Clanfolk - (Medieval Survival Colony Builder) [Steam Release]

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all right uh so today we're taking a look at clan folk which is coming out here on the 14th um i played the demo of this i played the beta of this and the first thing that's going to come to mind for those of you that have not seen the game yet uh those you rimrolled fans like me uh is it looks like room world and uh and it certainly does and in the early days in the demo days it certainly it felt like a room world like a medieval scottish room world but they've kind of taken a different direction uh or at least focused a different direction and that is where real world is kind of like this um mechanoids are coming at you in bandits and raiders and that's really the challenge of rim world is trying to build a uh a defensive fort that you can survive you know whatever heinous things are out there uh this one gears a little bit more on well ignore that one but ignores it or gears it more towards like i guess versus nature and just sort of survival is i guess the the focus on this one um and where you try we start out with nothing we start we we learn how to make fire we learn how to catch eels and the like we we learn how to like uh hack down grasses and make straw which turns into houses there also is no tech tree in this game so the um that's a different thing rather than making tech we we discover tech you go dig clay up by having clay you learn how to make bricks by learning you know or whatever uh you might maybe make an oven in the oven make some bricks and you know that's what kind of you make stuff which gets you uh tech so that uh um that's the differences i suppose anyways coming out here in the 14th couple days here a few days and by mid max games and published by hooded horse who's putting all kinds of things out right now and we're gonna go be some some scottish uh folk and we're gonna try to survive the highlands i've played this a couple times in the past typically things like to burn down so we're gonna do our best to not burn things down today so we're gonna go with um i mean we'll just we'll leave it well you know what let's do a little more wildlife we'll do normal mountains just because i kind of feel comfortable in the mountains uh maybe a little more mountains yeah yeah is this an offer paquito i'll i'll take it all right so here is our our map our world in a moment uh are we okay okay i thought i could scroll around no no let's go build our clan uh oh you know what the um the devs gave me a um like my own my own tartan but i forgot the code so i guess we won't do that one uh we'll be the mcleod family because it's got a nice cool uh color there hold fast i like it uh for our start we can be fresh starts which is just we begin with a couple seniors a couple of adults a few kids and some stuff we can change things out and go with a family just starting out tries their hand at managing a flock of sheep orphans parents are gone and all they have are a few coins and chickens they could carry and each other because we can we can go out oregon trail style and do all this kind of stuff or um back i guess [Music] so yeah who the horse is the man of lords folks as well i thought we'd do today um i was gonna say this before and i forgot uh since i played this a bit in the past i did like a little 30 minute demo thing i think i played for like an hour and a half last time just like a month or two ago with beta i thought today we would spend the day with it and and see where we can get to uh because i know before it sort of ended um we couldn't couldn't get real far in the game and now we're in there with winter and all that kind of stuff so i thought we would um see what we can go so we've got alexander with two l's uh griedock gradoc uh his grandma and grandpa we got rory and and christine christine and and then kirsten henry and rachel excellent and some things okay a fresh start it'll kill you otherwise okay well we'll see how it goes all right let's welcome to clan folk uh i'm gonna skip this tutorial because i uh i've played before i i think i've got it figured out so uh we'll do a little run down here can i cancel all of them we'll just let it go for a minute and we'll cover that stuff right now all right so here's my folks uh my map is here and we've got mountains up this way we've got some lakes around lots of mountains i kind of like this little area over here you know like right in here we've got a lake to our east we got some mountains over here for plenty of snowy building settlements in this uh nook i like it okay so we're gonna start off by sending out some jobs to go get some berries oh well if there is some berries well there is some berries well if there isn't berry there's some berries there's some berries okay let's go grab some berries please um let's go get some branches as well now remember we're in sort of like primitive times basically we've got you know hands is all we have and so we'll go get those jobs done we wanna it's gonna tell us things to do like beds water supply cleaning hands and we can see with with our people here look at all alexander with two bells uh we've got moods we got lots of different things to look at and uh things things to uh affect a mood cleanliness clean this cleanliness uh whether he goes to the bathroom or not his environment how much plaid he has uh um water food work senior he is a senior and uh another thing about the game is you know we'll have kids and the kids will grow and i kind of think yeah lots of stats here this is our tree of uh who does what job in what order that kind of thing but for the most part ai seems to be reasonably done um for the most part so we're gonna get some sleep zones over here we're gonna sleep over here next to the water because that seems well okay over here next to the water seems peaceful uh we need i think there's seven of us i mean is there seven of us uh we need some water spots and so we gotta get water from there we gotta wash our hands from there as well which is going to be in i forget what these are at uh probably in yeah wash them anyways so we'll set a wash zone up over here and i guess over there and there and then we'll get ourselves a drink zone you want to go drink uh you ideally you drink away from where you wash your hands but i'm not your grandpa you can do whatever you want i guess we'll put it like right there and right there there we go get the drinks over there and let's let them go and away they go we got some bunnies out here we're gonna go to work chop it through down we've unlocked a supply a storage spot of food and so that's how tech works so as you do things as you pick berries off trees it unlocks the storage for food ingredients as you get twigs you'll learn how to put twigs into a stockpile you'll learn how to make a wall out of it you'll learn how to make a fence you know all that kind of stuff as you do the jobs rather than having a uh a tech tree ideas is the uh is the thing and listen to that music oh man fantastic we got my kilt [Music] there we go branch piles so we know what branches are we should use it let's put our food into a stockpile we set it right right over here let's go like now there's rocks in the way that's fine for right now and our ingredients we'll just stash them down here for now open some work you know all that when we can but they're gonna wash their hands goes alexander right now washing his hands for some cleanliness almost like i guess if you could put this into like it looks like room world it kind of plays i guess there's a little bit of a sims thing going on with it um but certainly a survival kind of a kind of feel like haven't in hearth the skirt of ingredients and silver rice but yeah yeah yeah haven hearth right all right need a workplace zone so we can go and get some well work done set that right over there that'll that'll uh teach us some new things as well um oh mushrooms any mushrooms over here oh there's a couple mushrooms okay i may have done a few too many berries here we'll grab some mushrooms as well uh we'll get some eels in a minute you may notice we don't know how to make fire yet we'll we'll get there um it's crafting zone a base of needs of those three storage there's our branch pile let's set this guy up over here put one there we should get all these rocks picked up i suppose hey dude village how's it going how's uh how's life in the land of wooden shoes and windmills [Music] i was interested in the nook tartan the code was five zero zero four six how do you do you have to do it with the start of the game [Music] no rain and sunny skies we sure this is scotland just listen to the music wait what else where else could we possibly be it has to be let's crank it up a little bit let's let some folks go look at this guy's mustache oh rory here sure with that i'm not sure what family only means what that does for me only i'm not entirely sure what that does for you oh maybe that's where he like sleeps or whatever where his his belongings and things oh okay okay we had a stone sickle harvesting grasses and reeds excellent let's go and make a couple of those want to make them here at the at the spot there and again the ai is pretty um at least early on is pretty well managed it's not so micro managey as um as it could be which i appreciate so anyways with that that stuff we'll go and get some grass sticking out uh well you know we can make some gravel floors now which is paramount to our survival uh we know how to make straw we can cut some grass over here we're going to cut this stuff we need to do a whole bunch but we'll get all this stuff cleared out uh we'll have like a fire and all that make sure we clear it out because fires are scary uh yeah we need we need straws look at that taken care of in the spot where you put the seed for world creation you put that five zero zero four six and you can get my tartan in there okay [Music] what's going on over here this uh oh that's all good water is over there yeah yeah yeah these uh these cattails or whatever these these are these reeds we'll certainly use all those uh in time look at the rachel charging around uh how how long until you grow up do we know you're you're good you had a good conversation you're well fed you got some free time you're cheerful you're entertained i like the sound of that okay harvest reads and shoreline okay oh i didn't do the reads right so it's telling me to do so we'll clear this stuff out right here get this all nice and open for our fishing and stuff let's go up to 4x for a moment as we do a few more jobs just cleaning things up here i think we got all that stuff done there storage we got we got our crafting spot we made the two uh sickles i think we'll make a couple more just to make sure uh we can set up like a minimum of these things it's fine for now alexander's care for the baby job grandpa and walls we know how to make uh a dry stone fence maybe just pile them up gravel floors and we don't make rooms yet we'll learn that in a minute and i guess we're gonna get that as soon as we get these reads over here actually let's go ahead and cancel those we get those reads and get a move on our ideas i don't wanna like freeze in the wintertime this weekend i'm gonna have a look at twitchcon oh yeah twitchcon is is it july or august uh um the the european version uh here's our ideas so it's telling me about that so we make a waddle fence um yeah it wants me to make one i'm gonna make one a thresher is needed so let's go get ourselves a thresher right there oh is it next weekend oh oh is that where that icon came from is is that a twitchcon icon witchcon icon i know i think i get a uh i get a twitch achievement if i go to twitchcon i don't know if it's worth the achievement not not much of a convention goer however i'm thinking i'm thinking about going to the um the big star trek convention this year in vegas i don't know though i'm i'm i'm thinking thinking about it let's put some grass out sorry i heard this game's music in another game but i can't really remember which you know what i was thinking this i was thinking the same thing that something about this song anyway sounds like i've heard it before it may just be off because i've played this game before i'm going to process the cut grass so click on the thresher and tell them to do that one batch of grass is processed into seeds and straw but sometimes you want to maintain a constant supply which is this thing right here but up to 100 it says so this is sort of our auto supply button and you want to boost that yeah yeah okay i got it okay oh yeah yeah go away i get it okay we guess i was an eel trap now so we set these guys over here i'm gonna put marketing right in there i put like three of them in we may need a few more than that let's do let's do the four for right now uh we can break things down if we need to got it we'll get some houses and all stuff in a minute but for now we're going to be uh living off the land here yeah it opens skies maybe we'll build under this mountain because that would be cool [Music] what happened did i miss a comment oh sorry sorry sorry oh no no i just saw that lost you lost a uh autographed of patrick stewart outrageous i've never met patrick stewart i did go to a star trek convention years ago and michelle nichols was there and um walter koenig those are the two uh check off um those are the two that were there for that one and oh yeah i went to a long time ago when i was a kid and um oh what's your name nana visitor of kira was that that one i guess i've been to two we need uh more straw okay clear this stuff out over here and uh scheduling tutorial we saw all that stuff um oh right right right click on the trap and set up here to go in and yeah i'm gonna supply it didn't tell me how many how many to do wait till tomorrow so every oh every day you're gonna come in and you're gonna get okay i got it every day you're gonna come in you're gonna get ten eels okay yeah i like that um i can tell you to do ill trap stuff yeah please do buddy there you go grandpa's gonna handle the eels okay uh we know what fire is now fire's a dangerous thing though because uh things catch on fire so we have to be really cautious about where we put this and i think i would what i want you know i could probably stick it over here against the wall that might actually be safe might just like butt it up against the wall that way sparks are gonna fly it's not gonna go anywhere [Music] let's do that i'll trot that tree down as soon as i can i don't know how to do it yet i um yeah i watched um i have having trouble getting into picard and discovery but i i have enjoyed strange new worlds quite a bit strange new worlds it feels like it's like a night and day difference from the other two it looks just so like dark and so uh i don't know it's just it's just different stranger worlds is very very original series style the gravel roads are on the fire i i think we're fine here famous last words um once we get these two trees chopped i think we're fine i remember in the early in the early demo days like everything burns um it was like immediately the whole world catching fire with this thing i think they toned it down a bit and i think it may have been toned down even more to where as long as we're not near any tall grass sparks will fly out and i think as long as like these trees might burn but they shouldn't jump anywhere else we got overworked we can overwork him if we want we're not going to do that because he's an old man and just let the guy just let the guy be just let the guy be okay okay fine fine yeah i get it okay here we go we've got traps getting done over there um so i probably need to tell you same thing yeah do that and i want you to do it every day [Music] because we don't want to overwork the pond i think it's what we're doing there only so many eels in that pond they're doing a babylon 5 reboot i didn't hear this yeah optimistic yeah yeah stranger worlds is is very optimistic like almost almost to a fault but still good stuff [Music] let's pick up the pace here i think we need to make that i've not done yet uh we let's see sorry i missed that could you say it again please uh i was like what is talking to me okay be quiet siri did that come up from the microphone freaked me out so that doesn't sound like it's coming from the game okay i'm a little freaked out at the moment all right um all good there stone sickles all good uh let's just make sure we maintain two of them and then i think we're all good okay the scottish highlands robots yeah all right uh i'm excited to build a building when can we get that we can get a waddle wall with lots of branches it's a lot of branches um there is a reason to do it though because we've got things like mushrooms dried mushrooms and dried mushrooms hence the name like to be dry and uh so we might need to do a little bit of of of uh granary megan so put our grand somewhere some of that uh people are gonna go sleep we understand how that works and there they go everyone's snoozing what a day day one clan folk [Music] hey skull how's it going oh this song i know it makes me want to play another game you know when i hear the uh these games these music pops up all the time in indie games and every time i hear songs like this one i can't help myself dwarf fortress tomorrow i'll try to resist but no promises okay we don't want grass that's exciting so we can go plant some reeds and grass if we need to which we might need to put some more reeds out just to make sure that we keep a supply of it you know because as soon as we top it down it goes away um unless we have over here but the fire is what we need for the fire some branches oh yeah we're gonna go grab some branches grab some more i got those two there we need some more of that these trees plucked dry i guess here we go strike the earth okay we gotta we got a cooking spot let's go do some cooking let's see what it tells us to do make sure we get a good setup here quick fire has been locked but uh stockpile blockers can be used to prevent clan foot from dropping items in an area it's useful to keep areas away from spark oh yeah okay so we want to make sure that things stay away from the fire land because otherwise things burn so let's keep this area clear and make sure that things don't burn you need clay water jugs to put the fires out we don't know how to do that yet so click on the fire to make sure recipes will make some cooking eels uh same thing do you um daily thing no no it just says just do 20 of them okay i'm getting 25. overachiever okay so let's cook the eels we're gonna chop them up we're only bringing in 10. so we're bringing in 30 of these things [Music] cooked eel is 2 000 is it five eels or 2 thousand food or one else two thousand food and then you eat up to five thousand so you guys are gonna eat a lot of yields i hope you like eels i can't say that i've ever had a meal before i'm going to try to set an episode up on like an auto supply 40. we'll see what that that does for us speed two here uh low food oh berries okay a lot of berries in this part of the world oh we got them all marked they're just not going over there a little ways away there's some okay we'll mark those i could tell someone to go do some berries uh chris chris christine christine why don't you be a um a gatherer yeah you so you are a doctor you don't like being a doctor though it makes you mad so why don't you not be a doctor i mean i'm you know i'm gonna go crazy here but this guy uh alexander loves to mine so who am i who am i to say no okay we need more we need more stone hose oh no we can make some hose now okay set that up on just like a couple of these things you know i think this music this music is i think all from kevin macleod the where a lot of that door fortress music's from oh we have hay walls okay great and straw doors let's do that let's go get ourselves a hay wall we're putting around here and we're going to make sure we get a granary uh we'll put a hay roof on it hey and we'll put ourselves a straw door in there i don't have a bad joke for that one uh we need more bathrooms okay things are flying things are flying okay boot pole uh where we poop i think we're gonna poop right over where do we want to go uh maybe away from the cooking let's just let's just like go up here there you go there's there's your poop holes uh we can make stone axes now everything's flying in here we'll add those to the list we can make some twine as well i'm gonna set the stone axe up to be like two of these things we can chop trees down we can make berry bushes now we can we can uh we can get clay we can gather clay now which we'll grab from banks over here uh we got we need twine to twist our grass into strings sure get some of those we'll put that up to like 10 of those things making those walls is needing all kinds of stuff uh we've got a inventory tutorial which is telling me what [Music] check out the count and location of things stone hoe automate this apply okay okay it wants me to put it two i like three better okay got it need those axes okay rory's on it let me expand can i expand this ingredient stockpile yeah it's not gonna do close to the fire but we're gonna go something like over here i'll go like one more like that have a safe place for the old ladies that's right uh route roanish thanks for following [Music] okay eels are being cooked walls are going up clay may be being dug pooping uh being pooped or holes or being dull i switched i should say uh um it has a little lock here i guess if we if we find something we've seen that uh let's go look at planting we can plant things like trees and crops can be crops we can do tilled soil let's do that uh we'll say like a farm up this is our grinder we put it over here would you like that for now just to get something started we can clear some stumps out we need to pick to clear stumps out so we'll get ourselves a pick we'll set up two of these guys oh man strike the earth well skills index tutorial compare your clan folks task priorities okay so this is this is everybody okay okay this is dwarf therapist got it i'll make stone pick which i set that one up already so there we go and we need to get a charcoal kiln i think it's flying in here now we'll set that up i mean i think it's fine to put someone over here like not in the fire but kind of close to the fire i mean it's going to burn it maybe it should be even closer to the fire because it's kind of burned anyway let's put it there uh looks like we need some grass so let's get that started up there go lots of straw and straw comes from uh uh grass gives me doesn't give me straw straw comes from no those are reeds those are grass hey uh siobhan thank you very much for the sub i say that right thank you something like that over there i did all right thank you very much for the sub okay we'll clear that grass out there um we're short on grass although all our grass is going into this uh this building here so that's that's going to be a kind of a big big deal a closed zone has been unlocked we can make sleeping mats now hot dog hey rolectra thank you very much all the subs coming in thank you let's do that four months in a row we got stone floors unlocked which we may do in here uh really all i care about is just getting it out of the rain um because this does tell me keep it dry uh there's a quality thing there um they grow in the spring and summer but also rot quickly uh and being in scotland i assume there's gonna be some rain there you go oh yeah we should be able to see some sparks flying out of here and like if even one of those sparks there's there's one right there like if that was tall grass right there whoosh it's all it's all going uh selection tutorial is what similar objects oh that's okay all right we can now mine the mountains uh the only crops i guess that i have is reeds and grass but i can grow some berry bushes which may not be a bad idea maybe we clear that out we can stick the berry bushes in there uh we can mine gravel yeah you know we can we need that stuff just yet we'll hold off on that a butcher block needed for pro producing meat and hides um it can go here i think it's not going to catch on fire requires logs which we're going to get from trees that we chop anything else what we can do in here uh we have a tool stockpile let's set that up but just like as a building right if i do that i'm just going to lock everything away um so many things are getting found put our tools right there and then we have a general stock pile we don't have a general we have ingredients so we'll do a general stockpile just sort of over here maybe our warehouse down this way and then we have our doors we have the floor we could possibly do we might as well get stone laying around put that in there crank up the speed and let things go there we go we got a growth rate overlay uh yeah because we're fertilizing over there uh we've got a water overlay uh we got a fertilizer overlay we have a temperature overlay it's hot an environment it's ugly over there and our pads where everyone's walking very pink okay and then roofs auto we're off okay what do you mean it's fresh water it's so fresh it glows i think what i need to do is looks like alexander's are actually on it we may have more jobs than we have people right now we got we gotta go pick the berries which we're doing maybe something oh is that iron yeah you see the top right top left uh i think i'm gonna cancel these these are just too far away let's see don't worry about these berries let's worry about the stuff that's close to us we'll go out there when we have people you know to handle that animal beds yeah yeah i'm eyeballing uh there's a chicken there and there's a fox over here i'm eyeballing let some time pass here i um so i'm trying to remember whenever people come in and how that all works because there's different clans and you see warmer cloud but there's other clients that are out there in the world build signs to attract visitors from other clans and i don't i just don't remember how they they interact with us i don't remember that part of it sometimes we'll find out uh can we can we hunt can we hunt that bunny let's build a bow can we build a bow over at the uh here we can make a flute fun activity for clan folk yeah yeah i remember flutes yeah of course um can we make let's close there's a closed zone [Music] let me do this let's set up work lands right over here whoops um we have animal beds which we'll deal with when we get to it okay floor mats a drink zone yeah yeah a standing torch yeah yeah um is that safe i think that'll burn down [Music] uh i'm sure a wall torch is fine okay uh i do want a uh a mat that seems kind of nice right there yeah that's that's nice okay um you how you how you looking you're a little low on sleep a little low on water a little on food a little low on fun well uh i'll make you a flute i hope that makes you happy [Music] it might be a good idea to put in because we like our water spots are up their ways maybe we should put our water grabbing uh where's that and um basic needs drink zone maybe we'll put them like right so we can get it get a drink real quick dunk the baby in the water there nobody got a quicker way of getting some water [Music] we know how you love to kill foxy monster i don't know what you're talking about okay berry bushes yeah yeah yeah berryland [Music] all right [Laughter] speaking of there's another um cleopatra like game coming out um called is it called pyramids or something oh i hear a flute is it you are you playing the flute this is your board i think it was you [Music] oh i was taking turns with the flute because it's great it's like it's one item per spot here so maybe we should expand our spot stockpile for our uh tools i wouldn't play that song but they they they played that one part and then they're done in other words past that the devil eventually add hostile wildlife force rampage i don't i don't know i i know that the yeah i'm not sure what the what the future plans are i know the emphasis or even there isn't any is there not anything hostile uh wildlife wise i know the the strong emphasis of the game is that it's not a um a fight for survival against the outside elements it's just now it's a survive in in the highlands nature wise we have all of those uh why do we pause oh possibly look at inventory all right okay we need some flax stems we have a lot of sheaf um we can make them here do we want them we can also make hay seeds and flax seeds to like do some planting let's do some flax stems just make sure we have them i don't know i don't think anything needs it i think it would i think it would yell at me if we did [Music] there's an auto auto replant auto harvest here which is on two days of food worth five eels hanging out there i'm not sure if this this my my eel trick is working apparently not because it changed let's set that up we'll do the thing with 15 and the uh wait till tomorrow and then yeah just do that i don't want to stop i don't want to hit 40 and then stop i'm gonna keep on going okay sleepy time i just realized that that is really it's i was thinking i thought i said four before so it was 1x 2x 12x i think any more grass we got the job for it people aren't really doing it let's clear these out these reeds i don't want to give them too many jobs i'm afraid i'm going to do that and then we'll get anything done i might need break we might need berries to make berries so let's go get some berries i think we have some marked still probably not no berries in this land or something it's a bunch over there to the east but i just don't want to go that far over so let's do that yeah they're all way over here um that's an acceptable amount i guess that's down there um don't worry about the job just cancel those there it is yeah just worry about other things we only need all those beds either actually i think we'll be all right we'll just we'll let him do the thing got pooping going on it's only day three i don't know how many days are going to be in if there's a way of seeing how many days we've got in a month 27 cooked eels this is 25 is that what i have my set uh my thing set up yeah so let's set up to 40. do they rot uh they do if they don't if they're not dry she's gonna go in there and have a bite look at that stone floor check that out fancy um the art style is kind of like it's it's like detailed it's a it's detailed but easy to see things you usually get one or the other usually you get like simplistic and then easy to see stuff or you get detailed and like you know it's like what am i looking at but this one seems to have found its uh the happy medium uh rpg serious thanks for following oh 10 days in a in a season [Music] flax redding i'm not entirely sure what that is [Music] tons of stones right here we don't even need any stone grab and possibly our stockpile is full of it there's flax i don't know what flaxes [Music] i'm still waiting on this guy to get done which is still waiting on a straw that's what he's doing he's nuts blacks get a lot of straw straw time unlocked dump uh something you need to dump i suppose we should put it up here by the dump there's our build tasks so our walls are taking up 180 of this of this stuff and the roof is 250. do we have a different roof we can put in oh we have a stone roof we could do that yeah let's let's cancel these roofs and put stone instead stones everywhere we got a million stone around here it might even take those walls out a lot more stone than there is grasses around if i should do that yeah let's do that cancel those walls uh and let's set up some rock walls a little half a half you know real classy like uh it's gonna be kind of tiny but it's all right it's just it's just a introduction uh granary i'll change something else later on this song i don't recognize uh let me go gather these stones in this stockpile here give us some room and i want this charcoal kiln to get done in the butcher block also well i care about the kill more than anything else [Music] well great hawk here is it's working oh of course we're going to look at the branch barn door as soon as we don't have a straw one uh we got some windows too i was light into a room yeah you know what i'll i'll put a window in right there's the right way i could do that wrong uh no i guess it's right it doesn't turn okay straw curtains we've got like animal things as well look at all this stuff uh haystack yeah we need that put that right there stone pile would be nice to have we'll put this one just right there a flute rack yeah yeah there's our clay bin which we can put over here by the clay land a serving basket place to store fruits and vegetables off the ground that's what we want that in there be clicking off without thinking uh there's a straw pile also i think we're safe from fire right now tool rack can go in there there's a meat rack as well which will set up let's go set it in here rock heap there you go yeah it's going to organize this quite a bit ooh look at those walls uh we can make a a bow now let's make a bow maybe two bows [Music] and we need some clay so let's get some clay done clay brought in and we need some charcoal so the butcher block is done i told you to build this one first um oh it's done okay so let's make some charcoal uh how much see how much we needed just give me like 60s fine do we have a stockpile for it now [Music] no flax reading red flax stems by submerging them in water to easily extract flax fibers okay there's our hunt wild animals that we're looking for [Music] hunting job we can go click on some little innocent bunny right there that's a chicken there's the bunny okay go get that bunny short of wood so let's chop some trees there stumps in here we can clear out i don't see any but we're going to clear out some of these trees let's see that one yeah because it's going to catch on fire if we don't get it anyway so he logs for our roof make sense oh our beds are all done though uh i'm assuming they don't like being out in the rain everything's kind of trending down for these guys except for health health's good moves a little low if i give you like a little house over here let's get the granary done first and then we'll work on our house seems reasonable [Music] uh let me get some more grass cleared out over there over there what they say uh hides okay we must have got ourselves a bunny so let's set the hides up [Music] there we have a kiln now to use our for our pottery which we'll keep we'll keep over here in not burning land i'll put it right there when we get too close to that hey there's our bow somebody's got that bunny i don't know where i didn't watch him go but i guess we got him oh there's bunny blood let's tell you buddy [Music] which one i guess just sort of works yeah it just sort of does its thing and there's the hide on the on the rack all right all right yeah let's do some more of that get that bunny over there and you can't hunt that chicken huh this might be pretty easy we can make trees now there's another bunny there i don't think we want to kill all the bunnies because then they don't come back oh log walls would be nice our walls are done except for that one and then i'm gonna need a roof hey fin uh fin dale thank you very much i believe the appropriate action here is to build all the things yeah that's use that's usually what i try and then and then my my um settlers look at me funny as if the they don't know how they're supposed to do all these things but i believe in them this actually might not be too bad because of the racks this actually might be fine uh spot for us there's nothing else i'm missing here we got all this stuff done log pile we'll set that up right over there [Music] we have made art we make a closed zone you know this is oh i did uh we make sacks used to contain flour and fertilizer uh yeah make a couple of those sure let me get in a stockpile here the the blocker stock pilot make sure that we keep stuff away from this area here now do you think the sparks because he's he used to go out like three squares he was like it was unpleasant things were buying or burning uh we got sac cloth shirts are made uh can be made sure and some bottoms uh we'll do a couple of those and we got a compost thing something i should be over here ugly and itchy that's fine uh oh okay that does that does spark things so this torch might not might not be the best thing for us hopefully it'll be all right any mushrooms to pick yet a peaceful little uh peaceful little village builder i haven't been tormented by randy random yet happy music do you start on the house before the beds which will be here before you know it ah we got plenty of time i've got plenty of time uh we probably should put it what do i have i have a ton of of clay takes clay branches and straw a lot of straw i can get some though five logs i have 24. straw is just 20 and then the rock i think the rock's the best because we have a million rocks around us let's just do a rock wall i think do i shut up should i give them more space than just the beds maybe we'll do that for now we'll end up turning this into multiple rooms but for now we'll just do that and set up a door my branch door it's a barn door just put a door there and we'll put a window in looks better on this side window window we can see the water it's gonna need a roof the problem with that is it's gonna cut that off i don't think i like that [Music] um i can't go all the way around to do anything good door on this side also and we have to go around ah that's fine i guess [Music] go hey glenda how's it going yeah meg cluster that's what i mean that's what i'm waiting for [Music] look at henry there working working the night away what uh i take it back get back to work henry you need a sackcloth shirt huh well uh it's on the list we need lots of we need lots of straw so let's go do some more do i have a how much i have four four and a three hey i just need more straw so we're doing it they're just being slow uh oops i think i set this up let's make this like 200. we have a vacancy time tell travelers that there is food and a warm bed here okay there is neither here so we won't tell that just yet see what is there a tutorial thing so we can make this thing and and then we'll see clans people because i'm coming here to visit us see what happens there uh i have just one flute still i need to make more flutes a snare kids place near rabbit holes for best results [Music] okay look at this wall done first really i want to get the roof done first and then we'll worry about everything else i think we've got the stuff for it it'll tell me if it wasn't if i can sell that can i select all the roof i want i want top priority on all of it was a there was a tutorial for that and i i didn't listen to it clothing we can now make uh a clothing basket better than leaving clothes all over the floor yeah sure we got fur hats now oh yeah we can make bricks now we could get mixed we got to make some bricks let's do like a hundred of them and set that up we've got sack cloths as well and clay water jugs that way we don't burn the place down uh and we make those here let's make two of those and oh we make a tile for our roof a fancy tile me okay that's all it's all good uh animals i need to tell them to put the where do i tell them to put the trap out jug pallets yeah let's put a jug pallet right there um i keep doing that a hide shelf this is where we keep our our hides we're gonna put it in right there and then we've got i'm messages over there a grain palette that seems like a thing that should go over here anymore we need more uh i'm gonna put another one of these things in so we give him more like is he busy uh farming we got all that taken care of i wish we may do more there's snare there it is snare so i'm gonna put these snares oh well there's one right there and we'll put one there hey bunny we've got technology on our side you need what uh what what does that need you need need snare kits okay needs more clay let's go get some more clay we get these beds now we don't use them anymore we need more logs apparently so let's go and do some more logs get those out of here uh we need a bloomery uses ore and charcoal to make ingots we're not quite there yet um and the trees will get there and we'll get that in seconds uh let me clear how do out remove dismantle these sleeping spots not necessary anymore we got beds in there we got three days of food we're fine burgers today burgers we need logs unlocked add water what does that do [Music] add water higher moisture faster growth less risk of fires uh so we can like we can we can like oh like a light like a moat like put a pond in is that a dad joke already it's been an hour well um there's a little little information i uh i will share with you today that i haven't told many folks i can have a bit of an attitude sometimes and there was this uh this girl i was i was engaged to um funny enough funnily enough uh she had a a wooden leg and with that and my temper um one day i just i just got angry and i i broke it off i'm not sure i told that one in the right the right i was engaged to a girl she had a wooden leg i got angry and broke it off that's just enough i don't know if i got that point across the the joker crosswall there but you get the idea you get it the leg you know dead hooks are they're great especially when you have to explain them okay let's go pick up some uh stones lots of rocks get all those rocks we need big rocks big rocks yeah that one that one deserves my oof i'll take it [Music] oh we got rotten meat out here oh man oh man can i tell you to cook something with that meat oh i can't cook meat why aren't we doing that 34 cooked eels that's set up right let's let's tell you to cook i don't need that many 20 cooked meat how about that [Music] the crows going nuts in the background i watch all these trees down what happened with all this tree chopping cured flax stems uh clear these trees out we need big rocks still we may need to go we might need to grab the rocks out of the mountain this is the old-fashioned way click into bricks good seen sometimes some channels they have dead joke bots type actually my dad joke can you get a random one what you mean there's other channels out there that do dad jokes outrageous that's my thing no one else can have it okay sleepy time and you know we could do um we could set up a sleepy spot like right there and and put a vacancy sign out right right next to it you want to sleep here there you go there's your bed we could do it with hides but yesterday with 15 000 points got the guy to sing [Laughter] nice how's my singing voice not worth 15 000 points i can tell you that [Music] so we have buckets of water here now which means that if we have any sort of fire incidents we'll be just fine i think oh no those are empty are those empty jugs oh those are water jugs yeah okay okay we're good you know these rocks because we've got the houses we're trying to make here 15 000 to stop you from singing it would be worth it okay more clay clay seems to just never be a never-ending thing so we need wood for that and we need trees chopped uh anyone doing treats i don't really mess with jobs too much because things seem to be reasonably running reasonably and i don't want to go uh get carried away with uh ruining stuff i think these traps get reset that's what this where is it maybe not i'm sure they do store it break it down it's got it has to see we gotta catch a little bunny in there i don't know we're here too right yeah old laying sign is is uh scottish right not new year's though so i can't sing it hey jeffrey how's it going oh it says 4x now oh you know what when they're sleeping it's 12x oh well that's a that's a rather a nice idea take a look at the villager here and see how they feel about me oh jeffrey thanks for the gifts up jeffrey uh oh alexander here our grandpa is quite happy he's a senior he's he's uh time's ticking down for him which is not what you want um but he's really happy he doesn't have a lot of fun uh alex have you seen the flute let me get you another one where's our uh inventory so tools i could use i guess some sacks [Music] i guess i don't know what to do with them she needs flour and what do we care about flour uh we have clothes we got three shirts and three bottoms but that's it what tunic we've got furling around we might as well use it how much fur do i have i guess eight hides okay yeah let's let's uh let's make some hats three of those three of those oh we'll do four of each and then um a sack hat some bottoms a tunic a couple of those as well they actually put them on oh they are actually putting them on yeah because oh look at that check it out and they i think they're kind of they're wearing my colors aren't they yell yeah the yellow and the black cause like for instance rory here is naked so in a minute rory's about to have some clothes on i think alexander is making a hat a bolt of fabric showing the clan's tartan is he he has only that he has more than that his hat's over there i hope people put him on he's sweating at him maybe he won't put it on because it's too hot uh maneuver baskets we got iron ore needed with what no this tutorial uh anymore rocks though you ever have to break down and start um mining the mountains there's a lot of stumps around here it seems like a job that we it feels like we could have much more important things to do making manure baskets just to have that around because it seems like a cool thing to have [Music] so keep an eye on um where is he where's rory so rory's been walking around naked the whole time he's tidy white he's there let's see if he puts on some clothes [Music] what is plaid in this context i don't know i guess because because she's not wearing a kilt she has zero plan alex has one he has two thousand plaid so i i don't know maybe something they plan on doing later on with it but i don't know [Music] or something can we can we make one make tunics and pants that's it maybe how much you're representing your clan could be it could be something that comes in later on when other folks join us like if we get other folks from other clans i guess or i know we're gonna have babies and things um i know where that comes in hopefully we'll figure that out today [Music] let's grab some grass [Music] are those like little flowers oh look at that that is yeah flowers loads of eels we got no meat at the moment my traps seem to be not trapping [Music] hey big dog nine months do we have a big dog big dog baby reminds me of first feudal in a way yeah um a little bit i forgot about that one oh my roof is almost done here hey look at that it's exciting rachel i guess we can see how long until rachel grows and there it's counting up got a while what about you kid you're a little well as well you tick per second you got 720 000 seconds of being a kid [Music] fur cloak [Music] did we maybe we like killed all the bunnies over here so there's nothing to to trap there's holes everywhere uh iglik thank you for the sub all kinds of subs today thanks everybody i appreciate that oh we're missing some rocks so that is exactly rocks and hides uh oh trade post okay so let's let's do the job real quick rocks and hides so um i might i'm gonna break down a break and start chopping in the mountain but we actually have plenty of space here so let's go get all these rocks bring them in iron over there uh and then i guess we're gonna do a hunting job if we could just find there's a fox [Music] but i don't want to hunt the fox i want to make friends with the fox cancel that job hey buddy would you be my friend i hope i can reframe the fox a job board oh yeah oh yeah i remember this now so you people come in here and they work for you for like a while there's like vacancy there's trading posts there's also tracks job seekers yeah let's put that up over there so we need uh the the fur for that uh tunic i'm trying to make those bunnies will give us another tutorial so during evening tire travels may arrive seeking bed for the night good source of coin if there's extra food and free beds travelers are not desired then vacant design can be hidden okay because that's if it reaches zero they'll leave immediately not paid any coin okay so keep them happy pay and depart in the morning got it okay yeah there's a nice warm bed for you sleeping under the stars what more could you ask for let me remove this stump that's here in the way these tool racks are are great and look at all the flutes we've got on that rack there do i have any crops i can do yet i can do flax might not be a bad idea we got bushes in there right now so that's probably okay um what's this oh travel to toilet did someone show up we did finley's here i think he signed a traveler hello finley uh vaughn button allows you to rent a bed or ask a traveler to leave yeah i'll rent a bed going to need a bed pass through unlocked doors oh okay okay assigned to a specific claim folk got it so if he's specific spots okay sign them in bed can ensure they get a good sleep at the right place so i'm just there okay there you go buddy there's your bed i hope you enjoy it we can always put a wall up here and give them like a proper room these rocks i need so many rocks yeah we gotta get we gotta get the mine let's go ahead and do one one mining job two mining jobs uh oh alexander's gonna love that he loves mining he doesn't have to do it yet he's gonna have time of his life well maybe number one job oh he's gonna hunt first uh you know what buddy you you get over there and you hunt or something you go you mine you you love mining i'm not gonna take you away from that get your pickaxe buddy oh oh sorry do your business and then go get your pickaxe what needs what needs iron does this need iron it's really something needs iron is what it said over there uh so maybe it's time to start putting in our um our bloomery did we do that oh we did okay i guess it sort of does it rory still naked hey he got his bed where's his satisfaction let me see this don't think he doesn't like reputation minus 38 is he are you telling me you don't like sleeping outside because i find that kind of hard to believe how many bricks do i have i want to have like a building of every different color here different style there you go buddy what's this iron ore and the trading post we can do of course okay alexander he's going to go mine he he loves that idea i probably should have in mind a place where there's iron it actually does something useful what's it take to get through that i thought super quick oh we could live in the mountain oh well we know what we're doing yeah let's let's go live in a mountain here [Music] we should do uh no we'll just do that what we'll do is do sort of a like a hobbit hole i think what we'll do we'll make ourselves a little room here and uh let's sort of rooms around you know back in here [Music] there's a spot right there's an iron right there let's go get that one too oh it's very green in here [Music] rather than living outside like a bunch of humons we could we could be living inside indoors [Music] i want to know about animal beds where stores care livestock can warm rooms with body heat so how do i set that up let's put let's just build one and see what it does i'm saying we're i'm assuming we're going to need a like a fix and all that kind of stuff hey programmer jeff thank you for the sub uh i greatly appreciate that everybody all subs and gift subs and what happened to that trap did we get a bunny i just saw it fall over did the did jeff just inspire a bunny to get stuck on a trap thanks jeff thank you very much [Music] oh oh there is a bunny there's a bunny in the trap i see it uh unlocked iron ore pile we have iron ingots we can make as well over here so let's make a couple of those uh as we need uh and we're going to set up a object right storage and iron ore pile right there who's leaving the food just laying on the ground rory what are you doing you just walked you stepped on it put it in the hat the hut what is this outrageous and there's clothes just laying around what are we a bunch of slobs a gong place a place to store all manner of poop and poop accessories all right sure sure i'll keep right clicking on that keep up right clicking to get it off my mouse cursor it's just out of habit and it closes everything um masonry place let's do that maybe i should use wazzy a little more give you a more custom here let's throw that there serving baskets which we got one of those i think in there i think i think i do like it's good um that doesn't need to go inside there that's really that's really just food land but maybe it is a good size place hey look at that um did he leave did he leave was he happy i don't know i hope he was happy sounds like we need some charcoal so let's go get that cooked up we need a roof on top of this place yeah jeff the bunny whisperer yes uh let's draw we don't have a lot of we got 81 hay left so we got it back to this back to this clear grass job i need to just you know what i i was about to say something but i realized as i said it that there is an answer for it so say we need to have some sort of like auto re do the job you know just get some hay you know limit how much but there is a way of doing that you can plant it we can just plant grass and then we have this button here which i think my my head is in front of my name is there in front of it there's an auto harvest button there's an odd replant auto fertilize auto water and auto firefight those are all on so we could set up we could set up a farm basically oh a meat smoker a timbery needy mix of planks we're getting fancy with planks now um i'm gonna set it over here i don't know what's the way i'm not organized at all here uh where's woodland gonna be woodland's gonna be over here we can set up a whole shop here like woodland and crafty land all that stuff can be in one building over here which probably should be this needs iron to be made iron ingots we need five of those so there's iron inside there mine that i guess we're gonna find out if there are cave-ins also i was being fed by by uh these guys these berry bushes are very slow i kind of wish i'd stuck with my plan of having more of them now can i just want to move this rock log pile over here next to the log man and i think what i'm going to do i'm going to move this also i'm going to have it's going to be like you know work land over here that can go there um let's do a little bit of rearranging and we'll build a house over here which i really need to get these done we'll get a house in a second i don't have a lot of large rocks i need any better better uh walls let's just do a hay roof because we actually don't need one no even there because there's already a roof there right yeah that's already done so we just need one in this spot over here this is uh this is early access uh this is the uh this is this is the full game or not the full game but this is this is the steam release of it it comes out here in a couple days it is is early access yeah it comes out here on the 14th i mean i haven't put any floors in let me put in some how many bricks do we have not a lot we have a ton of clay though we should we should do that let's make a bunch of bricks let's set it up to just have like just give me a hundred bricks always because they can just sort of cook and then sort of do the thing and then we can make brick places [Music] all right planks are now done which we can do that here we'll make we'll make a couple planks uh oh we can make branches it's like they grow on trees we need some dry hide and we need a smithy for our tools so i think maybe the smithy will be like we could do everything in one big building which might actually be a better idea like that these bricks we'll have a big shop workshop over here to try to organize some things uh moralden thanks for following i like how it has how it has developed um i agree with you there um in its early days it was very rim world i've played a few games like that where it starts out oh yeah same thing with born world real world real world was very dwarf fortress at the start you know you can see where they're going with it and then they branched out into uh what is it what it is now [Music] i play a lot of early access stuff and um i see they come up all the time like you know it's it's just a clone of whatever yada yada but you know when i understand especially early days of of games like colony sims and things you gotta start somewhere and you start by doing what the other ones have done and then you curl from there [Music] anymore hey so we got to get this all taken out [Music] that's we'll probably get some jobs clear and some trees we're in there what a tiny little place [Music] we've got all this stuff maybe we should put our workshop in here right we've got a place for it clear that already [Music] however i move this stuff already but maybe i should just do it now cancel that cancel that smithy at least it's with a smithy in here noisy birds smoothie [Music] like that and the smithy's going to need like the iron spot the iron iron pile but this the the ingot spot do we have an ingot pile i can i don't know there's an ingot bin yeah yeah yeah right there so then they can do their ingot thing right in there and then uh it might be well something small i guess can fit over here like that put the logs in there with it maybe we keep the logs and that stuff over here we'll keep the metal work on this side because it's gonna be a big system [Music] is this from thea is this for this i don't know where this song is from i do know i i do know it from somewhere i want some boards how many do we want we need 14 more okay uh some of those hides and we need a traveler has arrived oh jean and lachlan well i didn't think about this but i could have put two beds in there couldn't i could i should put this outside and then put a second bed in there uh yeah yeah you know what you want to stay you go right ahead you can have that bed right um jean you're gonna have that bed right there i hope you're happy about that and then you i will rent you a bed but i don't have a bed for you yet so i hope you are okay with um i'm having a bad year let's get this thing moved please can i tell you i can't like yell at you hey do this job no we got a second bedroom in there looks like eels are still okay we're actually out of raw eels is that what is that what alexander was doing before i changed him no he was hunting i think that's not sure what job that is it's top priority though isn't it yeah they're all eight priorities so they're gonna grab the eels it's just um they're slackers and i'd really appreciate they stopped leaving the eels on the ground to deal with that speed up here 12x so john's there i don't know where other guy is lachlan where's lachlan at hey whose bed you steal oh there's eight in there never mind lockland you're fine i take it back i don't know what they do i think they just sort of hang out and they give us gold which i don't even know what gold is yet and i suppose we use that for the trader also oh the job board job board drawbar attracts new workers each morning workers can be paid coin each day okay answer that question if workers satisfaction falls to zero they can't be paid they'll quit okay so yeah uh yeah we'll hire some folks they can come in and do some work do we know who you are yet oh yeah um so we got clan mckenzie around here and clan robertson and we can trade with him oh i can buy wait you sell this stuff you buy chickens and goats and things i'd love to buy some chickens from you am i reading that right traders buy so you buy this stuff and and you s you sell this stuff unless i'm the traitor i'm guessing not so i set up this for an animal bed i don't know i don't know that we know how to capture animals yet any bunnies around there's some bunnies look at those bunnies nighttime bunnies there's that fox we'll leave him be there's another chickens over there and it's gonna be a job of like gathering animals somehow somehow but i haven't gotten to that point i guess yeah maybe well i should say maybe we'll get it when we get there but we've got it mark uh there's any tools that i'm missing out on we got the manure basket i think i could try putting in a fence with a million stones let's do a stone fence around these trees here and then we need a wall uh we need a gate okay what do i have to set at oh okay lots of iron there the ingots will go into the ingot spot as soon as we find some planks which we're always working on so these water uh kristen what are you doing harvesting farming who likes who likes to farm farming farming right there it is how do i know where um oh okay there it is so you've experienced twice for doing this so uh cursed kirsten i would like you to farm more in fact i think i'm going to put you top there's not a lot of farming to do just do the farming and then do that you love dog you're good at harvesting also so put that next and then you can gather next i'll start messing with these a little bit you like to build i'm gonna leave that leave that bee so we've got a farmer um we need a a cook i guess so it's like looks like uh grayduck has that done they like doctoring but after that they'll do that uh alexander has the mining and the hunting done and nicola is our doctor but hates it so don't do that what do you like doing you like to hunt you like hunting better than yeah let's put you up you can hunt first i'll put you down make some clothes next there's crafting crafting building crafting okay does anyone like like to craft no um you're good at it you're good at it as well you're also my cook you're busy other things uh nicola could do it i think i'm gonna let james who's james james is oh these are my new people someone needs to do it i guess we'll let i mean gathering's a big job henry i know you're not a big fan of it um but there's nothing to build i guess you can do that and then while you're here you uh you guys craft and then hall nicola and james you craft a new hall that's your jobs okay oh cleaning yeah you you clean as well okay yeah while they're here they might as well do something so we'll put them to work that's been moved finally so let's get a bed in there um i'll put a nice bed in there a nice nice sleep mat yeah why not well that's why we don't have any any stuff to put on it what's this over here tutorial for what job secret tutorial uh uh secrets right in the morning wait we saw this already okay i get it job seekers arrive james has arrived okay uh james oh you're hired james okay i see i see how that works now nicola also wants to work uh i don't have i guess enough money for you what do i see how much money i have oh 15. okay when i get some money uh you may work but for right now you just just stay there and give me some money lovely houses why bricks how many bricks do i have 75 okay enough of that if i'm laying there we've got food where they going oh check the trap okay oh you're collecting oh you're collecting animal dung uh where are you going where are we going your jolly oh nicholas leaving okay this is a big map how many people you can get in your in your tribe i wonder what uh what a what a big game what a big place looks like i don't know if this is a big deal i'm not gonna put a wall right there there's me workshop over here [Music] like that put a door in there let's be a big one a lot of workshop kind of stuff in here some space for storage things on the back wall there and i'm going to move this one back there and we'll scoot some more things in there get some wood and other various uh work zone jobs in there let's mine this spot here i mean we might as well keep on bringing that stuff in and we'll use that room as um as various uh um smithing things what's my idea how far how far can we go here uh ideas do we know where this where this oh we do oh yeah okay we know we know about iron stuff but then we've got we've got a quite a ways here okay oh and we can do the the tip okay rory is still naked all right put some dang clothes on sackcloth cloak yeah when they put hats on to the how do we know what clothes they're wearing everyone's sweating right now it is summertime day seven need some breaks brother happening just take some time that's my water jug's gone so i'm making one of those hey john how's it going hey it's uh well there our rack is done or this is still not done so i'll need some bricks just a constant job this this threshing grab our gravel floors in fact what we do we can get real fancy uh you know what we could do we can use the paths to see where we need floors to go yeah [Music] oh yes where's the path there and that one's been done there's a lot of stuff going on down here we'll set one that goes this way and over to here yeah travel has arrived uh una in vain sure sure come on in it's like maybe we need a light inside here it's pretty dark i would like you guys to oh we're rory's taking that bed oh way to go rory uh i want to put in a light inside here on the back wall no one there i can't go inside this place small torches all around here i kind of like this place but because it's real dark and then we'll do some standing torches say rain stops it and throw it it does throw sparks so maybe we shouldn't do too much i do throw some sparks around so we'll we'll try to try to control myself okay so in the morning they're gonna offer to work james is already working and james is just staying around working i guess [Music] so if you want to keep staying around i'm fine with that i said this before but my my remote comparisons are where room world is is a very the outside things are trying to attack you the different clans or groups of factions trying to come in and take you out mechanoids bandits raiders you know and you're building a defensive like fortification basically um this one is more geared towards survival and um sort of surviving the off the land starting with nothing working to fighting fire and getting grass making clothes um i'm much more toned towards survival than than fighting in defenses and like the needs of your people as well i guess and it's it's pretty hands-off from what i've seen so far there's all our needs over here got a whole bunch of them let's check take care of from what i understand is pretty nasty so we'll see how that goes that's an animal pen but i don't know what to do with the animal pin i could slaughter a rooster but i don't want to i want to run with the i want the rooster and him we got some roads now and a big old roundabout you go through the building with this roundabout it's fantastic is there did i have a floor in there i thought it did a mulch floor yeah that seems nice [Music] okay yeah it's gonna be a problem let's let's get rid of that that's gonna be a problem this one is as well let's move it over i mean i went i want the light in there but that's just too much um this will be okay i think this one let's move it over on this side i guess i'll be throwing torches towards the this stuff and that's okay all right we could put a window in there that would that would fix that there we go uh anymore oh we need more mulch oh i thought i had more than that i should do the gravel floors in is it is it nice oh indoors minus five environments stone floors are nice ten for the brick okay we'll do a brick floor i want them to be happy i always need clay i wonder if there's a way that i can set up a clay task rather than just always mess with that check out this game no time for the name of the game take a look real quick this one oh yeah i someone shared this on uh on discord because i saw i saw that uh for the freedom of traveling to any date hour a minute in between years of 1 to 20 30. help your best friend edward in his scientific affairs watch out for time agents and avoid yourself what a weird game fantastic it came out it came out that long ago stalk past selves race against them thanks thanks for hanging out interesting uh we need more breaks and they're working they're just working slow and because of those floors we're gonna put in ooh look at the floors though fancy back to the future open world rpg okay so wood man is working uh candy working there's our there's that guy uh i'm gonna leave the haystack uh thresher outside seems fine and we got some supplies over here nothing oh we can put the branches in there well that doesn't really matter you're just making wood and put logs in there so unless we have a like a crafter other than plank man it doesn't really matter i don't think look at all the clothes we have over here we have a clothes basket a clothes bin we do have a clothes bin why isn't it is it full oh we have a ton of why do we have so much clothes okay um well it should be somewhere else i guess close back where was that no no um objects storage clothing baskets here we go [Music] this is not this is not sponsored oh no time releases on on the 15th for release for on the 15th that's why it keeps coming up okay okay that makes a lot more sense i get it we're out of branches okay so let's get a job going and grab some branches lots of branches to be had out there we actually have some meat hanging out so i guess our traps are working oh there's bunnies still out there there's a fox still out there it'll be my friend one of these days chickens hanging around which i don't know how to grab yet shut that place down the tools might be a of better use in there it's raining oh these don't want to be uh of course they don't want to be wet this doesn't either of course it doesn't uh let me move this grain thing in here what else does it want to be wet charcoal in the wood ash the campfire of course that the um torches don't want to be wet [Music] okay and then all that grain's getting moved right now and then my shells my hide shelves let me set these things up in here real stinky inside i'll just keep two of them around get rid of this one and we'll move this rack in here and then maybe the clothes guy can go in here also since those racks are right there i'm gonna put my campfire inside inside of place and i can't put a roof on top of it can i can i just because it's not gonna work but what if i put stone roof there like an awning to keep its from from getting wet same with the bloomer i suppose oh yeah it worked i think [Music] those rooms are all done what's that oh my poo place doesn't want to be doesn't get rained on i don't want to put it inside my base though do i water fertilizer overlay temperature and then what's this one this one is environment this is a bad environment i don't like the walls either so why is it so bad is there no floors in there maybe okay so floors let's give them a floor i don't make them too cranky wrong button okay [Music] i would ask charcoal where is that supposed to go i think i have a bin for don't fat waffle thanks for following iron or i don't want that one i want a any idea for that charcoal goes [Music] rocky don't carry any very many rocks [Music] set up a bunch of these guys that uh the branches are fine outside these are just the stone spells full so we'll get some more of those well we'll get a couple more of those i don't know if there's charcoal [Music] can i just set a stockpile up of i guess it's ingredients and then tell it what to put into it and just say you only have charcoal no you only have charcoal and bark was the other thing ash um i don't see the wood ash so we'll just do those two things i could go for some waffles hmm definitely [Music] there we go all that's done inside there now that's that's better there's some mushrooms hanging around now that's cool i've really gotten any uh any texts lately have we where's rory is he still naked yep still naked i'll get that guy some clothes let's get this trading post done let's set it right here if we need to put a building in we'll do it we're gonna we're gonna need a tutorial i think when we put it in there you go get some more water take a break here in a minute more clay over here then i haven't grabbed any reeds in a long time i guess we're fine with it but let's grab a few and then i think we're actually going to plant something here throw some reeds along along the way just to help just in case we run out you know don't do that fox up here though i'm guessing we're gonna get a um a traitor and that'll get us what we want chickens or something in here seems to work it's not burning everything so keep that as it is i can put one on top uh here we'll put a stone roof over the the bloomery so it doesn't burn things down no it doesn't uh so it works in the rain let's chop some trees over here that rotten meat has been there for a long time chopsticks right willem is here william william mcdougall has arrived oh wait what do you like to do i don't care what you like to do i'm hired i can't i don't have money sorry william oh people are leaving because they're cranky about this place and so i'm not getting any money from them that's why i still only have 15 coins okay well that should fix with that right yeah much better as soon as that's done then they'll be much happier about it they don't really like this wall though can i change it out easily see that not fond of this of the straw i have wall ton of clay all of a sudden people are they okay with sleeping in separate rooms like you know what we need to make babies how do we make babies somebody in here is married where's our family tree so you guys are old but christine and rory are married so maybe we should give them this room so rory i um i gave you this this bed right here and then oh i'm milking oh all kinds of things happened looking buckets and then uh christine you are going to be in that bed and then that is yours something where you rory that is yours okay that's your place you want to make babies please uh we unlocked hoes and sickles and picks and iron things and nails and shears and i saw also milking buckets milk has been unlocked oh a stone fireplace and we didn't do a meat smoker yet do we something over here maybe we should like actually carve this out a little bit if i clear this out it's going to ruin my roof let's do that and we put another um thing over there for cooking and we'll put a stone fireplace like a little a little nook in here for our stone fireplace yeah yeah classy i i asked for that one i i know [Music] they do like this spot so that's good and i'm gonna guess when people are happy they make babies so we can make connect planks together required for advanced construction yeah yeah yeah yeah uh we do that over here don't we so we can make let's make some nails we'll make a milking bucket sure we'll make an iron axe iron hole iron pick island tickle still cheers okay sorry nook i say that's right okay we're gonna put in cooking stone fireplace is gonna go right in here real classy like look at that and then we also want to get a what's the other cooking thing i keep right-clicking uh oh more things oh a kitchen hey well that's that's even better i want to clear this whole thing out and put a kitchen right over there is the kitchen flammable you think i mean stops it it is low flammability maybe we should move our move this guy around just keep it away from there come to my roof is it still there uh oh the oh yeah because of course we're carving it in here pantry shelves ah yeah we got a whole kitchen thing going here yeah okay okay um i'll put the kitchen in that was quick there i hope it's okay with this shooting off sparks maybe mushroom rack tries mushrooms to preserve them sure i'm gonna move some more things i don't know where though i'm gonna move this campfire in here i can't overlap that spot i probably shouldn't [Music] do that um i'm gonna make this do a put walls here make a kitchen [Music] so i killed i'm gonna move all three of these things over here somewhere and then we have our kitchen space in this spot uh and then oh we have a workbench now yeah we need all this stuff [Music] my torch is in the way now [Music] slap it in down there put some storage in there also sexual integrity is a thing i believe watch distance from roofs to walls okay i was wondering about that remove the blocker yeah okay so that's gonna go we're gonna change that blocker to be over here it's been another hour man time is flying i'm losing myself in here okay one second i'll get you a dad joke clean that guy out let's go and clear this grass out we're gonna move these guys which ball doesn't really matter actually it can stay in the kitchen makes sense that it would be in the kitchen so let's let's move it to right there i suppose the kiln however does need to move set it over here and then the the uh what was that charcoal kiln regular kiln there okay uh a dad joke um so i've been doing this a while and i um i i know my audience um i don't want to spook anybody but i can tell you a few things about you um i i know that that you all um love programs uh about lakes and uh and rivers and pretty much anything water related and and as a matter of fact you're watching a live stream right now on that note i'm going to get more water i'm thirsty so i'll be right back give me just a minute as we go out uh break time on a high note i'll be i'll be right back give me one minute back to the highlands i really shouldn't tell these kind of dad jokes right before breaks um uh half expects uh most of you to be gone by now after that uh that nonsense anyway uh rory is not sleeping in the bed he's supposed to be sleeping in rory what is your problem you gonna leave your wife in there rory probably wake you up i can go here ah there's a move button you go go go sleep what are you trying to do rod oh roderick is the guy that was he doesn't have a bed oh rent a bit yeah and then marion uh mary yeah you can have bed as well okay roy it's that one right that one yeah there's no light in there he's mad about it what am i supposed to do though everything burns if i put light on it you got a uh you got a um windows there uh there's my friend is my am i showing up as as uh on steam i'm gonna go hide myself again um let's see let's get that going make some ingots make some planks yes please how many more points we need we are short on i like that it tells me how many planks that i need i like that really easy like really easy okay speed through this praise indeed day 10 it's still summer oh this is what i'm looking for uh livestock tutorial excellence winter's coming my stock are going to get are going to need shelter i don't have any livestock that's not character attributes exposed chickens require critter keep out larger animals need barn doors okay i do have animals oh those are my animals well why didn't you tell me i thought they're just wild chickens isn't scotland famous for having wild chickens running around everywhere sorry i thought for sure uh we'll make a dab wall for these chickens and i don't know um it's probably a big chicken coop but they need a they all they need is a critter door i think we're gonna give them we'll give them a a barn door and we'll put their beds in in here somehow uh wherever ironclad door uh let's give them where is it basic needs farming let's just do that yeah here they come look they listen what smart chickens they even open doors with their little beaks they mosey into the beds there oh what what smart chickens i'll get that stump by the way there buddy i don't want you uh having to sit on that [Music] okay uh so henry you're working now oh you're just guests okay you're just guests just hanging around are you happy oh you're gonna pay 21 rent that's assuming that's a good thing you get 23. so you guys are reasonably happy yeah it's a nice place isn't it you can go pretty much anywhere i need to get more rooms built i think i want to build around this this spot here but maybe i should build the other people in the family maybe we should we should get one for alexander and what's her name great grandma and grandpa they'll call man they need their own place any more 18 more planks [Music] let's apply 40 around i need an iron pick which is set to be done but i don't have any i need a lot of ingots and then we can make we can make tile now to make fancy roofs what's all this rodrick and marion are leaving joseph is looking for a job joseph you're hired 32 a day helene wants a job for 42 a day and then william the trader uh william let's see how this works [Music] we'll see what happens if william when he comes in here um so i'm gonna hire the cheap guy first and we'll get helene here as soon as we can okay well kitchen stuff i want to get done over here i think it's kind of neat flax dressing devoted to breaking scooching and hackling cured flax stems they're just making up words now aren't they job seeker helene has arrived yeah i know and traded william um yeah you wanna those are my chickens i can sell you it all makes sense now um i will sell you a hat and a cup and one of those i'll buy some iron from you i have some of those how much charcoal do i have 35 i don't know for that i have a lot of logs there you go it puts me up oh i'm at 200 iron i'll be by 109. um okay deal now uh if i asked you to leave it you even matter is that like me or that just like be on your way i think that's okay [Music] okay we have so much clay we don't have room for our fall for all of it i have a ton of clay so let's let's build a clay storage the clay bin here um serving table is for oh for food yeah because our kitchen's gonna be right over here a coal bin hey hey we're looking for one of these coal bin in there that's all we got so that's all the new stuff in here we need more nails we need 50 more nails but we need a lot more ingots and that is all needed from where's that at um this guy oh how much what i haven't set out oh it's a problem okay i mean if you if you know what just just make it right there's no reason to just leave there's any reason just leave raw or laying around maybe not we'll just put it at like a hundred go ahead and get it cooking i don't see any reason why you just leave maybe we'll mix it into something else later on steel or something pretty fancy looking chicken coop there just needs a needs a roof nice nice easy straw roof chickens don't care rory how you feeling really you can leave you know i don't i don't quite know what what's the deal with rory here i'm assuming we're gonna find some eggs for [Music] that okay we have a roof on this thing no we don't oops okay so let's get one on this [Music] these stone roofs are stone 22 large rocks that's probably good [Music] i can make the cool one that it wants me to do uh i should do that because because i've got a ton of clay clay charcoal yeah [Music] make a couple hundred of those we need some more charcoal to get made watch this guy [Music] okay let's set up a uh no uh no burning plate the place down spot here and like that tree right there's gotta go [Music] click these trees out [Music] hey mango 3 a.m best time for streams best time in fact it's 3 a.m right now hey an ash bin that uh that's what we want a bark bin excellent uh yeah i'll put one of those in here as well because bark likes to be not wet [Music] i mean have a bed okay the new roof has been done so we can go ahead and make that now i think because we've got uh it takes nails though and that's just that's too much let's just do that who's that uh mango thanks for the thanks for the gift sub thanks manko the 3am gift my favorite kind of gift and uh pasha thanks for following and bluffing through not perfect name thanks for following [Music] what we got livestock are starving um i don't know how to deal with that do livestock like to be fed oh with this clean water source for peasants refilled with water jugs a water drip water dipper sometimes should be set up next to my house you think i should just set it sort of the middle here central location there i guess um how do i feed my my animals maybe they don't need the the walls there's no grass for them to eat so maybe we need to let them out let them chew on stuff let's try that maybe we could also uh build our gate a little a little bigger you know all the way this is the bathroom right here so i'm gonna do that way but over this way we can expand that out to be in the grass actually might do it also i can't imagine they eat that much actually i've had chickens before they eat a lot [Music] trap there if we do that a little bit that one over there there we go so they're gonna be a little bigger area there and let's not get rid of that one and get rid of that one okay i want to can we prioritize that yeah chickens are hungry [Music] look him in that time both start with an end coincidence [Music] and i've always been on a night owl and uh it just works with uh with uh with pretty much everything you know i got a family and all that so they are they're a bed in bed and it's nice and peaceful around here perfect time for for game time i noticed it is the first day of fall as well things are looking a little oranger it's me getting cold pretty soon um i think i'm i'm going for it i've you know what [Music] you can only play this dwarf fortress music so much before i i begin to make a door fortress place we're going to do some separate rooms here something like that we'll do one over here 3x3 you think that's big enough actually hang on [Music] let's do that [Music] let's lock down traders arrived [Music] i hope they like these rooms there's three different rooms there [Music] okay yeah my family doesn't even know that i'm a streamer [Music] okay uh looks like maurice here uh wants some things that i don't have but he'll give me some berries uh i like berries yeah berries are great give me give me them berries thanks okay get out jane what do you have you want some wood ash do you well no um fertilize you take that huh i don't care about well i'll take this that's super cheap i'll take that can i get out everyone's leaving and uh old joseph is working kate what are you doing to those poor chickens you getting them all fixed up right yeah yeah those are hot blood oh there's a there's a fox in the hen house [Music] you're not gonna go and eat my chickens are you a fox maybe i should eat you [Music] i want you to be on my doggy [Music] oh they'll just leave them there it's not very nice they can get out of this right animals allowed you chickens you go you run around you be you be free unlocked i'll tell you a move you can yeah you can go through there come on go be free chickens be free sort of sort of i mean you know within reason if you want to go in and uh and lay some eggs you go right ahead i'm gonna also put in a critter door right there okay lots of rooms over here it's not they don't like it it's not the prettiest stuff for them once you get the rocks pulled out it'll be it'll be fine uh it's gonna be some more logs drop those trees down um hey it's fine any mushrooms over here mushrooms yeah a couple are we doing ideas we we getting there now uh oh toilets okay a dough table a butter churn a current yeah all kinds of good stuff is gonna be in my kitchen which will make one of these years lots of bricks laying around which we won't really need anymore because we're doing this also need floors though uh and we've got lots of bricks for those floors i wish i could select select i probably can can i select what goes up up here what's that gear do for me bookmark hey look at that what a handy game it has all the things uh i can't put yeah i can but yeah put those up there too uh ironing it's already there what a handy game just has anything i want [Music] okay those are great uh let's go get floors and we got 100 bricks let's break this place up we're gonna break the bedrooms for sure whoops floors there brick the floors over here and over here these are our bedrooms did we just break everything stone makes more sense because there's lots of stones just laying around so we'll stone we'll stone the hallways there we go there's an animal door right there yeah look at these guys moved out of these uh these um slums i've got over here nails i need all i just need iron and it's it's happening it's just happening too slow i need another one of these this is a bloomer maybe like two more of these things this bloomery corner over here there we go bloomery land we've got 300 iron laying around so it's not a problem and it doesn't take to make them like 10 charcoal which i'm short on that it's happening it's just you know takes charcoal time those needs bricks of course we need nails some things um [Music] those milky way looking like milk chicken maybe chicken milk i'd had some chicken milk probably tastes pretty good it might taste a little foul though i'm sorry here let's do this uh let's go put in a tilled soil and get some more bushes over here more berry bushes in my kitchen i'm gonna get a wall that's gonna come up here and around and we'll have a whole big old kitchen i'm assuming we need some sort of dining area and so i think i'm going to build this out into dining land at some point like that and that will have sort of like a main a main hall here that will build out with chairs and tables and things [Music] okay more bricks things crank it up i wish i could find a way of doing it i mean i guess we can okay like we have a torch in here that's what some sort of light i need i need i need more i need candles doesn't give me light without without burning the whole place down which is those candles are gonna do completely do that but they mostly do that is that iron axe oh it made an iron axe look at that there's some iron shears swinging some wool from livestock which we don't have uh oh someone here drop secret yeah yeah you're hired i need a stone for each one of these don't i maybe i should do it out of something else oh we got bloomer number two going so that's good and if every bloomery takes the same job so let me [Music] okay there's charcoal land and it wants clay oh i'm out of clay that happen i had so much okay oh there's some manure here now the manure basket though is that where it stays did i build that there a bathtub okay yeah this is where we need we make like a bathroom oh because we're gonna have toilets and things aren't way so we can yeah yeah um that was in base it needs bathtub set up a room like on the side over here let's do that past the blue marie [Music] is the bathroom bathtub um just passed him hey laughing bluffing through how early access does this game feel right now i mean i i i saw this third of my flight third time i played i played the demo like a year ago i played the beta i think two months ago and now we've got four release and here we are at two and a half hours playing and we are um we're getting we're getting through it there's the rest of the stuff there we haven't we haven't seen anything about anything with the clans really i guess we can just trade with them as it is if we go like oh can i can i buy some eggs from you [Music] mcdougall buys these things google sells these things to conquer or die we'll stay away from them uh so it seems like the colonies like the basic colony sim stuff seems seems there um the stuff outside of that like the clan stuff or the uh any any late game stuff i'm not entirely sure we haven't got there yet but it's i'm not sure what where would go so i don't know those let's grab some berries [Music] the ui seems something all that the only thing i don't like is is i always right click to take things off my cursor and then it closes on my windows but on the other hand the right click out of things it's kind of nice [Music] so short answer i don't have an answer for you let's plant some bushes right there it's raining again we need berries but we're going to pick some in a minute we'll plant those uh this doesn't like being wet oh i didn't ever notice that let's move that inside then put that over there um i have all this stuff though that kind of goes with it we'll leave it right here yeah we're kind of clear we'll move this stuff over this way stay away from that that torch there trouble has arrived uh yeah you can come on and uh stay and what is this makes me need uh oh we can do masonry now and cut some rocks yeah this is a good place for this guy right here [Music] okay so now my bathtub what clay pit permanent place to shore on the shoreline to cut clay hey stone quarry also which doesn't have to go oh no [Music] put the quarry where my bathroom is bathtub there maybe maybe two bathtubs need nails how short am i short 75 nails [Music] what is that is oh my roof okay i should get these turned in oh yeah these are ready for rooms i don't know how to make a better bed we have sleeping mats and that's it so sure we'll get something soon [Music] that's look at there's plenty of rooms now for everyone we can we can you know well i guess we'll just leave out this leave it as it is because we can bring people in you know guests and all that even though i set this up as where is why is rory in that bed hey rory has clothes on good good so family only i'm not sure i i saw the store for this but i don't know i don't i didn't figure that out i guess he is the owner of this bed doesn't use it though right you know what rory you do whatever you want all right um you own oh maybe i didn't tell you to own the door i told your wife to own the door i didn't tell you you owned the door oh i didn't tell you to own the door and so that's why you couldn't get in and out okay i see uh livestock is sick when you eating bad berries or something he's ironing it's ethiopia as always the thing i'm short on here is we just need more more guests and more workers uh or trade if we can figure out a way of getting someone to come in here and give us some stuff i think i can buy berries from you i can sell you my axe for a lot of money they buy pigs how do i get pigs though hmm reputation we had a good good reputation with uh robertson glory is a reward of valor we're almost up to a star with him it gives us a better spawn chance of workers travelers or traders okay let's see we've got craydock i think i have any of this stuff for you i still have plenty of iron i don't need any of that and beak beak um one of my dnd characters names uh i will take um i'll take some eggs they like that and i will sell you i'm going to sell you a couple planks i'm going to sell you some some flaxseed and i think i have a lot of stone i have a ton of stones there you go you can have a ton of stones to give me a little cash yeah i keep my planks okay uh you guys both get out of here there you go uh we'll eat some eggs up uh we more branches i thought yeah i usually use this already let's go grab some branches stone blocks unlocked which means we got this guy done sure we'll mix we'll make a couple blocks he'll unlock some things eel's still looking okay we have we have mushrooms around uh i did have a thing i didn't think i ever put it out was the mushroom drying thing hammering away cobblestone floors um the meat smoker i didn't put in yet okay chops more trees down i'm spitting those fires out there cobblestone floors is that gonna be any any more worthwhile stone block walls we can make those now so a cobblestone floor is an eight and eight it's even oh no not quite as good as a brick one block and ten clay makes that thing and that actually is is not bad try to keep it looking okay here we'll just do that for now it'll look great i'm sure uh i probably need some beds in here sorry doors wood doors 12 pink 12 flanks 20 nails people would love to look at it but i would love to build it okay and you're making planks yep like catherine's in here but we need more i don't know if we can get more more people more workers i need more babies we have no babies however maybe it takes time for babies to happen maybe people are pregnant it's just not happening yet turtle head i need to use it to use the bathroom now and diarrhea why would you been eating that's the some kind of turtle head you want okay catherine welcome to the welcome to the fort ooh we got straw ooh fancy beds fancy beds oh yeah make me some of those uh let's put one of those in right there unlike a fishing spot okay okay okay um we have a toilet as well chamber pot goes in the hole comes out full of prizes i'm not sure we put it in here with the bathtub is but we're gonna that's how it works in my house so i assume that's how it's supposed to work uh the well what'd it say about freezing good source of fresh water does does not freeze in the winter okay [Music] i can go there where's that fishing zone a taylor bench is now ready i don't know i'm out of room now i'm out of space am i supposed to put my bench now what if i should get rid of the clothing spot there uh i'll stay there for now we can move it later on um see supply shelf oh henry's and they're bathing [Music] pantry shelves okay oh big too big i can't well if we can grab the other stuff if we can reach it maybe we can i don't think it would let me build there if it wouldn't fit try it and then [Music] where's that fishing food maybe a fishing spot [Music] i know fishing spot was there is it stock stock no [Music] what do you suppose that fishing stock fishing spot would be gonna be in objects hunting ah fishing spot [Music] let me walk out here like this let's put it um yeah what is that these nails as everything does i've got my clay pit down either so we'll set that in here a quarry i never made let's get our quarry set up [Music] okay loads of roof stuff over here any place need a roof that doesn't have it so dark and are you happy with it being dark in there you are mediocre about it being dark in there this is nice and green this is nothing uh i don't think i can put in a a window though there with stone window oh i can okay that that should fix it up a little bit more stone blocks i mean you need a whole bunch more okay that we need a ton of we need a ton of stone just in general we need an iron pick make a couple of those more planks we need a chamber pot of course for our toilets make two of those and we need lots of clay [Music] okay i think they can go through these corners here they must be able to get yeah they're here washing their hands i'm guessing they can get there and then we gotta go and mine and get some big rocks so i think we're just gonna go dig down here and we'll do like um we'll mine some of this okay [Music] i think of it as a dwarf fortress or rim world just leaning heavily on the survival and the nature side of of the game rather than outside attacks and bandits and things [Music] on ingots we've got 12 ingots that's something uh rocks large rocks are missing uh i wonder if i can trade for some large rocks i never saw those in there so these are what you'll give me i guess once we get friendly you'll give me some more things can i buy to unlock that no no look at the wrong spots so we could we should get we should do this so then we get a reputation with robertson so let's give them some wood ash it's not working i just click it [Music] smoked meat wait wait oh it beats back okay so roderick wants to work go ahead um beak and archibald so beak is from robertson so we're going to trade with him uh i will buy something cheap flax sheath i'm out of hay so i'll buy some hay from you does that put us up to a good reputation i'll buy some of that too i'll buy them all cheap enough and then i'm gonna give you [Music] oh nothing some wood ash which wood ash do i have i have 160. now does that put us in were we buddies now no i bought all this stuff from you we should be buddies i saw some of that uh i can't i can't sell this other stuff is important stuff [Music] okay all my wood ash is gone leave archibald you are from douglas clan so i'll buy the logs and i'll sell you a nothing [Music] maybe wait until he gets back because nothing has changed so maybe when he gets back though we'll get a a boost i'm assuming that'll unlock new things yeah basis right there so we get three new things that we can that we can buy from them once we make buddies okay so we have enough rocks now rory with us with his new clothes now is is working on that uh i need loads and loads of nails and i probably should set up nails as a job and just keep 50 of them 60 of them around at all times we always need nails if i need 113 nails uh and then ingots of course are always needed but that is just happening bricks for that which come from here which are happening i set this with more let's have more than let's get 200 bricks trader has arrived archibold is back you were just you were just here i'll buy your berries speaking of berries let's do a quick berry run they're all worth basics there's a bunch over here oh it's fall maybe they're not maybe they're not oh no berries this is fall we need to stock up on food we're gonna die if we don't mushrooms or some mushrooms let's get some mushrooms yeah winter is winter is almost here it's the fourth day we don't have long um make me some of that get some branches um yeah do that and then we'll go pick up some branches no branches on these trees okay [Music] uh what do we do about food oh a straw double bed ah that's how you make babies i betcha dirty in here uh let's let's get rid of these beds put a fancy bed in there high mood and privacy may trigger a surprise ah you have to have a bigger bed to make babies of course what was i thinking i'm here let's do that with uh in here too here we go big stones again so what are we doing with we gotta run out of food we got a lot of eels i should bump that up probably uh where's my here we go cook deal i wanted to be at 80 and then uh and then cooked meat will go even higher than that 50. and then i'm gonna up these guys to grab it um 15 at each one i think it already is a 15. that one's not how what am i saying here um a lot of my life right because we're just supposed to be grabbing these things i'm gonna crank it up though and say let's keep 200 in just get eels because when winter hits we don't have eels my bushes are all dying because it's fall what do we eat what are we going to eat [Music] bunnies can eat bunnies [Music] that's happy music for all this bunny hunting we're doing should have some more meat coming in because we've got traps set up out there [Music] berries are up there cooked meat is up there and there's nothing smoked meat also is nothing lots of mushrooms doesn't really feed us though those eggs are good good eating more sticks do it this way we need um for clayton stone cory and we need [Music] we need to make a little water jug okay now that's we don't have any raw meat but we should get some real soon uh what do you need to get made i think you have everything uh i need the nails and things and our chickens are just having a rough day i feel like i might gotta do something wrong with the chickens like oh maybe chickens need water maybe they need to be next to water i thought i didn't even think about that chickens like water um i don't know how to we could let them out chickens don't necessarily have to be cooped up we can put a a gate they can walk out this gate no water no care no health and has died of thirst all right all right we will try to save our chickens can we eat the chicken now hopefully you know chicken's all killed off uh sticks are coming in here this is this is making them here we got 60 coming in in seconds i'll put that up front [Music] he's diseased as well death store you're you're important chicken very important you too real real important get that wall done somebody i only iron ore out i'm gonna try to keep this somewhat organized there's a lot of iron in here let me put walls up uh margaret wants to join us but we don't have any money or uh yeah margaret so margaret i get out everyone's leaving because we got a money can't pay anybody need a plank i'm turning my planks all into branches ash wash it's going to be a clothing thing ah so dry hides prepare them for scraping mark wash hide scraper okay uh oh a bread oven ah hey hey hey that's gonna give us um oh and a butter churn uh yeah that's that's where our food's gonna come in we should do that quickly dough table okay so we put it all out here food we want so we gotta grab grain in the flour and then dough and then bread oven okay we make bowls we can all fit all this in here serving table isn't supposed to get wet i don't know where all this stuff that that was my kern dough table put next to let's see if i'm going to wall there there and then the bread oven is going to go this won't spark surely not there hmm ruining my my plans here and we're just short on everything i just don't have enough workers hey 55 how is it going make a bowl okay so let's go get some branches trader comes in we'll we'll sell as much as we can a dad joke so you know this is medieval so it's um and i got an appropriate for you appropriate one for you so there was once a king who was just 12 inches tall it was a terrible king but you know where this is going he was a great ruler [Music] not as good as the billy joel one from early on but they can't all be billy joel hits uh log man you're making them we just got it what is that is those are those mushrooms ah mushrooms lots of mushrooms over there hey lots of mushrooms oh it's fall mushrooms like the fall chose custom start create eight man babies age them up delete the four worst get away from i really want to see baby making i don't want to see it but i i want to i want to acknowledge that it happens what's oh oh we got a window in here too um i want to make sure that this is is owned by you um so this is your your bed your door [Music] you can get rid of this one you don't sleep over there anymore you sleep in the fancy place and then your husband rory who's taking care of the baby right now is also going to go over here he already owns the bed yeah okay so the two of you uh do what you do and um we'll be rooting for you mushroom rack can go right in there i suppose this kitchen could should probably have a door and those crows are just noisy we need another another chamber pot not a cookie jar i said i missed that before did you know the dwarfism is a growing problem around the world oh man oh man i make all these i have workbench uh we have oh the taylor bench is up now which does it does do the same thing as this guy so there's no reason for this so i'm gonna delete this one and we'll move this guy over there the king you mentioned really liked citrus fruits so much that he got painting commissioned with them that combined with the unusual size meant that the artistic style came to be known as fruit by the foot excellent excellent you had to stretch a little bit with that one is that what yeah i guess you had to peel that one away is that the term peel i'm sorry [Music] good stuff [Music] uh maybe some more twine please and give me you know those those manure baskets like leave them out in fields i guess and you don't want to get a manure basket wet because then it's a a wet manure basket and that's no good okay there we go apparently it's cold oh it's cold is it what's going on oh the baby [Music] so it's oh it's very cold we should put some doors on here then can i get like a those are both small i suppose double doors there oh what's what's what is that why can't i put him there oh it has to be by the wall or something wham all right stick a wall there only the files for me thanks masterless thank you [Music] so it should be it should get warmer once this gets done it should get warmer because this is all inside i mean those windows that's the temperature is five and i guess this is all outside right now is it any different inside here oh yeah yeah not by much it's eight in there yeah a little bit can't fire in here what else can we do we could put in put in a torch but it's gonna catch fire we're all gonna die in the wintertime uh i didn't do a butter churn no i don't eat milk no point [Music] textile shelf and a wardrobe [Music] fertilizer map let's see it's just that am i is is good in most places it seems like there's like three metrics there's good neutral and bad so there's a temperature overlay which doesn't seem to show us anything [Music] other than warm bodies i should put these i guess i should put my farms next to that well i didn't think about that but that would make sense [Music] a big bunk room is that well is it okay do they want to be they want their alone time i'm hoping that oh yeah it's happening so it's it's eight degrees inside it's well it said ten oh it's ten just over the fire [Music] these planks a plank man have wood oh traders are here okay uh job seeker uh i don't have money for you but i will in a second uh we're gonna get some jobs here a second do they like me anymore do they they get a level up i still short what do i what do i gotta do [Music] maybe if i sell you things that'll make you happy i'll sell you an act or something [Music] make a baby need a private room okay okay so andro is here andro is part of mckinsey i don't have anything to give you i'm thinking about giving you my chickens but i think they're they look like they're healthy now so we'll give them you were from madugo is that who who we're friends with no we're from robertson i don't really care for us so we'll just trade if we if we see what we need which we do we want those actually got some nails finally want some stones do you well i got lots of stones okay let me go and buy your raw eels so i can get a little bit of stockpile going because it's about to get real cold um that's it i've got some iron i don't think i need to buy that yeah beat it uh with my 191 bucks i'm gonna go ahead and buy um oh never mind i will not buy you this is telling me uh oh some flax fibers sure is fishing thing done it needs uh nails and twine iron and my money didn't just be safe to hire workers and join the colony eventually it says oh they do uh eventually join okay i was wondering about that surely there's some way of getting outsiders to come in we got 10 days worth of food now uh which is good because when winter time hits where those eels shut down ah excellent it's no no never mind how do i see the temperature inside here that's it right it says still says outside temperature but we're not outside room temperature is because i'm it's because i'm in a mountain that i did i do um if i do this oh well i couldn't i could do it we got some of these we'll use them maybe not there you go battle that'll fix that hole in the roof i put it put the damper on the old uh the old heat heat loss okay looks like we're finally getting caught up there we got 27 ingots now and we got 67 nails so finally the iron's been caught up uh the kitchen is working now i'm assuming works a lot faster than this guy so i think i'm going to turn this guy maybe we'll leave it on for now but as soon as when it hits we'll turn that fire off i think and let the kitchen just do the job and it might be good idea actually to put a hole in here to keep the warmth cruising in through this this somehow [Music] much mushroom drying rack stockpile for winter okay okay grab them all in the in the fall and then stock that makes sense you know one of these these tool racks [Music] now hold off on that until we get some things done serving table we got mushrooms and a green eel here this should be where we this is like our we don't have tables and chairs though do we yet anyway dish rack oh for our bowl dishwasher i'm guessing we're about to get there andrew the trader uh or the traveler is here [Music] i want like yeah 400 clay is fine grab that this room is empty now and i don't know what to do with that we have plenty of storage this is my sort of my um oh look there's a well um this i could put like a pantry more pantry things in there bowls and stuff and turn this or maybe open this up and turn it into a bigger food stockpile and everything oh yeah good idea christina traveler sure you can stay in shiak you can stay as well um what floor do we unlock we lost fancy wood floors um yeah so we can put in things like the uh the the food thing could go in here and all just all the food stores can go in we're gonna go eat hop in there remove a wall there and we can just share all that i think we do that cut that one out and that one and we'll just you know we'll just use it as a um as a big uh big storehouse see it's gold thanks again for hanging out adjective from metal is metallic but not for iron which is ironic perfect that's a good one i like that one uh oops i thought it wasn't built yet so that is unlocked yeah it won't go anywhere i guess i want a lot of people like if i want to have a food supply that my visitors don't get into then we do that hey i have all that you know chamber pot where's our chamber pots going are we like these like one time use what's going on here can i i need a i need a way of of just like mask mass uh um some of these roof tiles bump the priority up on all of them because i need this done before it gets too cold i have it's if i didn't have the materials it yelled at me so i've got that's all right there i got them hope we get that roof done quick cold everywhere what do we do for the cold it's like it's not much problem there's no problem putting in some torches here nothing going to burn here because it's all um stone maybe that'll help lots of iron in here oh spinning wheel [Music] don't start by watering your warm rooms they will turn to ice and freeze those rooms only have a tiny stockpile for melting near fire okay water stockpiled outside should i i should i should keep it like here or should i keep it in here with the kitchen my kitchen is full work really well uh am i still working out here yeah they're still out there bricks trader is here uh i yeah i think i'm gonna buy your stuff and 50 for 20 bucks isn't a very good deal but one axe for 125 that sounds like a deal i can make another axe yeah i'll do that and i can always chop trees so we're good on we're good on wood okay uh una you go you go okay we'll make another axe easy enough blank man slow man need a cold mountain room for food storage for winter oh that that kind of stuff matters in here i did not expect that i didn't expect that to be a thing what happened what happened somebody likes us i saw a blink down there something this is something happened but i missed it my eggs getting rotten pulled my eggs away those eggs out of here thank you that water from lakes uh ice sucks can be melted in cooking fires or warm rooms interesting that that is um a thing chambers are all full and they shouldn't be here they should be up in the the dump area which is full food spoils if it's frozen oh that's bad okay so do we want to have like it's like a torch in there why does food spoil when it's frozen [Music] without burning everything down oh food suppose if not frozen sorry i didn't read that so that's fine so that's good so nevermind i should read better so it's fine to have that in this little because it's gonna be cold now [Music] [Music] [Music] so need um these roof support uh it had a second ago i know what it means like a pillar one wide row of rotten or fertilizer in between two times rows of crops okay so i can put my my yeah my nasty stuff should go in the middle um or probably over here because it's probably fertilized well over here now yeah we should move this stuff over that way ah it's not gonna work is there is it move that stick it right there it's cold outside how do i get them to build that faster um my builder is henry henry build more he loves to build he's a level 12 of 14 building little henry good get to work henry jason tells game fertilizer from the rotten stockpile okay so yeah this would be good spot for our farm in the spring 18 we've got two more days until winter hits do we get like snow on the ground i hope so look at all the mushrooms mushrooms everywhere uh is that a job here how do you drive just use the rack so we should set up like a whole drying rack room now does that drying rack room need to be warm or any or does it just need to be i mean i guess inside here i'm just going to be fine this is all iron we should just mine all this out um i'll just set it over here so let's get some oh is it cooking mushroom racks try that get some planks we need planks always we always need planks who does this job this is a craft job let's bump it up give me those planks what's going on why aren't you going in there rory what's going on why is he why is he just standing there a little fishy that happened before working on the fireplace you're working on yeah there we go same as everything else so let's make sure we get those eels cooked quickly there's our mushroom rack let's get some uh trees chopped branches grabbed branches are all ways away now always short on branches we've unlocked dried mushrooms okay um is that anything we do with that oh fat okay uh yeah yeah uh let's see i want to make just give me a like 200 dried mushrooms and then we just this this will dry and then we gotta store it somewhere i get i see how i said i had that wrong that and then we want just like a um a mushroom i was thinking that's where you dry them and then you put them in a shelf food shelf that can we please get this done is my uh which one was my my fixer henry what's he working on okay and go wash up well that's kind of slow walking there what if we should we should let's clear that out can we put in a floor it's like a mulch floor right there no i can't okay uh christine is is starving because there's something fishy going on here and i don't know what it is [Music] i told you i gave you a room and then now things are confusing i should go in and actually go in and eat now are you gonna move now whoops i know what's going on there another workbench which is which is the same is as that so actually i guess i should put that up there uh i can do that let's let's remove this one let's move that bench up there i might actually i might just leave it where it is done down here it's not bad spot traveler uh yeah i'll rent you out of bed lily can i have another trader from from robertson please so we've got 12 dried mushrooms i'm going to come out they're going to come in into this spot over here i guess there's there's water in here also my water um place food there we go these are technically indoors but actually it's actually colder in here than it is in there maybe we shouldn't be digging into the mountain this room is negative three to four degrees celsius but outside is zero maybe that's 12 in here because of the fire fire's nice um i guess i should put in a way of uh let's go to wall let's get rid of if we get rid of one of these balls here right those aren't walls it's cold maybe we should make some clothes how about some we probably have some fur around let's make some fur cloaks for tunics for hats day 19 we got one more one more day we make it uh lily oh gamer yes yeah yeah you do whatever try keep an eye on those uh the two that i won't make babies because they're they're uh they seem to be like getting stuck oh is this all oh it's all open now well that didn't work out like a few of them are roofed didn't work out at all [Music] well um [Music] here we go [Music] all right uh oh i can buy a cow from you huh ah i would like to buy a cow from you as a matter of fact mrs robertson yes please one cow please i will sell you because you're robertson [Music] planks do i have uh i'll s i don't give a thanks i'll sell you i'm to create any of this stuff that and i'm trying to push you over the top on reputation buddy because we're good buds all right fine i'll get rid of some of those and oh yeah it did open up oh no no i didn't yet okay so do it like right there maybe you need a reputation like them staying is what gives you reputation not the trading that makes sense uh oh a goat a nanny goat [Music] i'll buy your eels i'm gonna buy your goat [Music] okay uh you can go [Music] our goat is already in in there our cow and goat i mean and we can milk them now and we can make butter i'm not trying to join i'm trying to get uh reputation up because i'm i'm like right there with robertson once we've been at this at a sliver for a long time we've gone this whole time and we've yet to get a new a new villager i'll show what else we can do if i should come well i don't want to combine these rooms but we can combine maybe this whole area here and then we can put a torch into it that'll keep it warm so at least this is all one big sort of dorm room um door there just need to put a door uh right here and there actually doesn't need a door we just remove that [Music] and then what i'm thinking of doing is just putting a torch in here somewhere something to hopefully not burn the place down hopefully that's far enough away and it won't burn stuff and we'll put one there that way it'll be nice heat so in the dorm area it'll be nice and warm uh i can expand this one also so they'll they'll freeze look at all them mushrooms i have no mushrooms we should grab some mushrooms there's a ton of them out here mushroom time my cow is out cruising around [Music] yeah get all the mushrooms we went from zero to see how many we can get out of this we got still only a 12 dried ones what how many mushrooms they rock they rot yeah there's 12 dried mushrooms and they are rotten these last a lot longer it says must have gotten wet oh yeah [Music] meat smoker uh yeah make me some smoked meat [Music] [Music] getting there but until we get this roof done [Music] is there a faster way to increase priority [Music] three is i haven't seen it [Music] these up my couple's in there freezing good make some uh warmth oh we got a baby chick so the uh the chickens have the idea down they understand how this works [Music] okay we need uh oh boy what is it no [Music] okay those are fine we're out of meat but we need more branches yeah we'll clear some trees out we'll just clear out let's go over here okay uh i think we have one more day of fall and then we hit winter time [Music] oh here comes the snow [Music] it's cold outside you know what we should do we should build a roof who else likes to build you do why don't you you're not going to be farming right now so build right now [Music] more charcoal uh we need lots of raw meat oh we got milk we have milk out there yeah just put that in inside somewhere uh where was the there was what what was a pantry shelf hold supposed to figure it out rebecca is here rebecca you may work and a traitor is here who who is this lawrence how many logs do i have i got i can decent amount of logs i will take your berries though uh no i'll take your logs so we needed those a minute ago [Music] [Music] it's getting there it's getting there good job rory cold temperatures are coming so our this food area will freeze just fine and this one will not which is okay oh those dried mushrooms need to get out of here mushrooms on the rack there uh these aren't being built probably okay what does that need it needs raw meat i'm going to say instead instead of that job just um oops just gonna tell you just yeah auto supply just when you get meat smoke it was that is that the baby chicken oh it's a fertile egg hey hey we'll become a chick if kept warm yeah you're right yeah okay uh so we got one more spot here that needs to get filled in and then i think that's it i think we're sealed off then that little area there that corner seems to count as a different room though that saying he needs his water water is frozen um so we should set put you in here so you can use the water as like a um a jug pallet full of water and if you freeze it you basically make it that's how you make a freezer i mean it's gonna be frozen first though does it do anything else other than that do you want to have that i'm not quite following that i guess i got one more i see one more um roof here right there those animals are warm 12 degrees in there one more place up okay it is now a room so we'll see if if this uh warms up the place right now it's colder than it's outside it's getting colder let's torch on but it's getting colder is it just because i'm in a mountain and it just thinks that it's going to be cold because these are actually warm uh clothes thanks for following so it's it's rising negative three but rising uh traveler yeah it's nails we should have them set up yeah mountains cold well that's that's silly nice and warm out here in these beds so that's okay they can still sleep in the beds if they want to be warm rachel why are you in there here i'm shivering sleep in the other room then [Laughter] they're all going to die because it's like so warm or so cold i don't know what to do what do you do um move the animals with me with you i guess what i would do maybe and well the animal room's super warm uh where's the animal mat at it's on basic needs farming right it's wintertime yeah the animals can come in here and warm you guys up keep them away from torches here we go um i'll leave those there but there's more animals maybe some will hang out in there okay welcome to winner oh it's getting white oh nice cool where's my temperature gauge there it is it's cold for that fire right there i suppose we could put that yeah look how warm it is in a little animal hut i suppose we could put yeah we gotta put the animals in here i guess even that torch doesn't do anything we can move the campfire into the bedroom but it still doesn't do much it's 10 degrees there but just outside it's not 10 degrees it's just a one square so that ain't doing us any good i think we ignored someone some water jugs yeah they see our going to the fire to warm up hey kirsten is now an adult hey all right that's nice it's cold outside oh yeah that golden but yeah learn my lesson uh build indoors and leave the animals look at nine degrees in there they leave the animals nearby um i think we just move them i kind of heat the room it might ruin my um i might ruin my egg in here just do that this thing's getting destroyed by you moving in here they're falling apart and that's raining uh where's my cow at well i can't really yeah they'll they'll move the egg will hopefully get moved on its own it's gonna get cold in there because animal beds don't move very well here they come almost up cow that one's good for eating not sure how to take how to um move this guy i get 95 of stuff that i play i get for free okay occasionally i'll buy one but usually usually i get it free i don't think i wouldn't be able to afford to do this if i had to buy if all the games that i play okay there we go it's it's it's one degree negative one outside it is getting colder inside nevermind 12 here in a little kitchen but it's just that little area there find a good idea with this roof gone oh yeah we got the stuff this current all that stuff done i never mess with it uh where is it there it is [Music] we don't even know what you do we don't know how to make what do i grow with it flax i need to buy the oats or something i'm gonna forget these all right we had 100 ingots never thought i'd see the day um come on in malcolm are we there yet nope i've gone the wrong way wasn't what was mine's 100 for what maybe maybe you invited malcolm in and malcolm was mad because it was a terrible place am i something to do with it it's my temperature overlay here still cold minus six in this little area animals ain't doing it it's too big now minus minus 10 in that room okay i'm surprised people are still alive oh it's not bad i mean it's not that's not stupid cold but it's pretty cold it's funny it gives a windchill i don't know if i ever played a game that had a windshield in there now these are different folks making this one why is there all why is there a hole right there you need a pillar there or something yeah negative 16. now it's getting stupid cold uh this is outside because that's gone uh oh that door's not done can we make that hey baby chicken cow you need to get inside and keep this place warm for us a lot of folks are out here which is so cold but not as cold i just looked at the clock and it is well past my bedtime so i think we're gonna wrap it up here so let's do that something's going on fishy with this i'm not quite getting why they aren't leaving the rooms unless i tell them to go somewhere anyway there's a good place to call it a day we made it we made it to winter i don't know if we're gonna survive all the way through winter uh how are you looking on health-wise a little low on sleep uh health where's hell fats health oh a hundred percent oh everyone's fine you're not so high but some of you are fine that comes all right yeah i mean he's 100 they're fine they're fine we've got like we got fur hats and things and they're scotsman and scott's ladies they're fine they're fine hey pokey jigs sorry pokey jakes it is well past my bedtime and i need to call it a day so i'm gonna do that so let's go ahead and save uh here and let's let's call it a day oh i just saw a thing pop up there i said uh sparks can't root reach moves um so answer that question there you go there's clan folk medieval colonies him uh it's it's sort of room world surviving survival room world scottish highland style would you say you got off scot-free too late for jokes like that all right i gotta get out of here before the um before the dead joke alarm goes off anyway thanks for hanging out uh i'll be back here tomorrow night and we will play uh we'll probably play some tour fortress because of that music that music has me um itching to uh strike the earth i don't know i got all kinds of things to play uh we've got keep rl updates we've got uh on just lots of stuff lots of stuff
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 46,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clanfolk game, Clanfolk gameplay, Clanfolk steam, Clanfolk, colony sim, base building, medieval, Scottish highlands, hooded horse, MinMax Games, survival, strategy, gameplay, simulation game, colony, village
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 48sec (14148 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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