One scene, but it's a good one: The Chosen Day 8

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your whole life you've wanted to serve god to meet the son of god the king of israel i promise you you won't regret this [Music] so there's two ways today can go because we've got one scene that isn't overly complicated and so one way is we're kind of tired at the end of the week let's just kind of take it easy and then we end up at the end of the night all of a sudden rushing something because we were kind of relaxing all day thinking it's just one scene or we can remain really focused work really hard and fast with intensity and with purpose and then we could possibly get done early and i know we're all tired and i know it's a long week so let's go with the latter spread that to your teams too of just like let's just let's set the example of keeping keeping things moving and uh that'll create a nice foundation for our two actors who have a lot of work to do today settle in and just talk you know i'm just i'm just saying the more takes we do you might start to feel a you know an urge to or maybe a temptation to feel like it's a long scene we're all waiting we've done it so many times people might be getting restless like get rid of all of that and just settle in and be present and don't worry about you know just relax have a conversation i'm going to do it lots of times and each time i want you to just be feeling totally supported in in in the patience that's around you does that make sense yes thank you thank you yeah just we're going to be here this is what we're doing like this is what we're doing tonight we got one of my most anticipated scenes of the entire season we were able to spend the amount of time that we really wanted to on and i'm really excited about it and i want to give spoilers away but we've it involved two of our brand new cast members and uh it's just it's this beautiful scene that in scripture only gets a couple verses but we of course as the chosen likes to do we of course built a back story and built more context to it and just beautiful beautiful scene i actually got emotional uh while uh while watching the last take that scene that moment is one of the top three or four moments of the season that i want to like nail you know and you got it oh absolutely absolutely so thank you good news is uh we're done early and i'm about to go eat lunch uh of course lunch today happens at 9 30 at night but that's how scheduling works so i will see you day 9 on monday and hopefully i will have some decent news about some of our casting and scheduling decisions in the morning i was dealing with all the things that i have to deal with that don't involve actually directing the show it's it's casting decisions it's scheduling even when we showed up on set instead of prepping the scene we were actually out planning ahead for future scenes and future days and trying to figure out the schedule so that's been challenging but we can always use a lot of prayer so thanks
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 33,351
Rating: 4.9846678 out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: cQFB_pAskb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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