Judges Behaving Badly MEGA-Compilation | Court Cam | A&E

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first we go to the Hamilton County Common Police Court in Cincinnati Ohio standing in the hallway outside the courtroom is Cassandra Jackson she's here today seeking a protection order often sought by domestic violence victims unfortunately a court official is telling her that she missed the deadline and will have to come back Jackson a working mother grows increasingly frustrated the arguments last enough to be heard in the nearby courtroom so loud that Magistrate Judge Michael Bachman who's presiding in the courtroom on the other side of these doors could not hear an attorney question a witness Jackson continues to plead her case to the man in the hallway but is denied Jackson continues arguing for finally storming off but judge Bachmann is unsatisfied and takes matters into his own hands a about 10 seconds after Jackson walks away Bachmann leaves the bench chasing her down the hall he catches up to Jackson at the elevators and orders her back to his courtroom what happens next is critical to the eventual outcome of this story as they head toward the Court Jackson tries to turn down a hallway that's when Bachman grabs Jackson shoulder even as they enter the courtroom Bachman still does not remove his hand keep in mind Jackson's in court today to file for a restraining order to protect herself and her children from an allegedly abusive relationship Bachmann orders Jackson into the jury box then tells her she's about to be arrested for contempt of court but the insensitive treatment continues from the rest of the Court staff two officers are brought in and Jackson attempts to [Music] flee additional helps required to restrain Jackson she resists but is eventually removed from the court in [Music] handcuffs the situation is taken to another level when Jackson's drag to booking where formal charges are made officer's handcuff Jacks into a chair as she continues to resist after struggling with officers one more time Jackson strapped into a special chair and wheeled into holding will serve 2 days of a 10day sentence after the presiding judge dropped the contempt charge and the rest of her sentence for good cause after the footage goes public of Bachman chasing after Jackson and putting his hand on her Jackson fils a civil suit against Bachman and the magistrates told he must either resign or be fired Bachman chose to resign if Bachman needs to enter a Hamilton County Courthouse in the future he must now do so as a private citizen we're in Greenup Kentucky where court is back in session after bringing in a new year happy New Year to everybody that's Judge Robert connley he's been on the bench for more than 20 years and appears to be happy to be starting another first up a probation revocation hearing Michael ferer the defendant Michael ferner owes more than $9,000 in overdue child support to his ex-wife and according to his ex-wife's lawyer he's failed to follow his court-ordered payment program so he's not made any payment in 200 it just doesn't make any didn't pay anything in whole year nothing in 2019 it has been a rough year I mean I had three boys at home my wife works full time we didn't have babysitter after hearing the defendant's explanation it's possible judge Conley could give him a break to start the new year can I ask you a question what kind of person has three kids when you can't even take care of one why K you're grown they're 21 and 19 but they're living at home they don't live with their mom three kids I got three little ones five kids it's over to the CL judge your order was 238 a month plus $50 to rages well it change the next time I come to court you know what you just need to shut up the more you talk the more ridiculous you sound and just like that the judge's New Year's cheer is out the window any jail send him in jail go talk all you want over there okay talk all you want over there as Michael Ker's taken into custody judge connley issues a Stern directive to everyone in the courtroom when I'm talking you better be listening I only talk if I'm wanting you to know something don't try to talk over me it's the most ridiculous thing in the world if I'm saying anything you better be damn listening 20 minutes later he calls defendant Gary Willis for unfortunately for Willis he's also here today for failing to pay child support Willis how come you aren't paying what you're supposed to pay I thought I thought that I was paying it I just missed the court I got caught up Thanksgiving absolutely forgot one am I supposed to do what does the victim the Vic the victim in your case the ones are money I have to hear I have to answer to them they say judge he do pay what what are you doing about it judge what are you doing so do us both a favor and do what you're supposed to do that may be good advice but it turns out judge Conley's delivery of the message left something to be desired for the Kentucky judicial conduct commission following the two cases Conley received a public reprimand after an investigation into his quote intemperate conduct judge Robert connley ultimately accepted the public reprimand admitted his behavior was inappropriate and issued a public apology next we're in the 31st District Court in Hamtramck Michigan for a virtual hearing on a civil infraction 5 months earlier 72-year-old Boran chowdery allowed the grass and weeds on his property to grow out of control violating a local law against noxious weeds in vegetation chowdery was undergoing treatment for lymph node cancer that left him too weak for yard work his son shabir who usually maintained the property for him was out of the country when police issued the ticket shabir cleared the overgrowth when he returned to the US father and son are hoping for leniency today from Judge Alexis crot considering chat's medical condition and that it's his first offense all right you have a ticket for ceiling to keep the F walkway sidewalk or alley free of weed trees or other new of Education first offense civil infraction you canet responsible responsible explanation or not responsible I am a Cancer very old man and I am a cancer patient I was then very weak and sick very weak and this time of rainy season I cannot look look after this thing Chatter's labored breathing is apparent as he explains how his illness and the rainy weather affected his Landscaping but the judge refuses to cut him any slack you should be ashamed of yourself if I could give you jail time on this I would the judge is not feeling forgiving quite the opposite she's talking about jail time for an elderly cancer patient for a minor civil infraction if I could give you jail time on this I would $100 paid by February 1st you better get that cleaned up that is totally inappropriate oh night Chow is stunned at the judge's outrage so son shabir steps in to reiterate his father's situation and to tell the judge that the weeds are already cleared oh okay like is it ma'am forgivable because my father is currently sick and we clean that after pH yes I am very te man that is shameful shameful the neighbor should not have to look at that you should be ashamed of yourself yes I am you're going to jail judge crot closes the hearing with a threat to send chowy to jail if he returns to her courtroom room the rant went viral within a week with many reacting to judge cr's treatment of chowy with disgust an online petition calling for her removal from the bench has over a quarter of a million signatures the judge released a statement apologizing for her behavior towards chowy and reported herself to the judicial tenure commission the ham traik city council later voted to censure judge CR Chow's $100 fine was paid two days after the hearing next we're in Las Vegas Nevada for a child visitation hearing parents wealthy and rerio Silva have been divorced for 3 years in share custody of their 12-year-old daughter who lives fulltime with her mother rerio claims he's not getting his court-ordered visitation time and making matters worse his ex-wife claims his daughter doesn't want to spend time with him but before getting to the matter at hand wealthy Silva airs some grievances of her own against her ex-husband he has not paid child support uh was November December and January that I did not get child support or alimony also none of the medical or dental has been reimbursed ever not one penny of that child support if there are rages and medical there are aages you need to file a schedule of aages and a motion and I will hear it at the appropriate time judge Reena Hughes seems ready to move past the issues unrelated to visitation but wealthy Silva isn't finished medical and dental was filed I remember I believe it was five court dates ago and I have submitted receipts proper receipts keep your comments to yourself the fol then shifts back to visitation as the judge attempts to schedule a dinner date for father and daughter the following week February the 6th that's week one dinner night what time rather than providing the judge an answer Rio's lawyer instead has a complaint it's more than a week away from now and I'm not taking argument right now I have listened to this case at infinitum I am entering orders I expect them to be followed I'm trying to accommodate both parties we're not going to do this on a whim and say within 2 days he's going to have dinner with her mom's going to tell her it's going to happen and we're going to get prepared for it okay what time uh whatever is good for him 5 six what time. 6: p.m. but after the time is set the child's mother has some major concerns and when she refuses to go um what am I to do because this is really not good you'll be here on a motion to hold you in contempt is she going to have to ride in a car with him yes wow you really care about my child don't you I want you to keep your mouth shut and sit down I care about your child very much you do not sit down and do not talk we need to have a triy there's no need for a trial oh there he is finally the tension filled silence is broken by a threat from the judge if there is contempt and if there is withholding of the child we will have a trial do you understand me clearly you will lose custody two months later following additional visitation issues the parents are back in court this time with their 12-year-old daughter but after starting the hearing judge Hughes gives an unusual order telling all the adults to leave the courtroom so she can speak to the child alone around the same time cameras in the courtroom are Switched Off 9 minutes later with her father now back in the courtroom judge Hughes Awards him temporary full custody despite the child's wishes you don't understand I love her and I'm going to miss her so much please don't do this to me I've made a decision for your best interest how do you know my best interest you I'm a grownup and you're a child when the girl continues to protest the decision please I don't want to be with him the judge threatens to send her to a children's shelter if you have any difficulties we'll go to child Haven it's not fun in child Haven in fact they put you in a folding cell just like it would be Jail at the same time the girl's mother's not allowed to reenter the court room and is charged with contempt for allegedly withholding visitation but this custody fight was far from over following the hearing the girl's mother filed a complaint with the the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline alleging her and her daughter's civil rights were violated by judge Hughes in response the commission ruled that judge Hughes did in fact violate Judicial Code and due process by holding the mother in contempt and not allowing her to be heard during the hearing she was also accused of awarding the father custody as a punitive measure against the child's mother the commission issued a public remand of Judge Hughes but the penalty would later be dropped following a successful appeal in the Nevada Supreme Court ultimately the parents were awarded joint physical custody of their daughter 34-1 State of Arizona versus Christopher Robert lesnic we're in Maricopa County Arizona in the courtroom of Superior Court commissioner Julie Newell she's overseeing the arraignment of 50-year-old Christopher lesnak charged with aggravated assault the victim a man isn't identified for privacy reasons and not present in court right does the state want to make a record uh no your honor no offer has officially been made yet as commissioner new proceeds with the hearing a woman from the gallery stands up preparing to address the court ma' please be seated please be seated I was going to make an announcement please be seated and you'll make an announcement only when the court allows you to do that thank you the woman the commissioner is yelling at is Sheila Madden a lawyer for the victim Madden a former commissioner herself previously worked with new but new would later claim she didn't recognize her you'll make an announcement only when the court allows you to do that despite her former colleague's tur statement Madden has the right to be heard at court proceedings involving her client sir you B out and failed to appear for your next court date which is August 31st a warrant could issue for your arrest and you your trial could proceed in your absence understand that yes sir the rest of the hearing continues without interruption all right good luck sir but when it ends and Madden isn't called on she again tries to address commissioner new I wish to be heard sir ma'am sit down please I wish ma'am sit down that's the last order otherwise get out of the courtroom leave the courtroom or I will have you removed from the courtroom I will have you removed I will have you removed get out of the courtroom right now out of the courtroom right now get a deputy in here right now please despite the call for a deputy and the tongue lashing from New Madden refuses to leave and with the tension in the courtroom at its peak judge can I make a record the defense attorney steps in to try to simmer things down between the two former co-workers I'm sorry but I've spoken with uh Sheila Madden she represents the victim in connection with this case I've worked with her so she represents a victim she was very professional in contacting me she's a former judge I hold her in high esteem just as I do you so I don't want to be cut in the middle here but I'm not taking any comments with regards to the victim in this case that is forat perhaps sensing it was a no- win situation or knowing a deputy is moments away from removing her Madden makes a move for the exit as for Comm nle she would never hear any comments in regard to the victim in the case or any other the following day she resigned from her position and later received a public reprimand for her harsh and inappropriate courtroom demeanor I will have you removed from the courtroom next we head to Cleveland's Municipal Court where judge pinky Carr is presiding it's March 17th 2020 the country's in the early stages of the covid-19 pandemic the person is not here as I've noted all week Corona day three because of health risks Cleveland's administrative court has issued an order that all hearings for defendants who are not in jail have been postponed so why is Judge Carr's courtroom still open for all business DEET number 31 bond is set at 2500 it's a question on the mind of assistant public defender Mark jablonsky is the court having a docket tomorrow oh yeah nothing stopped from me my cases go on does that apply to jails only no anyone that shows up not everybody watches the news I actually have people yesterday I have people today yeah I'm not going to do that to people the judge's statement contradicts the administrative order regarding covid-19 and jablonsky wants an explanation we are able to get a poll of any of our clients are scheduled for tomorrow who are not in jail can we tell them to no so so the Court's administrative order regarding I'm here I'm here if people show up I'm here so no don't call people and tell them not to show up if they show up I'm here but this judge isn't just allowing people to show up she's punishing those who don't in the preceding days she'd issued several arrest warrants which in court terminology is known as a capus capus find a set of 5,000 officer pres no defendant KPS will be issued continuing his exchange regarding the order jablonsky asked the judge about her position one last time don't do that hi for the third time I will be here if people show up I am here okay thank you okay okay okay okay minutes later after seven okays jablonsky exits the courtroom but judge Carr still apparently baffled by the attorney's question about post in his client's hearings discusses it with her staff I'm like stop it not everybody watched the news I'm going to call him and tell him don't come I'm sure he is little idiot but soon after when the local media hears about the arrest warrants the judge denies it if people came to court and they were willing to willing to risk their health I figured I would return the favor as far as issuing warrant for their arrest absolutely untrue but when the video showing the opposite becomes public capus Bon a set of 10,000 capus Bon a set of 5,000 you know what I'll just put a straight Kus on the Ohio Supreme court orders judge Carr to temporarily stop presiding on all criminal or traffic cases and an investigation by the Ohio Board of Professional conduct is launched car faces sanctions which could range from a warning to full disbarment for our next story we need to warn you it contains images that may be disturbing for some viewers Sandra Twix yes ma'am we're at a bond hearing in Broward County Florida for a disturbing incident involving Judge marily Erick good morning ma'am the defendant is 59-year-old Sandra twigs she's charged with misdemeanor domestic battery against her 18-year-old daughter twig relies on a wheelchair she suffers from asthma diabetes and pulmonary disease I've read the probable cause after David yes ma'am you don't have to respond to each thing but thank you at first judge Erick is cordial toward the defendant but that doesn't last recent priers none excuse me ma'am I'm asking my courtroom staff that's okay I'll let you know each time I'm talking to you okay I'm sorry you okay ma'am yes I have asthma with COPD and I have a cough okay apparently this she and her adult daughter live in the same home and they had a verbal altercation about who gets the fan the judge reviews the case but there's seems to be some information missing I don't know whose house this is I don't know if she's in a position to evict excuse me don't tell me the judge is beginning to show some frustration does your daughter live with you ma'am yes yes ma'am would she also excuse me don't say anything beyond what I am asking you trust me I am ma'am she Liv with my daugh she lives with who she lives with me and she lives with my daughter in Miami is that a different location yes in excuse the judge's impatience grows ma'am my one question to you can someone there give her water as a kindness ma'am do you need water just nod your head yes and and I'm breathing treatment I ma'am I'm not here to talk to you about your breathing treatment excuse me oh lord it's clear Twigs is struggling but the judge just gets increasingly irritated I'm not going to spend all day with her interrupting me it's your turn to speak councel sorry I'm done Twi just stay silent for a moment Twigs takes council's advice as judge erck tries to finish up the hearing but it's not enough to avoid judge er's WRA with you do you want her to stay in the home but have no harmful contact with you absolutely yes ma'am yes your honor I need her excuse me I'm sorry excuse me instead of bond the judge offers Twig's pre-trial release State yes instead of money do you want to be supervised by pre-trial release is that right answer yes ma'am yes yor pre-trial Services yes your honor ma'am listen I don't know what you're saying you've already said too much listen please yes once again the judge berates the already rattled Twigs don't even say yes just listen can you hear me do you understand me yes you have to check in with pre-trial um Services by noon on Monday do you understand me yes good thank you you can um return her does that mean I can go home to an exasperated judge erlick seems relieved and the hearing's over but the story does not end there just 3 Days Later Sandra twig passed passed away in her sleep at home after video of Twig's appearance in court was made public erick's treatment of the defendant came under intense scrutiny Broward Chief administrator judge Jack tutor asked Erick not to return to work while he didn't have the power to fire her 2 Days Later erck decided to announce an early retirement now to the Moore Justice Center in bravard County Florida two Char is assault and resisting you have the Public Public Defender Andrew Weinstock and his client are appearing before Judge John Murphy whose voice you hearer public defender what do you want to do have they file they have I'm not waving all right what do you want to do what do you want to do I'm not waving you want to set it for trial set it for trial judge Murphy wants the defendant to wave his right to a speedy trial because the Court's schedule's backed up stop win stock isn't budging and tensions are mounting if I had a rock I would throw it at you right now stop pissing me off just sit down I'll take care of it I don't need your help you know what I'm the public defender I have a right to be here and I have a right to sit down if you want to fight let's go out back and I'll just beat your ass they both head to the hallway behind the courtroom just out of the view of the Court's cameras believe it or not they get into a physical altercation until judge Murphy returns to the courtroom alone thank you I will catch my breath eventually man I'm an old man once judge Murphy catches his breath he continues with the rest of the hearing ings without wine stock present your choices concering there's probably going to be a change over and Personnel are setting it for trial June 9th or if you were wanting to wave Speedy we would set it for July 15th I would like to get it done as fast as possible that doesn't help me the incident investigated by the Florida judicial qualifications commission who charged Judge John Murphy with threatening to commit violence against an assistant public defender engaging in a physical altercation with councel and resuming his docket while defendants were without Council the case eventually reaches the Florida Supreme Court which orders the immediate suspension and permanent removal of Judge Murphy from his post Andrew Weinstock later resigns from the public defender office now to Durham North Carolina where Judge James Hill is presiding over a child C custody case for three long days divorced parents Rana and Colin Morrison have been going at it quite personally in the courtroom I'm angry that his dad lives in dur can go on vacations with friends P Mistresses out to eat take her on vacation and can't seem to see his the child's mother Rana claims her ex-husband abandoned their three-year-old son and failed to pay child support he argues she withheld his son from him and is seeking permanent C custody and the judge well he isn't happy with either of them I could care less about it do you I could the two of you are not important and he's about to let them know it two parents I'm chose my words very carefully two parents can come in and act like such idiots y the one that crawled into bed and had sex and made that baby he didn't ask to be born but he was what's important is and he don't need to see two adults acting like idiots I say the word ID he did three times afterward Judge Hill turns his attention towards rishana I have no doubt that you have withheld that little boy don't don't you be look at me I have not you say one more word you say one more you to the you say one work all right she's got 24 hours run her as soon as we get you got 48 Hours say got 48 Hours R eventually quiets down and finally after three heated days in the courtroom the judge delivers his decision both parents and prop persons have C child is Ace you guys [Music] are as officers try to restrain her Morrison's brother sherod Smith comes forward from the back of the courtroom at first he tries to help by calming down his sister but when that doesn't work and Rana throws a bale if a rip hook Big Brother's caught in the middle officers try to restrain him but he sends one of them flying meanwhile the judge makes a quick exit as one Deputy fights to gain control of Morrison another puts her brother in [Music] handcuffs and here come even more officers to shut things [Music] down as Morrison and Smith are taken away a third person is also restrain in the back of the courtroom their mother you video Smith and his mother are hit with 48 hours in jail for resisting a public officer while Morrison receives 30 days Morrison and her husband now have a joint custody agreement Judge James Hill received a public reprimand by the North Carolina Supreme Court for improperly exercising his contempt Powers failing to make maintain order in decorum and making inappropriate comments next we're in LL Maryland for a jury selection 25-year-old dvon King is representing himself today on weapons charges after he was caught carrying a regulated firearm during a traffic stop just 3 months earlier King was appearing at a preliminary hearing for the charges when he fled the courtroom and temporarily eluded police because of the fleeing incident King is required to wear a remote control stun cuff on his leg while appearing in court and now as he reads A prepared argument stat there seems to be another problem at the bench is 72-year-old Robert NY the judge retired the previous year but was called back part-time to hear cases this hearing got off to a rocky start when King claimed to be a mish American an offshoot of the anti- government Sovereign citizen movement and insisted his true name was not Delvon King now as judge NY explains the jury selection process King continues reading from his prepared argument which questions the Court's Jurisdiction over him states that viate the Mr Sheriff do it use it all right I'm going to take five don't calms down and I'll be back yes [Music] sires statues that in case you miss that after King refuses to stop speaking right now judge NY orders the courtroom Deputy to activate the stun cuff on King's leg Mr Sheriff do it use it the deputy calmly approaches King who doesn't appear to see him and slides his chair out of the [Music] way while King rides in pain on the courtroom floor judge NY decides to exit the courtroom and take a short break all right I'm going to take five I'll back following the brief recess judge NY resumed the hearing and King continued representing himself he later agreed to probation before judgment meaning in his case he was sentenced to two years in jail on the weapons charge most of which he'd already served and in return no actual conviction would be added to his record the same cannot be said for judge Robert NY after the courtroom video was made public the Maryland court of appeals immediately rescinded n's ability to hear cases all right he would also later be charged with a misdemeanor civil rights violation to which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year probation ordered to take anger management classes and pay a $5,000 fine following his sentence Robert NY was banned from the bench for Life Next we're in Newark New Jersey where Judge James convery is overseeing a divorce hearing on one side is Benjamin Taylor and his attorney IET Ramos Alvarez and on the other is his soon to be ex-wife to establish Taylor's total yearly income a copy of his Social Security earnings statement has been requested by his wife's attorney now miss kski comes back after everything was finished except for the Social Security earnings statements which he doesn't have he gets his Social Security every year indicating the earning stat he gets his earning statement he gets it he gets it every year so she asked for why didn't he provide it he doesn't have it he threw it away I would presume oh come on as you can see judge convery is not buying the dog at my homework story so he decides to do a quick courtroom poll to prove his point don't you get it I get it you get it you get it everybody gets it Social Security sends it to your home every year Alvarez however disagrees based on her own experience no I don't get it they sent it to my home four years ago I haven't received it in the last three this is the final moment before judge conver says something he'll regret well when did you become an illegal [Music] alien judge Alvarez is taken AB by the judge's comment not only is she of Hispanic descent but she's also the former president of the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey judge I am going to that was a totally inappropriate I didn't mean it listen to me as judge conre tries to backpedal Alvarez moves forward right out the [Music] door then then comes the awkward silence Alvarez returned to the courtroom 10 minutes later and judge conver apologized but the damage had been done Alvarez later filed a misconduct complaint against judge conver which along with other public complaints led to a public reprimand by the New Jersey supreme court next we're outside the Crawford County courthouse and in Knoxville Georgia 78-year-old judge Carrie Hayes has just arrived for work one of the cases on his docket today involves defendant Brian Keith Davis he's facing a felony drug charge as well as two lesser charges inside the courtroom away from cameras Davis is asked to be released on his own recognizance but when the judge instead sets Bond at $88,500 Davis reportedly fires off a barrage of obscenities the judge orders Davis to be removed from the courtroom and it's captured on security camera according to the judge Davis shouts an insult on his way out that's when judge Hayes decides he's heard enough he grabs Davis who's cuffed and Shackled by the shoulder the judge then pushes Davis into the wall once the judge lets go Davis quickly calls for help he then has one final comment for the judge reportedly saying if you touch me one more time I'm going to beat your the judge stands his ground still drawing at the defendant and then makes his way back into the courtroom Davis tries to get in the last word but a few deputies arrive on the scene Davis is taken away as the judge tries to explain his actions there were no criminal charges brought against judge Hayes but the state supreme court suspended him for 30 days without pay and he'll be publicly reprimanded by a superior court judge as for Davis his charges are still pending we're back in Vancouver Washington where a 16-year-old is in juvenile court after violating his probation he's joined by his mother next to them is the court clerk but noticeably absent is his attorney as Judge John woly inquires about the lawyer whereabouts the teen addresses the court I would like to fight for myself and not have an attorney it appears this young defendant wants to play Perry Mason but judge woolly doesn't necessarily think that's a good idea oh that's not a smart play that's like going out on the field with the New York Yankees and you've never even learned how to play baseball that's fine I'm not going to do that you're going to have an attorney assist you in this matter I'm not going to let him fly solo and walk into a court of law and try to practice law when he hasn't even finished high school I just wanted say I'm guilty just take what I we're sending it over to Tuesday sry what judge woly doesn't clarify is that he believes a juvenile can't legally plead guilty without an attorney pres I'm not going to accept an admission at this time we're not getting to do what we want you know so put it on for Tuesday for either admit or deny or for whether or not there'll be a replacement of the attorney so far it looks like judge woolly's doing everything in his power to help this defendant but when the teen continues to question him why can't I just admit today the judge loses his temper because I'm doing my job sir my job requires that I protect your constitutional rights you as an American citizen that's my charge and if you're too stupid to know that what I'm trying to do is protect you then let me spell it out for you so Step One is I bring the case back with an attorney and then we talk notice is the court clerk tries to signal to the team to be quiet because I'm doing my job sir then scores some brownie points with the boss by backing them up and our state supreme court has backed you up on that did they have and I'm sure the US Supreme would too and listen carefully as Mom expresses her dissatisfaction with the judge's choice of work Supreme Court has backed you up on that they have and I'm sure the US Supreme would too okay you're going to take this you're going to have a seat um you're going to be back in court actually perhaps sensing the mood shift in the courtroom judge wooly offers an apology and my apologies to everyone in this courtroom I very rarely lose my temper if you want to call it that but when I do it's usually because someone is too stupid to recognize that I'm trying to help them there are just a few issues with judge Wooly's backhanded apology one he's just doubled down on calling the defendant stupid we you to put someone who's too stupid to rec recognize that I'm trying to help them and two I very rarely lose my temper problem is that's not entirely true over a 2 and 1 half year period Judge wooly was cited for four separate incidents by the Washington State Commission on judicial conduct for quote a pattern of discourteous impatient and undignified behavior Judge John woolly would later receive a public reprimand for his ill-tempered courtroom cont oh that's not a smart play we're in the George Leighton criminal courthouse in Chicago Illinois judge Joseph claps strolls through the lobby as he's done plenty of times over his 20-year career only today he dropped something on the floor normally this wouldn't be a big deal only the item that claps drops on the floor is reportedly a load satin silver revolver in Illinois weapons even if you're properly licensed are prohibited inside cour houses unless you're an officer on duty notice how as claps passes the security desk he waves hello to a court security officer and the revolver falls out of his jacket which is folded over his arm with people watching he reaches down to pick it up stumbles a bit then casually puts the object in his pants's pocket and walks away when the judge arrives at the elevators claps puts the gun back under his coat and continues with his day but two other deputies standing by the doors also took notice when claps dropped his weapon while they didn't take immediate action they later report the incident to a lieutenant claps who did have a valid firearm owner's ID card and a concealed carry license is charged 3 days later with carrying a concealed weapon in a prohibited area which is a Class B misdemeanor the judge was placed on administrative Duty and faced up to 6 months in jail in a $2500 fine if convicted but just 3 months later and despite eyewitness testimony from the two deputies he's acquitted of the charge the court ruled the prosecution and failed to prove Beyond a reasonable doubt that the object claps drop was actually a firearm oh my God take me home we now go to Brimfield Township Ohio where County Judge Rebecca dhy isn't presiding over her courtroom she's making demands at the local police station do me a favor and have a seat so we can do our job I'm not going to call anybody yet okay we have stuff we have to do do I'm going to tell you now to call Lieutenant lbert now have a seat call him or I'm going to put you in the celf so why is this judge so aggravated let's go back earlier in the night hello an officer's body camera records as he approaches an SUV that's crashed off the side of a snow covered Road are you okay no I'm not what's going on man you've got vomit down here on your door3 deal have you been drinking yes okay do you have your ID handy I I'm Becky D I'm a judge you're a judge to be more specific she is the County's Common Police Court Judge 55-year-old Rebecca dhy you kidding me am I am I kidding about what I am absolutely out of my mind with you're intoxicated you I am so intoxicated the officer's body cam continues to record as the judge is escorted into booking oh my God take me home okay have a seat let me call liberg have a seat no Rebecca listen this whole thing is being recorded do not do something you are going to regret tomorrow Larry limbert is actually major Larry limbert of the County Sheriff's Office do me a favor and have a seat so we can do our job I'm not going to call anybody yet okay we have stuff we have to do will you please have a seat you're trying to walk out the door and you're almost falling down can you please have a seat falling down have a seat Paul Larry limberg Rebecca I will put you in one of the cells if you do I'm now a seat call him now call now and that's not the judge's only request what can I do for you drink water we just literally told you 10 seconds ago that we're getting you a drink of water he's out the front right now getting you the glass not 10 seconds ago I went drink of water now thank you call Larry L I tried him he didn't answer really do you want the water the yeah I do Larry limbert okay Larry limber after refusing to take a breathalyzer judge dhy is charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol give me my phone so I can make a phone call okay your phone is in a puddle of vomit and your car which is on the side can I finish which is on the side of the road that you crashed into the toe company is out there trying to get it out however it is extremely snowy and slippery out they are not able to get the vehicle out so far so your phone is off the table right now we don't have access to it judge dhy receives a fine of $1,075 and 180 days in jail which the presiding judge reduces to $375 and 3 days in jail her driver's license is suspended for a year and she's ordered to complete a Driver's Intervention Program I will personally see to it that you never see a free day in your life next we head to family court in putham County West Virginia for a divorce hearing the parties are Arthur ha a church pastor and his estranged wife Lillian the judge is William Watkins III at issue is hag's refusal to sign a deed which would allow his wife to sell their home but before things get started judge Watkins has a Stern warning for hag Mr heg if you say one word out of turn you're going to jail do you understand me yes or no judge Watkins is angry with hay Because he believes the pastor revealed personal information about him through the media after we closed here you went out there and talked to a reporter this morning I now see an article with a picture of my home my home I tell you speak my wife is disabled she's there alone and you you disgusting pieces you our picture of my house I swear to you I'm holding you personally responsible for anything that happens at my house I promise you that if I so much to see somebody blanking at my home my wife my family you and me are going to have a problem hag's name was not mentioned in the article which was about Judge Watson standing in a local homeowners association but that doesn't stop him from continuing his attack it's disgraceful but buddy it's personal and I promise you you will not hear the end of it for me you know when you threaten my family I will personally see to it that you never see a free day in your life you understand that you're going to jail I swear to God Watkins eventually calms down and tries to get back on track you swear testimony back to gives you truth whole truth nothing but the true self of God yes Miss Wallace what's the nature of your motion the closing attorney is requiring his signature all right Mr heg what's your response my response is I cannot sign this because it's against my conviction Watkins rules against hay and says he must sign the deed and pay a third party to expedite the process want directed Mr heg pay him the sum of $500 for his Services no later than Friday I'll sign it I don't have that kind of money I don't care you'll find it it's a damn lie you know it's a damn lie I can I shut up I didn't tell you to talk did I tell you to talk what did I tell you right at the beginning of the hearing are you dead huh the judge ultimately rules in favor of Lilian hay and orders the pastor to pay a number of expenses once the house is sold shut up I ask you to speak but hay has his own response when he files a complaint against Watkins with the judicial investigation commission judge Watkins admits to overreacting and recuses himself from the case but it doesn't end there it's later determin that judge Watkins has a history of berating litigants and attorneys I don't travel ma'am I didn't ask you for a a speech I'm not you know you well you think this is funny you want to go to jail now I don't shut up take his ass into custody I'm tired of Watkins case makes it to the West Virginia court of appeals where he's censored for 24 violations including his offensive language and failing to complete required tasks like entering protective orders into the state's registry Watkins is suspended without pay for the remaining four years of his term between May and November of 2012 did you engage in sexual conduct with judge McCree yes I did numerous times yes we're in an Arbor Michigan at a Judicial disciplinary hearing for Wayne County circuit court judge Wade McCree 56-year-old McCree who's married with two children admitted to an ongoing affair with 31-year-old Janine Lea m a woman he first met in his courtroom when she appeared as a complaining witness against her son's father in a child support case but rather than recusing himself from her case after the affair began judge McCree stayed on for an additional 6 months and admitted to discussing the case with mot outside of the courtroom M eventually reported the affair to the local media now on the stand judge McCree tells the judicial commission his interest in M began the minute she walked into his courtroom I confess she was an attractive striking woman and uh you know she caught my eye here's a six- foot uh tall woman in stiletto heels and you know all the bells and whistles and I am setting her apart from the rank and file that uh that come through the courtroom when describing the looks of the typical Rank and file of his docket the judge didn't hold back paragraph 76 of the complaint you're talking about the docket from Hell filled with tatted up overweight half-ass english- speaking gaptooth slank holes correct three months after their initial meeting in court Ma and judge McCree began a sexual relationship I'm a a middle-aged man she was a young woman uh she was uh she was pretty and and I'll admit I was excited I don't want to say that uh the Water came to the horse but I must say she certainly uh was coming on to me with an ease that uh surprised me it thrilled me details of their Affair were shared with the court including that the two engaged in sexual activities in the judge's Chambers between May and November of 2012 did you engage in sexual conduct with judge McCree yes I did numerous times yes at least twice at the Western Hotel yes how about Judge mccree's marital home yes but according to McCree the relationship soured as M became more demanding of his time if I had a minute she wanted an hour if I had an hour she wanted an afternoon if I had an afternoon she wanted an evening in many of these matters you you got to tell her what she wants to hear or she continues to sweat you or sweat me as was a nice but demanding woman that she was she always wanted you know the next biscuit McCree eventually came clean to his wife and the judge LED Mo to believe that he would leave her he was not going through with a divorce in terms of getting it finalized but we were going through the motions as if we were in the end the judicial tenure committee recommended the judge McCree be removed from the bench and suspended from holding a judgeship for a period of 6 years the Michigan Supreme Court upheld the recommendation for suspension and also ordered McCree to pay more than $1,000 in court calls next we head to Claremore Oklahoma where County Judge Cassie McCoy appears slumped over in her car in a store parking lot it's around 400 p.m. on Super Bowl Sunday officer Nathaniel Turman arrives on the scene and approaches judge McCoy's vehicle she seems to be having some window issues this one you feeling okay yeah what are you on I'm not on anything somebody called in and said that you uh drove through the ditch look like you're about half asleep in the driver's seat when I come up here well that wasn't me cuz I you have ID okay you've been drink drinking or anything today no I have not actually okay won't you come back to my car and talk to me back here judge McCoy follows terman to his vehicle where he begins checking the judge's information through his computer you're on something what have you taken today I hav taken anything are you a drinker no when the last time done TR for I've never had that issue never no okay so Janu or July of 2008 you get in trouble for alcohol related offense or anything yes okay so can we be honest now yeah okay have you been drinking today yes how much youve been drinking today I drank champagne how much have you had to drink today um full bottle sh a full bottle terman goes to speak with his partner um you recognize who is she Mr your judge she's a drink she's your judge full bottle of champagne don't let her position influence what needs to be done if you need to administer test some test after a few minutes officer terman returns to the car and gets right down to it do you have a drinking problem yeah you understand what kind of position this puts me in I think you very well understand it because of what you do for a living I had no clue who you were my partner knows who you are what I want you to do is I want you do the right thing the officers asked judge McCoy to exit the car and complete a field sobriety test without turning your head I want you to follow my finger with your eyes In Your Eyes Only okay do you understand okay y don't turn your head keep your head straight sorry the test actually causes her to stumble Sor turn around put Trans on your back officer terman seen enough no okay you're under don't don't make this more difficult than it already is you're under arrest for actual physical control of Motor Vehicle while you're under the influence of alcohol just sit right here okay you're going to jail the judge is taken back to the station where she agrees to take a breathalyzer test McCoy's blood alcohol level comes back at 35 which is four times the legal limit because officers didn't witness her actually driving she's booked on a misdemeanor charge of being in control of a vehicle while intoxicated the judge has later released on Bond and issued a statement saying she's embarrassed by the incident and intends to get professional help judge McCoy is also temporarily relieved of her duties I have not had a drink since January 31st 2019 we're in Columbus Ohio where 54-year-old Monica Hawkins is on the stand It's A peculiar position for her because most days she's on the other side of the bench as a family court judge so what landed this judge in the hot seat one year earlier police pulled over this vehicle after receiving a 911 call reporting an erratic driver the driver was Judge Monica Hawkins after officers noticed the smell of alcohol coming from the car Hawkins is asked to perform a variety of field sobriety tests they don't go so well it looks like this judge is going to jail at the police station Hawkins remains cool and collected she can be heard humming a tune when it's time to actually face the music the judge refuses to cooperate so when I'm going to ask is that you provide a breast sample okay and if you refuse then your driver your Ohio driver's license will automatically be suspended okay okay so are you willing to provide a breast sample no no so you're going to refuse yes okay so you do understand that you will immediately be placed uh under suspension for that okay if we get a warant for your blood draw then you can't MH so you're still willing to refuse yes even if we get a blood drop you understand that we'll take you to the hospital and they will draw your blood and that's something that you'd rather do than provide a blood a breast sample yep after a warrant is issued Hawkins is taken to the hospital where she has to be restrained in order to have her blood drawn her blood alcohol level registers at 199 nearly 2 and a half times the legal limit judge Hawkins would later plead guilty to a misdemeanor for driving under the influence and she was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 of those suspended in addition to Hawkins legal conviction a Judicial misconduct complaint was filed requiring her to go in front of the Ohio Board of professional conduct and this time judge Hawkins adopts a much more humbling and Cooperative approach I've spent my whole life trying to do the next best thing and be the the perfect person I have not had a drink since January 31st 2019 so you're telling the panel you've been sober since the date of the incident yes I have been sober all I can do is forgive myself and move forward be the best judge I can be Hawkins received a public reprimand but because her charge was a misdemeanor and not a felony she's allowed to keep her job now to the Clark County Superior Court in Vancouver Washington I'm I'm I'm scared him Judge John woolly is ruling on a woman's petition for a restraining order against the father of one of her children 51-year-old Alexander adiri the defendant maintains that he isn't even the child's father he take me to court already six times for paternity test what we really did but he's still harassing me he's telling me to refuse from our child support if not he problems for me fraternity testing been done yes it's proved it's his he's still refusing to believe it the defendant disputes the findings of a completed DNA test using his saliva through a Russian translator he insists on a blood test instead to determine paternity five times five times I request her for the blood test and she didn't allow that five times she you are the father of the child salival test is a DNA test which scientifically proves you to be the father two a legal action was instituted and a formal court order has been established you are the child's father period but this defendant isn't giving up his cause so easily why why don't you want to allow me to to provide a blood test to prove that I not father you are the father sir a blood test is an Antiquated test we don't use those anymore that was 20 years ago sir this is not the so IET Union this is the United States of America we use the best and latest Technologies to determine parentage of children many countries in Europe I'm not talking about Soviet Union I checked what uh uh what the people the people in Europe use and they use blood this is not your okay I'm done your order is granted you're out of here it looks like an open and shut case until the judge decides to take a dig at the defendant I suggest you watch some CSI TV shows a the courtroom laughter appears to further incite the defendant he turns around to address judge wooly [Music] directly [Music] you are in contempt of court you are under arrest me security sir you are in contempt of this court you are going into custody for two days ads a Jerry is promptly hauled off to jail while the judge apologized izes those in attendance for his strong reaction his response to this case and others is noticed and earns him a reprimand from the Washington State Commission on judicial conduct thanks for being a fan of Court cam subscribe to A&E to never miss a new video and catch full episodes on aet.com
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Id: -w-K-w4QqOQ
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Length: 71min 16sec (4276 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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