Escape the Force Field and Mysterious Black Hole Mystery w Sneak Attack Compilation

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(upbeat music) - [Noah] Oh my gosh, Eden, Eden, Eden, look, look, look. - [Eden] I know, I can see it. - We got our TubeCon badges (screams) - I know, we're already at TubeCon, it starts today. - I'm so excited. I get to see all my friends like Ethan, and Cole, and the Twin Toys, and all those other guys. - Oh, I wanted to see if you've noticed anything about your ring. - My ring? It got some gold flecks on it, did you do that? - [Eden] Actually, I made brand new rings from scratch. (construction sounds) I didn't want to lose our real rings, so I left those at home and brought these new prototypes. - [Hope] Eden! What did you do to my power ring? - Jeez, chill out, I was just telling Noah it's a prototype. - But I want my real ring back, how do we know if these even work? - I don't know, let's try. (electric sounds) Guess it does work. That makes me a genius, and you owe me an apology. - Sorry. Whatever, let's just watch some TV. (buzz) Ow! - Are you okay, Hope? - The remote shocked me. That was weird. - Huh, whatever (buzz). Ow, my phone shocked me too. - Wait, so Hope got shocked by the TV remote, and Eden got shocked by her phone, that means -- (buzz) Ow! I don't know what I expected. (buzz) - [Eden] Ow! What? (ominous music) I've never seen that symbol before. - [Hope] Wait a second, electricity traps? A new symbol? Guys, this is totally the works of a new villain. - No. - That's crazy. - But it's not, because I -- Do you guys hear that? (ominous music) (lightning strikes) - Ow! - That giant storm, it must be electrically charging everything that's metal, that's why it zaps us. - This could only be the works of an evil villain. - Let's go get that storm. - [Eden] Wait, wait, wait, remember? - Oh yeah, bzzz. - But how do we open the door? - Hmm, I got an idea. - [Noah] Be careful, be careful okay. (buzz) - Ah! - This isn't gonna work. - Ah! - I can't believe that worked. (door creaking) (tense music) (lightning strikes) - What, how did the storm get inside? - This is not good. (lightning strikes) (tense music) (lightning strikes) - What? Where'd it go? (electric sparks) - Outside. (tense music) I can't see the lightning storm. Ow! (tense music) - Eden! - [Noah] Eden, are you okay? - [Eden] Yeah, the storm went over there, let's go. - [Jack] Oooh, I'm hypnotizing you. - Stop it, Jack. (electric spark) - What was that? - Eden! - Oh, hey SuperHeroKids. - Hey Kids Fun TV. - What are you guys doing? - Oh we were just -- - Nothing, we were just going for a jog. - A jog? - Yeah, we're gonna have to see you guys later. - Hmm, something was suspicious about them. - Hmm, that was suspicious (screaming). - There it is. (tense music) Let's take this thing down. - Wait, Noah. - Whoa. (lightning strikes) (tense music) (screaming) - Leave my friends alone. - Jack, you stopped the lightning. - Huh? - Kids Fun TV! - We knew something was up earlier, you guys were acting weird. (lightning strikes) - Watch out! (screaming) - We need a plan. - But we already tried everything, nothing works. - Sorry, Kaden, you dropped these. What are these? - Oh, they're my rubber swimming gloves. - Why do you need gloves to swim? (ominous tune) - Noah, I have an idea, put them on quick. - Wait, what are we supposed to do? - That's it, the rubber gloves absorb the lightning. Kids Fun TV, you go over there and distract it. - We're on it. (screaming) - Noah, you go and when it shoots, you absorb the lightning and shoot it back into the sky. - Let's do this. (electric sparks) (screaming) (lightning strikes) - Get 'em, SuperHeroKids. - Yes, Noah did it. - Come on Noah, you can do it. - Yes, good job Noah. (cheering) Uh oh. (groaning) - Noah, are you okay? - What's that? - [Eden] That's the same symbol we saw earlier, before everything went wrong. - That can only mean one thing. My theory was right, there's a villain after us. - A villain? - Yeah, bad things happen, and he leaves that sign everywhere. - We have to head back to our room. You guys be careful, if we work together we can defeat the villain. - I wonder who the villain could be. - We'll be sure to find out. (playful music) - [Hope] Got you, Noah. - [Noah] No, no, no, no. (elevator dings) (playful music) (elevator dings) (playful music) - Tee hee. (playful music) - Sorry. (playful music) - Okay, I think I lost them. - [Hope] Got you. - Okay I give up. - I win. - I think I win (giggles) - This is probably the longest game of hide and seek in the history of ever. - Yeah, and I win. - Huh, what's that over there? (playful music) (tense music) What? That tornado launched me. - [Eden] Three tornadoes? - Wait a second. This means they're villain tornadoes. We've got to shut them down. All right, there's three tornadoes, and three of us. Come on, let's go. Get back here tornado. (tense music) (growling) Get back here! Whoa. Jeez, those tornadoes are feisty. (tense music) - Get back here. This tornado's getting on my nerves. - Payton, calm down. - Whoa, calm down Payton. - Is that Eden from SuperHeroKids? - Something's suspicious, let's follow her guys. (tense upbeat music) - Oh no. - Charge. - That tornado's strong. - What are we gonna do? - Whoa, what is going on here? - Ninja kids? - [Hope] Ninja kids, thank goodness, we need you help, look. - How are we supposed to beat this thing? - Get the tornadoes! (screaming) (tense music) (screaming) - I don't know why we thought punching a tornado would work. - This tornado is insane. - I've got it. You don't punch a tornado, you kick it. (screaming) Paxton, are you okay? - I think so. - No, this is how we beat it. Noah, use your super-speed to run really fast the opposite direction. - Let's do this. - Now Hope, use a force-field around them. Now Brian, Ashton, Paxton, punch it off the balcony. - [Noah] Wait, punch me off the what? (screaming) (playful music) - Noah! - Noah, are you okay? - He got lucky he was in that force-field. - Come on guys, come swim. - So you do beat tornadoes by punching them. - What was up with those tornadoes going around everywhere? - It's a long story, we think there's a super villain around here. - Super villain, that can't be good. - Whenever bad things happen, we find this symbol there. - We'll keep on watch for the super villain. - If we find anything, we'll let you guys know. - In the meantime, let's go in the pool with Noah. (triumphant music) (snoring) (playful music) - It's time to wake up, wake up, pool time. Wake up sleepyheads, it's time to swim. Oh, I'm so ready to swim, I can't wait. Oh wow, look at the pool, it looks so awesome. Come on guys, let's go swim. - Swim time? More like sleep time. - It's too early for swimming. - It's lunchtime. You guys are lame, Twin Toys will come swim with me. See ya. - Bye. (ominous music) (playful music) - Hey let me look at your spell book. - This spell book's cool. (shouting) - What's up Twin Toys? - Hi. - You guys wanna go swimming? - Swimming? Yeah. - I want to swim. (shouting) (coughing) - Help, could you get me a bottle of (coughing) water. (playful music) - If I did that, I would have to get you it from the vending machine. - Thanks (coughing). - Ugh, fine. (playful music) (electric shock) - Ow, what? Why is there a -- (electric shock) Ow, force-field? (gasp) oh no. (ominous music) This isn't good, it's the villain symbol. - Did you get me water? - We've got bigger issues than water. - Rude. - There's a force-field that's trapping us in this room. I think it's that villain that's been leaving the evil symbol everywhere. He's trying to trap us. - So, you can't get me water? - Maybe we can escape. From the balcony! Ah! (electric shock) No, he trapped us here too. That villain's pretty smart, he's blocked both our exit routes. Maybe if we get Noah's attention, he can come and save us. - How are we gonna do that? - [Hope] We can use these new rings you made us. Noah! - I don't know, they're being kind of weird and it seems like they're acting up. Ow! (buzzing) - Three, two, one, break! (splashing) - Marco! - Polo! - Marco! (shouting) (buzzing) - He's not looking at us. (beeping) - That doesn't sound good. - Ow, what? (beeping and buzzing) - We're gonna get smushed! (computer sounds) - Eden, help me blast. - Noah! - Marco! (electric buzzing) The girls, something must be wrong. Let's go guys, quick. (tense music) Whoa, that was so cool. Oh yeah, the girls. - Noah! - Girls! (buzz) Ow, what? - There's two force-fields, they're trapping us in and they're gonna crush us. - What, a force-field? - Twin Toys! - We need help. (screaming) - It's not working. - I could super-speed through it. - Wait, Noah, don't. - I can't get through. - It's moving more. (mumbles) - No, no, no, no, no. (action music) (screaming) - A pool noodle? - Yeah, good job Twin Toys! - Okay, I can do this. - Get 'em, Noah! (action music) (upbeat music) - We did it! (cheering) - I'll meet you guys on the other side. (cheering) - Noah! (cheering) - This villain is really getting on my nerves. - Wait, a villain? - Villains are the worst. - Yeah, this one's been messing with us all day. You guys better be careful. - Maybe the villain is at the swimming pool. - Let's go get him. - See you guys later. - We need to do some investigating, come on Eden. - This is the most serious battle ever. Ping pong time! - Ping pong time! Noah versus Ethan and Cole, serve. - You bet, you're about to get served. (screaming) - Ow. (action music) - This isn't good. Guys, we've got to go find my sisters, quick!. (action music) (electric buzz) - What? Hope, I -- (gasp) This is not good. - Force-field! - Hold on, the whole time we thought it was a villain causing this. I don't think it's a villain. - But what could it be? - The prototype rings I built, they must be unstable and causing all these anomalies. (thunder rumbling) - We've got to go find Noah. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - Yes! (action music) - Eden, Hope, the super-villain, he's here. - Oh, you haven't heard, it's not a super-villain. - What? - We figured it out, it was just Eden's prototype rings. They're the ones causing all these anomalies. - Hey guys, is that an anomaly? - Uh oh, the biggest one yet. How are we gonna take this thing down? - Do we throw a breakfast burrito at it? - Wait, what, how would that work? - This will work, charge! - Wait guys, it's auto -- Whatever, they never listen to us. - Same. - What's happening? I feel weird. - Oh, this doesn't feel good. - Oh, why does my face feel like that? - Yeah. - [Ethan] What in the world? - [Eden] It's a black hole, it must be warping reality. - Should we go help them? - I mean, I guess. Let's go. (shouting) What are you doing? I don't even -- Sorry Noah, I have no other choice. (playful music) (shouting) - Thanks for saving us all, but I need my ring back. - Yeah, you can have it back, I don't want it anymore. (playful music) - Maybe we come up with a plan that's not us losing. - That's probably a good idea. - There are four pillars of energy connected to the black hole, we have to beat all four before we can win. - But it takes a bunch of people to just fight one. How are we gonna find that many people? - Maybe they can tell us. - It looks like you guys need some help. - Yes! - [Noah] Let's go! (action music) - Okay guys, there's four pillars and five channels. Each of you take a pillar, and we'll take the black hole. - Got it. - Let's do this. - Whoo, this is gonna be fun. - We're on it. - Charge! (shouting) (action music) - It's in a tree, how are we gonna get up there? - I don't know, I mean I can make a teleport machine, but that will be like five days. - Huh, we don't have that time, we don't have five days. Let's just go check it out. (action music) - I don't think this is working. - Come on, Coley. - Wait, a grappling hook. - I don't think that's a grappling hook. Ah, the sprinklers, get out of here, go. - Look, the water's messing it up. - [Ethan] Ah, it just needs one more hit. Wait, up there. Come on, let's go, come on. Come on Coley, throw it at it. Yeah we did it, let's go back, come on. (shouting) - How are we supposed to beat that thing? - I have no idea. - I might have a plan. My plan isn't working. New plan, flip flop attack. (shouting) (shouting) - Take that! - Whoa. - I can't believe that worked. - They did it! (triumphant music) - There it is. - How are we supposed to beat this thing? - Cones, grab them. (shouting) (triumphant music) - Yay, we did it. - Let's go check on everyone else. (shouting) (punching) (shouting) - This thing's tough. - I know. - I think we have to hit it all at the same time. - I think so. - Hear that? Let's do it. - Let's go. - Yeah! (shouting) - We did it! (cheering) - Okay guys, let's go check on the SuperHeroKids, let's go. - All right, we got all the other channels helping us out. Let's take this thing down. (shouting) (triumphant music) - I've always wanted to try this. (shouting) (triumphant music) - Guys, I think we did it. (happy music) (cheering) - Okay, now we know for sure it wasn't a villain doing anything, it was the prototype power rings. - [Hope] I think we all know what we need to do. (happy music) - But what about our power? - We just need to go home and get our original power rings, then we'll be good as new. - Let's agree to never try to make new power rings again. - Agreed. - Can we go swimming? - Yeah, let's do it. - [Noah] Okay, let's go. (ominous music) (pop rock music)
Channel: SuperHeroKids
Views: 2,194,628
Rating: 4.3188806 out of 5
Keywords: superherokids, super hero kids, superhero kids, shk, superherokids youtube, youtube superherokids, superherokids channel, channel superherokids, superhero, kids, family, family friendly, skits, sketch, comedy, funny, vs, sister, brother, Noah, Hope, Eden, escape, escape the force field, mystery, mysterious, sneaky, sneak attack squad, ninja kidz, ninja kidz tv, searching, sneak attack, extreme toys tv, twin toys, kids fun tv, ninja kids, ninja kids tv
Id: IHCEr0bghmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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