Never Let Go! | Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury

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Villa rahmani raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala nabina muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in yeah Ujala dina topological tokati voila tomahto illa want o Muslim own Johanna suitable optimality hakufu - in Waheeda Holika minhas o jaha wha Bassam in Houma region and kathira wa Nisa work table holiday Tessa Ilona be he well our harm in the logic an ally from rahiba yeah you Halloween Amano topological ooh pollen sadita you slay Lapham animal upon wave of Oerlikon Vinoba home woman uterine Hawara sulla who fought the father thousand edema labarda famous knuckle Haditha kitab allahi ta'ala a feral hood hadoo muhammadin sallallahu alayhi wasallam Oh Sharon amore - ah - ha ha cool mo desitin Vdara Vakula be darkened illallah wa cool Alateen fin are my brothers and my sisters in Islam my brothers and my sisters in Islam in this month of Ramadan in this month of worship in this month of Quran and cm and Sola and zakat and ehtekaf in this month of robada the muslimeen have a real test from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and that test is not the fasting that test is not the taraweeh that test is not the sex addict and the zakat that test is not the ehtekaf it is the constancy of these things that is the real test the regularity of the acts or ebody that is the real test the test is not that you have pray taraweeh the test is whether you have pray taraweeh every day the test is not whether your perfected c-arm one day the test is whether you perfect your CRM every single day the test is not whether your heart connects with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and you make dhikr of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala on that night of laylatul pada rather the test is whether you are doing it every single day of Ramadan and thereafter in the months after Ramadan the greatest test of Ramadan yachty my brothers my sister Islam the greatest historama that is not the different x-ray bada it is the constancy of the acts or a bada and is there anyone amongst us except that we fail in this test in this test of constancy how many of us can say we were we are as firm on out that aware as we were on the first day of Ramadan how many of us can say we are truly tasting the sweetness of our fasting today just like we tasted the sweetness of a fasting the very first day we started how many of us are also continuing on our reading of the Quran just like we started the first day that we are still continuing on today the 17th perhaps supposed to be on the 17th just how many of us are giving charity regularly just like we started on the very first day well qaleelun min ibadiya sh-shakoor' and how few of my slaves are thankful how few of the slaves allah subhanho wa taala are thankful the scholars islam they say praising allah subhana wa ta'ala happens by the mouth by saying alhamdulillah appraised allah but Shuker praising allah and thanking him thanking allah does not happen simply by saying alhamdulillah it happens with your actions and your deeds you prove it with your constancy and with your steadfastness you utley how many of us are truly thankful to allah subhana wa ta'ala by being constant in re bada you equity by the middle of ramadan there is no one amongst us that except that we feel tired when it comes to the morning or taraweeh or any of the other acts robada we have drained out we feel like where is that sweetness that I used to get I don't get it anymore and the only way you try and remind yourself that you should keep it up is there's only 15 days to go only a few more days to go before Ramadan is finished and so you have to remind yourself of how little less you have to do how little there is to do before Ramadan finishes and with that you try and constant and be constant however my brothers and sisters in Islam I have something better for you I have something better for you whenever you feel like you're going down in your acts or ibadah whenever you feel like it's getting too much and I'm not feeling the sweetness anymore whenever you feel like I'm weakening in my acts or a bad and I cannot keep it up I can't keep the tehsil I cannot keep the steadfastness I'm loosening in my grip upon my acts arribada then I urge you to read the surah that was revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to keep him constant and firm despite all the difficulties cheerful Islam even Tamiya I Mahalo he says in his Fattah WA to be constant upon your Aksaray Dada is even more difficult is even more difficult than staying away from the Haram can you believe what the scholars say that to be constant upon you actually bother doing it regularly is even more difficult than staying away from a beautiful women is even more difficult than doing all the other haram and staying away from that Haram because truly equity nothing is more difficult than being constant on x-ray bada even cathedra Mahalo he says patience is of three different levels he says in step see patience and summer is upon salat Emirati three different levels the lowest of patience the person who has the lowest of patience is the one who has patience when the MU Seba of allah comes when a muslima strikes you like your parents have passed away your children pass away or someone has unfortunately beloved person a few has an accident or you lose your job - be patient upon that time it is the lowest of patients then he says the middle level of patients is to stay away from those things which Allah has made Haram he is to stay away from the Muharram of allah subhana wa ta'ala the middle level of patients and the highest level of patients he says is to be constant upon doing that which Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has made obligatory upon you because that is the most difficult thing to do those things which though they are so little and so small but it is to be done constantly that is the difficult thing equity my brothers and my sisters Islam ask yourselves how many of you those who have wives my brothers in Islam how many of you is it difficult upon you to kiss your wife every day to be kind and merciful to her to wash the dishes and vacuum the floor every day you would rather not do that but take her away for a holiday once in a while because constancy in doing something is more difficult than doing something big once in a while but your equity ali radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu said in the authentic authentic narration from him which is more for he said allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves the small deeds that are done regularly more than the big deeds that are done once in a while you might do Hajj once in five years that is not as beloved to allah subhanho wa taala as that constant act of charity that you can do every single day it was only two rakahs that Bolero the allahu ta'ala anhu used to pray after every will do two Rakas only al rasool allah sallallahu alehiwassallaam said to him not in the authentic hadith in sahih muslim ya bilal i have seen your footsteps before me in jamia bilal how nothing else illallah except i do two rakahs after every single widow that's it constancy in Aksaray bada is more beloved to allah subhana wa ta'ala is more beloved to allah subhana wa ta'ala than anything else you equity my brothers and sister islam there is a hadith so allah salallahu alayhi wasallam that was revealed for people to be constant on the acts of a bada what was that what was the verse what was the surah that was revealed to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam it is surah sha have you ever thought about the tafseer or the meaning of surah Shara it was the verse it were the groups of verses the surah that was revealed to the Prophet SAW said Allah when he was weary of all the difficulties that he was in imagine the difficulty upon the professor Selim yeah you are you are yeah you al Muslim milk of Allah Allah Allah kalila stand up the nights in prayer meaning he was doing tahajud every single night the scholars of Islam say the prophesy Selim never missed his tahajud on any night except when he was traveling or he was sick or he was in jihad other than that he never ever missed his the head jerk can you imagine how difficult it must have been for a Salah salah salem when he had no food no rest in the morning deep heat despite all of this to be constant on his ibadah so allah revealed to him a very beautiful surah and he revealed so that all of muslimeen and the oume mohammed salah salem can remind themselves through this surah what is this surah alumna shrah laka so Doric the very first thing you do forget equity the very first thing that a person who is feeling like all he's actually bad there's too much on his head he can't do it anymore it's too much shut up I can't do it any more can't get out for fudger I can't keep giving charity every day I can't get up the very first thing that you tell a person who is feeling the difficulty of all the xray by the piling up upon him is imagine what would happen if you didn't have all of this Hidayah where would you be what what God would you be worshipping under which which stone would you be crawling under which animal would you be worshipping which Idol would you be worshipping if Allah didn't guide you to Islam what farik what sect what misguidance where would you be if Allah did not Bhaiji to Islam I'm not like acid luck the first thing for anyone who is feeling like his x-ray bad that too much for him is to remember did Allah not guide our hearts did Allah not guide our hearts to Islam alhamdulillah he lady had an ally hada warm our Kundalini after diello da da da da la next time you stand up for your taraweeh and you say all my bones are aching oh I can't do this anymore it's affecting me think about Allah Masha Allah Cassandra did Allah God guide you to this which other God would you be worshiping what other act would you be doing if Allah did not guide you to this act or a bad are you not thankful alumni like Assad Rock did we not guide your heart to this deed and to this guidance the second thing is that the person who forgets and who thinks all is actually bad that's too difficult upon him not only fails to realize Allah guided him to something which is so precious but fails to realize that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in the process of guiding him through all of this forgave his sins and is forgiving his sins that he is earning every day there is no one amongst us except that we are earning sins every day it is for this reason the equity we need these acts are a bada to be constantly removing our sins and that is why the second verse says Alumnus la la casa da wah wah Dona ANCA with rock and we have forgiven you your sins so next time remember your tea why is Allah guiding you to this why should I be constant on my bother because I have so many sins and I need to remove my sins I need repentance as the professor some said every single deed to another deed removes the bad deeds in between look at Salah the profits on assalam said when a person says Allah Akbar and stands for Salah all his bad deeds are put on his shoulders then when he says Allah what man goes into the for his sins fall off his shoulders authentic hadith reported in Muslim Abbot yes what he we all are sinning every day and we need our sins to be forgiven and that is why we need to be constant in our ebody because doing good deeds removes remove sins and that is the second thing to remember Wonka with rock have we not forgiven your sins this is a message to rasoolís SLM but to us as well is Allah not forgiving a sin through all the good deeds were doing absolutely do we not do sins all the time absolutely so why are we being lacks on this bad that don't we need this regatta absolutely so let's focus and get our energy back again and concentrate on this actor a bada Warren & Co is rock and number 3 the third thing equity does anyone here is there anyone here except that we are under constant difficulty is there anyone here except that we are under constant threat from our enemies from the Shaitaan from all the MU Seba and Mossad if Allah has created in this dunya yes with E is there anyone amongst us except that we are under constant threat of being attacked by the Shaitaan from the ins al jinn or difficulties in this dunya so Allah says the third reason why we should be constant or x-ray bada you know why I let en Kidada hoc the one who protects you and was protected your back meaning the one who defends you from all the difficulties in this dunya so next time you remember when you stand the foe taraweeh and you get lakhs didn't Allah guide us to this don't I have sins I need to repent from isn't there a lot of MU Seba out there that I need protection from that's why I need to be concerned in this actor ibadah the third reason Allah the uncoded Arak the one who defends you when you are asleep the one who protects your back when you cannot protect your own I'll let the uncle Dada her up the one who protects your back and number four have you realized this Yeti that with our x-ray bada allah is raising us allah is glorifying us allah is raising our levels in akhira allah is mentioning us with those that are with them a subhana WA Ta'ala is raising our mention what a finality croc verse number four and we have raised your mention to rasoolís I sell them Allah has raised his mention every single prophet has been called by his first name in the Quran except for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam never has allah subhanaw taala said ya muhammad he has said ya musa erisa yeah yeah yeah but he has never ever said ya muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam it has always been yeah you had to be you o messenger of allah o prophet of god my brothers and my sisters in Islam what a finality o'clock has Allah not raised you up as Allah not giving you weight as Al are not raise your mention has Allah not ordered you and ennoble you he has with every actor a bother your status grows in this dunya and the Asura the angels will call you by the best of names your status in general grows with every single would be that you do and by Allah Allah mentions you with those that are with him what a finality crook for reasons for you to be constant and actor another number one is alhamdulillah Allah guiding us if I did not have this guidance where else would I be number two I've got so many sins so I need to constantly honest after a bother to wipe them out number three there's so much dangerous for me and my family I need protection so I need to act on this act or a bad as Allah protects me and number four Allah is raising me up Allah is raising my mention allies honouring me that's the fourth reason and then Allah says for in my rosary you saw in a grocery you saw verily with difficulty is is verily with difficulty is easy so if you're in difficulty now if you're in difficulty that ease will come right after if you're in difficulty now then don't worry ease will come right after ramadan does not continue for more than 30 days you don't have a 31 days of ramadan after difficulty will come easy after this test will come ease the a of rejoicing the day of Eid after every difficulty will come ease after every difficulty will come easy for in memory loss through slaw in the my illustrious law and the final advice of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so that everyone has the patience in Allah subhana wa tada has that strengthened Allah subhana WA Ta'ala twice for those people who need to recollect and be steadfast upon this religion and upon the x-ray bada for either follow the phone sub so when you go out in the path of Allah or in the tip seer of the Quran it is mentioned that when you do actually that the feeder forum toughen up meaning that when you have left you x-ray bed and finished from your ferrata means for our means when you're finished when you're far up which means you have an escape or you have free time by either for up that means when you have finished you acts are a better and your free time for either for after from swab what is unsub what does it mean it means that you should seek reward from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala when you finished you x-ray bada the Hobart of Rama what a little rock was table that the larger insha Allah the hadith Rasool Allah says Allah after you finish your fasting what does it mean that is when you're seeking the other of Allah alhamdulillah a stick my veins have been wetted or my thirst is gone and insha'Allah dogger is reaching for me this is fun sub this is to seek the reward from allah the prophet salla salem said man karma ramadan iman andretti Sobhan another hadith he said man sama Ramadan Iman and mati saben whoever fast Ramadan whoever stands at Ramadan with Iman and 87 meaning asking Allah for reward who fear Allah who Martha condemning them be that he is forgiving all his past sins it is for this reason why our shakes and our scholars used to say when you feel hungry and thirsty in Ramadan then look up to the heavens and say yarra be if it was not for you I would have drunk your life it was not for you I would have eaten no one would have known or life is not for you I would have eaten it up or removed this thirst or this pain that I feel in my body if is not for you you are a big so look up to Allah thumbs up and ask Allah for your reward every time your pangs of hunger or you feel thirsty in your mouth fly either flat out with a thumbs up when you finish you x-ray better ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for his reward that will give you constancy actually better and finally the final verse well either for up toughen up were ela Rebecca for Allah and to your Lord go back with your hearts meaning ask Allah what Allah Arabic afar Oh God many ask and ask for that which is with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala only everything what is it Allah accept Jannah what is with a lots of safety from the fire what is with Allah except companionship with rasul allah says allah what is with Allah except the highest of God in the equity my brothers and my sisters in slab for either one of the fansub when you finished you extra bad ela rub because I rub and seek your reward from Allah who luckily hada astagfirullah honey what a comparison a Muslim even put Laden bin for stop throw in the Mughal Ofuro smilla alhamdulillah or salat wa salam wa ala rasoolillah what an early he was i behaved on welcome and voila my brothers and my sister in Islam Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in lovina Carlo verily those who say rub food allah allah is our lord to Mustafar then they remain steadfast on their Avada steadfast upon death oh hey what will happen to you when you die Tatiana's LOL a human male iike the angels will descend upon them at the moment of their death they will say allah azza know what a Bushido bill generality Contin to adorn take the glad tidings latter half of all attacks on oh do not be afraid nor do you grieve and take the glad tidings of Jannah that you've been promised namu awliya okay feel Hyatt in dunya we aware your helpers in this life and also we are now the bringers of glad tidings in your death voila comfy hamantash done for Socko for you is one of your heart's desire while I can free her method their own for you is whatever you ask for new Sulaiman hopeful rahim a beautiful dwelling from the most merciful the most forgiving God my brothers and my sisters in Islam my brothers and my sister Islam if you can remain constant in your x-ray Dada if you can remind yourself of the lessons of surah shatter every time you become weak you will become steadfast you will be like the steadfastness of no Hadees of a Salaam the steadfastness of Musa I saw a lady masala dosa lap the steadfastness of Rasulullah sallallahu alehiwassallaam when Allah ordered him and said what's become a Subbaraju Lula's be Minerva soul and be patient o Muhammad Salla Selim like the patience of the greatest of the messengers of god meaning be constant on your x-ray better O Muhammad SAW said Allah like the greatest of the messengers of God we're constant in the x-ray bad that despite all difficulty my brother's assistants like if we do that then our angels will come down at the time of her death and give us black tidings and it is because of this year equity and to help us succeed in this dunya and akhira allah subhanho wa taala has given us a beautiful day the night of lailatul other the night of laila the thunder the scholars and differences on which night it is even hajj orihime allah mentions infertile bari there are 40 opinions on which night lailatul other night is 40 opinions some of the opinions even state it's outside of ramadan but 30 opinions take it is within ramadan the strongest of the two opinions is either that it moves around in one of the ten nights mostly the odd night is either moves around or the second most strongest opinion is that it is the 27th night al-hasan al-basri rahim allah he said he said rock up to shams I saw the Sun after each of the night of the ten nights for fifty years and I found that the Sun was without Ray's on the 27th night on the morning of the 27th day for 50 years of my life the strongest opinion is that lailatul color is on the 27th however there's also many strong hadith that show that Leila the cutter could be on the 25th twenty-third there are three authentic hadith in Abu Dawud and intermedia others that lay little cutter is on the 23rd of 23rd of Ramadan also in one authentic hadith in Bukhari the professor assalam said I saw myself prostrating on mud on the night of letter to father and that was in the 21st night it rained in Medina so the scholars Islam say therefore letter cut the mag moves around and before you think it's odd days from the beginning remember that also it could be 30 days and odd from the ending as well and that is why the authentic hadith in Muslim it also says fee subterranea comes in your path a telephony apart meaning three days remaining five days remaining seven days remaining meaning odd from the beginning or out from the end so therefore doesn't matter order even it doesn't matter order even every night of leh little feathered of of the last ten nights is a high possibility of length of other and the highest possibility is 27th night but if you really really do not want to mislead the cutter then do not miss the last 10 nights any one of the ten nights because what allied could be one night and you could have missed 83 years or x-ray better if you were just careless and just wait for the 27th so be of those people that struggle to make your nights alive do not sleep the Prophet SAW said I've never slept the nights of the last ten nights he used to knock on the doors of his wives and he used to say I Iike a hella javi ledger for uber cassia tinted dunya re @ in yomel qiyamah wake up the women of these homes for indeed the one who was clothed today may be naked in the Hereafter yeppity-do not sleep the night so let the father take those times out and pray the night and the acts are a bother that is well known is reading the Quran in your Salah if you cannot do so while standing because you cannot then sit and read your Quran in your Salah and stand up the nights of those last 10 nights in your absolute Badham allah subhanho wa taala a noble you glorify you in this dunya and the offeror raise your levels in Jannah and give you a place and and you a place with our beloved prophet salallahu alaihe send them tomorrow my you hell Muslim moon I'm American people and karim allah jalla jalaluhu the petition as well in the la Habana Academy Saldana and avi you and Adi domino son Dhani who's a limitless Lima along my celly Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Ali he also habeas Allah Allah MacPhail muslimeen I will mostly mad al mumineen I will be not Elijah I mean when I'm what al-amin sword Enoch vaquita was should not Allah because Allah Mario Zelda IBAD Allah innallaha horrible active election what ETA Y del cobre I am Hannah fashio evil moon Carrie well Bobby you either come the Anglophone to the Quran o to Allah Allah demodulated become one of the few llahi akbaru Allah we are Allah o martyrs down a PMO's soda
Channel: Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury
Views: 26,608
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: sheikh, tawfique, chowdhury, official, channel, introduction, mercy, mission, alkauthar, al-kauthar, institute
Id: xyWzKoGLzdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2013
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