Neville Goddard Call Upon Self

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in the tenth chapter of the book of Romans he'll ask this question and how can men call upon him in whom they do not believe and how can they believe in him of whom they have never heard and how can they hear without a preacher and how can men preach unless they are sent so faith comes from what is heard and what is hers comes by preaching Christ let us take it across and tell you what Paul is trying together - men call upon him in whom they do not believe now today they are billion Christians in the world of these 15 million views and we have the same God but do we really call upon him do we notice God how can main call upon him in whom they do not believe well 1 billion Christians and 15 million Jews will say I do believe in God then how can you say I cannot call upon him because it's not the true God they do not believe in themselves man's faith in God is measured by his confidence in himself for the self of man is not God's eternal name is I and that's God so when I use the word God or I use the word Jehovah or Lord or Jesus Christ and it arouses in you the Saints are one existent something outside of self you have the wrong God and you have not yet from this God no one has preached it to you that's what he's telling them and therefore you cannot call upon fig that thing things which you do not believe so today I may want this debt or the other and they say a pray to God for or can I dare call upon the only true God which is my own wonderful human imagination can I believe in that God so how can I call upon him in whom I do not believe and how can I believe in again of whom I have never heard but the day you can say to the billion Christians and the 50 million views they have not heard of death God and how can I hear without a preacher and how can men preach unless they are sent you are not self-appointed you are drafted you are called incorporated into the body of the risen Lord and since then you will preach with authority for you will preach from your own inner experience what you've experienced about God and then you can tell it there for faith will then come from hearing and hearing by the preaching of Christ on a thing else to breach today from all the puppets of the world they say let us become involved find a change society change the world that's not preaching Christ he said render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God yet today all the purpose of phil was simply being involved we must become involved and changing society that's not preaching Christ let us now turn to the great confession of faith of the Jewish faith it is called the great commandment you're read it in the sixth chapter the fourth verse of Deuteronomy and then you go on our folk the fourth and just a little bit of the remaining three it is hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one now we are told tell it teach it fervently to your children when you sit down and when you rise talk about it when you walk by the way talk about it when you retire at night and rise in the morning let it be with you write it upon your heart wear it on your hand between your eyes make it a part of you make what a part of me that the Lord my God that Lord is one now all translations are really paraphrases here or Israel the law that means I am our God our RM is that one I am in the Hebrew text the first word which is Shama which means to hear Shema Israel scheme' that last letter of the word to here is Majesco in other words it is larger than the other letters in the word and the last letter of the last word which is offered which is one that is law just done the other letters in the word so the two letters are strained out in the sentence put them together is e d and e D means in Hebrew witness so they're calling man's attention to the fact there is something important here in this is what is called the great commandment you shall be a witness to this statement that the Lord our Lord our God is one Lord then you are called in due time your calls individually and you are synched to experience the truth of this first and Great Commandment so when you are called you lead now the biography in Scripture one called Jesus Christ then your Saint and you will have that experience it's your biography then another is called and he is saint and he has the identical experience it is his biography and the whole vast world eventually will be called and saint anne each will have that identical experience therefore everyone is that one here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one now preach that don't talk about changing the world leave ceases well alone just as it is and you go only to fulfill Scripture so when he comes into the world meaning you the individual you will say for this I was born for this I came into the world to bear witness to the truth thy Word is truth and this is life eternal to know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent God Himself comes into this world into human history in the person of Jesus Christ he not only came he comes he is forever coming the same beam coming for he is buried in every one in this world so God Himself came and comes into human history in the person of Jesus Christ and then you tell it that exactly what happened to you is exactly what is claimed in Scripture happened to one called Jesus Christ but that's your story you don't change your earthly name you remain John you remain Jack you remain Nevel you may whatever you are but you know who you really are you can tell it to a limited number but you don't Gordon's a spring it on the crowd they would not accept it they would not believe it because they have their own prefabricated misconception of this eternal selling so how can man call upon him in whom they do not believe well I'm asking you to believe in yourself for the true self of man is Jesus Christ before you have the actual experience of Jesus Christ I am asking you to believe in yourself for the self of man is Jesus Christ and before you actually awaken him within you as your very being you can still call upon it call upon him and prove to your own satisfaction it is the only one you can really call upon and get results you can preach now and call upon anything on the outside you aren't going to get results how would you feel if now you were now the man that you would like to be but what a work but try it how would you feel now if you had what you like to have well then try it a lady wrote me a letter I got it this week he's here tonight but you found yourself in a very large class and I was giving the instruction it was a time of testing many of you present tonight were present in her vision but she was only concerned with her answer to the question I came by and gave her a piece of paper and drew a straight line and the question was this what is the most important thing he me it's a rough easy now I didn't say what is the most important thing he never the question is what is the most important thing he need you contemplate it as though it's coming from the engine the teacher appeared as coming from without and he appeared as the teacher now on the platform there was never asking the question never taking the exam and she was the one but she has to contemplate this from within herself what is the most important thing he needs now she answered and she wrote in big capital letters I am he's right go to the top of the class straight a then she had a series of visions the same night and everyone had the same team I am then she had another one and she felt her mother was against her getting married and she was in love with this individual who lifted her up and she rested her head upon his shoulder and she began to weep because she felt that the mother didn't want her ever to get married and he said to her your faith is your love is right your faith is your love let me now give you the last words on the cross as you read them in the Book of Luke into your hands I commit my spirit the completed verse in the 31st song happens to be in this manner after you make the statement into thy hands I commit my spirit comes the word thou has redeemed me O Lord faithful God these are the words into thy hands I completely commit my spirit thou has redeemed me or Lord faithful dog this is the cross on which he's crucified he redeemed me by proving to me that his word is true thy Word is truth he told me I would actually prove to my own satisfaction that we are one that he and I are one that he is a father of David and therefore if he is the father of David and he and I are one I must have the satisfaction of knowing I am the father of David for he tells me a son honors his father if then I'd be a father where is my honor now you tell me we are one well now prove to me that we are one and then David comes and I know there's no uncertainty of what I'm seeing and knowing he is my son so he proves at first and this commandment to hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one the I am we speak of as the Lord Jehovah and my I am they are one I am and I shall be a witness to it so he takes the two letters and simply enlarges the two letters and put the two letters together and they form the word witness eight and so I will now be a witness of the truth of his great commandment that we really are one so for this I was born for this I came into the world to bear witness to the truth thy Word is truth so I say God Himself not only came but comes into human history in the person of Jesus Christ you come down to the whole story he only really sings into the world Jesus Christ he is the one that is sin now he tells you in the very in in the triggered chapter of the book of John as the father has sent me even so send I knew after I returned to the father and we are one you will be brought and you stand before me and I'll send you into the world though we are one and so the one Saint is always Jesus Christ so in the office of the saint he seems to be less than he really is as the sender but the sender under st. are one he is not inferior as to his essential being only as to the office I said but not as to himself the sender so in the aimed at scheme' that great confession of faith of the Hebrew that was stained forever and forever but man is completely misunderstood it and they think an Israelite is a descendant of Abraham after the flesh not so at all an Israelite is simply the elect the chosen the cause of any race of any nation and when you are called you are incorporated into the body of the risen Lord and then you are saying at the moment that you're st. there's Jesus Christ but you don't know it yet are you aware through all the sufferings that you've gone through before and then you will know what was it not necessary for Christ to suffer these things and then enter into his glory so what does he ask for after he's accomplished the work that he was sent to do he's I finish I have accomplished the work that gave us me to do now father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory that I had with thee before that the world was you were one before the only separated for a purpose but we were one before thou return unto me the glory that was buying before that the world was and now he could have send everyone within his world the all are giving a certain number to call when we are sin and then when the one disappeared he returns to the source which is the father and then he calls him one by one and then they are incorporated into the source which is himself he is one with the risen Lord and he sends them with no promise that they would not suffer no promise that they will escape anything in the world of Caesar he didn't send him to change the world of Caesar and to become involved as all the priesthood of the world that they are teaching we must become involved no your Saint to preach Christ on nothing else but what would it matter if you own the whole vast world and didn't know the plan of redemption what would it matter if you own everything in this world I knew nothing of the plain redemption you knew nothing of him that you could call upon so how can men call upon him in whom they have not believed because they were never told of that one and how can they believe in him of whom they have never heard they never heard about it but how can they hear about it without a preacher and how can men preach unless they are set because you can't make some little ism as they do all over the world we have so many isms today little man-made ISM not based upon anything of the revelation of Christ they'll call it Christianity they'll call it by this name that name the other name all referring to Christianity not one knowing anything about Christ if you dare to remind them that Christ in you is the hope of glory is a yes but and that covers a multitude of nonsense Christ in you is the hope of daughter do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you unless of course you fail to meet the test examine yourself to see whether you're holding to the faith what faith what did you hear about it do you believe it do you believe he is in you and with him all things are possible well then call upon him you can't now deny that you heard about it I will tell you from my own experience I am Saint and so you're hearing it from one who has been Saint to tell you I was not Saint in this world to teach economics I know nothing about it I wasn't sent to this world to teach anything other than to preach Christ I danced for a living for eleven years but I couldn't teach you one gain step I'm not a denser you do far far better by going to someone else who is an amateur I wasn't sent to do anything but to preach Christ and to tell you who he is and I tell you he is your own wonderful human imagination and I tell you the only Christ of Scripture is buried right this very moment in every one that is seated in this room tonight completely buried in you and he's going to rise in you not as another but rise in you as you and everything said of him in Scripture you are going to experience and you will know that Scripture is all about you in the role of the book it is all about me and what was said of him is said of you after you've had the experience then you will be called having completed the work and you'll be brought into the presence of the Most High and you return to the source but before after the disappearance or the one who is talking to you now will be called and sent so as the father sent me into the world so send I you but wait until I go wait until I disappear or there's no place for me to go save back to the source and I am one with the risen Lord now call you one by one and one by one will be incorporated into the source the one and may I tell you that the form of God is a living form are truly molding form that fashions the individual they calls into himself into the likeness of himself it's a living molding form not just something on the outside when you enter it you're molded into the likeness of the being that you fuse with it's a moulding form and everyone will be molded into the identical form and that form is God the Father so in the end razón lee one body one spirit one Lord one God and Father of all and everyone is going to heaven so I tell you I was not sent to tell anything in this world but Christ I am a novice when it comes to economics I am a novice when it comes to politics just a babe in the woods concerning anything outside of Christ and so if I ever get off of the limb and try to give you any advice concerning what people ought to do forget it it's all nonsense when it comes to the story of Christ I can't go wrong or I can only speak from experience I'm not speculating I am NOT theorizing let them talk about Christ on the outside and I simply smile that is not Christ at all he came here tonight in the body of everyone who entered this room and I'm trying to convince you that he is with you always to call upon him in distress call upon him under all circumstances and you can't be now you've heard of him and you've heard of him from the one that he sent and so faith comes from what is heard and what is her comes from preaching Christ not a thing else to talk about so the word became flesh and dwelt well and well in us and we have beheld his glory I tell you it is glory beyond the wildest dream of mortal man when you see it what you really are and one day you will see it and clothed in that body of glory everything is transformed into beauty but everything you couldn't go into hell and never remain for one second in disorder in some unloved these things everything is completely transformed as you walk by when slow in that garment of glory so heaven is not a realm heaven is a body the body of building and clothing that no matter where you go you make your date in hell hell ceases to be hell it becomes heaven things long date burst into flower the very desert begins to bloom if you walk by because it can't remain dead for you are the Living God the immortal you so you came down into the world of death and you left behind your glowing but by coming down and being victorious is the world of depth and our overcoming the entire world of death you rise from it enhance beyond your wildest dream by reason of your conflict in the world of death it was a venture I know what a glorious venture so let no one tell you you did wrong but do begin to stir yourself and call upon him don't pay to any external God pray to him and you pray to him by communing with self please still upon your body and commune with your own heart your tell now what do you want dare to appropriate dare to actually appropriate the feeling of the wish fulfilled years ago when I wrote my book your faith is your fortune in the Flyleaf I made the statement that man's faith in God is measured by his confidence in himself well it's gone into many many printings but no revisions so the last one that came out I forget what number that is and I mentioned it to read that it came out here and a lady who was present she hasn't been back since she said have you revised him I said no I see no reason for division I wouldn't change one word of it you could add to it why add to it the whole thing is based upon I am he that's the entire story of your faith is your fortune so why would I change it it is simply stating over and over on page after page that basic facts that I am the only reality hear o Israel the I am our I am that I am he is one that's the story of the faith of Israel so how would I change it and why should I change it no you could add all kinds of nonsense to it but it was a book was written I would say in less than 48 hours it was a very brilliant surgeon in New York City brilliant surgeon who became a victim of his own practices and they found out he was writing the names of his patients and then actually going to the drugstore himself and filling the order and he became a victim of heroin taking his own and then they caught him and then they asked me if I would keep him for two weeks in a hotel suite I said I would for me I tell you I hardly slept in those two weeks for he was as mad as mad people could ever be not violent in there but mad I closed my eye for a second he is in the new Dom on the street we lived in the 24th floor our floor he would get on that elevator in the nude and done you a go to the street after go and get him so there I was completely out of my mind as it were from sheer exhaustion and the words of pouring through me as I wrote that book on long yellow pages I wrote word after word as those bean dictated word after word is dictated and when I turned it over for correction there was little he could find save an occasional thought why do not use another word here instead of a repetition of this word and if I agree with him I would change it but it was practically not necessary to change that book manases when I took it down to Harper's they want the publisher they said we have an enormous sale of Bibles and I doubt that this is going to help the sale of Bibles if we put our name to it they will question our right to publish this book and then the head of the Department of Philosophy he said it is unethical but I would like to polish it myself and I wonder if they would give me permission so he got permission from the publisher to publisher himself and then use their sales force to sell it but after considering it for another six weeks he thought that was unethical because he was the head of the department of religion and philosophy and then finally when they all turned it down I published it myself and so it's gone into I think 15 printings but no change in the format I saw no reason for any revision of the book so I'm telling you what I know from experience then I did not know the province I only knew the law that's all based upon law but then came the fulfillment of the promise when he called me in in 1929 embrace me I fused with him and then he sent me and then in the fullness of time but he sent me to accomplish unfolded within me he only sent me to fulfill his word so as we are told in the 19th of Revelations and he was actually in a row and a row was dipped in blood and the name by which he was called is the Word of God he is a living word interpreting the written word so now you are the Living Word he sends you and you go into the world and in the fullness of time the written unfolds within you becomes a living word and you know how true the Word of God is so he said thy word is true he is called in the Word of God now his last words to those who followed him up to the very end he said as the father has sent me even so send are you and so there were all be brought one by one by then he is one with the father not he and the father he is the father and then he sings and then in time you become one with the father and then you will send it goes on and on until the whole vast world is redeemed so why not preach this morning noon and night but they cannot preach it because they have not yet been sent there speculating and they say that you brought a moral code didn't bring any moral code in him there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus Jesus there is no condemnation so you are a thief he doesn't try to make you anything other what you are you're a thief you as you are and this one is something else leaves him just as he is then one is something else leaving just as he is he's only telling you of the plan of redemption how in spite of what you've done what you are doing and what you made you this is the plan by which you will return to the source and in returning to the source all is forgiven Father forgive them they know not what they do so my friend was perfectly right in answering that question that I asked him what is the most important thing about me and she contemplated it and she knew instantly and then she wrote her answer on the paper in big bold capital letters I am that's the most important thing about me I must first be before I can be anything in this world so may not knowing that he will think about the most important thing about me is that I have a million dollars or that I have a certain wonderful social background or a certain financial background or intellectual background or something else and he takes the thing made in spite of the thing that makes he puts the thing made before the maker and the maker is the only important thing in the world so I am is the maker I am that desta made so she answered correctly in the class and she mentioned in her letter to me a few who are here tonight who were present but she did not know what you wrote down she only knew what she wrote down on that paper but it was a test what is the most important thing above me she wrote I am so when you read it tomorrow if you've read it I wish you would read it and you turn to that 10th chapter of Romans only a few verses the 14th through the 17th and then read how men cannot call upon him because they do not believe in him and then they haven't heard about it and then they haven't found anyone who has been sent who would talk about him with real intelligence they can speculate but they do not know him or they have not been sent and then he tells you how it comes it comes through hearing so in his other letter to the Galatians he said did you receive the spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith you heard the story and you accepted it on faith from one who was sent for he tells you he was sent there for he is telling you he is the Lord Jesus Christ but only the Lord Jesus Christ is saint so he tells them in that same letter to the Galatians did you not accept me as Jesus Christ and if I needed I would you not have plucked your own eyes out and give them to me now what has happened to you who has bewitched you that now you're turning from the Spirit that you heard and turning to the flesh and seeing him now is something after the flesh are not the spirit of which I told you so I tell you he dwells in you as your own wonderful human imagination that is the Lord Jesus Christ he is buried in every one in the world and every one of the world he will rise gwendy rises in a man that man is transformed for that man is the one who is rising and he is the Lord Jesus Christ then he will return to himself the father and those who heard him who believed him who followed it he will call in due time you'll call them when he is once established as the father incorporate them into himself and send them and they will fulfil Scripture for man is only Saint to fulfill the Word of God so do not get away from that foundation stone which is the Shema tell it to your children he said give it to them diligently and rain you awake let it be with you when you sit down talk about it when you walk by the way talk about it carried on your hair between your eyes write it on your heart and let it be forever with you go to bed chart with you that there is no other God I am the Lord yo god I am so as I said who sent you I am I have sent me to you there is no other bee now tonight UNLV want something nothing wrong with that call upon him but the true one don't ask any beam on the outside call upon him and he is your own wonderful human imagination or how do I call upon my imagination to get a better job or an increase of fun by daring to assume that I have it I assume that I have already the man that I would be and fall asleep and that assumption rise tomorrow in the same assumption that I am already that which I formerly desire to be I no longer desire it because I am it and then I walk in it I'm vain in the fullness of time they projects itself on the screen of space and I be coming and you will not have to violate any of your code I tell you not one of your wonderful ethical codes by which you live do you have to violate it will all come into your world just as I'm telling you because he is in control of everything another lady wrote me one she said I was in this huge huge place at the back of the room there was a man and I knew that gears gears ages and ages ago I loved him and he loved me I knew it but in the interval I had gone into other fields I had gone into any ever love and then came this return of memory and he haunted me and I knew that he was in control of all the actions of everyone in that room and everyone that I'd ever encountered and I came to the end and I knew here was the one I originally loved now I still love him and I couldn't get away from his love and yet I'd gone to all these things to return to the original love and here was this man controlling everything in my world and I returned to my original love what a wonderful wonderful vision a true vision for that's true of every one of us we go into the world sentence of the world before the truth sending where we depart now enough and go through he'll go through all the things of the world then comes that moment when he calls us back and then he embraces is really true love and then he sends us to fulfill now what he had planed in the beginning and you gonna fulfill it and now you ask him to return unto you the glory that was yours before that the world was the glory that you had with him before that the world was and he returns it because you and here one so when you read about the word don't let anyone tell you something on the outside of you the word became flesh and dwelt in us now working among us he dwells in us and that being in you you can call by any other name but if you call it by any name that causes you to feel a sense of an existing something outside of you change that name that's not the name you've got to get to the point where it is only you that you can call upon can call upon any being in the world only a fun the true Lord and that true Lord is your own wonderful human imagination that's what I'm trying to get over night after night to anyone who will listen I know years ago my wife said to me before I has a promise revealed to me before I had experienced that when I was only working on the law and she said you know the one unfortunate thing about you is that you don't have faith in anyone but yourself well she was perfectly right and then my dancing partner when she knew that bill and I would get married she said I hope she understands that you're always reading the Bible I hope you can take that because my dancing partner couldn't take that interest in the Bible because the dangerous him she said you better dress yourself up like the Bible if you wanted to really know what you are dress yourself like the Bible because then you're examined you but long before she said well you have no faces anyone but yourself and she was perfectly right I could not turn to the left or the right because I knew I found him and he was my own consciousness my IMS and I could not turn to anything on the outside and then came that wonderful blessing of destiny when his impregnation which I didn't understand came into birth and then the whole thing unfolded within me and then I realized that the book was all about me is my biography and that Jesus Christ not only came but he comes into human history in the person of Jesus Christ though your name is John or Mary or Jen or stand all these names but he comes into your personal history but in the person of Jesus Christ and it's God Himself who came and who is coming and he continues to come into human history in the person of Jesus Christ so the waiting for him to come they'll wait forever is a look for him on the outside he could only come to the individual and Jesus Christ comes to us as one unknown
Channel: 100kwatt
Views: 75,021
Rating: 4.8524947 out of 5
Keywords: Neville, Goddard, Call, Upon, Self
Id: Od6Sr8HXmGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2012
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