Nerf War : Payback Time 20

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I can't wait to play that new game no work okay what is this we D Christmas everything we told them to put it away under the stairs in the storage everywhere look at the boxes you know what I know there and guys what you're doing for your iPad did you already play this morning yeah I already is yep I suppose it's been like two three hours yeah yeah who plays an iPad for two to three hours me me yeah you and probably everybody else is between the ages of like five to 14 seriously what is going on with this generation why in the world is everybody on their iPads on their screens or their iPhones or any type of device that's got the screen why are you always on there okay how many screens do you have downstairs don't be talking about my screens they're downstairs that's that's for work okay I need five monitors so I can focus on everything from the channel so we can focus to talk to him bring the team well it's not one screen does it work okay I think I did so do your job one screen eight nobody what you're talking about you don't know what we do okay oh look very example all you do every day oh maybe playing roblox yeah oh did you guys do you score yeah yeah did you do the chores we asked you to do yeah okay I guess he got mad you get up the chores you scored no seriously we need to figure out a way to solve this okay well don't you guys just keep playing and I'll be right back I can't believe these kids what they're doing is playing screens and iPads all day but knows they're aids I did play a lot of video games like the Nintendo and Sega Genesis by then let it consume my life this generation I just don't get it it's like they only survive if their heads are buried in a four and a half inch screen what are we talking about iPads are huge now it's like eight inch screens and then when I tell them to do something like something simple but the Christmas boxes away I mean look at this mess but I can't be too upset with them they did do their schoolwork and they finish the chores we asked them to do except this mess but still there's got to be a way to monitor their internet time wait a minute so those controls the internet no internet no screen time okay that's it powers in the connected Disney circle here we go all right no wait wait let's see if there's any reactions going on it should be going in effect about three two one whatever to roblox that steaks mine works he's serious that's is great I am look at your last dude this is awesome kicks here faces Oh boys santa came back and got something special what happened what I told you guys yesterday yeah you gotta stop playing so much game so many games right two hours no no no okay that's even worse oh yeah I'm sure oh yes wait yeah listen listen guess what say hello to the new Disney Circle you know that Disney circle is no it controls your internet usage so that you guys don't have to play video games [Music] [Music] okay wait this welcome to the new era of internet controlling if that means only get a half an hour of screen time all day long watch that's it hey like those apples we're in it I pick you a little bit of a mercy on this if you don't fight you don't misbehave you've listened to mommy and daddy there's a button that is called the reward you know who do with some extra time but only if you behave Stan your choice and behave no fighting that includes can't kill Jeff Stan mm-hmm because enjoy the new era of the internet all right don't you guys really think about everything I just said okay you get rewarded or you can just keep doing what you normally do like normal kids it's causing the ruggish chaos driving parents nuts okay what come on bull internet it's terribly back failure we did a chore we even listened to mom and dad every day you know get in it so what do we do I have an idea are you maybe okay mega what's your idea I think I'm gonna widen some extra barbecue sauce or hot what Bobby kiss us oh oh I'm sorry you should see the McDonald's up here it's awesome I hope you enjoy your McDonald's meal but we have a problem Oh would it have anything to do with the fact of Disney's circle well obviously I've created so you want them or how about thanks a lot man yeah because of you we only through as of roblox 30 minutes is plenty of time and you're lucky your dad even gave you 30 you could have only given you five for the whole day fine my god yeah it starts with three letters oh yeah pbht wait a minute guys what about all these water only squash for gingerbread man the PPT that's always for dad well then if you feel like BBT squad needs any upgrades already have you make up yeah let's do this [Music] we're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] nope not yet you know what the dizzies circle is [Laughter] totally not cool I don't think you should be in the PBT squad anymore we'll be the judge of that put in me time listen all you see daddy [Applause] why do you think mommy's help me daddy I don't know but he's really gonna get it this time hmm one who is looking for me [Music] hello boys Wow seriously again way too predictable after 20 times you guys getting back at me for you know through a little parenting having to bet I actually care about you guys and trying to teach you something but now no internet and now look what's happening you going after me again a little too predictable guys whatever happened to the on the gear what I may get you kicked out of the army squad no darn almost Waze for GM and PBT is always for you just Disney it's just like your normal movie you like to watch make sure you show the screen time what are you this is clearly guys trust me what that's only half due to fake me later seriously yeah very much so yeah it's the weakness what in the world I used to make them guys look what I have iPads huh did we learn anything today yeah no yeah exactly one says yes one says no do you understand the concept of internet usage screen time you don't need to do it all day seriously you understand mm-hmm you understand now really yeah that was quick just a quick little nerf battle and now you learned your lesson yeah so they did my job then yeah this seems like a trap Kip so check this out did you guys learn your lesson how about 15 I know you know what putting in 30 minutes more screen time why because you learnt you that's it okay you need the more that you behave Reggie listen mommy and daddy the more lessons you learn and I want to see you apply them the more screentime you get but only 30 minute intervals okay nothing crazy like hours and two hours not stuff okay good I waited [Music] okay that does it alright guys looks as if you have an extra 30 minutes oh thank you but the garbage is still up the garbage in yeah it's bringing in I think your mother died yesterday yeah okay I'll take care of that looks like you guys are gonna be busy planes in my pen so enjoy I mean that was really easy was it not down started yet watch this mommy let me right there I just wanted daddy he's out like in the garbage can you know what to do over around why did you tell me if mommy is really on our side so doing the wrong person my back yeah [Music] [Music] sorry hon don't take this personally but on PBT for life look ah tax Oh you see what happen who's that mommy so you think we should take care of her [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: DFA Roblox
Views: 5,366,895
Rating: 4.6577749 out of 5
Keywords: nerf, nerf war, nerf squad, war, alpha squad, the biohazard, nerf modulus, modulus, nerf sniper, rhino fire, rhino, twin toys, twin toys eli and liam, twin toys nerf war, twins, brothers, payback time, mom, dad vs kids, dad, kids, family friendly, fun, action, nerf videos, nerf guns, gun game, gun vs gun, nerf gun war, nerf gun, nerf gun videos
Id: TQbx-TQnq14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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