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does she know that i'm in here she just came out oh hi it's dashi and welcome to lunch lady jd tradie brady bunch i don't know i saw some of y'all tweet me this game that g that g play lunch lady so i looked it up you're at some school or something there's a thick ass lunch lady and she mad cuz you getting the free lunch but she know that you got the money to pay so she like um you're about to fool me you paid for this lunch sorry so that's that's the whole premise i don't know but she's just chasing you around and you gotta like survive sounds like my type of game that's it that's the intro without further ado we're gonna be ready for the lunch lady like this look let me stop please well play wait what we having sloppy joes nevermind let's do that [ __ ] okay lunch lady okay what is there like a story to this difficulty normal i'm not playing maybe later on we'll switch it steal 10 pages full of test answers oh you got to get hold up so you got to get test the test okay wait i got questions first of all why is the lunch lady she's not is she is she roaming around why okay so we snuck into the school how do we know what that what the papers look like so we snuck into school ew what what is the what is that that somebody don't threw up in the water fountain how do you open doors okay oh we in the classroom wait hold on i thought i i think i'm hearing stuff my boys okay how do you know what the papers look like why does the lost lady care first of all that's number one which i'm hearing a lot of ambiance hold up oh what is that oh a medi kit how do you use that i'm getting nervous i haven't even seen her yet but i'm still i'm still nervous door locked okay you got to find a key for that does she have it okay keep going in the classrooms oh we got something right here what is that is that a key hallway seeking oh my god is that her we we about to juke her if this is her we juking her but she sound hungry she can't fix herself something to eat she at the cafeteria oh all that oh that's my own step [ __ ] i'm getting hurt wait is this the key for this corridor corridor it's not okay that's a that's hallway eight so here's what i'm trying to figure out she the lunch lady maybe they also pay her extra to be like the care keeper and maybe she has her own core doors and she lives at the school maybe maybe that's what it okay let's get we already checked everything here what kind of what kind of drinks just drinks generic ass drinks we about to i see something like far away what is that y'all saw that right y'all see that okay dash calm down but first of all we in school y'all know i'll mess with school but y'all should stay in school y'all see how i read hallway a hallway b okay i have which one what do i have i have c it literally says it right there and i can't see that did she see me [Applause] is she coming down here [ __ ] my boys oh my god [Applause] oh my god does that mean she know where i'm at or is she just hungry my boys i haven't found a single sheet yet can you open lockers you can't just cheat off a tommy like why do you have to go through all this okay it's a bunch of okay what is this what is that i got one okay they look like blue folders i got it okay this is definitely the boys bathroom see the euros why is there a table okay can you come in here and study like what why is there a table in the bathroom there's got to be one in here i feel it oh oh let's go boys we got two on [Music] she knows she's pissed all right oh [ __ ] beat all right where did i hear her what am i here this place haunted too come on give me another one what do we got yo boy [ __ ] that's the staircase key i think it is if they kill me do i get to keep my progress that's a good aspect where the [ __ ] is she where is she there's a door behind me right yo dad gave me the chills is she eating lunch what they kind of sound like she eating cereal and then at the end there's a little slurp like the milk that's left over she is definitely i'm not ready to encounter this no no no hold up she's right there okay she's there oh my god [Music] guys how quick is she is she right oh my god is she right behind me is she right behind me is she i think i jupiter dash keep going keep going don't stop she is thick did she had a frying pan on it we in here up her down go up i hear her oh my god can i go in here uh principal's office oh i know he got some test answers i don't want to look back i don't want also why why is it 10 why why does [Music] why is it 10 i mean is it for 10 different is it for 10 different tests is that what's going on is it 10 different assignments 10 different quizzes why would you need 10 unless unless you out here selling them right even though you can just make copies but still he out here selling them and get that little profit oh [ __ ] a medicaid that i don't know how to use okay so that means that she can hurt you she hurts you maybe if she if she get a strike on you or she hit you with that frying pan she won't kill you but she'll hurt you a little bit maybe if you throw her a snicker bar because you know how they say um you like something like you ain't the same when you're hungry or something like that me maybe she's just hungry and she needs snickers all right come on too many damn rooms oh [ __ ] is that [ __ ] i got the principal office key where was that at was that upstairs i don't even remember now where the hell was that principal's office that you're making too much we're like i think it's right here right here to the right yes yes go close it okay she probably in here you know she been that you know she in here looking through that man's drawers trying to see if he got snacks in there oh boy six chill out chill out oh this is his office so that's like his pre-office that [ __ ] got two offices like it's like if she come here i'm joking i'm shocked i'm still alive and that we got six okay is that the corridor all right we're gonna go back down because i feel like i didn't first of all there's other corridors i didn't i never got the eight i never got the a key [Applause] stop stop doing she mad that she ain't got me yet because i'm [ __ ] up her lunch time lunchtime always she in here she um she didn't see me i could use my medication [Music] is she trying to get in somewhere [ __ ] i stepped on my wow wow we was doing it too my boys is you know what my problem is their school is too big schools are big you got too many damn rooms i've been playing like 30 minutes i got six i mean that's not too bad but still you got way too i never even found the corridor let me see what happens you just gonna go straight back to the main menu can you continue nah they don't let you continue yeah they don't let you continue we're gonna go in one more time i'm gonna switch the difficulty i'm gonna make it a little bit tougher and see what happens here we go again my boys lunch lady difficulty hold see what she do why has got to be tando it should have been like six or seven now i would have been mad if it was seven because i would have been real close okay now that we at least kind of now that we at least kind of know what's up you know i feel like we can move a little bit quicker we know what to look for look at that right off the rip we got one we got a medi kit right off the rip see now and you know what sometimes there could be multiple notes in the same room because i think there was one that was like in the sink what the [ __ ] am i here all right don't go near that look at that we gotta keep come on which one is that c i see you stop dash just don't them uh by the front doors what the [ __ ] oh that's part of the difficulty because in the first one you didn't get things that will hurt you like that okay i see what they're doing i see them oh see that was going to get me oh wow okay that reminds me of uh monstrum you remember monstrum the pipes were just bust does that mean you can know where she's at okay i didn't even notice it was a pipe right there but look your boy already got two of them like off the rip that quick and we got the key so we can go that way too got it can i do something with this okay oh got it come on man as long as she don't pop up while i'm trying to do this how come you don't see the motion with the arms of like orbs okay got it okay turned off got it okay i like that okay she might still uh be eating her ten o'clock snack so she might not be out here yet okay let's go we got one more bathroom oh i see her is she walking this way or the other way it's kind of hard to make that out i think she's walking the other way just go you still got time look at us playing like we like we pros out here my boys why is that on didn't i just turn the shits off all right oh you gotta hit this one up got it yo we out here doing this yo that's making too much noise you're gonna have to relax it might sound like food to her she might come through you never know i don't know how food makers sound but i feel like if food had a sound she would hear that [ __ ] there's got to be one in here it just feels like there's one in here wait what kind of shoe was them what am i wearing some loud days of dukes okay hey hold on let me look at the legs i mean you know the legs right there get away with it stop i wonder if because there's another difficulty i think it's like expert or something like that i wonder what happens with that one like what what look at this they're trying to get your boy right here all right come on oh look at that come on man maybe that's just the sound the game makes because she's mad that you got another note i don't like these damn pipes being added into the mix i haven't been in here oh what am i she's right there she didn't see me she was right there she was right there close the door close the door close the door where's the door oh god oh she's gonna come in here make sure you have enough room to juke oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] does she know i'm in here does she know that i'm in here she just came out oh hi [Music] where am i and where is she okay use it okay i like the idea of the medi kit that's dope because at least you get and then if you find another one then you can keep going but if she gets you twice that's rice listen it rhymes so i said it did i go through every door on this floor that's the question did i do that because i feel like i missed keys or something [ __ ] were they listening to me hey we didn't get to go into a last time [ __ ] is she is she in the bathroom she's behind me she's still there i feel her oh my gosh she's quick where am i gonna go just keep ringing around the rosie on her ass she is quick oh my god okay go back into uh yo okay i haven't been in this room there might be something in here and if she coming here i could juke don't close the door don't close the door though oh i'm stupid i'm stupid for this i'm so if she get me i deserve it okay i'm gonna wait right here for one second see if she come in i could swoop out go to the right that's where a is at she a little unpredictable though because when i think she's going to come around that corner she comes around that corner she's close you can hear and feel the hunger should i i i don't care i can't tell where she is we're gonna have to move we gotta move okay okay go into corridor a um it's a wrap it's a wrap if she come in here it's a wrap there's no joke in her thick ass not in this little ass face hide right here like this then just hope for the best maybe if you like this she might walk right past you and be like i'm dead i'm dead that's it she in here she's in here [Applause] is she in here she's in here that's it that that was it this is it should i move watch her be on the on the toilet or something okay okay why are your footsteps so thick okay that's the staircase oh yes yes okay at least we got one hit where is she did she see me that's just keep just had like you ain't even she hungry boy okay uh nothing [Music] does that mean does that mean does that indicate that she's close to like the pipes going on dash dash oh what happened okay first of all we saw we saw um lunch lady poo that's number one number two when you're hurt she just lets you die i think wait we didn't go in here oh no we didn't okay five i need to find another medic kid that's what i need i feel like with no we didn't go in here because the door was closed i've been leaving them open that's how i know go across quick like that that's how you do it but i was smooth but that was smooth that was so smooth you just have a medi-kit right game right no beat okay can we make it there alive don't be this way okay go in here yes okay is she in here y'all saw her right i swear she eaten the whole time she been eating she just stash snacks everywhere okay we definitely haven't explored everything in b yet so i don't want to bounce and i don't have the keyboard yeah i do i got c i got a b and c babies where is she oh she's close okay um which corridor haven't i've been to oh no she sounds so close all right let's go to c [Music] i don't know if i've been to c yet it's open this is c i think wait no what's this what's this that's the staircase i haven't been there yet also what hurt me the last time when i was down and then we looked at her pulling all that what was it that hurt me like did she throw something at me or did i run into um one of the pipes and that's what hurt me that might have been what happened oh this is stupid they're going here oh god i thought that was her that was a damn vending machine about the same size [ __ ] she saw me [Music] all right she leaving she gonna leave she let her leave i know she ain't coming right back while i'm healing okay we back up um i haven't been in this bathroom you can't open the stalls i feel like there should have been a key or some in here i know i risked my life for nothing that's messed up okay that's fine what [Music] how what happened [ __ ] i exited the game does she throw something at me no i'm done i can't does she throw i'm done i no maybe we'll revisit this and and maybe we'll try expert mode or something like that i can't just go just go back to the main menu now i'm done i can't i mean first of all the school too big i know that you can play with multiple people so maybe i'll invite some friends do i have any maybe like two three all right i'm gonna go lunch lady there y'all go hope y'all enjoyed this school too damn big got laws can't find my way now if you play with other people then just like hey yo you go upstairs or or maybe there's multiple lunch ladies maybe she got a twin sister tween i love y'all thumbs up if y'all enjoy if i want to see more thumbs up y'all know how many y'all know what my life goal is come on stop playing with me love y'all i'ma see y'all tomorrow maybe yes hi bart yeah
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 652,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, scary, spooky, horror, lunch lady, lmao, jump scare, funny moments, gameplay, hilarious, commentary
Id: 2UFfDrcIq9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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