Roasting the Dumbest Sith In all of Star Wars

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who are the absolutely dumbest Sith in all of Star Wars lore greetings wise acolytes of the force and welcome back to our archives in the halls of our great Library we have paid homage to many of the greatest and most intelligent Sith Lords that have ever lived Legends such as Marco ragnos who was perhaps the only Sith Lord to a full loyalty from his Empire or Visionaries like Darth Bane who entirely reformed the Sith in a vision that he believed in and the Sith as we know it in the bay night lineage we also get genius mad scientists such as Darth Plagueis who unlocked the secrets of life and death causing the force to flee from him in disgust many of these dark side adepts have earned their place in the pages of Galactic history and in many ranked lists in these archives however not all of these Sith were created equal and though many of them have left marks of Glory or Terror on the Galaxy there were some Sith Lords that simply fell short you can't have the best without there being the mediocre and you can't have the wise without the foolish and today we'll look at the Lesser while many Sith have had our mouths gaped and stunning awe of their intelligence and power today though we are rather going to take a look at Sith that had our eyes squinted in confusion at their mere incompetence yes my friends for this holocron we are going to be ranking the top 5 dumbest Sith Lords to have ever come from the order the absolute pitiful of the pitiful first though let's make something clear our selections for this list were made on a basis of them either making unwise decisions with disastrous consequences or just having a regular lack of intelligence but before we begin we have sensed that you are nowhere near as unwise or unintelligent as the men and Sith on this list so reach out with the force and Crush that subscribe button so that you may increase your knowledge all the more with our daily holocron openings now acolytes let us begin to kick us off with a bang we have the Sith Lord Darth Millennial Darth Millennial is one that not many would recognize upon first hearing the name Millennial would be the fourth generation of the benite lineage a relatively early time in the era of the rule of two Millennial was The Apprentice of the Sith lady Darth cognis who had been trained directly by Zana the direct Apprentice of Darth Bane himself cognis had actually met Bane when he was alive and grew to respect him immensely as such she was an absolute Zealot for the philosophy of the rule of two of course there is some debate as to whether or not cognis was trained other Zona or Bane as it is left to interpretation by the reader in the novels however what is clear is that darthana definitely completed the training of cognis however this would also mean that cognis would have a direct teaching about the rule of two from the very man who created it making her zealous loyalty to the idea all the stronger Darth cognus was intelligent and had a gift of foresight able to see effortlessly into the future a rare gift she knew that the rule of two would indeed succeed by her Visions which is why it was so difficult to understand why her first Apprentice turned out the way that he did Darth Millennial was a mutated human whose mutation apparently was just that he had three eyes despite being trained by the loyal Darth cognus Darth Millennial disagreed with the philosophy of the rule of two and insisted that it would be prudent to do it the old way of the old Sith by building up an army of dark Lords to challenge the Jedi completely missing the point of the rule of two we aren't necessarily trying to bash Darth Millennial for just having his own ideas but when we explain why we think these ideas are in fact stupid ones perhaps you'll see our reasoning based on what we know of his age Darth Millennial would have grown up during the latter years of the new Sith Wars so he would have been around for the very end of the seventh Battle of ruson at this time the entire galaxy was pretty much worn out with the Jedi's fight against the Sith as this happened to be a constant thing literally without any break for a thousand years at this point in time even the Jedi order itself was done with it and general hot's Army of light was suffering from lack of recruits due to the fact that the Jedi Order as a whole was tired tired of the constant fighting which was starting to look pretty pointless at this point the Bane novels make it very clear what the war of light and darkness looked like from the rest of the Galaxy's perspective yes the Sith were bad but the Republican the Jedi were starting to look just like them with all of their warmongering the lines between the Sith and the Jedi were beginning to blur as the Sith had pretty much started just to operate the same way that their enemies did it didn't matter how many Sith foot soldiers they had or that had to Die the Jedi could match them and it was clear that the war was an exasperated stalemate and if the Sith continued on this path they would most certainly be obliterated from the Star Maps if not for the rule of two this would have been the fate of the Sith and now it was the only option for thousands of years prior the Sith rose up with big armies and could not defeat the Jedi I mean not even the Sith Empire at their most powerful under Darth vicious rule could defeat the Jedi Order that plan just would not work anyone with eyes at this point would have seen that Darth Millennial had three eyes and apparently still missed the memo he insisted that an army of Sith would be more beneficial despite the thousands of years of evidence to the contrary the Sith right now were weaker and were once they were wise enough to acknowledge it if they went public again then that would mean a Swift and decisive end Millennials should have known this and even if he did not he should have at the very least trusted and cognis's ability to literally see into the future but no Millennial remained stubborn in his ways and so his master in a fit of Fury attempted to kill him Millennial however managed to escape her and he hid in the unknown regions deciding to move forward with his idea of starting a dark side Army he founded what is known as the prophets of the dark side which were not much of an army at all but more of a church group that would live on for a thousand years but still ultimately accomplished close to nothing and being wiped out by Darth Sidious the culmination of the rule of two in a final ironic move moving on we have Lord Khan speaking of poor decisions let's talk about the entire reason for the rule of two we're looking directly at Lord Khan and his Brotherhood of Darkness some might be surprised that we included a man like this on our list as he was actually seen as a genius and a Visionary in his era at least in the eyes of the Sith underlings who thought his way was the only way perhaps it might have been if they were trying to keep the Sith Empire going on however Darth Bane already points out all of the flaws in Lord Khan's ideology which was his attempt to bring all the Sith under one Banner by declaring each Sith Lord equal to one another this was to stop all the backstabbing and infighting that made the order weak at first the Brotherhood of Darkness proved to be an absolute Powerhouse and it was actually truthfully effective for a time but what Lord Khan didn't see coming was the fact that during the battle of rusad the Sith order had become nothing more than a twisted parody of the Jedi and due to the stresses of War Lord Khan began to slowly lose his mind now we haven't placed Lord Khan on this list because of his flawed ideology as that wouldn't exactly be fair especially when comparing him to Millennial he did what he thought was the only logical next step it is too much to say that he should have known that this was the error in his ways as this in itself doesn't prove that he's one of the dumbest dark Lords the reason though that we have placed Lord Khan on this list was because of his terrible leadership and his pitiful battle strategy the Brotherhood of Darkness might have worked if they had put literally anyone else in charge of all of the military decision-making we find out later in the Bain novels that Lord Khan was able to keep the peace not because of his Charisma but because of his ability to manipulate even Lords of the Sith with a rare Force ability we find out that he has been using all of his talents to basically Mind Trick all of the Sith Lords into playing nice with one another and he had been doing so subtly enough to keep them from noticing he had tried to use this trick on darthbane himself but failed due to the fact that pain was much stronger in the mind and in the force than the common Sith was in fact Bane managed to deceive Khan into believing that Bane had been successfully mind controlled leading to him being able to stab Khan in the back not literally though Bane merely used Khan's extremely poor planning against him the war between the army of the light and the Brotherhood of Darkness was a constant wrestling match unlike most wars this wasn't Galactic wide but focused only on a few specific systems the war was a much lesser scale which is why there was only a certain portion of the Jedi Order that actually joined the army of the light rather the entire order itself the way the war ended up shaking out was that it was all going to come to a head during the rusan campaign Lord Khan had placed all of his chips on this campaign as it all came down to this since both the army of light and the Brotherhood of Darkness intended to finish the war right there what resulted was an extremely Savage and messy two-year Skirmish which led to multiple stalemates in the fighting Lord Khan had no backup plan and it was either they won ruson and crushed the army of the light or they were destroyed entirely and they were quickly running out of supplies as the amount of planets they controlled at this point was significantly less than the Jedi did because of course they had Republic backing at some point during the rusan campaign Lord Khan set up a blockade around the planet to keep the Republic from Gaining supplies and fresh troops The Fleets above the planet were at a stalemate just like the ground forces War the Republic had fresh supplies waiting to be given but they were held back by this blockade the Sith had nothing though the reinforcements from the Sith Lord Academy of corriban was their final hope this exact blockade was the only thing keeping the war going at this point everything wrote on the blockade Lord Khan had single-handedly put the entire Sith order in an unwinnable checkmate with that said though they were also close to destroying the army of light but all that had to happen was if the blockade was broken and of course it would be then the Sith would be destroyed Khan foolishly left Bane a known traitor behind in Camp completely unsupervised Bane gave false orders to the blockade to engage the Republic Fleet and this gave a good enough window for the Jedi to send their ground troops fresh supplies basically an act that ended the war Lord Khan allowed himself to completely lose his mind in fear and Desperation and positioned himself to be perfectly manipulated into detonating a new weapon that Bane created that was the thought bomb thus destroying the entire Sith order itself save for one that man was Darth Bane moving on we know what will be a rather controversial pick but that is savagio press actually one of my personal favorite Star Wars characters it's understandable if some of you think this pick is a little unfair especially in conjunction with the rest of the Sith who had made some pretty major mistakes but we all have to call a spade a spade and say that Savage certainly falls short in the intelligence category he doesn't do anything super incompetent to be fair but it's clear that he just simply Never Would Have Made It on his own Savage grew up in a village in the middle of nowhere and was just sort of taken by the night sisters because he happened to be strong enough using a dark ritual they mutated him into a stack of muscles that could be molded to anyone's use savagio press is very powerful sure but he's simply just a meathead savagio press would be transported to the apprenticeship of Count Dooku and no matter how much training or torture Darth tyrannus subjected him to Savage just never seemed to grasp his lessons his saber skill was pretty lacking though he at least made up for it with his brute strength he was able to break free of interest's mind control but he only knew to go back to where he came from he would receive the Quest for mother talzin to find his brother-in-law but Savage is hardly able to do this Quest without a glowing necklace and as soon as that necklace stopped working he just sort of flipped out and went on a monstrous Rampage even after finding Maul and becoming his Apprentice he didn't have any greater shows of ambition and just followed Maul around doing his bidding it all comes down to the fact that Savage never really seems to have any goals for himself and doesn't care to pursue or even create any greater prospects than just to serve a greater power it's clear that he would never made it on his own as a Sith Lord and it seems as though he can only ever fit the role of being the in servitude and all of this is even admitted by Savage himself even on his deathbed he admits to his brother Maul that he isn't like him and never was basically confessing to not really even expecting much from himself in the first place a powerful wielder of the dark side to be sure but I do not believe that anyone would call savagio Press wise moving on we have Darth gravitt now let's talk again about the Sith that made huge mistakes which forever impacted their order to do this we'll have to roll back the clock into somewhere in the very middle of the rule of two in order to talk about the infamous Darth gravid a Lord which pretty much everyone agrees was pretty dumb gravid was a man who had wise prospects but went about it very unwisely he wanted to find the balance in the force but wanted to do so in the most bizarre way possible gravid became obsessed with Jedi lore and teachings soon Desiring to implement their ways of compassion and altruism into the Sith philosophy which seems whack in the first place but of course this could never work as he only wanted to do this to obtain more power leading into the fact that you can't be selfless for selfish reasons some might say this would just be hypocritical but when it comes to the force this is downright Madness and eventually he would succumb to this madness as he couldn't effectively reason out the dichotomy of the Jedi in Sith lore especially when he actively tried to merge the two philosophies rather than just starting over maybe looking at it from another angle he decided that this was the only way to move on and that the only way to do so further was to destroy every everything the Sith order had and to essentially start over from scratch just like Bane had he then began to systematically destroy or hide all the Sith Lord that they had all the precious Scrolls holocrons ancient lightsabers almost all of it gone destroyed by this one man all lost to this single madman there's no telling what amazing pieces of knowledge that have been forever lost due to the incompetent Madness of this single Sith it was extremely lucky for the Sith ordered that his Apprentice stopped him and at least managed to recover some of the Lost lore that was destroyed or hidden away among all of the Sith that would follow him gravid was an embarrassment but I personally am more shocked that our number one pick is in place as the real humiliator of the Sith order and finally we have Naga sadao don't be fooled by the legendary reputation behind the name Naga sadao is undoubtedly one of the worst Sith Lords to have ever lived and we did an entire holocron on why he was such an embarrassing failure but let's recap his mistakes as soon as he started the great hyperspace War a war that would destroy the Golden Age of the Sith completely of all of the Sith on this list undoubtedly Naga sadao did the most damage and it all began with the great hyperspace War sadal had pulled some masterful manipulation and Brilliant schemes in order to climb his way to the top and get this war going but as soon as the war started it was like all his intelligent reasoning got jettisoned from an airlock his First Act of incompetence is when he left the individual known as DAV daragon in charge of a fleet right at the flagship despite gav having literally zero military combat experience whatsoever and only a rudimentary understanding of even the force as a refresher gav was one of the two pilots that had accidentally stumbled on the Sith Homeworld of korriban which started this whole mess in the first place gav hadn't been fully turned over to the dark side yet though but instead had just been training with sadao for a maximum of maybe a few weeks not nearly enough time for him to have any sort of loyalty to the Sith or even sadao the second foolish thing he does is send this Invasion Force directly into the heart of the Republic by outright attacking Coruscant no build up no plan of Siege or trying to maybe surround Coruscant first by taking out a few systems nope he went right into the very cradle of the Republic's power and this is the thing that sadao throws the entire Sith Fleet at in this Invasion leaving you guessed it the Sith Homeworld completely exposed and with no protection whatsoever although the first stages of the invasion were successful in catching the Republic completely off guard everything would be turned on its head in a matter of hours gav's sister Jory was there on Coruscant and managed to talk Gavin to renouncing the Sith and turning back to their side which was obviously a massive surprise to Naga sadao it is absolutely ludicrous that Naga sadao would allow a republic sympathizer to lead his Fleet into the invading Republic space without taking into account his emotional ties sadau took on the Sith Apprentice that still had emotional attachments to a sister that sedal let on continue living Gavin Jory flew back to nagasadao's meditation sphere following this and disrupted his battle meditation ultimately costing the entire Battle of Coruscant and nagasa Dao lost the core of the Republic sidao tried to regroup back on korriban but most of his Fleet had already been crushed by the power of the Republic but guess what acolytes it got worse so Dao was caught in a battle on two fronts on one side was an old rival of his a Sith by the name of Ludo crash and on the other was the Republic Naga sadao would be defeated by making the most ridiculous easily avoidable mistakes and thus ruining the Golden Age of the Sith costing the Sith their entire Homeworld and the entire Empire not to mention wasting nearly 3 000 years of development or their entire race and it appears as if no one one really ever talks about this the Comets depict the great hyperspace War having only lasting a single day but the novels play these events out over a much longer period of time so it's up to you how long it really lasted nevertheless though the great hyperspace war was a humiliating defeat for the Sith and it falls squarely on the shoulders of Naga sadao when looking at the facts there is no one to blame but Naga we watch him pull off expertly crafted plans of Espionage in order to gain positions as the dark lord which let us know that he knows better than this but these basic mistakes make us wonder whatever could have happened for nagasa Dao to be so stupid when he got the power he desired the fact he knew better and did the opposite for me makes him the dumbest Sith Lord in all of the lore not to mention the consequences of his actions so my friends and acolytes I do hope you enjoyed this holocron and we want to know if you agree with our picks and the reasoning behind them if you don't we would love to hear why and who you think is one of the dumbest Sith Lords in the order that we failed to mention until next time my friends and very intelligent acolytes May the force be with you and have a great day foreign
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 111,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Star Wars Explained, The Mandalorian, Grogu, The Mandalorian Season 3, Jedi Survivor, Sith, Dark Side, Dumb Sith, Darth Jar Jar
Id: GkKeXCu9GPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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