Is CARBONATED WATER Bad? (5 Myths & 1 Truth about Sparkling Water)

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as more and more of us come to the realization that drinking soft drinks and fruit juices is not good for us uh we start out on the quest of okay so what do i drink instead and many of us have settled on some kind of carbonated water some kind of sparkling water mineral water as an alternative for the soft drinks the sodas the coca-cola the pepsi or for the fruit juice and i think overall that's a very very good change that's going to help improve your long-term health but there are several questions i've been getting lately thus this video is are you sure carbonated water is healthy i heard that it causes this or that or the other and so i wanted to make this video for you so you understand the health benefits of carbonated water sparkling water and any negative health effects that it might have i'm dr ken berry a family physician let's talk about sparkling carbonated water so the way that sparkling water carbonated water is made is that we infuse carbon dioxide into the water and that's what makes those tickly little bubbles that we all love so much now as with any product you buy at the supermarket you are going to be an ingredient detective if it comes in a package you're going to read the ingredients thoroughly you're going to do an internet search for any words you don't know what they mean because carbonated water manufacturers like all food product manufacturers want you to drink lots of their products so they'll add things like fruit juice and sugar to make it taste better so be an ingredient detective what i want to focus on today is just carbonated water just the actual bubbly water with no additives whatsoever things like seltzer club soda sparkling water mineral water carbonated water are there any negative health ramifications from drinking those things i want to go through five myths that you may have heard about carbonated water and then tell you at the end of this video about one truth that you may or may not need to worry about when it comes to drinking carbonated or sparkling water so myth number one is that drinking carbonated water causes tooth decay now i've searched the literature thoroughly and there is literally no evidence in the literature whatsoever that drinking carbonated water will increase your risk of tooth decay i think this comes from the fact that when you add carbon dioxide to water you lower the ph of it a little bit and so your saliva typically has a ph of around seven carbonated water typically has a ph of somewhere between 5.5 and 6.5 so it's a little more acidic and i think that freaks some people out but when you actually look at the research on this it does not in any way increase your risk of tooth decay myth number two is that it will worsen your ibs symptoms and i think this comes from the fact that when you drink carbonate water it tends to make gas in your stomach not in your intestines but in your stomach will you typically burp that gas away none of that gas makes it to your colon where the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome would manifest themselves the the gas from carbonated water doesn't even make it to your small intestine it's absorbed very quickly through the epithelial lining and is you either burp it out or it's absorbed and it's gone so also no research supports the hypothesis that drinking carbonated water will increase your risk of irritable bowel symptoms or worsen your symptoms if you already have that diagnosis the next is that carbonated water will worsen heartburn again i think this comes because of the slightly acidic nature but when you keep in mind the absolute physiological fact that your stomach ph is somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5 so it's hundreds thousands of times more acidic than carbonated water you can see that that's foolishness there's no way that's going to happen in fact many people with who still have some heartburn or gerd symptoms will drink carbonated water and let out a huge burp and that actually will relieve their stomach symptoms for a few minutes so no it's not going to make your heart burn worst next is that drinking carbonated water will will weaken your bones or lower your bone density again i think this comes from soft drinks absolutely do that they'll they add in phosphoric acid and other things that are harmful to your bones but just carbonated water doesn't contain these things and so there's no research at all that supports the hypothesis that drinking carbonated water in any way weakens your bones whatsoever the next one is i don't hear this very often but i heard a couple of people say well i heard that it increases your risk of stomach ulcers again i think that comes from the tiny bit of acidity in carbonated water but when you remember that your stomach ph is thousands of times more acidic than the carbonated water that obviously becomes silly there's no way it actually it raises the ph of your stomach when you drink carbonated water so no in no way contributes to gastric ulcers now let's talk about the one truth that may or may not matter to your overall health there is a study in rodents so rats and mice not humans that shows that drinking carbonated water increases ghrelin production and ghrelin you may have heard of it's a hunger hormone it tells your brain you're hungry you need to eat we don't have a study in humans so we don't know if this same thing occurs in humans but i would suspect based on the uh distribution curve of all human physiology that there are a few of us that drinking carbonated water might increase our ghrelin a little bit and thus make us feel hungrier before it's time to eat a simple experiment of a month with nothing carbonated and then adding carbonated water back into your diet will immediately let you know if you're one of the few people who has a ghrelin elevation from drinking carbonated water again let me emphasize it's not the carbonated water that's in any way bad for you it's the added ingredients that the manufacturer might put in your carbonated or sparkling water things like sugar and fruit juices and other harmful things that they shouldn't be adding to water for instance club soda's fine seltzer water's fine seltzer water they add a little sodium which is no way bad for human beings but did you know that tonic water actually has sugar in it now it has quinine so it has a bitter flavor and for many people they don't recognize the sweet flavor in tonic water but it has lots of sugar and will absolutely spike your blood sugar and your insulin levels so i i avoid tonic water because i know it has added sugar i hope this video helped to answer a question or two for you if it did hit the thumbs up and hit that subscribe button on the way out this is dr barry i'll see you next time
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 1,294,829
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Keywords: sparkling water, carbonated water, soda water, fizzy water, club soda, tonic water, is carbonated water bad for you, is carbonated water bad for acid reflux, is carbonated water keto friendly, carbonated water healthy or not, can i drink sparkling water on a keto diet, is carbonated water good for you, is carbonated water bad for your kidneys, is carbonated water healthy, how is carbonated water made, can carbonated water be harmful, does carbonated water make you gain weight
Id: wSiwCgvK74c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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