Black Templars vs White Scars Warhammer 40k in 40m

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codex compliance has always been a challenge for the black Templars as they've been on Crusade for over 10,000 years the white scars conveniently happen to be in the neighborhood and the Templars it seems have taken exception to the intrusion into their operations this is 40k in 40 minutes greetings 40K fans JT the voice of play on here and have we got a good one for you today white scars led by Tac against black Templars led by Gary should be fantastic show as these lists pose interesting problems for each other I think T's going to be possibly in a little bit of trouble this 2000 Point match features Gary's High Marshall hre a judiciar a lieutenant and an Emperor's Champion he's got a black Templar imp pulser a squad of centurion Devastators there they are boys an infiltrator Squad a land Raider Redeemer three squads of Primera sword Brethren he's also got two redemptor dreadnots in support and a scout Squad with a whirlwind I really looking forward to this game because we've decided to go a little bit more competitive if I was going to a a tournament this is the type of list that I would like to play he's brought a storm Lance task force with the white scars a Chaplet in Terminator armor with fainting mraw a lieutenant with comi weapon Tech Marine heavy intercessor squad assault intercessors with jump packs two Scout squads a Stern Guard veteran Squad a squad of Terminators two outrider squads two brutalis dreadnots a ballistas dreadn a gladiator Lancer a storm speeder hail strike and an invictor tactical warsuit Gary plays hard this is going to be a challenge I barely ever beat Gary in a game so this one's going to be a lot of fun I would love to take this one today's Mission setup is Search and Destroy with priority targets five points per objective up to 10 per turn and 15 at the game end for the objectives that players hold chilling rain is our extra mission rule so no extra Shenanigans to worry about so I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one plays out taking a look at the pregame moves here tax chosen put his chaplain Terminator with the Terminators and they are in deep strike hre Lieutenant Emperor's Champion squads are all inside the land Raider Redeemer and the judiciar is inside the repulser he's got his Devastator centurions in strategic Reserve Land Raider Redeemer the boy I need to stop that land Raider as soon as possible because it has very very scary units inside there's a whole lot of hurt in there and the flame stor cannons are no joke 2d6 plus 6 Auto hitting strength 6 ap22 damage that can really wreck [Music] marines that Whirlwind can cause some real problems being able to shoot out of line of sight conversely it looks like Gary wants to tie up the white scars in combat as soon as he can cuz he will probably win that exchange if you can pin tack down and limit where he can fall back to he's going to be in the driver's seats heavy intercessors will be inside of the building so you can shoot them if you want to I'll do it like that so that you can still see the objective we'll go with the infiltrators on the bottom level yeah uh you're all fully deployed right I'm fully deployed put it all [Music] that [Music] [Music] ideally I think I want to go first and reposition myself now I really really really want to go first if I'm able to go first I'm able to punch through that land Raider and keep his big scary unit in his own deployment zone for the first turn then I'm off to Good Start all right four first I'm not going first Gary's going to be able to nullify a lot of the shooting on that flank and now I've got to rethink my plan good luck all right good luck this episode is brought to you by our friends at Frontline gaming Frontline gaming is your home for everything you could possibly need regarding tabletop gaming whether it's Miniatures models paints for events a paint Studio or even content Frontline gaming has it all their neoprene gaming mats are a bit of an industry standard along with their fantastic prepainted terrain you can be set up ready to go just like you're at the Las Vegas open only at home ordering everything from Frontline gaming make sure to use the affiliate Link in the description below and check out Frontline gaming everything you could need in North America and shipping worldwide now back to the action Scout moves now both players trying to cook in each other's kitchens a bit getting in their opponent's heads I semi- misplaced my model so my Scout with the missile launcher will just move up and the guy will move back to there and I've done my scope move there is no point for me to get my invictor uh warsuit just punched with plasma and then before the battle begins I get to put down a Teleport Homer yep the lieutenant has targeted the center objective for his reroll wood rolls of one as long as he's around that could be big we're finally at the start of uh turn one which is yours start of turn one before that oath of moment oath of moment on the farri out riders for him and cleanse and Behind Enemy Lines are drawn not great secondaries but not bad either Behind Enemy Lines first card out of the gate that's basically just an automatic free CP for me my first plan is to move the redemptor outside of uh shooting range from the laner has couple lucky shots he can pick it up where's the aggression Gary why are you pulling everything back and my shooting phase so the skouts will cleanse this objective M that'll end that and then so we'll go with the redemptor shooting into the out Riders tack responds with right hard right fast making them minus one to hit and wound the minus one to hit won't help so much but minus one to wound will the only thing they can shoot is the plasma so plasma go oh a one for the number of shots Gary spending his command point to reroll that that's a bit better so hitting on fours give some wounds some fours one so here's a six nope not a six all right so one guys down to one wound the question is do I want to give you a five up save or a six up save I don't think it's worth me potentially taking three damage so no overcharge redemptor into the assault and but we'll see hitting on threes twos probably can probably make one I make two there you go so I've got only two left in that Squad all right my final bit of shooting the wor rwind is going to shoot into the outrider bikes so the amount of shots fours cuz I can't see you sweet sweet cover uh uh-oh and you failed all three I did yes two dead bikes so I think I've positioned everything pretty well I don't think the Lancer is going to be able to pull any shots on me hopefully uh my redemptor can just do a whole bunch of work in the next turn not a bad start for Gary three points on cleanse discards Behind Enemy Lines for a command Point as we head into turn two Gary has one command point to attack Z getting out of that turn relatively unscathed I did lose a couple bodies but not enough uh now I can put the pressure on Gary tax draw no prisoners and engage in all fronts both of those are eminently doable this turn okay so I'm going to O the moment the impulser in the back there Tech Marine blesses the Gladiator Lancer attacks past battle shock and his assault intercessors and the out Riders but they also pass so no battle shock oh darn Scouts have moved up to hide and take that objective by T's right hand this might be a throwaway move with the outrider bikes but I'm going to try to get them as close to that Redemptive drena as possible stop its movement and keep my Scouts alive so it's going to score me primary points assault intercessors move towards the impulser they haven't stole the objective [Music] [Music] yet moving around the board gear is hidden really well I'm I'm not going to get the shots on party targets that I want Gladiator Lancer angling for shots that land Raider is really well hidden though sweeping around a bit here looks like T's going to try to score early so going into shooting I've got to be really careful here with my shooting I cannot kill these Scouts dead I need the charge I need to get on the center objective so I'm going to choose very carefully what I'm going to shoot into I will punch two bolt rifles and the flamer into your Scouts so I need a medium low roll for my uh my flamer medium oh no five up Scout saves here we go I make one uhoh and then I have a six up feel no pain because of my vow and I make another one you have killed one model sir the Str guard bolters are rapid fire range here we go was a fail one scope with one the name of the game is to not kill him L your Lancer firing now splitting fire Gary armor of contempt on his redemptor dread down to one command Point all right so we'll go with the St bers into the scouts first okay kill the scouts kill theout don't kill the scouts uh reroll any of those ones oh no I have three up Space Marine saves I fail two the emperor did not protect kill one and one one how many shots from the rocket pod I'm okay with it we me on twos AP1 so a will'll go to basically AP Z oh that's a fail that's two damage so that's two sixes no it equal six adds to six it is a tougher charge now I'm definitely getting onto that objective Scouts take the incidental shots first but the big guns are important oh he's failed both saves uh so what I'm going to do is I will command Point roll yeah and try got to save one of them mhm come on make that save there it is he still takes seven damage how many WIS left he's got five left all right uh everything from the bral is going to go into the impulser nope only one one two damage all right impulser you can do this I believe no takes two damage okay he goes from 11 wounds to nine that's right ralis firing into the oath impulser now the melta strips off two damage that's it four armor saves oh he loves it all right so storter into the impulser hail strike now same Target impulser taking serious fire storm Speer shooting into the impulser does absolutely nothing keep rolling like that Tech keep doing it so twin link Iron Hill as well as the heavy impulser I'm go into the impulser let's see if I can strip any more wounds this and Victor shooting it as well impulser at nine left talk about tanking ralis is going to take its um Craig missiles as well as the last Canon going to go into the string 12 five saves I make one oh nice so this actually matters because you have a D6 yeah or you have six oh can you save seven yeah Forex no that was a good roll but that definitely does not save that c The ballist Dread popping some infiltrators now one eats a last Cannon and another one's wounded I think this guy's out heavy intercessors fired to the impulser now taken out of six wounds that impulser only taking a couple damage from all that shooting can't really complain about that it's not bracketed yet still good I've shot with everything so now we're into charges so we'll do the important charge first which is theault intercessors into the scouts because I need thatout assault intercessors into the scouts succeed and Hammer of Wrath kills a scout out Riders are going to go into the redemptor redemptor and we said we needed a seven for that yes here it is seven seven just on the nose salt intercept need to six and fail command roll from t back and eight they're in with one wound on Hammer of half denying Gary Five Points here is worth the command point so we're going into the fight phase now and we're going to go with the assault intercessors they're going to fight into the lone Scout we'll see what happens five up saves go six UPS he tried he tried he tried it was a valiant effort then I've got uh one chains sword in there and I've got a power fist in there going into the impulsor oh no joy on the impulsor but he has tied up that objective so then the these are the out Riders they're going to fight into the redemptor tread see what I can do no joy imp pulser fights back nothing I'm good I'm fine a come on we're going to go with the redemptor dreadnut with five attacks all right here we go redemptor dread kills a bike does some moons but he is locked up in combat I did get five points out of that turn so really tight but we all know turn two is where the action is that round one was tentative tentative is the word of the day that said both players have reserves coming in as well this could be interesting 5 to3 as we head to Gary's turn two I think I've set everything up for my turn two because now is the turn to pop him out and just get everything as much stuff into combat as I possibly can Gary's draw assassination and investigate signals ouble um possibly another CP and maybe no points for one of him getting these bad draws out of the way now that his army isn't good at scoring means the last cards in that pile are going to be really good for him oh the moment on the Storm speeder hail strike battle shock on the impulser and the redemptor both pass Five Points on primary for Gary 85 as we head to his movement phase redemptor dread moves to Target the lone biker Emperor champion and five sword Brethren disembark into the building moving up to take the middle Tac uses wind Swift evasion here he's out of command points but forces Gary's hand a bit as to where he can place his units the whole goal of that is to ensure that if he wants to move the land Raider if he wants to get more guys out that I'm going to create a wall of bodies and he's not going to be able to go where he wants to like what else am I supposed to do here my list isn't built for Mobility it's didn't come to me so that I can get out and just kill I did come to you you did this is true now I'm playing right into your hands Gary the judiciar sword Brethren disembark the up pulser rwood backs up to be holding with the nine of the table quarter just in case says gar just in case I don't fully need it shooting to kind of clear something out and then I can do investigate signals so I can get at least some points out of out of my carard draw this turn Centurion devs have to come on Gary's board Edge as tack has locked him out Gary really wants to hold 10an primary here the hand that you're showing right now is that that flank is incredibly important to you that's the hand that you're showing me yeah um so knowing that that flank is incredibly important to you now that you've dumped all those assets over there I can safely land my Terminators in that back corner so I've used zero CP on rapid Ingress as predicted tack rapid ingressed his Terminators into the back corner uh I kind of forgot that they could just kind of chain out now and you only had to have one model within range of the uh the blip but that's okay I was kind of expecting them to go into that corner anyway so it's kind of nice knowing that they're down they're there and I don't really have to worry about them for the rest of the game only in that corner let's go to the shooting phase the funnest phase so two of the Devastator centurions everything into the speeder the other Devastator Centurion into the the brutalist red because I can't see the speeder threes fives please don't thank you I got one the speeder's down to three wounds but it's alive the dreadn takes nothing I really do want that speeder dead so uh I'm going to go the btia into the brutalist dread all the other shooting into the speeder the anti fly makes a lot of sense yeah it shots but there's no AP on this and that is a lot of sustained hits so so Gary tried to hit me eight times but instead hits me how many 12 12 okay you shot eight bullets hit me 12 times all right here we go uh anti F four up here it is here we go take him down live with one live with one and the speeder lives with a single wound darn it you're scratching the pain Gary we'll take a chance take a chance I'm going to take a chance you're going to Spitfire plasma here into the bike everything else into the speed what scary fire plasma threes well I'm not killing the bike yep so I have a five up with the bike oh it was there two whole damage two whole damage so the bike has two wounds remaining we'll go the Gatling into the speeder yeah Dev finally the speeder goes down I can't help but feel that that took too much to kill uh we're going to go shooting with the redemptor dreadnut on the far right side dreadn in combat now Small Arms of the out there's some plasma the Lancer do actually on fours do you kill them you do now the Gatling shots fours though yep fors as well three UPS uh make one that bike is down to two now the plasma overcharged let's do it threes now cuz I'm no longer in combat made it made a difference winning you on fives cuz you're T10 on what the Lancer oh yep ah just one ap4 which will go to ap3 because of cover yep uh so I have a six up on the Lancer I don't make it three so I think it goes down to nine Hazard test oh and he fails it of course oh no feel the pains he's down to two the Redeemer I'm just going to go one single shot with the um the one use hunter killer missile into the brutalist Dr really okay all right hitting on twos it hit nice strength 14 and he's done yeah so I think what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to action with the rownd get me got to get some some point somewhere now I just need to hope that Gary doesn't make all of his charges so now we go to the funest phase the charge phase the funest phase the redemptor will charge into the assault intercessors I think he makes it redemptor makes it into the assault intercessors the wooded redemptor hits the lone outrider the judiciar sword Brethren Squad hits the assault intercessor mid-table Emperor's Champion Squad charges the stern guard they're in in and I think away we go mhm this is where I just need to see how much of my stuff actually survives okay so we'll start with the sword BR unit in the middle all sword Brethren will benefit from extra damage thanks to the Templar vows and they slaughter the assault intercessors midt I know he's going to drag in my Lancer oh boy so all of our attacks there all the damage goes up so so I'll sve the emper champion first so he hits on twos fives that is three at ap3 at four damage piece so I need sixes you need some sixes uh or he dies nope he came close uh does he explode yep he does he does explode all right and I explode okay you know what there a little bit of Revenge here I'm going to uh I'm going to splash some damage around uh Invictus okay takes uh two then the tech Marine takes two then my Stern Guard full three how many three three nope NOP I got a guy left y oh the Lancer is down to the emperor's Champion all right so let's go sorry with the lightning claw yeah on threes you what of the squad Stern guard are dead too waa the wounded redemptor the now hitting on for's redemptor does he finish off that bike no I refuse no assult intercessors hold on the bottom objective you got some attacks back at me I I do like you TI for the redemptor or the that's kind of that's kind of funny how many wounds left on the impulser five he's a little tired it is ap2 I fail it two damage no feel of pains he is down to three attack using the Scout's gorilla tactics ability they're going to come back in from strategic reserves but what a turn for Gary two points on investigate signals discarded assassination for an extra command point so he's up to two and it's only 10 to five tax pull tempting Target Gary's going to make Tac run to the middle to score that Five Points investigate signals as well something that he can definitely score this is where this Detachment really shines I have the Army and the mobility to go and do all of these secondaries ta using to oath the moment with the squad on the middle objective he's going to have full rolls to hit and roll ones to wound on that unit that could be a big swing all battle shocks are passed 10 points on primary se's tack jump out to a 50 to1 lead I'm going to fall back the uh jump pack intercessors Gary tries to lock them in with no escape and it fails he's down to two command points looks like a dreadn and an impulser are in trouble Gary has chosen the center for attempting Target that dictates where I'm going to go I need to take them out and I need to take the [Music] center I'm going to take the Scout Squad that I put into gorilla tactics last uh turn during your uh turn and I'm going to put them back here so that they can yeah investigate score some points yep so that is it for my movement phase we're going to go into the shooting phase heavy intercessors are now going to fire into this sword Breen Squad heavy intercessors fired the sword bre going to down two modelsit is going to come through the squad as well and Victor warsuit into the sword Breen down chewing away uh Forge bter from The Tech Marine now pass one fill one two damage and feel the pain yeah make one there it is yeah Terminators are going to fire everything that they have into the impulsor impulser that's try to guarantee it out yeah Terminators into the impulser try to tear it down nope T has investigated signals in three corners that'll get him six victory points so we'll go with pine pine the iron hail is going to go into this sword Brethren spot here the mul will go into the squ space Marin kills a guy completely then the multi meltas into the sword brethren in the middle see if I can Whittle some down miss both yeah I'm o I know that's why I'm glad I went that way so the first melta sixes no balis midt splits fire to both sword Brethren squads killing models at both crack missiles and Stor bolters from the ballist thre are going to go into the sword brother okay the last Cannon is going to go into the uh he responds with armor of contempt but tack fails to wound a snake eyes there it is I'm pretty good at that uh crack missiles into the sword brother two TW a strength 10 okay uh two ap2 I got no cover fail them both what's the damage one at a time please here we go five man your your damage has been on fire he has one dead one dead guy only two ah yes he's Al with one all right so the twin ioris and the bolters are going to go backwards okay and then I think I just guarantee the impulser dead so melt his shots into the impulsor okay here you go got one oo okay I need a low roll here oh you have roll one watch this okay I'm watching and it dies shooting behind him they love it oh he makes them all making up making up for the other saves the twin Iron Hill yep face Rin saves the brutalis has killed yet another sword Brethren but your redemptor is alive that's annoying the redemptor is alive unlike his first turn his uh second turn of shooting is going a lot better than it did in round one and and uh I wasn't expecting to take this much damage from him the charge phase wasn't exactly part of the plan because the black Templar are better in combat I just wanted the movement but I have objectives to grab what do I need to get in there uh I think it's going to be a five I need a high roll here that's a three that's a fail that is a failed charge would you like to spend your command Point attack oh man spending it there sucks cuz then I can't tank shock and then also that leads to another potential fail charge if you roll low I have to yeah I think this is a pretty important one this redemp is going to cause you a lot of problems if you don't take him down he's going where would you like him to go outside of three in of the objective but now Bal is charge okay so uh on a one nothing happens yep full three oh shoot sixes not one where are my sixes I don't know but that didn't even add to six on three di scary didn't I'm I'm getting the bad rolls out of the way right now got it then I'm going to charge the Terminators into the dread knot as well okay all brutalis charge into the guys in the middle another brutalis charge mid table he's in and does five mortal Wes to the squad wow right uh so this will be the assault intercessors now that is a 10 assault intercessors are into the midb as well Hammer of Wrath does another mortal but Gary saves it thank you six up field noay nicely done all right so this is a big charge because I really want the OC from the heavy sensors onto them five doesn't look again so they're going to stay put this is really risky but I got to charge everything at this point try to take out as many bodies as I can cuz a good offense is a good defense come on it's that kind of game right where you got to just go for it the call is to go at me right now and bonus now the Tech Marine is extra angry that is a big charge Tech Marine heads into the sword Brethren seven attacks because of the dying vehicles around them that could be big Invictus warsuit big charge Gary doesn't have interrupt and I lost my fights first yeah so the Terminators are now going to uh pile make their pile move and fight the dread knot Terminator starting us off redemptor down to six wounds left all right then that brutalis is going to strike you let's get some fours there damage two goes damage three goes out and damage two Gary has to reroll a save to guarante see he lives here we go save still faing no so six damage six damage all right I need one one six okay you got one six in you you have one six in you let see one six no no no sixes nope there's your six there's a six there it is he explodes so the brutalist thread it's going to take three okay the Terminators are going to take one so all my things are dying Terminators take one but the brutalis takes three I'll do the big attack into the uh s brother and the brutalis brutalis into the judiciar he is down that is tempting Target secured okay so Invictus warsuit going into the sword Breen killed the Thunder Hammer I'm happy with that so the Tech Marine now is going to continue into the sword Brethren yep hitting on threes Tech Marine now kills the entire Squad and bases the emperor's Champion but he gets gang for his efforts yep Tu Marine's dead however I was able to keep the Invictus warsuit alive because of it so thank you for your sacrifice that was a brutal turn so Much Death and cage and a turn 26 to 10 intax favor I think I got all my really bad cards out of the way there's maybe one or two that aren't so great for me let's pull them and see what happens what an amazing secondary draw no prisoners and bring it down that is huge he could potentially score 13 on secondaries this turn this is going to be the turn that all your stuff dies he's chosen the invictor as the target for his oath of moment 15 to 26 in favor attack hre and his murder Squad of Sword Brethren disembarked from the land Raider now they can potentially kill the brutalis and the ballistas so Gary is about to put a big hurt on tack potentially land Raider Falls away to sweep Terminators and a brutalis off an objective Whirlwind moves up to get some line of sight shooting that's it uh we're going to I believe the shooting phase okay this is going to be interesting this is definitely going to be interesting all the Infantry are shooting at your jump infantry burn them with pyate pistols burn the Heretics we are not the Heretics your Heretics filthy Heretics two damage now you ignore cover I think the sword Brethren shoot up the assault intercessors managed to kill just one so no h kill missile just stormbolter assault Cannon multia and flamers okay all right how badly do I burn you drink six I block them all later opens up with the brutalis now only a couple of wounds okay I'm down at seven all the all the devastation shooting is going into the uh brutalis right now so let's go the twin last cannons first nice KN you he's super dead and four points for bring it down two on no prisoners you're halfway to Max on bring it down all right so now we're going for the risky play don't do redor overcharging in everything take this plasma course paying a price to wound on threes two six UPS six damage six damage so I'm down to four all right there the Gatling sixes two three UPS risking the overcharge to try for the kill two wounds left the hazard test don't do it Gary yeah you're okay it's good it's good we're good don't worry about it the Empire's Champion is like hey man you know what you're being a jerk he's going to pick up the grenade off his belt oh no I need two fours and there they are yeah there they are exactly what I needed okay EMP Champion whips a grenade into his face see you later in viictor suit yep and the grenade kind of like Dives down into the the cage there No Escape any and another explosion however that's three more for bring it down and two more for no prisoners it hurts me a lot more than you cuz you have a FAL pain yeah all right so on me full three all right take that take that kill kills uh one of them it' be ungentlemanly if he didn't down to four I see you matched my one with the one Whirlwind shooting into those skelets time to start plugging away Whirlwind into those skeleton only kills one I know know I got to get some more bodies onto uh under that fire objective and the centurions are actually two OC each and the Terminators are only one OC which I think is one of their weaknesses and there's one Terminator there with two wounds so I'm like hey you know what why not go for it try to kill a Terminator Devastator Centurion is going to charge the plus one to wound Terminators yeah bit of a desperation play but he needs to stop tack from scor primary redemptor into the ballistas now and succeeds hell Brook and friends into the brutalis mid-table he's in Emperor's Champion into the heavy intercessor succeeds start of the fight phase hellbrook does five Mortals to The Dread at the start of the fight phase and the sword Breen are going to get plus one damage Devastator Cent I'm hitting on fours to do it right one wound one wound I mean I've got a Terminator there with two wounds left and you do kill him uh we'll go with the emperor's Champion okay T uses armor of contempt to save that Squad if he can and he does all right he hammers down three of them it cost him some bodies but he still tied up the emperor's Champion all right so now for the magic hell and the boys I make two that's Max bring it down of eight and no prisoners of five redemptor punches the ballistas does nothing all right uh you get swing back everywhere four power fist going into the centurions threes yeah on twos make some armor saves that's all I want is some oh no they kill a Devastator Centurion and steal the objective back uh and then I kick you ballista shid kicks the redemptor to no effect heavy intercessor slaps the emperor's Champion nothing Scouts pick up yet again to come back that's uh quite the shift in B State big big turn for Gary 13 points on secondaries takes him up to 28 points ATT dra Behind Enemy Lines and defend stronghold how does it feel t to have a bad card draw not so good does it I want to bring it down or something else I really wanted something else he's oath of moment of The Emperor's Champion he's got to get that guy out of his face so the uh the assault intercessor decides that he doesn't want to party with Hub and the boys not sure why they're pretty cool guys to party with because he was battles shocked he failed his desperate breakout test and just exploded in midair it was glorious 10 points on primary for attack takes him up to 36 to cares 23 Scouts come back in and get him three points on Behind Enemy line so I'm going to useable No Escape on a four up you have to stay with me but if I don't roll a four then it's a desperate then it is a desperate breakout test for the entire unit so I kind of want to fail this and I did rather than risk the fall back Tac just stays in combat all right so Lieutenant is going to fire into your Champion that Force Pi up feeling the pain no he's down to two so last cannons are going to go into your dreadnut okay and then the crack missiles are going to go into champion and the SCM volter will also go to the emper champion let's see if uh I can do this so we'll just go crack right away hitting on fours I do hit with both three of armer oh there it is from bter I hit both do I W boo on Four Is re rolling oh the champion tanks it all did you just throw three sixes yes he really wants to live I guess so last Cannon Force let's go five up yeah alive okay so you're just making all your saves here Gary I see how it is yeah Scouts into the Whirlwind nothing okay so nothing's going my way we go into charges right now the impress Champion is the only thing threatening my uh my back Zone here so if I can take them out then I retain those points Lieutenant charges the champion I'm going to spend command point on shock assault on this try to uh get that charge in and get plus one wound that's a fill rrolling the charges he's in you don't have enough command points all three of those are fighting me first yeah so then the uh we'll go with the bik on threes three up armor save mhm a pass one fail one so that one gets zeroed out by blade Perry for the champion lieutenant and heavy intercessor do nothing every single attack just bouncing off of The Emperor's Champion he parried that one that got through and he's still up and I'm down a bike Centurion Devastators fight now no joy the redemptor have slapped each other around a bit it's causing me some grief a little bit uh then I've got the terminers okay going to the centurions one to be proud I'm not even going to roll feel no pains for this that's a lot D tax discarded defend stronghold for a command point but he scored three on Behind Enemy Lines to give him 19 on secondary 20 primary 39 to Gary's 28 Gary pulls engage at all fronts and attempting Target Tac has chosen the Terminator held objective for him to come get o I'm doing the Terminators for 10 points on primary Caesar score 3839 in favor of TAC ra versus turn that's qu iic fight yeah that's an iconic fight all right Whirlwind start driving yeah I don't really want these Scouts doing things anymore so you know what infil charers go sword Brethren move near enough the Scout Squad that T's going to use wind Swift evasion to allow them to move away and make a charge all but impossible cuz I need to desperately stay alive shooting phase the funnest phase yeah you go for it one of them so go storm Boler and 100 killer missile into the ballistas right the Whirlwind launcher into the skel behind the building all right here we go which one first the missile H kill missile here we go here we go four up here it is oh in the Box tack in the bo that was a five ah yes there's the one do you Max three okay so I've down to three down to three now the world one launcher into the scouts Bo and we got TW five UPS make fun one dead scope all right land raid Redeemer incinerate these Terminators so I'm going to armor of contempt over determinators all right how many shots my rules for that have sucked all game oh no two damage each oh no kill one I killed yeah killed one that means he could take the objective multi M thre of which I make both of course you would attack Terminators come on t s oh yeah there it is oh the assault Cannon has taken down another Terminator now that redemptor good regenta he's like you know what man I don't like those Terminators I really want them dead I'm going to overcharge that plasma okay and then I'm going to shoot then all of his other shooting will go into the bists okay overcharge plasma six shots finally overcharging plasma from the dreadn into the tournament can he down them he does just the chaplain left H so the the Gatling cannon into the ballistas yeah three Dev wounds okay is he dead yeah oh yeah cuz of the killer missile I need him to explode Gary that's what I need I need him to explode don't do it it's trap oh come on no explode this time t n ballistas is down and the Hazardous test is passed go to the charge phase land Redeemer charges the chaplain he's in and there goes my objective helber in the boy is going in I needed uh 10 we said NOP Gary command rolls still fails that's okay yeah they're still they're still on an objective so it's fine that's all my charges so we go to combat the land Raider will attack the chaplain L raat under the chaplain no wounds look zero damage where would you like to fight first there's a lieutenant that wants revenge UL the moment and hunting for sustainment this Lieutenant failed to do anything to the emperor's Champion so the emperor's Champion is like hey man I'm going to put four into the lieutenant two into that Heavy intercessor Champion now kills the lieutenant and the heavy inter goodbye models it was nice knowing you the empis champion has been an absolute monster big turn for Gary Five Points on tempting Target five points on a gaug in all fronts sees him jump out to a 48 to 39 lead halfway through turn four it is time for some sweet sweet revenge tax draw storm hostile objective and secure no man's land he's really up against it oath of moment on the infiltrators this is still possible it's 4448 in favor of Gary and then we go into moving so the scouts are going to bravely move into the building Scouts move within eight of the regter to grenade it dead other Scouts have moved up to try to steal away Gary's home objective and the chaplain has gotten even angrier if Gary can LV grenades I can LV grenades CU I'm going to uh LV a grenade at your dreadnut to see what happens can you do it t uh three three oo two is a there a maybe thre is a yeah two sixes right here you go I had one yep so he just dies now do I roll another six and he explod he explodes all the explosions this game how much damage to hellberg and the boys a full three and then but they got a five up feel no pain two wounds doesn't quite take out a sword brother in but there there was that sweet suwe revenge right there great then Scouts are going to fire their shotguns it's all you need oh he's good he's good all right try now to steal an objective with his other Scouts seven bolt shots space BRS yeah space crack missile into that one guy yep crack missile into the one guy ap2 so five up save no how much damage all right cuz you have FAL pains sure do two damage yeah here we go two sixes no that guy is super dead all wait add a six would you like to charge your skeleton on my infiltrators I would I feel pretty good about the dice in my hand though CU might feel like an 11 I might go for the big one first do it all right I would chaplain we want this fight so into the emper champion I need 11 come to me T charge face chaplain fails no no it was a hell M then the scouts are going into your infiltrators uh that's an eight that is definitely in try to steal Gary's home objective doesn't look like he has let's see if I can kill kill some infiltrators space brains oh they love it they're not going to love this I hope it's going to hurt a little more on fours four up armor saves I fail One MH and make the feel no pain ah Gary nine attacks back into you m hting on threes on fours of course there it is like oh yeah wowow this is how it's done guys sevening one two three so you kill one and kill one and a half but that is game Gary has shown a real Mastery feels kind of just like clean up at this point uh not to not to sound too arrogant or anything but it just everything went my way with minimal assets left on the board and every one of those objectives being worth an extra five points at the end of the game up to a Max of 15 that means our final score is 91 to 59 in favor of this episode's winner Gary and his black Templars what an incredible back and forth game right down to the end literally came down to turn five before we had a clear winner fantastic game gentlemen well played Tac the white scars didn't quite get there and Gary you made more sixup field though pains than anybody should be allowed special thanks to this episode sponsor Frontline gaming if you need anything tabletop related be it a paint Studio Miniatures paints models terrain mats you name it they've got it they ship all over the world and are your go-to Source in North America for anything you should need online make sure to use the affiliate link below and help us help you help them help everybody and a big big thank you to you for watching if you like what we do please hit the like And subscribe button or even share us with your friends if you'd like to consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll even get exclusive releases as well as behind the-scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around that's it from us here here at the play on Studios on behalf of all of us this is JT the voice saying till the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on Victory for the black Templars death to traitor thank you very much Gary that was a ton of fun I would love to see on the channel again oh the victory days I always learn so much from playing you that's my beatboxing
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 103,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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