Never a dull moment with these disciples

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we're wearing these tunings we got it we got to close out leagues it's a good little or which I hope you don't um you will see that it's a little difficult a my name's George playing role John and I am p.m. playing the part of the James James's how are we solve this dilemma well what if I come by big James hands more of a hopeless romantic so you big you're big James is more of a hopeless romantic or as little James is a little bit rough around the edges so that's how we tell the difference between two there's also the height thing the big little pretty much just another way to tell the little competition like that who's I mean that personality trait is a huge way it is also a different color here I am from Germany actually about I just recently moved to LA some of these questions that we get cos from all over the globe we haven't been interviewed yet not at all it's just you see Anna stressing up come on boys I'm an American faking an Australian accent like this is where it's at hood that Australia is the greatest country so you like this accident off people would like me have to have issues with self-esteem the only white people can respond to me right Agra instant response say that works why I was Nick this is big ass editing manly we could have him just here his spirit is with us yes sir it happen to him is just it's just it's not sir he's spirit but he's with hello EEMA we can still play even when they say yes Mama's looking alright I'll just do one ticket that James John yeah this Yuma listen to him please we will we will I'm sorry I want to make it serious now because you know we've been joking right brother stunned a little bit but I would say one of the members would take is dancing you know you know dressing I think it's been important for our characters that the brothers Honda indulged in artistic dance before any big thing absolutely sorry I didn't mean to get serious is that okay that is not really fun I think I think this is supposed to be fun I didn't mean to bring the mood down it's okay [Music] we waiting for imagine the dancing did indeed bring us into scented us into exact thanks a character look yeah a little bit of 90 stance as well that makes it even more serious house it's actually a nice they use it as a screenshot for a lot of the videos It's Made seeing the fish for the first time I look at it cross island life and I'm really excited about the fish so that moment especially with the music and cutaways to Jesus Simon that moment is quite a magical TV sort of learning my family's Greek Orthodox I served my grandparents there and they they know the stories as well so they were all very very happy and impressed with with those Saints to show the miracle of fish there's actually a video of Dallas like going through he's like I don't think we're gonna get this day I don't think we're gonna get it I don't know what's gonna happen they explained what he called them it's some quite [Music] being will Sears like you just get your glue burrito put it inside it's like dude you just said grain burrito how am I supposed to keep a straight face of green burrito by I'm looking at this thing going by now they're gonna do this and it looks phenomenal the reaction of not just myself but also people watching it incredible good thing I reacted the way I did so this is very important this is now ignore that hand this is coffee time you have to catch this on video it's Coffee time all right so this is the amount of coffee I'm gonna drink it's gonna hype up your world's gonna hike but my crew person and Hays definitely is will be lost where this girl shook she would to do that again hold on hey Z slow so I mean there Justin isn't it's just ajust like a let's do that once more sir is your favorite person dead all right you're you tonight make the show oh we gonna get make partnership brothers just assemble crew member [Music]
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 143,455
Rating: 4.9533076 out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, sons of thunder, comedy, improv comedy
Id: vEIyA9f9wzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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