is what stagger means in this case I'm gonna go let's offset you can see this is looking quite cool if I add another row in here it's gonna go exactly the same as the one that I had before and then the next one is gonna go like this so yeah you can create the amazing things only by doing this of course the next one is ring you can have different Rings starting from that point and using all of that as you can see this is looking already quite uh nice I would say with an Offset you can have it equidistant this is quite cool then again of course the transform which is working exactly the same as before but it's only made for the for the radial array you can have different phases if you want you have you can have local incremental alternating random incremented Progressive this can be very useful for creating different uh objects or of course we have also the scale that is working exactly the same we have a randomization material ID that is working exactly the same to remove and the UV and to create object okay I'm just gonna delete all of this also the turbo mode I'm just gonna close it for now and let's see the next one the next one is the spline so if I create the spline here going with smooth and smooth and then I'm just gonna go front view and now I can just follow this picking display as you can see is using the normal of the spline when he's adding more object so it's actually following the spline as you can see by using normal of the spline uh you can have used retain orientation so they're always going to be a straight this is quite nice this is working exactly the same here you can you have it in continue I don't know if it's working to animate all of this thank you but from what I see uh oh yeah it's amazing that you can actually animate this so yeah you can actually animate this that is uh quite amazing um okay I will do the Box all over again I will create another line okay I'll apply the array go to the supply and pick spline add more objects so yeah you can actually rotate the hole thing around the spline as you can see you you can have variation of course so yeah you can just play with it of course you have count which is the number of objects that you have here in count X so you can have relative offset that you can have starting from the beginning till the end so I can play with that by working on here I'm gonna delete this for now yeah and um this can be also animated well you can also have all of this on a surface so I'm just gonna create a plane fast and uh I'm gonna move to the surface and I'm just gonna pick my Surface so what's happening now to this surface on the intersection of different edges oh he's gonna add one object so as you can see the moment that you have click the surface underneath you have vertex if I change this to face center it's gonna move each object in the center of every polygon and the last one you can have Edge Center so yeah you can have on each middle Center of each Edge another object can be quite useful as you can see you can add more objects so depending on how big is the object and how many edges it has you can add more or less objects so the number of objects is made according to the number of Divisions that the object has and the last one and the most important is Philo taxes what's Philo Texas well filletaxis is made by using something that is called the Golden spiral so the golden spiral is this and this golden spiral is made by using the the golden number and the golden number is made by the Golden Ratio the golden ratio it's actually this number here 1.618033 uh this golden ratio there is a law a lot of things about it but if you really if you are really interested in how it's working these all these numbers are like were all these numbers were actually discovered in the Antiquity but the golden ratio was discovered by a guy what's called a Fibonacci who realized he made he realized that if you take the zero and the first number and you create the second one by saying zero plus one it's equal one and then one plus one equal two and one plus two equals three and two plus three equal five and so on and this is called the Fibonacci list and uh with according to these numbers you can create uh the spiral and this spiral is made by dividing the first two numbers so two divided by one is one point five three divided by two five divided by three and so on and at one moment you if this you're gonna discover that the that the golden ratio is a 1.618 so this number you can find it anywhere in the nature also in the human body all our memory numbers they are all made using this ratio all these numbers you can find them everywhere in the in the nature and in us and everywhere so this is why it's called the Golden uh number and the golden ratio is uh this rectangle that has on one length the number one and on the second one 1.618 and with this uh you can create this um beautiful golden ratio so what to do is actually you create a small rectangle here and then you just multiply that and all of them are related to this number 1.618 and you can at the end you can draw this beautiful spiral by connecting all the opposite angles so so this golden ratio is everywhere not even nature but also in the in the universe so if I write the Milky Way and golden ratio and I go here you're going to see that even the Milky Way and so our universe is made is made using this proportions and golden ratio so you can see it everywhere in the universe also so this is quite an important thing to know so this is how also this uh field of taxes it's working so here I can add my objects so as you can see I can have a start radius which is here and I can also have an end radius which is further away if I'm using the axial this can go also on height you can also have a cool part if you can also have them scale so they are also getting scaled starting from the middle to the end this is something that it's really hard to create in uh in 3D Studio Max without this because uh this implies a lot of mathematics behind because the objects are getting smaller so the the biggest ones that are in the middle they are just getting smaller as long as you go on the edge of the of the circle there is an imaginary Circle in here and of course you can have also different phases here by moving closer or higher I don't know if you can animate this but let's see yeah you can create also an animation so it can be really cool this can be made also by the counterclockwise and the cool part is that you can also use line so if I have this line for I can tell the array modifier to pick my line as a distribution so as you can see I can just change my line and it's changing also my uh my object according to the line this can be quite cool and you can create uh amazing things with this this is quite a powerful tool there are not that many of the programs out there that they can do this of course the the most famous one is uh Rhino with Grasshopper you could definitely do this with Grasshopper but other than that there are not that many uh programs out there that they can do this of course you can also transform the position the local position you can also scale them if you want or you can also randomize everything the position of the objects as you can see the rotation of the objects let's say the set axis so yeah this is a quite very very powerful thing and also you can change the scale in the randomization we can have different objects with different heights of course you have a material ID as usual a UV and you can also remove parts of it if you want you can also use an object and you can also create the object so yeah this is the array modifier in case you liked it please don't forget to subscribe uh share it with your friends I'm gonna use this array modifier more in the future on the project that I'm going to make here on my YouTube Channel please let me know in the comments what do you think about this array modifier and if you know any other program that other than Rhino with Grasshopper that has such a powerful tool I'm very curious about it and yeah see you in the next one bye [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: 3D CORNER
Views: 4,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max 2024, 3ds max array modifier, phyllotaxis, array modifier, 3ds max 2024 new features, new 3ds max, 3ds max 2024 modeling tutorial, 3ds max, 3ds max tutorial, autodesk 3ds max, 3ds max update, architectural visualization artist, 3d modeling tutorial, architectural visualizations
Id: 79zv7_xBfuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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