Easiest Swing In Golf For SENIOR Golfers (Senior-Friendly Swing)

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at the start of the week I put a poll out to all of my subscribers asking what video they wanted to see next these are the three options and as you can see it was super close they ended up picking a complete full swing senior guide so I'm going to take you through that today I'm going to give you the easiest blueprint you can follow trust me you do not want to miss this so what is the main principle that we are going to go through today well everything that I'm going to go through today is based around trying to make things like rotation as easy as possible now every single golfer out there needs to be able to generate some speed is going to allow us to hit the ball a little bit higher a little bit further and it's going to make the game easier however as we get older we sort of lose a little bit of flexibility a little bit of Mobility so we have to generate speed in other ways we have to be smarter about how we go about doing it so this is very much what I'm going to try and Target in today's video we're going to talk through the setup the backswing the transition the downswing all the way into the follow through and I'm going to give you some super simple keys that you can take away now there is going to be a lot of information in this video and I'm not expecting each consumer all at once in fact what I'm going to do is I'm going to put all the time stamps down below so that means if you come back to this video you can skip ahead to whichever part it is that you want to focus on so without further Ado let's jump into the video and let's start this process of building a simple consistent repeatable and effortless golf swing so let's kick this video off by looking at the setup position the setup is very much the foundation of our golf swing have a solid foundation and everything else is going to start to fall into place and I have a saying with my clients that consistency stems from a great setup position now I also pitched the question to my clients of how many times do you see your favorite tour pro set up out of position the answer is quite often you don't really very very rarely will you see them have a pull grip have a poor alignment have poor posture all of these things the other thing that I say is how often do you see golfers set up exactly the same way you don't because these are the variables that we can adapt and that's the main thing I want you to take away is we are going to spend a lot of time on this setup position because we can adapt these variables to our advantage now the first variable that we're going to talk about is the grip now the big thing about the grip is that it allows us to control things like Club face it allows us to generate leverage which is crucial for generating speed it allows us to get a gray wrist there this sort of nice release this down Cog motion all of these beautiful things that we want to be seeing now I often see golfers go wrong by simply placing the club in the wrong part of their hand with their lead hand I see it get way too much into the palm and with their Trail hand they sort of wrap it under as well and they very much get into this position the hands work separately there's way too much tension in there let's run through some really simple checkpoints you can take away from today's lesson that are going to massively help you let's start with the with the lead hands so everyone knows you've probably watched a million and one grip videos everyone knows you're supposed to hold the club in the base of the fingers however I see a lot of golfers go wrong because they don't then know where to put that line do you put on the top part of the rep the bottom part the side part two o'clock whatever whatever side it is people don't know where to place their hand so the key is actually in the detail yes we are holding it on the base of the fingers but where does it go relative to the grip well if I sort of split this club up into north south east west that line wants to go on the west side of the grip so base of the fingers are going to go on the west side of the grip if I close my fingers up you can see how they're wrapped quite underneath the club I see so many golfers get them wrapped all the way over that's just automatically going to produce this sort of palmier grip which is going to be very hard to generate Club face control and leverage so that's going to go on the west side of grip close the fingers up now from there wrap this sort of heel pad right over on top of the grip so you can see this hill pad right there is right on top of the grip this is crucial because this is going to allow you generate that leverage great analogy is look at a hammer if you're using a hammer you're gripping in the Palm very hard to generate any leverage grip the hammer in the right part of the hand you get that heel pad on top suddenly now you can generate a lot of Leverage a lot of speed a lot of control to this hammer head now you can also as I did there you can take the grip down on the ground but you could also do it up in front of you so let me show you what that would look like I'm going to hold the club here make sure the toes pointing up to the sky bring the hand on that line is going to connect with the west side of the grip close my fingers up heel pad over and again from there I can take these bottom three fingers off and if I can hold the club with my index finger and the heel pad that's a great indicator that I've got the club in a great part of the hand the final checkpoint is sort of this little I call it like a snuff box right here like this little sort of wrist joint in this position if I was to hammer and nail straight through that I would roughly see it would touch sort of just this right part of the gray rip right there again that's a great indicator that you got it in the right part of the hand to where then you're going to be able to generate some great leverage now let's do the trail hand very simply these two knuckle joints right here they want to go on now the South part of the grip so you can see actually with the trail hand we might potentially be gripping it even more in the fingers so I'm going to put those in the South part of the grip and then from there I'm just going to cover the left thumb so in this position you can very much see how the hands are working together as one unit now when it is in this position now we can talk about sort of if there was ever a secret to golf it's going to be this which is grip pressure now if you listen to the greats Hogan Nicholas Sam Snead they always talked about being nice and relaxed over the golf swing and I'm going to show you a really simple drill that can help you with this so what I want you to do is with that new awesome grip is now hold the club up in front of you just relax your shoulders so shake your shoulders Out Shake Your Arms out then from there just make some little circles so you can call this the windmill drill the LA sudo whatever like but you can see as I'm doing this I've got a nice relaxed grip pressure to where I've got great mobility in the forearms and the hands but also I've got a tight enough grip to where I can maintain control over the club end so it's not falling out of my hands and not going all over the place it's not sort of these massive circles I've got a tire enough grip pressure to where I can maintain control over the club but relaxed forearms relax shoulders relaxed wrists to where I can have this freedom of Mobility this is going to allow you to create that sort of effortless look to the swing that natural wrist set that down clock that release we're going to talk about that a lot during this lesson which is also going to be crucial for a clubhead control B speed and C consistency so I know I spent a long time on the grip but it's absolutely fundamental we get it right why it's the only contacts we have with the club so let's now jump into the rest of the setup position and up next we are going to talk about posture now posture is crucial for generating this rotational Freedom which we'll talk about later down the line in the video so as a General role you will tend to see that golfers who are maybe a little bit older who have a little less flexibility they will stand a little bit taller at a dress look at Rory McIlroy Tommy Fleetwood they are going to be straighter back and more bent over than say a Freddie cop was on a Lee Westwood now a great little way of just demonstrating this is grab the club and you can do this with me right now grab the club put it on your shoulders stand tall and just turn pretty easy to turn right well do that same movement but now bend over as far as you can and rotate you can see there's a lot more strain on my voice there so obviously we want to favor the taller posture so rather than go you know do this do this do this I just want to give you a drill that's sort of an all-in-one drill it's going to teach you how much knee bent to have how to find the perfect balance and ultimately from there how to have the right amount of Bend forwards so what I want you to do is grab the club with that new awesome grip that you've got and stand nice and tall for me here lift your arms up now in this position I want you to lower your arms down until you feel that connection with the inner part of your arms in the outer part of your chest from this position you can roughly see the club is at my belt buckle height my legs are dead straight and my hips are Level keep that in the same position so try and keep your hips level and your legs straight now from there round forwards and try and resist the urge to push your hips back obviously they'll go back slightly but just try and resist the urge to push your hips back now once you've done that you will see that my upper back has a little bit of soft curvature that's crucial for increasing our ability to rotate now from there gently unlock the legs and add some knee bend a great checkpoint to know when you've got a good amount of knee Bend is that the front of the kneecaps are over the balls of the feet if I was to extend this line all the way up you would see it would touch my armpit so my armpits knees and balls of the feet are all in one straight line and from here you can see I'm in a very athletic position a little bit of soft curvature to the upper back and from that I'm going to be able to rotate very very easily let me show you that one more time Stand Tall legs straight hips level lower the arms down now keeping the hips straight and the legs locked down just round forward till the club touches the ground unlock the legs front of the knees over the balls of the feet then from there you can see armpits need supposed to feet all in one straight line I'm in a great position to now where I can start to Pivot so really simple drill that's going to help you massively in terms of generating that great posture position now the next thing we can do again aiding is in this rotation is we can actually set up with a slightly closed stance now a lot of people think that closing your stance is going to shift your path to the right but what we've actually found through devices like trackman is that the shoulders play far more influence over the path so from The downline View if I set up right here all I want to do is keeping my shoulders nice and square I just want to drop my right foot back maybe half a club head to a club head now this is going to allow me to sort of preset my hips already with a little bit of rotation for the backswing so from there it will be easier for me to generate just that little bit of extra turn again we're going to talk about it in a second but that's going to help which generates some depth so just by dropping that right foot back as long as we keep our shoulders relatively Square we're still going to swing Square it's just going to give us way more freedom of rotation in the backswing it's a very simple adjustment there that we can make that's going to make rotation so much easier after that let's talk about body angles again we're going to move through these things pretty quickly now body angles we want to just bump the pelvis slightly closer towards the target a great drill to make sure we've got a good amount of tilt and a good pelvis position grab the club pop it right in the center of the chest then hold it on your belt buckle Bend forwards you can see it creates this tail if we see that tail is pointing back of middle we know we're in the wrong position our pelvis is back and our chest is towards the target so if that's you I want you to push your pelvis slightly closer towards the target you'll feel your right shoulder drop and you want to see that this club is roughly pointing somewhere halfway in between the middle of your feet and your heel line your lead heel so you can see right there that's kind of pointing roughly in this position again that's giving me a soft amount of tilt away from the target pelvis is in a good spot from there I want you just to set up to the ball right here and I want that lead arm in the club just to roughly be in one straight line in this position there we're going to be able to make a fantastic swing now iron ball position wedge ball position is going to be somewhere under the lead eye leader as I said up here you can see ball position is somewhere under the lead eye leader the lowest point of our swing tends to roughly be underneath the left armpit left shoulder joint that is because that is what says rotating open on the way through so positioning that ball underneath the left eye left ear is going to ensure we have a good ball then ground contact and that our low point is past the golf ball so that's very much going to be the setup position for an iron how we're going to go through it it's going to be very very similar for a driver all the changes are going to be is that you're going to set up wider and then from there you might have a hair more tilt and the ball rather than underneath the left eye left ear is going to be more underneath the left armpit so now let's move into the back swing now the key principle we're trying to obtain in the backswing is some rotational freedom and probably the most important part is some great depth to the top of the backswing so first of all what do I tend to see most amateurs do especially when they're in this we're in that bad setup position and they're not rotating freely well from the front on view we can see that as they would swing they would very much move laterally with their pelvis now this will create a position to where their spine is seen towards the target it becomes very very difficult to rotate now from the down the line here you can see as I do that my hands want to work upwards a lot so the button of the grip is very much over sort of the the ends of my shoelaces right there now we class this as depth so depth is How deep the hands are in this position we can see the button of the grip is over the shoelaces we class that as not enough depth now in this position we are more than likely then going to swing over the top on the way down again very inefficient not what we're looking to see so if that's kind of what we see a lot of amethysters fall into what are we looking to see well if I was to set up to the golf ball and I was to draw a line down my left hip and I line down my right hip and sort of use these as guides as I turn back it's okay firstly to have a little bit of a shift off again I would actually encourage some sort of Kickstart to the swing because that starts with some momentum so it's okay to have that little Kickstart off but by the time we get to the top of the backswing we will see that the left glute is connected to that left line there's some space we can call it about a golf ball worth of space between the trail hip and the trail line and from the down the line View at the top of the backswing you can see the butt of the grip is somewhere over the heel Line This is what we class as some good depth and a good pivot my spine angle is leaning away from the Target and ultimately from there I've classed as a centered pivot and I've got great depth so that's perfect that's what we're looking to achieve but how can we go about learning this because it's all well and good knowing the position it's all well and good knowing what you do but we've got to have the step-by-step drills to help us with this so I want to run you through a four-step process and I'm going to give you a couple little tricks along the way that are going to help you speed up your learning process so what I want you to do is grab a club pop it on your shoulders like this and stand nice and Tall now all I want you to do is turn as if it's your backswing like this now I'm going to ask you three questions number one where does the pressure feel like it's moving in your theme it should move as you turn into the inside part of the ball of your left foot and into the trail heel the second question is then how are your knees working and what you'll probably feel is that a they're feeling pretty passive so they're feeling very relaxed and just moving along for the ride and B the left leg is sort of gaining some flex and working inwards slightly the right leg is losing some Flex this is again aiding Us in that free rotation the third key question is how is this Trail hip working now you'll sort of notice that as I turn it works on sort of an arc shape the reason for this is actually the shape of the pelvis the shape of the pelvis is sort of an oval shape if you turn an oval you spin an oval it's obviously going to Arc now you don't need to think of all three of those you might want to think of just one you might want to think of all three but those are sort of some key reference guides we can use in order to go okay am I pivoting correctly can I sort of feel my pressure in a different spot the other thing you might feel is that at the top that you actually have a little bit more weight in your left leg than what you're used to now a lot of people ask me this question is this stack and tilt no it's not because stacking tilt is a lot more preset on the left leg you stay there and then you go through versus in this we are actually allowing yourself to have a little bit of a shift off and then you're having a re-centering that's more than welcome to do that or you can just feel like you just turn and stay very centered so we are more just trying to generate a center pivot this isn't what we Class A stack until it's just a good body pivot now stage two is keep the club on your shoulder bend over into your golf posture let's then go through those three questions okay pressure in the feet all the inside part the ball of left foot into the heel great number two knees you can see the knees are changing Flex left leg is sort of gaining flex and working inwards right leg is losing flex and this is then allowing us to do number three the trail hip is working back and around now again you don't necessarily have to think of all three you can pick one to think of for me personally I like to think of my trail hip it just resonates with me best then from there you will feel like at the top of the backswing like I said you might have a little bit more weight in your left foot than you're used to especially if you're that golfer that goes this way you'll feel like you've got more weight than you're normally used to in your left foot stage three is then going and placing the club down in this position and making a swing now again I'm going to feel exactly the same things but let's just see what happens in The downline View you can see how now because I've pivoted correctly the button to the grip is now worked deep enough this is going to naturally allow us to shallow that club on the way down getting us into that great impact position so this is very much going to make the rest of the golf swing just so much easier stage four is to actually hit some shots now when you hit shots I'd always recommend swinging at about 50 so for example if you carry your seven iron 100 yards carry it 50 yards that just gives your brain a little bit more time to learn this motion as you get better you can progress it up speed to speed to speed all the way to the point where you're back swinging at full speed now two little hacks to help you with this hack number one take this alignment stick place it through your belt loops hopefully a little bit more graceful than that but as you can see this has now given me a great visual reference guide as to where my hips are so if I go to stage one I can see my hips are turning roughly to about 45 degrees that's a great place to aim for stage two again roughly to about 45 degrees stage three again roughly to about 45 degrees now for stage four if you want to hit some shots with this in just push it through so your Trail arm can work freely this then means it's not going to get in the way so you can see here as I Turn To The Top This is going to then come into view and that's again a great reference guide now the next hack is actually more to help us with the depth and this is one of my favorite drills to do it really helps me with my game so what I want you to do is set up to the golf one obviously with that new setup position you can drop that right foot back slightly now grab this alignment stick or a golf club and place it right on your heel right here so just behind your heel now this is going to act as a great goal for depth so one of one of the things that I want to do is just point out where we roughly want to see the butt into the grip at the top of the backswing the sort of Zone that's acceptable is anywhere from the front of the ankle to the heel but for today's video seeing as we are trying to make this as easy as possible I'm going to make that margin for just a little bit smaller I'm not going to actually say we want to go from roughly the center of the ankle joint to the heel line reason I'm going to say that is because that's then going to make the downswing a lot more easier a lot more repeatable and a lot more sort of just subconscious it's just going to fall into the right place so aim for the center of the ankle or the heel line it's not quite straight there we go so now if I make a swing and I have that great pivot I'm going to feel like I can get the button to the grip over that at the top of the backswing again a fantastic reference guide a fantastic just way of just trying to exaggerate that feeling of getting that good depth and then from there we're going to settle ourselves up beautifully for the downswing so a lot of drills there let me now hit your shot so you can see what it looks like I'm going to try and turn that backing around get it into a good position now the other final Key by the way is I'm nice and relaxed and if I do this the wrist should very much just set naturally foreign so now that we're in a fantastic position at the top of the back swing and we are now ready to start the downswing and the start of the downswing we call the transition so what should this transition look like well we're going to talk about two key things number one weight shift and number two getting the club into a good delivery position so let's start with weight shift why is weight shift important and when should it happen and how should it happen so firstly why is weight shift important well wait our body mass determines roughly where the low point is going to be it's not going to be a direct relationship but it's one of the biggest factors that dictates where we're going to strike the ground so for example if I set up with all my weight on my right foot swing keep it there I hit more level with my right foot go left foot keep it there I'm going to hit more level with my left foot so you can see how where I strike the ground is going to follow where my weight is now why is this important well a massive fundamental to consistent golf is being able to achieve a ball and then ground contact so we're trying to hit the ground after the golf ball if we you can get our weight back to our left side and shifting all the way through we're going to find we're going to be able to get that low Point past the ball helping us achieve this great contact now here's the thing here's the second question when does it happen when do we start to shift back towards the target well it roughly happens actually during the backswing so it kind of happens around left arm parallel in the backswing so we start the process of Shifting back and pushing into our left foot before we finish the backswing and I know sometimes that can feel like you're patting your head and rubbing your belly that sort of analogy but a great way of thinking of it is imagine I was throwing a ball down the driving range I wouldn't go all the way back pause and then all the way forwards would I it would sort of be like this Blended movement so my hand would still be going back as I step forwards that's the weight shift right there and then I just turn all the way through so again we can very much link this kind of weight shift transition to very simply throwing a ball even if it's a sideways throw and over the top right doesn't matter it's going to be the same sort of sequencing so with that in mind we now know why it's important we know when it should happen how should it feel well if I was to tell you right just do a little hop for me so just hop and land on your left foot that little hop where you land is going to be called the ball of your left foot so the ball of the foot that is what we are pushing into so if I make a swing I'm going to be feeling like I'm pushing into the ball of the left foot now as I do that you can see very much left knee leads it my pelvis just with it and my upper body also follows but the lower body is leading the upper body so you can see by simply me thinking I just want to push into the ball of the left foot this amazing chain reactions happened I feel like I've got maybe 80 of my pressure my left leg there and then as I continue to push through that percentage will increase now here's a great analogy for you imagine I've got a tennis ball so obviously a tennis Ball's got quite a bit of give right imagine I'd cut it in half so it's sort of that Dome shape I pop it on the ground and I tell you to place your foot on that tennis ball now what I want you to do is as you start to push into that uh ball of the left foot is I want you to feel like you're pushing that tennis ball flat that is going to activate this weight transfer that's going to allow you to start to get back to your left side now a fantastic drill to help complement this is to grab a basket what you're going to do is set up to the golf ball and place this basket just outside your left leg so you can see it's about a hand width there if I turn to the top and again I sort of use that tennis ball in the engine I press into the ball of the left foot I have just touched that basket with the edge of my leg so roughly around sort of this height I've just touched it that gives me direct feedback that I know I've shifted my pressure back to my left side and the great thing is we can actually do this whilst hitting Bulls now a question I get asked all the time and again I'm trying to answer as many of your questions sort of preempts them is what if I'm that golfer this is a great question what if I am that golfer who lifts my heel up that's a fantastic question it's the same thing exactly the same thing you're going to feel like you go to the top you might feel like you're pushing your whole foot down but again the the pressure mat would still say that you are pushing into the ball of the left foot so if you're let go for like a little bit of a jet Nicholas he likes to lift the heel up as you press in you can see the foot is going back down but I'm not necessarily slamming the hill I notice some people it feels that way if we were to look at the data you'd still be pushing into the ball of the left foot but as long as you're having that good sort of press into the ground you're going to be absolutely fine so let me set up to the ball bring this in again if I do it well enough hopefully I'll do it well enough I might even knock the basket over let me give it a hit for you right here you can see as I did that that was awesome uh and not the basket over surprised myself there not the basket over and that shows me that I've got a great weight transfer in there so we've got our pressure we've got our weight shifting back towards the target but how should the club be moving well this is a concept that you must understand is that the golf club head always has to Trail the hand what do I mean by that if you think about any other sport throw in a ball if I was to throw a ball and I was to step my chest is pointing ahead of me my elbow is behind me and my hand is even slightly behind me there now some players are going to be really like that because they're hyper mobile but other golfers more like me are going to be sort of in this position it doesn't matter if you're here or here or here the hand is still trailing the elbow which is trailing the chest well it's the same thing in golf if I bring in this down the line View and I take it to the top of the backswing if I see that Golf Club get outside of the hands we're in trouble so by outside of the hands I mean this especially at shaft parallel at shaft parallel to the ground so this position here I I want to see that you get to the top and that that club head is behind your hands as you come down and the face is either toe up or slightly down to the ground like so this is going to ensure that then we can actually deliver a little bit of shaft lean which is going to help us with compression but also from there we're then going to be able to whip our bodies through and get into a great follow through position now a fantastic drawer I've got two drawers for you here is grab an alignment stick and this is this is one of the best ones out there is grab on the line mistake set up to the golf ball again get that so this uh right foot back slightly about a cuphead width outside of your toe place this alignment stick but place it at an angle so if you imagine sort of here it's about 10 to 15 degree angle in now as I go to the top and come down I want to feel like I can have this clubhead trailing me on the way down so that this golf club sort of matches that line right there this is going to get you into that awesome delivery position to them where we can very much start to push out of the ground and have that automatic release so if I was to just do a couple of rehearsals there I would straight away feel how my forearms are sort of twisting to the right my lead wrist is bowing my trail wrist is flexing more but again a massive key to this is keeping that grip pressure relaxed the shoulders relax the arm relaxed if you can do that you're going to find that that club isn't actually going to get into this position now the other thing that I'm not doing that so many people say is I'm not holding on to these angles I'm letting that club just fall into that position so that is a fantastic drill you can do now you can actually hit shots doing that using it as a reference guide again one of my favorite ways of just ensuring I'm getting into that good delivery position now the second drill that I like to do is just grab the club in my trail hand go to the top and just feel that club head just Trail the body on the way through and as you can see as I get to impact my chest is actually pointing ahead of where the club edit is so you can see as I go there I let the club drop behind me Chester's pointing ahead and then I turn all the way through so again just a fantastic drill just to help you feel that concept of the clubhead trailing the body it's behind the hands chest is ahead of the ball then I just turn through so it might feel like to you that once you get into this great top of the backswing position that you leave that club head behind you and you just rotate on the way down and you feel like it just takes forever for that clubber to get to the ball let me show you what that looks like right here so good position do a little rehearsal swing grip pressure is nice and relaxed and I'll give it a hit foreign so let's now move into sort of the money part which is impact and then all the way into the follow through now what I'm actually going to do is take a slightly different approach here and I think it's going to be a lot easier if we sort of just take from P6 all the way through to the follow through as one fluid motion the reason being is when I see people sort of fixate too much on impact they get into their own heads and they sort of see it as this stationary position which is not it's very much a position that we move through and it gets into a great spot as a byproduct of other good movement patterns so let's firstly talk about how the body should be moving and then let's talk about sort of your your options in terms of releasing the club so we are now in this awesome position we are pushed into our left side the club head is trailing the hands as we now get into here we have to get out of the ground and again this probably starts that we push out of the ground a little bit earlier than this position but for argument's sake let's sort of just focus around this waist high spot so how do we push out of the ground this is a question I get asked all the time well let's work up the body where does the pressure go in the feet well as we start to push out of the ground the pressure goes from the ball of the left foot back into the heel of the left foot and you'll often see golfers with this look at impact where their toe is actually off the ground very very common John Ram players like that they'll actually have their sort of toe off the ground because the pressure has moved back into the heel it hasn't gone straight into the hill it's gone ball of the foot and then into the heel right there number two you will see the leg start to straighten the lead leg so the lead leg will go from a flexed position and as you push out of the ground it's then going to come back to a straight position again we're not trying to get that leg back to straight it just happens as a byproduct of pushing out of the ground number three where does the hip go and how does it move the hip will again as a byproduct start to work up and back so if you take that tree behind me right there about halfway up that tree is where I'm going to feel like that hip is going so in that sort of direction again that's just following the movement of the pressure in the feet number for the left shoulder where's the left shoulder go goes up and back as well so you can see the left shoulder goes up and back this is what allows me to get the chest rotating open more the pelvis rotating open more and ultimately get into that awesome position so how can we train this what is a great drill to help you with this well the first rule that I love to do is when I class is the drag through drill what you're going to do is you're going to grab an alignment stick and you're going to grip it at the end like it's a driver now from here place that alignment stick so it's in line with your Trail foot what you're then going to do is shift and then pull that through and feel like you can finish in a nice high fall every position now the reason why this works so well is this alignment stick is going to add resistance so as you drag this lemon stick by your Trail foot and try and get it as close to Trail foot as possible you can see how that stresses the alignment stick this is going to force your left side of your body to want to pull up and then into that nice high follow through position so because of this it's going to activate those muscles where we're getting into that great spot so we're here we're in that grade delivery and then up through into a nice high follow through position if I then grab a club and I try and replicate that same feeling I'm going to go here I'm going to get into delivery and then up that way I feel like the left shoulder is working up and back left hips working up and back the second drill that I like to go through is I like players just to grab a golf club and point the button to the grip down towards the target from there place on your shoulders again make a back swing in that good position shift and then the aim is to get this golf club this button to the grip pointing up and behind you as fast as possible that's going to teach you what it feels like to start to get some speed through the body now obviously I understand we might not have the same amount of flexibility as myself I'm 26 so obviously my body is still relatively flexible and relative is a very loose term um but you might not be able to move anywhere near as fast that's okay if I can achieve maybe let's say 40 degrees a hip ton of impact for you 20 degrees might be the perfect number so don't try and necessarily copy a tour pro if you see them with those hips massively open just understand that that position might not be realistic for you you might need to aim for more like 20 degrees open and that's absolutely fine so it's just understanding that your impact might not look the same as your favorite golfer it's doing what your body will allow it to do but those are the good movement patterns that we want to see if we're moving in that sort of consistent way with the body we are going to find that we're going to start to clear and get a good amount of rotation and again good is a loose term because it very much depends on your flexibility levels the next thing is that by achieving that rotation what's that going to do to low point and shaft lean well by adding rotation you are going to find that the left shoulder the left hip clears right well as you do that you are going to pull your hands forwards that moves your low Point past the ball and also gets you to deliver shaft Lane so very simply you can see that allows you to deliver that great shuffling position and ultimately get that ball then ground contact now the Final Phase of this is understanding the release and again release is determined by Club face position so let's switch back to downline view this is sort of the last thing that we can sort of talk about to bring it all together so the whole video I've spoken about a good grip and staying nice and relaxed as you come down to this delivery position if you see your face is a little bit more toe up you are going to have what we class as more of a roll release if you see that your video your Club face is a little bit more face down so a little bit more towed down this way you are going to be a little bit more of a body release how do they differ well it very much differs in how our Trail hand moves if you are toe up you are going to find that you have a lot more forearm rotation on the way through so I like to get people in this situation to feel like as they come through they get that right palm pointing a little bit more down to the ground again that's going to allow you to start to feel what it feels like to have that face square up the reason being is you need a faster closure rate in order to get that face into a square position if you are a golfer who sees that club face a little bit more down to the ground you can have more of what I class as an underhand throw or body release that therefore means that rather than rolling that hand over you're actually going to do a little bit more of this look so you're going to to see that the the right hand is pointing more up to the sky and the follow through so to sort of summarize that if your toe is up to the ground or even leaning back on itself you want more of a roll release so then the Palm is going to be pointing more down on the way through if your face is more down to the ground right here you're going to have more of a underhand throw release which gets that Palm pointing up to the sky so that therefore is then going to give you that great control on the way through what I would say is by having a great delivery position good body motions and again great sort of a nice tension free look to the swing relax forearms a good grip pressure that release pattern should happen very naturally but those are just some little keys to focus on in order to encourage the right movements so I'm more of a player who has the face a little bit more down to the ground so I am what we class is more of a body release or underhand throw release so let me show you what it looks like all together if I stood up to the ball I'm going to get into this good position drop that right foot back again I've got a great grip right there Center pivot trying to achieve that good depth good rotation on the way down get back to the left side Club head behind the hands and then clear that left side wherever your Club face is is going to determine is your hand more under the club or are you more of a roll release I'm personally more under the club let me give it a hit for you right here foreign so there you have it that is the complete guide to my senior golf swing blueprint now I know there was a lot of information in there but very much work for it systematically I also mentioned at the start there are time stamps down below so if you come back to the video you don't have to watch it all you can go to the specific points that you need to work on the most now like I said the key thing that we have to do is you just have to be a little bit smart about what we're trying to achieve we're trying to make rotation as easy as possible and we're trying to create speed and leverage via more of the wrist staying relaxed and a good grip and therefore then getting that club working around our body just a little bit more efficiently now if you have questions about this please drop them down in the comments down below if you need a little bit more one-to-one help with your own game I offer online coaching on the skill this platform be sure to check it out as I can help all of you and anyone anywhere in the world if you have enjoyed today's video please give it a like And subscribe and I hope to see you back here soon
Channel: Giles Gill Golf
Views: 29,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backswing golf, Downswing golf, Follow through golf swing, Giles gill golf, Gilesgillgolf, Impact golf, Release golf, Senior golf, Setup golf, Tranisition golf, backswing golf tips, downswing golf drills, easy golf swing, easy golf swing for seniors, effortless golf swing, giles gill golf, gm golf, golf, golf lesson, golf swing, golf swing basics, golf swing tips, golf tips, senior golf swing, senior golf tips, senior golfers, simple golf swing
Id: 5TlX5CByq7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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