Necromancer's Rise #1 - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (The Old Realm)

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hello everybody my name is frederickson welcome to the necromancer we're going to be trying out the odd realm update for bandlord which is pretty cool mob which is based on the warhammer setting so we've got our at the moment at least we've got a bunch of humans which is all these factions over here and we got some crazy vampire zombie necromancer faction which looks absolutely terrifying would you mess with this man alleyway no he literally clipped his armor into his eye and he doesn't even care that's how badass man is now i did a quick vote before we actually started this off we actually be playing as a necromancer named frank uh or i guess his surname is frank einstein but it's fine uh now this mod actually adds in magic everybody we can literally become a wizard harry would be very proud of us so um i actually as as we all playing necromancer we can actually already do some cool stuff like i can actually just summon zombies i just summon zombies into the game like midway through battle it's pretty awesome so um we're gonna be trying we're gonna be playing around with this we're gonna see how it goes uh hopefully i won't die right away that's always a good thing uh we can try and survive there is i've played this for like an hour to make sure i didn't crash but i don't really know what i'm doing so you have to bear with me everybody but we'll be fine we'll be fine so first things first let's actually try and get a battle going shall we so we can see the wonders of magic let's should we call these guys maybe there's quite a lot of them i'm not sure if it's a good idea or not ah it'll be fine let's take these guys down these guys i think are just looters um which may actually be worse than fighting like low level units let's see okay if i press q i become a magician and if i press click click i can summon zombies or skeletons in this case to my cause which is pretty awesome i can do this quite a few times by the way wait follow me guys follow me run away bravely we haven't got enough man yet follow me as i hold these flames in my hands so if you look at the bottom left we actually got a raise the dead spell and like a bunch of different icons so i think 34 on the top means we've got 34 magic points and the four below means how much it's gonna cost me to summon it each time so i can't just infinitely summon skeletons there is a limit uh but at least right now i've only got one spell and i can only summon zombies oh sorry skeletons so what we're gonna do we're gonna give it a few more seconds we're gonna spawn in another squad we need more skeletons friends come with me now i'm not just going to be a magician the whole time necromancer i'm going to fight as well don't worry does that i need to be very careful about not dying because if i die i can't summon more skeletons so okay i think it's any time we back off a little bit more and we'll start attacking skeletons are you ready well i love how they've actually added in these really cool skeletons i think at night their eyes glow but don't quote me on that one okay my friends get ready get ready get ready and engage oh we've got a cool banner wait how do i summon a banner that wasn't part of the spell i'm overcaught i'm not over considering myself here can we just point out how bad this weapon is it's barely doing anything oh be careful be careful frank get out of there so as you can probably tell the skeletons are not the most amazing fighters in the world but i can just keep summoning them so it's fine you thought i was alone before now i'm pretty sure but unfortunately for me i can't just stay in a mission there's continuing summer stuff because uh these guys d spawn i think after the battle so um it's a little bit sad but at least we get some help right we get some a few friends here they're really well like look at look how cool they look i like their little clanging noise they have as well good job good and it's good job 100 loot i'm not surprised cool i'm pretty well uh oh so as a necromancer i don't quote you on this one i'm just going off like random stuff i think i know but it probably isn't 100 correct if i win a battle as a necromancer i can sometimes just summon people so it's kind of like i guess like that if i just kill those guys i will get summons so that these guys are not summoned in these are proper skeletons so they got their own skill tree for some i don't ask don't ask me why this is a bug or something but it goes into the same skill tree you can go from skeleton to swordsman to spearman then it goes down the champion champion it's exactly the same thing twice but as you can see they're going to like some really crazy looking guys like this guy looks absolutely terrifying i would not mess with this man and you also have like spirits that look pretty cool to me i don't know why it's so light blue is it maybe like see-through or something but i think it was pretty awesome i mean look at this guy he's got like a weird crazy spectral ghost horse and he's got like a super reaper thing which is absolutely awesome so um yeah that's roaming and dead is this oh it's like a weird bad version i wonder if eventually they make this into a zombie they just haven't got around to it yet because undead suggests to me that it could also be a skeleton but maybe they make it into a zombie as well anyway we'll take those guys uh these guys are just regular dudes we're not actually gonna recruit them they're just they're just people they're just people what would be cool as well by the way i know this mod's very very new is if you catch a prison should be able to execute the prisons and turn them to zombies as well or like uh turn them into skeletons that'd be awesome just be like a really horrible person okay done apart from that let's get a cape capes are very very important i i kind of my character like very weedy because i feel like we are a necromancer but there's still fight and comment don't worry i feel like we want to get like a giant meso not amazement oh actually [Music] it'd be a lot better than what i'm using right now because you can't really stop maces as we know from previous experience if you get hit by a mage you're going to go down it's you can't really stop that i wonder if um they need to eat hopefully not i'm going to say hopefully not if the skeletons need to eat what are they eating it won't be olives that's for sure anyway so we're in the game i'm going to go over this way which is towards the vampires because i don't know if we really want to be friends with the humans also why is this here does anybody know why this is here is this a part of like a crazy super demon that like comes out the ground at some point in the law i have no idea let me know let me know anyway let's go over this way let's go to a cast is this castle or is this a city i'm going to say castle because no it's a city so this one has a lot of stuff in it um i but before i started playing it i did a um it's like a little what's it called um shader thing so it spawns in all the units this game has units all over the place if i just go into them quickly go to troops can we see a griffin knight no is it because i can't spell griffin that could be why basically there's a lot of stuff in this model you can go from like really cool or we've already seen these ones damn it i clipped on a random thing and it was the one we've already seen that's just me in general wasn't it nope wrong one hell night no wrong one again i just want to show off different types of troops but no i can't do it i'm sorry everybody i'm too stupid ah this sounds good this sounds good there you go you kind of like a skilled tree of or like a troop tree of vampires whose skills are pretty low i gotta say i don't know why they're so low but i feel like they would be a lot better at fighting but these guys it's absolutely terrifying uh vampire look at this guy he does have a really good sword though but really bad armor really really bad arm yes there's a lot of cool stuff in this i i especially like how the humans are not just humans they have or they are humans but they have like um some stuff as well like let me trim it quickly i saw it earlier and it was really awesome if i go to if i go to empire of men that was it and we look at i think probably any of them have them no i'm wrong i'm wrong sorry there are literally griffins you can ride they look absolutely terrifying ah ah demi griffins look at this guy it's a it's a crazy griffin thing hopefully when eventually when uh i know they were playing do at some point when tellwell's adds mounts that can fight it you just peck people to death with this man that'd be absolutely amazing oh yeah this game's got loads of cool stuff like it's also like a weird gatling gun rivers uh thing on the end there's some cool stuff in the spot i'm not gonna lie some cool stuff anyway apart from that we're just gonna play around and do what we do best uh you can actually go to should we try it yeah we're gonna try it we're gonna try you can go to villages we can go to this one you can go to villages and you can um go to graveyards and try and summon uh like turn the bodies into skeletons and stuff so we're gonna do that i think this is like 10 or 20 of them which is crazy so we're going to try that it does for some reason is yet caught make people unhappy i'm not sure why i mean i feel like if my granddad was turned to a fighting skeleton that destroyed people at least he's got something to do right he must be pretty bored otherwise so we're gonna do this hopefully we get caught if you get caught oh no oh no no well we're now under attack in this graveyard which is not great um skeletons help me this is probably what i was doing i was telling people into skeletons i don't know why there's just random floating symbols are we playing the sims or something now red enemies over there why don't you guys follow me i'm being very cautious i'm not sure how good these summon skeletons are but i don't think they're that good at all later on let's see you can get like a grave guard spell which is like a level five unit which is pretty cool instead okay we got enough skeletons horde go go go wait guys why are we splitting up that's a terrible idea have you not seen the horror movies oh no oh no that hurt i don't know where it came from though people were just dying somewhere now we're not using any mods apart from this main mod so if i die i'm pretty sure it's just game over for us so we've got oh they're just stuck in a tree you fools i have a food stick oh run away oh i said i can't die you think you defeated my army you fall i can just keep summoning them it's very hard to see these enemies i'm not gonna lie oh my get me there do we lose all our good good skeletons i didn't lose any of them oh it's got its own little party that's pretty cool so we didn't lose any of our normal skeletons very nice okay so as i mentioned before i'm not really that worried about them being hostile to us the humans because we're a necromancer so they're not like us anyway so skeleton level up we're going to turn him into a swordsman i like how he goes from this to like this this is like oh i don't think i mess with this man look how like all the these look absolutely amazing i gotta say i don't know why i feel like the graphic fidelity of the base game our assets could be a lot higher because every mod i've seen that our assets are just way better uh not better sorry um i would say higher resolution kind of like maybe they need like a hd texture pack like uh skyrim and stuff does because these guys look absolutely look at the quality of this guy like compared to this i look like i'm a i'm like a potato this guy has like look at the textures in this are more than my entire outfit anyway sorry about that sorry i was but i was being killed by my spells being a necromancer is a tough life everybody you're also kidding yourself while doing it so just like that we survived and now i have 22 units because i've just gone and scummed a ridiculous amount of skeletons of course i am technically a criminal in this place but it's fine don't worry about it okay we're gonna go this chaos cultists we're gonna give it a shot i don't know how strong these people are oh they're stronger than me oh no what have i done what have i done it'd be fine so there's a way apparently that you can go and um talk to like a like a summoning dude and he lets you like learn new spells i don't know where that guy is so if anybody knows let me know uh and when we do that we can try and learn some of these new spells so i might be able to like cast magic bolt of people and just like blow them up from miles away it'd be pretty cool uh skeletons freeman these look like free men to you frank this guy has a i like how where did we get this from von carstenstein that's not who i'm with ah whatever we're just jumping they're gonna get yeah i guess we need more skeletons it's basically a bit overpowers you and i think it kind of is i'll just keep summoning people but imagine if these skeletons had maces that would be absolutely ridiculous okay we're gonna go for one more squad and we'll attack these callers now we know from the power ratings they're pretty good so hopefully they don't just completely destroy us oh let's go [Applause] i'll he's immediately killed like half the army oh no i am mason this is massive i'm pretty well oh we lost loads of skeletons though that's a bit sad already yes damn it it's hard we can do something more so a problem oh is it who are these oh it's like a variant of them they have wait a great or we can have reef river cavalry which looks terrifying though i gotta say as cool as these river cavalry are um great swords everybody great swords i don't think we can not have a greatsword that it needs to happen it needs to happen we also as these guys are evil we will also recruit them into our little army because more than merrier right we can get some crazy game i don't care about these people get rid of them i want to have chaos we must have chaos with us at all times get out my way okay wait i probably could have kept more of them should we just do this see how many people because the more troops you have the more people you can carry so we need more swords the death rate of these guys seem pretty high at the moment as well because they got skill of zero they just suck everybody they just suck they have literally nothing inside them um they got they got an okay sword though that's not that bad what about summon skeletons how could they they also completely suck well damn it everybody damn it okay let's press let's pray let's play the man his money do you know what that looks way better i'm we're winning we're winning oh i look more and more like a necromancer this is perfect we'll take oh shoes now we don't need shoes they're red okay done oh we lost so many units there okay so what i'm going to do is go to a nearby scatty town and we will sell the prison of oh look humans slow i oh no i'm so slow please wait he's running away it's fine this one that random imperial award saved us there is fine i'm not sure if they've made every place a village no city no they haven't this space is a castle i like i like the uh the scale though like these gigantic villages it always feels a bit weird in uh vandal where like the villages are tiny it feels like they're not even like a really a thing let's be careful here just be careful let's be careful so uh how this thing works apparently let's go back over here is it if i level myself up i can like get new skills and stuff also as well i think the more intelligence i have the more wins and magic i can hold inside me so we're gonna we have to try if we play in the game we ought to try and make sure we improve the intelligence as much as possible so in that situation i am going to be playing as like steward medicine and engineering we will also try and get myself something else as well actually what we should probably do um hmm athletics let's go back i want to be as fast as possible right now let's go for this more speed the better let's also get this one as well let's be here after combat as people know this is my probably one of my favorite perks because it means you haven't got to wait around do nothing for most of the games so always pretty handy we must get to the castle okay we made it uh i'm not going to go to the graveyard because i don't want to annoy the people that maybe my friends also it doesn't seem like there's much point in recruiting these guys because they only these are humans i guess that live inside the vampires territory their skill cap is pretty low it's like no point in recruiting these people so we'll leave that alone we're gonna just live off the uh the vampire urges uh let's see oh wait there's a companion here we can get we have to check them out we have to check them out let's just get rid of these outlaws also we should check as well who are these guys in so cultists they're actually pretty good but stats wise i don't know why the stats in this model are really weird though by lightweight if you i know it's a bit technical for me um i'll be very brief i'll be very i'm sorry i had to get out of my chest the maximum skill cap in the game is 350 for ai i think until they stop getting like better at fighting in terms of the actual fighting prowess a gap between 20 points is nothing it's just so bad it's not even like um that would be like oh i'm five percent better fighting than you no no no it needs to be way higher game uh developers needs to be way higher make the units different so just having them look the same uh sorry fight the same anyway apart from that if i go over to done we have to check out this guy i've only got a customs having as well which is pretty awesome this guy actually i remember that guy from warhammer look at how creepy this place is it's so weird there's just stuff everywhere i don't even know what most this stuff is i mean look there's like there's there's kilts hang up on the wall for some reason i have no idea why they're literally playing blood chests or whatever that is counters this man hasn't even this man's not even doing anything i don't even she's just insane she's just dancing by herself this place is absolutely terrifying i don't know why you would even be in here is there anything else around the back what's also in the back well if i was a developer there i put a jump scare like oh there's a zombie here but i know yeah i think that's really really cool so far anyway this is one of the companies we can hire uh unlike regular companions he looks like he's pretty scary i mean he's literally a vampire van vampire van van coming van van uh let me see i want to hire you you only cost 2 000 pounds excuse me we had the higher van the vampire if i just sell the random stuff i got in the game so far does that make it 2 000 pounds yes it does van i'm hiring you okay what do you do he does everything he's just generally a good guy you know he actually looks like he's being a noble vampire as well what i would love by the way is if you put his age down like seven thousands like crazy like that would be pretty cool like aged two billion years old he's easter evil what is he like professor xavier can you read people's minds regardless if he can we'd hire him because he can just read the minors or enemies it'd be perfect okay i'm going to hire you then and you're going to join me now i will this i don't know how long the series will be we'll see how long we can get we let's see how it goes there seems to be a lot of troops in this mod though so we can play it for a long time i think at least uh well like yeah pay for a little bit i've all out companions in the game though i feel like we may be a little bit more selective with it but we'll see we'll see because of course i had some paintings in the spiker series which unfortunately died horribly so i'll try and transfer at least william wallace over and i think someone uh preparing that was naked with a drake drake great sword so we're bringing that over as well but this guy looks pretty badass to me wait guys not just nikka's armor i can but i'm not going to do that because that's cheating everybody cheating's bad cheating is very bad but this guy has some insane armor oh he's mounted as well look at whoa look at this this horse is terrifying hmm i don't think i would mess with this guy imagine like being chased down wait wait wait wait is it a zombie horse how cool is that i've got to stop fanboy i love this kind of stuff this is this is the mods i want in bandlord everybody i want the world to change that should be a whole new world every time i go and play it'll be awesome so let's just try and get ourselves some more stuff going on maybe let's go and read some more caravans caravan sorry i mean just people oh wait cultures please leave me no okay look if you want to fight me i'll fight you it's fine also kind of this check i can't click on this or anything no i need to figure out where i can upgrade my magic battle because i had such a brain fart it was i literally just couldn't even talk anymore it's a big problem anyway despite that happening we have van vampire and i'm going to turn to a gonna stack go my friend become a hero well look at this there's a fort in the middle of this this is so cool there's a bell why am i excited about a bell i have don't i don't know can we go inside but uh screw the battle i'm gonna go exploring uh good luck out there van i'm sure you can take care wait they have some kind of magic there or something did you see like a blue like light appear well we have to investigate can van do magic we have to look over there what is going on if van can do magic this would be the most epic mod in the entire universe uh he's still not dead though which is even better than battle uh sorry base game because normally you would have been killed by a peasant by now the enemy's here but so is my skeleton horde van's doing a great job he's he's hacking it into life it's amazing okay these four courts like ah we may be slightly screwed if i can get some of their weapons if i keep hitting them oh that was a bit closer that big boy at the end there we've gotta move on good job everybody good job we lost quite a few schedules again though unfortunately but it is what it is guys stop you guys would be the worst stealth units ever it's like do you hear that sound what is it oh it's just some skeletons walking around oh there's like there's those are variants i love it look how cool this is damned warrior cursed company man ah this is so cool we'll take them we'll take wait when when am i being given when are you guys going to be recruited let me know oh it's going to take years it's going to take generations of course uh people like oh it seemed that pretty fast and spartacus i had that game on like four times conformity game if i if i didn't use mods everybody i literally would have to spend an entire episode worth just sitting in a room waiting for it to actually go up enough that i can actually recruit them uh yeah it's not very viable in base game let's put it that way anyway apart from that i'm pretty well but i think we need to get most of our guys at the moment at least from just no cultists please don't do it please stay back they we should have like formations that are different i'm saying wait where am i trying to go i'm trying to go this way aren't i i want to go and look at this this place waldenhoff this may be the capital i don't know where the capital the vampires is i actually have no idea what server actually thinking about it wouldn't it be the castle but maybe this is like where they were first like put down or something i don't know but i don't know much about this the series the the mod uh lore or anything so i apologize i'm just guessing at this point that's good don't attack me no no okay it's fine i just want to investigate this other castle so apparently i was looking at the mod descriptions and stuff apparently somewhere in this game there is i mentioned earlier there's a way i can increase my magic i don't know who or where to do that though so alright keep an eye out maybe it's something like the town center or something oh nergal i know nergal from um i think there's a lot of traders very recently in the game and also i know from warhammer 40k oh you look so cool man what is all this okay so these are workshops that is oh actually oh how cool is this this is probably the base game but i mean this is still pretty cool i was wondering if there might be a place is he just be walking around this the wizard necromancer dude maybe not no i don't think he is i will look up between episodes where i can go to get magic because i think it's quite important to know a witch king a white king wait really we have to investigate as well where is he what's that wait i feel like you are one of those people i'm talking about do you teach magic he's a companion what he wasn't on the thing though very weird wait so we can hire wizards to wizards to ai in the game use magic cause that'd be amazing there's an upper floor in this place he's so cool are you oh damn it i wish this game had more features that i could kick him off oh look at him he's so beautiful he's 2 000 pounds we have to buy him i think we're just going to get stacked up on a bunch of like companions i think right start i'm kind of confused why there's a celestial wizard in the middle of this vampire location um and also why he didn't appear on like the um the little display in the top right you know we have like oh there's these people here he wasn't there for some reason so i need to look up where i can get magic things that's what i'm confused about where can i upgrade my magics i thought this might have been it but never mind okay uh let me get out of it so i had to keep pausing this mutant i got like really bad hating at the moment i'm just dying from the environment it's a complete disaster anyway apart from me just being killed by hay let's move on shall we let's get these guys sold we have no we haven't got enough that's so sad oh well it's fine it's fine don't worry about it let's move on anyway okay let's go and see if we can just go to like raid some greys to get more troops and stuff again uh i'm sure i'm leveling up like the base game i am but as fortunately for me as i am playing base game without any mods like the kill sweep mod it's gonna be extremely slow level up forget around or anything already because the base game is grindy i thought i felt like you it's like you're playing in real time most times like yeah you want to do this you actually have to physically do it for years years on end okay so i'll go back over here is someone attacking this place i just saw like a weird rock fly over to it oh there's like a gigantic battle well while they're finding out i'm just gonna go and raid the corp shot again as that's the kind of person i am i got a cultist we may actually what i do i trip between episodes as well can i get the chaos suite model works and we haven't got to worry about this uh wait is this all we have in our army oh no van fetch that are you okay van are you okay buddy i must destroy this gravestone at least fancy if it wasn't a van we could have been in trouble there [Music] yeah i follow the girl like oh no this is one of the trip maybe it could only take so many troops into that battle also i should have thought about this at the time why have i not put van down as some kind of like leader or something because i feel like he can do something in my party all right let's go to clan party i am not going to be the scout he has no scouting fan that what the what what i can make him anything i want him to be that's really cool okay van you're gonna be like a superhero okay um he he will be the main scout i think so we give him loads of control i don't know wait wait what should we do what should we well i gotta think about this for a second he's got a one-handed sword he's cavalry okay we're gonna just make him insanely good at fighting i think we're gonna make him this guy absolutely crazy um i think we'll be more important is he getting jordan's up to max well let's just think about this for a second seven four four that might work seven four four there wasn't as that many skill points i was thinking actually i thought it was a lot i thought it was a lot more than it was uh let's give him max one handing skill max riding max athletics um what else would he need i think i don't think i'm gonna give him anything else i think he's happy just being himself with like a one-handed sword which is totally fine we give him max scouting and we'll also give him tactics if i make him like a dude later on uh once i do it i mean like if i make him like a party or something he could be pretty good there okay done uh there's a oh there's so many skills we're going for the ones he's using but i'm gonna know the rest um let me just go through this he's gonna be a cavalry capsule many ways so we'll just make sure we oh that could be pretty handy actually oh no yeah that's better that's better he doesn't even need most of these uh stats to be honest party the governor probably the governor both these most this is the thing is someone brought us out there they were playing star section like star-studded has a like fewer skills all those skills are extremely useful landlord has loads of perks but mostly useless it's like a complete opposite it's like there's too many skills they don't do anything why are they in the game okay so we'll go for these basic ones maneuvering um hit points yes speed definitely definitely speed and athletic as well we'll go for movement speed that one that one and that one done i'm gonna know the rest oh wait sorry tactics just because i can the rest is gonna be a naught okay i i've not got the time to go through all that it would drive me insane okay so let's make this man the scout van the scout good job van good job well like you doing great job there well so these vampire pies are screwed how are they this screwed i don't know how it's gone this badly can i just do it again by the way oh they hate me now they absolutely hate me is this a different town there i thought this is the same town let's go to another town how many zombies don't even get anywhere um loads of zombies i feel like the more zombies we get the better it's going to be because we can then just um just swamp people just absolutely swamp them there is it no i went here before this is where i was before they hate me here okay it's going to get harder as we go on i guess to actually get myself some skeletons because the town's going to be like we hate you sir though i've never been a criminal in bangalore i'm not sure if it like that's does the crime rating tick down over time i don't know i don't know ban attack okay while he's doing that i'm gonna go and investigate this tower we saw last time wait van where are you going there's no one over there bam what are you doing oh no i shouldn't have upgraded his skills now that i've done that he's just become a stupid bandlord ai well i can't even fix the photo because he's oh oh oh okay he's fine he's it's fine it's fine don't worry about it go and take care of the van we're gonna go and look in this in this tower okay we must witness the art of this game wait how do i get in can you get in i swear it was a door we saw last time if i just run past it like a complete idiot nope i found it it's fine let me just get ball scout let's keep summoning them as i go interesting were they following inside or are they too stupid and they aren't doing it follow me man we're going exploring there's some floating beds up here interesting and now we're on the top well that was uh wait can i do this ah ambush you fool i can't really help from up here though wait can i parkour wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait off i'm a ninja dude i actually did it i'm more surprised by my parkour than anything else to be honest at this point okay van you're a fan what are you doing i don't think they can pierce the armor on his horse it's too powerful what everyone's escaped maybe the uh maybe the idea of having like assets on the map was not the best because they're getting stuck on them what oh okay wait i've got a plan i've got a plan hello oh no he's free somebody help me somebody help me we survived we survived good job guys good job okay we lost seven hopefully we gained more than seven we gained five you know that's not that bad i'll take that i'll take that as a win okay cool i'm pretty well uh you guys upgrade again i don't think we're gonna survive though because as i mentioned earlier these skill different different the skill difference here is very pitiful so like this guy is pretty much the same as this guy this guy the difference here is gonna be the armor and the weapon not actually what their skills are because their skills are just awful uh actually this guy's okay this guy is actually like above average slightly but not by much but anyway apart from that uh apparently great people look the game's lying don't worry about it maybe we should sell some of these colders for money because that voice this is not going to go very well done liz are you going to attack me again oh i don't know if i can just kill peasants and makes them interested that's what i was saying about the prisoners you should make the prisoners into uh skeletons as well anyway so we're gonna run out a little bit uh i would love it if we it says insufficient level but i can learn a shadow blood skill shadow a shadowy orbs of blood fly towards this target staying in the ground beneath them every step of the way that's so cool or gays of nash sorry whatever a bolt of dark fly from the car says i what and what flesh they touch blackens and withers peeling away completely to reveal bleach white bone beneath what is going on in this game everybody this is mad oh look there's like a direct one where you can like someone on skin as uh corpses or maybe like you shoot a dude and he turned into like a a zombie or undead based on his level like a like a little one he can always fire what's the general magic anyway ward of arrow stuff sucks man why would i use any of this oh i can heals cars over 20 hp every that's okay i'll take it back that's amazing i need that let's go back to castle drakenhorf ungor dwarban i feel like i want to try and fight that but i don't know how strong they are remotely so i don't know if it's a good idea or not but what we do for now i think we're just trying to get more companions because they seem very very powerful uh there's a necromancer wait does he summon zombies in the battle do you reckon we have to we have to do we have to do it i am compelled to do it if i give so i get very excited i'm a very passionate person i can't help myself what have we got [Music] okay there's only three guys if we had like 20 necromancers companions and we go into a band we just spawned like a hundred skeletons it was like every 20 seconds hundreds of skeletons hitting just pop up from the ground we're hiring this man i don't care what anyone else says we're hiring this man where is he where is he sorry i'm not batman i keep forgetting um where is the necromancer i would love to are you around here somewhere no must be upstairs which i don't realize there wasn't upstairs last wait i ran some broken i don't care about you i care about wait van vampire wait i already hired you or is this a different van vampire are you somebody else or are you my guy captain i await orders if you buddy good for you okay where's the necromancer you're hired man you're hired i'm taking you with me i need this would be so cool i don't think it'd be in the game because like how they even make the ai do that but if it is a thing this would be epic so this guy has a item effect oh interesting but it does swing damage magical damage what i don't think he can summon skeletons though but we're going to give it a good shot okay we're going to make we're going to make wolverine and we're going to take him into battle and we're going to see what he does okay oh mate i can't wait if we fail i'll reload it so i just want to see what these guys are as well uh oh wait there's probably more likely for us as a seat over there let's get these guys i don't know who these guys are they may be like the most powerful guys in the universe i just don't know i don't know enough about warhammer i know there's rap men my experience of warhammer this warhammer is from playing vermintide and that's pretty much it do you summon zombies good sir i'm gonna go with no can you attack cut them down off he goes we'll see what happens we'll see if he's only good at fighting i feel like when they figure out how to get ai to summon magic as well it's going to be absolutely awesome uh dude there's a there's a hill there oh that looks pretty bad i think they're dead van kill somebody we know van's good fans got it fans got it going on he's good at what he does yeah i'm going to keep starting as we get closer though man we must go this way look at my zombie look at my skeleton horn i keep saying zombies i'm sorry everybody i just watched too many zombie movies i just can't help it we need more we need more [Music] oh the death there when they just came in and sort of wiped out wait i want to see you hit something hit something perform for me were you a waste of money or were you the most amazing thing i've ever done it didn't even kill the man i feel like we may have bought this man prematurely because i don't think ai could use magic so if it's sad if there is a way that you can use magic let me know in the comments because uh i would love it if they can if they can't we're we'll probably fire him and we get somebody else um but it'll be fine there's a flying shield here you can definitely tell it is warhammer because this looks very similar to like the uh the shields on the arms of the the space marines from the ultra ultra moon so for the same things it's a cast yeah i feel like we're just eventually just weeding down the amount of units we have as we go along this is why we need to find um a magic dude so i can learn magic because otherwise we're just gonna be stuck well i guess if we just keep doing it we level up i can become like a um a mercenary though look how slow this is you need to win so many battles without mods it's insane [Music] it's absolutely ridiculous [Music] where would they be so i've already checked both cities i don't know where they would be oh we can go for it we're going to go for it we're going to go in join me brother we're taking them on i was really excited for later on when we do like a massive army battle would we literally recruit like hundreds of skeletons from it because that'd be awesome at least he's still really good though these two well it seems did he get any kills we'll keep an eye on him i don't think wolverine can kill anybody with his stuff but the other guy seemed pretty good this guy's sat at a place here he's like surrounded by skeletons and we just got like how's that one actually i'll take it back oh that's very good over there i feel like van's having a bad time follow me man follow me the thing i have noticed about this faction though there doesn't seem to be any range units at all which is a bit of a bit of a shame already um oh no i have no armor so please don't oh they have all though ah guys oh no oh no help me fight for me skeletons i'll provide moral support from the back oh he kills okay he kills people he's a killer he's a kid oh no oh no i can't die i can't start more skins if i die you fall using a spearing bandlord what are you an idiot okay six losses [Music] uh van killed nobody wolverine killed all vanguard knots out i'm not surprised he literally plowed into the middle in the scot that was okay we we are slowly using units unfortunately but we had to figure out like a more efficient way of getting zombies at least we're making money and stuff while doing this so it's not like it's a good peak loss all right this is a castle wasn't this isn't a this is a castle okay i really want to know where to learn magic so at least i know what to say up for oh no oh no oh no way that way go that way we have to get out of here oh no wait they're they're basic boys we can take basic boys dark souls we have to find the olden ring well that's that's technically not dark souls actually that's that's that's the prior series i don't know if they did like a dog to do like an elder ring one two and three well they've done one already what if they'd like a sequel i hope they do i i gotta say i haven't finished sheldon ring i i played it so much when it came out i actually burnt myself out you summoned skeletons why didn't you do that before wait that i'm not that actually happened right wait what do you just do there the ai can use magic this is amazing you're you're saying about you just keep starting buddy you keep simon okay [Music] [Applause] that was a bad entry into the battle there everyone just got wrecked oh oh i thought you were you had a skull on your shield i thought you were an ally it's like yeah definitely the ai signs and skeletons there that's so cool we should have got the celestial vision he can like summon like some crazy death magic or something what should i think celestia will probably mean he wouldn't summon magic i don't know wait this guy's getting pretty wait these guys are surviving despite their awful um skill points they actually are surviving and now we've got a guard they're getting stronger wait he just gets bigger he just grows inside somehow why is he bigger isn't it it's a bit it's a bit odd a bit odd and we said that anyway oh yeah we need some more stuff everybody we're having some issues here uh oh oh so he has his this button up here changes it so he can see what skills wolverine has and van van's a vampire chill wind oh that's so cool he's not very good at magic though he kind of sucks um can even summon augment mars master oh that's just like the spill to spelt here sorry my complete idiot vortex hex interesting minor magic so oh that's slightly he's got a different spell than me no he hasn't that's because he's learned it he's learned a spell i see okay so this guy only has the basic summoning spell as well damn it because what we would really want is if we go see this little necromancer spells i think there's only eight in total at the moment uh this is two oh sorry to see that one so whoa is it the same spells for me wait wait wait grave cool it is look at this so right now we summon five skeletons for a single battle okay um i kind of got different texts there must on this one first and change how they're going to word it afterwards brave guards we haven't got any grave guards at the moment that that's the higher level from the one we just got the crips guard i think um and then also you can summon 15 skeletal champions which are pretty cool as well so we need to get this sorted out adept not that far away from i says there's a healing spell and stuff as well this is so cool um i just need to find this stupid guy where's the guy let's go and do some more neck why should i guess we can just try and win some tournaments i know it's not very necromancy but otherwise it's going to take a long time to get up to there oh now we'll see how it goes we'll see how it goes shane i can't just recruit skeletons from these places but they haven't got any skeletons yeah i'll definitely definitely between episodes i will see if i can get some of those the ones i normally use in so we can see if we can uh speed things up a little bit come back here friend please i beg of you that's too long let's go and buy some horses because something i have not done is get any type of transport because they're a bit slow right now let's be careful here okay let us see so all the goods we have uh keep the grain and bottom stuff though definitely artillery current artillery pieces in inventory maximum deployable what [Music] that's so cool wait wait wait wait did you see that sword vampire sword physical damage 81 that is a lot better i feel like we need a vampire sword which i'm taking i'm taking it well so we got here anyway vampire scythes um disposed whatever anything else cool here i probably should have done it by values we can see vampire blood knight pauldrons very cool um and a sheep i'm a demigrif i really want a demi griffin even though i'm a necromancer we have to try and get a demi griffin at some point uh okay uh let's take that we have enough money left we can probably get dark magister that rings a bell do you sell magic spells my friend my my friend my fraud oh we founded everybody i wish to grow stronger and harness even more power you will need to test your strength use what you have already learned and demonstrate your abilities you mean oh i can learn dark magic i can oh so i think i just picked up a quest there to level myself to it oh i just broke some my chair and all that happened don't worry about it um yes if we get to a depth we can then just start summoning um grave guards which we will show up after this i forgot about that i should show you earlier it costs ten thousand pounds ten thousand pound that is ridiculous these are a bit cheaper we need to start saving up money everybody so we can try and get ourselves some cool stuff i feel like before we get any more necromancer skills this is petty hill four it only costs four wins of magic you healed 20 health every five seconds that is just insanely good we definitely need that one for sure uh dark magic we can apparently unfamiliar law we can't do that we can't do that it's a bit sad uh cell scrolls what does this do oh it just gives you xp interesting interesting this actually used to be a thing in warband they removed it i like how most of the things i talked about and bought bangalore it's like this used to be a thing in the game 20 years ago they removed it for no real reason i used to be able to like get books which you can read over time or you just immediately get an effect like for instance in your game like you get a book for surgeons and you get like plus one sturgeon uh surgery skill of course i got rid of all that anyway now you just get perks that don't do anything but i mean it's still whoa look at this place how cool is this it's like a giant library i can just stand in this weird death fountain with like weird symbols like i'm playing sims again but i want to see if i can jump into the middle do i become like a god or something nothing's happening i'm very disappointed well this is this is cool this is really cool i love the design of this place oh you've got like a map of the area because as we probably probably people know is the the map of warhammer is absolutely gigantic i think if in fact if you look at this this is actually i think mostly extent of the original warhammer total war game now i think there's three that's too like a map over there like a giant content there's like a map down here or something i haven't played in the last two because i'm not really a turn-based kind of guy but i know there's a lot of cool stuff because we are right uh we would be here like where i'm looking here i think we're around this area here i think there's like there's there's vampires here there's like dwarfs in the mountains there's chaos up north there's uh there's like weird like pharaoh zombies there's some cool stuff i am this is one of the mods that i'm really looking forward to in the future because of course when it gets it's gonna get bigger and bigger you can have like rap men and stuff i'm really looking forward to see how it goes in the future i i'm really hyped by that uh and even if right now what they have done so far is really cool so far okay quests practice spell is that what we got to do is that all i can do that easy save there's a tournament here everybody i get a clever coat do you know what it's got armor level i'm gonna take it okay oh we gotta fight crazy stuff oh okay wait wait this is awesome this is awesome okay oh it's very dark i'm sorry everybody i have to just deal with it i can't do anything about it um are we underground wait a minute look at the sky yeah we're like there's like skulls in the roof and everything sorry i i i'm not disrespecting you and was not really threatened by you why is my weapon so bad by the way what's going on here oh it's not fair okay oh what the hell okay okay so it looks like unlike base game um the weapons are taking into effect the army you're wearing so i i can't mess around basically whoa i got a scythe there's literally a ghost it's a flying ghost i'm in trouble i think this weapon is what the hell that wasn't there [Music] it's van on my side what slope is i on okay we're on we're on vanslive we're on bounce like this guy looks this is so cool let's hope the game doesn't give me a cypher again though because that was a complete disaster now i got a fight blood dragon templar what look at this what what's the skill level oh no oh no i've been given a shield okay we've got a little bit we're probably gonna hit the skylight i think ten times i would save on his arm what if what if i just couldn't hurt his arm oh no oh no oh i'm doing this because it's probably safer oh no i don't think we have a chance of winning wait can i summons i can't use my magic what i'm a wizard there though where's it how are they okay oh that's pretty good i gotta just run away and get like cheap shots like that because that was a pretty decent shot right there i'm sorry but it's gonna be a bit of an annoying fight here but i already want to win so we can afford more companions okay i would block but it's too risky because if he chambers me and i can't react in time it's a game over okay so ah perfect i'm not sure if that makes him worse or better uh okay should be cooking now though i don't think he's gonna be as good yeah so he's got so much armor he actually ignores my attacks if you look when i actually hit him he actually full on and laws it wow he's so good at blocking look at this look how good this man is this is ridiculous yeah like he knows me so i i can't block uh tank him because it's too risky what if this guy has like a hundred hp say i'm not even realizing [Music] do you know what i should be doing pierce pierce pierce pierce piss that's too risky i'd get way too close to that oh you got me i tried it but i tried i tried um that guy is just high that guy is high level um damn that was insane at least you know there's actually something two tournaments they're just being easy like base game though that's pretty cool i didn't lose some money there which is a bit sad so i was actually going to try and buy myself um another companion because i thought that was that right lich there always be a bit careful so i'm going to kill round people because we need to use my spell uh five times so we'll probably just stand around and use the spell multiple times and then we can go back to that guy and see if it lets us become out of depth uh this is the kind of stuff i want in battle by the way i get really bored with the base game at the moment and like this is the kind of stuff i want i want like variety i want to go into a different world i like this like have like a different like different mechanics and stuff this is this is the stuff i need in my life [Music] i'm sorry sir you must be destroyed why were you so spread out uh yes and does this mean as well let's try it later on because this means well i can level up him so he gets more skills as well we may have to just wait my hands are different why am i i've got red blood hands now don't kill them wait guys be careful well it you can go if you want i'm gonna just summon five times okay so we can level up you do your own thing look at this oh no it's not going well wait i have a vampire sword now i forgot look at this sword it's so beautiful they think they're winning but i can just keep swimming zombie skeletons in this fight why don't you get that mixed up good job everybody uh we're just gonna start one more time we're doing a battle after [Music] i feel like this is a really cool idea for a horse having a big didn't was this in persia they had something like this or what i mean there was a human culture at some point they had some kind of weird like face mask on their things but don't quote me on that one uh let's see so i was also talking about earlier about grave guards uh grave guards were that's skeletal champions can unlock these guys later i think there's a spawn 12 in the go we can also spawn four grave guards so these are grave guards here they're a lot better well not in terms of stats but in terms of their armor it's a actually it's not that great their armor does it get better no this is equivalent of just lever armor they might need to work on that one for a bit balance there but who knows um let's see i know i'm in the camp for um games where the if you level up troops in their high level they should be terrifying compared to the basic versions a peasant should not go around and just wipe out a legionary no they should be absolutely devastated a very good example i would say is i know a guy died in the end anyway spoilers sorry is um it was in i can't what it's called now what was it called everybody can you look into my brain and help me find the answer game of thrones when they had like uh they were being attacked in anyway and they had the really old knight there he was like like 60 70 years old he was like he used to be a nike uh watch commander no i'm not like sorry no it wasn't it was the king's guard captain i can't read his name i'm sorry it's been a year since i last watched it this man literally killed like 10 peasants and eventually got killed he got overwhelmed but that should be how a bit should be yes the legionary cannot take on 20 peasants by himself but he should be able to kill a lot of them because he's a badass this man has spent his entire life fighting he's not going to be killed by a random dude with like a stick no no no he should be amazing and get overwhelmed i think that's really what bad lord's missing i'm not saying mountain blade because mountain blade used to have that in warband but they got rid of it uh but yeah i'm sorry i get very passionate about everything uh let me just get some new stats i want i would love it if i can use my my magic more game let me use the magic more the magic more do you know what it's been like an hour but i shouldn't play too long because otherwise the video is too long you don't want to have a video of an hour long because we'll get put off so uh around now is a good sweet spot everybody this is going to be in today's episode i hope that everyone has enjoyed this um this episode so far i tell you what i i was struggling to record spartacus because it's kind of like very similar to what i normally do it's just another way of playing band already this is way more interesting to me there's like actually a new map there's like i could be a magician kind of thing i think it's this is what i need to make myself interested in the game all right we need more cool total conversion mods for my interest so anyway about that uh this video will be this series will be going on every other day like i have been doing last few months um i've absolutely adored it so far i will maybe do some viewer company i think we will do some video companions i might change the names a little bit but we'll see but um yeah apart from that as always please like subscribe and you've comment below and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ThreatX
Views: 644,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, mount & blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, let's play bannerlord, mount and blades bannerlord, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blades 2, bannerlord mount and blade 2, mount & blade 2: bannerlord, mount & blade, mount and blade, lets play bannerlord, bannerlord 2, vampire counts, the old realms, warhammer fantasy, warhammer mod
Id: re1oGZmMaW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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