A Behind the Scenes Look at "The Chosen"

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hi everybody I have such a treat for you today I have my friend Jordan Ross coming on today some of you might know him as little James from the show The Chosen I've actually known Jordan for a few years because his wife is one of my best friends so many of you have asked how I feel about the chosen and I never knew how to answer when the series started getting more and more popular more and more people started asking me what I thought about this series and I didn't really have much to offer because I was a bad friend and didn't really watch the series so after I watched the whole series I contacted Jordan and asked them if he would be interested in doing an interview with me and he was very happy to be a part of this most of you know how I feel about a lot of you know Christian films not all of them but some of them can be kind of cringy I think that it's smart to have our Bibles open and you know understand that there are differences but overall I find the shows to be very appealing I was pleasantly surprised when I sat down to watch the whole series how much I did enjoy it I think that if there's anything out there that can make us want to read scripture or be interested in scripture I think that's a good thing so here's a chance for us to get a behind-the-scenes look at the chosen what it's like to be an actor on it how Dourdan got the part and the overall heart behind the chosen I hope you enjoy this hi everybody I'm really excited to bring you this interview today I have with me my good friend Jordan Ross some of you might know him from the show the chosen and Jordan I just want to thank you so much for coming on with me and talking to me about this show yeah of course thank you for having me I'm excited so you play the character little James on the chosen can you tell us about this character yeah so biblically speaking there's not a whole lot known about little James you know certain apostles have a lot of backstory and then others there's just you just kind of know their name from other like historical documents and things like that from the research I did he apparently he carried a club with him which you actually see me carrying a a stick a lot in the Chosin like a walking stick but he apparently in real life carried this club and he like most of the apostles met a pretty gruesome death where a crowd killed him with his own club so it was yeah that's that's according it's that's not specifically mentioned in the Bible but according to you know yeah so it's a that's that's what is believed to have happened to em the character in the the chose and they made him a singer and which which I've seen briefly in one of the episodes but that's a good scene thank you yeah no I thought it was prepared for life on the road snakes hunger floods toy doesn't mention the blister yeah but you never read the book on constant low-level aches cerumen and Destin you know right so how'd you do before you met him I I am I was on my way to join the 288 a Jerusalem Temple Choir okay I was Caesar's favorite gladiator my soul thirsts for you my flesh longs for you in a dry and weary land there is no I stand corrected thank you clear why Jesus asked you to join him I don't know if anything's clear you know maybe I'll sing maybe not he's the only one who knows who I'll become more than anything he's a teacher and we had his students that it was kind of nerve-wracking doing that cuz I've done musical theater growing up but I've never considered myself a singer I've always just been an actor and if I have to sing I'll sing but so for that when I was I was nervous but by then I had known I've gotten to know the cast really well and was really close to everyone I was in the scene with so it wasn't as scary but they made him a singer because also according to to tradition he was one of the first people to sing and like the the first church in Israel in the choir there so they took that and they're like why don't we just make his character a singer in the show - artistic license yeah yeah exactly so and well I'll definitely cover cover more of that as well but um but yeah that's pretty much there's a few things that they're gonna introduce about him and the coming seasons and I don't know a ton yet except don't read any of the scripts but I know little details so that he's gonna be fleshed out a little bit more as we keep going - I'm really looking forward to it so when we got the idea to do this interview I remember I hadn't watched any of the chosen yet I hadn't watched any seasons or anything like that and I read a few reviews on it and as I kept reading and watching people's reactions they were very positive and I was interested to know alright maybe I should watch this you know let's let me watch this let's do this interview and I ended up loving it I think that Christian fiction in that sense where you're taking a biblical theme a biblical idea and you're you're making something from it and the examples that we came up with we were talking about this before we came on Lord of the Rings es lewis' you have all these other people who have taken some Liberty in that essence to give a point that they're making I kind of see Dallas the director I kind of see him doing the same thing with this oh yeah one of my favorite scenes in the entire series it was an episode 7 where Jesus is talking to Nicodemus about John 3 being born again and the way that he weaved that together it was it was great it was amazing and what it should do is that it shouldn't substitute our Bible reading it should make us want to pick up our Bibles and read it and no more and to want to know these characters in their actual historical settings with that as a backdrop with this whole series and you mentioned season 2 what can we expect as far as the overall storyline in season 2 because there's some disciples that haven't showed up yet and yeah there's some that we've seen briefly like Thomas and he's gonna be showing up more as far as like others like Judas I don't know when he's gonna show up I have heard some ideas about how they'll introduce him which is pretty cool but yeah I know that one thing that that is public that they've announced on the chosen fan page and in their videos we are gonna be doing the Sermon on the Mount that'll be one of the the next big things that we do which will be a huge scene yeah we've already covered a lot of things like the the healing of the leper the paralytic being well over through the roof like a bunch of things like that that we've covered but there's still so much more I think one of the the things that really has made people connect with the show is that so most movies about the life of Jesus or most shows about life of Jesus focus that they kind of tell it from his perspective and it's it's there they're good but it's whenever it's told from his perspective it's a little bit harder to relate because none of us are perfect we're not none of us know what it's like to be Jesus like and it's cool to kind of try to see what that would have been like but whenever you tell it more from the perspective of the Apostles and the people closest to him it's I think that's a way of of kind of humanizing all of them and showing like all these people are flawed all these people have a ton of issues and then seeing it from their perspective and also learning a lot of their backstories before you even ski Jesus on the show like the first two episodes he barely appears in the show and it's it's following you know Simon and Andrew and following Mary and Matthew and all these other characters and then you kind of see all these struggles and all these things that they're dealing with and then they all kind of intersect and meet Jesus at the same time so then when they start seeing this guy that shows up and starts performing these miracles and stuff it's like oh my gosh and and you're seeing it from from that angle and I think that's something that's kind of new and also the fact that it is every other movie or the the few shows that have been done about Jesus they're all like miniseries or a limited series yeah there's never been a multi season show about Jesus and the Apostles so that gives a lot of flexibility to kind of just breathe and and not rush because normally it'd be like an eighth episode show and that's it so you have to show like the entire life of Jesus and all of the Apostles in eight episodes so you cram a lot in there but yeah whenever there's there's multiple seasons you don't have to cram anything you can add a ton you can really touch on every little beat and every little story and every character and that's another reason that most movies and shows there's there's like the main apostles like Jesus's inner circle where it's like you know James John and and Simon Peter and then they're all the other ones just kind of blend together it's just it's like those three and then a bunch of other apostles and then Judas they'll they'll show him to this show they really Dallas the the writer and other writers of the show really wanted to give each apostle their their own distinct personality and backstory so you really one can differentiate between them but really care about them and care about their relationship with each other and with Jesus so then as you go on this story taught it's kind of like watching any true historical drama like you know the Titanic or whatever you what it's leading to that it's leading to this really sad but then ultimately happy thing that you know towards then but it's it's gonna have even more of an emotional impact on the audience when they're going through this really long journey with all of these people they're seeing their connections their relationships and you know there's a lot of instances in the show where Jesus jokes around with them and they he dances with them and they they they're just hanging out and they're not always talking about you know these huge life or death death things they're there they're just people and they're hanging out and they're friends and they they eat and you know they they just kind of go through life together so when it gets to those big dramatic moments in the end I think it'll be even even more impact yes yes even going through the first season it's because we are humans we are human beings and you can get a new word and you can pray and that is the first things that we should always do as Christians and then we have this wonderful medium called art where we can connect in different ways in our own way you know so in this in this aspect I see you as an artist I see Dallas as an artist I see all the actors as artists in this way and this is a depiction of a historical relationship with Jesus and Jesus left he probably did tell jokes like he he probably hugged his disciples and right and as far as like history goes somebody said that this is probably the most accurate depiction of probably how Jesus looked well - the actual language yeah but the accents yeah yeah so talk a little bit about that how it what was it like to prepare for this character as far as the the audition process so they actually were holding the auditions at the place that I was working at the time I worked at an acting school in Dallas and it was like it's an acting and filmmaking College and they do a bunch of workshops as well and I was an admissions rep there and normally if I got an audition I would just take my lunch and go do it wherever it was but this particular day I had a bunch of interviews lined up with central students and I got this audition notice the day before and I didn't have time to move any of my appointments around and it was right in the middle of two of my interviews so I didn't think I would be able to make it until I looked and saw that it was in that same building so I literally just had to walk down the hall audition and then go back to my office so it worked out perfectly but I went in and originally I read for who was it for the first round of auditions for the first round I read for Matthew and then after that it was like a week later my agent called and said you have a callback and the second time I read for Simon and Andrew so I went in and I did that and the second round of auditions they told us to work on a like Hebrew or Israeli accent so I just listened to YouTube videos and and kind of got a rough version of one and then when in did the second audition and for the people that haven't kind of gone through that process the first round it's typically just the casting director who's operating the camera and then the person that you're reading with the casting assistants so they're reading the other character with you so I did that the second round though it was the two casting directors as well as a few of the producers Dallas the director and then Justin one of the producers was reading with me in the scene so we read it a couple times and it seemed like Dallas shook my hand and he seemed really excited and said you know great job and I was like oh that's cool and I felt really good about it and then it was like another week went by and I didn't hear anything and then my agent called and said that I booked little James and before shooting they you know told us like grow our hair out and our facial hair as much as we can and then they set us up with a voice or a dialect coach and we did like FaceTime calls with her and she just went through all of our lines and she would tell us like on this word you need to you know punch this one this one sound or you know do different things with this word or with a sentence and just kind of the rhythm and like the the music of it of that of the accent it's different you know maybe you like go up at the end of a sentence or we things like that that feel unnatural but once we kind of went through every line with her several times then it kind of got a little easier singing in an Israel a little different I kept wanting I kept feeling like I sounded Irish or something it was weird and that was pretty much the extent other than reading the scripts and then our own kind of research looking up just whatever we can find on our characters and on the stories that that we are focusing on in season one so that was the main thing we did for for our research as actors but I do know that the Dallas and all of the producers and writers did tons of research going into it when they were writing the show so like even you know the the music or the song that I sang in it or just like the this scenery or you know the the props and like the furniture and everything they put so much thought into that and tried to make it as like we talked about as historically accurate as possible tech yeah yeah and it's it's crazy being on set because there have been sets that I've been on where they're they're not as detailed or I've been on sets that use a lot of green screen and stuff like that so you can't really see what you're doing or what it's gonna look like in the the finished product but with this we did use green screen a couple times and there is CGI in the show but for the most part everything you see is what we were looking at there on set they built massive you know set so we used it it's actually a Christian theme park in Weatherford Texas for the first season that it has it's it's made to look like you know Israel back in in Jesus's time so all the buildings and stuff are pretty pretty historically accurate we we went there and we moved things around and build built our own buildings and structures and just used that for all eight episodes so that's fascinating that's really cool so let's talk a little bit more about that so you were talking about the the research that was done which I've noticed that the director is really open about he he gets something like of course as you're naturally gonna get with these kinds of things he really does seem to really love God like he seems to really love Jesus he seems to to want to make this as almost like not Hollywood as he can some I haven't looked at this yet but somebody said that there's a story about how the chosen even got started it got driven by Hollywood which is not a bad thing so what is the background if you can give some background on his thought process on why he wants to do just the way he wants to do this so as far as Dallas's backstory from one his dad is I forget his name but the right the yeah the left behind yes yes so um he's he's definitely no stranger to Christian fiction and at Christian entertainment and stuff like that so he makes sense actually now that you point that out yeah and yeah he Dallas he had done several faith-based films before he did the chosen and he actually did one that was financed in Hollywood his previous movie he did right before the Chosin was a faith-based film that was financed in Hollywood and it was kind of a flop and and I'm not saying that you know to be mean he says that exact same thing and but to him it was it was kind of a blessing in disguise because he in that time he was you know heartbroken he was hoping that it would it would do way better than it did and it just didn't so he was like kind of at a point where he was like what am I gonna do like this is I'm a filmmaker and I finally made it in Hollywood I got this this movie financed mean and kinda made and it didn't do anything so there are people that get second chances but if you have a movie that bombs it's gonna be a lot harder to get money for your next one so he was struggling and he this church that he was a part of he did a small like Christmas short film that was called the shepherd and it was about a shepherd during the the birth of Jesus and that's kind of like the the unofficial pilot of the chosen the the first episode kind of really and from that it kind of spawned this idea of what if we did a multi-season show about Jesus and the Apostles and him and his wife were talking about it Amanda who's awesome he was thinking like how in the world would I ever make enough money or a enough money to get this done because unlike his previous movie they got financed in Hollywood that was just kind of a romantic comedy without this massive budget and this the idea of doing a multi-season show about the life of Christ a historical epic you know drama that that you need all of the the appropriate clothes and sets and scenery and all that that's a lot of money yeah yeah so but he was like you know what I'm gonna do it and they wrote it from that short film they used that to kind of get the word out and to get people interested and they were like hey we want to do something like this except you know in a much bigger scale and they they told investors that and money started pouring in now for season two we already actually I'm gonna look right now as I'm talking season two we're just like really really really close to having the first half of season two fully funded so we have a you have to wait until it's funded to start this yeah pretty much like if it was a normal show like Netflix or something the studio Netflix they just have the money and they're like okay we're giving you this budget go ahead and start shooting but with our instad yeah yeah so with ours it's it's a little more where we're relying on the people watching it and on the investors and stuff like that so it can you tell us why that's a good thing the yeah so with the movie or a TV show there's so many times where the studio who's the one financing it they ultimately have the final say so there's been a lot of movies like you know the the Han Solo Star Wars movie for instance that's one that it had these directors that had a specific vision it was Phil Lord and Chris Miller they they were directing it they have this really specific mission and it didn't line up with what the studio wanted so they fired them and got Ron Howard to finish it so it's kind of that that's one of the frustrating things with the Hollywood system you may have this one idea and you may have written it and you're the director of it like it's your baby but then you sell it to a studio and even if they agree to have you stay as the director and oversee the production they still have the final say-so play by their rules yeah yeah they could fire you they could come to you and say hey we want you to take this character out or we want you to add this character and you have to do it otherwise they're like okay fine we'll get someone that will do it because now we own it so for the chosen they could have easily you know if we had sold it to HBO or something and they agreed to finance it if the the money aspect would be great because we would just be able to it'd be like clockwork we just go out shoot the season at the same time every year and it would be it would be awesome but they would be able they would have a lot more control if they didn't want something that you know Dallas was super passionate about including if they didn't want it to be as close to Scripture as Dallas wants it then they could change that so that's the that's the benefit of relying on the fans you know because any time people watch it or they're on the app you can pay it forward you could pay 10 bucks or 20 bucks or whatever to go towards season two and then it may take a little longer to get each season made but it's gonna be made in the same way that season one was made so if everything ready there's like there's more integrity with it big yes yeah so that's that's kind of a the back story with with Dallas his approach and why he's taken this approach outside of the system it's very unique and the no show has ever really taken this approach either it's it's the biggest crowdfunded project in history Wow the the second and third place are the Veronica Mars movie with Kristen Bell and Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Maya and those those now it's surpassed those by millions so it's kind of this this crazy thing that no one had ever really done before and now it just keeps it keeps growing yeah it's it's pretty cool in Dallas is someone who like you said he's definitely a very very strong believer he loves Jesus he's he's passionate about his Bible he's he's passionate about getting it as as accurate as possible and he even traveled to Israel with the group of people he met with rabbis and and you know historians and all sorts of people to get every single aspect of it as as close as he possibly could to what actually happened but it's it's definitely like you said he's gotten you know the show's gotten a little bit of criticism from some people because there are certain aspects of the show that may not specifically be in Scripture yeah they're even in certain characters or certain scenes or whatever but I the thing is if you were only adapt to the Bible word-for-word without adding anything else there'd be a lot of holes and there would be because a lot of the stuff like in the Bible if you're reading it it'll say and then Jesus said this and then later they were all you know walking through the desert again so it's like in between then or what what what was their response to that like there's a lot that we the the Bible covers are specifically the the life of Jesus in the Bible there there's a lot covered in not really that many pages when we think about it it's it's years and years and years but it's condensed into these these books in the Bible so in order to make it interesting to watch yeah it's it's it's a show and it's a show supposed to have an artistic edge to it yeah and so for in that in essence which is why we're stressing this is not it's not a substitution for reading your Bible no I think of most people will say I open scripture now and you know I read it and I it makes you want to read your Bible it makes you want to get to know the word and yeah I think that that's kind of the point I don't think that the director is trying to pull a fast one I don't I think that his heart is in the right place and but let's talk a little bit more about that artistic license so yeah there's a lot of it so there's a lot of scenes but there's one at the for example the wedding in Cana everybody yeah people love that that episode and there was so much fun to film yeah I bet and there's a few scenes you know where Jesus is being a human being and he's laughing and he's dancing and to some people that bothered them I think it's things like that that if it is something that you can't take our handle I think that that's okay and I think that there's lines to be drawn like there's a difference between Christian fiction where you have like the moment I don't know if you watch this movie but the movie Noah that came out years ago yes I saw I saw it when it came out but I don't like I don't remember much from it really that wasn't my husband you cannot stand watching Christian Christian movies with me because all I do Jordan is sit there and pick it apart yeah and it's every movie yeah yeah yeah seeing you're a movie critic though yeah you like to do you're an actor you're professional so there's there's aspects of it where you're like oh man yeah that's off that's off well I do that theologically this just seems different the point that the writers producers everybody's trying to make is this is not your Bible we are taking biblical aspects and where we are putting artistic license on it but it's done I'm finding in a very respectful way yes so the goal it's different mediums so if you're reading a book and then you're adapting that book into a movie you you have to there are certain things that you have to change in order to make it as captivating as the book because they're completely different mediums so something that works like you know with with the Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings they're they're still different like the ups someone may love the books and the movies but there are a lot of differences but that doesn't mean that they're completely changing what the book says or what the the story is or what the the goal of the book is or anything like that and that was kind of the approach with this where anything added any characters or scenes added none of it Dallas's goal like they always ask themself when they're writing it does this contradict what the Bible says does this say is this like adding something that that contradicts anything that's said in there or anything Jesus said no it's not canon you're not you're not watching the chosen you know the wedding at Cana or watching the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus or thinking oh that's Canon like that's word-for-word there's a lot that is said in the Bible that is said in the in the shows but the way in which it happened there's the artistic license so as far as that goes so one of the more controversial things if you will that has been said about the chosen that I even I agree with - and up to a point is the over inclusion of Mary Magdalene so a lot of people they substitute you know reading their Bible for watching shows or whatever the case may be and they automatically assume that Mary did travel with Jesus and that he did come to our house for dinner and she said the prayer things like that which historically speaking there's issues with biblically speaking cuz she she is a character and she's there and she's definitely you know a follower of Jesus in that way yeah but she's included more in the show than she's ever appeared in the scripture we talked a little bit about that before we got on can you speak about that a little bit about the Gospels behind that as far as Mary so I'm not sure the thought process behind or the the defense or whatever behind having her you know saying the prayer you know at the Shabbat dinner in Episode two or things like that I do know that as far as her traveling with the Apostles one of the big issues people would have with that is no she wouldn't ever stay in the same place as all of these men she wouldn't stay overnight with them like that's something that would never happen so we actually after we shot all of season one and we shot the first four episodes in November of 2018 and then in the summer of 2019 is when we shot the next four episodes so there was a big gap between shooting them but we shot all eight episodes and then like a month or two later the they were editing it and they realized oh wait she wouldn't have like stayed in the overnight with all of them so they they basically they got the our cinematographer our camera guy director a couple of our producers and then they got me Thaddeus the actor who plays Thaddeus is Giovanni and then Liz who plays Mary Magdalene and they got all of us to go back to the same set they put us in costume and there's a very very very shy knowing scene you're talking about she out of one door and you guys come out of here huh she stayed it's a fine house exactly oh they added that to show like hey she's not sleeping in like tents or their campsites like she's going to town and doing that so they wanted to do that just to show like to kind of ease that that concern a little bit that's some people might have and it was literally we went out and filmed that for let's see we we went out to Weatherford and they I think we shot it for like it was probably 20 minutes of shooting and then we were like okay that's it and they had flown Giovanni from LA to there drew drove up from Austin to go do that so it was like we were all out there you know coming out to do this this one 15 20 minute show as far as the thought process behind including Mary Magdalene so heavily I'm not sure exactly what the reasoning is or anything like that so I would have to ask thallus I do know that they've done a lot of interviews and stuff with him so maybe he's addressed that some yeah he's done a lot of interviews it's hard to keep up with it is it there's still a lot more to introduce we've only gotten about half of the Apostles so yes yeah there's still a lot of other characters that that have you know bigger roles in the show than they do in the Bible like Simon Peters wife Eden has had a pretty significant role things like that and and moving forward i I know specifically of one character who we met in the wedding scene actually taught the the woman who's with Thomas she's not a character from Scripture she's a created character they created for the show and I do know that moving forward she there are certain aspects of her character that they're gonna explore that will kind of tie into everything else so I know that there's a lot of stuff like that trying to find ways to you know connect all of these stories in a way that's that's captivating and I think the the main goal like you said is to get people to be more interested and to read the Bible and if nothing else maybe this will enhance that experience because it kind of it's like if you read a book and then you watch a movie based on the book then you can't ever picture anyone other than those actors whenever you're reading the book again which is kind of funny so it's like you know maybe having faces to some of these these people and be oh yeah like when you're reading about Simon and Andrew or James and John or whatever and you have these faces to put with those those names it might make you feel more connected to them maybe no so I think that the goal is to get people to go back and and read it and to enhance the experience not replace it oh yeah that's a good way to put it I like yeah no thanks for thanks for speaking about that I think that it's important that that people kind of pan that out and know that there's a difference before you were talking we talked a little bit about behind the scenes stuff I would love to hear any fun behind-the-scenes stuff that you have as far as the behind this scene or before the behind the scenes stuff I do know there's also certain things certain themes in the show that people if seen online might have issue with like one Schule the character the blind woman some people have have wondered like why didn't Jesus heal her because there aren't any instances in the Bible where someone that needed healing came across Jesus where he didn't heal them so but that doesn't mean that it never happened like we just know of all the healings but there there are certain things like that and they're gonna explore other similar themes or questions moving forward that like I think I just want to say for anyone that might be concerned about that like why didn't he heal Shula things like that will be answered moving forward I didn't even think about that I didn't notice that yeah well and there's there's I saw a thread or a message board on the the Chosin fan page on Facebook and people were we're talking about that and you know some people were saying like maybe she doesn't need healing like yeah she's blind but maybe she has everything she needs already like certain things that there's certain mindsets or or opinions on all of it but those things will be addressed moving forward just so everyone knows actually like that honestly Jordan because I take the stance that and I mean it's controversial among a lot of charismatic circles of course yeah but I don't believe that God always a hundred percent of the time heals healed every see yeah yeah I think he does heal and I think he does perform in that way but sometimes it's in ways you're not expecting yeah yeah yeah yeah and there's even I don't know how much I can say but I do know that there is a little bit you know certain aspects of little James that will be explored moving forward that or introduced moving forward that will kind of present similar questions so I'm talking about all these behind the scenes stuff this is fascinating I'm really interested to know more one beloved character in the show that people just adore is Matthew can you tell us about Matthew's character and a little bit more about the thought process behind that yeah Matthew is is actually one of my favorite characters too but the thought process behind it was to one day diversify Jesus's followers a little bit more like they they're not all like in other movies or adaptations about Jesus and his followers they all kind of blend together like we we talked about they're all just a bunch it's like the main Apostles and then the rest of them are all they all kind of look the same they all none of them have distinct personalities it's like they they're just one big apostle but with Matthew one it kind of comes down to like all the the liberties that they take they ask themselves like is this plausible like would this have actually happened or is it reasonable to think that this person would have this trait or you know different things like that so when it came to Matthew you know being a tax collector obviously being good with numbers being kind of like a by the books type of person yeah the things that they do know about Matthew they're like is it reasonable to think that he could have had some sort of social you know disorder like Asperger's or or which makes a lot of people feel really normal yeah yeah it makes them feel represented and seen and I think that was just an attempt to want to add another layer to the character without taking away what we know about him in Scripture I'm just adding something to it to enhance it'll enhance this this character so he's more fleshed out and feels more fully realized since they're you know only is so much that we know about all the Apostles and in the Bible so that's that's one reason and then to just make it to where you can differentiate between all of them and you can see each of their own distinct personalities and and traits so as far as what what the set is like the atmosphere on set is very very light and very fun which you wouldn't really think because it's such a heavy subject matter sometimes but it's for the most part really fun we have a lot of running jokes like the the James the lesser joke it makes it sound like he's like the Apostle that it's like James like he's the annoying apostle so we kind of created this whole backstory on set like amongst not not in the show but amongst actors where James is just really clingy to Jesus he'll be like trying to heal someone and I'm trying to hold his hand or we're like walking through the field and I just want to be right next to him like a little kid so he's like James like come on give me space so it's like this running joke we have now where James like Jesus loves everyone but man little James just gets on his nerves I'm like cuz I'm constantly like just right next to him and holding on to him and I keep calling him dad and he's like I'm not sure that we have a lot of things like that I guess to keep everything light and there's another joke if you watch the very end of episode 8 in season 1 yeah after the credits there's a fight there's a post-credits scene I don't know that yeah just like like the Avengers we have a little post Chris and I described it as The Avengers 2 where it's like Jesus is building his team of Avengers like he's that it's kind of a cool the way they introduced the Apostles it's like he's bringing them on to his team the post-credit scene is it's actually a blooper another running joke we have between Jonathan who plays Jesus and Dallas the director is that Jesus is amazing at all these miracles he heals people he brings them back from the dead but the mundane things he really struggles with like directions so anytime we're doing a scene where we're traveling he'll we always do a take where Jonathan who plays Jesus is like okay let's go and he starts walking and then he's like oh wait no and then he gets turned around and we're like no it's this way so we always have to correct him which which way we're going and there's one uh we did the scene where we're at the fountain all the apostles meet at this mountain and Nicodemus is there kind of off to the side he ends up not coming with us and it was sad yeah yeah so we were shooting net and we did one take where it's Jonathan Giovanni and I so Jesus Thaddeus and little James all arrived together at the fountain and they're waiting for everyone else so after we did all the takes and we got the scene we got it all on camera that we needed Dallas went up to Jonathan without telling Giovanni and myself he went up to Jonathan and said okay on this take I'm not gonna send any of the other apostles out I'm sending you Thaddeus and little James and then I want you our key was we come out we wait and then the other apostles come and we greet them so that's what we had done every other take but this take he didn't send the other apostles so he wanted Jonathan to act like he went to the wrong fountain so we we went out there and the this little blue / Jonathan walks out and we put our bags down and were waiting and after a few seconds I was like this is taking way longer than the other takes for the other apostles to come to come out so then I saw Jonathan looking around and like trying to find the apostles and I was like okay I know what's happening so Jonathan with Jesus is like so I said the the norther or the the fountain in the Northern Quarter right and I'm like no you said the southern one and he's like are you sure and I was like yes and he's like ah again so that he picks up his bag so then we all follow him and that's like the little blooper that we did and it's a lot of people are not a lot but I've seen some people that that don't like that yeah like that there's joking around on set or we make these backstories I want to say we're not saying that the actual Jesus with that direction I'm sure he was great at direction but it's you know a reminder that hey this actor is human you know yeah it's human things that happen exactly and then I'm sure the actual Jesus loved little James it's like I'm but we we make these little the we have these little running jokes on set and I think one it's it's a nice reminder that I personally feel that God does have a sense of humor yeah yeah totally I think that Jesus did have a sense of humor too and that's something they do in the show as well there's a lot of times where Jesus jokes around and he's he tells Simon Peter that uh he's like it doesn't take a it doesn't take God to know what what you're thinking or something he's like your face tells it all yeah and he makes fun of Andrew for not being able to dance and things like that where it's like light-hearted joking around and none of its mean-spirited ever but that's something we kind of have that same tone on set as far as like like it's a bunch of friends together because we feel like a family we have a group chat going every day like we do zum meetings with each other so it's like a similar that's a cool aspect of it the fact that we're playing this really close group of friends that loved each other and we are also a really close group of friends that love each other so it's it's kind of a cool parallel and it makes it even easier when we're shooting because we we do have chemistry and bonds and and that's important to have chemistry with your coworkers with your yeah laughter I've been on contentious sets and I've felt tension but there's never been a moment that I've experienced shooting the Chosin where there's any sort of like animosity towards anyone we sit around in between takes and we're all we all just play games and talk and one thing that I've I think it was Liz who plays Marianne Giovanni who plays Thaddeus I was talking to them about it's gonna be so powerful in a lot of ways but when we get to the crucifixion scene and we get to all of that just as as actors the fact that all of us know each other and by then the goal is seven or eight seasons so that's seven or eight years from now so we'll have all known each other for a decade at that point filming the show and Jonathan specifically will have known him playing Jesus for ten years so when we get to the scene where he's being tortured and killed it's gonna be us as people seeing our friend yeah torturing not literally tortured and killed but but going through that well it will invoke an emotion that you want from the audience in a more personal way yeah exactly and it'll be it'll be difficult but it'll be really like I said powerful to see that because it'll be similar to what they I mean obviously on a way bigger scale back then but like what the actual Apostles they're seeing their friend that they've been with for years that they love going through this horrible thing so it's it's interesting how like just filming the show about this we're kind of naturally going through a similar sort of like relationship with these people so it's it's it makes our jobs a lot easier as actors I kind of want to make a comment also about little James so I had a friend bring this up the other day and I never thought about it this way that you have all the disciples you have the apostles and you mentioned before that some of them are just not as prevalent as others mm-hmm but she was like but little James is basically my favorite apostle I don't like why yes I like tell me why cuz he's only he's only mentioned a few times in Scripture and she's like that's why he's my favorite think about it he's one of the twelve disciples and he is gonna be one that's gonna be you know one of the twelve in heaven you know with Jesus and yeah he has just as much importance as the other disciples and that makes me feel good you know as a person that a lot of people are behind ya like one of the main people in all of Scripture one of the disciples and has just as much importance isn't mentioned as much you know so I think that that was a a good thing to add to that because your character does have prevalence in that way so after we shot the first four episodes I'm only in two scenes of the first four episodes and I only speak in one scene out of those four I was at the the Shabbat dinner at Mary's house and then I was at the miracle of the fish scene where I was just there but we so I shot the but those still took that was like four days of shooting and we did that and then when they wrapped us when when me and Giovanni you placed Thaddius finished normally like so when you're on a movie set and a certain actor playing a certain character when they fin when they finished filming their very last take the assistant director will stand up and say okay that's a wrap on Jordan or that's a wrap on little James or whatever and then everyone collapse and you hug everyone and and it's a lot of fun so those first four episodes we all still were getting to know each other we didn't know each other that well yet then especially giovanni and i because we only shot four days those first four episodes while everyone else was shooting over the course of six weeks so we did that they said that's a wrap on on Jordan and Giovanni we hugged everyone and as I was going back to the trailer to get my my clothes on Amanda Dallas's wife came over and she was like hey do you mind if I walk with you and I was like yeah sure and as we were walking she said that Dallas for all the other characters they had a big board up in the house like a big poster board or cork board and they were putting pictures of all the actors that they were wanting for each role so it had like you know Jesus Simon Andrew all them and they would add pictures as they cast them and he said that he would or she told me that he would show her all of the audition tapes and say yeah I really like this guy I like this guy and she would kind of give her input on who she liked and he she said that she got home one day and they had a few you know pictures up there already like they knew Jonathan was playing Jesus and Liz was playing Mary Magdalene and she saw my picture up there for little James and she was like wait a minute why like you didn't consult me like she was amazing it's like she she wasn't saying that she was actually mad but she was like he didn't consult me on this one and he was like no like this one's good like don't worry I've I've gotten this one decided already and she said that he had told her that he knew right away that I was little James as soon as I left my audition he was like oh yeah that's little James and she said it wasn't just because you were like shorter either it was like little James that was something that I was I was excited about that he even though this apostle doesn't have a lot of you know real estate in the Bible he's not mentioned a ton I was excited that he actually had you know this this story in mind with this character he had you know things he wanted to do it yeah yeah yeah and there's there's the fact that it is gonna be eight or nine seasons of this or seven or eight seasons and then maybe even getting into the book of Acts afterwards so it could go on even more but yea and that's something he's mentioned too so we could keep going for for a year so but the fact that it is so stretched out it's cool that these smaller characters that are still like your friends said they're still just as important as any of the any of the other ones but they're they're just not mentioned much but now we can kind of explore those characters a little bit more and you know flush them out a little bit so I remember that story with his wife Amanda is her name yeah yeah oh just a refresher everybody his Jordans wife's is one of my really good friends one of my best friends I talk to her every day and I remember this story so didn't his wife um she he kind of goes to her for input for a lot of things and this was the one thing that he didn't yeah through and by her cuz he knew yeah that you should be cast and yeah and it it felt good hearing that too but she and she's great she comes on set a lot they have kids so she's home with them a lot while he's off shooting but she's super super involved and you know has has gotten involved with a lot of like is you know with books and stuff that they've released that are connected to the chosen and things like that so yeah she's really really cool the really like I said everyone on set the after those first four episodes it was still sad that we were finished filming but we hadn't gotten that connection yet but then for the second and Dallas actually told us as we were leaving he said just so y'all know like you're gonna have a lot more to do in these next four episodes like okay cool and the next four episodes I think over the course of six weeks I think we worth probably twenty days and 20 days filming it doesn't seem like a lot but when you're on set from you know 7:00 in the morning until 7:00 at night or for the wedding scene yeah we hadn't mentioned that that was four straight days of shooting all night so we'd get there a couple hours before the Sun would set as soon as the Sun was down we would start shooting and we would shoot until sunrise so our very last day of shooting was an all-night shoot so it was like probably 5:00 in the morning after shooting all night and we're having to dance like the smackwall dancing with Jesus it's like 3:00 in the morning when we're shooting that and they're like okay keep the energy up and we're having to act like we're just getting started hand me some coffee yeah exactly but that last day was speaking of more behind the scenes stuff we all had this like we were all much more energetic because we knew it was the very last day but we were kind of dreading it to like each take you know you're getting closer and closer to like being done and then finally they wrapped all of the Apostles at the same time because they wanted to instead of doing one earlier in the night or something and then that person saying goodbye and then everyone else getting to keep filming and I made it to where we could all be wrapped at the same time and that was super emotional because like we had gone you know this the six weeks on and off like doing this this creating this thing together though it's it is really cool the the bond that that everyone has has developed on the show I'm really really looking forward to season two me too and I think that we're gonna be and I'm gonna be really interested to see how this all plays out and how everybody every character has a little bit more behind them we have a little bit of time left before we exit our interview I have two questions for you first who was your favorite character in the series so far and second a lot of people have asked if there's anything supernatural that has happened on set so my favorite character is probably Matthew oh yeah I just think that he's it the the fact they did give him some sort of social disorder I think is real really interesting and I just love his story I love that he's kind of the outcast of the lovable yeah yeah he's and and parras who plays Matthew is is awesome great actor yes and yeah and that's the one apostle we were bumped because he wrapped like a week earlier so he wasn't there for that final day he wasn't there like for the very very that that whole wedding scene really so but yeah I love Matthew and another one that that you wouldn't really expect is Barnaby my uh the friend of Shula the the blind woman he's like the loud obnoxious character he onset he's a really fun guy Alok who plays him is a really cool guy but on set there's a time where he yells Shula I think when she shows up to the dinner or something he goes Shula and all of us for the rest of shooting we would all just randomly yell Shula because of the way he said that it just made us laugh but his character is just really funny and I loved in Episode two when we're doing the Shabbat dinner at Mary's one of the first glimpses of Jesus's like human side that because he was you know he was also human he was God that he was human and it's a lot of shows and movies they kind of focus more on the you know the this God like you know very like stoic kind of version of Jesus yeah like yeah and very like serious and very like calm all the like it's just it's it's kind of the same portrayal of him and in a lot of those shows and movies but this one one of the for the first night that I shot it was the Shabbat dinner at Mary's and it was November so and it got really cold it was like the high 20s and we're shooting in this little room with no windows and or with windows but like no glass there so it's just open air and we're we would have to like chew on ice cubes before we shoot so it wouldn't stabilize the temperature in our mouth and wouldn't see our breath and it was like freezing and it was another like all-night shoot and we were doing that and there's a moment in that scene though where Jonathan who plays Jesus is talking to he sits down how does it go exactly um that's right he sits down at the table and Barnaby asks him where he's from and he says Ezra and he goes oh I guess something good can come from Nazareth and he starts laughing and Giovanni and I patias we kind of look at him like we're kind of mad that he's like talking to our teacher that way or you know he's talking to to God that way um so we like give him a look well we're like almost looking like we're ready to like fight this guy and then Jonathan's reaction to that or Jesus's reaction in the scene is he we we kind of look over at him to see what we should do what our reaction should be and he looks over at Barnaby and gives him like a little wink and smiles Jesus is like sense of humor it's like yeah this guy just made a joke about my hometown but whatever like it's funny that was one of the first times I was like oh that's cool they're taking like a different approach with how they're portraying him and there's a sassy moment where big James and John are kind of complaining to him about like you know some of the choices that he's making for us or like of the places we're going in there they're just kind of like little kids in the back seat complaining and finally Jesus turns around and he's like listen if we're gonna stop and do it like a question-and-answer session every single time I make yeah it's gonna be a really annoying journey for all of us so just like go with it and that's him he kind of got a little sassy speaking of the humor it's not Jesus saying this but one of my favorite lines in the show is the very it's an episode eight so like and right at the end of episode eight Jesus has spoken to the woman of the well we're about to go and love the woman at the Welcome we were all the Apostles walk upright as she's leaving and he's Jesus is crying she's crying and I tell Jesus I'm like we brought you food and he goes I already have food and hinder he's talking about like for the Soul and he goes who brought you food as he's like stuffing his face with an apple that was another line we all kept repeating on set that one like how there's moments that are like we walk in on this super powerful moment between Jesus and this woman and it's like I feel like a lot of shows and movies would have you know made it kind of focused on the the drama of the whole thing but then it's broken by this goofy apostle being like wait who brought you food he just like doesn't get it but it's there's a lot of moments like that in the show that I really and that's true to Scripture they actually this is the funniest thing and speaking of ongoing jokes I mean if you're with your wife and your sister-in-law who are two of my best friends we have this ongoing joke where yeah with the with the disciples that Jesus will say something like the woman at the well and he's talking he's saying something so spiritual and he's saying something so true and real and I have food that you don't know about and they're like what food where's the food yeah it's actually literally sick he brought you food yeah and we joke about that because it's like they totally missed it but in so many aspects and that's not the only time they do that it's like having these people constantly like explain the same thing over and over and over and he constantly talks about how he was gonna be killed and raised again and then when it happened they don't know what they didn't know what hit them yeah we've never saw this coming there is an aspect that is so true to the disciples and their their innocence of trying to understand who this man really was also one more thing I forgot to ask you for for people for actors or anybody that worked on set an extra maybe did anybody convert like maybe they came being an unbeliever they didn't believe in Jesus or they were skeptic was there anything like that so as far as that goes I saw someone ask on the post you did only on your YouTube channel someone asked if people were required to be Christian or open to you know believing in Jesus or something to be a part of the show that you isn't really I mean there may be some faith-based films that take that approach where it's like no you have to be a Christian to be a part of this this show that's not the approach that that Dallas took with this and I think it's better because it won anytime you you kind of have like this little private club or you know or exclusive it kind of becomes like oh well why would I wanna be a part of that you know anybody has an evangelist background so why why would you you know turn people away that way to evangelize it kind of see ya yeah and it's um there's the actors have all sorts of beliefs but we actually have talked about it a lot as a group and I know that some of the actors are very strong Christians the cast and crew it's it's a wide range of beliefs as far as the the writers and producers of the show though they are Christian you know they they're all coming together with you know studying their Bibles that's a very key point to make the writers young readers of the show are all Christian all Christian yes not all the actors and no extras are it's a pretty wide range I can't remember anyone converting or or coming to like having a revelation or you know giving themselves to Jesus or anything like that on slavit time it's only the first season yeah I do know that people I've had discussions with some cast mates where there have been times where like some of my classmates that may not necessarily be Christian have felt certain things on set or you know felt more open to certain things or more you know had certain experiences like where they've it's kind of made them think of things in a different way I know there's one specific moment that I can think of that it was very real like it was a very I don't want to say energy more new age but like the energy on set like the feel on set the atmosphere was very for the scene where the leper is healed we were shooting that and normally we're all very jokey and having fun and stuff like that but for this specific scene the mood was very focused every single person on set no matter what what their beliefs are every single person was very focused and it was like almost eerie how how quiet it was and how we felt like everyone was just kind of like on the same page we were all focused on getting the seem done but more than that because we were always focused on getting the scenes done and doing our best jobs there was just something it's hard to describe like there was something that was like substantial like this feeling that that we it was just really powerful and really moving watching the scene happen over and over and at first going into that I was kind of intimidated because in that scene and you don't even see me crying in the scene but because of like the takes that they used but going into the scene I knew that as an actor that was gonna be my choice to cry whenever the leper is healed because I feel like that's something I would do if I saw something like that happened it'd be like I feel like that would be my reaction so going into it I was like oh I'm kind of nervous because if I do make the decision to cry on the first take I'm gonna have to make I'm gonna have to cry every single take after that so that's and that's something yeah and we filmed it probably 30 times or 20 times or however many times we had to do it a lot I don't I don't know if any of the other apostles in that scene cried in it but I know Liz who plays Mary cried in it as well but every single take we would stop and in between it's like none of us were joking around and between takes we were all just silent and waiting for the next take and like we like wipe our tears sometimes like I'd have to just walk off like just a few feet away but just kind of just to be by myself for a little bit get back in and like the place I needed to be before all of that happens and then go back and redo it but then after that scene was done like everyone was hugging everyone was crying Dallas was crying Amanda his wife was there like everyone was just so like moved by that and it took forever like we ended up working so basically there's a lot of rules on set with SAG which is the Screen Actors Guild do you you become a member of that Union once you've you've done a certain amount of work and stuff so it's a SAG production and that means like if you work certain amount of hours like they always have to give you lunch but if you work past a certain amount of hours they're required to give you dinner as well so we work past that so they were like they ordered a bunch of pizzas so as soon as we got done shooting that scene it was right at the sunset so we all were just hanging out in this field eating pizza but in that specific moment like asking about supernatural occurrences onset I feel like that one it felt like God's presence was there which is an actual legit in my opinion if you're going to define a supernatural experience yeah the Holy Spirit's presence well yeah you know there with everybody and in a moment like using that moment I mean God does do those things for sugar that's amazing I think you know what we're gonna pray I'm gonna pray for everybody on set because yes send them my way man if they have questions and it will be ologists and mike wingers channel and brings her call these amazing apologists and see what we can do to change that and I know a lot of them a lot of them to that that are atheist or agnostic or whatever I know that a lot of people involved it's something that it's cool because we all even though so many of us have different views or different you know beliefs or whatever it's it's a cool feeling that we're all we all can get behind this specific interpretation of all of this like all of us can get on board with that and it's moving to everyone like we all feel a strong connection to it and the ones that don't necessarily believe it there's something there is a really cool bond that everyone has on set and how this particular project has brought us all together and I think that that you know is kind of planting seeds I have heard of productions where if they're faith-based and they they ask in in the audition like hey do you believe in God and why or do you believe Jesus is the Son of God and why and normally it's that wouldn't be an appropriate thing even if it is a faith-based family because if you think about if you're going in for a job interview discriminate it's you yeah it's it's usually not it's it's looked down on to ask someone their political or religious beliefs and that's I think an important aspect of this film because a lot of faith-based films one I think are catered towards like pastors and catered tour churches where it's like this is gonna make a pastor can show this to their church and they'll all feel good and that'll be a and it's usually they usually follow the same formula there's a character who doesn't believe in God because he's angry at God but then he comes across someone who's a strong Christian and they they're like hey come to church and eventually he ends up going and then the character gives themself to God and they're they're better and it's like that's kind of the formula of most most Christian movies and it's it's something that won a lot of them since they are funded by by churches and stuff the people making them they kind of have I think the intentions are good they're making these these movies because they want to glorify God they want to make you know family friendly entertainment and stuff like that I just think the execution sometimes they're they're not approaching it from the standpoint of let's first and foremost let's tell a story that is going to move people regardless of their you know belief like let's tell a moving story tell a good story and make like a really good piece of art because again it's haunting them towards Jesus and yeah yeah and a lot of Christian movies aren't art their commercials for Christianity or for a church kind of is how they kind of come across and at times and if your your focus like you look at the great Christian artists of you know medieval times like painters and sculptors and and musicians and stuff like that the there is great Christian art out there I feel like now though it has kind of drifted away from the art aspect of it because they they're like well yeah let's get you know someone that is making it or that's investing and it may say oh my my nephew did a play in high school he should be in the movie or things like that yeah where they main I may not have the training as an actor and may not know how to evoke certain emotions I never thought about that because we're if you're doing yeah I do fully believe that if you're doing the Bible is a very coveted thing to a bible-believing Christian if you're going to do a show or a movie the directors the people creating it I think it's a whole different ballgame than the people that they need to get to play those parts right and the reason why is what you just said I mean the jut it's a job you're hiring them for a service so I think that that's different in this aspect to have a cast where not everybody necessarily has to be on board in that sense I don't necessarily think is about thing I mean you're exposing them to other Christians yeah you're hiring them for a job and they're and but the point you just said I never thought about that where say that you are trying to put on a quality production but your your unspoken line to draw is everybody has to be a Christian and on that aspect you're not gonna have the best for the job yeah I certainly if you need so I don't know I don't know that much about moviemaking or films but you look Jewish like you got to look a certain way you got to have the talent you got to know how to do the Linguistics yeah there are certain aspects and expectations in that way cuz you got to have somebody that looks Jewish and that can do this stuff right so already you have that kind of smaller and then you have to have somebody that really knows how to act Widow ina puts it down and then you're going to make sure that they're a Christian like you know but if the error but then you're giving up maybe some other aspects that you like maybe the are mediocre actor yeah and it won't be like Matthew like maybe wouldn't be Matthew without that particular actor I think if the approach of the director and the producer is it's to find the best people for each role and they the people that that genuinely like because that's the thing with acting that's that's what acting is like I don't normally when I'm playing a role I don't believe whatever I don't believe everything that my character believes I character it's yeah yeah like I've I've played I did a short film where I'm a guy like breaking into a house and it's like I would never do that but as an actor I had to kind of be like okay how what would my mindset be what what is the mindset of people that would do that and you have to kind of get there so a good actor can play anything because that's the thing with actors your you have to have a lot of empathy as an actor because you have to put yourself in other people's shoes understand what they might be feeling and going through how I see God could really use that exactly or anybody in that position because if you are an actor and what do they call it um method acting yeah like maybe to the extreme sometimes go to the extreme with that but if you really are trying to get in character and maybe you don't know the Bible or maybe you don't know Jesus and you're really trying to get in character you might want to you're gonna read the Bible like you're gonna read about your character to know what they're about or even the scene yeah so I think that that can really be used in a mighty way and beyond that like the because again a lot of other faith-based films it'll be you know an entire Christian production everyone's Christian and and it's it almost feels like really high budget a really high budget Church video like like I was saying where it's like something they're gonna show at their their Easter sermon to inspire everyone but it's not really gonna have much of an impact on anyone that's not already a believer yes most faith-based films which can be controversial because some people don't like that some people would think and this is why you know we're doing this interview it's like behind the scenes stuff it challenges I think the most important thing about the thing the art that I connect with the most is art that challenges you and makes you think my favorite movies are ones that I leave the theater and I'm like oh my gosh and like like Inception or something like that your mind is blown and you just can't stop thinking about it and I think that that with this approach that's another thing maybe some of it is with other face faith-based films nothing against people that enjoy them yeah something it's like confirmation no and a it makes them feel good they're like oh yeah that's what I believe - that's awesome I feel like warm and fuzzy and that's good but I think that it it's also important to have art that does challenge you because honestly the Bible challenges you to like it's not it's not just like this this happy thing that'll make you feel warm and fuzzy inside it'll make you think and that's by design it's supposed to make you think and to challenge you and like you said it's gonna make them want to go read their Bible and it's something that as as an actor I've that something was Stacey - like we'll watch a faith-based movie early in our relationship we watched a couple and now she she can't watch any with me anymore because I'm like all that performance is cringing why would they they that line of dialogue is just not good like and and it's it's ruined them for her because now she can't help but think about it in the same way but with this everyone and I may be biased and I'm not talking about me specifically but all the other actors in it I believe are really good actors and being on set with them doing the scenes with them it's it's easy because they're good actors you want to get the best actors for the job you want to get the best filmmakers and not just director but like the cinematographer the the the sound guys the lighting guys the prop master like all these people you want to get the people that are really really good at their jobs to make it as impactful to the audience as possible the like like I said the people that wrote it and that are producing it and directing it they all are believers and they all wrote it with with their beliefs in mind then they said okay we're wanting to make this piece of art let's make it so it can impact as many people as possible and to do that let's hire the best people for the jobs and then that way that's why I feel like this is a show that people have said it's just different it feels different than a lot of other faith-based projects and I think that's a huge reason and I've talked to people the family members and friends even that aren't believers but they've watched it and enjoyed it because even if you're not a believer it's something where the production quality is high enough the acting is is at a level where if you just like movies you can still get something out of it and then that is how you reach people that aren't just in the church that already believe it so I think that's and to be clear Jordan is a Christian obviously yeah I think that it's you know from your perspective because I mean your your your Christian your wife's Christian we're all friends and I remember whenever you got this audition and I remember when you got the part we were all just so excited and see how it's all just played out now and just where it's gonna go and stuff I'm just I'm stoked for season 2 I can't wait this has been great Jordan how fun I want to go watch all the episodes again now and be like I know him I know well Stacey still because of the kids she still hasn't seen all the episodes but she hasn't been able to watch all eight episodes yet so and I love it your wife hasn't seen the show no she's she's watched all of my scenes a lot though so that's that's but then everything else like she we just haven't you know been it with all three kids we have three under five so it's on your third so it'll maybe we'll start like if we can we're getting the two girls on a pretty good sleeping schedule so if we can keep that up then maybe it'll be easier to to like watch that once there always has been so much fun having you on I'm really grateful that you took the time out tell Stacey thank you for yeah letting me borrow you so we can do this interview because she's out there with the with the kids and thank you again so much for being on we're really looking forward to season 2 of course thank you so much
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Views: 18,341
Rating: 4.9365916 out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Ross and Melissa Dougherty The Chosen, The Chosen Show, Melissa Dougherty The Chosen, Is the chosen a good show
Id: 0po2diSKUo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 35sec (4595 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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