Never leave a man behind, except in street racing

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man's like you think we're gonna get a ticket I said we're looking for I'm good of jail I've been extremely fortunate you know I get asked this question all the time they said rabbit what's the worst speeding ticket you've ever gotten a rabbit your hey run-ins with the law or the cops or anything alone like that and I really haven't you know I got a lot of conference so that's helpful and I've never really had a ticket stick and I've never really had got into any bad traffic trouble I was thinking about the only speeding ticket I've ever had that's stuck I was driving like ten mile over and it got written to me by a trainee cop I didn't even have a real cop that was my only thing that aggravates me about it but a funny story about me and the cops was one back in my high school days you know everybody knows about the Trans Am and everybody know it's about the Mustangs well I had one Mustang that I loved I bought it myself it was a 94 Mustang GT Convertible I absolutely loved this car and I think I'll the reason I loved is because I had to work so hard to get it um this was in 98 so that's about four years old it was a salvage car we bought it at a salvage auction I still know the VIN number on that car which is crazy by heart because I used to have to have it to get parts for it when I was new I was ordering the body parts for it you know the car had been hit harder than Joe Frazier I mean it was murdered but it was this beautiful triple black GT and must have belonged to a chick because they had makeup busted up all in it like so you can tell that it blown to a lady or crossdresser one and we fixed it and repainted the car back PPG II all the way I mean it's just there's something about a car with nice paint versus factory paint you know you parked that black GT next to any other black GT it was just a black or car it was shinier it just stuck out and of course we did some custom stuff put a cow I put a set of mags on and then we got to hot rod knit a little bit playing with the motor just like every Mustang guy does they had a cam in and we changed the gear in it but it was not of magadh nobody wanted automatic Mustang everybody wants a man joy everybody wants a five-speed well I love him a little on that Mustang because a little rabbit you still had to cruise for chicks and that's hard to do when you push the clutch in so I wanted the automatic Mustang well I found a company in Hamburg New Jersey is called a level 10 that built a OD automatic transmissions to handle racing and all that kind of stuff and they built me a aod that was bulletproof supposedly and the reason I remember so much about this is because I gave them lots of money to make a transmission that would work that I could have still have an automatic but would run you know and I could drive it it's called a fourteen-year in it I mean a little Mustang would run for what it was and it was a great little car I mean I took a car that probably got 22 miles to the gallon and now I get 7 miles to the gallon chicks loved it I loved it it sounded good it was a great car was my baby well when you have a Mustang you do Mustang stuff and I'm not talking about wreck running into crowds of people this was before the new Mustang stuff this old Mustang stuff go cruise around dragon downtown you know my mom my mom and dad met cruising Main Street and I mean I met my first wife cruising Main Street got dr. Dre playing with my Mott 460 you know and and just having the time of my life with this car and there was some Street race and we played a little bit on the street and a good friend of Mines name was Ben mail we went school together and Ben had a 98 Cobra with the four six four cam and you know and this is back before everybody found out they were kind of slow we didn't know anything about these colors and he got one and he wanted a piece of my little Mustang GT so a ride through the city of Greenville Friday night cruising just looking for trouble we pulled to a red light in front of the local Ford dealership on Laurens Road riding into downtown Greenville we see the red light he revs up I rev up we take off light turns green were gone I made it to win and I got about a car length and a half on this white cover a little black staying at let me wrong blue lights behind us instantly keep in mind I'm driving this Mustang that's very loud moving very fast with a lime green dealer tag on the back with a tinted tag cover over it which makes it even worse so put the blinker on I pull in there's a little shopping center to the right supple in Ben keeps going first thing cop asked me who's that guy on the white Mustang I have no idea he says I need to see your license steal the car you got a registration for this I showed him my insurance paperwork for the tag gave them the spheal that every car lot kid tells every cop we're selling it you know whatever and you know with my high school tassels hanging in the rearview mirror you know I'm a big big horrendous folder of CDs in the seat I mean just horrible so I go to get out and as I handle my information I heard a Mustang and it's my buddy Ben he came back and the cop said really you just drove back up after running from the cops because yeah I thought about it it's just not right to leave my buddy behind you know I had a perfectly good lie going and you had a it up in but anyway so now it's mr. black Mustang mr. white Mustang license registration so here we are I go to get my car and grab pack Drive cigarette don't move so we're laning against back in her cars Ben's like you think we're gonna get a ticket I said we're looking for I'm gonna go to jail you know and just back and forth back and forth back forth he's in his car it's a little cool out it's fall everybody in town knows me honking the horn people driving by I'm just leaning there thinking of the why I'm gonna tell my father just dreaming up you won't believe what happened of course had my cellphone in the car my phone's ringing in the car I said not going for that because I can't move so I'm sitting there 45 minutes passes we're leaning in stir car well my feet are going numb at this point the thing that was crazy as I cut my car off and left the port lights on I don't know why I did that I thought it was cool or something I don't know about let the park lights off and my car I'm thinking the whole time it's McLaren underdrive pulleys on it and they don't charge the battery she's that great I'm thinking with something that's great it's cars not gonna start on top of it babe and I wanted to cut my headlights on I couldn't move I wanted to get my phone but it couldn't move and the more people that drove by the more my phone started ringing so we're leaning against the car and we're leaning just back forth back forth bends won't know what he's gonna tell his parents he's like well my little tail of myself no probably a good life that's what I do back forth back forth he's looking at her stuff and he gets on his phone I'm like he's probably calling tow truck we're going to jail we're going to jail listen police will be bunkmates how about that you know back before being scared to death we're both shaking like a leaf next thing you know done what comes off it gets out of his car it's got our license and registration he walks over to us he goes mr. black Mustang mr. white Mustang had a blue ticket folded over a driver's license or any information he said listen I like Mustangs I was young once I like cool cars and I love race but I'm not dumb enough to do it in the City of Greenville he's if you guys want to get out of back road and kill yourself I could care less just don't do it on my city streets have a great night it gets in his car we still haven't moved yet he gets in his car and backs out so I opened it up it was a warning ticket and warning tickets in South Carolina's just a blue take out like a regular ticket but it's got boxes you know parking or you know something dumb you know just like these little list of things that had other with a square checked street-racing we both got written a warning ticket for street racing so that was a really cool cop story and the thing that blew my mind was why he kept us pulled over for so long well a few years went by we have a really big bar in Greenville called the blind horse it's a big country barn you know I was a little bit older then that's a place that kind of like to hang out on for I didn't say they're nuts well guess who's working the door that same cop and I told my somebody you may not recognize me he says I know exactly who you are I said I've got one question for you I said why in the hell did you keep us pulled over so long for a warning ticket hey guys Obul wife called can I buy you a beer he said I get off at ten [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 998,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rabbit, Rob Pitts, VINwiki, Car Stories, high school, back in the day, ford, mustang, gt, automatic, drag car, drag racing, custom, Hot Rods and Happy Hour, Radio, Host, trophy, cobra, South Carolina, police, street racing, Black, salvage, rebuilt, title, project car, dad, father and son
Id: HJgpyHgsnu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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