The healing at Zebedee's: On the set

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well the heat has officially arrived in Austin extra not to death but our week is Ebony's was extremely difficult the issue was is a humongous amount of cast so almost everybody you've met and all the episodes up to this point or in this one scene basically so we're talking between 2025 cast members that have speaking roles in this entire huge scene and you've got this they're all over the place so some people are inside some people are outside some people are on the roof and there's stunts there's somebody being lowered through the roof there's all these things going on and these people don't stay in these positions either there's some people to start inside then they're outside then they go back inside so the idea is you have to try to find a way to schedule to where shoot all the interior stuff and make sure you get all the moments and then come outside so this is the beginning of the next five days of shooting which are not going to be easy to be quite frank obviously this is not the biggest room it's not the coolest temperatures this time of the year first things first I do know that Jesus would be sitting there we've got that figured out we're going to work backwards from where you ultimately land so Barnaby and Shula are actually going to be allele and madhai come in halfway through and I'm gonna have James sitting here so you can go ahead and sit here and when Mata and alleles come in James you immediate when you see them out I come in you merely stand up and she immediately takes your seat no she has no social graces about and that she mainly comes in to sit down and stop talking to Jesus scene episode 3 she's of talking and Mary you're commenting on the herbs so you're I think you're about right here and Zebedee you can be on this side and Salome was in the middle so when you're pointing out the herbs you're saying we've got this and this you're also kind of pointing around the room Simon and job so where's my Simon pushing the edges of the pen we built yes of course and resume I see in general you're oftentimes trying to get a little closer to Jesus and generally consider him consider yourself as a personal assistant he's not important yeah actually neither the angels in heaven nor the son of man nor the day or the hour but only the father so you must always be ready with your lamps trimmed and burning brightly that's right it's getting too crowded you know even about love the company oh okay so she's saying just spread the flax out so it dries quicker you know I know I know have you checked the land the wool to make sure it's not too early yeah sure shut up already you want another back of the hand to your cheek I forgot [Music] hello today we're doing the lowering of the paraplegic down through the roof so Jesus can kill him and he has a best home that we pick him from here with a with the line called tech 12 which is very small and very very strong and then we had the main rope lowering down we've done it about twelve times for coverage it's all done very well this entire day we're going to be in this room and up on the roof we've got extras who are going to be reacting to all of us we've got actors who are standing at the window we're standing in here moving the table and chairs out of the way from the guy to be lowering some guys up there lowering the guy we got people pretending to lower the guy we've got dialogue that happens up there so it's a massive mess all of which I'm supposed to keep in control the entire day we've got about 23 different camera setups all in one day so I have no idea I was talking to work but where he ends up is why don't you come over here tonight once he's lowered he's actually on the ground you can take a seat Zebedee James and John are the ones who helped get him down so Jesus was preaching he starts to get lowered steps out of the way you three are the ones who lower him [Music] your faith it's beautiful this is ultimately like with anything with the chosen about the human emotion we are not interested in doing a series of big miracles so that the audience is watching going oh that's really cool how they did that this is about the people that's what the chosen is about and so the mechanics of the stunts are actually intended to be as easy as possible to not distract you from what the story is really about after the stunt has all been done we still take the time to make sure we get the look between Jesus and the paralytics friend and that's the hallmark of the chosen so far and it's gonna be the hallmark of the chosen in the future it's hard it's you have to really stay concentrate and not get distracted by everything that's going around about sound camera anything else just concentrating and being in the emotional state is tough but it's so worth it once you really stay in it and do work and there's a mild amount of frustration because we didn't get everything we plan to get but throughout the course of this show last year and this year whenever something like that has happened there's always been an alternative that's actually end up being better so the good news is is that stuff we were getting was causing people to cry not only in the scene like actors who were in the scene and also people who are watching getting emotional watching it so the footage we're getting is terrific I I would have liked to have gotten a little bit more today I'm exhausted I'm hot and tired so I can't give all of the everything's going great and we're so happy and I can't always do that and I've always said we're gonna be honest when we're a little bit frustrated and so I'm a little bit frustrated now because we got off to such a slow start but the reason I'm cautiously optimistic is because things always tend to kind of get a little better than I expected at the right time oh we're a little behind we'll be all right though we'll make up make it up how do we go for it we move faster it is sometimes it is that simple you have to make certain sacrifices and reward or make things working in one shot instead of two and things like that and so you know Keyes has to make sacrifices visually and else's make sacrifices or story lie sometimes in new we should make a work of the two sacrifices more easily oh definitely that goes for almost any movie those DVDs they don't like to sacrifice today is the beginning of a two-day period when we're outside so the first three days we were inside the house wow we've got fifty extras showing up today we've got all of our scenes taking place outside so we've got the arrival of the Pharisees so this is kind of a neat one of the Nico key moments Nicodemus where he sees for the first time in person Jesus actually do a miracle and sees the crowd reaction and that's when the wheels start to turn and he says I need to meet with this guy and that leads us of course to John chapter three Mary Magdalene will be up here Jesus and the paralytic are in there's 30 people [Applause] exit exit Scot dad your presence here is actually one of the key points of the seat and it's one of the things that causes some of our actors to react is my goodness whoever this guy is is clearly attracting a crowd so you guys have a dual purpose not just yet backgrounds that actually also or grab and actually contributing to the story point of the scene we have thousands and thousands of people who are loving the show and liking what they're seeing and so what you're doing and what we're trying to do is for them and thankful that you're here I assume they've already given you lots and lots of heads-up about the heat keeping each other accountable keeping yourselves accountable when we bring waters don't be a hero take a water stay cool as much as possible especially our pregnant lady here in the front row do you want me to get you a blanket or it's very cool we're letting the audience in on the secret that it's not hot yes actually polyester or wool minute I prefer Velveteen Velveteen would it it's a process issues but it's correct it's a cheesy of Elva team is that you wanted she liked it well the heat has officially arrived in the morning you can kind of you know make your way through it but as you can see sweats pouring into my eyes and I speak sure it's starting to get a little soaked my actors have needed more breaks we lost an extra not to death but we lost one out of the scene and so yeah the heat makes you just slows you down a little bit and action excuse us good good nice all right ladies jumping that's wrap on day 12 so it is the beginning of day 5 of zebedee weak-kneed sleep which isn't a good thing at the beginning of the day at the end of the day but I'm with the dust and all of the heat and all that like I'm getting a little bit itchy eyes and sneezing and just overall exhaustion so I need to kind of in the next half an hour kind of get my focus going so that so that I can lead you know so I can I can kind of set the example of energy so no one else is dragging [Music] up here what's up okay come up did you get there climb the ladder it's easy and then when he looks out of here and then you already did I just wanted to hear the teacher teach it's okay come up how did you get that they're only planning to let them it's easy what's real quick figure out just cuz that'll help [Music] that very least were looking at a few hours without them and we can't really do the close to what we need to for the day without them so we're gonna try to get a few shots without them and we'll see what happens hopefully they can come back for the like at least the latter part of the day we've got a couple of really important shots we have to get that only I can you just can do so we'll see but we'll keep pushing through and I'll see him what comes out on the other side this is what you wanted get out your tablet it lists anybody ever really here for this they might come in first in stage combat they're not gonna actually hurt you so where where do we want them to start I want to actually see them draw their swords [Applause] come out and control this project I've done that all along so what happened today I can't really explain I we got through it a Keith and Chuck two of our main guys and just being okay so why Keith did come back to set for a couple hours and was able to kind of take take back over a little bit but his wrist is still hurting him so he wasn't able to actually happen at the camera but we made it through the amount of stuff we got today considering all that happened was a miracle I look back over the last five days of shooting and I'm I would say I'm quite strongly happy with what we did get the footage looks beautiful God kind of was in control the whole time not kind of God was in control all the time and you know you don't always know why some things happen you kind of hope that that they're going to work themselves out that God has it in his hands and maybe it artists closer together but either way we did get what we needed to get and we did make it through the day and now I feel like I can breathe the slight slight sigh of relief and get some sleep tonight but yeah I was pretty emotional during the middle of the day just because there's so many things that were happening we were so close to finish him and then that all that chaos happened inside but I'm happy where it landed and I feel like we're going where we need to go and finishing where we need to finish [Music] hey it's Dallas and the creator of the chosen and yes Season one of the chosen is complete all eight episodes they're available right now you can look up the chosen in the App Store or Google Play and we're easy to find you can download it and be watching within minutes and in fact it's unprecedented technology you can connect to almost any device you have directly and you don't even need a subscription so I hope you check out season one of the chosen right now [Music]
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 68,610
Rating: 4.9676499 out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, paralytic, healing, healing of the paralytic, Christian, stunts, filmmaking, behind the scenes
Id: IRepuyql1dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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