Neville Goddard Feel After Him

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new ideas require many reiterations and restatements before they become part of the generally accepted currency of thought the idea that I've been trying to get over since I started back in 1938 is still news it comes as a shock to anyone who hears it and even after you've heard it for years and years and think you're living by it I have discovered that one is not really living by it it has not yet become a part of their thinking and that is that imagining creates reality I say this because I identify imagining with God in action to me man is all imagination and God is man and exist in us and we in him the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God himself if by God I mean the creator of the universe the maker and the master of the whole vast universe and I identify that creative with the human imagination then men should be more careful as to what he is imagining so I can give lip service to the statement imagining creates reality and yet if I'm observant in the course of a day if I observe what I'm imagining I would find unnumbered moments in my life in one 24 hours or other the waking 18 where I am imagining things I do not wish to experience if I really believed that imagining create it's reality I would be more careful more concerned about what five imagining so I will give it lip service and say imagining creates reality and go blindly on imagining anything other than what I want to create beginning with the morning paper and reacting to things that you do not know whether there be true there could be plenty by some press agents planted by some lobbyists you do not know and here we react as we read and then we go through the life in just 24 hours and find that most of the 24 hours we spend imagining what we do not wish to experience if men would only look upon the world as a world of appearance behind which the reality of imagining lay he would find the truth he would find God now there's a story told in the 17th chapter of the book of Acts now it's a story whether it was historically true or not it doesn't really matter he's trying to push a point to the fore it is say that the men of Athens spent all day in the marketplace looking for a new idea either telling one for clearing one then came upon the scene one called Paul and they wondered what has this Babylon to say what is his new idea and he told them the idea of Jesus and the resurrection and we are told the Epicureans and destroyed philosophers mocked him and scoffed at him others say we will hear more about this later and he saved to them and this is all ironical if you read it carefully he said o men of Athens I see in everywhere you are very religious for as I passed by I observed the objects of your worship a right away that's irony the objects of their worship when II said I noticed this inscription over an altar to an unknown God what you therefore worship unknown I declare to you then he tells them of the only God the God that created everything and he is not a God of far off he is fingering he is within every single being in the world the god of the universe not made with hands you wouldn't find him in a temple in a church in a Cathedral or the little objects of your worship that you make of man with your own hands and then worship him and call him Apollo but here the God that I speak of is within every one that's the god of whom I speak that's the God that raises from the dead well they're left and they're mocking then we are told you went on from Athens to currently what he performed there no one knows whether Athens ever took him up because there was a wise man they were called the very learning men of the day we have them today to this comp but anything that is not part of their great voluminous works but I am Telling You it as Paul said to the Athenians if you would only feel after him you find them if you would feel after him you will find him time--what find the god of the universe for he gave us not the spirit of the world but the spirit of himself that spirit of himself in man is man's own wonderful human imagination when you say I am that's God the one and only God and there is no other God therefore he is an every man every woman every child born a woman it is the God in that being that allows that being too real to live to experience what we call life in this world that is the immortal you so the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is God himself the one we speak of in the New Testament as Jesus that is God oh where is it something on the outside no he is in you when you say I am that's Jesus now the world is taught differently therefore it comes as a shock when they hear it they don't want to hear it they will listen if they could simply improve their life in this world get more money do things that they want to do and still hold on to this little object on the outside so he spoke I observed the objects of your worship but man does that with what they call Jesus they take therefore few more hands that make a mold of something they call it Jesus put it on a piece of wood or put it on some something else stick it on the wall then cross themselves for good luck there is the object of their worship something they made themselves the maker is greater than the thing made no matter how wonderful it's made certainly the artist is greater than his work and so we make all these things and put it on the outside and then bow before it in worship I tell you your own wonderful human imagination is God that's God now if I would only observe this and keep it in mind I should be able to put Paul to the test he said feel after him and you'll find him Blake said imagination is spiritual sensation spiritual sensation but how would I feel after him and fight him well first of all he does all things good bad or indifferent and he waits on me just as indifferently and as swiftly when the will in me is evil as Bennett is good because he is a creative power he kills he makes a life he wounds he heals all things are done by the one creative power there isn't another God who is evil and one that is good one that is altogether loving and wanded it altogether hating no only one power and that power is the human imagination so how would I then feel after him not with the feeling be like if it were true but true that I am the man that I would like to be not with the ceiling be like testing but all things are made by him and without him was not anything made it was made well now if I am dare to assume that I am now the man that I want to be and I persist in their assumption watching my mind morning noon and night but anything that I find myself felling upon that is in conflict with that assumption I ignore it I put it aside I will be faithful to this divine vision the vision of myself so anytime I catch myself daring to feel less than the thing that I'm feeling on trying to externalize in my world I simply stop it and go back to that assumption that I am demand I wanted a if I persist in it and it becomes effect than I have from him I don't observe the veteran as I do objects in space I am the reality that is called imagining so you don't see God because God is spirit but you see the results of his activity in you he is active in you as you imagine you're completely free to imagine good bad or indifferent so you simply select what you want to imagine would you like to bill you name it register but I don't have the background for it I do not have a the qualifications for it it doesn't really matter it imagining creates reality you do not need the qualifications that the world thinks you need all you need do is simply to boldly assume that you are the man the woman that you would like to be and if it proves itself in performance then you found him so Paul said to the Athenians see you after him and you'll find them but I have seen it numberless times in my 34 years of teaching I started back in February of 1938 and Here I am this is February of 1972 and I'm yet to see it fail if we the operant power apply things it doesn't apply itself we are the often power for in men is God and God is man's own wonderful human imagination so if I dare to assume that I am the one that I would like to be well that's God who is doing it so how will I turned into God tonight say a half-dozen people asked arbic tonight it takes no time they voiced their requests it's a statement made in the book of John the Epistle of John if we know that he hears us in whatever we asked of him we know that we have already obtained the request made of him so when they're talking to the either say I would like so-and-so instantly it comes within the frame of my golden rule is something I would like myself if I were in their present state of consciousness I would like that it doesn't violate my rule it doesn't injure someone it doesn't take from anyone well now did I hear it either well if I and my father are one but then my father heard it I do not know the means that will be employed to bring it to pass but I can't deny that I heard it if I heard it and I and my father are one but can I not dau say to my inner being thank you for you heard it because either it well if we know that he hears all that we ask of him then we know we have already obtained the request made of him so as they say to me I would like so and self event I heard it I do not know as a vain call never how it's going to happen I do not know I am NOT going to suggest what they do or what they should do I only know that I heard it and if I heard it my father heard it because he and I are one he is my own wonderful human imagination so I could actually say within myself as though we were - thank you you heard it but I heard it and then allow the depth of my own being to devise the means necessary to bring it to pass and then I am NOT responsible from that moment on I do not call her up and say did it happen I do not get in touch with him and write them and say tell me what's how are things coming it's not my concern I did what was asked of me and all it was asked to me was to hear use my imagination lovingly on there we have well I did it in the twinkle of an eye you don't have been going to some sweat to do it I don't have to go to some church and do it go to some synagogue and do it or some so-called holy place wherever I stand should be holy because the father is within me and where could you go to a more holy place than where God is if I know God is my own wonderful human imagination then where can I go there could be more holy than wherever I am no matter where it is so the request is made I heard it and that having heard it I give thanks to the beam within me who has the means the wisdom and the power to externalize it knowing that the entire outside world that all objective reality is solely produced through imagining what is now proven in the world was once only imagined try to deny that try to deny it there is nothing in this world that you can say that's real that was not first only imagined so I say to everyone here take statement he laughed at him and you'll find him he didn't say you may find him peel after him and you'll find him but these ideas are so new and yet they aren't you they go back into the Old Testament here we find the word for imagination used as the word Potter well if you say the word Potter go down to the potter's house and I let you hear my word so I went down to the potter's house and there he was working at his wheel and the vessel in his hand was spoiled so he reworked into another vessel as it seemed good to the Potter to do if you read it in the form of the story of which it is told in the 18th chapter of Jeremiah you will think of a man with clay his hands that is wheel pumping away making a vessel making some kind of a well could be anything a plate that's not it the word plotter means imagination it's like saying to you go into your own imagination and see what you're doing with a friend you just heard that he was in need are you now going to finish that I'm taking now into a greater need or are you going to rework it into another vessel as it seemed good to you to do you don't go to some father's house go down to the potter's house I'm there I will let you hear my word so I went down to the father's house and there he was working at his wheel and the vessel in his hand was spoiled he didn't throw it away and discard it he reworked it into another vessel as it seemed good to him to do so a man trained of ours is unemployed all right so he's unemployed and he doesn't have the qualifications for a better job and there is no job at the moment for what he had so what I will be working I will hear him tell me that he has the most marvelous job and he's gainfully employed what the job is I do not know but I can't say to myself but if either it surely the depth of my own being ready and so I can say thank you having reworked him in my mouth by own lines I into an entirely different beam the same friend but not one unemployed he is now gainfully employed so feel it if I can feel this state I'm finding God for God is spiritual I mean I tell you and by spirit I do not mean some intangible thing it actually is the human form divine but I speak of the human imagination it is a form it's a reality it is the divine form so the eternal body of man is the human imagination and that is God himself and there is no other God he said I kill and I make alive I wound and I heal I do things none can deliver out of my hand this is scripture but men when he hears the word Dodd he thinks of something else in space for he doesn't quite know but something in space this the word God in any way conscious within you something that is other than your own wonderful human imagination you've got the wrong done if the words Jesus causes you to think of a man who lived 2,000 years ago and died 2,000 years ago and rose 2,000 years ago you've got the wrong one you're told Jesus is within you if he is within me I should find out exactly where he is in me and then who is he but I have found him he is my own wonderful human imagination that's Jesus and all that is said of him every child born of woman is going to experience to discover he is Jesus and there is no other Jesus so you're told in Scripture in the 17th of Matthew in the end there is Jesus only fry your toes now in the book of John the facility on and rain he appears we shall be like him because brainy Affairs and there's only Jesus the life have to be lightened so within me the whole thing unfolds itself and everything set up in at least whether people believe it or not I have experienced I'm thirsty I do not care whether they accept it or not any more than Paul did the Y's main the Epicureans and the Stoics they scoffed at him and they laughed and mocked him so he went on to courage he simply did the work he came to do so he told the story and said you were suffering want something on the outside and here you put an inscription over the altar to an unknown God you say the unknown what you know say is unknown I will you ever known God now take my word for it and feel after him and you'll find him how would I find him for tonight if I wanted to be in New York and I put my body down with a bed tonight when I go to bed I must assume that I am already in New York well how would I know that I am saying if I have all imagination I must be wherever I am in imagination so if I am in imagination in New York now think of the world things of California Southern California where you place the body well do you see it on the bed as you're thinking but then you're not in New York do you see it 3,000 miles away to the west of you well then you are in New York so were you in New York you would see the body in your mind's eye 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles and you'll be thinking from New York rather than thinking of New York so the whole thing is simply finding out this fantastic power creative power in man and how it operates thought there is no problem in the world comparable to this problem of solving the mystery of imagining for supreme power and supreme wisdom and supreme delight is in store for the one who conquers this mystery so whether you begin jail all right so you're in jail and you dare to assume that you're free you aren't going to break through the doors and be picked up and be sent to a longer term you simply assume that you are free who today on death row many of them prayed as their sons would not be put in the chamber and they believed their prayers and so the Supreme Court brings in a verdict no more killing of men because they kill someone whether you approve or disapprove that's not the point all things are possible in God's will all things so I'm not going to pass any opinion whether this thing is right or wrong I'm not gonna be involved emotionally as to ever they did the right thing or the wrong thing I only know from personal experience if I had a son Dale I want him free this evil sale he's not there but if he was there I want him free regardless of what he did as one who loves his son I want him free but I am NOT going to pass any opinion or any judgment concerning the Supreme Court's decision the thing is all things are possible new Charlie what you want and if it comes within the framework of what I call the golden rule which is simply doing unto others as you would have others do unto you if it fits that frame more then you are on the right course well then you can't do it physically no you don't have the power or the wisdom to do it but there's something in you which is your essential being it can do it ain't knows exactly how to do it can you trust him can you trust this being within you to have heard what you've heard I heard it on this level the requests made and if I heard it on this level certainly subject to my own being heard and on that depth he has ways and means I do not have on this level therefore under concern as to how it's going to work I only know it will work by simply assuming that I am already the one I want to be and if I dare to assume it and remain faithful to it then it becomes a fact so imagining trust this kind of faith faith in God and that is your own wonderful human imagination so faith in God is the way to success you imagine it as though were true and then you walk your way not knowing how it's going to become true but it will become true so I invite you to test it just try it cost you nothing and if I take from you your gods as Paul took from the Athenians their gods then it's a blessing if you can lose your God it's a good thing because the real God you can't lose and you can never lose V you can never lose the sense of I am you can lose everything else but you can never cease to be aware that you are that's God and so if I can't take that from you well then I can take the real God come here if I can take any other thing from you and you worship it you have the false start and I did your service in taking anything but the reality because I can't take the reality from you so all out of services and ceremonies they mean nothing nothing go about your father's business which is yourself doing noble things in this world imagining the best I never come to pass that's why I say if it seems that I reiterate and restate night after night after night it's essential because if you're perfectly honest with yourself this day and you observe what you are imagining in the course of one day you'll be ashamed of what you imagine and yet you're imagining things you do not want to happen and yet you will give lip service to the statement imagining creates reality and then one moment later the friend of mine up in San Francisco she was a friend of a mutual friend and they didn't get on very well only at moments one night riding with me went down or maybe 75 miles down the peninsula for dinner lovely dinner and all the way back this very very heavy fog that hardly see a few yards before you and she was talking of this friend of mine who she claimed to be a friend of hers and she would rant against this woman so and so on so I wouldn't even print it you couldn't print it it burned the page and then at the end of her statement she would say god bless her soul she slept up the entire 75 miles blasting this woman and then she would qualify the whole thing and it's all forgiven god bless her soul so she is still here the other one has gone from this little section of time and she's still playing the same part using her imagination in Furby where she doesn't want in this world and things went from bad to worse in her world and they're still that way and she can't for one moment believe she is the cause of the phenomena of her life oh no she can't for one moment and yet I had one long 75 mile drive for her well it would take a whole lifetime to reap that harvest but she said in that long drive from dinner back home so man has a very weak memory and he doesn't remember what he did these things but there's a depth in man who does not forget do it Warren in Galatians be not deceived God is not mocked as a man sows so shall he weep then we are told by the poet you see on the field the sesamum was sesamum and the corn was corn the darkness and the silence knew and so is a man's fate born so you don't recognize your own harvest but it couldn't make a mistake everything is absolutely identical see you plant a seed what she'd wasn't by forgotten what it was awake to the tree comes up you'll know because it can't be other than what was planted if I play an oak Rose Ain the oak is going to spring up into the oak tree I plant that sort of an acorn that's going to be the oak tree but if I thank something else well then wait if I have forgotten what I plan to wait the harvest show me and man denies its own harvest so I'm telling you that your own wonderful human imagination is God is the god of scripture the only God well then the old says would you call him the Lord or calling Jehovah or calling God or in the New Testament you call him Jesus it's the same thing this is the creative power in man and that creative power in man is man's own wonderful human imagination why repeat unnumbered stories that I've tell you in the past I could start with new ones but what you know the technique and the technique is simple if all things are created out of man's human imagination clothing that you start imagining what he wants to be and if he does success will follow him but in the meanwhile try to prove the plan because when you hear for the first time that your imagination is done it's an awful shock because as the poet said we hold this vine I've found it a wild tree whose wanton strength has fallen into irregular tricks but I've pruned the plant and then a group tempered in its vain expense of useless leaves and not it as you see into these clean full clusters to repay the hand that wisely wounded it so when you first find that the vine spoken of in the Bible I am the vine of eternity I am The True Vine and my father is the vine vessel and you discover what that vine is my imagination for then the whole thing went into leaves useless leaves and branches it was not producing grapes and I start to prune the tree by observing what I'm imagining in the course of 24 hours becomes a habit then the next day I do a little bit better the third day better by the end of a week I am in the habit now of watching what I'm imagining and don't wait instantly prove it stop it stop imagining don't indulge yourself I have heard people say today but just one more second it's such a pleasant thing to carry more and so it is mind's eye is telling off someone all in his imagination knowing he's going to reap the fruit of it now if you know that you aren't going to simply spend an extra five seconds of precious time in finishing that emotion stop that emotion and get on a new trend and they that you prune the planet and finally that plants will reward you but clean full thrusters because you wise devoted it and then you keep that vine going and the buyer will pay enormous difference I know from experience when you go to bed at night let your laughs not be something Noble something wonderful that you are now of those you love are now what you would like to be and drop off into the deep in that state and make it a habit since we are tell you plant a seed and then the seed becomes an act and the act becomes a habit and the habit becomes the character so if I seem to repeat myself it's because I have to because if anyone here tonight could honestly tell me that in the course of 24 hours they have observed what they were imagining and had done a thing to find fault with well I would like to hear that and I will not call you a liar because I'm not here to judge but it would be marvelous thing if you could tell me that but I know that all of us are victims of habit and we get into the habit of this internal conversations that are not pleasant and we think that no one observes no one sees so as we are told in the Book of Ezekiel he said son of man go down and see what the elders of the of Isreal are doing so I went down to the house to observe the elders of the house of Israel and where there were each in his own room carving on the wall what was the wall of your own interior the wall discard and there are making abominable things and they say whether no one sees us the Lord has forgotten us their thought because they did it in the silence that no one knows when the only reality is their own wonderful human imagination and that is fully aware of what man is doing and rewards man good bad or indifferent with his imaginal act no one can tell me that you could not tonight start to become if you want to be prosperous that's a relative term what you mean by prosperous would not be what another means by it but what you and just take yourself what would it feel like if he were true just what would it be like I then go about your business feeling as though it is true instead of spending your precious time reading about Howard Hughes who here is I asked a friend of mine who asked if I'm following the story I said you know he doesn't know me and I don't know him I'm quite sure that if I met him he was not really buying me a sandwich so what am i concerned about he doesn't play my ring he doesn't buy my clothes he doesn't contribute to my way of living and I am supposed to be concerned about what he's doing he doesn't interest me none whatsoever I must spend my precious time reading about Howard Hughes my heart almost goes out to the man Irving who wrote the thing because the so-called wise editors of night and the Wise Ones of the other one God taken and they are so wise taking for a half million dollars and so I'm not saying that I would want to duplicate it in my life but it almost serves them right to pull that upon the people and so who cares about you is really what is his contribution to life so he has made two billion so what hasn't bought your dinner hasn't done anything for you and so what is your concern you take the story of Scripture see it as it really was intended in the beginning to be seen that your own wonderful human imagination is the God spoken of in Scripture and by him all things were made and without him was not anything made that is me start right in this room you're wearing clothes wearing you're sitting on chairs you're in a house everything here is first only imagine that house you're wearing that shares in which you are seated the building that now houses you everything here was first only imagined and then it becames an objective fact so objective reality is solely produced through imagining now you want to objectify something entirely different what you have so far well now change the imaginal act to attempt to change circumstances before I change the imaginal activity is the struggle against the very nature of things I can't do it because my imagined activity is producing the objective realities and I can't change that objective fact and tonight change what is causing it and the cause is an unseen imaginal activity as we're told he brings things that are not seen and calls them as though they were seen and they become seen things that are now seen were made out of things that do not appear that's what we are told in the book of Hebrews but you now see he was made out of things that do not appear well if that is a fact and scriptures had in our for centuries and centuries I expect will then put it to the test challenges challenge the scripture as you're taught in scripted a challenging do you not realize that Jesus Christ is English examine yourselves and see whether you're holding to the faith well test him test him and see if he is in thee and he does all things I'm gonna test him well I've tested him over and over and over I found him faithful I dared at moments in my life to assume that I had what reason told me I did not and my sense is denied it but I dare to assume that I had it and it happened it came out of the doorway it happened so I talked that principle to others they applied it and it happened but phasing it out after someone becomes a little bit better off than their world they reflect upon it and because it always happens in a perfectly normal natural manner there's the over it would have happened anyway I'm saying they go tongue to sleep again you can get someone of a sedative and you try to awaken them and for a moment they look seemingly alert and while you're talking to them some just peep again that's humanity they're dreaming this dream of life and the season fruit of what they were measured and denied that their imagination produced it so they go sang to sleep again back upon the negative state but I'm asking you who come here and persist in coming to observe what you are doing in the course of 24 hours you're not alert 24 hours but take say 16 hours if you give 8 hours to sleep or take 16 hours and try to observe what you are imagining and if the change you catch yourself imagining what you do not wish to experience stop it stop it right there and then and don't give it an extra second maybe you're in the midst of an emotion and you'd like to complete the emotion and tell him off completely stop it break it and that causes a sort of a mental well a mental abortion a mental miscarriage if you break it without exploding the emotion so feel after him and you'll find them that's what he told the opinions proposed it up all the objects of their worship and every ought to be pointed up with something they themselves have made with her hands and then worship it I can see it now when I was a young man in the dancing world it was a young girl of pretty young girl and she had a little figurine of what she called the holy mother and before she took the stage she would get it the whole thing was just simply brilliant and raised from her kisses and she really thought that gave her success she kissed it and smothered with kisses and on the stage you would go and that was her little object of her worship she thought that we D was the Holy Mother I mean I tell you without any criticism of the thing most of these things are made by people who call themselves artists and they're so far removed from any concept of being an artist they're monstrous things made by the millions not by good artists at all but she had her little one and sitting on top of the stage that our little dresser and she would smother her with kisses and then dashed on the stage and she danced I went to a party once his boys one with the priest or he's going to be a priest and he quipped to join the war the other there already to the army Ron came out death one came out with one foot missing above the knee and an arm and this one who was the priest or a to be the priest he came up with something else didn't go back into the priesthood but they all wore their sin Christopher meadows when he dives into the pool as their home and they are turreted their recovery or the so-called coming out of the army to st. Christopher that was before sin Christopher was demoted he's now demoted the Pope just said there was no such a thing as sin Christopher but now before there they attributed the entire thing to that one with a foot missing are missing one death a one with TB and that is sinful Christopher he didn't do a good job but there actually were completely I say to my wife I said darling suppose they know what I teach suppose they have heard what I could would they have me here oh she is certainly did have you here because as far as they're concerned you aren't safe you couldn't be saved you are a Protestant so how could you be saved they loved my father dearly said my wife loved him more than they love their own people but he couldn't be saved because he was a Protestant therefore it doesn't really matter what you do so don't be concerned if they knew that your teaching they wouldn't even pass an opinion because it doesn't matter only what they have been taught to believe is true and that's the only truth therefore enjoy the day so I did I enjoyed the day and observed all this nonsense so I'm telling you your own wonderful human imagination is done there is no other God do you think there's another God then you've got two gods and you start with two you can have four and four is going to give you eight and eight sixteen and then you have millions of gods there's only one God here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one and that God is I and that's his name forever and forever and forever and when you say I am your acting announcing the fact that you are imagining that is imagination that's done and it's the human imagination and it is the eternal boy of the savior and the only Savior is the Lord God I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your Savior and besides me there is no Savior so the Jesus of the new is the lord god of the old and where is he in man he gave us not the spirit of this world he gave us a spirit of himself and that spirit of himself is a man as man's own wonderful human imagination now let us go into the silence [Music]
Channel: 100kwatt
Views: 289,683
Rating: 4.830431 out of 5
Keywords: Neville, Goddard, Feel, After, Him
Id: aYzyfryEoP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2012
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