Neville Goddard I Am Reality Called Imagination

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we'll be here every Monday and Friday through April same place same time I think you will find tonight a very practical message but to understand it we must go back and see if you really believe the same thing I make the claim that the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God himself the one we speak of in Scripture as Jesus Christ now we are told in Scripture to examine ourselves to see whether we are holding to the faith test yourselves said Paul do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you unless of course you fail to meet the test now you've just had the test and you and you alone can judge mother you failed or not for you heard the word Jesus Christ you heard the word God now if it conveyed the sense I would exist in something outside of man you fail the test if when you hear the word God or the word Jesus or the word Christ the word Lord and the mind jumps for something of size of you outside of man you fail the test now we are told by him all things were made and without him was not anything made that was made and that I tell you is your own wonderful human imagination the one is now proved in the world was once only imagined but this is the greatest of all secrets the secret of imagining something that you and I in every one of the world should strive to understand for the secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which everyone should aspire for supreme power supreme wisdom supreme delight lies in the solution of this mystery when you actually discover it you discover God you are finding the creative power of the universe and when you find me he is your own wonderful human imagination we can only really scratch the surface of this mystery one imagination it seems will do little for our wish until we have imagined the wish fulfilled as Shakespeare said it has been taught us from the primal state that that which is was wished until it were so you and I want something and we define our objective now how to realize it if this power is within us then we are the operand power we do not seek anyone on the outside it's simply within us well how do I operate it if I could put it in this simple little frame the subjective appropriation of the objective hope is their way to success its imagining as if a were true what would the feeling be like if it were true so I start from the feeling of the wish fulfilled I must begin by feeling that I've already arrived I have already achieved my goal and catch the mood that would be mine if it were true and then where that mood if I wear that mood as if they were true I realize it in my world a friend of mine who was here tonight she thought that she had failed this past November in her visit to Poughkeepsie Norfolk FC quits Pittsburgh friends of hers that she knew well and they were a little bit down because of the same seeming recession one friend had worked for 27 years a Jones & Laughlin for the great big steel firms of our country in the months of September and October they let out 4,000 workers he had to put in three more years three years and two months to complete a 30-year service with the firm after 30 years he could retire a very good I would say retirement fund but he also had six more years to go for his Social Security and then about 4,000 and then it was rumored in the planned that they're going to close that plant she reminded him of the use of imagination which he had used with him successfully in her previous visit to Pittsburgh but he laughed at all those things would have happened anyway she reminded him of six distinct requests on his part that he thought he could not realize everyone came to pass as she reminded him and then she took a vision of mine and explained it to him she's know what I told you the last time it never had a vision well the Bible tells us that the depths of our own being speaks to us through the medium of dreams and vision so here in this dream of mine for the dream if you will it was just as real as this I was taken in spirit in uni Norma's mansion and here three generations were present but one was invisible and that was the grandfather the father was explaining to his children the secret of his own father's success so there was the grandfather thou departed from the world leading behind him an enormous fortune for the benefit of his son and then his grandchildren and so the father said to the children grandfather used to say while standing on an empty lot I remember when this was an empty lot there he would paint a word picture so vividly of what he intended to do with that empty lot that it ceased to be an empty lot and you saw the structure that he intended to build but he acted as though it was already a completed act he began with the feeling of having arrived at his ideal for that empty lot then I woke on my bed and I recall the dream and I knew that the depths of my own being had constructed that scene to instruct me there is one facet of the great use of this power called imagination which is God it was too early to rise so I went back to sleep and I we dreamed the dream this time I am the grandfather I am NOT the father telling the story I am NOT an eavesdropper listening to the story as it was told in the original dream I am now the grandfather then I would say to everyone by standing on an empty lot I remember when this was an empty lot so she reminded him of this technique now she said you are afraid that you might be let out after 27 years and two months in Jones & Laughlin I will now remember when you were afraid I will remember when you thought it all came to an end that's one he said two years ago I was interviewed and I thought it a very good interview but after 2 years it has never appeared in the trade paper and I wondered what have they done with it have they simply forgotten it mislaid it or deliberately not used she said I will read that magazine Alya be lifted up by it his humorously written as you tell me but I will take that book right now in my hand at magazine and I will read all about you she went in to two or three others then she returns now she's here tonight she said in December I received the magazine it's very well written and very very humorous all about this man then she said I heard on the radio that Jones and Lachlan had decided not to close the plant but instead to spend 13 million dollars on the plant in modernizing and then beginning January 1st - with call to recall over 4,000 workers that they had let out now he is walking on air but like all these dollars he will still forget it you still turn to a god outside of himself this to him would have happened anyway there were respect the 13 million got back the four thousand that thing that was wrong after two years and printed oh that would have happened and mangoes blindly on worshipping a false God because he does not know God the only God is your own wonderful human imagination the only name forever in forever that is his name is I am so that is my name forever so when you come to the people of Israel and they ask you what is his name just simply say I am that is Who I am and by this name I shall be known throughout all generations there is no other name you cannot separate I am from yourself that's your essential being and when you say I am your own imagination you cannot stick imagination of the outside and point to it so you do not observe it as you observe the fruit of imagining you do not observe imagination as you do object in space because you are the reality that is called imagination this is what we teach here night after night now you can test it what would the feeling be like if it were true that I am now the man that I would like to be what with the feeling be like catch the mood for the mood determines the fortunes of people rather than the fortunes determine the mood man / - just the opposite if I had a million he said oh I will feel so good now fear as you if you had it catch the moon and the moon will create that objective hope if that is your hope what would the feeling be like if you are now the person you want to be and catch that mood and wear that mood as you would a suit of clothes on that moon would actually create an objective state that reflects that mood that's what she did she put herself into a mood that's the feeling that she was reading a story of a friend and here it came it's a complete spread two full pages all about this man and then a little news voting on the radio and then confirmation from him on a telephone call from his wife confirming the news bulletins that they're all back on the job and here now as he said four years after 27 years I walked through that plant I thought I'd go crazy I wanted to climb the wall because of the noise when I heard the hammers and the bellows and the furnaces and all these thousands of workmen that constant constant Dini I want to climb the world now after poor powers were led out my footsteps echoes through the entire area I would like to run and scream running towards my office what he does in the plant I do not know but if he goes towards his office and out he has an executive position here that place and is done working at the furnaces but it so you can't imagine when four thousand were let out how empty the place was and everything simply occurred and my footsteps seemed like some wondrous thing as I walked through that plant towards my office and many a moment I wanted to simply jump up and start running it seems so empty she's alright that's something I will remember when and she applied that technique when your footsteps scares you and you want to run towards the office now it's the clacker all over again so I kill you I know from my own experience that these moves you catch a mood I could tell from the mood that possessed me through the day that I would meet a certain character and I met that character it may be someone I knew or some total stranger but I could tell from the very move that possessed me I'm drawing into my world and affinity with that mood you will catch a mood and create the world that is in harmony with the mood anyone can do it in fact you are doing it morning noon and night anyway so when you turn to some external God you're turning to a false god there is no external God examine yourselves head for the sea whether you are holding to your faith test yourselves do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you fail to meet the test you've just had the test so if you think of something on the outside and I use the word Jesus Christ you have the wrong Jesus Christ over your told by him all things were made and without him was not anything made it is made look into the room all this was once only imagine that suits you wear the dresses you wear the hats you wear everything here the building was once only conceived in the human imagination and then executing and if all things were made by him or they life must come down to find out who he is well I can go beyond my own imagination are exactly what I imagined I see the results so I go back all things made by him yes good bad and indifferent he wastes on me just as quickly and just as in dippity when the will in me is evil as when it is good is there in Scripture you'll find it in Scripture read it in the book of Deuteronomy I kill I make a lie I wound I heal a nun can deliver out of my hands i I am the Lord read it be that the 32nd chapter of the book of Deuteronomy there is no other God I am the Lord your God and besides me there is no other God I am is that God as if you are told in the 46 song be still and know that I am God a man will not believe it and yet he has evidence morning noon and night that his own wonderful creative power which is his own wonderful human imagination is producing the phenomena of life he sees it all around him but he shunted away is easier for him to genuflect before some little thing made by the human hand so he put him on the wall and cross himself for luck I think that's it that's good now I've done my duty today so he goes to church and he sings the hymn is with all the others anything I've done my duty and give generously to the church perfectly all right if you get any pleasure out of it do it but that's not serving the true God if you want a social gathering certainly go to church go to the coffee breaks following the service and ask one percent of those who come out of service what was the text today and he will look at you with some vacant look what what was the text What did he say what was the theme of his subject today they don't know but it's a place to go on certain days of the year especially on Christmas on East on days of that nature others make it a point to go once a week they think they're doing dollar favor you're walking with God morning noon and night you take him to bed with you because you're essential being is God and there is no other God glory not with EU you couldn't even breathe your breath is God every child god of woman is God incarnate if men only knew that there could be no war in the world killing man is killing God for every child born of woman is the incarnation of God whether you be black yellow pink white or any other color there is no other being in this world but God so the Incarnation takes place every time a little child is born and it breeze and you spank it to get it to cry that moment was the incarnation of God how can you kill him how could you hurt him just teach him and showing what power is latent within him for the whole vast world aches for the awakening of the imagination in man and the story as told us in Scripture is a true story but not as its told the day will come you actually find yourself reenacting the entire drama as told us in the gospel and you will know it in the first person singular present tense experience and then you'll know who he is he comes to us as one unknown yet one who in the most wonderful mysterious manner lets man experience who he is and when you experience who he is it's all about you is not about another the whole vast drama is all about the individual that you see as a little child right in this wonderful world about but here tonight let us keep it on this level and on this level tonight when you dream of some wonderful objective in this world that is not get realized realize who the dreamer is and the dreamer is God and by dreaming your own wonderful imagination now a daydream that's God that's God in action now do not let your reason and your senses dictate what is possible all things are possible to God shall sustain for a moment your reason so Spain the senses that are dictating what you must accept for their depending of you accept the facts of life all right if you could accept the facts of life and let reason dictate it you'll never go beyond where you are so suspend them just for a moment and try this technique not with the feeling be like how would I feel if they were true that I am already the man that I would like to be and if I am how would I see my friends and how would they see me it's all over than us so let my wonderful human imagination see them as they would have to see me if it were true bring into my mind's eye and let them see me and let them talk to me and let them congratulate me on my good fortune and don't duck accept the congratulations of your friends if they really mean it actually play the part all within yourself and then believe it 100% as we're told in John's letter the fifth chapter of his first epistle yes we believe that he hears us in all that we ask of him then we know that we have obtained the request made of him well if you get the right guard you have no doubts in your mind as to whether he heard you or not for you know you heard it and that's God but if you're not quite sure that he heard it because there are 3 billion talking to him begging well then you may be not quite sure that he heard you but we don't think you're good enough but you can't deny that you hear your own mind you hear your own inner conversation you hear your own inner speech well if you know that one is gone whether you are sure he hurts you now you are told in that fifth chapter the 15th verse of First Epistle of John if we know that he hears us in all that we ask of him then we know that we have already obtained the requests made of him well all right there's an interval between that imaginal act and this fulfillment as there is between the creative act of a man and the birth of that child every little thing has an interval of time between the act and its fulfillment a horse will take 12 months a woman takes nine months the little sheep will take five hundred takes 21 days there are intervals of time so the Bible teaches every vision has its own appointed hour it ripens it will flower if it be late then wait for it is sure and it will not be late different intervals of time so it may take the a longer time in this case with this man two months to bring back 4,000 or unemployed to put his mind at rest that he doesn't have now to feel that he's going to be fired he putting out the extra time only a little trial three years and two months will complete his 30 years with Jones & Laughlin unsane what's a man of his age six more years and then social security so he has both they happened now he wouldn't have it he will be cut on Social Security and he would be led out without a good retirement fund so she goes back and she reminds him that it happened before he couldn't afford the roof or the house and she said I will see the roof on the house I remember when it needs a roof and so she still remember she told him I recall telling you I remember waiting he needed it but soon after something happened in his work he got the money and the roof is on the wife wanted an organ couldn't afford the organ or like she said I remember when you didn't have one she has the open and she took one after the other of all these things he still with all the evidence in the world you still working on some outside God he thinks he's doing the wrong thing he feels that this perchance that man is simply a devil incarnate and he's taken me from my real God which means something external to himself that he fashions are there was own mind and patches with his hand because all these little non senses that we buy and stick them up as holy objects first of all no artist really ever designed them they said offense to speak of an artist when you see these horrible monstrous monstrosity that we buy and stick around the place and call them religious objects so fine who he is he is the Living God is our dead God you want to find breathe 115 Psalm about the kind of gods that main worship the whole psalm is devoted to the false god that the whole vast world worships as eyes but he sees not as he hears not feet any walks are ions he touches not just a dead thing made by human hands when the Living God is with a man has his own wonderful human imagination so I tell you that all that you behold though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow all things exist in the human imagination and everything you see as an objective reality was produced by imagining think of one thing just think of one thing that would simply deny it you can't think of one thing so you go to the moon you push hard to imagine it had to imagine everything concerning the machine that took you to the moon everything in the world first has to be imagined and then executed alright the intelligence to do it will come but you take the looping first and conceive it and well in it as though it were true and no power on earth can stop it from becoming self your visions will clarify itself at night it's a different kind of a night your days are different you see people differently you can't walk by any man and not see him God incarnate can't do it even if he has the most horrible background and he said simply well a murderer and it's proven that he is you still see God incarnate but so Sunda sleep the poor thing doesn't know it only just get to it and show him that he really is God incarnate and the one he thought he killed is which his will restore to life not to the senses of man but he is restored in a world just like this terrestrial just like this about his business he continues his work until he too awakens from this dream of life but all will awaken eventually but why not start now start now to tell men who you really is God and man are one man is all imagination and God is bad and exists in us and we in him the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God himself nothing but God in the universe all God and eventually you and I will awake because God is one not two you and I are one without loss of identity that's one of the strangest mysteries in the world without loss of identity we are one I know that for my own personal experience we are one and yet I'm individualized and you are individualized and retain forever and forever toward ever greater and greater individualization and yet we are one and I will bring that out to the best viability as we proceed with these series of lectures you will hear it but tonight if you're here for the first time and you want something practical you apply what I've chosen first have an objective you must have a objective you can say well I don't know what I want we'll all like come back the next time ask yourself what would I like of life don't be ashamed to name it what would I like of life well then try to get some objective now prayer as far as I'm concerned is nothing more than the subjective appropriation of the objective hope that is the way to success i appropriated subjectively how do i appropriate a state subjectively but suppose now this very moment i wanted a bra an ordinary baseball but there isn't a baseball in the room online but I want one I would actually assume that I am holding a baseball in my hand until I can feel it you think you can't feel it while I'll try it try to feel what it would be like if you held a baseball now to prove that you have held it see what it feels like the difference now a tennis ball silly difference for light a golf ball see any difference a piece of silk you feel any difference if you can distinguish between these many objects though they are subjective then there must exist somewhere if you could actually separate them in your mind's eye and distinguish between these objects I can begin to feel begin to sense begin to smell a row well a rose doesn't smell or doesn't actually have the odor of another flower I can detect the rose now a lily and Easter lily I can detect that but what does it do well I'm going to get them someone will see of Nevel and send him a flower and let's go be the flower that I'm going to actually feel and touch and smell he works that way money has an odor is unlike any out of the world is most fragrant to the miser then the most marvelous perfume in the world he can tell it you put a money bag to his face I was like putting roses to mine he loves it he can smell money can feel it money has a distinct feel about it but a $20 bill in your hand and asked you to feel it and then put another piece of paper in your hand and you can tell the difference there's a difference it is an odor to it all this is part of the inner man that all things are possible to it try it before you condemn it try it unless you have the evidence to support my claim whether it doesn't matter what the world will tell you if you laughed at you so what so the last tip to everyone who had an idea that seemed a little bit off-center always laughed at them the left of the idea of going to the moon well now it's a accomplished fact there's still those who won't believe it happens you know because they don't want to believe that ever happened and those who said you couldn't go down and actually live underwater now we have a submarine there are still those who won't believe it you can present it with all the facts in the world and they won't believe it so I tell you you try it first and if it proves itself in performance it doesn't really matter what the whole vast world thing go about your father's business which is yourself and then live a full and wonderful life in this world of Caesar and the day will come you will actually depart this world I mean this age so those were departing it now unless they are awakened they still find themselves in a world just like this but those who have awakened who have experienced the second birth the birth find themselves in an entirely different age where they're all imagination and they are perfect and wherever they go everything is perfect you don't have to raise a finger to make anything perfect because they're perfect all things must conform to them for their feathers that's heaven so heaven is not an area it's not a realm it's a body and when that body is awakened within you which is the wonderful human imagination completely awake then wherever you go close in that body that is completely away everything is perfect if you found yourself in a forest of dead trees that all burst into foliage in the desert it all blew like the rose because you are there no blind man Jetman no handicapped man could stand in your presence you'll be instantly transformed into a perfect man because you're perfect that heaven is harmony so it's not a place where you were to go pearly streets and all that nonsense no it's just simply you in a world that is perfect because you are perfect and the day will come you will awaken that body working in you now that body is easier but it's under sleep one day you will experience the resurrection and you'll know the mystery of the Resurrection when you rise and you rise within yourself for the grave in which Christ is varied if the Lord is buried is your own skull that's where he's married and in that tomb where he is very one day he will awake and he will come out of that tomb and you who comes out at all and you'll know who you are he is very differently child in the world this universal being and yet one trillions of us and yet only one Lord and that one Lord in his fullness is buried in you individually and when you awaken you are you so tonight takes a go make it a lovely go either for yourself or for another for any time that you exercise your imagination lovingly on behalf of another your mediating God to that other so bring a friend before your mind's eye represent into yourself as the man or the woman that you will like them to be and don't tell them as for no praise just assume that they're talking to you and telling you the most marvelous views about themselves and you congratulate them on that good news and go your own way believe in the reality of that imagined elect it may happen tomorrow it may happen a day after or a week later or a month later it has its own appointed hour and it is ripening and it's going to flower so don't be concerned leave it alone and it will come to pass so this is what I mean by feeling is the secret I catch the mood the feeling that will be mine if I will what I want to be I don't have attached something I can if I want to but is to move I'm speaking out what would the feeling be like if she were well if she were this and then you catch it just as L it is true you always go to the inn and behind is where you begin we are always imagining ahead of our evidence so go to the end until the end and then well entertain even though reason denies it and your senses deny you've turn you're backed up on the deltas that is your senses and what reason dictates that's the hell or the devil or Satan in the world that's the doubter so you turn your back upon it and then you walk as those things were as you want them to be and living in that assumption it slowly hardens into fact even though at the moment of the Assumption it was denied by reason an assumption go for if persisted in will harden into fact so you learn to assume and learn to persist in the assumption and it will come to pass now let us go into the silence after which we have questions good well I hope you call a good mood it'll work now are there any questions please it could any questions yes sir well to answer your question I must go back and explain it to those who are here for the first time no no no I make the statement based upon my own experience that nothing dies that's not only true of men is true of the flowers of the animal world of the trees of everything nothing nice I am the god of the living not of the date so nothing dies the little flower that blooms wants blooms forever it's renewed by the seed of contemplated thoughts well I had a wonderful friend and secretary he died suddenly at the age of 15 when I was out here I then lived in New York City he was born in Harris for New York which is upstate New York he lived in Manhattan and took care of my books and took her all of my business affairs when I got a cable saying that he was dead they found his body on the floor the next morning when they were ready to clean and I must come back and take care of the funeral affairs so I went back I have two sister-in-laws my wife is one of three girls the other two are pillars of the Episcopal Church the old look at you lives in Summit New Jersey and she's always said to me you know I like you personally as a brother-in-law because you're kind to my sister and to your child and for that I like you but I don't believe one word you talk about that's not my god I said all right kid I don't believe in immortality don't believe in survival I said you call yourself a Christian sure what has that to do with it I said did you realize that the Christian foundation is the Fatherhood of God the brotherhood of man and life everlasting you relat one of these that is going to collapse now she didn't say a word still don't believe what you teach Sophie all right well he died in August they went back into care the funeral in the next year I presume around January or February I found myself consciously in that world where Jack is I do it time and time again this does not restrain me I can put it on a bed and find myself in another world it is nowhere it's right here they're penetrating each other and yet not interfering with each other and here is Jack and here is my sister-in-law Li call her our name is Alice and I said she said to me I still don't believe what you teach you know either how can you say that when you see Jess she said what has Jack to do with it like the don't you know that Jack died yet then spoke to me who's dead I said you aren't gay jack but you died I went to your funeral I paid for it I got you a good Catholic funeral jack because your sister insisted that you must be given a nice Catholic general good I didn't cremate you I put you in holy ground Jack I got a priest and the priest they're all a little things he has to do so you're very well planted he just looked he looked at me as the most Brahmins
Channel: 100kwatt
Views: 332,845
Rating: 4.8431993 out of 5
Keywords: Neville, Goddard, Am, Reality, Called, Imagination
Id: j23OiymG8L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2013
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