I never expected the hospital to do this after my crash

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true story she gave me her daughter's phone number before I left the hospital [Applause] [Music] when I get good service I always complement it you know people take go the extra mile to complain nowadays without being said you know recently divorced 26 year old working in a new car dealership selling for words Oh rabbit decided you know what had a bright red Corvette made me something else Bachelor mad about town won't give me a motorcycle well it would be the best first motorcycle a brand new GSXR Suzuki when I bought this bike in no seven his brain you as a special edition yeah then what made he ever made and the big thing was titanium exhaust titanium header titanium short pipe killing I was made by company called micron when I bought my bike they said pick you out of helmet well throw it in with a bike and I said take it off the bike I said if you keep the shiny side up you don't need it now keep mind this is a guy that's never rode them I've never stretched my supposed motorcycle in my life at this point and I've already bought it so he put my exhaust on and I picked it up two days later I wrote it home luckily thank God the motorcycle shop was about two miles from my house it's in my garage and wax and all and check it out riding around the neighborhood coming back go a little further and come back next thing you know well a date in it all my bike took girl out on my bike let's get brave was riding getting comfortable July 6 2007 came this is a Friday afternoon about 6 o'clock was a girl I was dating it was her birthday I decided you know what I'm home a little early I get rid of her birthday party but I got just enough time for an old motorcycle I'll go for a ride I was about three blocks from my house and I laid it down little mistake gave it a little too much when I shouldn't have things happen you know not the most skilled rider bike came down when the bike came down it actually shattered my left leg my left leg snapped off right right below the kneecap and I'm like you know my legs dangling at this point it is you're feeling pain it's adrenaline you know right now and I'm trying to figure out the bull story I'm gonna tell everybody what happened because this is definitely gonna need to be more than this for this and I'm sitting here you know and all this stuff man what's comes against me and you know and I'm on my blackberry the one-cent grandma's information on actually I sent a text to that girl said baby I don't know if I'm gonna make you birthday party I broke my leg and she's like whatever and went I sent her a picture of it in the ambulance first thing they must write or they Milus guys in the back asked me was what kind of drugs I was on because I was way too calm to have this just happen and I said listen I got you get to do I got a birthday party to go to let's put a cast on this thing let's make it happen I gotta go put stretcher out of the back of the ambulance as soon as those wheels four hit the ground I felt it in my leg just that jar and then going over every bump like the door runners they bring me into the emergency room of course you know get your leg hanging off you know they're not gonna slide your pants off of you in the merge serum they're gonna cut them off well Rob's in a room full of ladies I'm not shot I'm always putting on a show good-looking dark head nurses over here on my right she's coming up my pants leg with a pair of scissors I put my hand right here inside my thigh stopped her I said ma'am before you go any further or something I need to tell you she said what's that I said this thing's been known to bring them to their knees and I thought I should warn you she said we need to see this she cuts them off true story she gave me her daughter's phone number before I left the hospital doc didn't come in at old doc I said listen you know give me a set of crutches and you put us put a you know cast on this thing I'll be at the bar tonight I'm good go Corvette's automatic I don't need a clutch pedal he said let's see what this MRIs this he comes back shows me there was nothing between my knee and about that far above my ankle shattered the bone and I'm like oh hell we fix this and he said we're gonna do a thing called the nail procedure he said we're going to insert a titanium rod in your leg put a lot of screws and a lot of pins and we're gonna put you back together and you're not going anywhere for a little while because there's a lot of asphalt and your grass grit in your wound and then we're scared of fictional he said you'll probably get out of here Monday or Tuesday this was a Friday night they do my surgery the procedure and it was so funny I'll wake up the next morning about seven o'clock I'm in a room already got a cast up to my hip you know one of those pump things on your foot IV in each arm and a little thing on your finger I mean the whole shootin match the girls Dayton was there you know my thing they're already done yeah everything went good and doctor came in he explained everything and said that everything went well you know and asked me how I was feeling I said yeah a little drowsy but good and you know keep mine you know got a little bit of pretty boy baby I'm always got my hair fix on that guy any hairs all over my head I'm at dirt on my face still because I only cleaned parts they work on and I said gotta take a shower and he said well maybe tomorrow night we can get you a sponge bath well told the girl that was dating I said listen the key to my house is inside that bag right there I said you get everything off the top of my bathroom counter in my bathroom you put it in the travel kit bring me some Ujamaa pass some t-shirts bring my damn hair gel and some cologne and you come at well the doctor says I don't get and what the daughter said well while she was gone a lady came and seen me and she came in she was a cleaning lady a janitor she had a little card and she said hey baby how you doing I said doing great ma'am I said is there any way I could have one of those trash bags she's like of course she hands me a big black trash bag IVs out put the trash bag over my leg I rode the table into the bathroom you know your little your little table goes over the bed I wrote it into the bathroom I showered shaved had pajamas on hair fix by the time the doc cam back in he came in he's like you've shaved you showered said you did right he said I was up till 1 o'clock in the morning screwing screws through your bones watching them chip away and you could have made one wrong move would be fitting you for a prosthetic and he said but I guess since your leg hasn't fell off let's just see how good we did he brought a walker and made me walk from one end to the hospital well that whole floor I had to get from one end to the other my leg felt like it weighed 900 pounds and at first it was no big deal by the time I got back I'm out was died he goes now sit your ass down and do like we say you know and I joke with the nurses when they came in you know how a hospital works I'd be on Brookman leg but they'll wake you up in the middle of the night check your temperature I mean I'm not there for the flu you know so we'll always joke around with him I'm here to check your temperature I'd roll over we don't do it like that okay I got to be the little class clown on my floor you know I've got to know everybody and got a phone number that was kind of cool Monday they said finally I could go home from the hospital so my girlfriend was picking me up and of course just like any other hospital stay you get a bill for it and I got it before I was as they were wheeling me out well you know that bill was $48,000 no health insurance at the time I said you know I do like anyway I said pay plan but while I was in the hospital I had a little downtime and learn I was talking about customer service and about when you get good service from somebody i sat down I don't had a legal pad there put the pen to the paper and I wrote a letter that's the very first time herb in hospital in my life I've sold the x-ray machine before but I've never been in the hospital and I said you know it was a very traumatic experience but I said the staff here made this so much better and I was talking I dropped some names in there including the nice lady that they gave me the trash bag she also said kneeled and prayed with me while we're there all the nurses were super nice including the mercy room lady's daughter real nice girl and I mean just just real good service you know and just everything was great I said people will do anything to complain and I said I'll do anything to pray someone that gives me good service and I said I'd be honest we just thank you and I dropped it in a little suggestion box on the way out so the following Monday I called the business office ok we're all my information my social Adam zero I had no balance so let's check that one more time she checked that she said yeah we got where you were here but your balance has been paid in full come to find out the hospital a lot of people donate when they pass away they'll donate to the hospital and things like that there's a special fund set up for that and she said apparently somebody thought your case was worthy of it so just goes to show you right there a little praise can go a long way [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 963,921
Rating: 4.9135046 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Pitts, Hot Rods and Happy Hour, Radio, Rabbit, VINwiki, Car Stories, Motorcycle, Crash, Accident, Broken Leg, Nail Procedure, Rod, Titanium, Micron, Exhaust, Headers, Car Sales, Bachelor, Fracture, Leg, Surgery, Hospital, Doctor, Nurse, Nurse's Daughter, Stand up, Hospital Bill, Payment Plan, Charity, Foundation, Donation, Vanity, Ambulance
Id: EsQ-xAQnlSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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