CO2 Tank For Making Sparkling Water | What To Get and How To Put It together

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foreign Rob and our series on our effervescent lifestyle So today we're going to see the unboxing and assembly of our carbonation system and you may note that in the video the kitchen looks a little different than it does now because we got this carbonation system a little while back and then in the meantime we renovated our kitchen so this is the second in our series on our effervescent lifestyle first one will be linked up here and in that one we discussed sort of our effervescent Journey why we got into carbonating water and how we got a sort of tabletop unit weren't too satisfied with it and decided to sort of step up to what you're going to see today and really we had two reasons for doing this first off this is much more efficient in terms of economics the cost is way less per liter or whatever you want to calculate of carbonated water but actually more important to us is this unit allows us to carbonate absolutely anything so we can carbonate we've done water we've done various teas Iced Teas I love carbonating coffee and espresso cocktails all kinds of interesting things and we'll show the those in future videos in this series so today is unboxing and assembly and enjoy [Music] hi Rob here from Robin Nadia and we just picked up our new carbonation setup which we ordered from a company here in Ontario called Ontario beer kegs and they have like a complete kit for carbonating water right so it's a total kit you have everything you need plus the gas cylinder we got a five pound cylinder and we just got back from the place to fill the cylinder there's a place called dry ice and gases you can look up online wherever you are dry ice gases or welding gases or CO2 you'll find lots of suppliers that can fill up a five pound tank and uh we'll talk about the money in a minute at any rate I want to see what's in here and uh I'll show you so basically this kit is instead of buying some sort of like home carbonation like um soda Mystic or the soda streams this is your sort of heavy duty alternative for those who are tired of spending 24 dollars every week to get more CO2 so here we are this is the real master thing here ah this is a five pound cylinder of CO2 so five pounds of CO2 as opposed to I think around 400 grams for the Sodastream so this is going to last you a little while so this just got filled up right filling this puppy cost about twenty four dollars Canadian so for the price of one of those little SodaStream cylinders you fill up this hole baby so then the other piece that comes in here is this way we'll recycle that later so here is your regulator now the regulator has two gauges on it one gauge is the one that has the red and green marks on it right and this tells you how much pressure is in the tank and it's in um like two it goes up to 2 000 PSI now this tank is probably pressurized to around a thousand PSI which obviously you can't put into your Coke bottle right so this regulator allows you to set the pressure that goes into the bottle and it goes up to 60 PSI and you want to use bottles that were designed for carbonated stuff carbonated water Coca-Cola people use those bottles I like the shape of the um uh the Italian water bottle you'll see at any rate any bottle that was designed for carbonated drinks um will work fine with this and this system is all designed to go on those so they're good for I think over 100 PSI so this regulator which goes up to 60 gives you plenty of carbonation way more than a SodaStream which I think carbonates to around 15 psi so this has a little gasket attached to it here we go okay now we have the hose and this will connect this tank or this will go onto the tank this will connect the tank and the regulator to um [Music] these two devices there we go so this is what's called a Becker ball connect disconnect and it connects to this device and this goes onto your pop bottle this thread's on there this connects to this and the gas flows from here into your bottle CO2 goes in to your water and you've got carbonated water we'll show you how in a minute so that's everything that comes in you've got a little connector here so they've um Ontario beer cakes obk um and I'll include Link in my link to them in my notes uh they've put this whole kit together and the kit itself all told is now they can't ship uh CO2 cylinders with CO2 in it but the cylinder the regulator everything and it's all brand new comes to 203 dollars right and then 24 to fill up the cylinder so I know sodastreams are in the hundred to 150 dollar range so this is a little bit more expensive to start but as soon as you start running out of soda streams and having to recharge them at twenty four dollars or twenty five dollars per little teeny cylinder you're going to rack up savings very very quickly so that's this kit let's look at how we put it together ah so here's how all this goes together and I know um when I when I initially bought my system I didn't realize that there was a company that had this all together so I had to like figure out well what regulator do I need there's a huge range of stuff so what's nice is uh Ontario beer cakes has put this system together and you get all the pieces you need so you don't have to try and figure it out and as I say I'll have a link to there to this system down uh in my in the uh the video information so you can just order directly from them they ship to Canada and the US so this just opens up and basically this goes on the beer keg and it has a built-in washer so you don't need to put ring washers or anything on there and it's very very simple to put on you just thread this on simple simple and you don't need to like super super tight-knit just enough to [Music] Boop okay that's tight enough just enough to close the washer so it doesn't leak gas all right so this will thread on here and this this comes with the little pivoting uh device all attached to the tube all nicely put together for you so this just threads out and I think this is where this little baby goes this little plastic washer goes in here and then this goes on threads on there's a I'll show you there's a valve on this this just threads on and these are meant to be just past finger tight so I just finger tightened it and just think that's enough Okay so cylinder regulator peel those little covers off the regulator and then the hose this is a cut off valve so you can control whether this flows out or not when it's up it's turned off so now this is like totally safe and closed so now this little piece here is our connector for the other end of the hose very simple so the little Barbed piece goes into this little rotating fitting and then you have a little clamp collar which I always forget to put the clamp collar on before I put the piece onto the hose so first thing you want to do is put the clamp collar on the hose and this is hose designed specifically for beverage gas it's good quality hose and then this just slides on here and I think it's probably easier to just put this on is that that way it's easier to that makes it easier to push into the hose there we go that goes up there then the little collar goes on there and then a flat head screwdriver or if you have a little socket wrench you can do the same thing that just tightens this up that's that and now your whole system is completely assembled three tools couple of minutes all put together this piece is all here it has a rubber gasket that will press up against the bottle this piece fits with this you just pull back on the collar on this little Becker adapter this slides in and that's attached all right and this stuff is all beer making standard stuff so it's available everywhere and this company ships throughout Canada and the US and I'm just going to slightly tighten this again just a little bit of a Twist on this to tighten that up so it doesn't leak any gas okay so now we're all set up I bet you probably would like to know how to carbonate water so now you're probably wondering how to go about actually using this to carbonate water so um oh first thing to know or two things to know carbonation is a combination of like three factors like how much carbonation you get will be controlled by three factors the amount of pressure that goes in now as I said your SodaStream machines I believe pressurize about 15. I like a lot of bubbles right if I'm going to drink bubbly water I want to drink really bubbly water so I dial this up to around 50 psi I know some people like to go even higher I find 50 seems to work for me and then the other factors are the colder your liquid is the more CO2 it will absorb right so what I like to do is I fill up a bottle of um water and I just use regular old tap water and I stick it in the freezer for about an hour or so right I've frozen a couple of bottles by forgetting that I had them in the freezer all right but generally I stick them in for around an hour or so and that drops the temperature around to just above freezing and uh then the other factor is how much surface area there is exposed to the gas so if you just have the bottle sitting there you have a little disc like this big of water in the bottle but if you shake it you get a lot more gas in because now all of a sudden you're pushing the bubbles through the liquid and that carbonates way more so let's go carbonate a bottle so here we are I'm gonna go get one so here's a nice cool bottle of water now most people I know um just keep the keep the water in the fridge if you get it down to fridge temperature that's probably plenty I'm a fanatic so I stick it in the freezer but if you don't pull it out in about an hour and a half it'll start to freeze solid that's a bit of a pain so I have this is the bot the cap that came with the bottle um so I'm just going to take that off and replace it with this carbonation cap so this carbonation cap has a washer in it that will seal to this bottle these are designed to fit standard pop bottles right so this goes on now I leave a bit of an air gap actually a little bit more than this but doesn't matter but what you want to do is get the air out because this is O2 car this is some oxygen and you're that basically blocks the carbonation from getting in so as you're putting this on as you tighten it up I just squeeze the bottle a little bit to get rid of some of the oxygen that's in there the air and just tighten that down and this doesn't have to be like super tight that seems to seal really really well now some people recommend that you do this slow and easy right I like the pop frankly so what I do is um I have the tank on so I've opened the tank right nothing's happened now this is a safety valve all right now you can keep this closed now what a lot of people do and they sort of recommend doing this and it's probably safer is keep this closed adjust your pressure your outflow pressure then assemble everything and then let the gas flow so I'm going to show that since it's you know you don't because what I do is I just pop the cap on and it goes right maybe not the safest method at any rate right now this top right um uh came and I'm seeing it's at around 40 PSI so I'm just going to to adjust this you just pull the red cap out right and then dial it to the right to increase the pressure so I'm going to dial this up to 50. where am I oh it was at 30 so I'm going up to oh look yeah right around 50 psi and then to lock that in you just press the cap back in all right so now my regulator is set and I just pop this on I pull back on the little collar knock that on and then release the pressure valve and you can see this is now rock hard and like I say you want to increase the surface of your bottle so you shake it and if you turn it a little upside down you can see the bubbles flowing in there we go and you can actually hear a little okay now I like to just hold on to the the end of this like that so that I'm not flexing this cord and there's a potential it could create a little leak so I just hold this you can hear that the tank is ringing just a little bit as the gas flows out of it and you can let this flow in and you can see it's still more and more carbonation and what people who are really expert at this recommend is that you carbonate a little bit then pop this off right then release that carbonation let the gas come out slowly all right and then squeeze the air out again and do one more carbonation because that will just get the maximum carbonation in there oops there we go let me notice you can see this I mean it's already the carbon the carbonation is already refilling the bottle so I just pop that on give it a little more Shake and that's it you now have carbonated water you want to see come on [Music] open up the water [Music] let the carbonation come out slowly because you don't want this steel cap popping off across the room this isn't a champagne cork and before that and you can see beautifully bubbly water [Music] tastes great nice high level of carbonation Mountain what I tend to do because I like now if you you can now if you want put the regular cap on Stick this in the fridge just like you would a regular soda bottle but you know from experience that if you buy carbonated water or soda and you pour out part of it and then you stick it back in the fridge it starts to lose its carbonation so what I like to do and this is something that I observed at Dave Arnold's bar I'd like to take my cap put it back on Evacuate the air and just pop it back on re-carbonate it a little bit because I like to keep my carbonation and this is and that's it now just as one other little precaution when I'm done and I'm going to put this away or slide it under my counter wherever I just turn off the valve here that way if somehow I develop a leak in a hose or something if this is off no gas is going anywhere so I'm not going to lose gas or not so now you have your carbonated water which is delicious your bottle of carbonated water into the fridge it'll be just as carbonated when you pull it out the next time so enjoy the effervescent lifestyle and in some future videos we'll talk about other things that you can because this system you can carbonate virtually anything you want so I'm going to talk about some of my favorite things to carbonate and we'll come up with some interesting ideas to explore so you can fully enjoy the effervescent lifestyle bye-bye
Channel: Nadia and Rob
Views: 130,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sparkling water, bubbly water, fizzy water, sparkle water, carbonated water, carbonation, sparkle water at, how to make sparkle water at home, make bubble water, make bubble water at home, make carbonated water at home, make carbonated soda at home, make carbonated drinks at home, co2 tank setup, co2 tank sparkling water, nadia and rob, rob and nadia
Id: h5DYFk2aSz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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