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do it quick wait it was a boxing you last time oh they switched they said he's coming he's come get us some crunchy boy dashi and welcome to two or three horror games I don't know and that too for sure but three baby and we'll see the first joint is called locked up now like the song yeah I remember that one no all right in the creepiest hell and I guess it's Jude all about the music your acid day before my birthday it's Jude tells 1987 yeah Jimmy rev it up I need to stop without frying them - y'all ready thumbs up right now no I don't like what people do that Oh doesn't the bigger before you even see well y'all know is gonna be heat anyway so y'all might as well [Music] let's don't sound like that oh hey this look good I already can't see [ __ ] so that's not that's not a good start is it okay it's not easy you just push the okay it's how are you supposed to know how to interact when doesn't the instructions you have to interact which y'all see one gotta say if you go be like oh we got a lighter okay okay I guess we don't have it yet maybe it's here so maybe oh go long easy about that picture I don't know she's probably a sweetheart but okay like maybe this is a lighter already [Music] ain't [ __ ] that funny grep there's a key ready to grab the air grab that [ __ ] V does this run out do we have to get fluids okay so we got to go this way okay we stuck in this room okay all the doors are locked I'm thinking wait wait where's the key oh I got a key okay that's to focus on [ __ ] wait but how do i how do I use my key let's go get [ __ ] off let me look at my instructions into red pickup item open door with a key I have a key where is my inventory huh stop [ __ ] that's kicked I don't know what I did different did I use the key or what okay I heard a baby it was a it was just a doll all right let's just keep it moving y'all okay what did I do different last time nah that ain't opening okay let's look around maybe there's another key or something [ __ ] I know yo I know y'all hurt that [ __ ] okay five people died in an accident five people died two were injured in a collision between a motorcycle and a pickup truck November 11th 1986 we got more pills okay we heard the baby crying so let's go in here I think that's what it was I didn't interact oh boy okay I wasn't interacting with stuff and then it wasn't progressing because of that okay my boys I maybe you have to focus on it and use your mentality okay huh the blocks wait it's got a little what what well how am i doing that oh wait wait I think I'm doing something wrong y'all hold up hold up cuz I'm pushing the left one right then what I do is I push as I'm pushing the left I push the right and then it picks the [ __ ] up maybe that's what it is he wants his toys or she wants the toys didn't you have to get all of them okay there we go oh my nose itching okay see now it's happy so we don't lock the door for me which door did on the I hope is desperate it's not this one it's this one okay why I had to make that sound that che give me chills I don't like it when there's something there before oh hello hello hello let's picture one there before well we got to take this picture and put it here cuz there's a missing spot there and nothing happens alright okay we're come find to these two rooms and that's it no there's a door here maybe we can go through here now you know we cannot and the babies are missing all right now what do we go in there I down look like the first zombie from Resident Evil 1 I'm not [ __ ] with him okay being brother back Oh [ __ ] what was that what was that what the [ __ ] was no hello no use your peripherals cuz we're gonna watch this [ __ ] in that [ __ ] at the same [ __ ] go which one do I do this [ __ ] bout to get up okay that's a lot oh boy just don't don't jump-scare me alright mi do that boy ugly hold up nah mm-hmm let me see can I open this door now they really want me to go in that dark ass room does about it [ __ ] look at my face mm-hmm I'm scared oh really you wanna take the patient back down okay so that was your ghost that was watching TV and listen I could have put the channel you wanted on you ain't have to even done nothing I would have put that channel on for you can we close that yeah cuz I don't want to see what's in there can we go through here now okay we cannot this [ __ ] better not reopen all like why is this extra dark in here what a LightSwitch esta I that was the chick from this picture on that aren't holding the baby that's what that was okay you can't go that way just be a thug don't don't let them intimidate don't let them intimidate you ooh [ __ ] okay he is on some Blair Witch [ __ ] with his [ __ ] on the corner okay you know what just step up to him because he might be a nice dude you know say maybe he just want like a hug hey sir listen don't scare the [ __ ] out of be it watch this look at my face wash my face okay that could be door - or something out okay the paintings changed all right just be a yeah yes dark so it's are you afraid of the dark I ain't talking about the show okay that one's open now should we look around for can we turn this on yeah give it a little bit of light I know it's an annoying sound but at least you got a little bit of like nah I can't I can't [ __ ] with that sound here we go we're gonna go in mm-hmm dark ass I'll wait all right babe okay all right we're gonna go sure I go this way or that way no anything here you see yourself no you can't it's cuz you already did oh that's that [ __ ] on the other wound poppin up [Music] we're going in okay the kids is back this [ __ ] is back you're watching TV he ain't even watching the baby so creepy okay alright let's let him let's see what's on this side just a clock okay what's the square footage on this on this place I can't oh man is baby girl with him - they necklace in it kill it okay hold on I don't want to interrupt this body turn - no [ __ ] they creepy can I get a dog I turn clothes that I'd like to start turning off that door how do you turn the door okay you can't go in that room they just having a good time they're trying to hurt you listen to that Jimmy let them get that loan then little gentleman oh [ __ ] they gonna go that doors open now mm-hmm oh no [ __ ] stop playing oh that was funny oh you got jokes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay a door unlocked maybe it's this one right here I'd rather go this way then then then the other way even though it's super to go this because literally the two apparitions was sitting right there I can smell apparitions should I try don't do it - apparitions No - stop doing it okay we're gonna do it apparition Hey P a hopper our Apple Rishon um see I want to say I but maybe it's an a like an Apple reparation but it's pronounced apparition a PA are let's go with I I tion alpha we're shown tion okay here we go my boys oh wait hold on I heard two doors open be a third stop stop no why why do you have to close oh [ __ ] what they don't listen I'm babies what is that okay is that like a room of numeral two room Roman Roman go oh hey Oh are they in there oh I can't see just be look it's just a game by you watch I can't go that way oh they blocking me now why y'all block why y'all gotta blocker okay hold on eight oh no oh no what the [ __ ] oh okay what oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh she say a what grab the eggs please don't ask anybody your body get your same time sure no his ass has something to do with this all right just just be it but what is that oh no white why why is this music poppin off like this what am I supposed to do here do i light the candles what am i doing oh my god why is it your sewing thing oh my god this the killed is off the chain right now do I grab the blocks do I give him the blocks where do I put them shoes what oh no what what door opened why cause it's a good guy okay it's this one Oh y'all in their children Amy okay what happens to the y'all moving what happened to the other chair that look like arm Morpheus chair from the matrix okay oh no stop clean they redecorating y'all painting y'all trying to watch the hell okay y'all got jokes oh god okay okay okay yeah yeah I'm stuck here not bored of the corner please okay now there's a VHS is the little VHS from the arm look look at what I took the [ __ ] hard way okay I'm using it okay do we just chill them watch this hold up what kind of tape they made is it one of them days hey y'all know what I'm Bob okay I just press play what what's happening now we don't we bout to watch the tape do I interact with we're moving in in the past okay do I still have my lighter I do not okay we got it going here what that's why I came from we gotta go over here to the left in this dark ass what oh it's just a demo alright I'm not the end this well we got another game so don't leave yet um okay hey they got me let them look good mr. Wang when the whole game come out no this hood sorry this joint is called red mr. Trista Rishta from what I saw this is a Squidward based scary game yo it's like there's a gang of food right there and I'm just like oh I'm just feeding it to myself my big ass let's do this [ __ ] on 7th January 2000 it throws me off because I guess they're from you know in different countries like they mixed like the dates or before the month over here we got the month than the day than the year square work was found dead by his friends SpongeBob and Patrick the Bikini Bottom police [ __ ] I you know the way I read that I thought I was really gonna be on a roll with it but hey I I messed up because I just can't get ahead of myself that much started an investigation but could not find any evidence of a possible murder and assumed it was eight so who can I even say that word without getting them up let me know I already said the M word oh my goodness let's blur that out to any you think it the month that's fun anything nowadays as the new wasn't one of Squidward's hands a few days later SpongeBob and Patrick were reported missing oh my god the whole town going into shambles use that word before last seen entering Squidward's house in the middle of the night asked Bikini Bottom did I miss something Patrick okay um continued the investigation all right all right your stamina is limited Oh what what I mean by limited like like once you use it you never get it back or look at my stomach so what once it's gone is gone I gotta collect seven items does anybody chase you around I don't know what's going on it's always about long I mean I don't know what the square footage is okay it's C I'm tempted to use my my stamina to - are they jamming in here - just like the other game oh that's that spongebob music right there okay that's probably copyrighted - oh stop running look I already wasted my if somebody chased me it's a wrap it's a happy ooh what is that that is that's what one Oh spongebob legs is that does that wonder that was one of the others is that like want to miss a crowd feet what was that look look carefully you got these long hallways look for items Oh what is this okay see I feel like I've already missed a bunch of items what he was he was wet see I want to run so bad oh that's [ __ ] up okay all right now they got me I mean what do I expect I'm human Oh [ __ ] is that first of all the magic conch or conch what I have to do my boy like this he I can't do this man laughing grab the magic ask him a question [ __ ] I'm not going Ted Ted okay which way do we see already I only got like I don't know what my percentages on my stamina but that [ __ ] is gone what the [ __ ] is that is it killer already coming what the [ __ ] was that okay we got another item that's four okay is this a code SB one two nine I try to remember that SB like spongebob 129 so the killer was here and he did that I don't know what's happening my boys okay look look on the shelves cuz you might find some [ __ ] oh the fish I saw another body part that looked like it might be mr. Krabs what is that mm-hmm well we got the jellyfish net grab that okay we need two more joints oh that's already missed it made me lose where the [ __ ] I was going that yo alright yeah stop stop Can I grab that can I quit can i grab that what is that Patrick I know it's not let me grab the item there really was no items here I mean I felt like that should have been an item right there oh wait wait doesn't know okay that's that's it we just need one more you know jump scare me they don't jump-scare me I mean because you know you're human I mean sort of some pop up on you going your natural body reaction is to jump like that see so it's like you know you you can't help that I mean unless you're just not human you know I'm acting like I'm reading this but I'm not that's how he's doing school the case was closed you know like you read a little bit at the beginning maybe like a little bit at the middle and then a few months later and the desk remain a mystery to this day okay well I guess I got a bad ending there's multiple endings well I guess we'll never know the other [ __ ] yeah this was called crunchy crunchy lunchy damn that made me hungry it's a horror game based on Captain Crunch I was never a big fan of Captain Crunch cuz I felt like they were first of all too sugary look I know I might get some hate on this okay if you look at him crunch great I'm just saying personally I wasn't a big fan it was too sugar I feel like I was getting cavities it would like scrape the roof of my mouth I you just would just wasn't for me if you love them great I appreciate okay we are the wonderful cat garage I never thought I would have said that in my entire life like this unless you got some cereal well maybe if you let them get soggy you let them whole sit for about a good hour hour and a half they might be soggy enough where they won't like jacket [ __ ] up let's do that [ __ ] gal with the island four boxes of cat cross syrup when you real hungry you don't need anything trust that you may [ __ ] them inside various landmarks crunchy will patrol the island in search of our trespassers I barely can I don't know if I spelled that right but such as yourself he's the only enemy capable of killing you crunchies pals want in on the fun each one is capable of running your route ruining your why was that hard for me to say let's go waa [ __ ] [ __ ] okay left mouse click to interact shift this spring oh I know that my afraid to stay on [ __ ] unless there's that bar for it Oh bars they had this little cereal bars - alright stop e - lean lean cute a lean okay L okay okay let's go gem here's the deal don't argue with me all right I got a lot of money going on this job life is hard we lost our goddamn prized boxes of Captain Crunch cereal and don't you dare look at the bunny alright you hear me even look at them don't even open them okay okay don't [ __ ] open them all so I'm gonna blow up your house not really I'll just actually dug for me paycheck cuz you know we're kind of low on funds but yep grab those boxes however many there are there might be more I don't know sure look around a member and bring them back to me personally oh yeah and don't let him see you you might love reading on who he is good luck a boy wait Oh stupid [ __ ] all right fine eight boxes of CAP crunch cereal why is it like okay I was gonna say like some kind of foggy Oh [ __ ] money what was that yeah I don't know if I'll be able to handle this [ __ ] I'll be honest with y'all how do we know where he come in oh okay I'm just sticks what is this this is a house okay so low bridge okay the atmosphere is kind of scary there's not a single box here [ __ ] you're mine this [ __ ] house oh hell no do I jump can I jump I can't I don't have a jump button can i disarm that oh I'm not gonna hit that you're I'm scared be a talk about it oh man oh [ __ ] well there is a box here get the [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] out of your quick that just set him off I heard him I heard him in my left here look around the shore there's bound to be one here for short I got jokes oh I see one is that a box told y'all Tojo okay does he eat the whole box stop oh what the what's that what is this what is that is that a checkpoint what just happened what is this oh [ __ ] it's gonna trigger another alarm do I wanna I mean I'm sure there's a box in there but do I want to risk it okay he might be far away though just be a thug about it if he get you in here it's a rat oh no it wasn't worth it wait leave word you go boom oh oh here on my neck I don't know if you run it that angle you're up behind me oh my god oh god that slowed me down I'm dead we're working here them little shuffles [ __ ] I don't want to turn around yet hit that little safe [ __ ] oh he's right on my ass boss I'm gonna run into something guy what is what is this right here what am I seeing if it's a box let it go and just keep going and turn around win the Rosie he's still on my ass I don't want to turn around and see him go I don't hear the steps come on what's the [ __ ] Bob okay we got a quick glimpse of them he's on my I just Wow just give him the boxes back you only got 300 I'm dead we're mine how is he still following me turn the flashlight up no then you won't be able to signal follow me I can hear them a little bit no go towards it somebody who eat a lot of cereal come get you some crunchy boy once all that bound to be a box right there your kid is impossible to Jukka they could have at least oh my man just say did I scare you die he did I'm not gonna lie haha there's no way you can't once he is bunny on your ass it's a rat the only way that you can beat it is if you know where the box is and as he's chasing you do a quick little swoop up and you grab them shits and that's it that's the only way there's a house Oh [ __ ] oh that's a little port of panic [ __ ] party what ghetto parties Oh porta-potties oh [ __ ] us a new world I can say in my wack-ass you can't answer you go to the poker parties in a ghetto party with bottles of water you know anybody from the UK I I'm sorry where are you are what the [ __ ] said that why aren't you know what all right there go another one right here the restaurant sure is gonna be in seven low houses I'm hungry no no no nothing but just at all yeah I'll be down to sometimes do I can't lie to you sometimes it's funky like that all the time I'm gonna go right now I can't even picture time I'm not hungry maybe if I just ate but my body be like yo you can have a little bit more and I'll be like yo you need to chill what is that [ __ ] what there's got to be a box up here why would I even bring you up if there's not a box [Music] is he coming up here is it can he become up here see I'm safe right I'm scared to go down he probably waiting down there how do you go back down [ __ ] now I'm just stuck oh [ __ ] you could fall down Oh [ __ ] it was right here okay 408 I feel like that's better than I did last time right [ __ ] just some crunchy oh where what oh no this was a mistake I could choke him though I could juggle if you come through better not begin here already now he was on the outside it just sounded like it was on the inside right okay is there a trigger here you'd better not be in here do it quickly wait there was a box in here last time Oh [ __ ] they switched they said he's coming get some crunchy boy I've done three games that nuts time three games I don't all right thumbs up please can we get I'm gonna keep it easy on y'all 35,000 likes like that's reasonable yes I love you guys i'ma see you all Friday Yeah right hard to boy whatever I post Friday support B please just you know give it a like watch it it'll be fun please yeah
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 2,068,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, scary, games, horror, captain crunch, red mist, squidward, locked up, hilarious, commentary, lmao, lol
Id: 916C5A0EP1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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