Neville Goddard- You Must Be In It, To Activate It

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last December hundreds of scientists met in Montreal and read their papers to each other after the entire world printed what they had to say falsely for me with Los Angeles Times charted daily I must confess everyone really fired me but one in particular interested be at this time in this read a paper on the sperm to the sperm remains as much a mystery today as it was when man first became curious about its nature and then he made this is a statement the sperm somehow easily passes through the surface of an egg although the outside of the egg has no holes in it either before or after fertilization well that fired me on the morning of the 19th of February I reside in very quite early thinking of this strange mystery of the sperm and wondering all about it and suddenly I thought myself detached from this body I was not in my room but I was in a room and the room was sealed there was our entrance no exit just a sealed room but as I ended it it became alive we came animated then I thought of my bed my body and in one moment I am back on my bed I thought of another detachment I'm in an entirely different room but it's also seen how I got in I do not know other and I simply imagine myself away from my body I did not single out the room the room was completely sealed no influence no anything that I thought where the unnumbered states of consciousness you can number them you can imagine each state to an aide at every state remains just activate until fertilized I get present that fertilizes the egg is simply our consciousness we must be in it to activate it to animate it you could display a moment single of any state and by the use of your imagination imagine that you're in it you'd be in it think this very moment of your living room or any room in your house take an object a familiar object in your room and bring it as close as you care if it's really here whether you can't be here in this room I should be coming in tinsel on it concentrated on it you are really where you are imagining yourself to be for men's being all imagination he must be where he is is imagination what am i done there are fertilizing I've actually made it real in a way that I do not know I'm going to go there but now you will say naturally I will go there vague it's my home I use that only to illustrate a point you could take any place no matter where it is any part of the world if you did the same thing to eat that you will now do to your home you will find yourself some tail to move across a bridge of intimate leading up to the fulfillment of that sake you don't devised the means but there's so many different facets to this wonderful art of imagining I'll tell you one to show you the danger but one wants one thing about all things in this world and they're willing to sacrifice their moral ethical code in fact Africa it also works that's why I want you in my last book I can only acquaint you with the law I leave you to your choice and it's risk and I mean risk I told the city of fraid she is a friend I'm not here to judge anyone the world and she is my friend living in New York City when you the young girl chooses poor as a Churchmouse she had nothing her only claim to recognition was the fact she descended physically from the Adamson's our presidents and she was very proud of that fact very proud but she had your money the one thing she wanted of everything in this world was money and I don't mean a few hundred thousand dollars I mean money in the true sense of the word to the disgust of her parents she used to always pretend she had counted as fortunes she is not when I say a good-looking lady I didn't form or in feature nice in many other respects but you would never accuse them of being a beautiful woman but nevertheless she dreamed this state and she just simply wanted money on a party one day she met a young man just a few years her senior he had money multiple millions she got nothing she had a physical lying Lili to the Addamses he had pooja money his I live two armored bishops of New York State I love say this to in anyway discourage you in your admiration of some Bishop or some man of the cloth but his grandfather was a bishop in New York State he knew all the ugly parcels of well-read estate where tomorrow he could hold on to it what it would be worth and so here the Bishop of the church instead of taking care of his flock he was taking care of his pocket and he left millions to this man's father who in turn adapted to him my friend only wanted money and so in no time flash they got married and they indeed for 21 years in intimate hostility really sorry beyond measure I wouldn't dare discuss it from the platform so the end of his 21 years they called the day and divided the millions she still wanted more millions she could open Tiffany with her diamonds and her jewelry still wanted more she had a little cousin who always worked for a salary but he got in on the ground floor when our huge big corporations of the day were be organized save his money with a bashfully lived alone very frugal and he bought a little bit of this stuff a little bit of that never touched it it split and straights and split and split here before last he had the presence of mind to die the only member of his family they would ever see him was this lady she knew in some strange way she had money she would bring him home for an occasional dinner would call him on the phone so when they found his will she was the only member of the family named in the will he has other first cousins but they were thought it all they came from the Addamses and he must be on the outside of something but he was not what they were covering when the will was raised my friend and my friends alone got it the last estimate we are still finding it he put it in this Bank in that box in the other box well over a million the stops were bombs away as she got home now the cousins aren't speaking to him because she got him the price she paid for money I hope that no one here would be willing to pay she could have had all the millions she now has Plus happiness she could if she only knew the law you wanted but you condition it you wanted with dignity that statement a militant I have a lavish steady dependable income consistent with integrity and mutual benefit that's our great militant he was a poor boy too and he grew tired of his poverty and the story has told me by the one who interviewed him after he got the prize a Nobel Prize if this caused the great studies and he said to her the interviewer I was a poor boy raised in a nice environment my father was a traveling minister he had no money but he gave us good books we're always playing gained a strong body of a strong mind but he had a code a decent code and so I wanted money but I wanted it in this manner so I lost myself in a room one day I did not have even a glass of water for 16 hours and in that interval I repeat it over and over and over to myself this thought that I wrote out I have in the present tense I had a lavish still dependable income consistent with integrity I'm mutual better well he certainly earned it he had all these things when he died he had the respect of the world he gave to the world as much or more than they gave to him yes he had billions but the one he gave to the world that how he wanted my friends would have done something similar but no she wanted money and she was willing to pay the price any price and how she has played it so I warn you yes you bought something and the things that will fertilize it is your own wonderful human imagination but you're exactly what you want occupied if I want the great palaces of the world is perpetual construction deferred occupancy we don't want we want but we leave it out there and hope that the passing of time will make it they won't do it I have to occupy it and make sale here I make thin now I'm telling it just as though it were true and if I drown in it just go it's true though one second later the phone rings and breaks the spell or someone calls or wake from it I am specialising you go into the state and you fertilize it I may not recognized by harvest where it comes in due season income will not come tonight may not come tomorrow but it will come because I fertilized it I went into a state occupied it and the whole thing becomes fertilized but every day has its own appointed hour and it ripens and it will flower if to me it seemed long that I must wait for it is sure and it will not be late these infinite states of the world are waiting for occupancy waiting to be fertilized by us that's why we must become so extremely discriminating know what you want and you make it conform to your code of decency your wonderful ethical code you don't have to in any way tarnish that code you don't to get what you want in this world but they are not aware of that and their plight will engine turns you two-bit to get what they really want in this world
Views: 318,006
Rating: 4.9186649 out of 5
Keywords: Neville Goddard, Imagination, Living In The End, Metaphysics, Law Of Attraction, Law Of Consciousness, Law Of Awareness, Dr. Robert Millikan
Id: FCzTYaXQtuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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