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[Music] all right look i'm already just go in the water can i just walk backwards till i get in the water you know how old that thing gonna swim [Music] what they got gators all right so y'all been begging me that g that g play granny three i couldn't find it anywhere the only way you could play this is on a google store is that that's his ass shooting okay so i guess you got grammy and grampy i don't in the game now so finally i get to play this i'm hyped let's see what it's about i'm playing it on the computer because i i have to do like a little i have to do something so that i can play it like on the computer because it's not available on the computer yet anyway that's why y'all see like the uh the wasd right there um so that i can control it through here now okay that's it i'll let's reader is that's landrina i get it he shot his shot hollering landrina on the low cause he tied a granny [ __ ] ass and he like yo flandrina let me shoot my shot my boy said bye and then there she go right there oh she got it [Music] i'm hyped okay that's it that's it without further ado i can't what i'm gonna do we gotta be running from granny grumpy as ladrina what is she doing down there what it wait does she move every time he shoots his shot okay she stays there like this we're gonna be running from them no sandrina no granny no grab pete stop please let me out of this house what i don't know i should have stayed my ass home what am i doing here let's do that okay so this for some reason no i'm not skipping this i need to see what happened how did we get into the situation why am i here did my car break down and then all of a sudden i'm here for whatever reason in this quick why would i why would i walk up to this okay now you locked it that's what he got security kept that's when you leave why would you keep walking forward he deserved everything that he got coming to him why look why would you keep going why how did you end up here i don't understand i need more context look come on really really first of all they had a moat is that what you call it that that you should have been known not to come out here whatever he he deserved whatever happened to him this is what he get yeah go ahead bruh yeah look that's what your ass get right there welcome to the family son gotcha that's what you get y'all asked you to stay your ass home or if your car broke down walk towards a gas station or something you don't want to destroy your house like that especially if they have a gate a moat and a bridge come on that should have told your ass something i'm sorry day one here we go right okay here we go all right wait how do i okay because like i said i'm playing it i'm playing it with uh with the mouse and keyboard oh boy we're we're gonna die okay we're locked in here um what am i here what is that to do are they already out here oh my oh boy i can't even control this well we're dead we're dead see i'm i'm like oh you know i don't want to play it on my phone let me play it on my pc look what happened we're gonna die quicker what do you okay all right he ducks is there anything here that okay hold up there's a item right there what [ __ ] grab that all right get up i'm hearing somebody walking though am i tripping somebody's here i don't want to pick this lock yet what if i pick the lock and it's like bob welcome to the family son i don't i don't want that yet we just got here do i click that no hold on let me okay oh yeah we're we're dead where we're dead what am i hearing pick the lock it's not letting it it's not even let me touch it uh real talk though it's not okay no maybe i'm stupid i'm still look oh my wait oh there you go i'm stupid oh you gotta hold it hi we're gonna die a lot i already know it i already i hear people walking where's andrena at is it open oh wait am i dead why i moved i was still alive cause i could see him okay so off the rim day two already okay let's be a little quicker this time let's try to just be a little just a little bit quicker here we go we just have to adjust i still got my lockpick okay nice let's be quick about this okay aim at that there we go okay just hold it alright so we know grampy is already walking around so maybe if we do this a lot quicker this time okay okay where is he at though okay what is this what what there's a lock and some other [ __ ] oh god did i break it did i break okay i no no can i can i run all he do is is walk can i go in here that's what grandpa gonna come through he already out here grandpa go up here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they watching telling novellas yo i know it both together what they're about to do in the bedroom i bet they bout to do something out there something strange all people [ __ ] go upstairs can they hear me oh what was that what was that no no no okay can i go in here open that i ain't gonna make no pro [ __ ] oh oh my god my mouse is stuck nope nope i'm already committing to this we're playing with this that's it okay hold up [ __ ] oh my god we're dead can i hide yes are they coming in hold on look around from here yo hot you guys doing should i no that footstep the footsteps getting kind of close second i get out they gonna come in here all right maybe i could use the lock pick for other locks too i'm over here just limiting myself to the first lock that i saw and i still have it they ain't even nothing here what the hell is that what is clunk the [ __ ] they got three floors out here what is this floor plan oh gosh ladrena stop go upstairs upstairs oh my god okay no i'm not messing with slandrina [ __ ] shotgun shells what is this for put your mouse over here i need a shotgun first okay close that i feel like she coming through yo these i hear something i don't like how sandrina just be popping up like that i don't like that maybe granny um she don't want to come all the way to the third floor unless she had one of them little joints like you know like older people got in their house when they got stairs they could sit on that joint and then it like you sit on it like this and then they take you upstair it's slow as hell but at least you know you ain't gonna fall so you just going up the elevator like i mean the uh stairs like was sitting on the thing elevator uh stair elevator seat oh [ __ ] matches okay yeah yeah i'll no no why would i drop that i mean i don't know what i'm gonna do with these but can i use them what what all right let's try to just figure out the game first and then we can see sandrine about to pop up i know it should just be popping up okay let's go in this room what this floor plan is no joke oh my god oh [ __ ] she said me she saw me dash what are you doing run i'm dead i'm dying go out here does she come out here let me see what am i here am i on the roof her old last thing i'll come out here okay [ __ ] we're on the roof what is that [Music] this on some harry potter [ __ ] what is this look like hagrid oh it's a bird what you got player oh [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] okay okay you gotta give them something so you can grab that is that a doorknob okay maybe you light him on fire maybe that's what it is i want to apologize for these controls i'm so sorry i should have i should have thought that dunk it through all right let's there's a hole right here we're gonna go hold on let me just see what we got i get we got a guillotine outside wow okay let me see what we got okay we got a chair can i go through this i'm dead from that last drop day three let's get it day three what [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay we back day three oh y'all everybody good still okay okay we still you know just dash don't here we go just yeah use the lock pick oh you got to hold that i forgot all right so what really don't tell me they're already out here what am i hearing sanjorina please don't let me see if you can use the lockpick here you can [ __ ] i've been over here neglecting doors and [ __ ] okay [ __ ] oh my god who is that there's no there's no purpose to this room can i grab a bone or something maybe give it to the bird grab a boat do something okay we can't do nothing with that just go somebody gonna come down here grandpa coming down here oh my god he gonna shoot me from the back pause grandpa wait go back in your cage maybe he'll leave you alone day four [Music] all right we're good just a little blood you know go to their laundry room they might have tied or something i don't know they might got something as long as they don't tide me up [Music] are y'all hearing that that [ __ ] sounds real creepy i don't like it okay so that door's a waste of time got it i was gonna start over but at least we get to see what happens when you die die which we will see because i'm gonna die back okay there goes granny what was here i forgot okay maybe you can hide in here yeah you can okay but what's the point what's the point we just saw where she went just go is that a tv i started dreaming about the i feel it what was in this room let's try to at least go into every room and grab [ __ ] just the front door bounce there was something in the car i think i saw something in the car when i was way up at the top of the house how great you really can't run there's got to be a run button i mean she like real slow with it granny hi listen listen to me hi listen let me fall in your mouth i don't remember how to run but there is oh my god all right here we go the last day okay at least we know that was the front door how did she end up unless she went through the back i think she went through the back that's what happened i'd be doing a lot better if i you know wasn't trying to be all adventurous like oh let me play on my computer with my mouse and keyboard this was stupid i'll admit that let me see if you push that that's the duck i don't know any there's no buttons maybe in the main menu there might be a listen i didn't know you was coming through let me just let's see the animation see what happens here with my mouse okay i'm in the car how you doing did you put my seatbelt on and oh you in here too all right what's good both of y'all busted west end really you just got this your will y'all gotta get go anything you're about to just blow up the wheel okay that's on y'all look at him [Music] what is this [Music] wow my man's really put on sunglasses after you don't [Music] there you go with that there she go can i just let me hit play hold on hold on slandrina oh oh so you can you can decide whether to have yeah yeah leave my ass in here oh you could decide whether you want either grandma okay got it let me see what practical do grandma and grandpa is on vacation now you can explore the house i might i might do that just to kind of get an idea of the crib [Music] um show intro no you don't got to show that all right so i don't see any controls because technically if you're on a phone all you do is just move it like this and then you just touch to like open doors so i don't think you can run all right [ __ ] all right here we go day one we're gonna explore the house a little bit just see what's popping off in the crib without damn pop they they could they could have they could have had slendrina come through i mean that's all right she ain't gonna do nothing um you need a key for that you probably can't use the lock what the [ __ ] was the [ __ ] are they home they got home early what happened i thought that was on vacation that's by the way that's a thick ass skeleton who was that shack so the front door is just straight up open in this one they just let your ass leave the house well not really because the bridge is up i thought that slandrina was not here that's scared the [ __ ] out of me so we're good though got it what is that what is that what is that coconut what is that it is a coconut what do you use oh [ __ ] that's way to stop that's your coconut here [ __ ] i can't all right open the door that's to the outside got it they go to guild team right there what is this this is a dumb waiter there is no electricity got it i'll be knowing names of stuff all right stop with the papa yo she gonna kill me i can't move i'm dead not supposed to look at her when she's there i can't i got them but respect she know they're on vacation she like hey we got to make sure no burglars get up in here nothing like that she gonna pop up again i know it okay wait wait what was that oh stop see she was right there come on man this house too damn big what is that why oh okay you need firewood and then the matches okay so then you got the matches that lights that i i'm i'm seeing what's what's happening here i'm seeing it okay see it's a good thing we would have never been able to do this with them in the house it's impossible you know slandrina oh [ __ ] calm the [ __ ] why i'm nervous they not even what the [ __ ] i thought i saw uh feet is this a generator this the power you probably need something just a gate it doesn't work so you need to activate the power [Music] okay oh stop it see i could have been mean i could have said some things to her but i'm gonna be nice okay maybe sandrina don't go outside we're about to find out though stop sandrina so you can't come out there's some on the ground what is that what is this does that look like a hold up drop that what is this the [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't disappear and now i can't re-grab the key i can't re-grab it it's a teddy it's a teddy bear maybe you grip did you you give the grip if we see slendrina i think you're supposed to give her the teddy bear we're gonna give her the teddy bear all right let's go back for the key hopefully sandrina will pop out and then i would just give her the teddy bear or maybe she just take and be like oh thanks no no problem that's what she was looking for the whole time we're over here being mean to slanderina for no reason she ain't doing nothing okay drop it skip well she has scared the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] grab the teddy bear please can i please wrap the key a game game please look it's right it's right there game can can i see the lower hand symbol maybe if i get down oh there we go got it get up okay any other games on um like uh android games that are only in the android um store that i could possibly play leave your suggestions in the comments let me know maybe possibly a scary game and possibly i can figure out a better way to control the game that would be also useful too okay here we go [Music] it better not be slant a bit oh the generator what drop white [ __ ] drop the damn key i don't need that [ __ ] no more okay yep what do you do yeah what are you [ __ ] the door keeps go i mean something is oh [ __ ] [Music] is that matches okay [Music] all right so let's see what else we got going on here i want to know what this stuff is it just looks like a corning let me see drop down is that just a stone why beach that's for the bird you throw that [ __ ] at the bird and then and then it goes away and then you grab the knob that might go will can you grab multiple stones that knob that goes maybe to the generator let me see something you can grab multiple stones okay at least this is being educational here this whole situation is being educational i'm just gonna walk up there i'm gonna be a thug and just walk up to slandering and handle the teddy bear and maybe she'll have some sweet slang dreams that was terrible and i want to apologize for that let's go all the way up try to throw stones at the bird and see if that's what you do with it [ __ ] you are not moving it's a dream hill grab the teddy bear did it work i don't know i feel like she left but i don't know it's because i got the teddy bear in my hand or what that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] i'll be honest all right maybe we give the bird right the bear in exchange how you doing man listen i just i got this that you don't want nothing to do with that what is that you got right there let me grab a stone hold on how about i do this okay so we do not throw stones at you [Music] it's just a bird snatch it real quick what is this item i'm trying [ __ ] it look like headphones i don't know what this is this stop stop looking at her i'm dead i'm dying i'm dead i'm a voice we're gonna give it another shot sandrina you got to go bye i can't wear her ass all right that's it i'm gonna leave it on easy because even though it's not easy it ain't easy for me because i just can't i'm terrible at this it's the mouse it's 100 if i was playing on the phone i feel like i could have better mobility um and i could do things easier with the shits they're back from vacation where did they go i don't know maybe it wasn't vacation maybe they just went to like a buffet i mean you know when you older like that um everything is an event like oh let's go to the grocery store wednesday at noon and that's you plan your whole day around that i mean maybe they went to like a buffet or something and that was where they were that whole time they've been planning that for two months on june something we all go hit up the buffet they plan everything so that's what's going is she coming out [Music] we're gonna try to juke her let's see let's just try let's just give it a shot oh my god okay where do where should where can i even hide let's just know where i can can i hide under the can i close this hold on would she open it add like okay just get down maybe she'll feel sorry for you like you're down like please no please don't granny stop don't hurt me please and maybe she'll feel sorry for you and she won't hurt you all right i feel like she already bounced she gave up i'm walking over here she heard me talking about the whole buffet [ __ ] she ain't like it [Music] okay sandrina would have been popped up already so i'm glad i disabled her there's got to be a purpose this is teddy bear right there maybe that had gonna do with landrina maybe it's um granny's antique that she has collected for years come on [ __ ] what are you doing give them the teddy bear get get down maybe they'll feel sorry for you sacrifice the bear [Music] somebody [Music] oh here's my theory right you see he has got like like maybe water or something while i open that up seems to be some kind of pedestal oh you put some on there coconuts what is that [ __ ] a plank what is this plant that you could knock somebody out with this why wouldn't you let grandpa come to the [ __ ] swing on his ass with this come on i like to see him try now grandpa dying online he's scarier than grandma i don't know where this goes to be honest they about to come downstairs or something come on come come on i had a bigger piece of wood than her pulse and she still want my ass straight they go to teddy bear again and the plank didn't do [ __ ] so let's just i don't even know i don't even know what to do that's why i never be none of these game fish to go to plank right there okay let's try to go outside hurry up hurry up okay hiding the wheel in the back seat she about to be out here she called me last time [ __ ] grab the stone i'm not sure what that's going to do but maybe if you have one a quick look they got so many shotgun shells which i don't even know where the shotgun was at i explored the house i didn't even see them joints i can escape this look peep this is what i would do can you can you do something with that they gonna come kill me i need a bridge crank okay jump over that easy you see that gap right there come on man go like this gate that ain't even got a lot of spikes of that [ __ ] we out of here come on man you could have been out of here you just don't want to you don't even got to jump this if you don't want to swing that bear cry i don't care how dirty that water look all right hey that might be dukey water where else they getting this water from [ __ ] every time they flush this [ __ ] collect right here literally all right there's got to be a way to run maybe if you double tap no that's just he's just dropping it low i don't remember if you can run in the game i guess it would be on unfair advantage if um [Music] if you ran and and they all ass can't run you saw me he didn't see me he didn't see me he ain't gonna walk around that [ __ ] he got the shotgun that's where you probably get the shotgun from his hand that [ __ ] saw me he gonna shoot me from the back i already know it i already know we're gonna try to escape [Music] what what oh he is so creepy he is a hundred percent possessed he is too creepy my boys all right got shotgun shells wait this they say that this works in this mode right i should have been in that [ __ ] [Music] what did i just hear what did i just hear oh that's like the sounds of that thing okay we in there [ __ ] turn around so you can see that is going to be at the top you just take us to places we've been yet [Music] look at us my boy [ __ ] i'm over here celebrating they're gonna be out here can they get over here [ __ ] that's scary that's where you put the teddy bear right but i think that only matters is if slendrina out here too i see some up here a vase the stone let me see something throw stone edition maybe you gotta shoot it the plant goes here so you can cross across cross across play the organ before they collect your organs really they're stupid [ __ ] i also play um i like it raw by um all dirty bastards [ __ ] under the bed under the bed she ain't seen me right i see you you lying because if you would have seen me your ass woulda came down and got me but you didn't lying ass trying to scare me and [ __ ] she scared me a little bit she just put a trap down she just put a trap down where is it i heard it i see it right there it's on the stairs well i wasn't even going to go that way anyway there's got to be something to do with the stuff let me know in the comments what you do with the stones here's what i'm going to do i just saw grandpa hit that corner right here oh my god i'm gonna tell you what just happened he felt me coming through pause like that he hit the corner she was coming this way he's like she's like he's like he's like hey he's right behind me just he gonna try to creep up get his ass before he get me i don't know where i'm going with that just let's go let's i wasted so much time explaining that i'm dead i wonder if you sneak up on grandpa right put his old ass in the headlock grab the gun oh [ __ ] it's already too late for me she saw me the music can pop off here [Music] the [ __ ] does she go oh she's right she never did see me okay let her go back in the house yo she legit maybe her vision off she ain't got her glasses on all right she did not see me let's go [Music] all right look i'm already just go in the water can i just walk backwards till i get in the water you know how old last thing i'll swim [Music] what they got gators what is that [Music] mr gate already ate me how you doing what you about to do no stop i know what you do i'm gonna end it there [Music] granny three [Music] y'all wanted to see it there it goes um i do want to i do wanna apologize for i thought this was gonna be a better way to play it but uh you know it turned out a little sloppy but at least we got to see the game and see what it's all about i would have never beaten it anyway let's keep it real i never do with any of these games but there we go any other games in the uh like you know uh android uh google play whatever it's called things that i could play i'll try to find a better uh situation with uh maybe i could do a controller yeah maybe there's a way to do a controller um to to play these go ahead this [ __ ] scared me all right i'm i'm done i love you guys thumbs up if i enjoy it i'll see y'all maybe tomorrow i don't know how's your boy one more shot to take us out my boy just do it one more shot hey there go a duck you wanna duck hunt yeah
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 1,155,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, granny 3, granny, chapter 3, gameplay, hilarious, commentary, jump scare, horror, spooky, lmao, lol, funny moments
Id: LH2_iMXRkd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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