Retopologizing Mass Detail - Retopology Masters #14

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hello in this video i'll show you how i can reach apologize mass detail once i used a bunch of booleans how you can get a good result after that and continue modeling i'd like to thank autodesk for sponsoring this series of videos to help me produce more great content for you guys so right away just a simple little script called fastball 1.0 available from 3d sky link is in the description so let's start with the basic box all right and let's center it and let's make it a little bit larger let's go into edit poly so let's let's for example just select this scale it maybe select this move it let's start with maybe something like that alright now i will just select but i want to be sharp i will select the edges and i will give this crease and then we're going to mesh smooth and let's do it once more all right and so look at the smoothing group you notice how we're getting this issue so let's apply a quick smooth modifier auto smooth and there we go all right guys let's select this object and then click on get main geometry i'm gonna press shift one that's my hotkey for creating a line i can also press f3 just to go into wireframe mode and i can left click and begin creating the first detail you can hold shift to constraints 90 degrees all right once i've got that i'm going to make sure it's a closed object so let's activate x-axis mirror clone cut detach f3 we can press one right away to go from the creation panel to the modify panel and just select the vertex and we can for example fill out this all right with this selected we're going to click on bull now and let's click on remove that will give us this all right and what's great about this guys i quickly just move this back a little bit and do another one now we've got this other object here we can also very easily rotate this by nine degrees move it for example let's select this object make sure this one is active now we've got this happening we can very easily then select this ice layer and we for example you and this back together so we can select this object make it active select this union and bool now and now it's a single object here so it's a nice way to get these kinds of more complex cuts because if you just cut right here it will be very straight from the top but now we get this nice combination we can also go in for example from the front view [Music] [Music] all right let's close it up press one like this give it a large fill it [Music] make sure this is our active object select the spline and bool now so if you're not going to use this you can just hide that for now or move it off to the side and press shift a to quickly bring it back as you can see we just get very nice details happening here [Music] so [Music] all right sometimes you just want to clean up your splines it's very fun of course to quickly reuse our splines but sometimes we just need to clean it up so we can just delete what we don't need one thing you can do guys is that you can actually apply extrude then add a poly on top you can actually do some for the modifications on this and just get a slightly different result you can for example scale this and bool now you can very easily get mass detail that way alright let's create a little box we can use for mass detail as well something like this i'm going to select this give it a single smoothing group i'm going to use turbo smooth and then smoothing groups and then let's also insert loops through here until we get this kind of nice pill shape let's also change the pivot we can either change the pivot or simply change the geometry all right a little bit lower [Music] so we want the pivot to be a little bit inside the geometry so that when we use for example selecting place of the clever text script we can very quickly just put it right there and we don't want it to be like this for example or like this we want there to use some geometry on top i'll select this make it active we can turn off the attach if we just want holes there [Music] and there we go all right let's try some other objects we can even put on here for example here i'm using a script called the claver text script which allows you just to move it around on here make this active and then we can start to blow now [Music] so it's a very fun way to quickly add detail [Music] i can then for example turn off the turbosmooth we have basic details as well basic cube details rectangular details [Music] okay for example move this down and switch it to union to get this i'm going to reset its rotation and we create a new editor modifier and this one let's scale this so we can get this happening now we've got this for example shift a or alt a now i can very quickly get some nice detail like so as you can see it is very nice transitions we can always fix this with a smooth modifier [Music] okay so as you can see 3ds max is no slouch when it comes to just mass detailing like this let's reach apologize now so let's start with this one i'm just going to apply a poly on top and then delete let's say the right half all right to fix these kinds of problems we'll apply smooth on top auto smooth and then maybe decrease a little bit here all right so of course it's a good idea to apply subdivide but a lot of times i like to just apply three topology right on top of this and compute as you can see we just get very nice fast results sometimes i cut the video if it's apologizing for a while but this was all real time and even though we did not subdivide we still got a good result this allows us to add some freeform details if we need to or what i have to do is apply smooth on top again and then topology again this time let's cut it in half and there we go even simpler and it fixes some issues like here for example now symmetry turbosmooth [Music] you can of course use crease set and open sound as well but if it's dense enough i think this gives a nice smoothness to this and we can now add some freeform details such as [Music] so just something a little bit more freeform here [Music] it's also fun to add these kind of details and mix the two types of details together [Music] sometimes for example you can just select this [Music] and move a little bit here [Music] but as you guys can see really nice clean results let's do maybe this one as well or maybe let's go with this one [Music] [Music] and that is i can quickly add mass detail we to apologize and continue modeling freeform details as you can see guys you get some very nice results very quickly with this and it's all ready for production as well because it all has clean topology thank you for watching and take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 20,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrimus, 3d, blender, b3d, model, modeling, tutorial, beginner, pro, top, tip, how to, fast, easy, simple, learn, start, get started, design, detail, poly, polygon, topology, style, 3ds, max, video game, asset, addon, mesh, amazing, insane, best, plug, create, extrude, low poly, afraid, autodesk, high poly, crease, loop, edge, classic, problem, fix, hard surface, plugin, script, tool, retopology, mass
Id: RWVvVCrfOss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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