Neville Goddard The Law Of Identical Harvest

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now we can say the same thing over and finally at one little moment people grasp it they understand it so I can tell you night after night that all things exist in the human imagination and I can tell you that man is all imagination and God is man and exist in us and we in him that the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God himself that is the divine body we call Jesus Christ in Scripture and because of previous training we may question that or hesitate to well take it seriously tonight I hope I can show you through stories how true this is you may never really lose yourself to the extent that I wish you would but nevertheless I'll tell you last Saturday the friend of mine in from New York she came in during the week and she was here on Friday and I invited as a dinner on Saturday with a few other friends of hers out here she called you on the day and asked if she could come early could she come at four instead of five when I invited them that she had things to tell me and they would not understand it and she would feel ill at ease in the presence of others in discussing these things now let me go back a little while with this lady I met her here in this city 20 odd years ago she's a beautiful young woman about 30 a model she had bought a little home for her parents and she was paying off the mortgage and she said to me then this is now 20 odd years ago I've always dreamed of going to Paris and I really don't have the money I have enough in the bank to go tourist and live for just one week in a modest way go to some small little hotel or maybe some little room in place and only for a week I couldn't afford beyond that and even that seems stupid now but I think that I'm still paying off on the house I said you're asking the wrong person for advice because I'm not a rational person when it comes to the world to me I do not go along with the reasoning mind I am talking of an entirely different principle I am speaking of imagination and imagination to me is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ to me is God and there is nothing but God and all things are possible to God if you want me to give your reason for going or not going do not ask me you want to go have just you know for a quick one one week in Paris maximum go tourists and live modestly and come back well he didn't tell me what you would do but she did go on the second day in Paris on a blind date she met a man 23 years her senior he was already married five times there was no offspring but they fell in love he divorced his fifth married her and they were blessed with a child the image of that man when I saw pictures of him he was born in Russia when I saw pictures of him it could have been pictures of his little boy through the years well the main is very wealthy she came into a fortune international business factories fair in our country factories in Paris factories in Puerto Rico and factories all over a very very wealthy man he went wild over this offspring well as a boy grew he was a two and a half years old and one night I had a vision and I saw a little boy he was about five years old handsome beyond measure and he told me that I was his father as well if I'm your father then when are you going to come on earth and be my son so I am your father are you coming down to earth and be my son he said yes I said when is it on the 10th of November as you are now this is late September so I said to my wife the next morning as a darling you know you're gonna have a baby on the 10th of November but also you said I really believe all that you teach but after all this is ridiculous I'm not even pregnant this is late September and whatever son on the 10th of November she said no that is out it's alright that's what he told me anyway that night in New York City at my lecture this lady appeared a little boy was two and a half and she was away out inhale she looked as though she could have it right then so I say to her when you expect your son he said no son I'm going to have a daughter Joseph and I we want a daughter don't want any sound we have our son my simple friend you expect your child then she said oh the doctor said around early January I said should your son be born on the 10th of November may I tell you his name his name is Neville mark because that's what he told me well on the 10th of November she had her little boy and she called him never mark well the family now of for the two boys and they grew when the first one the image of his father Larry reached the age of 18 they sent him off to college in England Barney and one morning on a Saturday morning I got a call from her and she said Larry his date didn't prepare me at all as Larry is dead I said what are you talking about that I just got a call from the headmaster the College in London Larry was killed today suddenly in this automobile accident 105 but he was the only one killed the other survived he wasn't bright when the car he was in the car and we are leaving within an hour Joseph a Nevel and myself we're leaving in the hour to go to London so they did and brought back the ashes of Larry and scattered it in Central Park she went into shock completely shocked and for two months she wasn't here her husband called me long distance he wrote me - what to do I do not know what to do should I put her into some asylum should I bring in something because she is not here she refuses to be part of this world but you do not know this woman she has a determination that is like steel you can't divert her she can take any goal in this world and realizing and she had one goal now she had to know about Larry if what I'm teaching is true that all things exist in the human imagination then Larry existed in her imagination and she had to see him and touch him I know him and know that he survived she said my religion failed me my philosophies failed me I couldn't open a book nothing could in any way encourage me or support me and I lived in this state just completely in shock to despair my family and on this morning two months later I felt something surging within me surging and surging and then out of my own being hair comes Larry he is seated on the side of this chair in my bedroom it's my bedroom he lived on the 33rd floor on Central Park South here is Larry and then I said Larry there but I can put myself there too and she did I sat right next to him and felt him that I've got never and he sat next to me and here the three of us I've never seen Larry so beautiful his face was just like velvet you've never seen such beauty of skin as Larry and we communicated without the use of words and he said to me mother I didn't want to hurt you and Harry is talking to me without any use of words but he's telling me and I'm listening did I say to never never go and get daddy daddy was then in the living room this is the early hours the morning about 6:00 go and get daddy and tell daddy to come and the minute he got up and started towards the living room to bring his father something happened in her and something broke and then the whole thing faded but he said at that moment I was completely cured I had a pain that no doctor could help no philosopher could help no religious person could help no book could help Here I am in a pain a pain that no one could understand it was a physical pain my body was wracked with it and at that moment I was completely relieved of all sense of loss and all sense of pain and I proved that all things do exist in my own wonderful human imagination and that's where Larry was I brought him out as an objective being seemingly independent of my perception of him and he sat on the side of that chair on the arm of the chair that big chair in my bedroom and never sat on the other arm I sent Neville to call daddy and then I went in after it broke I then got off the bed and I went near the living room were here was Joseph reading the paper and I told him what had just happened and do you know he was just like a shadow a shadow that talked I looked at my husband and here is only a shadow a talking shadow that day I had to go out and I went down the street shopping and everyone was but a shadow talking shadows the whole vast world was but a shadow and so when we say all that you behold though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow everything here seems so real Corrigan it bleeds it is only a shadow and she was cured instantly rain she out of her own beam conjured her son and made him sit on the arm of the chair and she herself brought her own being out of it and sat in the center on that chair and then brought never who was sunk asleep in his own room and then said to him go and get daddy let him come and see how beautiful Larry is skin like velvet so altogether lovely she never saw him so beautiful and he's saying to her mother I never wanted to hurt you I didn't want to hurt you and so and the whole thing faded and she realized that what I told her before the all things exist in the human imagination was true we are living in a shadow Ville the immortal man is your own wonderful human imagination that man can never die that's Jesus Christ you are the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is not some intangible thing you speak of a maturation is defined in the script in the dictionary as the picture forming Faculty of the mind is defined as that which can conjure and create an idea or an image independent of objective reality they call this the reality independent of objective reality and what a conjures they call it the unreal there are simple apprehension of objective facts objective objects in these world they call that sense perception and therefore reality if it isn't present that's unreal and therefore imagination this is now considered real and I think the home that I left an hour ago the home to which I hope to return tonight within an hour that because it's not present to my senses that's unreal that's imagination this that I do not know as well this is real because it's present to my senses and I am telling you is just the reverse the whole vast world exists within the human imagination and if you are as intense as that woman I have never met anyone more intense than that woman she said to me we got notice he had to brigate our business that is the building on 57th Street between Fifth Avenue and Edison a most expensive neighborhood where you pay 50 60 70 thousand dollars for an area not as big as this a year in rent certainly not as big as this room one floor he's a couturier he has his factories in London enough Paris factories in New York factories in Puerto Rico and here an area not as big as this it's long and narrow and could not if I took the square measure of this room they could not that place could not be this big and he was paying sixty five seventy thousand dollars a year rental in his own place for living he paid twelve hundred and fifty dollars a month for that thirty third for apartment that he had that's a lot of money plus running businesses and paying a payroll to maybe 150 or 200 people every week that runs into a fortune he received notice that they're going to terminate his lease because the IBM the international business machine bought the building to demolish it and build a huge big building for themselves headquarters in New York City he had to get out he began to give her all kinds of reasons why he couldn't find a place she said don't tell me what you don't want don't tell me what can't be done tell me what you want you name them I don't care how many you name you just simply named them we should I want a building on 57th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue and they say there is no building for sale not even for rain but certainly not for sale don't tell me what is not tell me what you want now he said we have 18 months to go on our present apartment it is twelve hundred and fifty dollars a month I would like to move and reduce our rent all right but who is going to pay twelve hundred and fifty and take over my lease don't tell me who's gonna do it tell me what you want well that's what I want I want to get out of that lease and find a place just as nice as tall as that there were not thirty third floor after the 30s where I can have a view and not pay that sort of money he gave her 12 things she has the capacity to go into these states and bring them out and they are objective to her everyone he hung the place number 41 West 57th Street eight story building it wasn't for sale he didn't she didn't concern herself with what is or is not for sale she got it they are there now someone came in after she released the apartment in her mind's eye I'm actually moved into another one right next door to this on 57th Street someone came in and said I'll take over your lease at the same rate twelve hundred and fifty and then she found a place on the 30th floor right adjacent to where their own now the eighth store bill its story building for six hundred and fifty dollars a month reducing it by six hundred dollars everything that he requested she did it that's her intensity and she was determined there now to know what happened to Larry she wanted to prove to her own satisfaction that Larry survived the Larry is real it's not just a dream that her Larry is a solid reality and she could put her hand on Larry and talk to Larry and communicate with Larry and the whole thing became a reality to him that is Louise she has proven beyond all doubt the truth of what I'm trying to tell everyone that I meet the imagining creates reality because imagining is God in action that the human imagination is Jesus Christ under is no other Jesus Christ that is the Lord Jesus Christ of Scripture so I do not say you will be as intense as she is I wish you were she can go into some material thing which doesn't interest me at all like money and come out and make a fortune as she has made a fortune and she was as poor as a Churchmouse when she first heard me she had never heard such strange peculiar unreasonable statements as she heard from me and her first contact with me was to ask that question what should I do should I go to Paris it isn't rational when I told her I am NOT speaking of anything rational of this world I'm speaking of a power that isn't rational the rational mind is simply the interference between the being that you are and this so-called world that you think so real no the rational mind let it be what it wants to be but I am NOT talking about that I am speaking of something entirely different and the world calls this being of whom I speak Jesus Christ but they do not know Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is a being is not some peculiar as some friend of mine wrote the other day it is not an essence imagination is not a vague essence as you said imagination is a being a majestic being of being of infinite love but a being for now you heard me tell the story of my dear friend Melo the little girl just 8 or 9 years old well I got another letter from her and the other letter she said I went to your lecture and do you know at the end of your lecture you say this little girl is Peeta and when I die she will see the same king that she saw when I took her to France and do you know what at the end of your lecture you took off your coat but I didn't see you take off the coat I saw you take off your skin you took off your skin and I could see right through you and right behind you was the king that I saw in France and do you know what he was you a next to the king was a tombstone and on the tombstone was written the word never and then he faded and everything faded and then I woke wasn't that incredible and she spells the word incredible gettable incredible reminds me my little girl when she was four and someone said what does your father do and she said he is a lecturer and I have never heard the word lecturer but what I think of Vicky and her were Elektra and if someone gave us something say up for Christmas or something and you couldn't find out what on earth is it what is its purpose and then mother would say I wonder if it is functional she couldn't pronounce the word functional and she was safe Punk at all well I have never heard the word functional since but I think of functional so if we get anything today that we can't quite understand what it is which quite often at Christmas you get all kinds of things you don't know what on earth is it what would you do with it and so you put it in the gift drawer that someone else figured out when you give it to them a year later and here it is and I think of functional it isn't functional well now she said incredible isn't there precious I have all the little letters now but she saw the King and she saw the tombstone and he saw wear that coat which was only a symbol of the physical garment that was taken off and here's the garment taken off and buried in that tomb cell and on earth it was called never but beyond she saw the king behold your king and she said and it was you and then it faded wasn't that incredible so I tell you you are an infinite being an immortal being you didn't begin in your mother's womb and you do not end in the grave you are forever and forever and forever and you are that king you will awake in one day and you will not be any less than the being spoken of in Scripture as Jesus Christ there is only Jesus Christ in the world there is only God in the world and you and I will be one one body one spirit one Lord one god and father Lord let no one tell you because he precedes you in the awakening that he ranks ahead of you no one ranks ahead even though you proceed the one in the order of awakening for there's only one being who is awakening and that one being is God and God is your own wonderful human imagination if you could only be as intense as movies towards physical things you could in the immediate future anything you want in this world I personally have no desire for such things none but she has and all one good she has it let her have it to the extreme she came in she insisted four years ago and given me a certain picture because I test a complementor first an opinion about this painting she had made a copy of fallen a great fiction wasn't a great picture the original was and she offered to me I said no I will not take it I'm going to California I'm certain I'm gonna take that frame that big and take it back to California do you know afraid to my knees here at night he went on a business trip to New York and she persuaded him to bring it and he brought it to me I helped I hung it for about two years and I couldn't stand it any longer so I took it I buried it in the little closet and she came he said where is the picture I said well I had it up for two years and then I got a little bit distill want to change the room and so it was where is it that's where here it is luckily I hadn't given it away and so she said I'll take it all right you take it and she did she took the picture and she's going to take it right back to New York City again that's the intensity of the woman money is an important thing with him everything she makes important but when it came to this the loss of her son and she rented a shock she didn't find comfort in religion she couldn't find comfort in books she couldn't find comfort in anything everything went through the window but she was determined to prove that her Larry survived and all she could hang on to is all things exist in the human imagination and if that is true well then he's going to come out of me and I will know he does exist that he has survived that cremation for she came back with the ashes and went to Central Park and scatter the ashes are on the tree and here comes Larry sitting on the side of a chair and she puts herself into the chair and puts Neville on the other side of the chair and here she is carrying on but I tell her how intense the woman is when I say to her on the 10th of November if you have a son his name is Neville mark she was determined she is not going to have a son could have daughter I said alright if it's a boy his name is never mom well I haven't seen Neville in four years last time I saw him he came down and spent three weeks of us with us in Barbados and he was a handsome handsome lad long hair down below his shoulder but unusually pretty she tells me now he's about six feet he will more stunning he's just had his 18th birthday he does all the cooking for now they don't need any help because they have all the money in the world he does all the cooking he does all the washing all the ironing all the sewing he does everything so she got her wish she got a girl and I got my son he was a son he makes the dresses course his father's Akrotiri oh you're going to inherit that fabulous thing the father is 77 so in the not distant future he will inherit this enormous thing but he loves sewing and he loves ironing the clothes he likes all these things he's out going to school to study designing and make it of clothes and all these things and so with his long hair and that lovely lovely skin of his and undoubtely she does have her daughter and I have in him my son so see we both got it and she said to me do you remember anything of the past concerning Neville because you saw him before I did I said I can only tell you that he came to me this handsome handsome lad about five years old and he told me that I was his father well you know Louise I have never known you physically therefore physically I am certainly not his father but throughout infinity these crosscurrents who knows the relationship in all these things through eternity he called me his father at the moment I wondered well when are you going to come because I knew this was a vision and I knew he was not my son in this world I knew my little girl Vicky when she came to me at the age of four or five and she too called me daddy and I said if you you're my daughter if I'm your daddy then what is your name and she said Victoria and Simpson danced away so when she was born I called her Victoria she has no middle name she didn't give me a middle name he said my name is Victoria so I call her Victoria now she is known to all as Vickie but she has no middle name I saw so vividly when she appeared to me when she was about my wife was then about five months pregnant and I said to her we can have little girl and her name is Victoria well she came into the world and she looked just unlike little girl I saw but before she grew into that child because when she was born she looked just like Gandy not a hair on her head that is just just like a little offspring of Gandy at the age of four a mass of curls she was the image of the child I saw when she appeared to me in vision say about four or five years of age and this dad but he was four or five was just like it this handsome beautiful lad and today they say he says well a raving beauty six feet tall eighteen years old this long hair and he makes his dresses does all the ironing he solos he does everything and so Louise at determination it didn't come in in a physical form as a daughter but it came he in spirit as a daughter and I came in and my vision was true it came in as a boy as I saw him and he told me his name was Neville mark and so he is named Neville mark goes by the name of Never so I'm telling you of the power within you and that power is your own wonderful human imagination and that is the only God in the world there is no other God that is that Jesus Christ of Scripture so tonight take it seriously if you really have an objective in this world and you're waiting for something to happen on the outside to make itself forget it do it in your own wonderful human imagination actually bring it into being in your own imagination conjure a scene which would imply the fulfillment of that dream and lose yourself in the act as you contemplate it and completely lose yourself in that state if you're completely absorbed in it you would objectify and you will see it seemingly independent of your perception of it but even if you do not have that intensity if you lose yourself in it and feel it to be true the imaginal egg then drop it in a way you do not know it will become true it will objectify itself on the screen of space and what the world calls reality which is really only a shadow realm as she so clearly described it here was her husband reading the morning paper and he was a shadow talking she goes up the street to shop and everyone she passes he's a shadow talking all talking shadows and it lasted for 24 hours then the whole thing returned to what the world calls a normal world but even that interval at that very moment she was cured and the pain laughter the sense of loss left her and not once since that moment has it ever returned no sense of loss no pain and she's are the same power when she was prior to that horrible accident that took him out of her life it took him and she discovered the truth that she had been applying towards things and now she knows it is true in the deepest sense of the word that all things exist in the human imagination and that all that you'll behold though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow and all this objective reality is solely produced through imagining I don't care what it is this room hail the first was imagined the clothes you're wearing well that was all imagined imagining proceeded the thing that you now call real in the world but man does not know it and his memory is so sure he forgets the imaginal act and then the harvest which one day he will reap and while he's confronted with the harvest he can't relate it to anything he ever did that could produce it and yet everything that comes into his world he did it but he doesn't remember his memory is faulty one day he will awaken and when he awakens he is the king of kings he is the Lord of lords he is the Lord Jesus Christ he is Jehovah and here is this little girl Melo and her mother said to her when I told the story that she is Peter and again she went home and she told and the little child quite innocently and matter-of-factly accepted it quite normally and then say to her mother it's an errand I came to do an errand I came to see God that's the purpose of her being in the world just to see God it is an errand I came to do an errand I came to see God now here is a little girl 9 years old now she is completely qualified now for Apostleship 4 that's the indispensable prerequisite that Paul lays dung for being an apostle and he asked the question the ninth chapter of first Corinthians - am I not free am I not an apostle have I not seen Jesus our Lord he confessed he didn't see him after the flesh but he saw him in spirit and he insisted the one indispensable qualification for a possible ship is to have seen the risen Lord and so she has seen the risen Lord she's qualified for Apostleship however one day take that lovely child and embrace her and she and I will fuse and we become one body one spirit one Lord one God and profitable and then I will send her as I was sent and send her into the world only to tell the eternal story as all that you're saying to do you aren't saying to tell anything else just the eternal story this is a story of this taking place forever and forever it's a command to be done absolutely and continuously without reference to duration without reference to position in time it's a command to be done not only once but that once is continuously done thy will must be being done is the imperative passive mood that's how it's written and here is a play written in the imperative passive mood to be done absolutely uncontained without reference to any position in time without reference to duration and so she too will be sent and that I do know and she will simply tell her own experiences as she awakens as the same beam because you're waking only as the Lord Jesus Christ she saw the tomb the tomb was rain the coat was taken off and the coach she saw was my skin and that's where the coat is buried let him fight over the coat let them cast lots for it let them take all these things and say this is where he's buried and she sees in not very but the risen King and she's I could see right through your new skin and behind that new skin I saw the king and the king was you the same king that I saw when you took me to France and then he faded wasn't that incredible and then she signs she hasn't yet reached the point where you can say love to me that's too familiar so she's at yours truly Melo McCaslin that's too intimate keeps that love for her mother and her father and those naira at the moment but I assure her mother and grandmother here tonight I am still more intimate she is my beat and she said that that I am your Peeta in her letter and these little words like which she leaves out the H is like a witch and this darling letter is such a precious thing but I have it now do you think some day someone will find it among my letters because it's there to be preserved may I tell you your own wonderful human imagination is the one spoken of in Scripture as Jehovah as the Lord God as Jesus Christ that is the only reality in the well and one day may be a blow like the loss of a dear one as it did in Louise's case may be necessary to prove beyond all doubt all things do exist in the human imagination and here he came here for purpose and he went out for a purpose so I didn't want to hurt you mother and that sudden departure after she had plotted and planned leave him Millions leave him a fortune and everything was all plaited the plot he had brung that led and then like this she get sick while and she told me at 6:15 she jumped out of her skin that morning was out of the morning and usually the children sleep late that is he did before he went off to college in London and by habit her husband Joseph gets up early so he got up the usual time but she would take a little extra nap and suddenly she felt herself jumping and she jumped up I wonder what has happened and I looked at the clock there was 6:15 now wonder what has happened why did I do this and then came Neville never came in and he always sleeps late on Saturdays and Sundays and then came the call and she asked the headmaster brain was he killed and he said 11:15 is exactly 6:15 New York time is the difference of five hours between New York and London New York is on the 75th meridian and London is Greenwich and every 15 degrees you have a change of an hour exactly to the minute that's when he was killed 11:15 London Times 6:15 New York time and she woke with a joke and wondered what on earth has happened and when she heard London Calling she thought it was Larry and when she heard this voice and it was not Larry's voice she asks automatically what has happened to Larry and then he said I'm sorry to tell you mrs. Burley but larry is dead necessary and you wonder what happened for everything simile to live for he brought to her this intense story that everything is within her now start using it lovingly because in you anyway and do not use it unloving Li you can have anything in this world that you want but do it with the same intensity but do it lovingly for God is not only your own wonderful human imagination God His infinite love and your imagination is not some vague essence it is a being a majestic being that can be seen and when you see you will see the king of kings and the Lord of lords and one day YouTube will take off the coat and others will not see it but anyone with incurrent eyes will see it and they will see that you took off your body you took off the skin and through that transparent body which you now where is the king of kings and the Lord of lords
Channel: 100kwatt
Views: 95,650
Rating: 4.7601976 out of 5
Keywords: Neville, Goddard, The, Law, Of, Identical, Harvest
Id: afcnUx2_jx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2012
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