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we're gonna go in his room i know that's where you want me to go no okay phone ringing bed i forgot what the phone was oh what up it's that [ __ ] and welcome to from the darkness i joined us out runners up my boys i saw this get requested a lot by a few of you guys on twitter you was like that g that g play from the darkness now in a way i played a demo of this but not really this is totally different i don't know if that was a demo or not whatever it was this is a totally different game but from the same dude y'all remember that game i went to like a scary basement or something and there was a tall creepy ass dude down there and he just like looked at you real weird like from he is in this game i wish i would have never seen time again but here we are i'm a little nervous but we're going in y'all hear the steps like that i don't know what that is maybe it's him walking around maybe him and lady demetres might know each other because they both tall as hell i don't know oh boy this is what y'all wanted i know that's what y'all wanted without further ado we're gonna be running from his big ass like this i hit my finger stop if i was eating like this i'm wrong let's do this [ __ ] oh okay this is how it's popped this is gonna pop off okay objective get to the 64th apartment how do you run okay y'all know i'm gonna need to know that 64th i'm assuming that's on the sixth floor uh unless that's on the that is too dark right there we're not going there unless it's on the 64th floor how do you interact with things did i see see they already on that bull bull like this early let's just go let's just go upstairs here we go what is that why is this flickering up here why the third floor gotta gotta flip no no just keep going just keep going 64 it's got to be the sixth floor oh my god ma this is why y'all want me to play this cause y'all know i scare easy what is what can i can i duck and go in here okay is that a tyson [ __ ] elevator my real ones would know what that is what floor was i just staying was that the floor or is this it let me see six all right 64. this might be i gotta figure out how to open doors and stuff okay so it was it was this door right oh let me check okay it is all right so a is i'm playing it with the controller it is a computer game but if you give me the option to play with a controller i'm playing with it dear neighbors hey you know how many notes i've gotten at my door dear neighbor if you could just please keep it down i haven't i'm lying well if you don't stop making yo i didn't even read all of that did my neighbor real we will call the police yo they never threatened to call the police on my why is it still open [ __ ] if you don't close my door i don't know what's coming up out here okay we got the key we're going in got it so wait they had to come through this door to put a note in my apartment they could have put it on the outside door what this apartment has long been abandoned so there's a key right here already off the rail okay what is this for oh my god i can't see a damn thing no electric hold up hold up hold up is this the the power fuse boxes hold on because we are not going in there in pure darkness like that this this is the switch it's not the switch okay that's what the key was for got it maybe because i haven't been okay hold on there's a red switch here because i haven't been in my apartment for so long i purposely pick up the family album and leave say less oh my god the sensitivity on this controller is messing me up that is not an excuse it is facts what is that who's that moms all right what do we got here what is what is all of this why did it why did i blink like that is that salami who would leave salami out like this what's in the fridge what what is that i don't what country are we in can i open this okay it's windy as hell outside no this is uh-uh stop with the blinking [ __ ] i ain't got time for that i do not all right let's find this family album in bounce please this open we're not going in there if [ __ ] stop okay so we're not going in that room what about this one does this okay this one got a light what is that oh what i hope that's what that was this door doing that uh nah nah we ain't nope is that a dead roach am i missing something oh stop my power went out no hold up no no no election again do we have to just keep put okay maybe maybe because if we haven't been here so long that [ __ ] if you okay only one of them went out uh-uh see nah where's the switch okay okay why y'all tell me to play this i mean i'll be i'll be playing a little indie horror games and stuff but this one built different what the f did i leave that door open like that okay this door is open now uh-uh where did light switch where where the light switch [Music] literally where's the light switch is missing we ain't going in there we're not going in there look at this is there a light switch here yes there is yes okay stop okay i mean look i'm not gonna judge but i don't know about the decor yeah i mean i don't know about the decor [ __ ] i thought i seen somebody right here that's a coat they need to stop what i know i just heard a door knock okay wait maybe this maybe this room works [Music] ah [ __ ] i just got the chill stop guys i can't leave guys why did that maybe this like works now it doesn't okay wait this light's off oh i never got the missing [ __ ] there's a key okay uh no no that door is open someone sleep it could be maybe you never know maybe like your brother or somebody oh because there's a door right here oh [ __ ] open why would they open out like this this doesn't make okay hold up hold up we got um who was out here sharon stone oh no that's an ice pick why did it take me directly back to that okay well we got the light switch wait that picture looks a little weird now y'all see that wait no no it's too dark it's getting kind of dark here hey close this closest door first of all my nose is itchy that means something is about to go down if the nose itch that means [ __ ] something i'm gonna be playing games i swear to god bruh i really why am i still walking can i turn this light on at least oh no where's i can't see anything oh god no no hold up turn this on nope they better not turn that [ __ ] back off okay put this here all right there's two videos right here no i'm not gonna stop okay but not yet [ __ ] they need to stop no stop i could see myself but i hi bro he creepier than the other dude is what are you look like chucky brother monkey i don't know who this is what are we getting here can we just get it and leave where's the family album why is that flickering they need to stop i didn't know i was gonna have jump scares like that what is that the album no [ __ ] open that up is that bullets okay why are we here what is the po just to get that jump scare albums oh here we go okay they got like really okay you know what say less we're gonna go ahead and leak [ __ ] i just saw something either i'm tripping or i just saw something right there i don't know which one of the two it was but you know what quickly run from that nope nope that [ __ ] said leave [ __ ] i'm out it's not letting me out now they gonna go ahead and shut the lights off okay we're gonna we're gonna you want to play those games oh it's the breakers already oh my god [ __ ] uh-uh what am i hearing the tv see this see this the kind of it's not if you do another jump scare um that's that dude i don't know if he got a gopro to the top but that's him looking down right there i know that torso and the arms i know that's him because i remember from the other gameplay he's telling me to go grab that is he going to be there standing there like that that yep that's the same yeah that's the same image okay why don't you hit that corner right duck and just do a quick that's what i would do but in these games they stupid yeah i don't see the you would have definitely seen some feet let me just grab it from here objective get out let's say less don't scare me please no oh my god oh my god it's good y'all y'all good you know i'm just gonna have a little swig a little swig of water okay okay so if i turn around he's not gonna okay oh god oh my god okay okay uh are we are we is it oh no oh my god can you stop oh [ __ ] i feel safer in here see oh the chills they're there the goosebumps is that where is there a phone what the [ __ ] what oh my god own oh no stop no no stop is there a phone in here what am i missing from here why did this open did i open it by accident close that is the is this door open is it open i can't tell shift to run [ __ ] i'm trying to but i can't see [ __ ] oh no stop what am i hearing do i have a flashlight anything like that is there a door here it looks like no there's no door now okay you know what just be at the be dash okay maybe he's eating an apple i don't know listen it's oh my god okay okay maybe he was painting his room and you know a little bit slipped oh [ __ ] little accident happens i don't want to go in there do i have let him eat his apple we're just going to go ahead and dip out it's not letting me go anywhere all right you know what just face it like a man watch this [Music] okay i don't know what's happening guys he's gonna come i can't back out that's his back they're gonna scare the [ __ ] out of me right now it's coming they're still not letting me leave what that's that little doll that's monkey all right this monkey just chill out all right we're gonna be a thug watch this i can make beats too i'm gonna get scared oh my god monkey you good that [ __ ] looking at me uh-uh this one we dip he all closed that door on me they trying to scare the is the whole game in this little ass apartment cause like nope nope nope that's a tv i feel always safe is by the fridge it's something comforting about it go ahead scare me monkey did he just leave okay he didn't pay half his rent so his ass monkey if you don't stop looking at me like this why why i gotta get the side eye at least look at me all straight on like this wait [ __ ] can you at least you don't gotta blink stop is it i'll get the [ __ ] out of here oh my god oh my god where the [ __ ] am i going oh my god oh my god [Music] oh no i'm not [ __ ] with this game i'm not what do they want me to do oh calm the [ __ ] up where is the door go over here and turn these [ __ ] i'm not even moving this [ __ ] just said i'm not going anywhere guys i'm not sure what i have to do here i guess they making some fire beats y'all see what i'm doing cause it's the oven [ __ ] what is that i don't know what that is they gonna scare me what do i do with these i don't even know what else had a missing part do you add this to the casserole maybe it's uh here now this [ __ ] is singing [Music] close that oh my god okay we're gonna go be it up really i can't see a damn thing monkey you still look this mother hey monkey talk to him listen instead of just looking like that let me see maybe you put something in here yo i don't know what to do with these little switches and [ __ ] that's a guitar this [ __ ] tuning a guitar right now i ain't got time for this i'm missing something here [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] oh somebody's knocking and i can't even see where the hell i'm at yo real talk i don't know where i'm at like nothing not hold up oh that's a little bit of light right here okay back to monkey's room monkey please help please huh what what okay okay we just pulled that out what what what is that it's a pic it's a picture okay got it oh hold up hold up hold up there's something else oh that's what that was how do we how do we know the combinations of this how do we know the combination hey monkey do you know the combination that [ __ ] went cross-eyed for a second okay um maybe the combination is in the picture somehow no okay you can barely see that so that's not it okay we can't see nothing out there so you might as well close that mucky you can hide under the bed why would you tell me that [Music] [ __ ] there was something there is somebody coming in here that's part of the combination what let me take a picture of that what the hell is that okay bob got the picture all right don't scare me when i get out this [ __ ] monkey chill [ __ ] who is that bruh that's another combination take a picture of that i don't know these symbols bob got it monkey monkey chill oh no stop nope why is this red mucky are you doing this oh my god [ __ ] ain't it [Music] light switch please light switch [Music] monkey oh my god wait so we can start putting combinations in right let me look in the newspaper look around look for [ __ ] turn that no nothing nothing in the book open the book okay here we go we're gonna looking [Music] okay it is color coordinated how do you switch between shits [Music] because i'm playing with the controller so i don't think it's like letting me do [ __ ] [Music] stop okay these are color coded coded where's the symbol at that okay that looks see i'm glad i took pictures and then the the yeah wait i don't have the yellow one i have the red one where's the yellow one so we could just start putting the yellow one until we get it [Music] we did it we we did it okay what do i get a gun what the hell is that [ __ ] open it what are you doing you know how hard that was to figure that this [ __ ] don't want to grab the item [Music] that's a flashlight this [ __ ] does not want to grab it are you serious do i have to hit it from my angle what's that oh wait hold on hold on hold up oh see this ain't gonna work [ __ ] say less why is all dark all over something like this monkey muck okay let's get the [ __ ] out of here can we leave now we just beat the game right please we just beat it it's gonna get scarier now that's what's gonna happen oh my okay so now the the road's still there though that bit's chilling do i go in here okay he did leave right what it's just a it's just a chair what oh f [ __ ] f in the chat what is uh-uh hey open that up open that up we stuck in here they want me to push elf is that what that is is that really what's going on figure it out with the with these buttons okay okay okay i'll turn it off [Music] no nothing's gonna happen here question mark yeah i heard something i buried him in the concrete okay that sounds like a lot of work i mean listen you do not hear okay no oh i didn't do that okay i'm just gonna listen okay you're ticking some breathing probably a jump scare coming up too probably hear that in a second [Music] cool cool cool i'ma turn back on [Music] why okay it's open is there a new message in total darkness [Music] okay yeah thanks all right got it i don't know where monkey's at they're gonna scare the [ __ ] at me i feel it can i leave what the [ __ ] is that he doesn't like light i'm really just gonna turn my light off [Music] okay so when i turn it back on you're gonna scare the [ __ ] out of me or okay yeah you know if you're hungry because that's what it sounds like to me there is a salami i know it you look like the type that would enjoy it either we're gonna turn it back on okay so let me try the light switches okay that did absolutely nothing got it oh look at her face now cool oh he's really gonna be mad i left the fridge open okay so that salami right there listen don't really likes turning off my flashlight close the oven too i mean listen it's not like in the fridge like oh why do you leave my oven open that it doesn't really matter you know i mean hey amazon package what's going on uh was that a drip it was okay got it so we just saw drip blood pretty thick drip too so that all right we're gonna go ahead and turn it back on we're gonna go ahead and look up okay it doesn't seem to be anything can't find the source of the drip you know maybe call a plumber it could be the upstairs neighbor something's going on with them oh boy okay oh that was him okay yeah that was him peeking through the corner okay so um we are we really just gonna okay we're really gonna go in in there okay i'm gonna go in here first this room stinks of a corpse okay well oh wow okay okay oh okay i didn't do that but it's fine is he back in his room i don't i don't i don't quite know can we leave this apartment that would be that would be terrific okay we're gonna is the stomach still there okay maybe you give that [ __ ] some pepto-bismol it might go away i don't know okay the blood is still dripping there okay oh oh okay it's close okay so we need a key for that as well um uh my voice um all right okay [ __ ] that scared the [ __ ] at him so he did what what do we do we grab that [ __ ] with that [ __ ] i hold on hold on do we have to grab something okay finger pla plus i plus teeth equals a key a finger is that a finger i think it is so okay okay got it we grab one of the i'm gonna get scared here something's gonna happen i know it i'm grabbing oh don't let it what is that how yo let me one of your eyes and fingers your teeth what did i just what just happened what the [ __ ] is that it keeps like [Music] it's telling me something but i can't i don't i'm stupid okay hold on what what's happening in here what the hell is happening in here i don't like this [ __ ] i'm in an abyss now oh hold up we got a key okay okay that was weird that was very weird is that the key to open this these chains okay maybe maybe it's the key to open oh let me see something okay it's still there just checking to open this okay to open this one [ __ ] if you don't open this damn door this yes [Music] okay [Music] i'm getting resident evil vibes all over again with the babies crying in the fetuses no okay cut this open it is in this room here we go here we go hey let me get one of your eyes got it i knew it i just plucked that [ __ ] out like i'm pie made from kill bill too [ __ ] maybe the finger wait a minute this thing i'm stupid it was in the damn casserole now let's castle roll our ass out of here y'all okay come on i'm missing something the teeth where the hell do i get the teeth hey yo you got some teeth he does have teeth it doesn't let me doesn't let me interact with his teeth maybe i need like like something to yank them teeth out that big mouth i think that might be it i did see some pliers right it was in the other room here these [ __ ] stupid he didn't let me grab him earlier you know the game knows when you got something here we go now you can get this [ __ ] teeth oh boy okay it knows i have all the items it's gonna do something to me what would that be uh-uh nope i'ma deal with you in a second put all the shits in the [ __ ] there you go what why what the [ __ ] was that he is stronger in the [ __ ] i'm not taking pictures i don't remember all this what do you think i missed he is stronger in the dark when you light up all the rooms it will get weaker and you can get out this is the key to the box under the ceiling okay did i get it okay thank you thank you here we go something's about to pop off y'all ready here we go okay we got an amazon package some candles [ __ ] nothing to set fire to the candles come on man where is the scary [ __ ] at open this is there someone making beats hey lion time i got none [ __ ] i got a whole stove right here okay we're gonna go to that room i know that's what they want me to do let's go i'm a thug this [ __ ] got weirder now it's like red and [ __ ] can i open that nah that's locked okay [ __ ] it be a thug we gonna go in his room i know that's where i want me to go no okay phone ringing bet i forgot what the phone was all right my boy said kicking the door waving the phone we can leave um guys guys where he is what is that uh this is a meat elevator huh we really about to pee through that okay all right um how you doing how how you look like michael myers but you ain't got no mask on that that's what i'm trying to okay i'm gonna leave you alone no listen i'm new around here does that laceration hurt because i feel like if you put a little neosporin on i'll leave him alone i'm not [ __ ] with him okay going through here now okay so we're just going through layers got it okay um you need to listen does that mean i have to turn my try again okay so it's it's having me wait okay it's gonna have me go through a loop until i listen i guess i didn't listen properly you know this game is crazy this is the same room right with the guy okay okay i'm gonna go ahead and listen to you okay i'm listening what [ __ ] we got to go down there hey my dude listen how you doing hi hi listen i'm new here uh so it's like a puzzle i'm trying to solve it says you need why are you okay because i see you're like um again i could okay the camera's doing that that's not me why is the nip all up on okay i'm just gonna go down here i feel like i have to go down here okay i i literally can't see much so i'm just gonna yeah all right we're just gonna follow the walls okay nothing there's nothing here okay as long as we don't show up where he's at okay we're gonna keep going down that's why they made by listen listen because it sounds like it's going whoa like it's going down okay so this might be right okay so let's listen it's gonna be that dude again wow okay he's gone let's listen gap him up like yo what's going on dude you're doing good okay okay is it gonna tell me you need to listen again this game's something else y'all you need to listen try again okay let's see what they're talking about because i i don't know what's going on in this one let's listen up listen close and listen carefully hey stop five [ __ ] i'm about to write this [ __ ] down hold up huh that's funny they expect dash you don't remember this five damn noises don't scare me [ __ ] i've been scared more than this three okay okay a lot of ohms can i get a number somewhere okay somebody eat an apple okay got it got it okay do it [ __ ] what happened okay we're getting in deeper and deeper balls out what the [ __ ] okay we obviously can't go that way okay i'm here somebody eating an apple again two what what what is that why oh boy oh no okay okay we're gonna go um okay we're going i guess we're going to this creepy ass door what the [ __ ] did i make the wrong decision going in here can i go back okay hold on no going too far go too far from this door it's not let me walk anymore there's an invisible wall there okay we're gonna go back through this door because oh let me go this way it sounds like a lot of traffic or some cars going back we're gonna go back that is a really creepy room my flashlight's not working okay there's light [Music] i need that match i don't know if you're is that a candle or not can i'm a lighter i'm nervous i know if you're having a smoke maybe afterwards i could just borrow it do i just snatch it from him or okay wow wow okay can i borrow that lighter is that a big like those are the ones that okay i'm just gonna all right um can i leave i do i snatch it from them i he just let me grab that from his hands v oh my god i don't know what's about to happen we're gonna just go walk right out this door here can i just get a shortcut back to the apart what what just happened what just happened [Music] you need to listen okay um i mean i have a code i don't know if you got shot right here but you know the fact that you're still standing is remarkable so i'm just gonna let you do you um [Music] all right bet i i'm messing up this is gonna be the try again room it's not letting me leave yeah okay that's him with the elevator can i go in here do i go in there with you i don't know hell nah let's go in here let's go back where we came from see if maybe that does something try again that did [ __ ] [Music] okay i know they don't want me to go in that elevator with them [Music] where the [ __ ] am i is this ham again i'm going in i'm going be a thug oh my god hi how are you wow you know if you just grab a couple of wet wipes i think that's all you need just some moist towel lengths just get are we going up in this elevator i feel it moving i don't want to not look at you so i'm just going to assume that we're moving okay i mean you look like you could be in really good shape you know just a couple like some sit-ups maybe get an ab machine i mean you look good now i'm not you know saying anything okay i'm just gonna go ahead and yeah i'm just gonna give me a second okay thank you so much did something happen while i was in there okay oh we're back in here cool okay is the power on let me just double check things oh we have to light the candles got it what was that wait wait light up the candles in all the rooms in all the rooms is that what it said is that what it said i okay yeah okay so you got to put a candle in each room okay got it yeah yeah they're gonna scare the [ __ ] out of me but that's fine where do i put it in this room there got it all right yup yup yup yup um guys guys my uh lighter my lighter isn't working what about my flashlight isn't working either all right where's that light coming from is that light source oh my god stop what is this this is the apocalypse [Music] what in the [ __ ] can i thank you i'm gonna grab more candles okay this one's still on okay i'll leave his room for last because i don't you know i just really don't want to deal with that it does this count as a room it does what the [ __ ] is that i'm not [ __ ] with his room he paid his wow god that life solo okay imma just leave his room alone i'm not gonna [ __ ] with his room there's there's more candles and there's room in there so in here wait i didn't light this up okay i thought i did light that one up but i guess i let me make sure this one's on okay he's turning the lights off got it okay that's what he's doing okay ah thanks all right oh my god okay that one's still on let's go to monkey's room monkey behave okay let's all be civilized i don't know where you put the candle at maybe in here got it monkey you still there okay that [ __ ] mad at me about the eye situation don't scare me stop stop stop lying stop nope grab another one yep okay uh with a dead body is that a room is that a room are you a room okay maybe not oh it is okay that counts okay well i think his room is the last one no [ __ ] there's that little room i'll calm the [ __ ] on is it that big monster does it want me to approach this is these aliens that scared the [ __ ] out of me i'm locked in here okay can i hit this light switch up all right try to leave oh something about to happen uh what y'all the um original tenants how you guys doing i was just about to leave hi okay yup yup listen i'm uh i just closed the door and they asked they're gonna be mad as oh no i didn't okay do i go approach you guys or do can i just leave i'm leaving look listen i don't want no problems okay let me approach y'all grab the grab the other k get the rest of these candles get the [ __ ] out of here okay is this one lit yep okay we got that one we got monkey's room we got this room we got monkey yep okay here we go okay doesn't let me light that one up all right cool cool um let's try in this little closet right here maybe this this there needs to be one in here said every room this is a room okay yeah pretty scary in here oh i can't see enough they're about to jump scare the [ __ ] out of me i think why they do that why they do that they waiting for me to turn around okay candle last one you know where that goes here we go hmm stop oh here we go i say here we go no no cool oh [ __ ] hmm is that you can i go in your room now is this [ __ ] grounded wha what what the [ __ ] is that i guess that dude got a axe to the face what look oh for real i could put a candle here oh i didn't i think it opened no it didn't it did okay so i was missing putting one there okay quickly put a candle right there and light it quickly you don't like light get the [ __ ] out let's get out of here that's it am i good that door's open something's gonna happen dash it ain't this easy oh okay now what what what do i go back to where i came from like the first floor and leave right i went all the way oh my god okay oh what is that what was that also where's my flashlight i'd rather have that than this okay let's quickly get the [ __ ] out of here why this sounds annoying is he following me i don't like this [ __ ] nope just leave just leave just leave that [ __ ] got long ass legs too you know he quit stop i would move out asap out of this building something just ain't right can i go in here wait a lobby oh it's this room again really are they are they playing are they serious um there's two videos right here check those out and uh i'll probably see y'all tomorrow i'm not sure yet maybe yes no yes no two videos click those y'all enjoyed this thumbs up that's that lets me know hey dash let's keep playing some horror games okay bet thumbs up i'm done two videos that's it this uh i never want to see that dude again i'm done holiday boy two videos thumbs up notification bell i don't know listen
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 1,165,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, horror, spooky, scary, jump scare, lmao, lol, funny moments, playthrough, from the darkness, gameplay, scariest, ever
Id: dV0iPEAOrkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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