Why Most Amateurs Will Never Be Able To Driver (& How To Fix Them)

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if you can't drive the ball then you cannot play good golf being a good driver of the golf ball is crucial for you to enjoy the game more and shoot better scores this is why it is so important we absolutely 100% nail our setup position because if we don't if we're out of position we're going to have to make compensations compensations lead to inconsistency which leads to bad driving results so in today's video I'm going to run you through the top five mistakes I see amate golfers make and how you can fix them so the first fold that I see is golfers with poor body positions and tilts now this often looks as one of two situations the first one is where the upper body leans too much towards the target often this is because the balls forwards and the amate golers are trying to meet that ball there or the second one is often a reaction to that one where they get too much tilt and their upper body is now too far away from the target both of these situations can cause a whole heap of different results and it's going to make you inconsistent what I want you to do is grab your Club place it on the center of your chest all the way down through your belly button and hold it on your belt buckle now from here just bend forwards no Tilt at this point and you can see a tail has been created between my legs now what I want you to do is without compromising your shoulders is just gently push those hips slightly forwards towards the target to have this pointing just forwards the middle and that's it that's all the Tilt we need we only need a little amount of tilt nothing too crazy and this puts me in a fantastic position to where I can make a really nice powerful goal swing that doesn't have to revolve around compensations mistake number two that so many golfers fall into is they have poor shoulder alignment at a dress now see your shoulders is sort of the rudder to your goal swing if your shoulders are pointing left at a dress then you are more than likely going to swing left through the ball if your shoulders are pointing excessively right they are more than likely going to swing to the right now if you do this too much too severe you're going to start to see some really bad results you're going to see a lot of pull slices blocks hooks Poe contacts not what we want to see now when we look at the best players in the world we see that majority of them have their shoulders pretty neutral at address what does this mean well if I set up to the golf ball here and this is a great drill for you to do grab the club and put it on your shoulders and right on your shoulders and have this so the butt end of the grip points down towards the uh Target now from here you will see the best players in the world will roughly have their shoulders pointing at the Target or parallel left of Target why because this encourag is a relatively neutral club path on the way down now some might be slightly One Way slightly the other way depending if they want to hit a slight draw or a slight fade but this is going to allow you just to get your club path way under control mistake number three that I see all the time is bull position and wow this is one of the most common issues that I see every single day on the lon we want to be hitting relatively level to slightly on the way out with driver we will see long hitters like PJ tour players the actual average on the PGA tour is one degree down now they are some of the fastest golfers in the world so let's take that with a pinch OFA we see the LPGA players be a little bit more to 3° so let's take that as our Zone minus1 to positive3 that's roughly where we want to be so with that in mind we want our ball position to be in a position to where we can achieve that angle of attack very very easily so that means that the lowest point of our swing is roughly going to be underneath our left armpit left shoulder joint so add address you want to position that balls somewhere underneath the left armpit to the edge of the left shoulder somewhere in this region right here I never want you to position the ball outside of your left shoulder and I never want to position the ball too far back so if you look from the front on view and you see that the ball is underneath your left armpit left shoulder joint fantastic but if it looks like this and it's outside of your left shoulder then you have the ball too far forwards also if you look like this to where it's more underneath your left eye left ear it means it's too far back this is going to create bad angles of attack it's going to create too severe angles of attack I should say it's going to be very hard to control uh strike location and you're going to have poor results feel like that ball is underneath the left armut of the addess if it is then it's going to be so much easier to control strike Ang angle of attack helping you hit better drives mistake number four that I see golfers get into all the time is poor Shar Lan at a dress the most common one is I see people get the Shar pointing too far back towards the belt buckle now the issue is from here you'll often take your grip and now when you bring the club back to square so the shaft is relatively neutral the face will be slightly open and the reason for this is when we lean the shaft back it actually points the face naturally more to the left so a lot of golf is Will Twisted open so it points at the Target then they'll grip it then from there when they return it back it comes back open because of that compensation that they made of the dress conversely I see some golfers have too much sharling I fall into this category sometimes and what then happens from here is as you come back you would actually come back with less sharlean at impact and this can slightly close the face creating situations to where you can hook it so again sharlean is so important add a dress we like to see golf is be anywhere from dead zero basically meaning zero sharling to slightly back so dead zero to slightly back and when I say slightly back I'm literally talking like a couple of degrees so if I use sort of my my belt loop here as a great guide if you point if you have a good ball position a good body position and you point this at your belt loop you are more than likely going to be in a perfect position what are we looking to see at impact anywhere from 0 degrees of sharlean to a couple of degrees so essentially what you can see is we just don't want to create too big of a disparen between setup and impact we don't want it to be the same either we need to allow ourselves to be able to rotate which naturally adds from sharling that's going to help you return your Club back to a better position and impact to help you hit better drives so mistake number five that I see golfers get into all the time is that they tee the ball up way too high now I'm not talking about the castle T's even that I think it's the orange Castle T is the highest Castle T that's absolutely fine I like that personally for my game it's those massive T's that are just way too high like you see sort of the long drivers use let's take long drive as a great example it is great for distance it's going to allow you to hit up on it you're not going to spin it that much if you Gat it in the middle of the face phenomenal for distance but there is a reason why in long drive you have eight balls eight balls to hit one in a in a grid the size of a football field width so you know they are literally going for Pure distance they don't care about accuracy here we care about accuracy now the scientific reason for this I'm not going to get too technical because it will confuse some of you is the more you start to hit up on it the more your Club PA is actually going left of where your swing direction is because as soon as we start to go past zero in terms of angle of attack and hit up the club starts to actually Arc in so the more that happens the harder it becomes to control the center of the club face and to control the rate of closure if you're having to do that for a reason let's fix the root cause issue and let's not mark it over with a te height that's way too high now what is a te height that's way too high well this is bordering on a te height that's way too high when you tear it up if you see that the whole ball is above the top edge of the crown that's way too high the most that I would ever want you to tear it up and this is the absolute most is one3 of the ball being the same height as the top edge of the crown and 2/3 being above it that's the highest I want you to tear it up because after that you're going to have to start to help it up in the air too much and from there that's going to mess up your strike location and it's going to make it very very hard to be accurate here's what it should look like now if you need more Ono one help out for online coaching on the skill this platform the link is down below and if you have enjoyed today's video please give it a like And subscribe and I hope to see you back here soon
Channel: Giles Gill Golf
Views: 3,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing tips, golf driver tips, golf training tips, golf lesson, how to hit driver straight, driver swing tips, golf drills, danny maude golf, ali taylor golf, driver, how to practice golf, how to hit driver, golf driver swing, golf, coach, easy golf swing, hit more fairways, alex elliott golf, driver tips, golf lessons, golf tips, golf instruction, golf driver, easy swing tips, golf swing, driver swing lesson, golf driver drills, golf driver setup, pga, drills, golfswing
Id: pgJoW6pLDdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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