1951 Dodge Crusader chop series we do the interior on the cheap

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well keep putting it off because i'm getting a little bored of this car but uh picked up some bits so i think i'm going to uh well we'll see where we go i picked up a little bit of material to do the seats but i don't have any foam so i got to figure out a way to fix these up a little bit especially this one it's pretty bunk where i'm sitting uh i might check my parts car because maybe my seat bottom is better on it i'm not sure and the back isn't too bad i think that'll all kind of just work um i know i have in the trunk here it's all this random like insulation for the bottom for the floor so i'm gonna put that back in i did pick up some carpet it's like an indoor outdoor so i'll try to set that up in there i might have to so do some sewing to get it around the hump there so i'll do that so at least it fits nice uh yeah i'll do door panels and all that jazz after but i do have the panels this guy made so i'll be able to just cover them uh but for now i guess i'll get this all cleaned out and uh i'll just start with getting a floor in the car [Music] so i know i said i wasn't going to use this carpet but it's got a nice rubber back on it and i'm just going for maximum insulation so it's pretty thick so i was gonna put it down then i'll put my carpet over top of it uh yeah just keep everything as warm warm as i can being uh she's uh probably not the most efficient thing in the winter although i don't have to change that heater yet i do dig that here but i'm pretty sure i need a little more a little more heat than that thing thing is super awesome [Laughter] anyways uh so we got this in so now i'm gonna start figuring out the other carpet how i can make it work with this car the back should be pretty okay but i think the front i'm just going to sew just so it looks pretty the back i can probably just do a straight hump and call it a day [Music] [Music] uh i gotta make some new sills those don't work very good probably due to the being about an inch worth of carpet in here now padding and stuff i'm gonna screw them down see if that works it's got my seat frame in carpet's in ah me don't look too bad good enough for what it is um i think i have a some kind of a cover for that thing because this thing's kind of wobbly and weird i think it's like a floor shifter from if i understand right i think this somebody had commented saying they knew this feller and he'd used like a dodge aspen or something so i think that's where the motor and trans and the rear end probably the shifter maybe the heater core who knows all came from i think it was an aspen they said i'm not sure but uh either way i got to put a boot on that thing or some kind of thing this thing shouldn't be sitting all weird like that i think it should be sitting straight up um shouldn't sit like that see how it sits over it should be like that so see what i got i think i have something in the shed there um but the carpet's in there i have carpet in the back i'm just gonna dig around on my parts cars just to see if i have a better seat cause the other one's not too bad if i can just do some work to the bottom seat bottom and make some covers for it it'll be good um this is the back seat so it's got some good springs but it's got nothing else so it's either that or i'm gonna go dumpster diving and see if i can find an old couch or something and then rip the cushions out of it uh this is the bottom which not terrible at least the cushion's there so i can work with that i don't sit on it so it's not too important to me laws it's not too terrible to sit on i guess but uh yeah i guess i'm gonna go have a look at my my parts car like this and see what's in it for a seat so i don't think of any other so i got my seats this one i should be able to recover i'm gonna look for some foam in some crappy seats out back the uh kid's got a whole bunch of scrap cars back there so i'm gonna see if anything has some good foam in it that i can put onto this seat if it's anywhere in the vicinity of 54 inches that i can shave and try to make fit like i say that bottom looks like i can make something out of that let's put a blanket over it which reminds me i probably have to get some blankets but anyways we'll figure it out let's go shopping these dodge truck seats seem to have the nicest cushions in them [Applause] [Music] oh that's crap look at that stuff oh there's a nice piece of foam [Music] have a look at what my bounty was that's a random junk stuck to my feet all right well the one win was i found some satellite radio stuff that's kind of cool so let's see here so my seat bottom's a little me and this is that's pretty close pretty close well it looks like that tucks into the back so this might actually work that might work then this other one might work for the upper on the back seat it's a mental note the seat bottoms on the dodgers are pretty nice so well i think that'll work okay it's not great but it's better than what was there so imagine that's behind the seat and then this one pushes up against it or does it go over it i don't know now i can always figure something out there again i don't really sit there so it's not really a big deal okay so then the lumpy bit over there my plan was to take one of these because they got a light slight little bit of foam and kind of suave it around there and then i can cover it and it takes rid of the lumpy bits so i think that'll work all right so here is my game plan i don't know where i'm sitting but i'm kind of guessing by the warn outness here that uh this is about where we're gonna be so see i'm putting heated seats in here so i picked up a set of these off amazon so i'm going to glue these in here i think it comes with two way tape so i'll see how that works but roughly i'm just going to stick that there and then i'm gonna glue my cover on top my new slip cover and judging by the seats is really nothing fancy i could sew it but i don't it's not that fancy here i'm just going to wrap around and hog ring this sucker all together and call it a day because it's not terrible but i am just putting one of these the plan is doing this and then grabbing one of these i don't know which one yet putting it over the works and you see it's just going to cover up pretty much everything i'll trim these up i'm going to glue these down and then i'm going to wrap it all [Music] [Music] so [Music] see how the new layer of foam fits which is actually pretty good covers that up not bad so the back seat here is okay you know a little lumpy but it's okay and we got some nice seat warmers in there so we got to do a butt warmer as well uh seems okay [Applause] i said okay in here visibility is like typical chopped car problems so not too bad traffic lights get a little viewer light will be good see if you can see my view that's right usually it feels about that that feels alright so i can see they're good anything up here i don't see very well [Music] well being that everything else is gray in the car this looks better than it did it's uh there's no real effort put into it i didn't sew anything really i just actually i sewed nothing it's just pulled and clamped together uh yeah what was i using so essentially it was just some material i got from the fabric store and then i just have a bag of these uh they call them hog rings i don't know what this bag is saying whatever it is but all you have is a plier looks like that you stick your hog ring in it and then basically i was just mashing my material around the steel frame inside so let me flip this seat over see what the heck's going on here essentially i was mashing my material over and bunching it up on the other side and then just crimping it so that kind of holds your material in place i was holding it over and rolling it around just so i had a lot of meat to grab onto the proper way is you should have some edging or a wire or something sewn into the edge but for a beater it'll be fine i don't think it'll tear the material or anything the back of the seat's still cruddy but me whatever again the purpose of the car is it's just going to be nicer than it was that's all if a guy really wants to finish this car they can throw a nice interior and all that stuff in it not i i just want to drive it seat feels good plus once i wire up all my controls i have lower back and butt control i got high and low this is my heated seats my butt's warm my brain thinks i'm warmer than it is out yeah sitting a little higher than i normally do but yeah it's all good it's a big seat pretty well well padded seat now [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] so the back seat is in the armrest kind of was man it didn't work out the way i wanted but that's all right but at least we got a back seat front seat's done back seat now i'm going to uh try to figure out see if i can glue a headliner in this thing or something figure out if i can do something or just leave it i don't know maybe i'll just get that peel and stick insulation like that ice and water shield stuff i might throw some of that up there but i'll probably do a finishing edge over top of there still got some of this material left so i'll just do a stripe across the top so well i'll measure that up and figure something out there yet [Music] so okay it's not perfectly straight but you can see that uh and brighten this up a little bit you can see what i did for the headliner i just glued in a mexican blanket that was in the car and of course the longer you work with contact cement you can see my progress started well and as i was working in the glue i get a little worse and worse but whatever it's nice finishes it up kind of makes it whatever i don't know it's not a steel roof um on the other side you can see i've started cutting uh it's that coroplast stuff so i'm just making a filler and i'm gonna do another one over on this corner here yet and for this post i'm gonna make something um all it is a sign board i had somebody gave me a bunch of old signs so it looks like this this was i don't know a sign for something but it's that i think it's called choroplast if i'm right anyways this is my other piece for the other side this is going to be that post i was going to wrap it but it doesn't look too bad white so i might just leave it for now i can always take it off and re-wrap it with something uh but yeah so i'm gonna cut this out cut that one out make another one uh get those pieces in and then i'll make up there's a that back piece i want to make one by the back door into the window just to clean the inside of the car up so uh yeah i'll cut all this stuff right away and i'll stab it in the car and show you what it looks like i don't have to tuck something in here yet i'm not sure uh i don't know i guess i'll just leave it for now i could wrap that all with vinyl but me i'll do it's good enough for now because the mexican blanket doesn't really go to the edge and it just just hides all the ugliness that was there whether it looks better or not i'm not sure looks better than the ugly ledge though so so uh what else do i gotta do here door panels so that's next on the slate [Music] i have all the other panels and those i might wrap in some material but uh yeah i don't know that might be where i'm at for tonight we'll see my interior is not too hoagy she's a little tight on the roof oh yeah we can just about fit a fist over my head so that's not bad so it's kind of my view inside here not terrible looks better than the alternative so again a little bit of insulation on the roof so that's kind of nice a little is better than nothing all right so let's get to these door panels i was gonna cover these in vinyl instead of this painted thing but i don't have enough vinyl and i don't have enough of the other material so i'm kind of hooped i'm gonna have to pick some vinyl up somewhere maybe this weekend uh so i'm not sure it kind of leaves me at where i'm at right now [Applause] yeah i wanted to get the door panels done then at least the interior's done-ish i'd like to do that for you guys this one video but i guess about to finish up the little bits on the next one uh because i gotta go hunt around for parts so i picked up a bunch of vinyl it wasn't cheap vinyl never is cheap around here it darn i should have went darker anyways it sort of matches the inside we're going with it that's all i got so the process now is i bought a bunch of foam so i'm just going to glue some foam to the top of these cut the vinyl and staple it to the back and then i can screw it onto the car [Music] so just about finishing up my door panels they're nothing fancy but they look nicer than the boards like they they're padded i don't know whatever here's what it is the car looks a little nicer than it was i'm just rummaging around trying to find some handles this one turned out a little weird but whatever you can't see that when the door is closed see look at that fixed so yeah we got door panels we got the garnish moldings in i still got to do something up on the front before i put in that inner window garnish molding on the inside there um i'm still not feeling that i'm probably just gonna leave that for now i can always put more uh wrap that stuff up at a later time but definitely has some sound deadening inside here now so so cool it doesn't look like i got too much left to do we got our handles window cranks door panels again i still work on those sill plates front garnish molding and this header panel do something to cover this up and then i just remembered i have to make a latch for the trunk there's nothing there right now i'm just going to do a modern with a cable pull inside the car [Music] yeah well that's a bummer i only have uh three of these caps i can't find any of my other ones well i mean they don't have any you might have put an ad up or do something i think it looks good with these caps on so how much did this glorious interior cost me um well i had to do three runs to the fabric store i didn't buy enough of this material first time around and then i bought some carpet i didn't need any underlay because i just reused the stuff that came with the car i didn't have to buy my headliner my mexican blanket that came with the car this stuff somebody gave me so whatever freebie like the door panels is the only foam that i bought the stuff for the seats how i fixed the seats up was just just a scrap car i just cut some stuff out of there but i think i bought 70 yards of this stuff um and it just i didn't i have like lots left over but just the way i had to use it i couldn't use it width wise i had to go lengthwise so you get like a lot of waste that way and then the vinyl i think i bought four yards but i didn't quite need that i only needed like three i'm terrible at judging this stuff you figure i'd do enough of it i would know that but um what else i bought some contact cement so like i'm i think my bill was about 300 when it was said done i think i was at about three or 350 bucks basically to do the interior of the car so in my head that seems kind of high but that's not i don't if you paid somebody to do it it'd be crazy but this is by far nothing fancy at all it's just i don't know it's like it looks finished i guess i don't know i'm uh perfectly happy with it i didn't calculate their seat warmers i think that cost me 50 bucks or something like that on amazon so i still have to wire those up but yeah like i say just i'm happy with it it could have been done a lot nicer i guess i don't know for what it is i think it's good usually if you drive this stuff in the winter stuff just gets wrecked anyways so uh i'm uh yeah i'm just gonna drive it and enjoy it um still got some stuff left leaning off the finish here i still gotta do that water pump figure out a rad uh my trunk latch some exhaust but you know slowly getting there figure out a heater yet that shifter just a lot of little stuff but uh i think it take a little bit of a break i was kind of struggling to get up to this i guess when it gets a little closer maybe a couple weeks i'll probably just start hammering down on this thing again but uh yeah we're just about there just about i think this video is running on so uh i think i'll cut it off here uh yeah thank you guys for watching we'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 18,185
Rating: 4.9071789 out of 5
Keywords: chop top, how to, chopped top, how to chop a roof, hot rod, rat rod, 51 dodge, dodge crusader, 1951 dodge sedan chop, chopping a 4 door, chop roof 4 door, more door chop, how to chop a 4 door, custom cars, halfass kustoms, halfass customs, dodge crusaders, rat rod build, rat rod build cheap, 51 dodge crusader, interior, upholster interior, upholster for cheap, cheap upholstery fabric
Id: He1CTB3KTik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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