Beautiful Character of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) - Amazing story - Yaseen Media

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after the conquest of Mecca there isn't a man by the name of fool Allah and Laci and fool allah and Laci actually came to Mecca to assassinate the prophet sallallaahu name is my because of the culture wars at that time that are very similar to the culture wars of today that this man is coming to change your way of life he's coming to take away your freedom he's coming to turn you against your parents he's coming to do this he's coming to do that that's what they use the same tactics the same top tactics except you had people that were you know that were that were going out of their way even around Mecca outside of Mecca to propagate this hatred and this hate mongering towards the Muslims so falada came to assassinate the prophet sallallaahu idea was suddenly and he had a dagger hiding under his garment and he started doing Thoth he started walking around the cat but while the Prophet slicin was walking around the camera and again after the conquest of Mecca and the Prophet slicing him sees him and he's mumbling under his breath so the prophets of Allah resent him he goes up to him and he says yeah falada he met two had this wound upset he smiles at him he says what are you mumbling what are you talking to yourself about he said I'm just remembering Allah I'm just praying remembering Allah off it's like some said okay I'm walking second round full Donna starts coming close to the Prophet slice Allah he's mumbling he's kind of breathing a little bit hard because he knows what he's about to do as soon as he kills the prophets Ison he's going to be killed he's on a suicide mission I mean it really is a suicide mission as soon as he kills him he's dead so he's getting nervous he's mumbling the prophets lie something turns around he says yeah falada be mad too had different upset he smiles at him again he says o falada what are you talking to yourself about he said yah tussled allah a tool for allah he kind of got a little annoyed that he asked him that question again he said I'm just remembering a lot doing falafel so the third time King and the profits why some turned around to him again and he turned to him with his entire body he said yeah hold on Davi man to heidi phonetic he said oh falada what are you talking to yourself about and so he raised his voice at the prophets eye son said o Messenger of Allah a full flask or Allah making falafel I'm remembering Allah Spano Etana now the prophets lie Selim walked up to Falana and he put his hand on his chest and the prophets lie sanam started to wrap his hand on his chest and he started to pray for him and fool Allah he says in these words falada says that there was no face on the face of the earth no name out of all of the names of the of the people of the earth and no mention that was more hated to me than that of muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam but as soon as he put his hand on my chest and prayed for me he said he became the most beloved face the most beloved name and the most beloved mention in the entire world to me and he became Muslim now here's the thing the prophets Allah Elam knew that he was there to assassinate him he could have made an example out of him - right just like his enemies did they tried to take some of those early Muslims and they stride to torture them in public so that they could deter anyone else from considering this message the prophets I sanam took the moral high ground which we need to do as a community and the Prophet sallallaahu idea was set up instead of killing him and making an example out of him and it would have been justified the Prophet sallallaahu and he was I'm taught him what this message was all about he won his heart the Prophet slice in him didn't need to sit there and have a debate with him at that point he didn't have to talk to him over here because the message already made sense but the hatred in the heart was preventing him from even considering the message and so if you free the hearts the minds will be freed as well and that's what the prophets of Allah he was that I'm taught us in many many different ways and so forget about all of these people that have spoken ill of the prophets Lysanne today and these people that think that Islam is a message of hate and that you know say these terrible things about the prophet sallallaahu idea was salam read what Gandhi wrote read what sir George Bernard Shaw wrote read what Orwell wrote about the prophet sallallaahu he was something the historians of history have looked at the character of the prophet sallallaahu Hardy was cinnamon and fallen in love with him fallen in love particularly with the way that he treated others and the way that he always took the moral high ground and the way that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam killed his enemies with love killed him with love if a person hates you and if a person has had their heart filled with hatred towards you what's going to change them is not walking up to them and handing them a copy of the Quran what might change them is that while you're handing them a copy of the Quran you have a huge smile on your face and you say good morning sir good morning ma'am I just wanted to share this with you and what would be even greater than that is if you were to share with them the message of Islam without even giving them any material as omri lahav baba Thalia Lana used to say Kuno to Antonin law anthems lamington be callers to allah subhana wa ta'ala even as you are quiet they said how can we be callers to allah without saying anything he said be Kristin hook with good character you can call people to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and know our message is not to convert anyone like raha 15 there is no compulsion religion we're not here to convert anyone the Prophet Salla long riding you a sudden taught us to be patient with people be patient with people because sometimes they don't know any better and it's not that they don't know any better up here this is an intellectual faith we pride ourselves on pride ourselves on being on having an intellectual faith a message that makes sense a message that's very simple one God that we worship and one God that sends prophets and messengers to call to the worship of that one gun it makes sense that's why it's not miss steale the fastest growing religion in America with all the hate propaganda it's still the fastest growing religion in America it's still the fastest growing religion in the world you
Channel: Yaseen Media
Views: 257,445
Rating: 4.9405041 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Allah, Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Muhammad, YaseenMedia, Nouman, Ali, Khan, Zakir, Naik, Mufti, Menk, YaseenIslamicmedia, tdr, themercifulservant, thedailyreminder, theprophetspath, ilovuAllah, bayyinah, bayyinahtv, loveAllah328, MuslimSpeakers, lebo2196, Deenshow, omar suleiman, Yaseen Media, Deen show, NoumanAliKhan, NakColletion
Id: dhiqMmTFpY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2016
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